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崔鹏  邹强 《地理科学进展》2016,35(2):137-147
山洪泥石流是中国常见的自然灾害,充分认识其形成机制与潜在风险是防灾减灾的关键。本文阐述了山洪泥石流形成机理,以及风险分析与管理的方法和内容,系统认识了地表产流流量激增、土体破坏物质供给激增、沟道堵塞体级联溃决流量放大和动床侵蚀规模增大等4个山洪泥石流的形成过程,介绍了基于动力过程的山洪泥石流风险评估方法和承灾体易损性评估方法,构建了基于灾害动力过程的风险评估与风险制图方法。进而,基于风险评估结果,提出可用于具体灾害点减灾的风险管理内容和风险调控技术、灾害防治的工程与非工程措施与制技术方案。最后,重点讨论了包括灾害风险预测、临灾预案、灾害防治工程方案等内容的风险处置对策,并形成一套基于山洪泥石流动力过程的风险评估与风险管理理论与方法体系。  相似文献   

泥石流易损度评价   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
刘希林  莫多闻 《地理研究》2002,21(5):569-577
泥石流易损度是指在一定区域和给定时段内 ,由于泥石流灾害而可能导致的该区域内所存在的一切人、财、物的潜在最大损失。易损度评价因子主要分为财产指标和人口指标两大类。财产指标包括建筑资产、交通设施资产、生命线工程资产、个人财产和土地资源 ;人口指标包括人口年龄、受教育程度、富裕状况、人口自然增长率和人口密度。财产指标和人口指标具有不同的计量单位因而不能直接相加。本文提出的“转换赋值函数”解决了人、财、物统一标度和综合表达的难题 ,使泥石流易损度定量表达为财产指标转换函数赋值与人口指标转换函数赋值之和的二分之一的平方根。易损度取值范围介于 0~ 1或 0 %~ 10 0 %之间  相似文献   

In many mountainous areas, the rapid development of urbanisation and the limited space in the valley floors have created a need to construct buildings in zones potentially exposed to debris flow hazard. In these zones, a detailed and coherent hazard assessment is necessary to provide an adequate urban planning. This article presents a multidisciplinary procedure to evaluate the debris flow hazard at a local scale. Our four-step approach was successfully applied to five torrent catchments in the Principality of Andorra, located in the Pyrenees. The first step consisted of a comprehensive geomorphologic and geologic analysis providing an inventory map of the past debris flows, a magnitude–frequency relationship, and a geomorphologic–geologic map. These data were necessary to determine the potential initiation zones and volumes of future debris flows for each catchment. A susceptibility map and different scenarios were the principal outcome of the first step, as well as essential input data for the second step, the runout analysis. A one-dimensional numerical code was applied to analyse the scenarios previously defined. First, the critical channel sections in the fan area were evaluated, then the maximum runout of the debris flows on the fan was studied, and finally simplified intensity maps for each defined scenario were established. The third step of our hazard assessment was the hazard zonation and the compilation of all the results from the two previous steps in a final hazard map. The base of this hazard map was the hazard matrix, which combined the intensity of the debris flow with its probability of occurrence and determined a certain hazard degree. The fourth step referred to the hazard mitigation and included some recommendations for hazard reduction. In Andorra, this four-step approach is actually being applied to assess the debris flow hazard. The final hazard maps, at 1 : 2000 scale, provide an obligatory tool for local land use planning. Experience achieved during the study showed that the collaboration between geologists, geomorphologists, engineers, and decision makers is essential and that only a multidisciplinary approach allows for solving all the problems of such a complex process as debris flows. Finally, we propose that our approach may be applied to other mountainous areas, adapting the hazard matrix to new local conditions.  相似文献   

基于可拓层次分析法的区域泥石流灾害评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决传统方法在泥石流沟评价方案重要性赋值时只考虑两种极端情况的限制问题,以甘肃省天祝藏族自治县境内的13条泥石流沟作为研究对象,将可拓集合理论和方法应用到区域(流域)多条泥石流沟的实际评价问题中,为区域(流域)多条泥石流沟的综合评价和排序以及区域泥石流综合治理提供了新的思路。结果表明:(1)通过本方法研究得到13条泥石流沟中处于中度危险的有1条,其余12条处于轻度危险,与其他研究成果较为一致。说明本方法在区域(流域)多条泥石流沟的综合评价和排序方面的理论是合理的。(2)本方法同时考虑了以往泥石流沟危险性评价使用模糊AHP方法不考虑判断矩阵一致性方面的缺欠,将求解符合一致性要求的判断矩阵权重向量的方法有机地融合到EAHP方法中,使决策结果更贴近客观实际。(3)研究进一步指出,泥石流沟危险性评价的核心问题是判断指标的选择,应根据不同的区域的实际情况选取。虽然指标选择困难较大,但对于同一区域而言,某些指标对于各泥石流沟的影响是基本一致的(比如降水、下垫面、区域地质等因素),因此,利用该方法可以避免过多的指标参与到评价模式之中,使评价过程更为简单。  相似文献   

全球风险和脆弱性评估方法及其尺度转换的局限性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国际上采用一系列指标,从全球的、区域的视角测度风险和脆弱性的工作不断增多.从全球尺度看,风险和脆弱性评估方法主要包括:UNDP的灾害风险指数、哥伦比亚大学的热点项目,以及哥伦比亚国家大学环境研究所开发的美洲项目;从区域尺度看,以GTZ和印度尼西亚社区合作伙伴共同开发的基于社区的风险指数最为典型.通过国际主要文献的综述,介绍了几种主要评估方法的目标、框架、测算指标和基本要求,分析了这些评估方法在应用中的局限性,指出了不同方法在空间尺度降次、升级转换过程中的不足和难点.  相似文献   

宋柏泱  陈报章 《地理研究》2022,41(8):2251-2264
在全球变暖和极端气候事件频发的背景下,分析干旱特征及其风险不仅对经济社会发展具有重要实际价值,而且可为研究气候变化与人类活动的相互作用关系提供参考。瓜达尔港地区是“一带一路”倡议的重要交通要道。本文遵循灾害风险评估理论,采用趋势分析方法对瓜达尔港地区进行干旱灾害风险分析。结果表明:① 瓜达尔港地区整体干旱灾害危险性指数为0.5左右,南部地区遭受干旱灾害的可能性比北部低,东部地区遭受干旱灾害的可能性较高;② 暴露度指数整体在0.5左右,中部沿海地区由于经济发达而较容易受到干旱灾害影响,西北部地区有较高的暴露度指数;③ 脆弱性指数整体偏低,并且大致呈由北向南递减的趋势;④ 瓜达尔港地区为中度干旱风险,其中部沿海地区、东北部以及西部小部分区域有相对较高的干旱风险,只有较少的零星区域有较低的干旱风险水平;⑤ 该地区帕默尔干旱指数(PDSI)变化率全部呈下降趋势,意味着该地区整体干旱趋势有所增加。  相似文献   

泥石流风险评价中若干问题的探讨   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
刘希林 《山地学报》2000,18(4):341-345
介绍了自然灾害风险评价的一般主泥石流危险性和泥石流区域易损性的评价方法。探讨了危险度的指标选择及其量值表达,以及风险度和易损度的异同。论述了风险评价和环境评价的关系,并对有关文献中的危险性和易损性评价问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于情景的1951-2011年中国极端降水风险评估   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着全球气候变暖,极端降水的风险评估研究成为学界和各国政府广泛关注的热点问题,开展中国极端降水的风险评估研究可以为中国防灾减灾提供参考依据。本文从灾害风险评估视角,依据国际减灾战略(ISDR)的灾害风险评估模型,开展了中国极端降水的风险评估研究。首先,利用1951-2011年全国各站点逐日降水数据,采用Pearson-III方法,模拟不同重现期情景下极端降水量和频次分布,评估中国不同重现期下的极端降水危险性及空间分布;其次,基于人口和GDP指标,分析极端降水脆弱性及空间分布特征;在此基础上,评估了5年、10年、50年、100年一遇情景下中国极端降水风险及其空间分布特征。结果表明:① 中国极端降水危险性等级从东南沿海向西北内陆递减,5年一遇情景下,极端降水高危险区和低危险区的分界线大致与400 mm等降水线相同。② 中国极端降水脆弱性高的地区主要分布在人口稠密且经济发达的东部沿海大城市地区,特别是经济发达的长三角、珠三角和京津冀等城市群地区,以及中部地区的一些大城市。③ 不同情景下,中国极端降水风险等级均呈现由东南向西北方向降低。风险等级高和较高的地区主要位于黑河—腾冲线以东,中和低风险区位于该线以西,这与中国人口密度分布的胡焕庸线大体一致。  相似文献   

近年来,频繁发生的泥石流灾害给中国部分地区造成了巨大的破坏。泥石流点多面广、成灾迅速,难以对其进行准确的监测预报,风险评估就显得尤为重要。本文从泥石流灾害风险的构成要素、危险性评估研究和承灾体脆弱程度评估研究等方面分析了泥石流灾害风险的研究现状。从当前的研究现状中可以发现:灾害风险公式得到广大学者普遍认同,泥石流危险性评估方法也相对比较成熟;但在泥石流灾害对承灾体的致损风险机理分析方面研究尚需深入,危险性评估中如何实现从点评价向面评价过渡还需进一步探讨,对承灾体脆弱性研究也需要引起重视。因此,在今后的评估研究中,需要加强这些方面的研究探索,进一步提高泥石流灾害风险评估结果的可信度,提高其实用性。  相似文献   

Sources of debris flow material in burned areas   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
The vulnerability of recently burned areas to debris flows has been well established. Likewise, it has been shown that many, if not most, post-fire debris flows are initiated by runoff and erosion and grow in size through erosion and scour by the moving debris flow, as opposed to landslide-initiated flows with little growth. To better understand the development and character of these flows, a study has been completed encompassing 46 debris flows in California, Utah, and Colorado, in nine different recently burned areas. For each debris flow, progressive debris production was measured at intervals along the length of the channel, and from these measurements graphs were developed showing cumulative volume of debris as a function of channel length. All 46 debris flows showed significant bulking by scour and erosion, with average yield rates for each channel ranging from 0.3 to 9.9 m3 of debris produced for every meter of channel length, with an overall average value of 2.5 m3/m. Significant increases in yield rate partway down the channel were identified in 87% of the channels, with an average of a three-fold increase in yield rate. Yield rates for short reaches of channels (up to several hundred meters) ranged as high as 22.3 m3/m. Debris was contributed from side channels into the main channels for 54% of the flows, with an average of 23% of the total debris coming from those side channels. Rill erosion was identified for 30% of the flows, with rills contributing between 0.1 and 10.5% of the total debris, with an average of 3%. Debris was deposited as levees in 87% of the flows, with most of the deposition occurring in the lower part of the basin. A median value of 10% of the total debris flow was deposited as levees for these cases, with a range from near zero to nearly 100%. These results show that channel erosion and scour are the dominant sources of debris in burned areas, with yield rates increasing significantly partway down the channel. Side channels are much more important sources of debris than rills. Levees are very common, but the size and effect on the amount of debris that reaches a canyon mouth is highly variable.  相似文献   

The mobilization of debris flows from shallow landslides   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
According to critical state theory, a soil will approach a critical void ratio during shear such that loose soils contract and dense soils dilate. Theory indicates that failing soils must be loose to generate the pore pressures needed for the mobilization of debris flows. Previously published results from large-scale experiments have also suggested that soils must be initially loose to fail as debris flows. In this contribution, this mechanism for soil liquefaction is tested in the field through observations and geotechnical analysis of soils that failed during a large storm in central California. Surprisingly, we find that the debris flows mobilized from soils that were initially dense. In addition, we find that the potential for debris flow mobilization was strongly linked to the fines/sand ratio. We present results from a numerical model that indicate that, as dilational soils approach the critical void ratio, the arresting effect of negative pore pressures generated by dilation is greatly reduced, leading to a rapid increase in basal pore pressure and rapid downslope acceleration. In addition, the model results suggest that the downslope displacement required to reach the critical state porosity in a dilative soil will be on the order of 0.1 to 1 m. Because the rate of the approach to critical state is fundamentally a function of the hydraulic conductivity of the soil, sandy soils will approach critical state much more rapidly than clay-rich soils.  相似文献   

以北京军都山区实测泥石流沟谷数为基准,基于因子叠加、信息量模型和FCM-粗糙集三种方法,分别获得了泥石流灾害发生的危险性等级分布,结果表明:①各分区单位面积内泥石流沟谷数都随着危险性评价等级的提高而增多;②因子叠加法和信息量模型法可得出五级泥石流灾害危险性分级,而粗糙集法只得出三级分级;③以实际泥石流沟谷落在评价区数目为标准,信息量模型法有90%以上的泥石流沟谷在危险性高和极高区域;粗糙集法得到危险区域覆盖了63.72%的泥石流沟谷分布;④从单位面积泥石流沟谷数与泥石流沟谷分布比率可得,信息量模型法评价精度较高,因子叠加法没有形成良好的梯度,而粗糙集法计算等级结果与其他方法存在差异,故须在其他区域进行进一步研究。  相似文献   

In the fall of 2001, an intense thunderstorm in southwest Montana triggered many debris flows in the burned area of Sleeping Child Creek. In most instances, the debris flows cut deep gullies into previously unchannelized colluvial hollows and deposited large volumes of sediment onto the valley floor. The presence of rill networks above the gullies as well as the absence of landslide features indicate that the gullies were scoured by progressively bulked debris flows, a process in which dilute surface runoff becomes increasingly more laden with sediment until it transforms into a debris flow. In this contribution, we present a morphometric analysis of six of the gullies to better understand this relatively understudied process. We find that the locations of the rill heads and gully heads conform to slope-area thresholds that are characteristic of erosion by overland flow. Our data also suggest that the volumes of the debris flows increase exponentially with normalized drainage area, thus lending support to an assumption used in a recently proposed debris flow incision law. Finally, the debris flow fans have been relatively unaltered since deposition, suggesting that the valley may be currently aggrading while the hillslopes are being denuded.  相似文献   

京津冀地区县域单元地质灾害风险评估   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
以京津冀地区为例,探索县域单元的地质灾害风险评估方法。通过测算地质灾害危险性与承灾体易损性,以定性综合评估的方式实现县域单元地质灾害风险评估。实际评估中,将承灾体易损性分为人口安全易损性与资产易损性,分别用因灾死亡人口比与因灾直接经济损失比加以表征;再以国土资源部2001-2015年地质灾害灾情数据为基础,参考1950-2000年灾情数据,提出人口安全易损性与资产易损性的分级标准,并在京津冀地区进行了评估。结果表明:研究区整体地质灾害风险低,204个评估单元中仅有6个为中风险区,包括河北省涞源县、涞水县、武安市、青龙满族自治县、北京石景山区、延庆区,其余198个为低风险区,与实际情况相符。此方法快捷简便、数据可连续获取,符合建立资源环境承载能力监测预警机制要求。空间差异化评估结果可为主动防灾减灾、国土空间管理提供支撑。  相似文献   

中国的地震频率高,旅游景区分布广泛,地震的发生常常给震源附近的景区带来风险,景区的地震风险评估研究就尤为必要。在地震及风险相关理论研究和3A级及以上景区分布特征分析的基础上,利用地震动峰值加速度这一参数表征地震危险性,运用ArcGIS软件将地震动峰值加速度区划图和中国3A级及以上景区分布图叠加分析景区的暴露性,并采用风险评估的基本模型计算得到中国3A级及以上景区的地震风险评估结果。最终表明,从各省域的角度看,我国大部分地区的景区地震风险等级较低,江苏省、甘肃省景区地震风险较高,北京市景区地震风险最高。根据评估结果从三个角度分析了3A级及以上景区的地震风险分布态势并有针对性地提出应对策略。  相似文献   

余灏哲  李丽娟  李九一 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2623-2637
本文聚焦国家重要战略区——京津冀地区需水压力增大、水资源超载等问题,基于水资源承载力理论,将风险评估引入水资源承载系统,探索建构水资源承载力风险的概念内涵、因子识别与评估模型等理论体系,综合考虑气候变化、城镇化与产业结构变动等影响水资源承载系统的关键因子,利用多种计量经济模型、遥感反演模型与地理信息技术等分别开展水资源...  相似文献   

Through the alteration of the physical characteristics of a landscape, such as the destruction of vegetation and the formation of a hydrophobic layer, a fire can dramatically amplify erosion rates. On the basis of field observations, it has been proposed that the deposition of a layer of ash on the ground surface can enhance the erosion of mountainous terrain by surface runoff and might even be a necessary condition for the generation of progressively bulked debris flows. In this study, a flume was constructed to investigate the role of ash in increasing both the volume and the transport capacity of runoff. The experiments demonstrated that the presence of ash on the soil surface reduces the ability of flowing water to infiltrate; this effect is even greater when the ash has been pre-wetted. In addition, the ability of ash slurries to infiltrate decreases with increasing ash concentration. The results also indicate that the transport capacity of runoff is enhanced by the incorporation of ash into the flow because of the increased fluid density. However, the addition of ash reduces the boundary Reynolds number such that, at high ash concentrations and with fine-grained sediment, sediment transport declines as the flow becomes hydraulically smooth. The experimental results were also used to evaluate the ability of steep flow fronts, a common characteristic of debris flows and flash floods, to increase sediment transport rates. Finally, it is proposed that ash slurries may evolve into progressively bulked debris flows through a positive feedback between fluid density, transport capacity, and erosivity.  相似文献   

在全球气候变化与城市扩张的背景下,城市洪涝问题频发并引发严重的社会问题与经济损失。当前城市洪涝管理的主要内容已从工程性防御性措施转向洪涝风险管理,而城市洪涝风险评估又是城市洪涝管理的关键环节。基于此背景,论文首先介绍了IPCC采纳的城市洪涝风险评估框架“危险性(Hazard)—暴露性(Exposure)—脆弱性(Vulnerability)”即“H-E-V”的概念内涵,在此基础上梳理了其危险性、暴露性、脆弱性3大要素的主要研究内容,探讨分析不同研究方法的优缺点。最后提出了城市洪涝风险评估的主要发展趋势及关键问题,主要有以下4个方面:①危险性方面,建立适应于城市地区的耦合型二维洪涝淹没模型是洪涝风险评估要求下的必然趋势;②暴露性分析在大数据及GIS技术支撑下正逐步精细化、动态化;③脆弱性正从早期侧重的物理维度定量评估转向社会、经济、文化、环境等多维度的评估;④此外,气候变化与城市扩张下的多情景城市洪涝风险评估是未来城市洪涝管理的研究热点与难题。  相似文献   

张宁  王大为 《地理科学进展》2018,37(8):1131-1139
犯罪具有明显的时空特征,研究犯罪问题离不开时间和空间维度分析,以及产生犯罪的社会、地理、生态、环境等因素。风险地形建模是美国学者研发的空间风险评估和警务预测技术,已在全球六大洲45个国家和美国35个州得到了独立测试和验证,被广泛应用于警务预测、国土安全、交通事故、公共医疗、儿童虐待、环境污染、城市发展等多个领域。在毒品、纵火、爆炸、强奸、抢劫、盗窃等犯罪研究领域更是取得了显著成果。本文运用犯罪热点分析和风险地形建模,以长三角地区N市毒品犯罪为研究对象,对该市2015年毒品犯罪的危险因子、空间盲区、风险地形进行分析,探索毒品犯罪的生成机理和演化规律,并对2016年毒品犯罪进行预测。研究结果表明,N市毒品犯罪呈现明显的犯罪热点和冷点;出租屋、酒店、车站、ATM机、停车场、娱乐场所、城市快速路、网吧是N市毒品犯罪的风险性因素。风险地形建模能较好地预测毒品犯罪。公安机关禁毒部门应据此进行严密管控,逐步限制、消除犯罪产生地、犯罪吸引地、犯罪促进地的生存土壤和条件。  相似文献   

Recently burned basins frequently produce debris flows in response to moderate-to-severe rainfall. Post-fire hazard assessments of debris flows are most useful when they predict the volume of material that may flow out of a burned basin. This study develops a set of empirically-based models that predict potential volumes of wildfire-related debris flows in different regions and geologic settings.The models were developed using data from 53 recently burned basins in Colorado, Utah and California. The volumes of debris flows in these basins were determined by either measuring the volume of material eroded from the channels, or by estimating the amount of material removed from debris retention basins. For each basin, independent variables thought to affect the volume of the debris flow were determined. These variables include measures of basin morphology, basin areas burned at different severities, soil material properties, rock type, and rainfall amounts and intensities for storms triggering debris flows. Using these data, multiple regression analyses were used to create separate predictive models for volumes of debris flows generated by burned basins in six separate regions or settings, including the western U.S., southern California, the Rocky Mountain region, and basins underlain by sedimentary, metamorphic and granitic rocks.An evaluation of these models indicated that the best model (the Western U.S. model) explains 83% of the variability in the volumes of the debris flows, and includes variables that describe the basin area with slopes greater than or equal to 30%, the basin area burned at moderate and high severity, and total storm rainfall. This model was independently validated by comparing volumes of debris flows reported in the literature, to volumes estimated using the model. Eighty-seven percent of the reported volumes were within two residual standard errors of the volumes predicted using the model. This model is an improvement over previous models in that it includes a measure of burn severity and an estimate of modeling errors. The application of this model, in conjunction with models for the probability of debris flows, will enable more complete and rapid assessments of debris flow hazards following wildfire.  相似文献   

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