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In situ trace element analyses of constituent minerals in mantle xenoliths occurring in an alnöite diatreme and in nephelinite plugs emplaced within the central zone of the Damara Belt have been determined by laser ablation ICP-MS. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns of clinopyroxene and amphibole indicate the presence of both depleted MORB-like mantle and variably enriched mantle beneath this region. Clinopyroxenes showing geochemical depletion have low La/Smn ratios (0.02–0.2), whereas those showing variable enrichment have La/Smn ranging up to 3.8 and La/Ybn to 9.1. The most enriched clinopyroxenes coexist with amphibole showing similar REE patterns (La/Smn = 1.3–4.1; La/Ybn = 4.5–9). Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns allow further groups to be distinguished amongst the variably enriched clinopyroxenes: one having strong relative depletion in Rb–Ba, Ta–Nb and relative enrichment in Th–U; another with similar characteristics but with additional strong relative depletion in Zr–Hf; and one showing no significant anomalies. Amphiboles show similar normalized trace element patterns to co-existing clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene and amphiboles showing LREEN enrichment have high Sr and low Nd isotope ratios compared to clinopyroxene with LREE-depleted patterns. Numerical simulation of melt percolation through the mantle via reactive porous flow is used to show that the chromatographic affect associated with such a melt migration process is able to account for the fractionation seen in La–Ce–Nd in cryptically metasomatized clinopyroxenes in Type 1 xenoliths, where melt–matrix interactions occur near the percolation front, whereas REE patterns in clinopyroxenes proximal to the source of metasomatic melt/fluid match those found in modally metasomatized Type 2 xenoliths. The strong fractionation between Rb–Ba, Th–U and Ta–Nb shown by some cryptically metasomatized xenoliths can be also accounted for by reactive porous flow, provided amphibole crystallizes from the percolating melt/fluid close to its source. The presence of amphibole in vein-like structures in some xenoliths is consistent with this interpretation. The strong depletion in Zr–Hf in clinopyroxene and amphibole in some xenoliths cannot be accounted for by melt migration processes and requires metasomatism by a separate carbonate-rich melt/fluid. When taken together with published isotope data on these same xenoliths, the source of metasomatic enrichment of the previously depleted (MORB-like) sub-Damaran lithospheric mantle is attributed to the upwelling Tristan plume head at the time of continental breakup.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Mineralized NYF and LCT pegmatites occur throughout the northeast-trending Neoproterozoic Damara Belt, Namibia. Mineralization in the pegmatites varies geographically,...  相似文献   

The lead isotopic composition of galena from the Neoproterozoic sediment-hosted Zn-Pb sulphide deposit at Rosh Pinah and the oxidised Zn deposit at Skorpion in the Pan-African Gariep Belt, southwestern Namibia, as well as that of galena from minor occurrences in the wider Rosh Pinah ore province was investigated and is compared with that of other major sediment-hosted base metal ore deposits hosted by Neoproterozoic strata in southwestern Africa and Brazil. The isotope data were supplemented by a geochemical provenance study of the argillitic host rock to the Rosh Pinah deposit and its stratigraphic equivalents. The pre-orogenic Rosh Pinah deposit and the inferred progenitor for the secondary Skorpion deposits have very similar Pb isotopic compositions. In contrast, syn-orogenic deposits (e.g. Tsumeb-type) show a larger proportion of radiogenic Pb from the country rocks that were infiltrated by orogenic ore fluids.In all examples studied, the ore Pb has elevated 207Pb/204Pb ratios compared to Pb that evolved according to average crustal Pb growth models. The isotopic composition of the ore Pb is in agreement with that of the oldest crustal component known from the pre-Gariep basement, i.e. an Eburnean (c. 2.0 Ga) volcanic arc, best preserved in the Richtersveld Terrane, that represents the largest volume of post-Archaean juvenile crust in southern Africa. Erosion of that arc provided the main sediment source for the metasedimentary siliciclastic host to the Rosh Pinah deposit. Derivation of the Pb, and by analogy Zn, from this Eburnean volcanic arc is therefore inferred for the formation of Rosh Pinah-type syn-rift, early diagenetic replacement mineralisation.The calculated 2- and 2-values for the Rosh Pinah ore province (around 10.2 and 42, respectively) are higher than predicted by conventional Pb crustal growth models and are similar to those found in the wider region of southern Africa (Otavi Mountain Land) and eastern Brazil. The obtained data highlight not only that calculated Pb model ages may have no geochronological significance but might also point to a common crustal evolution of this part of SW-Gondwana.Editorial handling: M. Chiaradia  相似文献   

The Uzbek Tian Shan is a prominent metal-rich belt, hosting world-class orogenic Au deposits such as Muruntau. However, its post-collisional history in relation to fluid alteration and mineralisation remains elusive. We present apatite U–Pb dates and rare earth element geochemistry for 44 granitoids, revealing a prolonged history of low-grade metamorphism and associated fluid alteration between ~285 and ~240 Ma. A resulting apatite U–Pb age interpolation map reveals two young anomalies that are interpreted as post-orogenic fluid circulation cells. In addition, the extent of Meso-Cenozoic denudation is presented using apatite fission track (FT) age data. In areas of good data coverage, the combined Apatite U–Pb and FT anomalies reveal a correlation with the locations of orogenic Au mineralisation. Although more data is required to further evaluate such correlation, our study illustrates that integrated multi-method apatite thermochronology and geochemistry may have the potential to become a novel viable tool for mineral exploration.  相似文献   

宝坛地区透闪石化镁铁质岩石成因的地质地球化学证据   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
宝坛地区呈岩脉状或岩席状侵入于四堡群变质地层之中的透闪石化镁铁质岩石包括堆积的超镁铁质岩和分异的闪长岩,其岩石类型为透闪石化辉石岩、辉橄岵、辉长岵、辉绿岵及闪长岵等。该镁铁质-闪长质岩石以富集轻稀土和大离子新石元素、亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta)为特征;除堆积成因的超镁铁质岩石外,透闪石化镁铁质岩石及其分异的闪长岵的MgO为4.45% ̄7.96%,是镁铁质岩浆经结晶分异(辉石、橄榄石)作用的产物。  相似文献   

Platinum-group element (PGE) mineralisation within the Platreef at Overysel is controlled by the presence of base metal sulphides (BMS). The floor rocks at Overysel are Archean basement gneisses, and unlike other localities along the strike of the Platreef where the floor is comprised of Transvaal Supergroup sediments, the intimate PGE–BMS relationship holds strong into the footwall rocks. Decoupling of PGE from BMS is rare and the BMS and platinum-group mineral assemblages in the Platreef and the footwall are almost identical. There is minimal overprinting by hydrothermal fluids; therefore, the mineralisation style present at Overysel may represent the most ‘primary’ style of Platreef mineralisation preserved anywhere along the strike. Chondrite-normalised PGE profiles reveal a progressive fractionation of the PGE with depth into the footwall, with Ir, Ru and Rh dramatically depleted with depth compared to Pt, Pd and Au. This feature is not observed at Sandsloot and Zwartfontein, to the south of Overysel, where the footwall rocks are carbonates. There is evidence from rare earth element abundances and the amount of interstitial quartz towards the base of the Platreef pyroxenites that contamination by a felsic melt derived from partial melting of the gneissic footwall has taken place. Textural evidence in the gneisses suggests that a sulphide liquid percolated down into the footwall through a permeable, inter-granular network that was produced by partial melting around grain boundaries in the gneisses that was induced by the intrusion of the Platreef magma. PGE were originally concentrated within a sulphide liquid in the Platreef magma, and the crystallisation of monosulphide solid solution from the sulphide liquid removed the majority of the IPGE and Rh from it whilst still within the mafic Platreef. Transport of PGE into the gneisses, via downward migration of the residual sulphide liquid, fractionated out the remaining IPGE and Rh in the upper parts of the gneisses leaving a ‘slick’ of disseminated sulphides in the gneiss, with the residual liquid becoming progressively more depleted in these elements relative to Pt, Pd and Au. Highly sulphide-rich zones with massive sulphides formed where ponding of the sulphide liquid occurred due to permeability contrasts in the footwall. This study highlights the fact that there is a fundamental floor rock control on the mechanism of distribution of PGE from the Platreef into the footwall rocks. Where the floor rocks are sediments, fluid activity related to metamorphism, assimilation and later serpentinisation has decoupled PGE from BMS in places, and transport of PGE into the footwall is via hydrothermal fluids. In contrast, where the floor is comprised of anhydrous gneiss, such as at Overysel, there is limited fluid activity and PGE behaviour is controlled by the behaviour of sulphide liquids, producing an intimate PGE–BMS association. Xenoliths and irregular bands of chromitite within the Platreef are described in detail for the first time. These are rich in the IPGE and Rh, and evidence from laurite inclusions indicates they must have crystallised from a PGE-saturated magma. The disturbed and xenolithic nature of the chromitites would suggest they are rip-up clasts, either disturbed by later pulses of Platreef magma in a multi-phase emplacement or transported into the Platreef from a pre-existing source in a deeper staging chamber or conduit.  相似文献   

The relative chronology and detailed chemistry of paleofluids circulating at the base of the Kombolgie Sub-basin were investigated in the East Alligator River district (Northern Territory, Australia), where world-class unconformity-type uranium deposits are located. The chemistry of fluid inclusions was determined using in-situ analysis (Raman microprobe and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy [LIBS]) and by observing the melting sequences by microthermometry. This study revealed the occurrence of three distinct fluids: (i) a sodium-rich brine that corresponds to a diagenetic fluid percolating at the bottom of the Kombolgie sandstones at a temperature close to 150±15 °C; (ii) a calcium-rich brine, probably corresponding to a residual brine in evaporitic environment that has evolved by fluid–rock interactions with the basement lithologies; and (iii) a low salinity fluid, heated in the basement, injected into the base of the sandstone cover. H2 and O2 and/or traces of CH4 were detected in the vapor phase of some fluid inclusions, especially in the low salinity ones in quartz breccia samples taken above mineralized areas. Hydraulic brecciation of the sandstone was associated with a pressure decrease favoring fluid mixing and the subsequent cementation of breccias. According to the fluid inclusion study and other geologic constrains, the minimum thickness of the Sub-Kombolgie Basin is estimated at 4 km. Drusy quartz breccias with evidence of fluid mixing are quite common at the base of the Kombolgie Basin, but not necessarily linked to U-mineralization. However, it is proposed that the presence of gases such as H2 and O2 in fluid inclusions, which results from water radiolysis, constitutes an indicator of gas linked to significant U concentrations deeper in the basement rocks.  相似文献   

A fluid inclusion and stable isotopic study has been undertaken on some massive sulphide deposits (Aguas Teñidas Este, Concepción, San Miguel, San Telmo and Cueva de la Mora) located in the northern Iberian Pyrite Belt. The isotopic analyses were mainly performed on quartz, chlorite, carbonate and whole rock samples from the stockworks and altered footwall zones of the deposits, and also on some fluid inclusion waters. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz mostly range from 120 to 280 °C. Salinity of most fluid inclusions ranges from 2 to 14 wt% NaCl equiv. A few cases with T h=80–110 °C and salinity of 16–24 wt% NaCl equiv., have been also recognized. In addition, fluid inclusions from the Soloviejo Mn–Fe-jaspers (160–190 °C and ˜6 wt% NaCl equiv.) and some Late to Post-Hercynian quartz veins (130–270 °C and ˜4 wt% NaCl equiv.) were also studied. Isotopic results indicate that fluids in equilibrium with measured quartz (d 18O fluid ˜–2 to 4‰), chlorites (d 18O fluid ˜8–14‰, dD fluid ˜–45 to –27‰), whole rocks (d 18O fluid ˜4–7‰, dD fluid ˜–15 to –10‰), and carbonates (d 18O ankerite ˜14.5–16‰, d 13C fluid =–11 to –5‰) evolved isotopically during the lifetime of the hydrothermal systems, following a waxing/waning cycle at different temperatures and water/rock ratios. The results (fluid inclusions, d 18O, dD and d 13C values) point to a highly evolved seawater, along with a variable (but significant) contribution of other fluid reservoirs such as magmatic and/or deep metamorphic waters, as the most probable sources for the ore-forming fluids. These fluids interacted with the underlying volcanic and sedimentary rocks during convective circulation through the upper crust.  相似文献   

流体包裹体和C-H-O同位素对湘中古台山金矿床成因制约   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
李伟  谢桂青  张志远  张兴康 《岩石学报》2016,32(11):3489-3506
古台山金矿是湘中盆地最典型的高品位石英脉型金矿床,主要赋存于新元古界和震旦系板岩-千枚岩中。为了探明古台山金矿的成矿物质和成矿流体来源,本次工作对其开展了详细的野外地质考察,对不同阶段石英进行了系统的包裹体岩相学观察、显微测温、激光拉曼探针及H-O同位素分析,对与金矿化密切相关的铁白云石进行了C-O同位素分析。包裹体岩相学及测温结果显示,不同阶段石英主要发育CO_2三相和水溶液两相包裹体,金沉淀阶段CO_2三相包裹体丰度最高,包裹体均一温度集中在180~320℃之间,盐度集中在0~13%NaCleqv之间。激光拉曼显示不同阶段石英包裹体成分主要为H_2O、CO12及少量的CH_4和N_2。不同阶段石英的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)变化范围为15.6‰~17.9‰,对应的δ8OH_2O变化范围为4.5‰~8.3‰,δD_(V-SMOW)变化范围-78‰~-49‰,显示成矿过程中有岩浆水参与。铁白云石的δ~(13)C_(PDB)集中在-10.3‰~-8.6‰,δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)分布在13.9‰~15.7‰之间,暗示成矿流体中的碳主要来自深部岩浆。流体不混溶、CH_4气体存在、围岩及脉体发生硫化-碳酸盐化等因素是导致古台山矿床Au沉淀富集的重要机制。综合上述分析,推测古台山金矿可能是一个非典型的造山型金矿床。  相似文献   

Summary Two bimodal carbonatite complexes in Namibia of Cretaceous age are explored as to the presence and composition of a coexisting carbonatitic fluid. The Kalkfeld and Ondurakorume complexes contain both Ca- and Mg/Fe-carbonatites, composed of calcite alone or calcite with ferroan dolomite, fluorapatite and strontianite. The major element evolution in the bulk rocks from s?vites to beforsites is due to crystallization of calcite and fluorapatite. All carbonatites show a negative Y anomaly in normalised REE plots. Fractionation is accompanied by successively lower HREE contents between Tb and Yb, expressed by the ratios Nd/Ho and Ho/Lu. The evolution of this downward-facing hump goes along with decreasing Y contents in bulk rocks and minerals. All this requires an additional phase coexisting with the carbonate liquid during fractionation. Comparison between the bulk rocks and the expelled fluid shows that the latter had preferentially accumulated the HREE and Y. Further evidence for this process are hydrothermal, HREE, Y-rich fluorites in other carbonatite complexes which reflect the composition of the expelled fluid. The high strength of fluoride complexes suggests that fluoride complexing in the carbonatitic fluid is the process responsible for extracting HREE and Y from the carbonatite magma, leaving fractionated carbonatite rocks depleted in these elements. The geochemical evolution of carbonatite magmas along fractionation has therefore to be considered in a melt-mineral-fluid system. Correspondence: B. Bühn, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de Brasilia, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Brasilia 70910-900, Brazil  相似文献   

An integrated approach of molecular sieve, molecular composition of fluid inclusion and compound specific isotope analysis was employed to investigate newly discovered oils reservoired in an Ordovician buried hill in the Dongying Depression of Bohai Bay Basin. The new discovered oils are characterized by high content of waxy alkanes (> 40%) with an extremely low concentration of cyclic biomarkers. The alkanes-removed waxy oil and the fluid inclusion oils correlate well with the source rocks of the Paleogene Kongdian Fm (Ek2). The δ13C values of the compound-specific isotope of the alkanes indicate that Ek2 is the primary source for the oils. This study demonstrates the existence of a new set of deeper source rocks with good oil-generation potential in the Dongying Depression.  相似文献   

Summary The Wilga and Currawong Cu-Zn massive sulphide deposits in southeastern Australia are hosted by a deformed sequence of Upper Silurian basaltic to rhyolitic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The syn-volcanic mineralisation occurs immediately above a thick package of rhyolitic volcanic rocks and volcaniclastic rocks (Thorkidaan Volcanics), and is overlain by relatively thin intercalated sills, intrusive domes and flows of basalt, andesite and dacite (Gibson's Folly Formation). The Thorkidaan Volcanics haveNd(420Ma) = -2.2 to - 9.8 and are considered to have been derived by partial melting of older crustal rocks, whereas the basalt-andesite-dacite hangingwall sequence has(Nd(415Ma) = -0.5 to + 2.0 suggesting derivation from a relatively undepleted mantle source. Relatively high-Ti andesitic to dacitic rocks from the Bumble Creek area haveNd(415Ma) = +5.2 to +5.9 suggesting affinities with Ordovician volcanic rocks elsewhere in the Lachlan Fold Belt. The Thorkidaan Volcanics display a limited silica range (73 to 79 wt.%), but have distinctive minor and trace element variations indicating a substantial fractionation history involving feldspar and several accessory phases. Major and trace element compositions of the basalt-andesite-dacite suite display regular variations consistent with a cogenetic relationship by fractional crystallisation. The basaltic rocks mostly have low TiO2 (< 0.8 wt.%) and other chemical characteristics such as high Zr/Nb and La/Nb which suggest formation in a subduction-related setting; probably an embryonic back-arc basin developed on stretched continental lithosphere, or in small pull-apart basins developed adjacent to a transtensional margin. The magmatic history and paleogeography reflect an extensional tectonic and magmatic cycle comprising uplift, rhyolitic magmatism from crustal melting, extension, subsidence, and penetration of a mantle-derived basalt-andesite-dacite suite up extensional faults to the sea floor. Massive sulphide ores are located exactly at the stratigraphic change from rhyolitic to more mafic mantle-derived magma types. Consideration of the types of mineralisation associated with crustal, S-type granitoids, coupled with thermal constraints limiting the capacity of small bodies of silicic magma to initiate and sustain hydrothermal convection cells of reasonable size, suggests that in the absence of coeval mafic magmatism, S-type crustal-derived silicic volcanic packages are likely to be barren of VHMS deposits. Mineralisation occurs in association with mantle-derived basalt-andesite-dacite suites that either provide the necessary heat to facilitate leaching of the footwall volcanic rocks, or contribute metal-rich hydrothermal solutions during fractional crystallisation, or both.
Die Bedeutung verschiedener Typen von Magmatismus für VHMS Mineralisationen: Die Geochemie der vulkanischen Nebengesteine der massiven Sulfid-Lagerstätte von Benambra, Victoria, Australien
Zusammenfassung Die massiven Cu-Zn-Sulfid-Lagerstätten von Wilga und Currawong in Südostaustralien treten in einer tektonisch beanspruchten Abfolge von obersilurischen, basaltischen bis rhyolitischen Vulkaniten und Sedimenten auf. Die syn-vulkanische Vererzung ist unmittelbar oberhalb einer mächtigen Abfolge von rhyolitischen Vulkaniten und Vulkanoklastiten (Thorkidaan Vulkanite) zu finden, darüber folgen relativ dünne wechsellagernde Ge, Intrusiv-Dome und Ergüsse von Basalt, Andesit und Dacit (Gibson's Folly Formation). Die Thorkidaan Vulkanite habenNd(420Ma) =-2,2 bis - 9,8 und dürften durch partielle Aufschmelzung älterer krustaler Gesteine entstanden sein. Die Basalt-Andesit-Dacit-Abfolge im Hangenden hat jedochNd(415Ma) = -0,5 bis + 2,0, was auf Herkunft aus einer relativ wenig verarmten Mantelquelle hinweist. Relativ Ti-reiche andesitische bis dacitische Gesteine aus dem Gebiet vom Bumble Creek zeigenNd(415) = +5,2 bis + 5,9. Dies weist auf Beziehungen mit Ordovicischen Vulkaniten in anderen Teilen des Lachlan-Gürtels hin. Die Thorkidaan Vulkanite zeigen SiO2-Gehalte von 73 bis 79 Gew. %, und charakteristische Variationen der Haupt- und Spurenelementgehalte. Diese lassen eine signifikante Fraktionierung erkennen, an der Feldspäte und verschiedene andere Nebengemengteile beteiligt waren. Die Haupt- und Spurenelementzusammensetzungen der Basalt-Andesit-Decit-Abfolge zeigt normale Variationen, die auf co-genetische Beziehungen mit fraktionierter Kristallisation hinweisen. Die basaltischen Gesteine haben niedrige Gehalte an TiO2 (< 0, 8 gew. %) sowie hohe Zr/Nb und La/Nb Verhältnisse, die auf Bildung in einem Subduktionsbereich, wahrscheinlich in einem embryonischen Back-Arc Becken, das sich auf ausgedünnter kontinentaler Lithosphäre oder in einem kleinen Pull-Apart Becken in der Nähe eines transtensionalen Randes entwickelt hat, hinweisen. Die magmatische Entwicklungsgeschichte und die Palägeographie weisen auf Dehnungs-Tektonik und auf einen magmatischen Zyklus hin, der Hebung,rhyolitischen Vulkanismus infolge von Krustenaufschmelzung, Extension, Absenkung und Durchdringung mit einer vom Mantel bezogenen Basalt-Andesit-Dacit-Suite entlang von Verwerfungen auf den Meeresboden erkennen läßt. Massive Sulfiderze kommen genau an der stratigraphischen Grenze von rhyolitschen zu mafischen Magmatypen mit Mantel-Ursprung vor. Hier ist es erforderlich, die Vererzungstypen, die zusammen mit krustalen S-Typ Granitoiden vorkommen, ebenso zu erwägen, wie die thermalen Aspekte, die die Fähigkeit kleiner saurer Magmenkörper limitieren, hydrothermale Konvektionszellen ausreichender Größe in Gang zu setzen und zu erhalten. Das weist darauf hin, daß bei Fehlen von gleichaltrigem mafischem Magmatismus saure vulkanische Abfolgen mit Krustenherkunft sehr wahrscheinlich keine VHMS-Lagerstätten führen können. Diese Vererzungen sind an Basalt-Andesit-Dacit-Abfolgen mit Mantelherkunft gebunden, die entweder die notwendige Wärmequelle für die Auslaugung vulkanischer Gesteine im Liegenden lieferten und/oder metallreiche hydrothermale Lösungen während fraktionierter Kristallisation verfügbar machten.

本文对纳米比亚罗什皮纳地区罗雷铜矿区中部侵位于奥兰治河群石英云母片岩中的花岗闪长岩进行了锆石U- Pb年代学和全岩地球化学分析。结果表明,岩浆锆石的207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄为1875. 1±3. 8Ma(n=21,MSWD=0. 59),指示了该岩体为古元古代亚马逊造山运动晚期的岩浆作用产物;该花岗闪长岩富硅、富铝,为弱过铝质岩石,稀土配分曲线为右倾型,具有明显Eu负异常,显示I型花岗岩类的特点。地质与地球化学分析显示罗雷铜矿区中部花岗闪长岩岩浆源自壳- 幔混合源区,在上升演化过程中经历了显著的分离结晶作用;该花岗闪长岩体具有富铜岩浆岩的特点,是该铜矿床的成矿岩体;罗雷铜矿区中部花岗闪长岩及其成矿作用形成于亚马逊造山运动后碰撞的构造背景。  相似文献   

周凤英  张水昌 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):671-676
轮南 2井为轮南潜山构造 2号高点上的一口高产油气井 ,主要产层为三叠系 ,其次为侏罗系。通过对轮南 2井油藏中流体包裹体分布特征和成分研究 ,结合轮南地区构造演化史 ,埋藏史和生烃史分析 ,明确了塔里木盆地轮南 2井三叠系油藏主要为一次油气大规模注入形成 ,油气注入时间主要在 14~ 16 Ma左右 ,油源来自于中晚奥陶纪烃源岩。侏罗系油藏则具有两次的油气注入 ,第一次的油气注入主要发生在 14~ 16 Ma左右 ,油源来自于中晚奥陶统烃源岩 ,油气沿断层垂向运移为主 ;第二期油气注入主要发生在晚喜山期 (晚第三纪早期 )之后的最近的 5 Ma间 ,主要为沿重新开启的断层向上运移、注入 ,进行油气再次分配和调整 ,可能还混有少量的陆相油注入  相似文献   

Two stages of illite mineralization are recognized in the hydrothermal alteration zone of the Hoam granite. These illites are formed as a result of pervasive alteration by re-equilibration with high water/rock in a brittle environment below <2 km; the mineralization timing is middle Oligocene (26–27 Ma), coinciding with the timing of crustal deformation related to the opening of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the clearly distinguished illites at each site indicate that they were mineralized from different fluid injections in distinct geological environments. Illites at the site-1 alteration zone are characterized by high-K content [K0.84 per O10(OH)2], 2M1 polytype of 99 %, hexagonal plate shape, and coexistence with pyrite. These observations indicate that the illites were formed in a slow cooling system (>250 °C), high fS2, and a relatively acidic environment. The pseudomorphic replacement combined with matrix-filling texture indicates that the illites at the site-1 alteration zone recorded the changes in fluid conditions from low to high water-rock ratio. In contrast, the illites at the site-2 alteration zone show the coexistence of polytypes (2M1, 1M, and 1Md), high-K illites [(K0.83 per O10(OH)2]/low-K illites [K0.63 per O10(OH)2], platy/hairy shapes, and presence of magnetite. Furthermore, this alteration zone no longer exhibits primary textures because of pervasive alteration induced by the dissolution-precipitation process. These results indicate that they were formed in a rapid cooling system and were continuously under conditions of high water-rock ratio, as well as in a less acidic and fS2 environment than that observed at the site-1 alteration zone. The behavior of trace elements for each illite primarily depends on the constituents of the hydrothermal fluid, which reflect different degrees of fluid evolution. The enrichment of high field strength elements (Nb and Ta), large ion lithophile elements (B, Be, and Cs), rare earth elements, and actinide elements (U and Th) in illite at the site-2 alteration zone shows that these elements formed by a more evolved fluid than that of the illite at the site-1 alteration zone. In addition, negative Ce anomalies at the site-2 alteration zone indicate that these crystallized in a reducing environment. Considering the mineralogical and geochemical properties of illites at the site-1 and site-2 alteration zones, the illite mineralization in the Hoam granite was likely generated by at least two episodes of hydrothermal illite mineralization, which originated from episodic injections of fluids, rather than continuously evolved fluids.  相似文献   

Orogenic gold mineralization in the Amalia greenstone belt is hosted by oxide facies banded iron-formation (BIF). Hydrothermal alteration of the BIF layers is characterized by chloritization, carbonatization, hematization and pyritization, and quartz-carbonate veins that cut across the layers. The alteration mineral assemblages consist of ankerite-ferroan dolomite minerals, siderite, chlorite, hematite, pyrite and subordinate amounts of arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. Information on the physico-chemical properties of the ore-forming fluids and ambient conditions that promoted gold mineralization at Amalia were deduced from sulfur, oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios, and fluid inclusions from quartz-carbonate samples associated with the gold mineralization.Microthermometric and laser Raman analyses indicated that the ore-forming fluid was composed of low salinity H2O-CO2 composition (~3 wt% NaCl equiv.). The combination of microthermometric data and arsenopyrite-pyrite geothermometry suggest that quartz-carbonate vein formation, gold mineralization and associated alteration of the proximal BIF wall rock occurred at temperature-pressure conditions of 300 ± 30 °C and ∼2 kbar. Thermodynamic calculations at 300 °C suggest an increase in fO2 (10−32–10−30 bars) and corresponding decrease in total sulfur concentration (0.002–0.001 m) that overlapped the pyrite-hematite-magnetite boundary during gold mineralization. Although hematite in the alteration assemblage indicate oxidizing conditions at the deposit site, the calculated low fO2 values are consistent with previously determined high Fe/Fe + Mg ratios (>0.7) in associated chlorite, absence of sulfates and restricted positive δ34S values in associated pyrite. Based on the fluid composition, metal association and physico-chemical conditions reported in the current study, it is confirmed that gold in the Amalia fluid was transported as reduced bisulfide complexes (e.g., Au(HS)2). At Amalia, gold deposition was most likely a combined effect of increase in fO2 corresponding to the magnetite-hematite buffer, and reduction in total sulfur contents due to sulfide precipitation during progressive fluid-rock interaction.The epigenetic features coupled with the isotopic compositions of the ore-forming fluid (δ34SΣS = +1.8 to +2.3‰, δ18OH2O = +6.6 to +7.9‰, and δ13CΣC = −6.0 to −7.7‰ at 300–330 °C) are consistent with an externally deep-sourced fluid of igneous signature or/and prograde metamorphism of mantle-derived rocks.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in quartz globules and quartz veins of a 3.8-3.7 Ga old, well-preserved pillow lava breccia in the northeastern Isua Greenstone Belt (IGB) were studied using microthermometry, Raman spectrometry and SEM Cathodoluminescence Imaging. Petrographic study of the different quartz segregations showed that they were affected by variable recrystallization which controlled their fluid inclusion content. The oldest unaltered fluid inclusions found are present in vein crystals that survived dynamic and static recrystallization. These crystals contain a cogenetic, immiscible assemblage of CO2-rich (+H2O, +graphite) and brine-rich (+CO2, +halite, +carbonate) inclusions. The gas-rich inclusions have molar volumes between 44.8 and 47.5 cm3/mol, while the brine inclusions have a salinity of ∼33 eq. wt% NaCl. Modeling equilibrium immiscibility using volumetric and compositional properties of the endmember fluids indicates that fluid unmixing occurred at or near peak-metamorphic conditions of ∼460 °C and ∼4 kbar. Carbonate and graphite were precipitated cogenetically from the physically separated endmember fluids and were trapped in fluid inclusions.In most quartz crystals, however, recrystallization obliterated such early fluid inclusion assemblages and left graphite and carbonate as solid inclusions in recrystallized grains. Intragranular fluid inclusion trails in the recrystallized grains of breccia cementing and crosscutting quartz veins have CO2-rich assemblages, with distinctly different molar volumes (either between 43.7 and 47.5 cm3/mol or between 53.5 and 74.1 cm3/mol), and immiscible, halite-saturated H2O-CO2-NaCl(-other salt) inclusions. Later intergranular trails have CH4-H2 (XH2 up to ∼0.3) inclusions of variable density (ranging from 48.0 to >105.3 cm3/mol) and metastable H2O-NaCl(-other salt?) brines (∼28 eq. wt% NaCl). Finally, the youngest fluid inclusion assemblages are found in non-luminescent secondary quartz and contain low-density CH4 (molar volume > 105.33 cm3/mol) and low-salinity H2O-NaCl (0.2-3.7 eq. wt% NaCl). These successive fluid inclusion assemblages record a retrograde P-T evolution close to a geothermal gradient of ∼30 °C/km, but also indicate fluid pressure variations and the introduction of highly reducing fluids at ∼200-300 °C and 0.5-2 kbar. The quartz globules in the pillow fragments only contain sporadic CH4(+H2) and brine inclusions, corresponding with the late generations present in the cementing and crosscutting veins. We argue that due to the large extent of static recrystallization in quartz globules in the pillow breccia fragments, only these relatively late fluid inclusions have been preserved, and that they do not represent remnants of an early, seafloor-hydrothermal system as was previously proposed.Modeling the oxidation state of the fluids indicates a rock buffered system at peak-metamorphic conditions, but suggests a change towards fluid-graphite disequilibrium and a logfH2/fH2O above the Quartz-Fayalite-Magnetite buffer during retrograde evolution. Most likely, this indicates a control on redox conditions and on fluid speciation by ultramafic rocks in the IGB.Finally, this study shows that microscopic solid graphite in recrystallized metamorphic rocks from Isua can be deposited inorganically from a fluid phase, adding to the complexity of processes that formed reduced carbon in the oldest, well-preserved supracrustal rocks on Earth.  相似文献   

在矿床地质特征研究和成矿阶段划分的基础上,选取三江成矿带北段查涌铜多金属矿床主成矿热液期的矿石样品,进行了流体包裹体显微测温和氢氧同位素测试。流体包裹体研究结果表明,矿物中包裹体以富液相为主,均一温度为320~360℃,盐度w(NaCl,eq)=3%~5%,显示岩浆热液矿床的流体特征;氢氧同位素测试结果显示,δD=-110.0×10~(-3)~-95.5×10~(-3),平均-104.4×10~(-3),δ(~(18)O_(V-SMOW))=-2.2×10~(-3)~2.5×10~(-3),平均-0.6×10~(-3),表明其主成矿期的成矿流体以岩浆水为主,并伴有少量大气降水的加入。  相似文献   

Stratigraphic relations, detailed petrography, microthermometry of fluid inclusions, and fine-scale isotopic analysis of diagenetic phases indicate a complex thermal history in Tithonian fluvial sandstones and lacustrine limestones of the Tera Group (North Spain). Two different thermal events have been recognized and characterized, which are likely associated with hydrothermal events that affected the Cameros Basin during the mid-Cretaceous and the Eocene. Multiple stages of quartz cementation were identified using scanning electron microscope cathodoluminescence on sandstones and fracture fills. Primary fluid inclusions reveal homogenization temperatures (Th) from 195 to 350°C in the quartz cements of extensional fracture fillings. The high variability of Th data in each particular fluid inclusion assemblage is related to natural reequilibration of the fluid inclusions, probably due to Cretaceous hydrothermal metamorphism. Some secondary fluid inclusion assemblages show very consistent data (Th = 281–305°C) and are considered not to have reequilibrated. They are likely related to an Eocene hydrothermal event or to a retrograde stage of the Cretaceous hydrothermalism. This approach shows how multiple thermal events can be discriminated. A very steep thermal gradient of 97–214°C/km can be deduced from δ18O values of ferroan calcites (δ18O −14.2/−11.8‰ V-PDB) that postdate quartz cements in fracture fillings. Furthermore, illite crystallinity data (anchizone–epizone boundary) are out of equilibrium with high fluid inclusion Th. These observations are consistent with heat-flux related to short-lived events of hydrothermal alteration focused by permeability contrasts, rather than to regional heat-flux associated with dynamo-thermal metamorphism. These results illustrate how thermal data from fracture systems can yield thermal histories markedly different from host-rock values, a finding indicative of hydrothermal fluid flow.  相似文献   

云南金顶铅锌矿床是世界上成矿时代最新且唯一的陆相沉积岩容矿的超大型铅锌矿床。矿区存在2类有机质——原生型和迁移型,与矿石共生。生物标志化合物研究结果表明:正构烷烃碳数分布范围较宽,有2种峰型;萜烷化合物的相对丰度五环三萜烷>三环萜烷>四环萜烷;规则甾烷C27~C28~C29呈不对称V字型分布;有机质的母质来源以低等水生生源的海藻类为主,伴随有一定量的陆源高等植物组分;有机质沉积于弱氧化—弱还原环境;成矿热液的热力作用使样品遭受了一定程度的热解,部分样品还遭受了生物降解作用;生物标志物多参数对比表明有机质来源于三叠纪三合洞组碳酸盐岩地层。原生型有机质的成矿作用主要体现在对成矿金属元素的预富集上,而迁移型有机质的成矿作用主要是对成矿金属元素的活化运移。  相似文献   

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