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以一个社区太阳能项目为例,借助可持续生计框架,通过半结构访谈等参与式方式,协助村民自主开发评估指标,围绕指标开发调查问卷,协助农户参与完成整个评估过程。评估得出太阳能项目对社区有显著的正面影响。项目对社区的自然资产、金融资产和人力资产的增加作用相对更大。在案例分析的同时,探讨了社区发展项目中,参与式社区影响评估的方法和操作过程。  相似文献   

新疆实施参与式灌溉管理的对策和建议   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
新疆农业的发展完全依赖于引水灌溉事业的发展与有效管理。农民参与灌溉管理是当今世界各国灌区管理机制改革的一个热门话题。世界上有许多中小型灌区已经成功地实施了参与式灌溉管理。参与式灌溉管理于20世纪90年代初随着世界银行贷款项目传入我国,并取得了初步的成果和经验。新疆结合世界银行贷款“塔里木盆地灌溉与环保二期工程”项目,分别在其五个子项目区建立了建立经济自立灌排区,开始进行参与式灌溉管理的试点工作。本文通过对参与式灌溉管理的基本模式、新疆的灌溉管理问题及实施参与式灌溉管理的内外部条件的分析,提出了新疆实施参与式灌溉管理的对策和建议。  相似文献   

参与式方法为全国展开的新一轮县、镇两级土地利用总体规划提供一种新的技术方法。通过对江苏省丰县大沙河流域上段荒滩地采用参与式方法进行土地整理规划设计内容上的应用作了较为深入的分析。结果表明:参与式方法在规划设计的应用能够使农户积极、主动地参与到规划的整个过程,得到了农户的认可;并且有助于整个土地整理项目的顺利实施。据此,讨论了参与式方法在土地整理规划设计阶段的应用潜力和限制因素。  相似文献   

菲律宾农村发展项目工作肇始于本世纪20年代初,由著名的华人学者晏阳初(Y.C.James Yen)先生创办的国际农村建设研究中心(IIRR),前后经历了农村扶持、项目开发和建立地区基金会3个阶段。他们积60余年的工作经验,形成了一套有特色的农村发展与项目开发的工作体系。其中心思想是:帮助贫困的农户或农村发展生产,提高他们的生活水平和生活信心。工作方法上主要注意根据当地农民的愿望和农村发展需要设置了多种开发性的综合项目,在农户自愿参加和考虑农户承受能力  相似文献   

作为一名地理教师,应对自己有一种解读,即解读自己的知识与能力、情感与心智等。要经常思考:自己的信息储量是否充足;知识结构是否合理;自己所传授的信息是否满足学生的需要;在服务学生的同时,自己是不是也有所提高和发展。首先,教师要调整好自己的心态:确定自己在教学中所扮演的角色,即学生的服务者;在与学生合作时应选择平等协商的方式;指导学生的认知冲突;师生共同发展,即学生发展、教师发展、师生互动发展。其次,教师应学会换位解读,甚至是远距离的解读,即自己职业的生存力,自己专业的发展,自己能力的更新。要用创造的思维方式,打破固有的思维定式,  相似文献   

在提倡教师向科研型教师转变的今天,教育科研和文章写作已显得日趋重要。看了同行所写的许多文章,并且自己也写了一些文章后,我感到文章写作并非一件可望而不可及的事情,只要掌握一定的方法和技巧,写作地理教研文章不仅可以提升教学经验,还能和其他教师共享教学心得,实在是一种乐趣。下面笔者就论文写作谈谈自己的体会。  相似文献   

准确选择项目社区及优先干预领域,是成功实施自然保护项目的基础。当前自然保护项目优先社区及活动的选择,主要沿用20世纪80年代早期形成的农村快速评估(RRA)和参与式农村评估(PRA)等方法,这些方法源于农村扶贫开发项目,倡导以社区为主的决策机制,但在自然保护项目中并不能很好地平衡保护和发展的关系,也无法突出自然保护目标和特点。本文在详细分析沿用传统参与式方法不足的基础上,综合考虑周边社区社会经济发展和自然保护区生物多样性保护的需要,结合参与式制图和参与式地理信息系统技术的研究进展,首次提出区位关系分析法。新方法以周边社区在自然保护区内的生产活动为分析对象,构建了确定项目社区和活动优先度的指标及算法。通过调查统计周边社区各类活动的频度f、强度S和面积A,计算社区对保护区的总体影响P,确定项目社区优先度;通过求算项目社区各类活动对自然保护区的影响Pj,结合同类活动对社区社会经济的贡献率Cj或对农户生计的重要值Ij,建立2×2交叉矩阵,确定项目活动优先度。除自然保护项目开发设计外,区位关系分析法可用于保护区的日常监测和管理,对提升保护成效具有参考意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

徐辰  杨槿  陈雯 《地理研究》2019,38(3):605-618
面向乡村振兴的规划需要真正的社区参与,已有研究多聚焦于规划技术改进,对村民参与主动性关注不足,更受制于村民较弱的参与能力。本文从赋权理论激发弱势群体权能的新视角出发,以江苏省句容市陈庄的社区参与乡村规划试验为例,结合社区心理学行为分析的“认知-情感-互动”逻辑,构建乡村规划赋权作用于社区参与行为的分析框架,并从模拟参与选择、活动参与度和组织化程度三方面测度社区参与行为及其变化。研究通过三年半共计84次跟踪调研的参与式观察、访谈和问卷调查,收集村民、规划团队、政府言行的全过程资料,分析得出:针对不同规划阶段社区参与的特定目的,规划采用差异化的赋权策略,对社区进行了很高程度的信息、教育和制度赋权。尽管规划中后期的实际参与率稍低于初期模拟的参与意愿,但赋权仍维持了较高的社区参与广度,且显著提升了社区参与深度,包括村民参与动机的转变以及个体学习、集体行动等参与能力的提高。赋权的作用,通过增加村民的信息与知识、增强村民的信心和责任,进而改变村民对规划、社区发展和自身的认知、情感以及互动能力这一传导路径得以实现。研究深化对乡村规划社区参与行为的认识,并对激发村民参与积极性与能力具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

可持续发展教育是一种以行动为取向的教育,通过教育促使受教育者形成有利于可持续发展的行动和行为方式。“社区服务式学习在经济类、财会类教育中的实践”项目,通过一种开放式、参与式、合作式、探究式的教学方式,让学生走出课堂、走出校园,融入到企业生存环境、社会环境、自然环境中,用自己的眼睛了解企业、了解社会、认识人类、认识未来。  相似文献   

今年是我国学位制度创建十周年。同样,十年来在地理学领域内研究生培养工作也取得了巨大成绩,在此,我们向那些为我国地理科学事业培养高层次专业人才工作中作出贡献的导师及教育工作者致以诚挚的敬意,也为能看到地理科学战线上增添了一大批新生力量而由衷地高兴。 地理学学位论文是广大研究生存导师精心指导下辛勤劳动的结晶,也是我国地理科学文献库中十分宝贵的财富。人们并不希望这些劳动成果,特别是那些新技术、新方法及与生产实践有紧密联系的研究项目完成之后束之高阁,而是期望这些劳动成球能及时走向社会,间接或直接地服务于我国的建设事业。也正是基于这一考虑,从1984年起,本刊创办了“地理学学位论文摘要”这个小小的栏目,为广大导师和研究生提供一个同地和窗口,并起到了信息交流与沟通情报的作用。 我们都知道,学位论文只是从事科研工作的第一步。你们的名字已经记录在地理科学的史册上。当今地理科学的发展需要你们,人们期待着你们为中国现代地碑科学事业作出自己的贡献。近几年,广大地理科学工作者不但深入各有关研究领域,而且在进行地理科学发展问题的讨论,同样,我们期望未来的地理科学工作者也能积极投入这一讨论中,也从讨论中充实发展自己。 今后我们期望在广大导师和研究生的支持和协助  相似文献   

The growing interest in the understanding of community resilience suggests a need for improving research approaches. This article reviews methods used to date, and suggests opportunities for expanding the range and efficacy of approaches used to understand, improve, and monitor the coupled social and ecological aspects of community resilience. We explore three potential foci: research approaches that enhance understanding of community resilience; those that help to improve community resilience through the research process; and the further development of methods to guide monitoring. Most studies have relied on mixed and multistaged methods, including in-depth interviews and case studies. We comment on the wide range of approaches used, and suggest others that could be valuable. There is particular scope for greater use of cumulative studies, historical or retrospective studies, participatory methods, and systems approaches, and a need for more methods that explore the coupling of social and ecological dimensions.  相似文献   

Widespread agreement exists on the broad outlines of the concept of sustainable development for developing countries. This calls for a development model capable of meeting basic needs without depleting natural resources at a rate that robs future generations of their use. In this regard, citizen participation is also considered key to legitimise such policy choices. However, there is considerable disagreement over the substance and meaning of the major components of the concept and the relationship between them. This paper argues that positions in policy disputes over the sustainable development of the forest cluster in two distinct approaches: market‐friendly initiatives and grassroots development. Since market economies prevail almost everywhere, the question that is posed concerns the conditions under which the grassroots development approach is included as a significant complement to market‐friendly initiatives. This is a political question, requiring an examination of actors, interests and power resources. The paper thus applies a political economy framework to a paired comparison of Mexico, where grassroots development approaches (community forestry) had notable successes, and Chile, where market‐friendly forest policy crowded out alternatives.  相似文献   

何玲姬  李庆雷  明庆忠 《热带地理》2007,27(4):375-378,384
运用实证研究方法,在肯定旅游为经济欠发达地区带来正面经济效益,实现旅游扶贫的经济功能的基础上,对旅游扶贫中出现的低层次、单一的社区参与模式给社区居民所带来的对未来生活的不安定感以及使社区发展受到较大局限的现象进行了深入剖析,针对旅游扶贫地区经济发展水平,提出了在旅游开发的不同阶段采取不同的社区参与模式的构想,在充分发挥旅游扶贫经济效益的同时实现社区人的发展和社区文化的繁荣。  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen the rural areas of developing and emerging countries undergo significant structural changes. They are the source of several pertinent international concerns, including extreme poverty and hunger, and rising spatial and interpersonal disparities, challenges that national governments and the international community have made limited headway in alleviating to date. By analysing the range of rural development approaches implemented in recent decades, we develop a picture in which territorial approaches have become more mainstream. Since the turn of the century in particular they have gradually supplanted more traditional place-neutral approaches, which, we argue, have served to increase rural-urban disparities and exasperate the incidence of poverty in rural areas. Rural territorial development approaches, where able to mobilise sufficient participation and coordination between local stakeholders, civil society, and various multi-level actors, offer the most favourable means of gaining a better understanding of the many social, economic, institutional assets within a region. They can be harnessed to drive brands of regional development that are not only sustainable, but also more equitable and inclusive across different segments of the population and territories.  相似文献   

Innovations for conservation and development   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Through recent changes in urban governance practices, citizens and community organizations assume ever-greater responsibility for local-level planning and service delivery. Scholars have debated whether this shift disempowers community organizations by subsuming their plans and priorities into state planning imperatives or empowers them through inclusion of community priorities and local knowledge. In carrying out their new responsibilities, many community organizations are adopting tools such as GIS. Strikingly similar questions have been raised about empowerment, disempowennent, incorporation, and autonomy; but relatively little work has systematically documented the ways in which GIS use alters community-level decision-making efforts. In this paper, I show how GIS use fosters changes in the language, practices, and paradigms of community planning, particularly strengthening an instrumental rational approach to community planning and revitalization. Drawing on research with a Minneapolis, Minnesota, neighborhood organization, I argue that these impacts of GIS use on community planning practices complicate and intensify a dynamic tension between incorporation and autonomy that community organizations experience within collaborative governance approaches. [Key words: community-based planning, GIS, urban governance.]  相似文献   

薛德升  王立 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1117-1129
以国内出版的专著和重要学术期刊发表的学术论文为资料基础,运用文献计量学方法,对1978年改革开放30多年来中国城市地理的研究进展进行了总结。研究发现:中国城市地理研究总体上日益繁荣,研究内容不断拓展和深化,研究方法逐步走向“科学化”和“规范化”,研究的空间尺度总体上“由大向小”转变,研究视角向多样化转变;国家政策和城市热点问题对研究内容具有重要影响,西方理论和流派对研究视角具有重要影响;基础研究与应用研究并重是重要特色,城市化与城市体系是重要的研究主题。建议在未来的研究中培养全球化视野,批判性地引进西方理论,加强理论创新、科学规范、跨学科交叉与新方法引进。  相似文献   

With the development of quantitative transfer functions to relate community structure to physicochemical variables, reconstructions of past environmental conditions have been possible and have enhanced our understanding of various ecosystem processes. There are cases, however, in which this approach is not applicable, or does not provide enough information for the questions being asked. In these cases, some alternatives are to conduct experiments or to examine the distribution of species at a finer spatial resolution. These two approaches have been used as alternatives to or in conjunction with the development of transfer functions. In this review, I discuss the ways in which these two approaches are now being used in paleolimnological studies to enhance our understanding of the ecology of the species found in sediment records and thus refine interpretations of environmental change. My focus is primarily on studies that deal with establishing clearer relationships between environmental variables and the growth or distribution of organisms. I present examples of how these approaches have been integrated in a variety of studies, including those designed to: (1) refine and enhance reconstructions that are based on transfer functions; (2) develop new paleolimnological tools to reconstruct environmental change; (3) explore mechanistic links in the relationships between organisms and commonly reconstructed environmental variables; and (4) pose and test hypotheses based on patterns in the sediment record. These cases demonstrate that the use of these approaches was essential to clarify species-environment relationships as well as lake responses to disturbance. As in all disciplines, however, there are many challenges in this area of research. In particular, the quantitative integration of these approaches with the sediment record is a major challenge, due to disparate spatial and temporal scales. This research can also be quite labor-intensive, and provides information on fewer taxa than in the calibration set approach. It also requires interdisciplinary training and/or collaboration in fields that have historically been less integrated, hence they may require greater effort. These issues may hinder the use of these approaches because of the perceived difficulty. I discuss these challenges and address possible solutions.  相似文献   

参与性作为一种思想,强调了发挥每个群体的潜力、自主决策与合作;参与性作为一种方法,强调了创造参与的条件的一切手段和措施。参与性途径自90年代引进中国以来,在很多发展项目中广泛应用。参与性到底有什么贡献?根据参与性科技扶贫示范研究项目的实践,从参与性途径在社区科技互助组织发展过程中的作用、影响参与性发挥作用的因素以及不同群体对参与性的认同和体会等方面,对参与性途径进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

以西藏自治区申扎县的部分村落作为典型藏族社区,采取面对面访谈的方法,从社区居民参与的5个方面分析典型藏族社区参与生态旅游开发的感知与态度。结果表明:(1)大部分居民支持发展生态旅游,愿意参与生态旅游政策决策制定与开发,愿意参与旅游教育和培训。(2)大部分居民认为生态旅游可促进本地经济与社会发展,促进居民能力提升和提高居民对环境与文化的保护意识,但部分居民认为开发生态旅游会破坏自然环境与本地民俗文化。(3)社区居民参与生态旅游水平还很低,但参与潜力较大。(4)大部分居民可参与生态旅游开发的主要方式为:旅游开发的劳动力、提供藏族特色住宿餐饮、表演藏族歌曲和销售旅游商品。(5)社区参与生态旅游的能力较差,缺乏资金与技术,居民普遍对政府是否会帮助与支持当地居民参与旅游开发经营出缺乏信心。(6)制约典型藏族社区参与生态旅游的障碍性因素为:语言障碍、资金与技术缺乏、生态旅游的基础设施不足。最后构建申扎县社区参与生态旅游水平的提升机理。  相似文献   

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