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人文地理学者通过家透视生活空间中的社会现象,西方人文地理学文化转向与女性主义研究兴起后,家庭暴力成为学者们关注的对象。在女性主义社会批判特征和地理学空间视角的双重影响下,女性主义地理学家着眼女性的空间经历及情感体验,聚焦女性在家庭中的暴力问题。论文首先介绍“家庭暴力”的概念和公私二分法,指出其中的空间隐蔽性,据此引入女性主义地理学的研究路径,通过分析家庭空间的意义建构,以及容忍家庭暴力存在的更广泛的地理环境,超越空间的公私二分法探讨家庭暴力。基于对国外相关研究的梳理,归纳出家庭、社区/邻里、国家和全球3种尺度分析家庭暴力的地理研究。通过物质、功能、象征维度的家庭空间性分析揭示性别权力在空间上对女性的控制和压迫;运用物质决定论逻辑和社会-文化逻辑2种视角解读家庭暴力存续的社区环境特征及其内在对女性的政策和制度排斥;分析家庭暴力与恐怖主义、军事战争的联系,将家庭暴力议题推向政治地理领域。  相似文献   

1990 年以来广州市摊贩空间政治的规训机制   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
黄耿志  薛德升 《地理学报》2011,66(8):1063-1075
近年来,针对某些群体的复仇型或后公正空间政治成为西方城市地理学理解20 世纪80 年代以来城市转型的重要理论。现有的研究注意到了这种空间政治嵌入地方的多样形态,但对其内含的对立性缺乏研究。中国社会转型过程中发生的现实空间矛盾为开展我国背景下的公共空间政治研究提供了源泉。本文基于列菲弗尔的基本空间理论,采用结构-能动的分析路径,运用宏观的政策和制度分析与对典型案例的观察、半结构式访谈、深度访谈相结合的综合方法,以摊贩现象为切入点对90 年代以来广州城市空间政治进行了研究。研究表明,一种排斥性公共空间政治内在地包含了由结构性的规训与能动性的反规训构成的对立性,这一特性在广州表现为:① 对摊贩的排斥性空间政治是作为解决发展的潜在危机而实施综合环境改善战略的组成部分而产生,并导致一种更为明显的“全景敞视主义”式规训机制的形成。② 对立的空间通过摊贩日常式的伺机而动和温顺的不遵守与插曲式的个体暴力和集体行动而形成,结果战略空间被重构为以维持个体生存、摆脱贫困和追求自由为目的的工具空间。这种对立性在根源上是一种社会产物,而产生的实际冲突状况则将取决于空间发展观念及规训策略与反规训力量两者之间的对抗或协调程度。  相似文献   

城市犯罪空间盲区的综合治理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王发曾 《地理研究》2010,29(1):57-67
综合治理城市犯罪的空间盲区,是解决城市犯罪问题的有效途径,其研究为城市规划、建设和管理有利于预防和控制犯罪,提供了新的理念与方法,为犯罪地理学和城市地理学开辟了一个新的研究领域。根据空间盲区的形态、性质和对犯罪的影响,将城市犯罪的空间盲区划分为公共、非公共、边际、移动和虚拟空间等5种类型。在述评国外城市犯罪空间研究进展的基础上,构建了城市犯罪空间盲区综合治理的理论平台,论证了空间盲区综合治理的不可替代性,提出了综合治理的基础理论要点和应用理论要点。空间盲区的形成有一系列深刻的空间区位因素,其综合治理研究应有明确的研究目标和方向,核心研究内容为5类空间盲区综合治理的途径、实施方案和措施。还提出了综合治理研究的思路、方法和关键技术。  相似文献   

The city of Denver, Colorado recently outlawed camping in all open space. Part of a broad effort to accelerate the profit potential of prime urban land through real estate speculation and commerce, the camping ban has dislocated homeless people from the city’s marginal spaces. Based on ethnographic fieldwork and archival research in Denver, this article develops a tripartite approach to public space—prime, everyday, and marginal—to analyze challenging ways in which people who are homeless in Denver must now manage their exposure to others in everyday public spaces. In addition to eliminating places of hard-won safety and security, this singular new code disrupts hygiene, mobility, and sociability routines, thus throwing already precarious lives into further disarray by rendering housing status visible. To demonstrate how everyday social justice springs from interaction between different people co-present in public space, we foreground the voices of Denver’s homeless people, those most impacted by quality of life laws. Evicting individuals from marginal spaces and rendering them visibly homeless in everyday and prime spaces, the ban deprives them of a fundamental right to the city: anonymity.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):657-676
Taking feminist research as a starting point into the ways in which gentrification shapes gender relations in the city, this article addresses the phenomenon of new-build gentrification in terms of the re-contouring of gendered boundaries of public and private urban life. I examine how a widespread process of condominium development in Toronto is informed by neoliberal policy imperatives such as growth and competition. I also explore the ways in which the neoliberal, political-economic rationality underlying condominium development translates into changes in the ways that a particular group of city dwellers, women condominium owners, conceptualize their relationships to their homes, neighborhoods, and the city at large. This study suggests that condominium living produces a shift in the way that public and private spaces are understood and experienced, and that this shift has contradictory implications for the reshaping of urban gender relations.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship on the characteristics of Chinese urbanism engages with the practices and possible consequences of so-called enclave urbanism, said to generate cities as agglomerations of patchworked enclaves. Acknowledging that inequality becomes explicit in supposedly self-contained enclaves, in this paper, I seek to advance the initial debate by shifting the focus onto the spaces and processes in-between the enclaves. I draw on fieldwork in Shanghai to argue that perceptions of inequality, individual and group identities, everyday cultures and, ultimately, new ways of being in and making the city are shaped amidst the in-between spaces that essentiate emerging cities in China and elsewhere: urban borderlands. I outline a research agenda around the current and future urban condition and propose the exploration of borderland urbanism as a timely new direction in urban geography.  相似文献   

受人文地理“情感转向”思潮的影响,城市公共空间研究开始关注情感对空间的构建作用,情感空间的营造与城市空间的治理存在一定的耦合关联。本文以广州市区的宣传类户外广告为例,援引情感地理与空间治理的相关理论,采用访谈、文本分析等方法,探讨宣传类户外广告在营造情感氛围过程中与城市空间的内在关联,进而讨论情感氛围与城市空间治理的联系。研究发现,户外广告尤其是宣传类户外广告通过视觉表征生产情感空间,由身体-街区-城市三个尺度构成情感化的公共空间,置身城市公共空间的个体在宣传类户外广告的话语作用下重构对城市空间的想象,产生“归属感”“认同感”和“安全感”等情感,并通过视觉、情感等非表征形式使居民在自我审视中加深群体文化认同,使空间治理内化。研究将情感地理的研究放置在城市这一中观尺度,通过广州市区宣传类户外广告的讨论丰富了情感地理的实证研究,同时对拓展情感地理研究的尺度与视角进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

In this paper I highlight some spatial and body politics of the HERO parade, Aotearoa/New Zealand's biggest gay pride parade. The proposed site change of the HERO parade, from Queen Street to Ponsonby Road, was debated at length in local newspapers. This debate can be theorised as contingent on western hierarchical dualisms such as mind/body, public/ private, straight/gay. 1 offer an embodied geography through a focus on the constitutive relationship between bodies and places.  相似文献   

Lacanian psychoanalysis has been used in film, literature and other areas of social thought, but rarely in the domain of urban studies and human/cultural geography. Following its introduction by urban planners Michael Gunder and Jean Hillier, I apply the theory of the four discourses and the mirror stage of development to Singapore's urban development of the two Integrated Resorts at Marina Bay and Sentosa. The decision to allow gambling and build casinos was a contentious one and provides a point of departure for insight into the identity issues and planning decision making processes in Singapore. I critically analyse the rhetoric of the public debate from 2004–2005 to draw conclusions about the government's self‐perception of Singapore as a city‐state and the manifestation of this identity through the creation of cosmopolitan spaces as an attempt to project that identity onto its citizens. The aim of Lacanian psychoanalysis is to provide an understanding and recognition by analysis to enable a change of signifiers, values and ideology among the masters and the subjects to better represent the true needs and wants of the community. This reflective position enables a movement toward postcolonial urban studies and planning.  相似文献   

城市公共健康风险是当代城市研究的一个重要主题,在中国人文地理学界尚未得到充分关注。国内既有研究主要集中在两个维度——健康城市建设和城市风险治理,然而这些研究受到城市/自然二元论的影响。自20世纪90年代以来,城市政治生态学在西方人文地理学界迅速崛起,提出了以社会关系为核心的城市新陈代谢理论,在空间和联系两个层面将社会与自然,人类行为体与非人类行为体联系起来,实现了对二元论的超越。基于这一理论,本文从空间和联系层面对城市公共健康风险的具体形式进行分析,指出在空间层面上,存在空间流转和重叠的公共健康风险和空间生产和再生产活动的公共健康风险;就联系层面而言,存在“新陈代谢断裂”的公共健康风险和公众认知的公共健康风险。  相似文献   

One aspect of a recent restructuring of urban economies, societies, and spaces has been a change in urban planning practice. Planning is increasingly privatized and decentralized in U.S. cities. Private planning consultants are often hired by public‐private coalitions in order to shape the future of cities, while the planning processes they institute are frequently claimed to be consensus‐based, collaborative, and inclusionary, rather than elite‐centered and expert‐driven. This paper discusses the use of “visioning”—an increasingly popular technique that develops goals for the future of a city through consensus‐based meetings, open to all parties—as developed by New Century Lexington, a public‐private planning initiative in Lexington, Kentucky. It argues that: (1) new public‐private planning procedures, incorporating collaborative techniques, frequently become the institutional sites of political struggle over how future urban geographies are produced; (2) in order to understand the role of visioning in contemporary urban politics and in policy making outcomes, we must recognize the sociospatial context in which it is deployed; and (3) in the case of New Century, the way in which local elites controlled the mechanics of the visioning process made dissent difficult and, therefore, produced a vision of the future largely parallel to their standard economic development models.  相似文献   

A right to the city, understood as a conjoint claim to a right to inhabit urban space well, can be an effective starting point from which diverse urban movements can begin to build broad counterhegemonic coalitions for alternative urban futures. In this article, I argue that the right to the city supports the project of establishing relations of equivalence among members of coalitions––balancing relations of sameness/difference and interdependence/autonomy.  相似文献   

Crime is both a factual and perceptual component of the urban landscape, seemingly both a societal pathology and the consequence of economic disparity between social groups. Crime has a spatial structure that can be revealed by mapping. Urban crime has a spatial multiplier effect that changes the values and perceptions of how people see urban space, and which jeopardizes the quality of life of a city's inhabitants. In this research we examine the question of whether the geography of actual criminal acts is echoed by peoples' perceptions of crime, what might be termed their “spaces of fear”. We ask how the fear of crime is associated with reported urban crime. Urban crime incidents have been increasing in Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. We assembled crime information about Viçosa from two sources: first, crime as reported to the police and second, crime as perceived by city residents and measured by surveys and interviews. Reported criminal acts reveal a clustered geography, focusing particularly on the Downtown area, where there is a concentration of urban wealth and potential victims are more numerous. Offenses against property were focused on Downtown, while offenses against the person were located mostly in peripheral areas. The widespread feeling of insecurity in the city's neighborhoods, reflecting the fear of becoming a victim of violence and crime, was common throughout the city. Results confirmed the conclusion of past studies showing that the fear of violence and crime are not directly related to increasing numbers of criminal reports. Sites with higher incidence of crimes are not places with higher levels of fear. Rather than being geographically explainable “spaces of fear”, the spatial distribution of the fear of violence and crime appears to be unrelated in Viçosa, and neither is clustered or dispersed in any measurable way.  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国城市旧城区进行了若干次大规模的旧城更新活动,以武汉市汉正街为实证对象,将其更新活动分为3个阶段展开研究,总结分析各阶段国家权力结构调整、土地有偿制度深化和住房制度改革等社会制度环境的变化特征,探讨了社会制度发展在解决旧城问题上所发挥的作用及存在问题。结果表明:制度环境的变迁使旧城更新成为制度容易缺失的领域;制度目标的更迭使旧城更新渐成为公共领域与私人领域的利益争夺舞台;旧城更新的发展过程本质上是公权力与私权利交织的结果。  相似文献   


This piece argues that urban postpolitical scholarship should pay greater attention to the everyday lives of urban residents and the everyday spaces of contemporary cities. Recent debates in urban geography have sought in part to expand narrow readings of Jacques Rancière’s politics in particular, creating space for broader and more inclusive analyses of resistance to depoliticizing regimes. This article builds on this work, extending these critiques by suggesting that the quotidian is the most pressing analytical avenue for such expansion. The piece builds on ethnographic and archival fieldwork conducted in Mexico City between 2014 and 2017, demonstrating the dependence of a postpolitical regime on the maintenance of particular relations in the everyday spaces and interactions of the city, and some of the salient ways these trends are experienced, reproduced, and contested by the city’s residents.  相似文献   

Maintaining family values? Cleansing the streets of sex advertising   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phil Hubbard 《Area》2002,34(4):353-360
The Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 makes it an offence to place an advertisement for sex work in public telephone boxes. In this paper, I discuss the background to this Act, exploring the reasons why the presence of sex advertising in a public space has provoked a classic piece of 'moral panic' legislation. Highlighting the role of this new legislation in policing the boundaries between public and private space, the paper thus engages with key debates in social and cultural geography concerning the maintenance of socio–spatial order.  相似文献   

重建地方:人文地理与GIS结合研究的路径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
叶超  塔娜 《地理科学进展》2020,39(8):1249-1259
地方是很重要的地理学概念。中外学界对地方的研究有丰富积累。围绕地方的理论与现实问题,探索人文地理与GIS结合研究的路径和方法对中国地理学尤为重要。“重建地方”旨在打破学科界限,重新发现学术研究的“地方”,并将学术与生活、思想与技术紧密结合起来,反思和重建生活中的“地方”。人文地理与GIS结合研究主要聚焦于流动性的大尺度城市空间与稳定性的小尺度社区空间。通过运用开放的街景地图、3D-VQGIS等新GIS工具和方法,整合大数据与小数据,将定量与定性结合,丰富了地方性研究的方法与理论,使人文地理与GIS结合有新的方法论与可操作的手段。以地方为主题,人文地理与GIS的结合还将重塑这2个子学科,进而促进地理学发展。未来应该大力探索人文地理与GIS结合的思想、理论与方法,实现学科内的交融互动,并将其应用于解释尺度交错的现实问题,进而在理论和实践上重建地方。  相似文献   

中国城市私人汽车发展的时空特征及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄晓燕  曹小曙  李涛 《地理学报》2012,67(6):745-757
选取中国235 个地级以上城市为样本,研究了1990-2009 年中国城市私人汽车拥有量演变的时空特征,并选取了9 个解释变量,使用1995-2009 年的面板数据,建立面板数据模型量化各影响因素的贡献率,分析各因素对城市私人汽车拥有量的作用机制。研究结果表明:① 中国城市私人汽车的发展呈现出一定的阶段性特点,并具有明显的空间集聚及区域分异特征;② 中国城市私人汽车发展的空间差异呈先增大后缩小的倒“U”形变动轨迹;2000 年后,中国城市私人汽车发展的空间差异出现了地带间趋异而地带内趋同的现象;③ 经济因素是私人汽车拥有量的决定性因素,私人汽车拥有量随人均收入的发展呈现出“S”形增长,城市化水平对私人汽车拥有量具有显著正效应,但对特大及巨大城市却产生了不显著的负效应;④ 城市空间扩张带来的城市规模增加会导致城市私人交通工具使用需求增大,当城市人口规模达到一定的临界值以上后,城市人口密度的增加能抑制私人汽车拥有量的增加;⑤ 城市公共交通及出租车的服务能力对私人汽车的增长有抑制作用,但并不显著,且随着城市规模的扩大,城市公共交通发展对私人汽车增长的抑制作用逐渐增强。  相似文献   

This paper shows how regimes of spatial ordering in Brazil are produced by the entangling of neoliberalism, leftist populism and modernist visions. The paper focuses on Prometrópole, a slum upgrading project in Recife funded by the World Bank, which commenced in 2007. In this project, the neoliberal dimension manifests in the idea that the state, private companies and citizens together are responsible for (re)constructing urban space, and further, that beneficiaries should behave as autonomous citizens, taking responsibility for their new living environment. The leftist political dimension is seen in participatory procedures to involve the target population from project design through to implementation, in expectation of their cooperation with the government. The modernist aesthetics – of straight lines, open spaces and visible order – informs the project design with the requirement to use the new houses and public spaces according to the standards of ‘modern civilization’. As our research shows, such a regime of spatial ordering clashes with the livelihoods of the urban poor, whose quality of life might even deteriorate as a result of the intervention. Furthermore, so‐called participatory procedures fail to grant the target population any real influence in creating their environment. Consequently, these residents of the new housing estate drastically reconstruct their private and public areas, reappropriating the urban space and contesting the regime of spatial ordering imposed upon them.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The geography of terrorism remains underexplored. By focusing on the spatial patterns of terrorist attacks, the settings and land uses in which attacks occur, and the methods used to perpetrate violence, this analysis helps build a theory of terrorism geography. Between 1 January 1997 and 11 September 2005, 178 terrorist incidents occurred in the United States. Analysis of these incidents suggests three insights. At the national scale, terrorism in the United States clustered in large urban areas, with regional differentiation of terrorist motives and targets. At the scale of individual attack sites, terrorist motivations pinpointed offices, clinics, and public spaces; right‐wing violence, military, government, and infrastructural targets; and religious terrorism, commercial and special land uses. At the scale of individual interactions, terrorists crossed paths with victims in various ways. For example, the 2001 anthrax‐attack letters and lone‐wolf terrorism created alternative intersections of perpetrators with victims.  相似文献   

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