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We construct zero-kinetic-energy surfaces and determine the regions where motion is possible. We show that for bodies with finite sizes, there are bounded regions of space within which a three-body system never breaks up. The Hill stability criterion is established.  相似文献   

We established a criterion for the Hill stability of motions in the problem of many spherical bodies with a spherical density distribution. The region of Hill stability was determined. The sizes of this region are comparable to the total volume of all of the bodies in the system, which sharply increases the probability of mutual collisions. This result may be considered as a confirmation that a supermassive core can be formed at the center of a globular star cluster. The motions in the n-body problem are shown to be unstable according to Hill.  相似文献   

We generalize the concept of zero-velocity surface and construct zero-kinetic-energy surfaces. In the space of three mutual distances, we determine the regions where motion is possible; these regions are in the shape of an infinitely long tripod. Motions in the three-body problem are shown to be unstable according to Hill.  相似文献   

We consider the particular solutions of the evolutionary system of equations in elements that correspond to planar and spatial circular orbits of the singly averaged Hill problem. We analyze the stability of planar and spatial circular orbits to inclination and eccentricity, respectively. We construct the instability regions of both particular solutions in the plane of parameters of the problem.  相似文献   

The restricted three-body problem with eccentric orbit is reviewed and the positions of the triangular Lagrangian points (L4, L5) are determined. It is put in evidence the fact the fact L4 and L5 are situated at the corners of an isoscales triangle: AB = BC = 1 − e2/)1 + e cos ν )4/3 and AC = 1 − e2/)1 + e cos ν )  相似文献   

The equations of motion of the planar three-body problem split into two parts, called an external part and an internal part. When the third mass approaches zero, the first part tends to the equations of the Kepler motion of the primaries and the second part to the equations of motion of the restricted problem.We discuss the Hill stability from these equations of motion and the energy integral. In particular, the Jacobi integral for the circular restricted problem is seen as an infinitesimal-mass-order term of the Sundman function in this context.  相似文献   

We study the regions of finite motions in the vicinity of three simple stable periodic orbits in the general problem of three equal-mass bodies with a zero angular momentum. Their distinctive feature is that one of the moving bodies periodically passes through the center of mass of the triple system. We consider the dynamical evolution of plane nonrotating triple systems for which the initial conditions are specified in such a way that one of the bodies is located at the center of mass of the triple system. The initial conditions can then be specified by three parameters: the virial coefficient k and the two angles, φ1 and φ2, that characterize the orientation of the velocity vectors for the bodies. We scanned the region of variation in these parameters k∈(0, 1); φ1, φ2∈(0, π) at steps of δk=0.01; δφ1=δφ2=1° and identified the regions of finite motions surrounding the periodic orbits. These regions are isolated from one another in the space of parameters (k, φ1, φ2). There are bridges that correspond to unstable orbits with long lifetimes between the regions. During the evolution of these metastable systems, the phase trajectory can “stick” to the vicinity of one of the periodic orbits or move from one vicinity to another. The evolution of metastable systems ends with their breakup.  相似文献   

We consider the restricted circular three-body problem in which the main bodies have variable masses but the sum of their masses always remains constant. For this problem, we have obtained the possible regions of motions of the small body and the previously unknown surfaces of minimum energy that bound them using the Jacobi quasi-integral. For constant masses, these surfaces transform into the well-known surfaces of zero velocity. We consider the applications of our results to close binary star systems with conservative mass transfer.  相似文献   

We continue to analyze the periodic solutions of the singly averaged Hill problem. We have numerically constructed the families of solutions that correspond to periodically evolving satellite orbits for arbitrary initial values of their eccentricities and inclinations to the plane of motion of the perturbing body. The solutions obtained are compared with the numerical solutions of the rigorous (nonaveraged) equations of the restricted circular three-body problem. In particular, we have constructed a periodically evolving orbit for which the well-known Lidov-Kozai mechanism manifests itself, just as in the doubly averaged problem.  相似文献   

We consider the case of averaging the perturbing function of the Hill problem over the fastest variable, the mean anomaly of the satellite. In integrable special cases, we found solutions to the evolutionary system of equations in elements.  相似文献   

The stability of some asteroids, in the framework of the restricted three-body problem, has been recently proved in (Celletti and Chierchia, 2003), by developing an isoenergetic KAM theorem. More precisely, having fixed a level of energy related to the motion of the asteroid, the stability can be obtained by showing the existence of nearby trapping invariant tori existing at the same energy level. The analytical results are compatible with the astronomical observations, since the theorem is valid for the realistic mass-ratio of the primaries. The model adopted in (Celletti and Chierchia, 2003), is the planar, circular, restricted three-body model, in which only the most significant contributions of the Fourier development of the perturbation are retained. In this paper we investigate numerically the stability of the same asteroids considered in (Celletti and Chierchia, 2003), (namely, Iris, Victoria and Renzia). In particular, we implement the nowadays standard method of frequency-map analysis and we compare our investigation with the analytical results on the planar, circular model with the truncated perturbing function. By means of frequency analysis, we study the behaviour of the bounding tori and henceforth we infer stability properties on the dynamics of the asteroids. In order to test the validity of the truncated Hamiltonian, we consider also the complete expression of the perturbing function on which we perform again frequency analysis. We investigate also more realistic models, taking into account the eccentricity of the trajectory of Jupiter (planar-elliptic problem) or the relative inclination of the orbits (circular-inclined model). We did not find a relevant discrepancy among the different models.  相似文献   

A criterion for the linear stability of the equilibrium points in the perturbed restricted three-body problem is given. This criterion is related only to the coefficients of the characteristic equation of the tangent map of an equilibrium point, and this is convenient to use. With this criterion, we have discussed the linear stability of the equilibrium points in the Robe problem under the perturbation of a drag force, derived the linearly stable region of the equilibrium point in the perturbed Robe's problem with the drag given by Hallen et al., and improved as well the results obtained by Giordano et al.  相似文献   

The relations between parameters of triple approaches and the lengths of subsequent ejections are analyzed for the general three-body problem with components of equal masses and zero initial velocities. A statistically significant correlation is shown to exist between the closeness of approaches and the lengths of subsequent ejections: closer approaches generally result in longer ejections. We have found several systems that evolve to a temporary quasi-stable chain-like configuration.  相似文献   

We analyze nearly periodic solutions in the plane problem of three equal-mass bodies by numerically simulating the dynamics of triple systems. We identify families of orbits in which all three points are on one straight line (syzygy) at the initial time. In this case, at fixed total energy of a triple system, the set of initial conditions is a bounded region in four-dimensional parameter space. We scan this region and identify sets of trajectories in which the coordinates and velocities of all bodies are close to their initial values at certain times (which are approximately multiples of the period). We classify the nearly periodic orbits by the structure of trajectory loops over one period. We have found the families of orbits generated by von Schubart’s stable periodic orbit revealed in the rectilinear three-body problem. We have also found families of hierarchical, nearly periodic trajectories with prograde and retrograde motions. In the orbits with prograde motions, the trajectory loops of two close bodies form looplike structures. The trajectories with retrograde motions are characterized by leafed structures. Orbits with central and axial symmetries are identified among the families found.  相似文献   

We use a three dimensional generalization of Szebehely’s invariant relation obtained by us (Makó and Szenkovits, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 90, 51, 2004) in the elliptic restricted three-body problem, to establish more accurate criterion of the Hill stability. By using this criterion, the Hill stability of four extrasolar planets (γ Cephei Ab, Gliese 86 Ab, HD 41004 Ab and HD 41004 Bb) is investigated.  相似文献   

We analyze flyby-type triple approaches in the plane isosceles equal-mass three-body problem and in its vicinity. At the initial time, the central body lies on a straight line between the other two bodies. Triple approaches are described by two parameters: virial coefficient k and parameter $\mu = \dot r/\sqrt {\dot r^2 + \dot R^2 }$ , where $\dot r$ is the relative velocity of the extreme bodies and $\dot R$ is the velocity of the central body relative to the center of mass of the extreme bodies. The evolution of the triple system is traceable until the first turn or escape of the central body. The ejection length increases with closeness of the triple approach (parameter k). The longest ejections and escapes occur when the extreme bodies move apart with a low velocity at the time of triple approach. We determined the domain of escapes; it corresponds to close triple approaches (k>0.8) and to μ in the range ?0.2<μ<0.7. For small deviations from the isosceles problem, the evolution does not differ qualitatively from the isosceles case. The domain of escapes decreases with increasing deviations. In general, the ejection length increases for wide approaches and decreases for close approaches.  相似文献   

The one-dimensional Newtonian three-body problem is known to have stable (quasi-)periodic orbits when the masses are equal. The existence and size of the stable region is discussed here in the case where the three masses are arbitrary. We consider only the stability of the periodic (generalized) Schubart's (1956) orbit. If this orbit is linearly stable it is almost always surrounded by a region of stable quasi-periodic orbits and the size and shape of this stable region depends on the masses. The three-dimensional linear stability of the periodic orbits is also determined. Final results show that the region of stability has a complicated shape and some of the stable regions in the mass-plane are quite narrow. The non-linear three-dimensional stability is studied independently by extensive numerical integrations and the results are found to be in agreement with the linear stability analysis. The boundaries of stable region in the mass-plane are given in terms of polynomial approximations. The results are compared with a similar work by Héenon (1977).We thank the referee for pointing out this reference to us.  相似文献   

给出了受摄限制性三体问题平动点线性稳定性的一个判断条件.条件只与平动点切映像的特征方程系数有关,使用方便.用判断条件,讨论了Robe问题平动点在阻力摄动下的线性稳定性,得到了Hallan等给出的Robe问题平动点在阻力摄动下的线性稳定范围.并改进了Giordanoc等的结果.  相似文献   

A model of three-body motion is developed which includes the effects of gravitational radiation reaction. The radiation reaction due to the emission of gravitational waves is the only post-Newtonian effect that is included here. For simplicity, all of the motion is taken to be planar. Two of the masses are viewed as a binary system, and the third mass, whose motion will be a fixed orbit around the centre-of-mass of the binary system, is viewed as a perturbation. This model aims to describe the motion of a relativistic binary pulsar that is perturbed by a third mass. Numerical integration of this simplified model reveals that, given the right initial conditions and parameters, one can see resonances. These ( m , n ) resonances are defined by the resonance condition,   mω =2 n Ω  , where m and n are relatively prime integers, and ω and Ω are the angular frequencies of the binary orbit and third mass orbit (around the centre-of-mass of the binary), respectively. The resonance condition consequently fixes a value for the semimajor axis of the binary orbit for the duration of the resonance; therefore the binary energy remains constant on average, while its angular momentum changes during the resonance.  相似文献   

The envelope of iso-energetic trajectories in the (repulsive) two-fixed-centre problem is derived. Our analytical calculations finally lead to a transcendental equation, only containing elliptic integrals and the Weierstraßp function, from which the envelope is constructed. The results may serve as a simple model for the boundary layer between two colliding supersonic stellar wind flows in binary systems, in which at least one of the components has a strong radiation field.Beyond this, the effect of non-inertial forces (centrifugal and Coriolis force) due to the binary's orbital motion has been estimated by a numerical analysis within the scope of the (repulsive) restricted three-body problem.All calculations have been performed for a hot model (Wolf-Rayet/O-star) binary system with a set of parameters which might be appropriate for HD 152270. The envelope may be well approximated by a hyperboloid. The non-inertial forces slightly turn the envelope against the line connecting both stars.  相似文献   

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