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Influence of wave-current interactions on fluid force on a single cylinder and on two cylinders in tandem is examined. Quantities obtained are spectra of fluid force on elements, total fluid force and its statical moment. Comparisons are made of the cases in which wave-current interactions are considered and ignored. It is shown that interactions affect spectra of element force and statical moment more than do total force spectrum. For two cylinders in tandem, for cylinder spacings, current conditions and frequency range of practical interest, the effect of interactions is slightly reduced.  相似文献   

The isomeric compositions of the eicosenoic and docosenoic fatty acids of four freshwater fish oils (from sheepshead Aplodinotus grunniens, tullibee Coregonus artedii, maria Lota lota and alewife Alosa pseudoharengus, respectively) were examined by open-tubular gas—liquid chromatography. The 22:1ω11 isomer, usually the dominant isomer in marine-fish oils, was unimportant relative to 22:1ω9. The unsaponifiables lacked fatty alcohols and pristane and were mostly cholesterol. The probability that the 22:1ω1 in marine fish oils is strictly of an exogenous origin (primarily originating as the fatty alcohol in copepod wax esters) is reviewed and it is proposed that docosenoic acids have no obligatory role in the lipid biochemistry of either marine or freshwater fish.  相似文献   

In marine sediments from the Mediterranean coast polluted by oil spills (Etang de Berre) high bacterial activity is responsible for self-purification, samples collected from these areas showing a bacterial density several orders of magnitude higher than samples from non-polluted areas (Isle des Embiez). Between 60 and 80 % of the heterotrophic bacteria in the polluted areas are hydrocarbon-degrading, compared with 0.01 % in the non-polluted area.Several strains of hydrocarbon utilisers were isolated, a mixture of strains from each biotope was taken to represent a ‘biotope population’ and their activity towards different types of hydrocarbons (n-alkanes, iso-alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatics) was determined.With ammonia as the nitrogen source the ‘biotope population’ from the polluted area degraded hydrocarbons much more readily than the ‘biotope population’ from the non-polluted area. With nitrate as the nitrogen source the degradation was much reduced, and, for some hydrocarbons, ceased in both ‘populations’.Individual hydrocarbons encouraged the growth of individual strains in the ‘biotope population’. In natural mixtures of hydrocarbons all strains grew well and degraded aliphatics. There was a good correlation between the respiratory activity of the ‘biotope population’ and the ability of the ‘population’ to utilise hydrocarbons for growth.  相似文献   

Macoma inquinata, a detritus feeding clam, was exposed for 60 days to coarse-grained, and Abarenicola pacifica, a burrowing polychaete, to fine-grained, sediment. Each sediment contained 14-C-labelled phenanthrene, chrysene or benzo(a)pyrene. Over 70% of the chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene, but only 8% of the phenanthrene, remained in the coarse sediment during the exposure. Essentially all of the chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene and 70% of the phenanthrene remained in the fine sediment. The concentrations of chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene in the clams rose steadily, reaching levels 11·6 and 5·2 times as high as those in the sediment. The tissue phenanthrene concentration rose for 3 days, then fell to one-eighth of the initial concentration. The concentrations of each of the aromatic hydrocarbons in Abarenicola tissue increased for 2 weeks to four to six times the sediment levels. The tissue concentration of chrysene remained constant thereafter, but the levels of phenanthrene and benzo(a)pyrene fell to three-quarters of their peak values. No intermediate degradation products of any of the hydrocarbons were identified in extracts of sediment from either exposure system, or in solvent extracts of tissue or of tissue digestates.Significant 14C-activity, associated with non-solvent extractable compounds, remained in tissue digestates of individuals of both species exposed to phenanthrene.  相似文献   

Jiankang Wu  Bo Chen 《Ocean Engineering》2003,30(15):1899-1913
Based on Green–Naghdi equation this work studies unsteady ship waves in shallow water of varying depth. A moving ship is regarded as a moving pressure disturbance on free surface. The moving pressure is incorporated into the Green–Naghdi equation to formulate forcing of ship waves in shallow water. The frequency dispersion term of the Green–Naghdi equation accounts for the effects of finite water depth on ship waves. A wave equation model and the finite element method (WE/FEM) are adopted to solve the Green–Naghdi equation. The numerical examples of a Series 60 (CB=0.6) ship moving in shallow water are presented. Three-dimensional ship wave profiles and wave resistance are given when the ship moves in shallow water with a bed bump (or a trench). The numerical results indicate that the wave resistance increases first, then decreases, and finally returns to normal value as the ship passes a bed bump. A comparison between the numerical results predicted by the Green–Naghdi equation and the shallow water equations is made. It is found that the wave resistance predicted by the Green–Naghdi equation is larger than that predicted by the shallow water equations in subcritical flow , and the Green–Naghdi equation and the shallow water equations predict almost the same wave resistance when , the frequency dispersion can be neglected in supercritical flows.  相似文献   

The fate of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons discharged into the coastal Baltic Sea environment from the TSESIS oil spill has been studied in the acute and postacute (one year) phases of the spill. Periodic samples of Mytilus edulis (mussels) from eight littoral zone stations and Macoma balthica from nine soft bottom stations were obtained as well as sediment trap samples and surface sediment samples. Glass capillary gas chromatography and gas chromatographic mass spectrometry were used as the analytical tools to determine saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon composition and concentrations in these samples.Sediment trap samples indicated that sizable quantities of chemically and microbially weathered oil were sedimented, and available for benthic uptake shortly after the spill. After initial uptake of sedimented oil (500 to 1000 μ/g dry weight), Macoma populations appear to have begun slow depuration through the first winter after the spill, but TSESIS oil was again introduced to the benthic stations studied during the following summer. Mytilus populations in the region were severely impacted by the oil. Initial depuration of spilled oil during the first month was rapid and nearly complete at all but the most heavily impacted stations one year after the spill. The post-spill depuration of assimilated hydrocarbons was characterised by a relative retention of alkylated dibenzothiophenes and alkylated phenanthrenes compared to their unsubstituted parent compounds and compared with the entire homologous naphthalene series.These data suggest that petroleum hydrocarbons from the TSESIS spill have become a chronic source of degraded saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons to the soft bottom benthic communities. Petroleum hydrocarbons in the benthic environment from this spill appear to reside in the difficulty sampled and mobile flucculent layer at the sediment/water interface and may affect epifaunal communities for an extended period of time.  相似文献   

The concentrations of a number of trace metals (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd and Hg) have been determined in sediments from cores collected in the Southampton Water region. Measurements of total hydrocarbons were also made on several of the cores. Markedly elevated concentrations of copper, up to 362 μg/g dry wt, were found in sediments which were collected close to the discharge points of oil refinery outfalls and which also showed concentrations of total hydrocarbons considerably greater than the background levels for the estuary. The results of selective chemical extractions showed that much of the copper was present in the non-lattice fraction of the sediment. Although the concentrations of Co, Ni, Zn and Cd were significantly correlated with those of copper in the core showing the highest concentrations of this element, these metals were not enhanced in comparison with the levels found in several other parts of the estuary. Variations in concentrations of metals in sediments throughout the estuary were not correlated with differences in organic carbon content.  相似文献   

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