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经度的确定是板块重建的难点. 塔里木盆地下二叠统大规模溢流玄武岩已被确定为大火成岩省, 提供了一次根据大火成岩省来定量确定塔里木陆块早二叠世经度的机遇. 核幔边界约2800 km深处地震波低速带与全球300 Ma以来喷发的大火成岩省之间的关系已得到建立: 恢复喷发位置后, 大火成岩省全部分布在核幔边界低速带的边缘之上, 其中大部分在非洲LLSVP和太平洋LLSVP边缘, 个别在规模较小的LSVPs边缘. 在使用塔里木陆块早二叠世古地磁数据来限定其纬度的基础上, 本文利用上述理论方法, 并联系前人的地质结论, 发现塔里木大火成岩省约290 Ma喷发时的位置最可能为20°N, 60°E. 本文提出, 塔里木大火成岩省与西伯利亚大火成岩省相似, 其喷发时并不在两大LLSVPs的边缘带上, 而最可能与非洲LLSVP东侧附近一个单独的、范围较小的LSVP(20°N, 60°E)相关联, 暗示重建之前的假设"塔里木大火成岩省源自核幔边界"是合理的. 如果塔里木、峨眉山和西伯利亚大火成岩省都源自核幔边界, 上述(20°N, 60°E)位置的获得说明三者都不是同一幔源.  相似文献   

本文收集了1989年之前中朝陆块自晚石炭世至第三纪期间的古地磁极数据.应用分类过滤方法选出可靠的古地磁极,建立了中朝陆块新的视极移曲线.通过中朝陆块与扬子陆块视极移曲线的比较,对前人提出的两个陆块会聚的几种模式进行了检验.本文提出的旋转模式,对研究两陆块的会聚过程是较合理的新观点.  相似文献   

本文采用给每个岩石单元的古地磁极以单位权的方法,对目前收集到的、并按一定可靠性判据选择出来的华南和华北陆块的古地磁数据,进行了统计分析,绘制了它们的显生宙视极移曲线。进而根据古地磁结果,分析了两大陆块显生宙的构造演化,着重探讨了它们的碰撞时限和拼合过程。  相似文献   

华南和华北陆块显生宙的古地磁及构造演化   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用给每个岩石单元的古地磁极以单位权的方法,对目前收集到的、并按一定可靠性判据选择出来的华南和华北陆块的古地磁数据,进行了统计分析,绘制了它们的显生宙视极移曲线。进而根据古地磁结果,分析了两大陆块显生宙的构造演化,着重探讨了它们的碰撞时限和拼合过程。  相似文献   

泥河湾组的时代、地层划分和对比问题   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
通过泥河湾盆地大道坡和洞沟两个剖面的古地磁和古气候学研究,对泥河湾组的时代和地层划分提出了新的认识.泥河湾组Ⅰ ,顶底分别距今约2.48Ma和3.40Ma,属上新世,可与黄土高原的红粘土层对比;泥河湾组Ⅱ段,距今2.48~0.97Ma,可与午城黄土对比;泥河弯组Ⅲ段,距今0.97~0.13 Ma,大致可与离石黄土对比.根据上述地层划分方案,建立了泥河湾组地层框架,并进而与其他剖面做了对比分析.  相似文献   

以详细的露头层序地层研究为基础,概述了塔里木地台北部寒武纪-奥陶纪的层序地层系统.该系统以不同级别的层序为基本单元所构成,包括35个三级层序,12个超层序,4个超层序组和2个巨层序.同时,结合地震剖面和钻井资料,对其中的重要层序界面特征进行了讨论,并通过生物地层与层序地层相结合的方法,标定了重要层序界面的年龄.通过对塔里木地台寒武纪-奥陶纪层序地层与扬子地台和华北地台同期层序地层的对比研究发现,其间有较好的对应关系.说明寒武纪-奥陶纪时中国三大地台上碳酸盐岩层序的发育主要受控于大区域和全球性的海平面变化.这为在我国三大地台区寒武系-奥陶系中开展以层序地层学为基础的高分辨率年代地层体制研究提供了理论支持.  相似文献   

江南古陆中元古代地层的划分与对比   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江南古陆是扬子板块与华夏板块长期活动拼贴而成,构造极为复杂,地层的划分与对比也是众说纷纭。通过对江南古陆的变质岩的研究,认为江南古陆大地构造可划分三个Ⅰ级构造地层区:扬子地层区、江南古陆地层区及华夏地层区。江南古陆地层区又可进一步划分Ⅱ级构造地层区5个(宜丰-景德镇-歙县构造地层分区、万年构造地层分区、赣东北构造地层分区、怀玉构造地层分区及丰城-鹰潭-龙游构造地层分区);各构造地层分区之间以构造(蛇绿)混杂岩亚带或韧性剪切带相拼接。双桥山群及周潭岩群仅分别分布在扬子地层区修水-祁门分区及华夏地层区北武夷地层分区内,而且是一套史密斯地层。而江南古陆内则发育非史密斯地层。  相似文献   

灵宝盆地位于华北板块南缘与秦岭造山带之间,是豫西北一系列北东-南西向断陷盆地之一.盆地内沉积地层主体为一套厚约2000m陆相碎屑岩夹泥灰岩、薄煤层沉积.本文根据盆地内的恐龙蛋、介形虫、腹足类、哺乳动物化石及少量孢粉等,将地层自下而上划分为下白垩统枣窳组、上白垩统南朝组、古近系古新统-下始新统项城群、中始新统川口组、上始新统庄里坡组及新近系上-中新世(组名暂未定)等6个地层单元.研究表明:下、上白垩统之间及其与项城群之间为不整合或超覆,上中新统与川口组或庄里坡组为不整合接触,整个地层是一套河流相沉积、局部洪泛洼地或小浅湖相沉积.  相似文献   


南黄海中部隆起海相地层埋藏浅,是南黄海盆地油气勘探的重点,但由于缺乏钻井资料约束,中部隆起中-古生界的地层属性一直存在争议.大陆架科学钻探CSDP-02井是南黄海中部隆起第一口钻井,也是南黄海盆地钻遇地层最深的一口全取心井.本文在分析大陆架科学钻探CSDP-02井的岩心、测井和相应多道地震资料基础上,明确了中部隆起中-古生界的地层属性:在新近系充填沉积之下,依次发育三叠系下统青龙组下段、二叠系上统大隆组、龙潭组,二叠系下统孤峰组、栖霞组,石炭系船山组、黄龙组、和州组和高骊山组,泥盆系五通群和志留系高家边组、奥陶系.结合地球物理测井曲线分析与区域地质认识,确定了地震反射界面T2、T8、T9、T10、T11的反射特征与对应的地质界面.中部隆起地层分布特征整体受南黄海构造运动的影响,早古生代地层平缓,断裂不发育,加里东运动造成志留系上统及中下泥盆统沉积缺失,石炭系-二叠系在中部隆起广泛发育,厚度大,二叠系最大沉积厚度约1900 m,中生界残留地层分布局限,主要保存下三叠系,地层厚度变化范围较大.



声波测井常用斯通利波来评价储层渗透性能和识别地层裂缝,描述声波在渗透性地层中的传播需要求解Biot孔隙弹性波动方程.本文采用有限差分方法来求解测井斯通利波在渗透地层和裂缝带的反射及透射问题.综合利用有限差分法和一维等效波数法研究和分析了不同层厚、孔隙度和渗透率下单个和多个渗透地层的斯通利波反射及透射系数以及变化规律,两种方法计算结果对比验证了一维等效波数法在0~2 kHz范围内的可靠性.对于等效波数法难以模拟、更为复杂的裂缝带模型,利用有限差分方法分析和研究了在不同渗透率、轴向和径向延伸长度下裂缝带的斯通利波反射和透射系数及其变化特征.本文结果表明: 斯通利波在渗透裂缝带中激发的流体渗流是一种穿透深度有限的趋肤效应,因此要达到0.1 m以上的探测深度,需要使用较低的激发频率(0~2 kHz),低频段内的斯通利波反射和透射系数对井壁附近裂缝带的渗透性能均有响应.随着渗透率升高,斯通利波反射系数在低频明显升高,透射系数在高频降低显著; 在高于Biot特征频率的频段,反射和透射系数曲线随渗透率升高呈复杂变化,与孔隙流体从渗流到波动的变化相关.本文的方法和结果有助于分析和解释斯通利波在裂缝型渗透地层的传播特征,为识别此类地层和评价其渗透性能奠定理论基础.


塔里木地块奥陶纪古地磁新结果及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道塔里木地块阿克苏—柯坪—巴楚地区奥陶纪古地磁研究新结果.对采自44个采点的灰岩、泥灰岩及泥质砂岩样品的系统岩石磁学和古地磁学研究表明,所有样品可分成两组:第一类样品以赤铁矿和少量磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物,该类样品通常可分离出特征剩磁组分A;第二类样品以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物,系统退磁揭示出这类样品中存在特征剩磁组分B.特征剩磁组分A分布于绝大多数奥陶纪样品中,具有双极性,但褶皱检验结果为负,推测其可能为新生代重磁化.特征剩磁组分B仅能从少部分中晚奥陶世样品中分离出,但褶皱检验结果为正,且其所对应古地磁极位置(40.7°S,183.3°E,dp/dm=4.8°/6.9°)与塔里木地块古生代中期以来的古地磁极位置显著差别,表明其很可能为岩石形成时期所获得的原生剩磁.古地磁结果表明塔里木地块中晚奥陶世位于南半球中低纬度地区,很可能与扬子地块一起位于冈瓦纳古大陆的边缘;中晚奥陶世之后,塔里木地块通过大幅度北向漂移和顺时针旋转,逐步与冈瓦纳大陆分离、并越过古赤道;至晚石炭世,塔里木地块已到达古亚洲洋构造域的南缘.  相似文献   

We report here new geochronological and paleomagnetic data from the 802±10 Ma Xiaofeng dykes in South China. Together with existing data, these results suggest that Rodinia probably spread from the equator to the polar region at ca. 800 Ma, followed by a rapid ca. 90° rotation around an axis near Greenland that brought the entire supercontinent to a low-latitude position by ca. 750 Ma. We propose that it was the initiation of a mantle superplume under the polar end of Rodinia that triggered an episode of true polar wander (TPW) which brought the entire supercontinent into equatorial latitudes. An unusually extensive emerged land area at the equator increased both atmospheric CO2 drawdown and global albedo, which, along with waning plume volcanism led directly to the low-latitude Sturtian glaciation at ca. 750–720 Ma.  相似文献   

The current study utilizes a range of diagenetic fingerprints to differentiate between sandstone facies deposited in the Nile Delta before and during the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC), which is normally a challenging task considering the complex bio- and lithostratigraphic subdivisions of Messinian rock units. Subaerial exposure of the pre-MSC (Qawasim deltaic sandstone), during drawdown of the Mediterranean Sea at the time of the MSC, triggered pervasive dissolution of unstable rock fragments, kaolinization of feldspar, and meteoric dolomitization of carbonate. This was followed by mesogenetic calcite cementation and kaolinite transformation into dickite in deeply buried Qawasim sandstone. Comparatively, the Abu Madi estuarine facies, deposited during transgression after drawdown related to the MSC, is characterized by eogenetic iron (Fe)-calcite, glauconite, and pyrite (averages of 14.5%, 6%, and 2%, respectively). This facies transition is marked by abundance of mature glauconite (with potassium oxide (K2O) at about 8%) whose content abates upward from the transgression surface. Moreover, the compositional variability of the Abu Madi sandstone gave rise to multiple diagenetic trajectories that resulted in chlorite formation presumably following smectite and kaolinite. Listed diagenetic variations in the studied Messinian sandstone resulted from a complex interplay between rocks’ compositional, depositional, and burial attributes, ultimately serving as a basis for high-resolution stratigraphic correlation in continental and marginal marine settings with poor biostratigraphic controls.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphically constrained sequences at the Wushi Yingshan and Kalpin Cement Plant sections (Kalpin Region; Tarim Basin) were densely sampled for geochemical studies. Carbonates across the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary of both sections mainly record negative carbon isotope values. Stable isotope curves show four negative and four positive excursions appearing alternately at the Wushi Yingshan section and five negative alternating with five positive excursions at the Kalpin Cement Plant section. The carbon isotope logs of these two sections are correlated with the international Cambrian-Ordovician boundary key sections: (1) Dayangcha section in China, (2) Green Point section in Canada, (3) Black mountain section in Australia and (4) Lowson Cove section in USA. These correlations suggest that the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary of the Wushi Yingshan section and the Kalpin Cement Plant section can be placed within a particular horizon that also corresponds to the observed biostratigraphic units.  相似文献   

The Cambrian and Ordovician on the northern Tarim Platform are mainly composed of carbonates. On the basis of detailed outcrop analysis, the sequence stratigraphic system of the Cambrian-Ordovician in the northern Tarim Platform is outlined in this paper. Altogether 35 third-order sequences, 12 supersequences, 4 supersequence sets and 2 megasequences are recognized. The characteristics of the major sequence boundaries have been documented with an integrated examination of outcrop, seismic and borehole data, and the ages of these sequence boundaries have been calibrated through the combination of sequence stratigraphy with biostratigraphy. It is discovered that there is good correlation of the sequence stratigraphy of the Cambrian-Ordovician among Tarim, Yangtze and North China platforms. This may illustrate that the development of the Cambrian-Ordovician carbonate sequences in these three platforms is mainly controlled by regional or global sea level changes. This forms the theoretical basis for the construction of high-resolution chronostratigraphic system of the Cambrian-Ordovician in the three platforms in China.  相似文献   

The Furongian Series of the Cambrian in the Tarim Craton(NW China) is mainly composed of crystalline dolostones,and is an important target for oil and gas exploration. The chronostratigraphic framework of the Furongian Series in the Tarim Craton has not yet been established due to the scarcity of fossils and the absence of the Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion(SPICE), which is the primary global carbon isotope excursion of the Furongian Series. In this study, the SPICE was discovered by examining the carbon isotopes of the representative drilling wells in the West Platform and East Basin. A positive carbon isotope anomaly with δ~(13)C values ranging from 1.5‰ to 1.9‰(PDB), were found in the middle of the Xiaqiulitag Formation of the three drilling wells in the West Platform, and a positive excursion with δ~(13)C values up to 4.0‰(PDB), which is correlated with the SPICE, was found in the lower limestone of the Tuershaketag Formation in the East Basin. Based on the carbon isotopic data and chemostratigraphic correlation, the chronostratigraphic framework of the Furongian Series across different facies in the Tarim Craton is preliminarily established. The basal boundary of the Furongian Series was preliminarily defined by the occurrence of the SPICE. Aweak positive anomaly of δ~(13)C was observed at the base of the Penglaiba Formation of the three boreholes in the West Platform and the top of the Tuershaketag Formation of Tadong-2 well. We propose that the positive anomaly of the carbon isotope above the weak negative anomaly at the base of the Penglaiba Formation and the top of the Tuershaketag Formation can be used to define the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in the Tarim Craton.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地是我国最大的内陆盆地,作为稳定地块,被周围许多深大断裂所围限.王琪等(2000)基于天山及塔里木地区多年的GPS观测结果,认为塔里木盆地整体上作为刚性块体,相对于稳定的西伯利亚地块作顺时针旋转,其内部变形较小或基本不变形.赵俊猛等(2008)应用人工地震和天然地震等综合地球物理探测方法,获得青藏高原壳幔组成、...  相似文献   

Review of the literature on Ordovician conodont diversification in palaeoplates of North and Western China reveals that four diversity peaks are present in North China, occurring in the middle Tremadocian, early Floian, late Floian, and late Darriwilian, with three of these peaks (excepting that in the late Floian) also being recorded in Tarim. Three diversification intervals are present in North China, during the Tremadocian, late Floian, early and middle Darriwilian; comparable intervals are observed in the early and late Tremadocian, early Floian, and the Middle Ordovician in Tarim. The main conodont diversification episode in both palaeoplates took place in the Darriwilian, at the time of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. A comparison of conodont diversity patterns in different palaeoplates (North China, Tarim, and South China) demonstrates that conodont radiation events mainly occurred within the Tremadocian, Floian, and Darriwilian. Conodont diversifications in these paleoplates also display some differences. In contrasting with Tarim and South China, North China witnessed a rapid conodont diversification during late Floian time. Conodont diversity in North China and Tarim increased continually and reached a peak in the late Darriwilian, concurrent with a prominent decreasing trend in South China. Differences of conodont diversification in these three palaeoplates may be related to their palaeogeography and tectonic history. When conodont diversifications in North China and Tarim are analysed on the background of palaeoenvironments, the main episodes are seen to be partly coincident with second order sea-level changes, particularly in North China. In general, conodont radiation correlates with large scale transgressions.  相似文献   

新疆库鲁克塔格新元古代花岗岩年龄和地球化学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了新疆塔里木北缘库鲁克塔格地区新元古代孤山岩体(或太阳岛岩体)的岩石学、锆石U-Pb年龄及地球化学组成。研究表明:该岩体主要由英云闪长岩、奥长花岗岩及正长花岗岩组成,结晶的时间为795 Ma。其地球化学特征表现为富Na、LREE、LILE及亏损HREE、HFSE,因此具有高的(La/Yb)N及Sr/Y比值,与现代的艾达克岩相似。然而该岩体具有低的Nd初始值及太古代的Nd模式年龄,因此推测其岩浆来自太古代基性下地壳的重熔。鉴于在库鲁克塔格地区发育有800 Ma左右的蛇绿岩,因此我们推测该岩体是碰撞造山引起的加厚的下地壳重熔的结果,代表了塔里木地块前寒武纪基底的最终形成。  相似文献   

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