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We use published and new trace element data to identify element ratios which discriminate between arc magmas from the supra-subduction zone mantle wedge and those formed by direct melting of subducted crust (i.e. adakites). The clearest distinction is obtained with those element ratios which are strongly fractionated during refertilisation of the depleted mantle wedge, ultimately reflecting slab dehydration. Hence, adakites have significantly lower Pb/Nd and B/Be but higher Nb/Ta than typical arc magmas and continental crust as a whole. Although Li and Be are also overenriched in continental crust, behaviour of Li/Yb and Be/Nd is more complex and these ratios do not provide unique signatures of slab melting. Archaean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs) strongly resemble ordinary mantle wedge-derived arc magmas in terms of fluid-mobile trace element content, implying that they did not form by slab melting but that they originated from mantle which was hydrated and enriched in elements lost from slabs during prograde dehydration. We suggest that Archaean TTGs formed by extensive fractional crystallisation from a mafic precursor. It is widely claimed that the time between the creation and subduction of oceanic lithosphere was significantly shorter in the Archaean (i.e. 20 Ma) than it is today. This difference was seen as an attractive explanation for the presumed preponderance of adakitic magmas during the first half of Earth's history. However, when we consider the effects of a higher potential mantle temperature on the thickness of oceanic crust, it follows that the mean age of oceanic lithosphere has remained virtually constant. Formation of adakites has therefore always depended on local plate geometry and not on potential mantle temperature.  相似文献   

Recent geodetic data indicate that the earth exhibits systematic long-term nonseismic deformation. Numerous examples of this behavior can be found in both local precursory and postseismic displacements, and in glacial rebound. In many cases, the best way to explain the observed motion is with the use of earth models consisting of a brittle region overlying a more ductile, easily deformable zone. A widely used method for construction of theoretical models to explain the observed deformation is the Green's function technique. With this method, either the displacements or stresses over surfaces of displacement can be readily specified. Modern data-inversion theory can be employed and the values of physically meaningful parameters in the earth model can be determined.An example of such an anelastic earth model is presented. The model consists of an elastic layer over a viscoelastic half-space. It is shown how the quasistatic viscoelastic response to a fracture occurring in the elastic layer can be computed by two mutually comparible techniques, both of which are accurate and convenient to use. As an example, a model of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake is presented and it is shown that the model fits the data well.  相似文献   

Recent tectonic analysis suggests that the North China Craton consists of two Archean continental blocks, called the Eastern and Western Blocks, separated by the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen. Although the published geochronological data are not sufficient to constrain the detailed tectonothermal evolution of the craton, the available Nd isotopic data show some important differences in Nd model ages between the tectonic units. The Eastern Block shows two main Nd model age peaks, one between 3.6 and 3.2 Ga and the other between 3.0 and 2.6 Ga. Limited Nd isotopic data from the Western Block show a large range of model ages between 3.2 and 2.4 Ga. These differences are consistent with the recently-proposed model.The Nd isotopic data from mantle-derived mafic rocks indicate that the mantle beneath the North China Craton was depleted in the Archean, consistent with major crustal growth during this period. In the Paleoproterozoic, however, the mantle-derived mafic rocks show negative εNd(t) values, implying crustal contamination. This may have resulted from subduction and collision between the Eastern and Western Block, implying that the mechanisms of crustal formation and evolution may have been different between the Archean and Paleoproterozoic.The North China Craton was re-activated by addition of mantle-derived magma into the lower crust in the late Mesozoic, resulting in rejuvenation of the lower crust. This indicates that underplating is also an important mechanism for continental addition, although in this case it may not equate to crustal growth, since it was preceded by removal of lithospheric mantle and possible some lower crust.  相似文献   

The southeastern Guyana Shield,northeast Amazonian Craton,in the north of Brazil,is part of a widespread orogenic belt developed during the Transamazonian orogenic cycle(2.26-1.95 Ga)that includes a large Archean continental landmass strongly reworked during the Transamazonian orogeny,named Amapa Block.It consists mainly of a high-grade metamorphic granulitic-migmatitic-gneiss complex,of Meso-to Neoarchean age and Rhyacian granitoids and supracrustal sequences.For the first time,coupled U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope data were obtained on zircon by LA-ICP-MS from five tectono-stratigraphic units of the Archean basement and one Paleoproterozoic intrusive rock,in order to investigate the main episodes of crustal growth and reworking.Whole-rock Sm-Nd isotope data were compared to the zircon Lu-Hf data.Three main magmatic episodes were defined by U-Pb zircon dating,two in the Mesoarchean(~3.19 Ga and 2.85 Ga)and one in the Neoarchean(~2.69-2.65 Ga).SubchondriticεHf(t)values obtained for almost all investigated units indicate that crustal reworking processes were predominant during the formation of rocks that today make up the Amapa Block.Hf-TDMC model ages,ranging from2.99 Ga to 3.97 Ga,indicate that at least two important periods of mantle extraction and continental crust formation occurred during the Archean in southeastern Guyana Shield,an older one in the Eoarchean(~4.0 Ga)and a younger one in the Mesoarchean(~3.0-3.1 Ga).The latter is recognized as an important period of crustal accretion worldwide.The recognition of an Eoarchean episode to the southeastern most part of the Guyana Shield is unprecedented and was not recorded by whole-rock Sm-Nd data,which were restricted to the Meso-Paleoarchean(2.83 Ga to 3.51 Ga).This finding reveals t hat continental crust generation in the Amazonian Craton began at least 500 Ma earlier than previously suggested by the SmNd systematics.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2002,182(2-4):301-322
Spinel and garnet pyroxenite xenoliths in Cenozoic basalts from Hannuoba, North China show extremely heterogeneous chemical and isotopic compositions (εNd=−27 to +34). Most of these pyroxenites are relatively young, probably late Mesozoic in age, although a few Al-pyroxenites could be very old (∼2 Ga). While their texture and major element compositions suggest an origin of high pressure cumulates, the trace element and isotopic compositions of the Hannuoba pyroxenites require multiple segregation processes from different parental magmas. Strong LREE enrichment, ubiquitous HFSE depletion and some Eu anomalies of the Al- and Cr-pyroxenites indicate the involvement of crust components in their source. Their Sr–Nd isotopic ratios are negatively correlated and plot below the MORB–OIB–IAB–sediment trend, suggesting that the parental melts of the Cr- and Al-pyroxenites may have been derived from a mixture of asthenospheric melts and a long-term evolved continental crust. The garnet pyroxenites significantly deviate from the isotopic array defined by the Al-pyroxenites, due to their relatively high 87Sr/86Sr at given εNd. They thus more likely represent segregates from melts derived from partial melting of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust (basalts+marine sediment). If the crustal component involved in the Al-pyroxenites is subducted terrigenous sediments or other continental materials from the Archean Sino-Korean Craton, the Al-pyroxenites and garnet pyroxenites may have formed contemporaneously at a palaeo-convergent plate margin. This may be related to the subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk plate beneath North China during the late Jurassic. Alternatively, if the delaminated lower crust was involved, it implies that most of the Al-pyroxenites are younger than the garnet pyroxenites, and their formation may be temporally correlated with lithospheric thinning during the Cretaceous. This model is attractive because the inferred tectonic evolution from a convergent setting to an extensional environment is consistent with the geologic record in the area.  相似文献   

候兰杰  陈兴长  陈慧  崔春龙 《岩土力学》2008,29(9):2572-2576
利用统计学的原理,对卵石土地基动力触探击数和剪切波速的关系进行了研究,推导了它们之间的二次多项式、幂函数和指数函数回归方程。通过对比研究发现,二者之间具有良好的指数函数相关关系。为了验证该指数函数回归模型的可行性,选择了相似场地进行面波检测试验,试验结果与勘探结果完全吻合。研究结果表明,应用表面波法不但可以进行卵石土地基分层,而且还可以定量地评价其地基承载力。  相似文献   

SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dates, combined with in-situ Hf isotopic data, provide new constraints on the petrogenesis and protolith of peralkaline, metaluminous and peraluminous intrusions and rhyolitic tuffs in the Emeishan large igneous province, with significant bearing on crustal melting associated with mantle plumes. Syenite and A-type granitic intrusions from Huili, Miyi and Taihe in the center of this large igneous province yield U-Pb dates at ∼260 Ma, consistent with the ages obtained for mafic layered intrusions in the same province. Zircon from these rocks exhibits a wide range of initial Hf isotope ratios (εHf(t) = −1.4 to +13.4), with corresponding TDM1 of 400-900 Ma. The highest εHf(t) value is only marginally lower than that of depleted mantle reservoir at 260 Ma, suggesting that their source is primarily juvenile crust added during Emeishan volcanism, with incorporation of variable amounts of Neoproterozoic crust. The trigger of crustal melting is most likely related to advective heating associated with magmatic underplating. In contrast, the 255-251 Ma peraluminous granites from Ailanghe and 238 Ma rhyolitic tuff from Binchuan, have negative initial εHf values of −1.3 to −4.4, and of −7.7 to −14, respectively. Hf isotopic model ages and presence of inherited zircons indicate their derivation from Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic crust, respectively. Given the time lag relative to the plume impact (∼260 Ma) and insignificant mantle contribution to 255-238 Ma magmatism, conductive heating is suggested as the trigger of crustal melting that resulted in formation of delayed felsic magmas. The involvement of older crust in younger felsic magmas is consistent with upward heat transfer to the lithosphere during plume impregnation, if the age of crust is inversely stratified, i.e., changes from Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic to Permian with increasing depth. Such crust may have resulted from episodic, downward crustal growth during the evolution of the western Yangtze Craton.  相似文献   

Although collision in eastern Indonesia is now accreting the Australian continent to Southeast Asia, the small North and South Banda oceanic basins within the suture zone are interpreted as Late Cenozoic extensional features. Stratigraphic columns from the surrounding islands conform to one of three generalised patterns, two of which can be related to the margins of SE Asia (Sundaland) and the Australian continent, respectively. The third system, which is dominant in the outer Banda Arc and eastern Sulawesi, is associated with a microcontinent that was rifted from Australia in the Jurassic, drifted northwards ahead of Australia in the Cretaceous and collided with the Sundaland Margin in the Paleogene. Subsequent collapse of the resulting collision orogen led to rapid extension and the formation of the Banda Sea behind the Outer Banda Arc thrust belt. Eastern Indonesia thus duplicates a pattern familiar in the Mediterranean. The Tertiary compressional structures of the region cannot be explained solely in terms of the most recent collision, which began only in the Pliocene.  相似文献   

The Gongga Shan batholith is a complex granitoid batholith on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau with a long history of magmatism spanning from the Triassic to the Pliocene. Late Miocene-Pliocene units are the youngest exposed crustal melts within the entire Asian plate of the Tibetan Plateau.Here, we present in-situ zircon Hf isotope constraints on their magmatic source, to aid the understanding of how these young melts were formed and how they were exhumed to the surface. Hf isotope signatures of Eocene to Pliocene zircon rims(εHf(t)=-4 to +4), interpreted to have grown during localised crustal melting, are indicative of melting of a Neoproterozoic source region, equivalent to the nearby exposed Kangding Complex. Therefore, we suggest that Neoproterozoic crust underlies this region of the Songpan-Ganze terrane, and sourced the intrusive granites that form the Gongga Shan batholith. Localised young melting of Neoproterozoic lower or middle crust requires localised melt-fertile lithologies. We suggest that such melts may be equivalent to seismic and magnetotelluric low-velocity and high-conductivity zones or "bright spots" imaged across much of the Tibetan Plateau. The lack of widespread exposed melts this age is due either to the lack of melt-fertile rocks in the middle crust, the very low erosion level of the Tibetan plateau, or to a lack of mechanism for exhuming such melts. For Gongga Shan, where some melting is younger than nearby thermochronological ages of low temperature cooling, the exact process and timing of exhumation remains enigmatic, but their location away from the Xianshuihe fault precludes the fault acting as a conduit for the young melts. We suggest that underthrusting of dry granulites of the lower Indian crust(Archaean shield) this far northeast is a plausible mechanism to explain the uplift and exhumation of the eastern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Based on lithological, structural and geophysical characteristics, the Proterozoic Grenville Orogen of southern Ontario and New York has been divided into domains that are separated from each other by ductile shear zones. In order to constrain the timing of metamorphism, U-Pb ages were determined on metamorphic and igneous sphenes from marbles, calc-silicate gneisses, amphibolites, granitoids, skarns and pegmatites. In addition, U-Pb ages were obtained for monazites from metapelites and for a rutile from an amphibolite. These mineral ages constrain the timing of mineral growth, the duration of metamorphism and the cooling history of the different domains that make up the southern part of the exposed Grenville Orogen. Based on the ages from metamorphic minerals, regional and contact metamorphism occurred in the following intervals:Central Granulite Terrane:Adirondack Highlands: 1150 Ma; 1070–1050 Ma; 1030–1000 MaCentral Metasedimentary Belt:Adirondack Lowlands 1170–1130 MaFrontenac domain 1175–1150 MaSharbot Lake domain ca. 1152 MaFlzevir domain: 1240 Ma; 1060–1020 MaBancroft domain: ca. 1150 Ma; 1045–1030 MaCentral Gneiss Belt: ca. 1450 Ma; ca. 1150 Ma; 1100–1050 MaGrenville FrontTectonic Zone ca. 1000 Ma.Combination of mineral ages with results from thermobarometry indicates that metamorphic pressures and temperatures recorded by thermobarometers were reached polychronously in the different domains that are separated by major shear zones. Some of these shear zones such as the Robertson Lake shear zone and the Carthage-Colton shear zone represent major tectonic boundaries. The Grenville Orogen is made up of a collage of crustal terranes that have distinct thermal and tectonic histories and that were accreted laterally by tectonic processes analogous to those observed along modern active continental margins. The subsequent history of the orogen is characterized by slow time-integrated cooling rates of 3±1°C/Ma and denudation rates of 120±40m/Ma.  相似文献   

In the case of the dynamic analysis of the structures using the recorded earthquake ground motions, it is usually assumed that the ground motion consists of body waves propagating vertically. However, the response of a long and narrow structure may be influenced by the oblique propagation of body waves and the dispersion of surface waves. In this paper, the effects of the seismic wave propagation on the response of this kind of structure are investigated. The characteristics of the wave propagation were verified using the recorded motions and soil information at the building site. The ground motion at every input point of the building was evaluated using the difference of arrival time of seismic waves calculated by assuming the velocity and the direction of the wave propagation. Using these ground motions, response analyses of the lumped mass model for the structure were performed. By considering the characteristics of the seismic wave propagation, the average response decreased but the local response increased around the end of the roof. Further studies of the structure were also performed in order to restrain the response around the end of the roof.  相似文献   

 Major and trace element models of recently published vapour-absent mica dehydration melting experiments are used to identify granitoids generated by muscovite and biotite dehydration melting, and to distinguish between plagioclase-limited and biotite-limited, biotite dehydration melting. In the case of granitoids from the Pan-African Damara mobile belt (Namibia), many of the leucogranites and Salem-type granitoids may be modelled by biotite dehydration melting. The low Rb/Sr granitoids (e.g. Donkerhuk Onanis, Salem Onanis, Donkerhuk Nomatsaus, Salem Goas) probably reflect feldspar-limited, biotite dehydration melting (a pelitic source) whereas the high Rb/Sr suites (e.g. Bloedkoppie leucogranite, Stinkbank leucogranite, Salem Swakopmund, Leucocratic Stink bank granite) reflect biotite-limited, biotite dehydration melting (a greywacke source). Alaskites from the Damara belt have major element compositions which are consistent with muscovite dehydration melting, and their positive Eu anomalies are linked to high K2O reflecting K-feldspar entrainment. Combined Zr and LREE (light rare earth element) solubility models indicate that insufficient time (probably less than 104 years) had elapsed between melt generation and melt extraction to ensure that the alaskite melts attained their equilibrium concentrations of Zr and the LREEs. In contrast, the leucogranites and Salem-type granites have attained their equilibrium inventories of these trace elements. Combined Fe2O3 and MgO contents in some samples from two granitoids (the Salem Goas and Donkerhuk Onanis intrusions) are higher than those readily attainable by biotite dehydration melting indicating either: (1) that they contain a contribution from melts generated by incipient garnet breakdown or; (2) that they contain small amounts of an entrained ferromagnesian phase. Received: 24 April 1995/Accepted: 11 December 1995  相似文献   

Analyses of the Pb isotopic compositions of plagioclase from 23 samples covering the stratigraphic thickness of the Stillwater Complex indicate a narrow range of apparent initial isotopic compositions (206Pb/ 204Pb=13.95; 207Pb/204Pb=14.95–15.01; 208Pb/204Pb=33.6). The uniformity of our data is in contrast to, but not necessarily contradictory to, other recent investigations which give indications that the complex formed by repeated injection of magmas with at least two distinct compositions that were presumably derived from different source regions. Samples from the Basal series of the complex have consistently higher 207Pb/204Pb ratios, suggesting either minor contamination from adjacent country rocks or a slight distinction between parental magmas. Apparent initial Pb isotopic compositions of the complex are very radiogenic compared to Late Archean model-mantle values, but are nearly identical to initial Pb isotopic compositions found for the the adjacent, slightly older (2.73–2.79 Ga), Late Archean crustal suite in the Beartooth Mountains. Contamination of magmas parental to the Stillwater Complex by the Late Archean crustal suite is rejected for two reasons: (1) Th and U concentrations in Stillwater rocks and plagioclase are very low (about 0.08 and 0.02 ppm respectively), yet Th/U ratios are uniform at about 4, in contrast to the highly variable (2–26) but often high Th/U ratios found for the Late Archean crustal complex; (2) it seems improbable that any contamination process would have adjusted the isotopic compositions of the diverse magmas entering the Stillwater chamber to near-identical values. The preferred hypothesis to explain the Pb isotopic data for the Stillwater Complex and the associated Late Archean crustal suite involves a major Late Archean crust-forming event that resulted in a compositionally complex crust/mantle system with relatively homogeneous and unusual Pb isotopic compositions. The parental magmas of the Stillwater Complex were generated at different levels within this crust/mantle system, before isotopic contrasts could develop by radioactive decay within compositionally discrete reservoirs. This situation limits the utility of all isotopic tracer systems in discriminating among the various mantle and crustal reservoirs that may have affected the final isotopic character of the Stillwater magmas. The late Archean crustal complex and the Stillwater Complex melts were ultimately derived from the same distinct mantle without obvious direct interaction with the Middle to Early Archean crust present in the region.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2001,105(2-4):227-245
Ion-microprobe U–Th–Pb geochronological data are presented for four samples from Paleoproterozoic belts in the Lewisian of the northern Outer Hebrides, north-west Scotland. Two of these samples, a tonalite sheet associated with the South Harris igneous complex, and a psammite from the Leverburgh metasupracrustal belt, South Harris, yield zircons with a dominant ca. 1.87 Ga age. These are interpreted as the igneous crystallisation age for the tonalite and the source rock for the psammite, and their age concordance suggests that the latter was developed in an arc basin sequence, derived largely from contemporaneous igneous rocks, and buried during collision, which resulted in documented >1.83 Ga high-grade metamorphism. A diorite from the Paleoproterozoic shear zone at the northern tip of Lewis has a probable 2.7–2.8 Ga protolith age, although its zircons have strongly been affected by Pb-loss during later events culminating in development of low Th/U overgrowths at ca. 1.86 Ga. Zircons from a tonalite from Berneray in the Sound of Harris yield an Archean crystallisation age of ca. 2.83 Ga, with no indication of later disturbance, thus providing a southern limit to the region affected by Paleoproterozoic tectonothermal events. The Paleoproterozoic arc in South Harris represents a major tectonic boundary (active margin) in the Lewisian of the Outer Hebrides, possibly correlated with the Laxford or Gairloch shear zones of the mainland Lewisian. Contrasts in the flanking region geology and geochronology, possibly reflecting lateral heterogeneities, may be introduced by major thrusts and/or extensional faults (e.g. the Outer Isles fault) developed between the shear zones. On a broader regional scale, evidence for a magmatic arc in the Lewisian is consistent with the tectonic style of other ca. 1.9 Ga Paleoproterozoic collisional orogens throughout Laurentia–Fennoscandia, suggesting a reappraisal of the formerly proposed intracratonic evolution of the Lewisian at this time.  相似文献   

During regional prograde metamorphism, H2O generated by ongoing dehydration reactions is likely to be continuously lost from a rock by compaction. Classical melting experiments cannot easily simulate this phenomenon, because ideally, all run products are conserved within the experimental charge, although significant equilibration and H2O generation may occur during heating. Phase equilibria modelling is used to consider the effect of subsolidus water loss (SWL) on subsequent melting relationships of felsic lithologies (including metapelite, metagreywacke and metatonalite) in the suprasolidus. SWL drives the bulk composition towards the minimum saturation point on the boundary of the wet‐melting field and results in significantly reduced subsequent melt generation when compared to melting experiments involving conservation of subsolidus H2O. This effect is most significant at PT conditions just above the solidus. For initially hydrated rocks, the reduction in melt production causes rheologically critical thresholds (e.g. melt connectivity threshold, melt escape threshold and the solid‐to‐liquid transition) to be intersected at temperatures generally more than 100 °C, higher than predicted by idealized experimental melting curves.  相似文献   

Petrographic and SEM observations on 478 samples of six quartzose sandstones provide a data base that can be used to evaluate the role of intergranular pressure solution (IPS) in sandstone diagenesis and to constrain predictive models of the pressure solution process. SEM examination of grain contacts that have experienced pressure solution suggests that IPS occurs at the interior portions of contacts where the greatest stress is concentrated and that granulation of quartz grains at points of contact may contribute to the process. The chemical compaction fabrics that result from IPS suggest that the process is most commonly induced by effective lithostatic stress and that the resulting strain is uniaxial.Numerous geological variables influence IPS. Grain size exerts a fundamental influence, with finer grained samples experiencing more IPS than coarser grained samples. On both local and regional scales, IPS is inhibited by poor sorting, an abundance of ductile grains, the presence of “shallow” cement, slow rates of shallow burial, and overpressured conditions. In contrast, IPS is enhanced by the presence of illite grain coatings, increased maximum burial depth, rapid rates of shallow burial, longer times spent at great depths, higher temperatures, and high volumes and rates of fluid flow.Silica budgets indicate that some of the analyzed sandstones approximate mass balance whereas others have exported silica. Calculations of fluid flow requirements indicate that advanced stages of IPS are favored by high volume, high velocity fluid flow. Such flow can occur as a result of uplift of basin margins, which is typical of foreland and intractonic basins.  相似文献   

Isotopic (Nd and Sr) and chemical compositions of the 177 Ma Kirkpatrick Basalt and Ferrar Dolerite from north Victoria Land, Antarctica, are examined in order to address the role of crustal assimilation and the characteristics of their mantle source. Results for the Scarab Peak chemical type (SPCT) that constitutes the flow unit capping the lava sequence [Mg-number, Mg/(Mg+Fe+2)=24, MgO=2.4%, SiO2=57.1%, initial87Sr/86Sr=0.7087–0.7097, (εNd=−4.3) conform previous reports that attribute variations in the concentrations of the more mobile elements and calculated initial87Sr/86Sr to mid-Cretaceous alteration and elevated δ18O to low-temperature interaction with meteoric water. The underlying lavas and the sills that are of the Mt. Fazio chemical type (MFCT) display a much wider range of both chemical and isotopic compositions (Mg-number=40–65, MgO=3.7 7.5%; SiO2=52.6–58.3%, initial87Sr/86Sr=0.7087–0.7117, εNd=−5.6 to −4.8). The effects of rock alteration on apparent initial87Sr/86Sr are demonstrated by large differences between the initial ratio of mineral separates or leached fractions and whole rocks. Cretaceous alteration produced Rb and Sr redistribution within the lava sequence that results in erroneous calculated initial87Sr/86Sr ratios. These effects are responsible for the large initial87Sr/86Sr variations previousl7 proposed which, combined with the large range in whole-rock δ18O, were purported to show very large degrees of crustal assimilation. The variations in εNd are restricted and indicate much smaller degrees of assimilation. The least altered of the MFCT rocks show good chemical and isotopic correlations that can be integrated into a model involving fractionation of pyroxene and plagioclase coupled with assimilation of material similar to early Paleozoic basement. The lower87Sr/86Sr and higher εNd of the SPCT suggest that they were derived by extensive fractionation of a more primitive, less contaminated, precursor of the MFCT. The most isotopically primitive Ferrar rocks from the region still have a high initial87Sr/86Sr and low initial143Nd/144Nd; this may reflect either earlier assimilation or an enriched source. The chemical and isotopic similarities, as well as the close geographic correspondence of the Ferrar Group to granitoids produced during the early Paleozoic Ross Orogeny suggest that in either case Ross-type material may have been involved in the development of the enriched isotopic signature. Editorial responsibility: I. Parsons  相似文献   

准确提取频散曲线是瑞雷波勘探的重要环节,检验各种频散曲线求取方法的正确性和稳定性至关重要。基于频散曲线,选择抽样脉冲信号作为子波,推导出了合成单炮面波地震记录的理论公式,并利用该公式,针对不同弹性层状介质模型的频散曲线合成了面波地震记录。通过对其波场特征对比和频谱分析,同时采用频率-波数域法反求其频散曲线,结果与模型频散曲线几乎相同,从而充分验证了该面波合成方法的正确性。  相似文献   

Exposed cross‐sections of the continental crust are a unique geological situation for crustal evolution studies, providing the possibility of deciphering the time relationships between magmatic and metamorphic events at all levels of the crust. In the cross‐section of southern and northern Calabria, U–Pb, Rb–Sr and K–Ar mineral ages of granulite facies metapelitic migmatites, peraluminous granites and amphibolite facies upper crustal gneisses provide constraints on the late‐Hercynian peak metamorphism and granitoid magmatism as well as on the post‐metamorphic cooling. Monazite from upper crustal amphibolite facies paragneisses from southern Calabria yields similar U–Pb ages (295–293±4 Ma) to those of granulite facies metamorphism in the lower crust and of intrusions of calcalkaline and metaluminous granitoids in the middle crust (300±10 Ma). Monazite and xenotime from peraluminous granites in the middle to upper crust of the same crustal section provide slightly older intrusion ages of 303–302±0.6 Ma. Zircon from a mafic to intermediate sill in the lower crust yields a lower concordia intercept age of 290±2 Ma, which may be interpreted as the minimum age for metamorphism or intrusion. U–Pb monazite ages from granulite facies migmatites and peraluminous granites of the lower and middle crust from northern Calabria (Sila) also point to a near‐synchronism of peak metamorphism and intrusion at 304–300±0.4 Ma. At the end of the granulite facies metamorphism, the lower crustal rocks were uplifted into mid‐crustal levels (10–15 km) followed by nearly isobaric slow cooling (c. 3 °C Ma?1) as indicated by muscovite and biotite K–Ar and Rb–Sr data between 210±4 and 123±1 Ma. The thermal history is therefore similar to that of the lower crust of southern Calabria. In combination with previous petrological studies addressing metamorphic textures and P–T conditions of rocks from all crustal levels, the new geochronological results are used to suggest that the thermal evolution and heat distribution in the Calabrian crust were mainly controlled by advective heat input through magmatic intrusions into all crustal levels during the late‐Hercynian orogeny.  相似文献   

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