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The observed hydrogeochemical condition of groundwater at a particular well is usually represented as a mixture of various sources of pollution and background conditions and is given in terms of measurements of multiple dissolved inorganic water contaminants such as total dissolved solids (TDS). Concentrations from a given set of wells can be compared against one another in a variety of ways, but the consideration as to which chemical concentrations are best related to one another is limited. In this analysis, an example is given to show that if there are a total of N concentration values, all N must be considered simultaneously in order to ascertain whether the observed conditions at the well can be explained as a mixture, and this can be done by solving a quadratic programming problem-convex hull.
Resumen La condición hidrogeoquímica observada en un pozo particular es generalmente resultante de la mezcla de varias fuentes de contaminación y las condiciones antecedentes y se traduce en términos de medidas de múltiples contaminantes inorgánicos disueltos tal como los sólidos totales disueltos (STD). Las concentraciones de un conjunto de pozos pueden ser comparadas unas contra otras por una variedad de métodos pero la consideración de las concentraciones químicas que mejor se relacionan es limitada. En este análisis se introduce un ejemplo que muestra que si existe un total de N valores de concentración, todos los N deben ser considerados simultáneamente a fin de establecer si las condiciones observadas en el pozo pueden ser explicadas como una mezcla. Esto se realizada por resolución de un problema cuadrático de envolvente convexa.

Résumé L’état hydrogéochimique des eaux souterraines observé au droit d’un puits particulier est usuellement représenté comme un mélange de diverses sources de pollutions et de bruits de fond et est donné en terme de mesures de plusieurs contaminants inorganiques dissous, comme les solides totaux dissous par exemple (STD). Les concentrations issues d’un groupe de puits peuvent être comparées entre elles de différentes manières, mais le souhait de corréler au mieux telle concentration chimique avec une autre est limité. Dans cette étude, l’exemple traité montre que s’il existe un nombre total N de valeurs de concentration, ces Nvaleurs doivent être considérées simultanément afin de déterminer si les conditions observées au puits peuvent s’expliquer en terme de mélange ; ceci peut être réalisé en résolvant un problème quadratique programmable-une enveloppe convexe.

The identification of sources and behavior of contaminants is important to control and manage groundwater quality of aquifer systems in urban areas. In this study, hydrogeochemistry of major constituents and stable isotope ratios of nitrate in groundwater were determined to identify contamination sources and transformation processes occurring in soils and deeper groundwater of Beijing with intense human activities. The nitrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of nitrate in pore water extracts from groundwater samples indicate at least three potential sources of nitrate in groundwaters at Beijing. Stable isotope analyses from this study site, which has atmospheric, chemical fertilizer and human waste nitrate sources, provide a tool to distinguish nitrate sources in a confined aquifer where concentrations alone do not. These data indicate that the most common sources of high nitrate concentrations in groundwater at Beijing are wastewater and denitrification process occurred specially in the Central area. NO3–N and cation and anion concentrations (Ca2+, Mg2+ Cl? and SO 4 2 ) showed strong correlations indicating that they originated from the same sources. This study demonstrates that a thorough evaluation of hydrodynamic and hydrochemical parameters with dual isotopes of NO3 ? constitutes an effective approach for identifying sources and transformation processes of NO3 ? in deeper groundwater systems.  相似文献   

This study has evaluated the main hydrogeochemical characteristics that affect the quality of shallow groundwater in the coastal area at Kimje in South Korea. In this area, the chemical composition of groundwater is mostly classified into Na+?Cl? and Ca2++Mg2+?NO3-+Cl? types. These types are affected by three major factors: seawater intrusion, fertilizers and redox processes. The Na+?Cl? type, which is generally localized in the coastal area, shows typical characteristics of groundwater affected not only by modern seawater but also by old seawater residing in the reclaimed land. In contrast, the Ca2++Mg2+?NO3-+Cl? type, which is usually found inland, is very contaminated by fertilizers. As groundwater flows from the inland area to the coast, the redox condition changes from an oxic condition to a suboxic/anoxic condition. In addition, the reclamation has caused a large amount of underlying organic matter. These effects provide optimum conditions for the occurrence of redox processes in the coastal area.  相似文献   

Monitoring and time-series analysis of the hydrological parameters electrical conductivity (EC), water pressure, precipitation and tide were carried out, to understand the characteristics of the parameter variations and their correlations at a coastal area in Busan, South Korea. The monitoring data were collected at a sharp interface between freshwater and saline water at the depth of 25 m below ground. Two well-logging profiles showed that seawater intrusion has largely expanded (progressed inland), and has greatly affected the groundwater quality in a coastal aquifer of tuffaceous sedimentary rock over a 9-year period. According to the time series analyses, the periodograms of the hydrological parameters present very similar trends to the power spectral densities (PSD) of the hydrological parameters. Autocorrelation functions (ACF) and partial autocorrelation functions (PACF) of the hydrological parameters were produced to evaluate their self-correlations. The ACFs of all hydrologic parameters showed very good correlation over the entire time lag, but the PACF revealed that the correlations were good only at time lag 1. Crosscorrelation functions (CCF) were used to evaluate the correlations between the hydrological parameters and the characteristics of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer system. The CCFs showed that EC had a close relationship with water pressure and precipitation rather than tide. The CCFs of water pressure with tide and precipitation were in inverse proportion, and the CCF of water pressure with precipitation was larger than that with tide.  相似文献   

The need for more agricultural or residential land has encouraged reclamation at the coastal areas of Korea since 1200 ad (approximately). The groundwaters of these reclaimed areas could be expected to reveal hydrogeochemical properties different from those of areas directly affected by seawater intrusion. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the salinization of shallow groundwater in a coastal reclaimed area and to identify the effect of land reclamation on groundwater quality. Major cations and anions, iodide, total organic carbon, δD, δ 18O and δ 13C were measured to assist the hydrogeochemical analysis. Chloride, δD and δ 18O data clearly show that the Na–Cl type water results from mixing of groundwater with seawater. In particular, the δD and δ 18O of Ca+Mg–Cl+NO3 type groundwaters are close to the meteoric water line, but Na–Cl type waters enriched in chloride are 18O-enriched with respect to the meteoric water line. Meanwhile, carbon isotopic data and I/Cl ratios strongly suggest that there are various sources of salinity. The δ 13C values of Na–Cl type groundwaters are generally similar to those of Ca+Mg–Cl+NO3 type waters, which are depleted in 13C with respect to seawater. I/Cl ratios of Na–Cl type groundwater are 10–100 times higher than that of seawater. Because the reclamation has incorporated a large amount of organic matter, it provides optimum conditions for the occurrence of redox processes in the groundwater system. Therefore, the salinization of groundwater in the study area seems to be controlled not only by saltwater intrusion but also by other effects, such as those caused by residual salts and organic matter in the reclaimed sediments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the groundwater quality in Dindugal district of Tamil Nadu based on the water quality index by geographic information system (GIS) and statistical analysis. This area consists of 80 functional tanneries around Dindigul town with a capacity to process about 200 Mt of hides and skins as leather. In 13 villages, as many as 1090 houses were damaged by tannery contamination. A total of 66 groundwater samples were collected to identify the geochemical sources and contamination. The order of major cations is Na > Ca > Mg > K, while that of anions is Cl > SO4 > HCO3 > F > PO4. CaCl2, MgCl2, and (CaHCO3)2 types suggested that the mixing of high-salinity water was caused by irrigation return flow, domestic wastewater, and septic tank effluents, with existing water followed by ion exchange reactions. Moreover, Gibbs plots indicated that groundwater contamination was derived from the weathering of granitic gneisses as well as the leaching of evaporated and crystallized ions from agricultural and industrial effluents. The water quality index (WQI) exhibited 8 % of the groundwater samples were not suitable for drinking purpose. The GIS maps showed that the poor water quality decreased toward the southern part of the study area. WQI of TDS, fluoride, sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate were high in groundwater. Multivariate statistical analyses (principal component analysis (PCA), factor analysis (FA)) suggested that the groundwater chemistry was changed by the weathering of source rocks ion exchange and leaching of inorganic components and addition from anthropogenic effluents. Finally, it is thought that the monitoring and assessment works are very useful to understand the degree and sources of groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to evaluate the geochemical processes regulating groundwater quality in a coastal region, Barka, Sultanate of Oman. The rapid urban developments in Barka cause depletion of groundwater quantity and deterioration of quality through excessive consumption and influx of pollutants from natural and anthropogenic activities. In this study, 111 groundwater samples were collected from 79 wells and analysed for pH, EC, DO, temperature, major ions, silica and nutrients. In Barka, water chemistry shows large variation in major ion concentrations and in electrical conductivity, and implies the influence of distinguished contamination sources and hydrogeochemical processes. The groundwater chemistry in Barka is principally regulated by saline sources, reverse ion exchange, anthropogenic pollutants and mineral dissolution/precipitation reactions. Due to ubiquitous pollutants and processes, groundwater samples were classified into two groups based on electrical conductivity. In group1, water chemistry is greatly influenced by mineral dissolution/precipitation process and lateral recharge from upstream region (Jabal Al-Akdar and Nakhal mountains). In group 2, the water chemistry is affected by saline water intrusion, sea spray, reverse ion exchange and anthropogenic pollutants. Besides, high nitrate concentrations, especially in group 2 samples, firm evidence for impact of anthropogenic activities on groundwater quality, and nitrate can be originated by the effluents recharge from surface contamination sources. Ionic ratios such as SO4/Cl, alkalinity/Cl and total cation/Cl indicate that effluents recharged from septic tank, waste dumping sites and irrigation return flow induce dissolution of carbonate minerals, and enhances solute load in groundwater. The chemical constituents originating from saline water sources, reverse ion exchange and mineral dissolution are successfully differentiated using ionic delta, the difference between the actual concentration of each constituent and its theoretical concentration for a freshwater–seawater mix calculated from the chloride concentration of the sample, and proved that this approach is a promising tool to identify and differentiate the geochemical processes in coastal region. Hence, both regular geochemical methods and ionic delta ensured that groundwater quality in Barka is impaired by natural and human activities.  相似文献   

浅层地下水对地下建筑具有一定的腐蚀性,影响建筑物安全,沿海地区尤为严重.随着曹妃甸新区城市建设的加快,浅层地下水和土对工程的腐蚀性及对工程结构设计的影响也越来越受到关注.本文对曹妃甸滨海区的地下水腐蚀性数据进行了统计分析,并对地下水的侵蚀性进行了评价,得出曹妃甸滨海区域地下水腐蚀性的规律.浅层地下水对混凝土结构具有弱-强的腐蚀性,自北向南逐渐加重;对混凝土结构中的钢筋普遍具有腐蚀性,对钢结构具有弱-中等腐蚀性,总体向南加重.此研究可以为区内的城市规划和工程建设提供借鉴.  相似文献   

A detailed hydrogeochemical study of groundwater in the Cecina coastal plain (Livorno province, Italy) and its inner sectors was undertaken in 2008, as chemical analyses carried out on groundwater since 2006 have revealed Cr(VI) concentrations of up to 49 μg/L (well above the permissible limit of 5 μg/L). Ophiolite outcrops are present throughout the study area, and their fragments likely represent a significant portion of the existing multilayered aquifer skeleton. Waters delivered by the serpentinite outcrops have a typically Mg–HCO3 composition, whereas those of the coastal plain are prevailingly of the Ca/Mg–HCO3 type with significant Mg contents. Significant NO3 contamination characterises the studied coastal plain, and an interesting negative correlation exists between Cr(VI) and both NO3 and SO4 deriving from the widespread use of (NH4)2SO4 as a farm fertilizer. Chromium speciation calculations carried out using the EQ3NR code reveal that the prevailing Cr(VI) species in solution is CrO4 2?; however, CaCrO4° and MgCrO4° neutral complexes represent significant percentages (up to 42 %). These findings suggest that the mobility and consequently the bioavailability of Cr(VI) can be significantly enhanced by these neutral complexes, which are not considered to be affected by adsorption/desorption processes. The Cr(VI) source, investigated by means of the Mg/SiO2 molar ratio, seems to be represented mainly by Mg-bearing minerals of the chlorite group. Petrographic observations confirm the occurrence of this mineral group. The interaction between rainwater and the local serpentinite rock was simulated at different $P_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }}$ and $P_{{{\text{O}}_{ 2} }}$ conditions by reaction path modelling using the EQ3/6 software package. $P_{{{\text{O}}_{ 2} }}$ was varied in accordance with the assumption that redox conditions are determined in part by NO3. Results are in good agreement with experimental data on spring waters and subordinately with data on some coastal plain groundwater, which plot in a rather wide $P_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }}$ and $P_{{{\text{O}}_{ 2} }}$ field. Although the dissolved Cr content is mostly of natural origin, fertilization may affect its fate.  相似文献   

A logistic regression model for the probability of arsenic exceeding the drinking water guidelines (10 μg/L) in bedrock groundwater was developed for a selected county in Korea, where arsenic occurrence and release reactions have been investigated. Arsenic was enriched naturally by the oxidation of sulfide minerals in metasedimentary rocks and mineralized zones, and due to high mobility in alkaline pH conditions, concentrations were high in groundwater of the county. When considering these reactions of arsenic release and water quality characteristics, several geological and geochemical factors were selected as influencing variables in the model. In the final logistic regression model, geological units of limestone and metasedimentary rocks, the concentrations of nitrate and sulfate, and distances to closed mines and adjacent granite were retained as statistically significant variables. Predicted areas of high probability agreed well with known spatial contamination patterns in the county. The model was also applied to an adjacent county, where the groundwater has not previously been tested for the presence of arsenic, and a probability map for arsenic contamination was then produced. Through the analysis of arsenic concentrations at the wells of high probability, it was determined that the applied model accurately indicated the arsenic contamination of groundwater. The logistic regression approach of this study can be applied to predict arsenic contamination in areas of similar geological and geochemical conditions to the county used in this model.  相似文献   

Groundwater chemistry in a coastal region (Kunsan, Korea) having complex contaminant sources was investigated. Water analysis data for 197 groundwater samples collected from the uniformly distributed sixty-six wells were used. Chemical analysis results indicate that groundwaters show wide concentration ranges in major inorganic ions, reflecting complex hydrochemical processes. Due to the complexity of groundwater chemistry, the samples were classified into four groups based on Cl and NO3 concentrations and the processes controlling water chemistry were evaluated based on the reaction stoichiometry. The results explained the importance of mineral weathering, anthropogenic activities (nitrification and oxidation of organic matters), and Cl-salt inputs (seawater, deicer, NaCl, etc.) on groundwater chemistry. It was revealed that mineral dissolution is the major process controlling the water chemistry of the low Cl and NO3 group (Group 1). Groundwaters high in NO3 (Groups 2 and 4) are acidic in nature, and their chemistry is largely influenced by nitrification, oxidation of organic matters and mineral dissolution. In the case of chloride rich waters (Group 3), groundwater chemistry is highly influenced by mineral weathering and seawater intrusion associated with cation-exchange reactions.  相似文献   

Urbanization and the groundwater budget, metropolitan Seoul area, Korea   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The city of Seoul is home to more than 10 million people in an area of 605 km2. Groundwater is abstracted for public water supply and industrial use, and to drain underground facilities and construction sites. Though most tap water is supplied from the Han River, the quantity and quality of groundwater is of great concern to Seoul's citizens, because the use of groundwater for drinking water is continuously increasing. This study identifies the major factors affecting the urban water budget and quality of groundwater in the Seoul area and estimates the urban water budget. These factors include leakage from the municipal water-supply system and sewer systems, precipitation infiltration, water-level fluctuations of the Han River, the subway pumping system, and domestic pumping. The balance between groundwater recharge and discharge is near equilibrium. However, the quality of groundwater and ability to control contaminant fluxes are impeded by sewage infiltration, abandoned landfills, waste dumps, and abandoned wells. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

High As contents in groundwater were found in Rayen area and chosen for a detailed hydrogeochemical study. A total of 121 groundwater samples were collected from existing tube wells in the study areas in January 2012 and analyzed. Hydrogeochemical data of samples suggested that the groundwater is mostly Na–Cl type; also nearly 25.62 % of samples have arsenic concentrations above WHO permissible value (10 μg/l) for drinking waters with maximum concentration of aqueous arsenic up to 25,000 μg/l. The reducing conditions prevailing in the area and high arsenic concentration correlated with high bicarbonate and pH. Results show that arsenic is released into groundwater by two major phenomena: (1) through reduction of arsenic-bearing iron oxides/oxyhydroxides and Fe may be precipitated as iron sulfide when anoxic conditions prevail in the aquifer sediments and (2) transferring of As into the water system during water–acidic volcanic rock interactions.  相似文献   

The occurrence of fluoride in groundwaters can be influenced by many factors. In Korea, the fluoride-rich groundwaters are normally associated with rock types, especially granite and gneiss. In Gimcheon, high-fluoride groundwaters (up to a maximum of 2.15 mg/L) were observed with bimodal distribution of concentrations. The groundwater in this area showed relatively high concentrations of anthropogenic chemicals such as nitrate, chloride, and sulfate. Statistical analysis showed that fluoride is positively correlated with pH, alkalinity, sodium, and lithium, indicating that the interaction with granite is the main cause enriching its concentration. In Gimcheon, δ18O data of groundwater showed a negative correlation with nitrate and can be used as an indicator of groundwater age. The four samples of fluoride-rich groundwater were plotted in the light δD and δ18O region, showing that they were the result of long water–rock reaction. However, other groundwater with a low-fluoride concentration was evenly distributed throughout all δD and δ18O ranges and did not show a statistically significant correlation with nitrate, indicating possible mixing with another source of fluoride. Considering the influence from the surface on the geochemical characteristics of groundwater in this area, anthropogenic sources including phosphate fertilizer containing fluoride and pesticides may also have partly contributed to the concentrations of fluoride in the low-fluoride groundwater. The scattered distribution of fluoride-rich groundwater and the significant correlation with lithium suggest that pegmatite is the main rock type increasing fluoride concentration in this area.  相似文献   

Twenty profiles of vertical electric soundings (VES) were obtained in a riverside alluvium at the Buyeo area, South Korea, to examine the variations of subsurface geology and associated groundwater chemistry. The combination of the VES data with the borehole data provided useful information on subsurface hydrogeologic conditions. The vestige of an ancient river channel (e.g. oxbow lake) was identified on the resistivity profiles by the lateral continuation of a near-surface perched aquifer parallel to the river. Such a perched aquifer is typically developed in the area with a clay-rich silty surface alluvium which prohibits the infiltration of oxygen. Therefore, groundwater below the oxbow lake shows a very low nitrate concentration and Eh values under the strong anoxic condition. The distribution of water resistivity is correlated with that of measured total dissolved solids concentration in groundwater, while the earth resistivity of the aquifer shows a significant spatial variation. It is interpreted that the earth resistivity of the aquifer is mainly controlled by the soil type rather than by the water chemistry in the study area.  相似文献   

Chemical characteristics of groundwater in the Midyan Basin (northwestern Saudi Arabia) were investigated and evaluated. A total of 72 water samples were collected from existing shallow wells and analyzed for different elements. Two multivariate statistical methods, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA), were applied to a subgroup of the data set in terms of their usefulness for groundwater classification, and to identify the processes controlling groundwater geochemistry. The subgroup consisted of 46 water samples out of 72 samples and 24 variables included major elements (Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, K+, Cl?, HCO3 ?, NO3 ?, SO4 2?), minor and trace element (SiO2, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, F, Fe, Mo, P, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ti, and V). For water samples, four geochemically distinct clusters (i.e., C1, C2, C3 and C4) have been observed by hierarchical cluster analysis. Cr, F and Pb are the dominant ions in cluster C2. Al, As, Cd, Mo, Sb and Ti are the dominant ions in cluster C3, while B, Ca, Cl, HCO3, K, Mg, Na, SO4 and V are identified as dominant ions in the cluster C4. In the PCA, a total of five components are extracted form the data set, which explained 73.37 % of the total data variability. Among them the first component reveals strong associations between As, B, Cd, Cr, F, Mo, Pb, Sb and Ti. The second component reveals the associations between Ca, Cl, HCO3, Mg, Na, SO4 and V.  相似文献   

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