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This mixed‐methods case study identifies how floodplain property acquisition—a buyout—impacts an urban environment at the neighborhood scale while considering the role of individual residents in formal and informal land‐use decision making. In floodplain buyouts, the reopening of urban space is enabled by federal structural drivers, primarily Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), but it is repurposed as a cultural landscape constructed and produced by individuals. This research explores how residents perceive and ascribe values to the buyout landscape in Lexington, Kentucky. Enabled by federal funds, but left largely to their own devices, residents in Lexington adopted uses, ascribed values, and produced their own land‐use norms in each buyout neighborhood.  相似文献   

随着新型城镇化、健康中国等战略的提出,“城市健康”成为社会各界关注的重要议题。然而,既有研究较少基于邻里效应的视角,揭示城市社区环境对居民心理健康的影响因素。论文基于2015年广州市23个社区的1150份问卷调查数据,从邻里效应的视角出发,采用多层线性回归模型,识别了广州市居民心理健康的决定因素,尤其关注社区建成环境和社会环境的影响。研究发现,广州市居民的心理健康水平在社区层面存在空间异质性,由个体层面因素与社区层面因素所共同决定。就个体因素而言,受教育程度、住房产权和身体健康状况对心理健康水平有显著的正向预测作用;就社区建成环境因素而言,服务设施配套和公园绿地供给均与心理健康水平呈显著的正相关关系;就社区社会环境因素而言,社区纠纷数量对心理健康有显著的负向预测作用,社区组织数量和邻里交往频率对心理健康有显著的正向预测作用。建议通过社区规划和社区建设,加大公共服务设施和公园绿地的供给,健全社区组织,鼓励邻里交往,从而提升居民的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

从土地征用基本概念和基本特征着手,描述了土地征用的主要风险,其表现为土地征用权力滥用、侵害失地农民的权益、诱发集体土地黑市、诱发社会矛盾等方面。分析了产生风险的“公共利益需要”缺乏明确界定、土地征用的补偿标准偏低或滞后、土地征用及相关制度不健全或存在缺陷等主要原因。提出了控制与规避风险的对策与措施:严格限定公益性用地范围,提高征地补偿标准,扩大补偿范围,完善相关制度,严格土地征用程序。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):198-200
In the Susette Kelo et al. v. City of New London, Connecticut, et al. decision of 2005, a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court held that the use of eminent domain by the New London Development Corporation, a nonprofit organization charged with redeveloping a depressed site in New London, Connecticut, was not a violation of the Fifth Amendment, which prevents the taking of private property for "public use" without just compensation. Unlike prior eminent domain decisions, the immediate beneficiaries in Kelo were private interests: the public benefit was simply the localized trickle-down effects of economic redevelopment. This short commentary argues that Kelo offers an instructive window into the contradictory geographies of property under urban neoliberalism. While neoliberal redevelopment frequently invokes and mobilizes private property, it may also dispossess owners and rework entitlements in the name of "highest and best use," as in New London. The social geographies of dispossession, however, are not equitable: smaller and otherwise marginalized interests may suffer disproportionately, despite ideological assurances to the contrary.  相似文献   

在郊区化和社区生活圈构建的背景下,提高郊区居民日常生活对社区空间的依赖性对于缓解城市发展压力、提高居民生活质量和满意度有重要意义。论文将功能性依赖和情感性依赖2个维度相结合,构建研究框架,将居民的社区依赖性划分为社区依赖、社区依靠、社区认同和社区排斥4种类型。以上海市为案例地区开展实证研究,基于2017年郊区居民行为调查的一手数据,分析居民功能性依赖和情感性依赖的基本特征及其群体间差异,并利用多项Logistics回归模型,研究社区空间特征对社区依赖性的影响。对不同群体和不同社区特征下社区依赖性的模式进行总结,以期为郊区社区生活圈规划提供研究依据。研究结果表明:不同群体的社区依赖性特征存在显著差异,小汽车拥有情况对于功能性依赖和情感性依赖的作用方向相反;社区设施密度主要影响居民对社区的功能性依赖;社区绿地率对功能性依赖和情感性依赖都有显著的积极影响;居民对社区的主观评价主要影响情感性依赖。社区生活圈的规划应改善社区环境质量,合理配置绿地、开敞空间和休闲设施,提高社区商业设施等级和质量,同时也要注重加强社会环境的建设。  相似文献   

梁流涛  祝孔超 《地理研究》2019,38(8):1932-1948
从虚拟耕地流动的视角构建区际农业生态补偿框架,并在此框架下开展区际农业生态补偿支付/受偿区域划分和补偿标准测算的研究。结果表明:① 区际农业生态补偿的基本原理是:利用虚拟耕地净流量(输入量与输出量的差额)指标划分区际农业生态补偿的支付/受偿区域。对于净流量为负的分室,通过虚拟耕地流动占用了其他区域的耕地资源,应该支付相应的生态补偿。对于净流量为正的分室,通过虚拟耕地流动被其他区域占用了耕地资源,应得到生态补偿。区际农业生态补偿额度应包含对农业生态环境保护和改善的投资成本以及占用农业资源使其牺牲的发展机会成本等方面,并由管理平台统一收缴和分发。② 2004年以后虚拟耕地流动格局基本上保持稳定,只有个别省市(甘肃和云南)由净流入转变为净流出,在空间上表现为“北耕南流”的格局。③ 受偿区域(15个省市)主要分布在东北地区、华北地区和西北地区;支付区域(16个省市)主要分布在东部沿海地区和西南地区。④ 研究期内年均总受偿额度为1472.58亿元,处于高受偿省份(黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古、河南)年均受偿额度都在150亿元以上。研究期内年均总支付额度为543.10亿元,其中,处于高支付区域的省份(浙江、广东、北京、福建)年均支付额度都在40亿元以上。  相似文献   

采用在广州市13个保障房社区收集的一手数据,运用多元线性回归模型和中介效应分析技术,分析了保障房社区居民情绪幸福感影响因素。结果表明:社区建成环境(住房条件、社区建设)和社区社会环境(社区社会网络和社区凝聚力)与情绪幸福感水平显著相关,但没有证据表明社区内的保障房比重与情绪幸福感相关。此外,居民的人口与社会经济特征与其情绪幸福感显著相关。身体健康水平与情绪幸福感水平显著相关,且对于婚姻状况和住房条件与情绪幸福感的关系而言起到中介效应。因此,保障房的规划和建设要兼顾社会环境建设和物质环境建设,以提升保障房社区居民的幸福感和生活体验。  相似文献   

佟伟铭  张平宇  何欢 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1537-1545
基于长春市兴华园社区典型案例,利用社区理论揭示了大城市郊区化过程中失地农民社区的城镇化机制与影响。结果表明土地征用体制下以农村社区为载体实现了快速城镇化,实现了乡村社会和经济空间重构,乡村生产空间和生活空间的优化和重组,地域空间并入城市发展范畴,城镇化进程加快,主要表现为城市景观和设施的推进,农民市民化进程加快,包括就业非农化与生活方式市民化等,但存在社会保障和补偿机制不健全,失地农民生活满意度低,社会认同感缺失等问题。  相似文献   

在城市的旧社区商业改造和新社区商业开发过程中,建立合理的社区商业模式对于保障居民日常生活需求、改善社区商业交易环境、完善城市社区功能、提升城市面貌有着重要的现实意义。本文以苏州工业园区邻里中心为例,通过实地考察和问卷调查的方式,从区位、布置方式、业态组合、居民的消费行为等方面进行分析,论述新加坡邻里中心在苏州本地化过程中的成功经验,提出对国内社区商业模式选择的建议。  相似文献   

Qiyan Wu 《Urban geography》2018,39(2):282-298
In this paper, we examine two urban projects in Kunming, Southwest China, one a massive scheme to build a new city center on rural land outside the city, and the other, an act of urban restructuring involving the rebuilding of an old Hui (Muslim) neighborhood in the old city center. We analyze the coalition of forces configured to undertake these large-scale projects; we underline the role of specially formed city-building organizations and the support provided by the state-owned institutions that dominate the city’s political economy; and we draw attention to the caution with which the city government handled resistance to urban restructuring among Hui residents. We argue that urban growth projects in inland cities like Kunming are marked by certain features that distinguish them from similar projects in Eastern Chinese cities but maintain that nonetheless the drive for profit maximization at the expense of residents is unchanged.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):371-376
In the second half of the 20th century, considerable resources and efforts have been devoted to revitalizing American central cities. In these redevelopment processes, however, the common byproduct of physical upgrading is social upgrading, the displacement of many of the original residents, who are often low-income and minority, from their traditional neighborhoods. This article explores the various processes of physical and social upgrading—including locally driven urban renewal, private sector "blockbusting," and gentrification—occurring in late 20th century Houston, Texas. This research also examines the neighborhood characteristics and demographic patterns that influence the occurrence of specific upgrading processes. One location of particular interest in the study is Houston's historic African American community of Freedmen's Town, which has experienced decades of conflict over land and space. Most recently, Freedmen's Town has been at the focus of Houston's urban revival, where physical upgrading has been accompanied by the displacement of the community's traditional population and the destruction of this historic neighborhood.  相似文献   

薛德升  黄耿志 《地理研究》2008,27(6):1390-1399
国内外现有的研究认为,无管制或缺少管制是非正规经济或非正规部门的核心特征。我国城市中的城中村是非正规部门最为集中的区域。选取广州市海珠区的下渡村这一典型案例,对非正规部门的"管制"状况进行了深入调查研究。发现在我国经济转型与快速城市化的背景下,城中村有宽松的管制环境、廉价的住房市场和良好的区位等条件,吸引了大量的非正规部门。但这些城中村的非正规部门并非完全处于管制之外,而是生存于一种管制之外的特殊"管制"之中。这种"管制"表现为一个以政府力量为主导,地方自治组织、地痞组织、本地村民和周围居民等多方力量共同作用的复杂结构,深刻而切实地影响着非正规部门的生存状态。  相似文献   

杨文越  甄新瑜 《地理科学》2022,42(5):938-950
基于2019年广州18个社区1 470份问卷数据,通过构建结构方程模型探究不同尺度步行环境(包括步行适宜性和其他与步行相关的建成环境要素)对居民肥胖的影响机理。研究发现:居民出行态度与偏好会影响通勤行为,但对居民肥胖没有显著的直接影响。在考虑了居民社会经济属性和出行态度偏好后,居住地步行环境对居民身体质量指数(body mass index, BMI)具有显著的负向总体效应。步行环境对居民BMI的影响具有尺度效应,社区尺度的步行适宜性影响最为显著。不同尺度的绿度、路网密度、地铁站密度和与城市中心的距离等其他与步行相关的建成环境均对居民BMI有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

古杰  周素红  宋广文 《热带地理》2022,42(10):1752-1760
已有文献对社会隔离和犯罪之间的相关性进行了探讨,但主要聚焦于种族或族群之间的社会隔离,对个体活动联系和情感联系等方面的关注相对不足。文章以1 148份在广州市74个典型社区居住3 a以上居民的问卷为数据基础,构建了社会联系、邻里联系、活动联系和情感联系相结合的社会隔离指标体系,在控制个体基本属性的基础上,探讨了社会隔离与暴力侵害、入室盗窃、社区内扒窃和社区外扒窃四大犯罪类型之间的相关性。结果显示:整体上,社会隔离与居民遭受犯罪侵害具有显著正相关关系,但部分指标和特定犯罪类型之间具有负相关关系。其中,1)与暴力侵害具有显著相关性的指标仅有意见建议(负相关);2)与入室盗窃具有显著相关性的指标包括社区内亲朋人数(负相关)、社区情感(正相关)和社区管理服务满意度(正相关);3)与社区内扒窃具有显著相关性的指标包括社区内亲朋人数(负相关)、邻里是否相互串门(正相关)、邻里是否相互借东西(负相关)和居民对社区管理服务的满意度(正相关);4)与社区外扒窃具有显著相关性的指标包括是否失业(负相关)、邻里关系和谐程度(正相关)、意见建议(负相关)和居民对管理服务满意度(正相关)。总的来看,不同衡量维度的社会隔离与社区的非正式社会控制、居民对犯罪的警惕程度有关,从而导致其对居民遭受犯罪侵害概率的影响存在差异,且这种差异随受侵害类型的变化而发生变化。  相似文献   

Resettlement of people displaced by dam projects is an important development issue. Land lost due to the Three Gorges reservoir inundation and the adjustment of land-use policy in China resulted in land-use changes, and impacted on the human carrying capacity of the land and the land availability for resettlement. The Chinese government has implemented a ‘development-oriented resettlement’ policy and a ‘near resettlement’ approach to relocating rural dwellers affected by the Three Gorges Project (TGP). Based on recent land-use survey and population data of the case study area and using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis in land-use planning, this study analyses the characteristics and changes of land use in both the inundation and resettlement areas. Undeveloped land is scarce in both areas. The non-flooded cultivated land is distributed mainly on steep slopes (over 25 degrees). There is a discrepancy between the amount of land required by those being resettled and what is available in the designated resettlement communities. This study suggests that resettlement should consider the human carrying capacity of the land and, from a community standpoint, sheds light on the interplay between land-use planning and resettlement, and provides constructive suggestions for TGP resettlement strategies.  相似文献   

臧玉珠  杨园园  曹智 《地理研究》2019,38(3):713-724
城市和乡村是连续统一体,乡村地域系统在城市化和工业化的带动下不断发生着转型与重构。探索乡村转型发展路径,总结成功经验模式,对促进乡村可持续发展乃至实现乡村振兴具有重要意义。城市郊区地处城乡交错带,相比农村腹地,乡村转型具有独特优势。本研究以华明镇为例,详细阐述了以城镇化整理路径实现乡村转型发展的典型模式。研究发现,华明镇乡村转型以“三整合”为标志,通过实施宅基地换房,建设现代农业产业园和工业园区,改革集体经济,创新金融服务,整合社区服务组织,实现了生产要素的优化配置,促进了村庄“人-地-业”协调发展。但是,以城镇化整理为主导的乡村转型模式,会造成传统乡村聚落的消失,需要强大的财政支持与政策体系支撑,仅适应于非农化水平较高的乡村地区,应审慎对待,不能盲目推进。  相似文献   

从社会空间的视角研究邻里关系是城市社会地理学的重要课题。本文利用针对北京回龙观居民的问卷调查数据,并结合质性研究方法,探讨了郊区大型居住区的邻里关系及其与郊区社会空间再生的有机联系。作为典型的郊区大型居住区,回龙观的邻里交往较为浅层化但居民具有较高的交往意愿,邻里互助情况较少但具有很强的互助意愿,居民整体责任意识、社区参与和维权意识强烈。入住小区初期的集体采购、日常生活中的维权和文体活动、“童子军”外交和依托社区网的互动方式使居民相互之间维持了较好的邻里关系。邻里关系与居民受教育程度、入住小区时间长度及有无互助经历等因素相关。对社区形成起到更直接作用的是居民在社会生活方面的互动,这种互动基于实体物理空间和虚拟空间提供的平台,以及通过固化居民间的联系而萌生社区文化。回龙观居民在脱离原居住地社会关系网络背景下,通过邻里关系在郊区大型居住区构建了新的社会关系,改善了郊区社会空间的破碎化状况,促使社会空间再生。  相似文献   

While planners and policymakers have advocated the need for project-based subsidized housing, they often face the challenge of strong community opposition due to the negative perceptions of subsidized housing and subsidized households, and the fear that these developments and residents would bring increased crime. This paper aims to extend beyond anecdotal evidence by examining the impact of a popular U.S. affordable housing program, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, on neighborhood crime rates. We estimate the levels and trends in neighborhood crime before and after LIHTC developments, based on crime incidents data from 2000 to 2009 in Austin, Texas, using the Adjusted Interrupted Time Series–Difference in Differences (AITS–DID) approach to clarify the causal direction of impacts of LIHTC developments. Results show that LIHTC subsidized housing tended to be developed in neighborhoods where crime was already prevalent, and contrary to popular perception, LIHTC developments have a mitigating impact on neighborhood crime. These results suggest that LIHTC developments may be an effective tool for revitalizing distressed neighborhoods by ameliorating the “broken windows” problem and reducing neighborhood crime.  相似文献   

李红  塔娜 《热带地理》2022,42(12):2031-2041
以上海市郊区为案例地区,综合问卷调查和多源绿地数据,构建有序Logit模型分析高档、低档、近郊、远郊4类社区的社区内外绿地规模与结构对居民心理健康的影响。结果发现:1)不同社区的绿地数量与结构存在显著差异。高低档社区内的绿地差异大于近远郊社区;近郊社区的周边绿地数量优于远郊社区,但公园绿地可达性更差。2)提高社区内乔木和灌木比例、增加社区周边公园绿地可达性对心理健康有正向影响。3)低档社区居民的心理健康受到社区内植被覆盖和公园绿地可达性的显著影响,而高档社区居民对绿地空间的作用不敏感。4)近郊社区居民受到周边绿地规模和社区内植被覆盖的影响,而远郊社区绿地率和公园绿地的可达性对居民心理健康有显著作用。最后,提出对于低档和近郊社区首先需要关注社区内的绿地规划,对于高档和远郊社区应注重社区内外的绿地平衡的建议。  相似文献   

R. Alan Walks 《Area》2010,42(1):7-24
Gated communities have been characterised as representing processes of 'forting up' and 'civic secession', in which their residents use gating as a strategy for withdrawing from political life and from taking collective responsibility for others. The assumption is that the residents of private gated communities should be less likely to participate in political life, and/or be more likely to support political parties on the right who advocate privatisation, reduced government expenditures and lower taxes. If the act of living in a gated community is associated with either greater support for parties and policies on the right of the political spectrum, or limited political participation, then the growth of such forms of privatised communities has potential implications for the future of urban politics and even for national political systems. However, despite surveys that have dealt with social attitudes 'behind the gates', insufficient attention has been paid to the politics of gated community residents. This paper fills this gap through a comparative analysis of electoral behaviour during the 2006 federal election at the level of the polling station. Electoral participation and partisanship in 27 gated communities in three Canadian metropolitan areas is compared against that of non-gated residents. Regression analysis is conducted in order to determine whether gated community residents differ from their non-gated counterparts in the way they vote and their levels of electoral turnout, after controlling for social composition. The potential implications of this research are then discussed.  相似文献   

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