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针对非饱和土吸力测量与计算的困难,提出了一种利用土的电阻率结构参数预测基质吸力的方法。通过滤纸法测试重塑膨胀土的基质吸力,分析了非饱和土的基质吸力与体积含水率的关系,即土-水特征曲线的变化规律。在测试非饱和土横向与竖向电阻率的基础上,探讨了非饱和土的电阻率与其体积含水率的关系,并进一步研究了土的电阻率结构性参数 、 和 随体积含水率的变化规律。发现基质吸力与电阻率结构参数 之间存在良好的抛物线关系,利用这种关系可以准确预测非饱和土的基质吸力。利用土的电阻率结构参数预测吸力,避免了吸力量测与计算的困难,简单实用。  相似文献   

Mountainous areas surrounding the Campanian Plain and the Somma-Vesuvius volcano (southern Italy) are among the most risky areas of Italy due to the repeated occurrence of rainfall-induced debris flows along ash-fall pyroclastic soil-mantled slopes. In this geomorphological framework, rainfall patterns, hydrological processes taking place within multi-layered ash-fall pyroclastic deposits and soil antecedent moisture status are the principal factors to be taken into account to assess triggering rainfall conditions and the related hazard. This paper presents the outcomes of an experimental study based on integrated analyses consisting of the reconstruction of physical models of landslides, in situ hydrological monitoring, and hydrological and slope stability modeling, carried out on four representative source areas of debris flows that occurred in May 1998 in the Sarno Mountain Range. The hydrological monitoring was carried out during 2011 using nests of tensiometers and Watermark pressure head sensors and also through a rainfall and air temperature recording station. Time series of measured pressure head were used to calibrate a hydrological numerical model of the pyroclastic soil mantle for 2011, which was re-run for a 12-year period beginning in 2000, given the availability of rainfall and air temperature monitoring data. Such an approach allowed us to reconstruct the regime of pressure head at a daily time scale for a long period, which is representative of about 11 hydrologic years with different meteorological conditions. Based on this simulated time series, average winter and summer hydrological conditions were chosen to carry out hydrological and stability modeling of sample slopes and to identify Intensity-Duration rainfall thresholds by a deterministic approach. Among principal results, the opposing winter and summer antecedent pressure head (soil moisture) conditions were found to exert a significant control on intensity and duration of rainfall triggering events. Going from winter to summer conditions requires a strong increase of intensity and/or duration to induce landslides. The results identify an approach to account for different hazard conditions related to seasonality of hydrological processes inside the ash-fall pyroclastic soil mantle. Moreover, they highlight another important factor of uncertainty that potentially affects rainfall thresholds triggering shallow landslides reconstructed by empirical approaches.  相似文献   

The shallow deposits of unsaturated pyroclastic soils covering the slopes in the Campania region (southern Italy) are systematically affected by various rainfall-induced slope instabilities. The type and triggering of these instabilities depend on several factors, among which in situ soil suction—as an initial condition—and rainfall—as a boundary condition—play a fundamental role. Based on the available database—which includes a comprehensive catalogue of historical data, in situ soil suction measurements and soil laboratory tests along with the results of geomechanical analyses—this paper discusses the relationships among in situ soil suction and rainfall conditions and induced slope instability types. The goal is to reach a better understanding of past events and gain further insight into the analysis and forecasting of future events. In particular, the paper outlines how the season strongly affects the spatial distribution and the type of slope instability likely to develop. For example, erosion phenomena essentially occur at the end of the dry season and originate hyperconcentrated flows while first-time shallow slides prevail in the rainy season and later propagate as debris flows or as debris avalanches.  相似文献   

A combination of empirical and physically based hydrological models has been used to analyze historical data on rainfall and debris-flow occurrence in western Campania, to examine the correlation between rainfall and debris-flow events.

Rainfall data from major storms recorded in recent decades in western Campania were compiled, including daily series from several rain gauges located inside landslide areas, supplemented by hourly rainfall data from some of the principal storms.

A two-phase approach is proposed. During phase 1, soil moisture levels have been modelled as the hydrological balance between precipitation and evapotranspiration, on a daily scale, using the method of Thornthwaite [Geograph. Rev. 38 (1948) 55].

Phase 2 is related to the accumulation of surplus moisture from intense rainfall, leading to the development of positive pore pressures. These interactions take place on an hourly time scale by the “leaky barrel” (LB) model described by Wilson and Wiezoreck [Env. Eng. Geoscience, 1 (1995) 11]. In combination with hourly rainfall records, the LB model has been used to compare hydrological effects of different storms. The critical level of retained rain water has been fixed by the timing of debris-flow activity, related to recorded storm events.

New rainfall intensity–duration thresholds for debris-flow initiation in western Campania are proposed. These thresholds are related to individual rain gauge and assume a previously satisfied field capacity condition. The new thresholds are somewhat higher than those plotted by previous authors, but are thought to be more accurate and thus need less conservatism.  相似文献   

非饱和土基质吸力对边坡稳定的影响   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:26  
降雨及浸水往往引起天然土坡及人工土坡的滑坡,其中,土中基质吸力的消失是一个重要原因。通过试验和计算分析,揭示了基质吸力对边坡稳定所起的重要作用。非饱和土边坡稳定计算中的关键参数 的确定,尚有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

本文以兰州重塑黄土为对象,通过室内试验分析6组非饱和重塑黄土土-水特征曲线分段特征值与主要物性指标的统计关系,探讨了非饱和重塑黄土物理性质对其基质吸力变化特征的影响。结果表明,对于非饱和重塑黄土,分段特征含水量、特征饱和度、特征基质吸力与干密度关系密切,与颗粒级配关系较弱。随干密度增加,过渡区特征饱和度、残余饱和度线性增加,饱和含水量、过渡区特征含水量线性降低,残余基质吸力及过渡区特征基质吸力分别为线性及非线性增加。过渡区特征饱和度、残余饱和度与土体中粘粒含量线性正相关,与粉粒含量负相关。饱和含水量与粉粒含量线性正相关,残余基质吸力与其线性负相关。重塑黄土的微观结构显示这些关系受制于土体的孔隙结构和颗粒间的相互关系。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was the determination of the natural background levels (NBLs) for the ions Na+, Cl?, SO4 2?, As3+, F?, Fe2+, and Mn2+, in some groundwater bodies of the Campania region (southern Italy). The ??Protocol to evaluate the natural background concentrations?? proposed in 2009 by ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) has been applied to the chemical data set of groundwater of the examined groundwater bodies. These analyses have also been examined following the guidelines of the BRIDGE project (Background cRiteria for the IDentification of Groundwater thrEshold). These approaches to evaluate the Threshold Values (TVs) and the NBLs, based on probability distribution functions, have been applied in many countries by various authors during the last 5?years. Changes applied to ISPRA Protocol in this study concern mainly the preselection criteria, in particular threshold values of specific ions, deriving from the aquifers geochemical features. The preselection criteria of the ISPRA Protocol have been merged with those of the BRIDGE Project in order to define a procedure suitable for the definition of the NBLs in the examined aquifers. The NBL of fluoride for the ??Phlegrean Fields?? and the ??eastern Plain of Naples?? groundwater bodies shows values deeply exceeding the reference value (REF) of 1,500???g/L, ranging between 3,600 and 15,000???g/L. The cause of this very high fluoride content is in the natural features of the aquifers constituted by volcanic and pyroclastic rocks. The volcanic origin of the aquifers is also the reason for the high arsenic content in ??Phlegrean Fields?? groundwater. Here the NBL calculated was about 47???g/L against the drinking water standard value of 10???g/L. The widespread high content of manganese and iron for the groundwater body of the ??eastern Plain of Naples?? is due to the reducing conditions related to the extensive marshlands present in the past. The very high NBL of all the examined ions for the groundwater body of ??Ischia Island?? depends on the existence of a geothermal system.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of both individual and societal risks owing to landslides in the Campania region (southern Italy) thanks to the availability of an extensive catalogue of historical incident data spanning from the 5th century up to now. Individual risk is estimated by computing the landslide mortality rate. Societal risk is measured by plotting the annual frequency F of events causing N or more fatalities against the number N of fatalities (i.e. an F–N curve). The results obtained show that in Campania both individual and societal risks owing to landslides are very high when compared to similar risks of the Italian territory. Moreover, the analysis of the incident data clearly highlights the most prone areas to catastrophic events, essentially related to the occurrence of flow-like fast-moving phenomena, where the societal risk is proved to be one of the highest in Europe.  相似文献   

回弹模量是反映路基弹性支撑能力的重要指标,并受运营期间基质吸力变化的显著影响。通过3种压实黏土试样的土-水特征曲线试验和重复动三轴试验,研究了回弹模量与基质吸力的相关性,并基于非饱和土有效应力原理,提出了考虑吸力效应的回弹模量预估模型。结果表明:基质吸力与回弹模量之间具有较强的非线性相关性,可采用指数形式进行两者的拟合;含水率由最佳含水率-4%提升至最佳含水率+4%时,受基质吸力减小的影响,回弹模量降幅达到29.1%~39.0%;在 土-水特征曲线过渡区,采用以饱和度表征的有效应力参数,可较好地反映基质吸力对于回弹模量的贡献,预估效果优于采用残余含水率或进气值相关的有效应力参数;在相同饱和度的情况下,黏粒含量越多、塑性指数越高,基质吸力对有效应力的贡献比例越小。  相似文献   

Intense rainfall in May 1998 and December 1999 caused disastrous landslides in the Sarno-Quindici and Cervinara areas (Campania, southern Italy). The landslides began with slips of the local pyroclastic covers mantling the carbonate relief and then evolved into debris flows/avalanches. The study discussed in this paper used a numerical modelling approach to assess the influence of man-made cuts on the stability conditions of pyroclastic covers. The model that was developed took into account initial failure conditions in order to better simulate the impact of man-made cuts along the slopes, with or without water seepage into the permeable pumiceous layers of the pyroclastic multilayer. Numerical analysis of stress-strain field clearly showed that tracks or geomorphological discontinuities had a negative impact on the multilayer stability conditions. Consequently, preservation of this vulnerable environment requires correct forest management practices.  相似文献   

The relation between rainfall and the discharge from two springs, located at the base of different karst massifs in southern Italy, is investigated by cross-correlation analyses. Data are derived from a continuous time window of 13 years. The input signal involves multiple rainfall time series (cumulative rainfall over varying time windows), while the time series of daily spring discharges are used as the output signal. Analyses were first conducted on the unprocessed data and then on data for which linear trends and seasonal components had been removed, the latter by a spectral analysis. Analyses contributed to the investigation of the time required for water to flow through the karst aquifers at the two sites. Long time intervals of the cumulative rainfall (>60 days) appear to be the main component affecting the spring discharge hydrographs; shorter time intervals seem to be related to quick-flow paths. Some statistics about the linear regression and the meaning of the cross-correlation analysis are discussed. Cross-correlation analysis can provide strong support for identification of the main rainfall contribution and the travel time through the main infiltration pathways in aquifers.  相似文献   

王桂尧  李斌  罗军  付宏渊 《岩土力学》2010,31(11):3678-3682
以非饱和土张力计原理为基础,制作了一种新型的基质吸力量测装置,并通过实测过程的不断总结与改进,得到了一种成本低廉、制作简单、操作便利、试验快速和结果可靠的非饱和土基质吸力量测装置,以此装置测定了不同体积含水率、不同压实度和干湿循环后粉土的基质吸力变化规律,得到了不同压实度粉土的土-水特征曲线,并通过Origin软件中的Boltzmann模型进行拟合对比分析,得到了与压实度相关的土-水特征曲线,比较了不同压实度粉土的含水率变化对基质吸力的不同影响特点。试验结果表明,干湿循环对粉土的基质吸力和强度有很大影响。  相似文献   

The Campanian Apennines are characterized by the presence of monocline ridges, mainly formed by limestone. During the periods of volcanic activity of the Somma-Vesuvius and Phlegrean Fields, the ridges were mantled with pyroclastic materials in varying thickness. The pyroclastics have been involved in destructive landslides both in historical time and in the recent past (1997, 1998, 1999). The landslides occur following intense and prolonged rainfalls. In some cases, landslides extended up to 4 km into the surrounding lowlands and reached towns, causing severe destruction and over 200 deaths. Generally, the landslides begin as small debris slides that develop into large, shallow debris avalanches or debris flows involving pyroclastic horizons and colluvial soils (0.5–2 m thick) on steep and vegetated slopes, often at the heads of gullies. During motion, the landslide materials eroded vegetation and soils from the slope, so that the moving material volume tended to increase. Then, proceeding towards and beyond the base of the slopes, the phenomena evolved into hyperconcentrated streamflow due to dilution by incorporating water. The results of motion analyses are described. An empirical rheological relationship was used including two principal terms that depend on the total normal stress and on the flow velocity. On this basis, the model has simulated the velocity and duration of debris avalanches and the distribution of the deposits. The selected areas were those of Sarno/Quindici and Cervinara, where a large amount of data is available both on the material properties and geomorphological setting. It was found that the majority of the cases at the two sites can be simulated successfully with only one specific pair of rheologic parameters. This provides the possibility for first-order predictions to be made of the motion of future landslides. Such predictions will be a valuable tool for outlining potential hazard areas and designing remedial measures.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, many tools have been developed for the prediction of the post-failure behaviour of rapid landslides. However, as pointed out by several researchers, knowledge may be improved by the performance of back-analyses using different models and the evaluation of their reliability. This paper reports the back-analysis, conducted using numerical models, of 57 rapid landslides that have occurred in the Campania region. The back-analysis has been performed using the 2-D DAN_W code (version 2003) with two different rheological models: the Voellmy and the frictional models. The latter has been immediately discarded because it did not match the observed data. Instead, using the Voellmy model, the best-fit values of the parameters (friction μ and turbulence ξ) for different types of flow (channelled, un-channelled and mixed flows) have been researched. With these values a parametric study has been carried out on four representative slope profiles of the Campania region, enabling the prediction of runout, velocity and depth of flow (dynamic parameters) of potential debris flows.
Anna Scotto di SantoloEmail:

Long runout landslides involve a massive amount of energy and can be extremely hazardous owing to their long movement distance, high mobility and strong destructive power. Numerical methods have been widely used to predict the landslide runout but a fundamental problem remained is how to determine the reliable numerical parameters. This study proposes a framework to predict the runout of potential landslides through multi-source data collaboration and numerical analysis of historical landslide events. Specifically, for the historical landslide cases, the landslide-induced seismic signal, geophysical surveys, and possible in-situ drone/phone videos (multi-source data collaboration) can validate the numerical results in terms of landslide dynamics and deposit features and help calibrate the numerical (rheological) parameters. Subsequently, the calibrated numerical parameters can be used to numerically predict the runout of potential landslides in the region with a similar geological setting to the recorded events. Application of the runout prediction approach to the 2020 Jiashanying landslide in Guizhou, China gives reasonable results in comparison to the field observations. The numerical parameters are determined from the multi-source data collaboration analysis of a historical case in the region (2019 Shuicheng landslide). The proposed framework for landslide runout prediction can be of great utility for landslide risk assessment and disaster reduction in mountainous regions worldwide.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years, several catastrophic precipitation-induced landslides have hit villages, towns and roads in Campania (southern Italy), causing extensive damage and many fatalities. Although such phenomena have occurred since time immemorial, recent urbanisation and infrastructural development have produced a major increase in landslide risk. Due to climatic changes and further unavoidable increases in exposure, in the near future, the risk will become even greater. It is therefore high time to develop reliable criteria for landslide prediction. The paper discusses the main factors which affect the triggering of precipitation-induced landslides, highlighting the key role played by antecedent rainfalls which cannot be precisely accounted for using empirical criteria. We propose a simple 1D numerical approach able to predict the evolution of the key factors governing slope stability as a tool to predict the onset of slope failure, with potential benefits for early warning systems. The approach is calibrated through a well-documented case history.  相似文献   

非饱和土粒间吸力是建立非饱和土有效应力原理和抗剪强度理论的基础前提,从各力的本质、概念、大小等不同角度出发,对目前非饱和土研究中常见的几种吸力进行了详细地对比和分析。基质吸力表示土壤吸水的趋势,强调的是土颗粒与水之间的相互作用,并非土颗粒间的相互作用,与有效应力概念的本质不符,是Bishop和Fredlund强度理论中分别存在着物理意义不明确参数x和φb的根本原因;广义吸力虽然考虑了结构吸力的作用,但仍将基质吸力作为有效应力的一部分,使原本“实用、简化”的目标更加复杂化;附加内压力将基质吸力以及表面张力的作用进行叠加,存在力作用大小上的重复,同时未考虑结构吸力的作用;张力吸力将表面张力沿两土颗粒连线方向的分量——张力吸力和基质吸力进行叠加,一是仍将基质吸力作为有效应力的一部分,二是同样未考虑结构吸力的作用;粒间吸力(湿吸力和结构吸力)考虑了因土体结构性引起的结构吸力作用,同时也考虑了气液界面上收缩膜的效应——湿吸力的作用,基于粒间吸力的非饱和土有效应力及强度理论不仅符合有效应力定义的本质,而且合理地解释了非饱和土中诸如收缩膜张力的方向性、土中应力概念的平均性、土体物理本质的唯一性、随含水率变化的连续性以及对不同类型土的适应性等众多现象。因此,从粒间吸力的角度出发来研究非饱和土的有效应力原理是正确、可行的。  相似文献   

The results of the geological characterization of an old stone building in southern Italy, are presented here. The Mondragone marble is a slightly metamorphosed carbonate rock, which was widely employed as monumental stone in the 18th century Royal Palaces of Naples and Caserta. In this paper, for the first time, this rock has been investigated with a thorough laboratory testing program, aimed at defining its mineralogical, physical and mechanical parameters. The two most important varieties of Mondragone marble were separately tested: the yellow and grey marbles (hereafter, YM and GM, respectively). The results obtained from physical tests (open porosity, dry density, specific gravity, water absorption coefficients, ultrasonic velocity) did not show marked differences between the two materials; in contrast, the mechanical strength tests (uniaxial compressive strength, point load strength, flexural strength) showed better behaviour of YM than for GM. After a tentative comparison with other well known carbonate rocks from Italy, some considerations on the response of Mondragone marble to local weathering were conducted. In particular, the weathering typologies were related to the particular texture of the brecciated marble and the different strength resistances displayed by the various constituents of the rock.  相似文献   

土-水特征曲线是非饱和土入渗和流-固耦合分析的基础,目前该模型的研究成果由于试验方法和设备的局限,仅能够得到局部基质吸力段(低吸力或高吸力)的土-水特征曲线;而如何根据局部试验数据集推断与试验结果相吻合的全基质吸力段范围的土-水特征曲线是一个难题。对东南沿海广泛分布的原状残积土进行了不同基质吸力段的土-水特征试验。根据残积土低吸力段和高吸力段的试验数据,运用可靠度分析方法,从土壤孔隙微元破裂失稳的角度,建立了土壤全基质吸力段的土-水特征模型。根据UNSODA2.0数据库提取砂土、粉土、黏土等3种类型土样本(52个)的试验数据,讨论了模型参数意义和不同土类的模型适用性,进行了不同土-水特征模型的比较分析。对比验证研究表明,形状参数σ和中值比例参数$ \mu $使提出的模型具有很强的适应性,并且具有依据局部试验数据(低或高基质吸力段)快速获得全基质吸力段土壤土-水特征曲线的能力。与其它模型相比,模型计算过程适应性强,模型决定系数R2>0.98。研究结果对快速获取不同类型土壤的全基质吸力段土-水特征曲线具有参考价值。  相似文献   

丁家坡滑坡位于云阳县黄石镇中湾村,对拟建的云阳—开州(云开)高速公路安全具有潜在的威胁。为了查明丁家坡滑坡特征,开展了野外工程地质测绘、钻探与试验测试,采用Geo-studio完全耦合计算模式分析了不同降雨工况下滑坡渗流场、应力场、位移场的变化,考察了基质吸力在滑坡稳定性评价中的作用,并计算了不同降雨历时、降雨强度下滑坡的稳定性系数。结果表明:(1)丁家坡滑坡的斜坡地形、松散的岩性、潜在的临空面等因素决定了滑坡的形成与发育,坡体渗透性较好,降雨作用激励滑坡的变形,目前该滑坡处于蠕滑阶段;(2)降雨入渗后,坡体孔隙水压力增加,基质吸力减小,有效应力和抗剪强度降低,在土-岩界面形成剪应力集中,产生应变和位移,滑坡变形破坏;(3)高强度短历时的降雨使坡体浅层迅速饱和,易形成浅层滑,低强度长历时的降雨使坡体浸润较深,易造成深部滑动,其潜在滑动面主要为土-岩界面;(4)在非饱和状态下土体基质吸力对滑坡的稳定性具有重要影响;(5)目前滑坡处于基本稳定状态,一旦发生降雨,滑坡稳定性将降低,降雨历时越久、降雨强度越大,滑坡越易失稳。相对于滑坡Ⅱ区,滑坡Ⅰ区对云开高速公路安全的影响更大,应该重点对滑坡Ⅰ...  相似文献   

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