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近年的探测研究表明,由引力和范德华粘附力聚合成碎石堆结构可能是小行星的一种重要形成方式。为探究这类小行星的演化机制,文章基于离散元软件MatDEM进行二次开发,实现了单元的万有引力计算。建立直径为1.2 km“碎石堆”小行星数值模型,通过数值模拟分析了不同粘附强度和体积密度下,球形聚集体的旋转重塑和破坏过程。结果表明:球形聚集体受到其角速度初始增量的影响,以启动聚集体的重塑过程,导致其发生变形或者破坏;粘附强度越小,模型越容易被破坏,破坏前小行星会通过向扁圆状椭球体变形来保持自身构型的稳定性;对于粘附强度一定的小行星模型,体积密度的增大会有效增加其结构的稳定性,可以延后小行星破坏行为发生的时间,且颗粒脱落的数量随着密度的增大而减少;采用离散元分析可以较好地模拟小行星自旋演化过程。进一步与真实小行星数据相结合,有利于深入、全面地探索小行星自旋演化破坏机理。  相似文献   

三峡永久船闸高边坡开挖三维离散元数值模拟   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
李世海  高波  燕琳 《岩土力学》2002,23(3):272-277
采用面-面接触的三维离散元刚性块体模型,从实测节现面中取出其中的三组,按照其倾向,倾角和节理间距将三峡永久船闸未开挖的区域划分为10^5个离散单元,通过施加力边界条件,给出了与实测初始地应力场接近的数值模拟结果;然后,分4步模拟了永久船闸的开挖过程。计算结果表明:开挖过程会引起节理面出现张开趋势,个别岩体还会沿着节理面滑移。岩体位移的不对称现象较为自然地说明了由节理引起的岩体各向异性特征。  相似文献   

张晓宇  许强  刘春  施斌 《工程地质学报》2017,25(6):1430-1437
黏性土在失水过程中逐渐变形开裂,裂隙相互交错形成网络,这一过程涉及水热力等多场耦合的作用。本文基于南京大学自主研发的三维离散元软件MatDEM,采用紧密堆积离散元模型对土体开裂进行模拟。在此模型中,每个离散元单元代表一定体积的土颗粒、孔隙和孔隙水的集合体。单元具有含水量属性,并采用有限差分思想计算水分运移量,实现了水分场模拟。同时,考虑水分场对土体抗拉强度等力学性质的影响,建立水分场和应力场的耦合。在数值模拟中,假定土体表面水分以一定速率蒸发,根据试验数据由含水量计算单元直径和力学参数,从而实现黏土蒸发失水、收缩和开裂变形过程模拟。数值模拟与前人室内试验结果基本一致,能较好地再现开裂过程中的各个阶段。本文为研究多场作用下土体变形破坏模拟提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

深基坑稳定性问题是重要的工程问题,其中,有效支护结构是保证基坑工程顺利实施的基础。本文引入离散元法,提出了基坑及支护结构建模和数值模拟方法。采用紧密堆积离散单元构建模型初始地层,引入了离散单元团簇模型来构建表面较为光滑的管桩。以南京某深基坑工程为例,采用三维离散元模拟软件MatDEM3D构建几何模型,并根据土体的力学性质设定相应单元的力学参数。数值模拟中,通过预平衡操作实现土层的压实,进而模拟了基坑开挖过程中土体和管桩的变形。将数值模拟结果与实测监测数据进行了对比分析,评价了基坑支护结构的有效性。这种基坑离散元数值模拟方法在基坑开挖过程的稳定性预判和支护结构的有效性评价上具有潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

黄土崩塌是黄土高原区最常见、致灾最为严重的一种地质灾害.首先,从黄土地形地貌、黄土类型及结构、黄土垂直节理、坡脚侵蚀、降雨、人类工程活动等方面分析了黄土崩塌的成因,认为黄土中的垂直节理和坡脚侵蚀作用是造成黄土崩塌的主要原因;其次,通过野外黄土崩塌变形破坏特征及地质现象分析,将黄土崩塌归纳为拉裂-坠落式、拉裂-倾倒式、拉...  相似文献   

姜谙男  陈勇 《岩土力学》2007,28(4):774-778
露天底境界顶柱优化是露天转井下过渡时期的重要课题,该优化问题包括多个决策变量和多个评价指标,已有方法的优化效果不够理想。针对露天转井下境界顶柱优化特点,将遗传算法与三维数值模拟相结合,研究了境界顶柱全局优化的进化数值模拟方法,给出优化的指标和步骤,并将该方法用于大杏山铁矿的露天转井下境界顶柱的优化。工程应用表明所提出的井下境界顶柱优化方法是可行的。获得的最优方案对该矿山露天转井下的采矿设计具有指导作用。  相似文献   

以龙塘山 2号大桥为工程背景 ,在综合考虑桥基岸坡的工程地质条件尤其是岩体结构的基础上 ,建立了数值分析模型 ,采用离散元法对该桥 10 #墩所处岸坡的破坏模式进行了模拟。模拟结果表明 :( 1)龙塘山 2号大桥 10 #墩所处岸坡基本稳定 ;( 2 )施工时 ,应对既有公路上方岸坡坡顶及坡面可能崩滑岩块进行预清除与加固 ;( 3)根据岸坡破坏趋势可得其稳定坡角为 5 0°  相似文献   

应变分析与裂缝预测技术在地学领域具有重要应用意义。离散元方法虽然能有效分析含有大量间断的问题,但目前在地学领域应用较少。文中尝试使用离散元方法表示符合实际性质的岩石,模拟水平挤压环境下滑脱构造的形成过程,并对变形过程中的应变分布变化与裂缝生成规律进行了分析。结果表明:在挤压环境的滑脱构造中,裂缝产生的高峰期先于断层明显活动期,局部区域内聚集的大量裂缝是产生断层的诱因;已经出现明显活动的断层中产生的裂缝较少。裂缝集中区域和应变集中区域相互重叠,裂缝越发育则应变越强烈。受同一个断层影响的裂缝首先在断面上集中出现,随后产生在断面周边区域;在受断层影响的范围内,裂缝距离断面越远则形成时间越晚。该成果还表明离散元方法在应变分析与裂缝预测研究中具有巨大潜力。  相似文献   

赵晖  刘军 《岩土力学》2008,29(12):3407-3411
人造基床是海洋码头与平台建设中的一项新技术。应用自行开发的离散元程序,模拟了人造基床中的单桩稳定性,所模拟的人造基床由袋装碎石与袋装砂两层组成。在保持袋装砂层高度不变的前提下,分别模拟了不同袋装碎石高度下桩在潮汐作用下的稳定性、罕见潮汐作用下桩的失稳过程。程序中用整体阻尼代表海水的阻尼作用。模拟结果表明,离散元法可以很好地体现人造基床与桩接触处的局部大变形特征,同时可通过模拟结果确定最佳人造基床高度。  相似文献   

石崎材 《地下水》2023,(2):111-112+144
崩塌是边坡常见的地质灾害现象,突发性强且危害性大,是工程边坡防灾减灾的重点。文章对藏东南宗坝地区某边坡开展了现场勘查,分析危岩体的发育特征,利用PFC3D软件模拟了危岩体发生失稳后的运动过程。计算结果表明:危岩体失稳后运动特征受地形条件影响较大,落石在坡表滚动、碰撞和跳跃,沿斜坡表面呈散射状向下运动。数值模拟结果初步确定危岩体失稳后的堆积特征,主要威胁范围为坡脚前缘居民区、318公路及帕隆藏布,为防灾减灾工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

基于DDEM的自然崩落采矿法崩落规律的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
姜增国  杨保仓 《岩土力学》2005,26(2):239-242
利用DDEM(可变形离散单元法)原理和方法,研究了自然崩落法矿体崩落规律。针对具体地质条件和赋存情况及矿岩物理力学性质,采用计算机数值模拟分析了自然崩落法的崩落规律,得出了DDEM在用于模拟矿块自然崩落法中崩落规律和分析其崩落机理时是较适合的结论,不仅可以从力学角度对崩落的力学机理进行研究,而且能直观地用图形给出矿体在崩落过程中的具体形态变化,有效地指导放矿,现场试验验证效果良好。  相似文献   

柿竹园多金属矿床开采方案确定的数值模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对柿竹园多金属矿,在形成200万方大空区,部分矿柱跨塌,最大顶板连续暴露面积达8000 2,且不能采用充填法的情况下,如何立足矿山实际情况,合理规划矿产资源的整体开发,确保矿山企业的可持续发展问题,对该矿床的各种可能的开采方案进行了弹塑性有限元、离散元数值模拟研究,模拟研究的结果,对开采方案的确定具有积极的指导意义.  相似文献   

This paper endows the recently‐proposed granular element method (GEM) with the ability to perform 3D discrete element calculations. By using non‐uniform rational B‐Splines to accurately represent complex grain geometries, we proposed an alternative approach to clustering‐based and polyhedra‐based discrete element methods whereby the need for complicated and ad hoc approaches to construct 3D grain geometries is entirely bypassed. We demonstrate the ability of GEM in capturing arbitrary‐shaped 3D grains with great ease, flexibility, and without excessive geometric information. Furthermore, the applicability of GEM is enhanced by its tight integration with existing non‐uniform rational B‐Splines modeling tools and ability to provide a seamless transition from binary images of real grain shapes (e.g., from 3D X‐ray CT) to modeling and discrete mechanics computations.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

许江  李克钢  陈萍  刘玉洪 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1819-1822
以丰都名山崩滑体为研究对象,拟通过对该崩滑体失稳破坏过程的离散元模拟分析,达到对该崩滑体的稳定性进行有效分析评价的目的。研究结果发现,崩滑体的滑移崩塌过程及散落情况与其坡脚是否风化剥蚀相关,且不论坡脚是否风化剥蚀,其上部块体的运动轨迹与中下部块体的运动轨迹存在着明显差异。分析结果同时还表明,丰都名山崩滑体的确存在滑移崩塌危险,应积极采取适当防范措施。  相似文献   

Rock failure is observed around boreholes often with certain types of failure zones, which are called breakouts. Laboratory‐scale drilling tests in some high‐porosity quartz‐rich sandstone have shown breakouts in the form of narrow localized compacted zones in the minimum horizontal stress direction. They are called fracture‐like breakouts. Such compaction bands may affect hydrocarbon extraction by forming barriers that inhibit fluid flow and may also be a source of sand production. This paper presents the results of numerical simulations of borehole breakouts using 3D discrete element method to investigate the mechanism of the fracture‐like breakouts and to identify the role of far‐field stresses on the breakout dimensions. The numerical tool was first verified against analytical solutions. It was then utilized to investigate the failure mechanism and breakout geometry for drilled cubic rock samples of Castlegate sandstone subjected to different pre‐existing far‐field stresses. Results show that failure occurs in the zones of the highest concentration of tangential stress around the borehole. It is concluded that fracture‐like breakout develops as a result of a nondilatant failure mechanism consisting of localized grain debonding and repacking and grain crushing that lead to the formation of a compaction band in the minimum horizontal stress direction. In addition, it is found that the length of fracture‐like breakouts depends on both the mean stress and stress anisotropy. However, the width of the breakout is not significantly changed by the far‐field stresses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing (HF) treatment often involves particle migration and is applied for propping or plugging fractures. Particle migration behaviors, e.g., bridging, packing, and plugging, significantly affect the HF process. Hence, it is crucial to effectively simulate particle migration. In this study, a new numerical approach is developed based on a coupled element partition method (EPM). The EPM is used to model natural and hydraulic fractures, in which a fracture is allowed to propagate across an element, thereby avoiding remeshing in fracture simulations. To characterize the water flow process in a fracture, a fully hydromechanical coupled equation is adopted in the EPM. To model particle transportation in fractures with water flow, each particle is treated as a discrete element. The particles move in the fracture as a result of being dragged by fluid. Their movement, contact, and packing behaviors are simulated using the discrete element method. To reflect the plugging effect, an equivalent aperture approach is proposed. Using this method, the particle migration and its effect on water flow are well simulated. The simulation results show that this method can effectively reproduce particle bridging, plugging, and unblocking in a hydraulic fracture. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that particle plugging significantly affects water flow in a fracture and hence the propagation of hydraulic fracture. This method provides a simple and feasible approach for the simulation of particle migration in a hydraulic fracture.  相似文献   

顾晓强  杨朔成 《岩土力学》2019,40(2):785-791
土体在非常小应变(小于10?6)时表现为线弹性。以往大量试验研究表明,土体的弹性特性主要受到土体有效围压、孔隙比、颗粒级配和试样制备方法等影响。通过离散元方法模拟Duffy和Mindlin中的物理试验,建立球形颗粒规则排列的三维模型,继而进行小变形条件下的数值加载试验来确定弹性特性,并从细观层面揭示决定土体弹性特性的内在因素。模拟结果表明:粒状土的弹性模量取决于土体的颗粒接触配位数、法向接触力的大小和分布,跟宏观土体孔隙比、有效围压作用相对应。弹性模量应力指数n高于Hertz-Mindlin接触法则对应的1/3,主要是由于应力增加过程中配位数的增加和接触力趋于更均匀导致。同时,泊松比也随着配位数的增加而减小,并非保持不变,跟试验结果趋势一致。  相似文献   

The failure mechanisms induced by a wedge‐shaped tool indenting normally against a rock surface are investigated using the discrete element method (DEM). The main focus of this study is to explore the conditions controlling the transition from a ductile to a brittle mode of failure. The development of a damage zone and the initiation and propagation of a brittle fracture is well captured by the DEM simulations. The numerical results support the conjecture that initiation of brittle fractures is governed by a scaled flaw length Λ, a ratio between the flaw size λ and the characteristic length (where KIc is the toughness and σc the uniaxial compressive strength). The size of the damage zone agrees well with analytical predictions based on the cavity expansion model. The effects of a far‐field confining stress and the existence of a relief surface near the indenter are also examined.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tool‐rock interaction processes can be classified as indentation or cutting depending on the direction of motion of the tool with respect to the rock surface. The modes of failure induced in the rock by an indenting or a cutting tool can be ductile and/or brittle. The ductile mode is associated with the development of a damage zone, whereas the brittle mode involves the growth of macrocracks. This is the first part of a series of two papers concerned with an analysis of the cutting and the indentation processes based on using the discrete element method. In this paper, numerical simulations of the cutting process are conducted to reproduce the transition from a ductile to a brittle failure mode with increasing depth of cut, which is observed in experiments. The numerical results provide evidence that the critical depth of cut d * controlling the failure mode transition is related to the characteristic length ? = (KIcσc)2 with KIc denoting the material toughness and σc its unconfined compressive strength. The nature of frictional contact between the cutter face and the rock in the ductile failure mode is also examined. It is shown that the inclination of the total cutting force is controlled by a multi‐directional flow mechanism ahead of the cutter that is related to the formation of a wedge of failed material, intermittently adhering to the cutter. As a result, the inclination of the total cutting force varies with the rake angle of the cutter and cannot be considered an intrinsic measure of the interfacial friction between the cutter and the rock. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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