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In previous papers Jansson's method was found to be successful at deconvolving severely overlapped gaschromatographic peaks.In the most recent paper the method was evaluated with respect to quantitativeaceuracy,peak area and retention time repeatability.The problems associated with deconvolving noisydata and some alternatives which can improve the ability of Jansson's method to deconvolve noisy dataare discussed.These alternatives include presmoothing the data with a nine-point,third-order polynomialfilter and data reblurring.This paper will test these methods on peaks with various degrees of resolutionand signal-to-noise ratios.  相似文献   

Regression between two blocks(usually called‘dependent’or Y and‘independent’or X)of data is a veryimportant scientific and data-analytical tool.Regression on multivariate images is possible and constitutesa meaningful addition to existing univariate and multivariate techniques of image analysis.The regressioncan be used as a modeling tool or for prediction.The form of the regression equation chosen is dependentupon problem specification and information at hand.This paper describes the use of principal componentregression(PCR).Both model building and prediction are presented for continuous Y-variables.The finalgoal is to supply new image material that can be used for visual inspection on a screen.Also,visual toolsfor diagnosis of model and prediction are provided,often based on derived image material.Examplesof modeling and prediction are given for six channels in a seven-channel satellite image  相似文献   

以北京顺义区32通道成像光谱数据为例,从数据的统计参数入手,分别从数据的方差、动态范围、相关性、直方图等方面分析研究噪声及特点,在此基础上提高局部邻域自动噪声查找与消除算法。  相似文献   

This paper will consider the use of an iterative ratio technique called Gold's ratio method as an alternativeto iterative constrained deconvolution methods for the restoration of overlapped and noisychromatograpic peaks.The study will consist of first describing the technique and then evaluating itsperformance with respect to Jansson's deconvolution procedure.A Hewlett-Packard 5890A gaschromatograph will be used to generate most of the test data.The evaluation criteria will includeconvergence rates,peak area errors and variances,retention time variances and noise performance.  相似文献   

云南逐月雨量和气温的格点数据资料场建立   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
根据云南各气象台站的逐月雨量和气温观测数据资料,采用距离平方加权平均的格点插值方法,建立了云南(98.0°E~106.0°E、21.0°N~29.0°N)1951年1月~2002年12月0.25°×0.25°经纬度分辨率的逐月格点降水和气温数据资料场。应用该格点数据资料场,分析得到了云南年降水量场和年气温场变化的一些基本空间分布特征和时间演变特征。  相似文献   

A new regression method for non-linear near-infrared spectroscopic data is proposed.The technique isbased on a model which is linear in the principal components and simple functions(squares and products)of them.Added variable plots are used to determine which squares and products to incorporate into themodel.The regression coefficients are estimated by a Stein estimate which shrinks towards the estimatedetermined by the first several principal components and the selected non-linear terms.The technique isnot computationally intensive and is appropriate for routine predictions of chemical concentrations.Themethod is tested on three data sets and in all cases gives more accurate predictions than does linearprincipal components regression.  相似文献   

沙漠化灾害监测评价信息系统空间数据分类编码研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王熙章  吴薇 《中国沙漠》1994,14(1):41-44
介绍本系统空间数据分类编码设计方案、原则及其特点,探索沙漠化灾害监测评价信息系统空间数据分类与编码规范化和标准化的途径,为沙漠化灾害信息的计算机存贮、管理、识别及提取奠定基础。  相似文献   

Theoretical and simulation results are employed to evaluate mean and variance estimaies for normal datawhen a lognormal distribution is assumed and for lognormal data when a normal distribution is assumed.Misspecifying the distribution leads to the use of suboptimal estimation methods.However,the resultsshow that the suboptimal methods still produce estimators of good quality(low bias and variance)relativeto the minimum variance unbiased estimators for each distribution,at least when practical efficiency isconsidered.  相似文献   

本文论述了南极长城站地区卫星多普勒定位的数据处理工作。简要介绍定位的数学模型,并着重分析了南极地区卫星多普勒定位的结果。通过对预处理、仪器频漂、单点定位、联测定位、解的收敛状态以及广播星历误差等方面的分析,作者认为在南极地区利用卫星多普勒定位技术进行高精度大地测量或冰川运动监测等都是一种有效的定位手段。最后给出了一些有关数据与结论。  相似文献   

In 1977, I published a set of coarse-resolution dot maps that showed the general distributions of soil orders in the 48 states. Through a sequence of copies made by various people, one of those maps eventually appeared in a planning document as a shaded-area map with the title “Principal Peatlands of the United States.” Along the way a saline desert muck of conjectural extent and location was “transformed” into a documented energy resource for the nation. The history of this map offers a clear lesson for mapmakers: we have a three-fold duty, to the data, to the map reader, and to any third party who might be affected by a foreseeable misinterpretation of our maps.  相似文献   

Concurrent water data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Corps of Army Engineers, and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene at the same site in order to describe present conditions and predict future environmental change in the Georges Creek basin in western Maryland. Evaluation of the data sets reveals measurement errors and weaknesses in sample design so that published complications contain significant errors. Unless these errors can be identified, policy based on such information may have unfortunate results.  相似文献   

尚如相  李德兴 《极地研究》1995,7(3):107-114
根据南极火成岩信息和数据类型多、数据关系复杂、样品间数据完整性和精度差异大的特点,中国南极火成岩数据库划分为主库、来源文献、岩体地质学、岩石学、主要氧化物、稀土元素、痕量元素和同位素8个数据库。通过岩体系统号、样品系统号和来源文献号三个字段使8个数据库相互关联。中国南极火成岩数据库包括了140多个基本字段,存储火成岩岩石描述信息和分析数据。根据国内外火成岩数据标准化的现状的分析,中国南极火成岩数据库采用了国际地科联岩石学数据库分委会规定的标准词汇和代码,并利用代码-名词术语转换技术改善了用户界面  相似文献   

在中国第28次南极科学考察期间,利用“雪龙号”科考船载SIMRAD EK500(38kHz)科学渔探仪对南极半岛附近海域的南极大磷虾资源量进行了调查。原始声学数据经过信噪比估算和背景噪声剔除数据后处理方法剔除背景噪声以及手动剔除表面混响、海底反射和坏数据之后,在200 m以浅水层中,以1n mile间隔进行积分,并应用Matlab软件编程对积分结果进行后处理,得出调查海域中南极大磷虾的资源分布情况。结果表明:(1)“雪龙号”的平均噪声功率值为-146.47dB re 1W;(2)空白水体的噪声平均剔除百分比为88.3%;(3)调查区域内的南极大磷虾平均密度为27.30 g·m-2(62.95 ind·m-2)。  相似文献   

By means of Monte Carlo simulations a comparison has been made between ordinary least squaresregression and robust regression. The robust regression procedure is based on the Huber estimate and iscomputed by means of the iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm. The performance of bothprocedures has been evaluated for estimation of the parameters of a calibration function and fordetermination of the concentration of unknown samples. The influence of the distributionalcharacteristics skewness and kurtosis has been studied, and the number of measurements used forconstructing the calibration curve has also been taken into account, Under certain conditions robustregression offers an advantage over least squares regression.  相似文献   

东南极格罗夫山GPS控制网的布设与数据处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了给中国南极野外考察队提供DEM卫星影像图,在2002/2003年南极度夏期间,中国第19次南极考察队的大地测量工作者,在东南极Grove山地区,进行了地面控制测量。在覆盖面积达8000km~2的2000多米高的内陆冰盖高原区,在直升机和雪地车的支持下,利用Trim- ble4000ssi GPS接收机,与中山站GPS跟踪站联测,测量了7个GPS控制点,并埋设了永久性测量标志。数据处理采用GAMIT/GLOBK软件解算,获得了较好的定位精度,能够满足该地区制图所需。  相似文献   

Calibrations to predict crude protein (CP) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) in dried grasssilage from reflectance data collected at 19 wavelengths on an InfraAlyzer 400R have been developedusing stepwise multiple linear (SML) and principal component (PC) regression techniques. A directcomparison of the efficacy of each multivariate technique in this application has been possible by usingidentical calibration development and evaluation sample sets. The effect of two data transformation stepsprior to PC regression was also investigated. PC regression of raw reflectance data yielded no significantimprovement in the standard errors of prediction (SEP) for CP and IVDMD over those obtained bySMLR, viz. 0.61 vs 0.63 and 2.9 vs 3.0 respectively. Computation time for development and evaluation ofthe PC regression equation was less than for selection of the best SMLR equation, and PCR equationsmay be more robust. Data transformation to reduce granularity effects prior to PCR did not produce anyimprovement in predictive accuracy for either IVDMD or CP.  相似文献   

采用多种培养基对北极高纬地区(土壤及海洋沉积物)真菌进行分离纯化,共得真菌65株。通过分析菌株的18S rDNA序列研究了它们的系统发育多样性,18S rDNA序列分析表明,65株真菌分属25个属,其中数量上位居第一的是青霉属(Penicillium),有菌株20株,其次为丛赤壳属(Nectria)和节枝孢属(Articulospora),各有菌株6株。同时对这65株真菌开展转化龙胆苦苷阳性菌株的筛选。以β-葡萄糖苷酶作为筛选转化菌株的标志酶于65株真菌中筛选到阳性菌株28株,其中产酶能力强的9株菌作为转化实验的备选菌株,以龙胆苦苷为底物进行转化,将转化粗提物进行TLC及HPLC分析,最终确定将C-5作为转化龙胆苦苷的菌株。根据菌株形态特征和核酸序列分析结果,初步鉴定菌株C-5为青霉属真菌。暂定名为Penicillium sp.C-5。  相似文献   

Shuttle Imaging Radar-A data are employed to study the settlement, population and land use in the Baoding and Dezhou areas of the North China Plain. By applying nearest neighbor and quadrat analyses, the settlements are found to exhibit a mixed random-clustering pattern which defied the application of Christaller's central place theory. The distinctly visible boundaries from the images permitted accurate estimation of population in both areas. The linear land use forms, notably transportation lines, could also be accurately mapped; the Chinese practice of lake reclamation was also revealed. It is concluded that SIR-A data are useful for much human geography research.  相似文献   

用气相色谱和气相色谱-质谱分析法分析了南极普里兹湾5个站位表层沉积物中多种生物标志物,探讨了其生态环境指示意义。结果显示:(1)湾内中心区总类脂物含量最高(1 193μg·g-1),埃默里冰架区次之(572μg·g-1),陆坡区最低(341μg·g-1),且与沉积有机碳、总糖、生物硅、菜籽甾醇、表层海水叶绿素a等参数显著正相关(p0.1),表明底层有机质与上层水体浮游植物密切相关;(2)C27甾烷含量与C28甾烷显著负相关(p0.01),指示着晶磷虾与硅藻的食物链关系;(3)相对较高的饱和烃/芳烃比值(2.5)、较低的Pr/C17(0.5)和Pr/Ph(2)证明沉积有机质主要来源于硅藻等浮游植物,同时饱和烃双峰群(C17或C18和C29)的存在及较高含量的C29甾烷(35.79%)指示外域有机质输入,且湾中心区的(CPI=1.60,Pr/Ph=0.69)要高于陆坡区和冰架区(CPI=1.01,Pr/Ph=0.39);(4)湾内中心区和冰架区脂肪酸C18:2/C18:0平均比值(0.78)要高于陆坡区(0.23)和低纬度地区(0.1),表明南极夏季普里兹湾陆坡区的表层海水温度要高于湾中心区和冰架区。  相似文献   

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