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山西交城断裂带多个大探槽全新世古地震活动对比研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
介绍了沿交城断裂带5个地点开挖探槽揭示的古地震情况.这5个大探槽分别沿交城断裂带北、中、南段分布,其中北段和中段各有2个地点,南段1个地点,探槽之间相距 11~35km.位于该断裂带北段和中段的4个探槽出露了断错全新世地层的断面,在这4个探槽中,位于断裂带北段的西张探槽和位于断裂带中段的新民探槽揭示的全新世3次古地震事件可进行对比,具有活动的同步性.由此显示交城断裂带的中段和北段在距今3 060~3 740a、接近5 910a及8 530~8 560a期间,曾发生3次有地表破裂的古地震事件.位于断裂带北段的冶峪探槽,由于探槽位于台地内冲沟右旋扭曲处,断错的最新地层的年代距今10 730a,其它断面断错晚更新世地层.位于断裂带中段的上固驿探槽地处洪积扇,断层带宽70m,断层走向N58°~74°E,断错的最新地层距今11 570a,揭示了NEE向田庄断层晚更新世时期的活动.位于断裂带南段窑头探槽所在的原始地形受到人工改造影响,探槽剖面揭示全新统覆盖在显示距今 3.0~3.5万年期间受到断裂活动影响的地层之上.交城断裂带5个地点的探槽开挖结果显示,该断裂带全新世时期的活动自南向北迁移.  相似文献   

山西断陷系交城断裂全新世古地震活动初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
断错地貌调查及探槽开挖表明,晋中盆地西界分布的黄土台地的前、后缘均存在断层,断层的最新活动位于地表陡坎的前缘,地表见到的断层最新活动断面的上升盘是早全新世地层。同时,新民探槽开挖表明,该断裂在早全新世以后曾发生三次古地震事件,最新一次活动接近距今2748a,另两期古地震事件的时间分别距今4037~5910a及8360~5910a。如果取后两次古地震事件时间跨度的中值,这三次古地震事件的间隔分别是2225a和2162a,平均2193a。  相似文献   

前人在山西交城断裂带上开挖过多个探槽,揭露出全新世3次古地震事件,但其研究结果尚不能确定该断裂带全新世活动段的北部边界.近期在该断裂带北端和中段又开挖了3个大型探槽,其中在阳曲县泥屯盆地西界开挖的龙王沟探槽,是一个由多个探槽组合成的大探槽,该探槽揭示的地层断错信息,将交城断裂带全新世活动的范围向北延伸了20km.另外2个大型探槽分别为交城断裂带中段瓦窑沟东侧台地前缘的瓦窑探槽与市儿口沟西侧T1阶地前缘的新民探槽.这3个大探槽均揭示出全新世中期(14C测年值为距今5 ~ 6ka)的垆土和淤泥层,以及多组平行分布的断面,所揭示的全新世3次古地震事件具有断错事件活动的同步性,可与前人探槽揭示的全新世断层活动事件相对比.3次断错活动时间分别距今3.06 ~3.53ka、5.32ka左右或6.14ka左右、8.36ka左右;3次事件的时间间隔分别为2.02 ~ 2.84ka和2.22 ~ 3.04ka.这些断错事件的同震垂直位移为1.5~4.7m,显示了7级以上地表破裂型的强震活动.最后讨论了探槽中14C测年样品的影响因素.  相似文献   

山西大同盆地口泉断裂全新世古地震活动   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
野外调查表明 ,口泉断裂断错了断面附近的 3级地貌面 ,包括大同盆地西侧全新世形成的洪积扇后缘及位于洪积扇冲沟内的Ⅰ ,Ⅱ级阶地。其中冲沟内Ⅱ级阶地为剥蚀阶地 ,Ⅰ级阶地为堆积阶地 ,Ⅰ级阶地面的地层时代距今 2 52ka。在该断裂的悟道及上黄庄 2个地点开挖的大探槽表明 ,在距今 1 2 3万年以来该断裂曾发生 4次古地震事件 ,其中 3次分别发生在接近距今 2 52 ,5 6 8,13 73ka。另一次古地震事件发生在距今 6 76~ 10 82ka。这些数据有可能反映了口泉断裂具备准周期的强震活动。这 4次古地震事件的平均间隔约为 3 74ka ,最新一次古地震与上一次事件的时间间隔约为 3 16ka。 2个大探槽各次事件的平均最小同震垂直位移为 1 8m。这些资料对重新评价口泉断裂未来的地震潜势具有重要意义  相似文献   

山西大同盆地恒山北缘断裂全新世古地震活动   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
野外调查表明 ,恒山北缘断裂断错了恒山北侧的洪积扇和恒山冲沟沟口的Ⅰ级阶地。地层测年资料表明 ,恒山北缘洪积扇中部、后缘以及恒山冲沟沟口Ⅰ级阶地的表层由距今约 5 2 0 0~ 6 80 0a的地层组成。位于恒山山前开挖的何庄及牛槽峪探槽揭示恒山北缘断裂在全新世早期以来曾发生过 3次古地震事件。这 3次古地震事件分别发生在 2 2 6 0± 190aBP~ 4 370±15 0aBP、接近 5 6 2 8± 15 0aBP和 80 83± 2 5 0aBP~ 84 30± 72 0aBP。 3次古地震事件的间隔为 2 313a及2 6 2 8a ,平均 2 4 71a。古地震事件的同震垂直位移为 1 0~ 3 0m。由于该断裂最新活动的离逝时间已超过全新世时期的古地震间隔 ,今后该断裂具备发生强震的可能 ,需加强观测。  相似文献   

山西峨嵋台地北缘断裂是汾渭断陷带内临汾-侯马盆地与峨嵋台地隆起之间的边界断裂,对临汾-侯马盆地内的侯马次级盆地具有控制作用。该断裂自西向东分为西、中、东3段,西段为早中更新世活动,中段为全新世活动,东段为晚更新世活动。在断裂中段的任庄村和金沙村附近开挖了两个探槽,通过对探槽所揭露的古地震事件的年代学分析,结合前人研究结果,认为峨嵋台地北缘断裂全新世发生过A1及A2两次古地震事件,年代分别为466a BC、约4.6ka BP。事件A1即史料记载的466a BC晋空桐地震,震级可能达71/2级。  相似文献   

昌马-祁连断裂带中段全新世活动特征与古地震   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
作者通过野外实际调查及对重力、航磁等资料的分析认为,昌马—祁连断裂带中段(肃南香台子—寺大隆一带)全新世活动明显,表现为断错了全新世地层,同时还伴有山脊和水系的错断、断层崖、古地震崩塌和滑坡等。根据对堆积物C~(14)年龄测定,距今4580年左右该段曾发生过一次7—7.5级地震。本文最后对该段地震危险性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

龙首山北缘断裂带是潮水盆地与龙首山地的地貌分界线,展布于龙首山隆起的北麓。前期曾在龙首山北缘断裂带东段的白家嘴、中段包代河、西段斜坡山开挖了三个探槽,均揭露出多期古地震。本文通过三个探槽古地震事件的对比分析认为,龙首山北缘断裂带第1次古地震(11 ka)到最后1次古地震(1.6 ka)间隔9.4 ka,约1万年时间里有6次古地震发生。如果取算术平均(9.4 ka/6=1.57 ka),则每隔1 500年左右,龙首山北缘断裂带就有一次强地震事件,即古地震平均重复间隔约1.57 ka。这和其它各大断裂带得出的古地震优势重现周期(1~2 ka)并不矛盾。①5 ka年以前龙首山北缘断裂带仅有2次古地震事件,重复间隔5.3 ka,明显偏长,可能有古地震的遗漏问题;②5 ka年以后该断裂地震活动明显丛集,最短间隔0.7 ka,最长间隔1.5 ka,平均重复间隔约0.8 ka。无论是最短、最长或平均重复间隔,均与山丹-张掖地区历史地震的最长重复间隔0.79 ka接近。  相似文献   

罗山东麓断裂全新世古地震研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
罗山东麓断裂全新世活动强烈,古地震现象丰富。探槽揭露出晚更新世末或全新世初以来,已发生过5次7级左右的古地震事件,除最早的一次时间不明外,其它4次分别发生在距今约8400年、5400—5020年、3900年和2260年。全新世早期古地震重复间隔在3000年左右,晚期为1500年左右。  相似文献   

北京平原南口-孙河断裂带昌平旧县探槽古地震事件研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道了南口-孙河断裂昌平旧县探槽揭露的丰富的构造变形现象和古地震事件的分期、间隔及同震垂直位移.研究结果表明,全新世时期该断裂曾发生3次古地震事件,它们分别发生在距今(10643± 250)a—(970±1235)a,(7894±150)a—(764±650)a及(3987±100)a-(367±310)8,同震垂直位移分别为1m,2 m,2 m.依据华北地区历史地震震级与地震地表位错的统计公式,推测相应震级为7.7及7.9级.该探槽研究结果表明,依据微地貌线索,在平原区仍可通过探槽了解断裂全新世活动,并有可能在探槽中见到丰富的细微构造现象.该项研究得到的南口-孙河断裂在全新世存在古地震的认识将对北京地区未来的地震危险性评估有重要意义.  相似文献   

渭河断裂带古地震研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
史料记载和涵洞路槽开挖表明,在距今9110a以来渭河断裂带窑店—张家湾段曾发生1次历史地震、3次古地震事件。其中历史地震即第Ⅳ期地震的发震时间在公元1487—1568年之间;事件Ⅰ为距今(9110±90)a,事件Ⅱ和事件Ⅲ距今时间不详。第Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ期地震事件的同震垂直位移量分别为0.5,0.5,0.2m。涵洞路槽开挖也表明,渭河断裂窑店—张家湾段为全新世活动断裂  相似文献   

松散沉积物中的断层常常没有留下明显的宏观形迹,单靠肉眼观测往往难以确定其存在,即使存在,也很难判定其活动性质和活动方式。最近,中国地震局地壳应力研究所和山西省地震局在太原市西张村横跨交城断裂开挖了大规模探槽,认为该探槽揭示了3次7级以上地震事件。文中通过对该探槽开展微观分析,来探索松散沉积物中宏观形迹不明的断层或隐形断层及其伴随的古地震事件的显微构造及显微沉积学标志。研究结果表明,该探槽中的断层在微观上表现为微破碎带、滑移面、变形条带和泥质充填带等多种形式,同时断层附近样品也有一定的变形现象。断层和外围样品中的碎屑颗粒在棱角度、粒度大小和分布特征等方面均有不同,断层样品粒度分布的分维值D=2.0。这些结果表明松散沉积物中断层作用有颗粒流动也有碎裂作用。同时发现了与震击物(seismite)宏观标志非常相似的诸多微观标志,如球状体、负荷构造、流体通道和物质流动等,从微观上证明该断裂活动伴随有古地震事件  相似文献   

中条山北麓断裂中南段全新世地震事件的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对中条山北麓断裂进行探槽研究,揭露了全新世以来,断裂中段和南段的3次古地震事件,包括1次发生在8 570~8 010a BP、贯通断裂中段和南段的8级以上特大地震,以及4 800~6 010a BP和2 110~320a BP发生的2次7级左右的大地震,地震复发间隔约为3 500a。研究表明,中条山北麓断裂的南段和中段在全新世发生过多次活动,活动性较强。  相似文献   

The geological structure exposed by paleoearthquake trenches is the key material to the right cognition of fault activity and paleoearthquake. However, paleoearthquake trenching inevitably destroys active tectonic geomorphic evidence and trench exposures are usually difficult to reserve. The conventional process of recording the delicate geological information, manually constructing photomosaics by image-editing software, is time-consuming and produces undesirable artificial distortions. Herein, we explored the process of constructing trench orthophotomosaics and the 3D image model using the Image-based Modeling technology and applied it to the Liutiaohe trench across the Tianqiaogou-Huangyangchuan Fault, Gansu Province. Based on the 3D image modeling and orthophotomosaic, we firstly constructed the control points and scale bars on cleaned trench walls and collected photos of all sections of the trench with a digital camera in the field, and then reconstructed the 3D model of the trench through the Agisoft PhotoScan, an efficient image-based modeling software, and finally yielded the 3D image model of the trench and othophotomasaics of the trench exposures. The results show that the automated workflow can produce seamless, sub-millimeter-level high-resolution photomosaics more quickly, with precision in the centimeter range, and the 3D image model is of great help to identify strata and geological structures in trenches with much lower capital and labor costs and low expertise levels compared with LiDAR, meanwhile, the 3D archive benefits the share and communication and even allows future reinterpreting the site using new insights.  相似文献   

岷江断裂羌阳桥一带古堰塞湖沉积及构造变形与古地震   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在支援茂县汶川地震灾后恢复重建期间,发现在现今叠溪堰塞湖(小海子)上游30km的岷江沿岸及其支流断续有第四纪湖相层出露。通过对羌阳村一带古堰塞湖沉积层的研究,获得了岷江断裂全新世活动的证据。分析认为:岷江断裂沿线古堰塞湖相沉积及其构造变形反映了岷江断裂的多次活动。羌阳桥古堰塞湖沉积及其构造变形可能反映岷江断裂的多次古地震活动。较肯定的是:第1次地震活动导致羌阳桥堰塞湖的形成,堆积第1套湖相沉积;第2次地震活动使湖相层变形;第3次地震活动使第1,2套湖相地层变形;第4次地震活动错断了湖相层之上最新的堆积物。全站仪实测结果表明最后一次古地震活动的垂直位移约为2.6~3.6m  相似文献   

The Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault is a Holocene active thrust fault, belonging to the middle segment of northern Qilianshan overthrust fault zone, located in the northeastern edge of the Tibet plateau. The Hongyapu M7(1/4) earthquake in 1609 AD occurred on it. A few paleo-seismology studies were carried out on this fault zone. It was considered that four paleoearthquakes occurred on the Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault between(6.3±0.6) ka BP and(7.4±0.4) ka BP, in(4.3±0.3) ka BP, in(2.1±0.1) ka BP and in 1609 AD. The occurrences of the earthquakes suggested the quasi-periodic characteristic with a quasi-periodic recurrence interval between 1 600~2 500a(Institute of Geology, State Seismological Bureau, Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, State Seismological Bureau. 1993; Liu et al., 2014). There was no direct evidence for the Hongyapu M7(1/4) earthquake in 1609 AD from trench research in the previous studies. Great uncertainty exists because of the small number of the chronology data, as a few TL and OSL measurement data and several14 C data, and it was insufficient to deduce the exact recurrence interval for the paleoearthquakes. Five trenches were excavated and cleared up respectively in the eastern segment, middle segment and western segment along the Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault. After detail study on the trench profiles, the sedimentary characteristics, sequence relationship of the stratigraphical units, and fault-cuts in different stratigraphical units were revealed in these five trenches. Four paleoearthquakes in Holocene were distinguished from the five trenches, and geology evidences of the Hongyapu M7(1/4) earthquake in 1609 AD were also found. More accurate constraint of the occurring time of the paleo-earthquakes since Holocene on the Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault is provided by the progressive constraining method(Mao and Zhang, 1995), according to amounts of 14 C measurement data and OLS measurement data of the chronology samples from different stratigraphical units in the trenches. The first paleoevent, E4 occurred 10.6ka BP. The next event, E3 occurred about 7.1ka BP. The E2 occurred about 3.4ka BP. The last event, E1 is the Hongyapu M7(1/4) earthquake in 1609 AD. Abounds of proofs for the occurrences of the events of E1, E2 and E3 were found in the trench Tc1, trench Tc2, trench Tc4 and trench Tc3, located in the eastern, middle and western segments of the Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault accordingly. It's considered that the events E1, E2 and E3 may cause whole segment rupturing according to the proofs for these three events found together in individual trenches. The event E4 was only found in the trench Tc5 profile in the west of the Xiaoquan village in the eastern segment of the Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault. The earthquake rupture characteristics of this event can't be revealed before more detailed subsequent research. The time intervals among the four paleoearthquakes are ca 3.5ka, ca 3.7ka, and ca 3.0ka. The four events are characterized by ca 3.4ka quasi-periodic recurrence interval.  相似文献   

Xizhang trench is located 10 km northwest of Taiyuan city, Shanxi Province, in front of a NNW-trending scarp of 4.6m height on the northern segment of the Jiaocheng fault zone. The dimensions of the trench are 108m in length, 8m in width, and 10m in depth. There are 18 horizons revealed in the trench. The upper strata are sandy loam; the upper strata of the downthrown block of the fault are gravels, the lower ones are an interbed of brown loam and sandy loam. The strata on the upthrown block of the fault are sandy loam containing gravel. The trench shows 3 fault planes, and the upper offset point on the fault plane is 1.5m below the ground surface, the newest dislocated stratum is (3.74±0.06) ka BP. The trench reveals a lot of deformation traces, such as fault planes, dislocated strata, colluvial wedges and formation tilting. The relationship between strata and faults in the trench shows that 3 paleoearthquake events have occurred at the Jiaocheng fault zone since the Early Holocene, they are about (3.74±0.06)- (3.06±0.26)ka BP, (8.35±0.09)ka- (3.74±0.06)ka BP, and( 10.66±0.85) - (8.35±0.09)ka BP. The average interval among the events is 2.6 - 3.6ka. The minimum coseismic vertical displacements of the 3 events are 3.0m, 2.5m and 3.2m, respectively. The significance of Xizhang trench is that the Jiaocheng fault used to be active thousands of years ago, though there is no M ≥ 7.0 earthquake recorded in historical documents. Evidence of new Jiaocheng fault zone activity during the Holocene is important for the earthquake safety assessment of Taiynan city in the future.  相似文献   

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