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All the conventional techniques for the analysis of slope stability ranging from simple kinematic analysis using stereonets, to the various widely used limit equilibrium methods, to sophisticated numerical methods belong to a category that are generally known as the analytic approaches and thus are only able to consider a limited number of affecting factors and then solve the problem in details. In contrast, the systems approaches not only can examine the problem in its totality with a complete list of the components, but also can take the interactions between the factors into account. This paper presents a complete application of a well-known systems technique named the Interaction Matrix (IM) in ranking the instability potential of rock slopes of the Khosh-Yeylagh Main Road, Iran as the case study of the research. For this purpose, 15 stations have been selected and a relatively comprehensive database containing the fieldwork information has been constructed. Following the IM technique, the most important factors relating to the general environment and to the rock mass characteristics have been considered. Their reciprocal causes and effects have been analyzed in order to weight each parameter according to its degree of interactivity in the system. Then, the slope instability index has been calculated which refers to the inherent potential instability of each slope of the examined region. The final instability ranking has been presented for the investigated slopes in Khosh-Yeylagh Main Road based on a simple classification. The main aim of the study is to extend the use of systems approach and specifically the IM technique in slope stability analysis. Also, this research shows the importance of consideration of an approximately complete set of key parameters affecting the stability of rock slopes.  相似文献   

Circular failure is generally observed in the slope of soil, highly jointed rock mass, mine dump and weak rock. Accurate estimation of the safety factor (SF) of slopes and their performance is not an easy task. In this research, based on rock engineering systems (RES), a new approach for the estimation of the SF is presented. The introduced model involves six effective parameters on SF [unit weight (γ), pore pressure ratio (r u), height (H), angle of internal friction (φ), cohesion (C) and slope angle (\(\beta\))], while retaining simplicity as well. In the case of SF prediction, all the datasets were divided randomly to training and testing datasets for proposing the RES model. For comparison purposes, nonlinear multiple regression models were also employed for estimating SF. The performances of the proposed predictive models were examined according to two performance indices, i.e., coefficient of determination (R 2) and mean square error. The obtained results of this study indicated that the RES is a reliable method to predict SF with a higher degree of accuracy in comparison with nonlinear multiple regression models.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The sliding incidences along the mountainous roads in the northern part of Algeria are considered a major hazard, often with huge impacts on infrastructures, causing terrible...  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》2007,89(1-2):129-143
The objective of this paper is to present a new rock mass classification system which can be appropriate for rock slope stability assessment. In this paper an evaluation model based on combining the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) was presented for assessing slope rock mass quality estimates. This research treats the slope rock mass classification as a group decision problem, and applies the fuzzy logic theory as the criterion to calculate the weighting factors. In addition, several rock slopes of the Southern Cross-Island Highway in Taiwan were selected as the case study examples. After determining the slope rock mass quality estimates for each cases, the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) model was used to classify those that are stable or not, and the discriminant functions which can determine failure probability of rock slopes were carried out by the LDA procedure. Afterward, the results may be compared with slope unstable hazards occurring actually, and then the relation and difference between them were discussed. Results show that the proposed method can be used to assess the stability of rock slopes according to the rock mass classification procedure and the failure probability in the early stage.  相似文献   

It is a significant task to evaluate the seafloor stability for the exploitation of marine resources and the construction of marine structures. This paper analyzes the impact factors of submarine slope instability using geological and geophysical data of the Baiyun Sag in the Pearl River Mouth Basin and builds the evaluation index system of submarine slope instability. The weight of each index is calculated by analytic hierarchy process method to weaken subjective effect. Gray clustering method is applied to estimate the risk of submarine slope instability in Baiyun Sag qualitatively and quantitatively. The assessment standard is divided into five grades, and the whitening function of each gray cluster is determined by the assessment scheme. The gray evaluation weight vector of each indicator is calculated by the table-dispatching method. The gray assessment value is estimated by making the gray assessment weight vector single value, and the gray grade is determined according to the maximum principle. The evaluation results show quantitatively that the risk grade of submarine slope instability in the Baiyun Sag is medium, and the gray clustering method is reasonable and feasible.  相似文献   

This paper examines the failure of Kargar cut slope located at the south part of Esfahan subway using analytical and numerical back analysis methods. The excavated trench has 27 m depth with near vertical walls due to the space limitation around it. The geology of the area comprises weathered and heavily jointed shale and sandstone overlaid by alluvium deposits. Despite the slope being supported by shotcrete and fully grouted rock bolts, a catastrophic failure occurred at the east wall. Due to the uncertainty about the causes of failure initiation, back analyses have been performed via both the limit equilibrium and numerical method for considering various probable mechanisms. In the back analysis with limit equilibrium method, the rock mass is assumed as an equivalent continuum and Hoek–Brown failure criterion and geological strength index (GSI) are applied to calculate the shear strength parameters. The results show that GSI value was 33 in the failed mass. In the numerical back analysis, the distinct element method is applied to study the contribution of rock joints to the failure and progressive rock mass strength degradation until failure. The results show that threshold values of joint cohesion and friction were 0.2 MPa and 30°, respectively. Also the modeled slip surface being step-shaped agrees with the observed one.  相似文献   

Contourite drifts are sediment bodies formed by the action of bottom currents. They are common features found on continental slopes and are often affected by slope failure. However, processes controlling slope instability in contourite depositional systems are still not well constrained, and it is not clear whether contourites have particular properties that make them more susceptible to slope failure. In this study, we compare sedimentological and geotechnical properties of contouritic and hemipelagic sediments within the Corsica Trough (northern Tyrrhenian Sea) using geophysical data sets and sediment cores in order to get a better understanding of the controlling factors of slope stability. Geomorphological and slope stability analyses reveal that differences in sediment properties have little influence on the location of submarine landslides, in comparison with the morphology of the drifts. Hence, the steep downslope flanks of plastered drift deposits are the most susceptible zones for local failure initiation. Moreover, as erosion is common at the foot of plastered drifts, undercutting is thought to contribute to the development of large-scale failure up to the point that submarine landslides are triggered.  相似文献   

三峡水库区秭归县楚都大道高切坡安全评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于三峡库区秭归县部分移民迁建规划区地形起伏较大,地质条件复杂,建筑空间有限,移民搬迁新址建设中不可避免地形成的高切坡所暴露的地质灾害隐患日渐突出,不同程度地威胁到城(集)镇基础设施、建构筑物及人民生命财产安全。根据三峡库区三期地质灾害防治工程高切坡项目管理要求,受委托2006年6月对秭归县楚都大道已治理高切坡进行了安全评估工作。楚都大道高切坡的防护工程分为南段和北段两部分,其中北段为浆砌块石挡土墙支挡措施,南段主体为挂网喷锚加固措施。自1999年6月竣工以来,南段基本无明显变形现象,但北段挡土墙及后侧坡体却产生了较为显著的变形。通过对项目基本情况、防护工程措施、工程地质条件进行现场调查,并综合考虑高切坡及防护工程变形破坏现象,可对该高切坡的地质勘察、设计方案、施工质量、维护管理做出客观评价。由于该高切坡北段存在较明显的变形破坏迹象,已构成安全隐患,为此依据安全评估技术要求,将该高切坡评定为局部不安全等级,并提出了整改工作建议。  相似文献   

随机因素岩坡稳定可靠性问题,建立岩坡稳定可靠性模型,并给出一种利用NORTA-MCS (NORmal To Anything - Monte Carlo Simulation)方法评估岩坡稳定可靠性的仿真方法,该方法可适用于仅已知随机因素边缘分布函数和线性相关系数等部分概率信息的情况。了秀茂坪岩坡典型工况的稳定可靠性问题  相似文献   

Landslides are very complex processes controlled by multiple factors. The knowledge and characterization of these factors is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms and kinematics of the instabilities and for an efficient design of corrective measures. The aim of this work is to combine traditional geological and geotechnical techniques with geophysical, remote sensing and forensic techniques for obtaining a whole picture of an active lateral spreading affecting the Finestrat municipality in Alicante, SE Spain. Geomorphological, geotechnical and geophysical techniques (i.e. ground penetrating radar and refraction seismic) have provided essential information about the geometry, structure and petro-physical properties of the slope. A Terrestrial Laser Scanner was used for recognizing the most important sets of discontinuities affecting the rock mass and to evaluate the activity of the landslide slope. Complementarily, a forensic analysis of the building damage completed the available datasets, yielding very useful kinematic information of the landslide. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of the stability of the rock slope has been performed considering both block toppling and block sliding models. Therefore, the multisource analysis performed in this work has allowed the identification and characterization of a complex lateral spreading, highlighting its effectiveness for a comprehensive understanding of this type of landslide.  相似文献   

地下水在引发边坡病害中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们普遍认为由于地下水的浸泡降低滑带土的抗剪强度值是导致边坡失稳的内部机制.文章以云南元磨公路边坡为实例,对其进行了探究,发现病害边坡主要滑带土的天然含水量与其剪切试验所得的内聚力和内摩擦角之间并没有明显的线性关系.于是,文章采用极限平衡方程从理论上论述了地下水在边坡失稳过程中的力学作用,并对比边坡开挖前后入渗系数值的变化幅度,揭示出工程活动与降雨共同对边坡破坏的作用机制.  相似文献   

China is a disaster-prone country, and these disasters have diverse characteristics, a wide scope of distribution, high frequency, and large losses. China has advanced community-based disaster management (CBDM) capacity. Community is the bottom unit of the society, and CBDM is the foundation of the entire society’s disaster management system. A series of domestic major emergency incidents and disasters and international disaster reduction activities have promoted the formation of the CBDM concept, the implementation of capacity building activities, and the improvement of policy and laws. Thus far, the CBDM system has been preliminarily formed in China, and relevant rules and regulations have been promulgated and implemented. Furthermore, disaster reduction activities, such as the construction of the national comprehensive disaster reduction community and national safe community, have been promoted nationwide. As a result, China’s disaster-resistance capacity has largely improved. However, it is only in the initial phase of CBDM implementation, which remains plagued by several challenges and problems, such as the deficiency of community resident participation, management organizations, disaster risk assessment methods, NGO development, and safety culture cultivation.  相似文献   

Investigations of failures of soil masses are subjects touching both geology and engineering. These investigations call the joint efforts of engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers. Geotechnical engineers have to pay particular attention to geology, ground water, and shear strength of soils in assessing slope stability. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are very sophisticated modeling techniques, capable of modeling extremely complex functions. In particular, neural networks are nonlinear. In this research, with respect to the above advantages, ANN systems consisting of multilayer perceptron networks are developed to predict slope stability in a specified location, based on the available site investigation data from Noabad, Mazandaran, Iran. Several important parameters, including total stress, effective stress, angle of slope, coefficient of cohesion, internal friction angle, and horizontal coefficient of earthquake, were used as the input parameters, while the slope stability was the output parameter. The results are compared with the classical methods of limit equilibrium to check the ANN model’s validity.  相似文献   

The Çiftehan-Pozant segment of the Ankara-Pozant motorway is problematic due to the existence of lithological units with variable character. Seven cut slopes are planned along Km 358+000– Km 364+350 of the proposed motorway. The purpose of this study is to determine engineering geological properties of the rocks exposed along the motorway and to assess the excavatability and stability of the cut slopes. Both field and laboratory studies were carried out during this study. Field studies involved geological mapping, detailed discontinuity surveying and sampling. Laboratory tests were carried out to determine unit weight, point load strength index and shear strength parameters of the discontinuities. In the study area, recrystallized limestone, microgabbro, conglomerate and Quaternary deposits are exposed. However, the cut slopes are located within microgabbro and conglomerate. Hard to very hard ripping with local blasting for the fresh inner part of the rocks is recommended for the excavatability. In two cut slopes wedge failure is expected, whereas in another two slopes both wedge and toppling failures are likely to occur. Based on the field observations and stability analyses of the cut slopes, slope flattening with various angles, wire mesh, and drainage ditches are proposed.  相似文献   

The present paper demonstrates the assessment of slope stability analysis between Rampur to Jhakri road section along National Highway (NH-22), Himachal Pradesh, India. The different types of slope failures have affected most part of slopes which causes considerable loss of life and property, inconveniences such as disruption of traffic along highways. The poorly designed rock slopes for road widening or construction purposes may weaken the stability of the slopes. A detail field investigation has been carried out to collect the representative rock samples for determination of physico-mechanical properties of rock and joint data for kinematic analysis. The rocks exposed in the area are highly jointed quartzite and quartz-mica schist of Rampur-Larji Group of Palaeoproterozoic age. The continuous slope mass rating (CSMR) technique has been applied for the assessment of slope stability analysis at five vulnerable locations and the results shows slopes are partially stable to unstable. Kinematic analysis mainly shows wedge type of failure along with few toppling and planar failures. The existing slope required immediate treatment to prevent the failure for its long term stability.  相似文献   

A methodology is developed for probabilistic rock slope stability assessment using numerical modelling that incorporates statistical analysis of the variability of joint set geometric parameters. Each probabilistic input parameter is substituted by its two point estimates. Half-factorial and central composite designs are implemented to obtain a minimum number of representative slope realizations to model. The output from the numerical models is used to construct mathematical prediction models or response surfaces. A response surface can be used to predict the factor of safety of arbitrary realizations without further numerical modelling and can be used to determine the probability of slope failure.  相似文献   

 The main objective of this study is the determination of the slope stability and excavatability category of discontinuous rock exposed between 53+000 and 58+000 km of the proposed Ankara–Pozantı autoroad in Turkey to provide secure access. The study area is mostly in the outcrops of highly jointed sandstone with minor layers of marl. This Maastrichtian–Eocene Group also contains conglomerate and limestone bands of flysch character called the Pas˙ada* Group. Quaternary alluvial deposits occur throughout the site. The area was divided into four design sectors based on cut slope locations. Rock slope stability was assessed kinematically as well as through utilizing limit equilibrium analyses. The excavation category was determined to range from hard to extremely hard ripping. Remedial measures for unstable rock slopes are discussed. Received: 22 July 1997 · Accepted: 14 April 1998  相似文献   

The expansion of the Neyriz marble mine into deeper levels caused an unexpected failure particularly in the toes of lower benches. This phenomenon can impact the overall stability of the quarry and results in undesirable environmental and technical consequences. To understand the failure mechanism, a comprehensive study including—laboratory testing, in situ field testing and theoretical analyses are carried out. The theory of the brittle failure which was mainly developed based on the experiences gained during excavation in granite rocks is adopted and augmented in this study to explain the governing mechanism of failure. Mechanical properties of the marble are determined using conventional rock mechanics tests, and the in situ stress field was evaluated using a modified under coring test. Analyzing the laboratory and field data with the available empirical criteria for brittle failure shows that the level of stress in the lower bench is high enough to initiate the brittle failure. Finally, constitutive models developed for this failure mode are adopted in conjunction with numerical modeling to investigate the observed failure in the quarry. Two modeling strategies, based on elastic and elastic–plastic analyses, are considered. Comparing the predicted failure surface with the observed failure profile, it can be concluded that the brittle failure criteria can very well capture the failure mechanism in this marble quarry. This shows that the criteria proposed to describe spalling failure around underground excavation in granite can be effectively employed for assessing the brittle failure in deep open cast and quarry mines in good quality rocks such as marble.  相似文献   

SummaryFinite Element Study of the Nevis Bluff (New Zealand) Rock Slope Failure In June 1975, part of the Nevis Bluff rock slope failed along State Highway 6 in the South Island of New Zealand. The slope is near the bottom of the Kawarau River valley, which has been deeply entrenched in chlorite schist rocks. The detailed geology of the slope, and the mechanical properties of the rocks comprising the slope are described. For the purposes of finite element modelling, the schist was assumed to be a transversely isotropic material with four independent deformability parameters. A two dimensional finite element program was used to establish the regional state of stress, the results from which were then used in a larger scale model of the rock slope. The results of finite element analyses suggested that slope failure occurred by flexural toppling, where continuous columns broke in flexure as they slid along schistosity surfaces. Flexural cracking was then responsible for propagating the plane along which sliding occurred. When the shear strength available along this plane was exceeded by shear stresses, the slope failed.
ZusammenfassungUntersuchung des Bruches eines Felshanges des Nevis Bluff (Neuseeland) mit Hilfe der Methode der Finiten Elemente Im Juni 1975 brach ein Teil des Felshanges von Nevis Bluff entlang der Autobahn 6 auf der Südinsel von Neuseeland. Die Rutschung ereignete sich nahe des Talbodens des Flusses Kawarau, welcher sehr tief in Chloritschiefer eingeschnitten ist. Die detaillierte Geologie dieser Rutschung und die mechanischen Eigenschaften der dabei wirksamen Felspartien werden beschrieben. Im Hinblick auf eine Untersuchung des Rutschvorganges mit Hilfe der Methode der Finiten Elemente wurde das schiefrige Medium als transversal isotropes Medium mit vier voneinander unabhängigen Verformungsparametern angenommen. Für die Ermittlung des primären Spannungszustandes wurde ein zweidimensionales Finite-Elemente-Programm benützt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung wurden dann in einem erweiterten Rechenmodell für die Hangrutschung verwendet. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigten, daß die Rutschung auf einen Mechanismus ähnlich dem Hakenwerfen zurückzuführen sein dürfte, wobei bei diesem Vorgang durchgehende Platten durch Biegung zum Bruch kamen, als sie auf den Schieferungsflächen abglitten. Biegerisse waren die Ursache für die Ausbildung einer durchgehenden Gleitfläche. Sobald die Scherfestigkeit in dieser Gleitfläche überschritten wurde, kam der Hang zu Bruch.

RésuméÉtude de la rupture de pente rocheuse de Nevis Bluff par la méthode d'éléments finis En juin 1975, une partie de la paroi rocheuse de Nevis Bluff, le long de la route nationale 6 en Nouvelle Zélande s'est éffondrée. La pente est près du fond de la vallée de la rivière Kawarau qui s'est profondément encaissée dans des schistes chloritiques. La géologie détaillée de la paroi et les propriétés mécaniques des roches constitutives sont décrites. Pour la modélisation par éléments finis, le schiste a été supposé se comporter comme un matériau orthotrope avec quatre paramètres de déformation. L'utilisation d'un programme d'éléments finis bidimensionnels a permis d'établir l'état de contrainte régional qui fut transféré à un modèle de la paroi rocheuse de plus grande échelle. Les résultats de l'analyse par éléments finis suggèrent que la rupture a en lieu par fauchage des couches dans lequel des colonnes continues se fissurent en flexion à mesure qu'elles glissent le long de surfaces de schistosité vers l'ouverture. Les fissures de flexion se sont approfondies jusqu'à former un plan sur lequel le glissement a eu lieu. Quand la résistance au cisaillement le long de ce plan a été dépassée par les contraintes de cisaillement, la paroi s'est éffondrée.

With 16 Figures  相似文献   

Petrological and geochemical data for basic (alkali basalts and hawaiites) and silicic peralkaline rocks, plus rare intermediate products (mugearites and benmoreites) from the Pleistocene Boseti volcanic complex (Main Ethiopian Rift, East Africa) are reported in this work. The basalts are slightly alkaline or transitional, have peaks at Ba and Nb in the mantle-normalized diagrams and relatively low 87Sr/86Sr (0.7039–0.7044). The silicic rocks (pantellerites and comendites) are rich in sanidine and anorthoclase, with mafic phases being represented by fayalite-rich olivine, opaque oxides, aenigmatite and slightly Na-rich ferroaugite (ferrohedenbergite). These rocks were generated after prolonged fractional crystallization process (up to 90–95 %) starting from basaltic parent magmas at shallow depths and fO2 conditions near the QFM buffer. The apparent Daly Gap between mafic and evolved Boseti rocks is explained with a model involving the silicic products filling upper crustal magma chambers and erupted preferentially with respect to basic and intermediate products. Evolved liquids could have been the only magmas which filled the uppermost magma reservoirs in the crust, thus giving time to evolve towards Rb-, Zr- and Nb-rich peralkaline rhyolites in broadly closed systems.  相似文献   

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