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淮北某矿区地下水环境质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析淮北某矿区水文地质条件的基础上,选取S4O2-、Cl-、矿化度、总硬度4个污染因子作为评价因子,以GB/T14848-93《地下水质量标准》为评价标准,分别运用尼梅罗指数法和模糊数学法,对该矿区各主要含水层进行了地下水环境质量评价。评价结果表明,该矿区第一含水层(组)水质较好,适合作为矿区工业用水以及生活饮用水的供水水源,而第二含水层(组)及其以下含水层地下水均需要作适当的处理才可作为饮用水源。   相似文献   

Hand-pump wells in the Tarkwa gold mining district and the geologically similar Bui area were chemically analysed and compared in an effort to determine whether groundwaters in the Tarkwa area have been affected by mining. Significant chemical differences attributed to mine water discharges have been observed in streams in the Tarkwa area. Groundwater chemistry from hand-pump wells in Tarkwa and Bui areas reveal similar hydrochemical facies, predominantly Ca–Na–Mg–HCO3–Cl. However, except for SO42–, ionic concentrations of groundwaters from Bui are greater than those from Tarkwa probably due to differences in (1) water availability during sedimentation (2) water-rock interactions and/or residence times for water. No demonstrable impact of mining on groundwaters from hand-pumped wells in the Tarkwa area has been noted. Hydrogeological inference suggests that the main streams which receive mine water discharges are both gaining and are groundwater divides. The overwhelming majority of population centres and mining operations are located on opposite sides of these groundwater divides, therefore, it is unlikely aquifers tapped for drinking by these communities would be affected by mining.  相似文献   

A study on geo-environmental quality assessment in Jharia coalfield, India, has been attempted using multivariate statistical analysis and geographic information system (GIS) modelling techniques. Water quality index, calculated for each sample network station in the study area to assess the suitability of water for human consumption, revealed very poor to poor quality surface water and mine water. Air quality indexing indicated that there is no sample station with clean air as per the Indian standards, which indicate the hazardous air quality. Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE), a potential GIS tool, has been applied to the delineation of various degrees of stressed villages in terms of quality of life (QoL). The role of various geo-environmental parameters such as quality of groundwater, surface water, mine water and air together with village population densities has been emphasized for delineation of the environmentally stressed villages in Jharia coalfield. The integrated cluster analysis and MCE approach provide an improved means to geo-environmental quality assessment in Jharia coalfield in terms of QoL. The assessment study is aimed to be used for future coal mining, ensuring ecologically sustainable industrial development, particularly in a coalfield.  相似文献   

A water reservoir constructed for production of hydraulic energy and drinking water in the Riaño valley (León, northern Spain) receives leachates from polluted soils and spoil heaps from a site where small-scale As mining and smelting operations have been developed in the first half of the twentieth century. Water of the upper catchments of the Esla, Yuso and Orza Rivers is stored in this reservoir. The location of these abandoned mine works within the reservoir drainage basin suggested that the stored water could contain high As concentrations. In order to evaluate possible environmental risks, a preliminary soil and surface water geochemical survey has been carried out downstream of the Santa Águeda Mine. Total As concentrations in soils reach 23,800 mg kg?1 in soils and increase with depth, at least up to a depth of 80 cm. Total As concentrations in surface waters reach 890 μg l?1. Despite the fact that there is an important As input to the water reservoir, the water flow from the mine catchment is a negligible contribution when compared with the total volume of water inside the dam (0.07%). This fact considerably decreases the environmental risk associated with the presence of untreated spoil heaps containing As-rich minerals at Santa Águeda mine site.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical surveys were carried out in SW Sardinia (Italy) to investigate the impact of past mining activities on the quality of groundwater. The chemistry of waters from flooded galleries, adits and dumps has been compared with that of springs and wells in the same area at sites relatively far from any mine legacy. A feature, common to all waters, is the circumneutral pH, since the carbonate formations in the area neutralise the acidity produced by the oxidation of Fe-bearing sulphide minerals in the mine impacted water. However, groundwater interacting with mine workings is degraded in quality; it shows high dissolved SO4, Zn, Cd and Pb contents. In some cases groundwater exceeds the limit established by the guidelines of the World Health Organization for Pb content in drinking water, so that groundwater is mixed before entering the local aqueducts. Results from this study suggest that more attention needs to be paid to the impact on the streams from contaminated water flowing out from some mine areas because during the dry season these streams are only fed by mine groundwater. We recommend focusing efforts to reduce the chemical contamination prior to discharge.  相似文献   

兖济滕矿区煤矸石长期露天堆放,既造成大量土地资源浪费,又造成矿区水体、土壤、大气等环境污染,是不容忽视的环境污染源地。从矿区煤矸石的化学成份和矿物成份分析可以看出,煤矸石的化学成份以SiO2为主,其次为Al2O3;矿物成份以高岭石为主,其次为石英。选用大量测试数据对煤矸石中有害微量元素对水环境、土壤环境的污染效应进行了研究,认为:煤矸石在酸性条件下淋溶析出的重金属的含量均超过了生活饮用水标准;碱性条件下,除Cu、Zn、As外,其余的也超过了地面水环境质量V类水的标准:煤矸石回填区的As、Cu、Pb、Zn四种重金属对矿区水环境影响不明显;填矸石的汇水区以及矸石山附近的水井水化学类型已由重碳酸型转变为硫酸型,部分区域已经受到了SO4^2-、总硬度、固形物的污染;矿区煤矸石堆放对附近土壤的影响并不显著,但某些有毒有害的重金属元素远远大于背景值,植物在土壤中对其吸收与积累可能形成潜在危害性。最后指出了降低煤矸石污染、提高煤矸石的综合利用才是解决矿区固体废弃物生态环境效应的主要途径。  相似文献   

The assessment of groundwater quality and its environmental implications in the region of the abandoned Cunha Baixa uranium mine (Central Portugal) was carried out from 1995 to 2004. Shallow groundwater is the major water supply source for irrigation in the neighbourhood of Cunha Baixa village. Water samples from the mine site as well as from private wells were collected in order to identify the mining impact on water composition, the extent of contamination and the seasonal and temporal groundwater quality variations. Some of the sampled private wells contain waters having low pH (<4.5–5) and high values of EC, TDS, SO4, F, Ca, Mg, Al, Mn, Ni, U, Zn and 226Ra. The wells located through the ESE–WSE groundwater flow path (1 km down gradient of the mining site) display the most contaminated water. In the summer season, the levels of SO4, Al, Mn, and U were 50–120 times higher than those registered for uncontaminated waters and exceeded the quality limits for irrigation purposes, presenting soil degradation risks. Nevertheless, this study indicates that groundwater contamination suffered a small decrease from 1999 to 2004. The bioaccumulation of toxic metals such as Al, Mn, and U within the food chain may cause a serious health hazard to the Cunha Baixa village inhabitants.  相似文献   

Based on this preliminary study, existing sand and gravel mining regulations (in Maine, USA) can be inferred to provide some protection to water resources. Sand and gravel deposits are important natural resources that have dual uses: mining for construction material and pumping for drinking water. How the mining of sand and gravel affects aquifers and change aquifer vulnerability to contamination is not well documented. Mining regulations vary greatly by state and local jurisdiction. This study test metrics to measure the effectiveness of mining regulations. The sand and gravel aquifer system studied is covered with former and active gravel pits to nearly 25% of its areal extent. Data from homeowner interviews and field measurements found scant evidence of changes in water quantity. Water quality analyses collected from springs, streams, ponds and wells indicate that the aquifer was vulnerable to contamination by chloride and nitrate. However, water quality changes can not be related directly to mining activities.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is the environmental issue that generates the greatest public concern regarding the mining industry. Thus, characterization of mine waste rock according to acid generation potential is necessary for mining operations to ensure proper waste rock storage and to avoid future adverse environmental effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to estimate the potential of AMD generation in the largest operating gold mine in Thailand by using acid base accounting and net acid generation tests. Representative samples of six types of waste rock classified by mining geologists for mineral processing and waste dumping were collected for this study: volcanic clastic, porphyritic andesite, andesite, silicified tuff, silicified lapilli tuff, and sheared tuff. Under various conditions, experimental results indicate that only silicified lapilli tuff and shear tuff are potentially acid-forming materials. The results indicate that AMD generation may possibly occur a long time after mine closure due to the lag time of the dissolution of acid-neutralizing sources. Acidic generation from some waste rocks may occur in the future based on environmental conditions, particularly the oxidation of sulphide minerals by the combination of oxygen and water. Therefore, a proper design for waste rock dumping and storage is necessary to reduce the risk of AMD generation in future. It is advisable to install a surface management system to control the overland flow direction away from the waste dump area and tailing storage facility and to install a second water storage pond next to the main storage pond to store the spilled water during storms and the rainy season. A water quality monitoring plan that focuses on disturbed areas such as water storage ponds and mine pits should be put in place.  相似文献   

本文对四川省拉拉铜矿矿区噪声、水质、土壤、大气等各方面的检测数据进行了分析,阐述了矿区的主要环境地质问题:矿区家属区噪声污染较严重,选矿厂附近大气污染集中在,水质污染主要源于尾矿库渗透;并提出了矿区环境保护建议。  相似文献   

粤北大宝山是华南金属成矿带的大型铁铜、铅、锌、钼等多金属综合性矿床,富含硫化物,位于北江支流横石河的上游分水岭,流域封闭性很好。矿山开发引起横石河下游的上坝村成为远近闻名的"癌症"村,部分村民出现"痛痛病"疑似症状。由于其特殊的地理位置和对下游引发的严重污染,该矿山成为研究湿热地区含硫化物金属矿山重金属元素生态-环境地球化学迁移的理想场所。以Zn为例,该矿山重金属元素从矿体中向生物体迁移过程经过尾砂/水反应界面、水/沉积物反应界面、土壤/间隙水溶液界面和土壤/植物界面4个重要的反应界面。其中,尾砂/水反应界面控制重金属从源头尾砂中的释放;水/沉积物反应界面控制重金属在水体中与河流沉积物的沉淀与释放的平衡;土壤/间隙水溶液界面控制土壤生物有效性;土壤/植物界面控制生物对重金属的吸收与利用。4个界面的介质间相互作用较好地刻画大宝山矿山因为开采,重金属元素从内生环境中曝露出来,然后在表生环境中释放、迁移、转化、归宿的迁移模式。上述认识对矿山重金属污染治理具有重要的指导意义。通过改变重金属迁移反应界面的条件,可以阻断矿山元素的迁移,达到污染治理的目的。  相似文献   

黄河流域中上游矿区煤?水矛盾突出,煤炭开采对地下水环境造成一定的破坏。基于此,以鄂尔多斯盆地北部侏罗纪煤田榆神府矿区为研究区,在野外调查、数据分析、室内测试的基础上,分析研究区矿井水的量质特征,揭示煤炭高强度开采对地下水环境的影响,并开展矿井水生态利用研究。结果表明:研究区矿井富水系数在0.23~2.28,平均为0.91,评估2020年区内矿井排水量高达4.70亿m3,受采掘活动影响,浅埋煤层开采区地下水位下降趋势明显;区内矿井水出现不同程度的污染组分超标现象,主要超标指标为化学需氧量(COD)、Na+、SO4 2?、溶解性总固体(TDS),未处理的矿井水外排将会污染区内地下水环境;研究区浅层地下水超限的水质指标主要为NO3-N,与矿井水超限水质指标差别较大,反映出浅层地下水水质受采矿活动影响较小;提出矿井水浅层回灌和矿井水生态灌溉2种模式开展研究区矿井水的生态利用,矿井水回灌对矿井水中的溶解性有机碳、色度具有较好的去除效果,回灌后出水满足Ⅲ类地下水限值;浅埋煤矿矿井水具有作为矿区生态修复灌溉用水的较好潜力,中深埋煤矿和深埋煤矿矿井水不适宜作为灌溉用水。研究结果为我国西部煤矿区水资源保护和生态修复提供重要依据。   相似文献   

娄昊  木日根 《世界地质》2013,32(3):606-611
矿山开发给矿区环境带来了负面影响,对矿山环境质量进行评价是实现矿业可持续发展的必要手段。笔者建立了矿山岩土工程环境质量多目标评价指标体系,运用层次分析法确定出各个评价指标的权重; 规定了分级规则,并对各个评价指标进行了分级; 建立了矿山岩土工程体系环境质量多目标综合评价模型,并将该模型应用于矿山实际,得出该矿山环境质量较差,需及时采取措施进行治理。  相似文献   

Public awareness of environmental health issues has increased significantly in recent years, creating the need for detailed scientific studies that can identify potential environmental problems. This paper reports the results of hydrogeochemical surveys carried out in Sardinia, an Italian region with a long mining history. When mining operations in Sardinia ceased, actions for limiting the potential adverse effects of mine closure on the water system were not undertaken. Drainages from flooded mines and seeps from mining residues left on the ground are the main mining-related sources of contamination in Sardinia. Due to the proximity of mining sites to water resources and land that is within reach of animals and humans, the major risks to human health are associated with the direct discharge of contaminated waters into the streams and soils located down-gradient of the abandoned mines. Results of hydrogeochemical surveys carried out under different seasonal conditions showed that the dispersion of toxic and harmful elements (As, Cd, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn) increases during the rainy season, especially under high runoff conditions. These results should help regional and national authorities to address present environmental regulations, particularly those regarding the quality of water resources. Furthermore, the results might be useful elsewhere for planning remediation actions at abandoned mining sites. Lessons learned by past mining in Sardinia indicate that correct disposal and management of mining residues should be mandatory from the beginning of exploitation and processing at each active mine. This would allow reduction of the environmental risks as well as the cost of remediation.  相似文献   

在遥感解译的基础上,实地调查了神木县煤矿开采区地面塌陷现状,阐述了地面塌陷分布、发育特征及发育规模。共发现大面积地面塌陷30处。地面塌陷规模以中型为主,稳定性以较差为主,险情等级以小型为主,均为高强度采煤造成。单个塌陷区最大面积27.67 km2,煤炭开采强度与塌陷发育程度关系密切。论述了石圪台村、榆神路煤矿、蛇疙瘩村、榆家梁煤矿、后柳塔村、沙沟茆村等典型村镇地面塌陷特征。地面塌陷导致的地质环境问题日益突出,截至2015年4月30日,已经导致了48次1.5~3.3级的塌陷地震,诱发区域性地下水水位下降、井泉干涸与河流断流、水域面积萎缩,并进而产生一系列生态环境问题。   相似文献   

At present, the easily mineable coal resources have been depleted in China, and it is very necessary and urgent to mine under hydraulic projects for continuous production and sustainable development of the society. In this paper, the coal field of Shenjiazhuang Colliery, which mostly lies under the Yuecheng reservoir area, is studied. By using a comprehensive study involving field engineering geologic survey, indoor rock mechanics test, in situ test, statistical analysis of mine well discharge, water quality analysis, theoretical calculation and numerical simulation, it is concluded that coal mining would not affect safe operation or bring any secondary geological hazard to the reservoir area. This paper provides an important scientific basis for achieving double profits for both departments of water and coal resources and helping departments related make further decisions. In addition, the research reported in the current paper can be served as a reference for similar projects, such as the coal mines under the Xiaolangdi reservoir area, under the Xifeihe Dam and under the mid-route South-to-North Water Transfer Project.  相似文献   

云浮硫铁矿已开采多年,但开采中带来了一系列环境问题。本文通过对矿区进行的地质环境综合评价,查明了主要矿山地质环境存在的问题,并分析了其原因;利用敏感因子—综合分值评价法,对云浮硫铁矿矿山地质环境质量进行分区,提出了矿山地质环境恢复治理建议,最大程度的降低矿山开采对地质环境的不利影响,努力构建"和谐矿区,和谐社会",促进生态环境、经济和社会的协调可持续发展。  相似文献   

铜陵矿区主要河流水质分析与污染评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜陵矿区是长江下游重要的铜铁资源基地,也是典型的含硫多金属矿区,矿山酸性废水是矿业开发活动不可避免的环境问题,对地表水体有很大影响。本文以铜陵矿区主要河流为研究对象,通过野外调查采样和室内测试分析,从常规理化性质、矿山酸性废水和重金属元素三方面分析了的水质现状,采用单因子指数和内梅罗水质指数法进行了污染评价。结果表明:(1)矿区河流污染成分以有机污染和矿山酸性废水污染为主,其次是重金属污染。(2)在检测的46个河段中, 按综合污染指数大小分级,共计有93.48%的河段受到不同程度的污染,其中,水质严重污染的河段占 4.35%,水质重污染的河段占13.04%,水质污染的河段占 65.22%,水质轻污染的河段占10.87%;共计有6.52%的河段水质较好,均为清洁状态。(3)3条河流按污染程度大小依次为新桥河>顺安河>红星河,除顺安河外,其他均受到了矿山酸性废水污染。今后应重点关注矿山酸性废水的污染机理与风险评估,加强矿区水环境保护与恢复治理工作。  相似文献   

With the development of mining of iron deposits in China, groundwater invasion and the impacts of groundwater drainage, such as regional groundwater table lowering, overlapping cones of depression, subsidence, and water quality deterioration are environmental problems which endanger mining production and human life. Effective prevention of water invasion or timely determination of the mechanism of water bursting and rational design of drainage plans are the most urgent mining challenges. The mechanism of water invasion and the environment impacts on the groundwater system of the Gaoyang Iron Mine, China were dealt with in this paper. A systematical investigation of the hydrogeological conditions and monitoring of groundwater dynamics of the mine were completed. Results show that the limestone of the middle Ordovician System constitutes the under floor of the iron deposit. This limestone is the main source of water invasion into the mine. Groundwater dynamic equilibrium conditions are broken due to mine drainage. Water invasion and drainage have caused a serious impact on the groundwater environment of the area.  相似文献   

全国六大优质无烟煤生产基地之一的永夏煤田,自20世纪70年代初,就陆续开展了煤炭资源的勘查工作,随着区内各矿区勘查阶段和勘查程度的逐步深入,部分矿区已相继建井开采。而针对整个煤田的水文地质及其开采技术条件的分析与评价,目前为止还没有一个完整的综合性成果。通过对区内各矿区、各勘查阶段成果及部分矿井开采资料的汇总和综合研究,认为区内的次级褶皱、断裂构造发育中等,构造复杂程度属中等;三煤组为砂岩裂隙水充水类型,水文地质条件属简单类型,二2煤层为底板砂岩裂隙充水和石炭系上统太原组灰岩裂隙岩溶水充水类型,水文地质条件属简单偏中等类型;煤层顶、底板总体属稳定-中等稳定;区内瓦斯普遍偏低,仅局部地段富集;除局部地段为二级高温区、地温增温异常外,其余大部为地温正常区和一级高温区。该研究为煤田或矿区的总体规划、矿井建设以及矿床开采中加强开采技术条件管理等方面,提供了基础性资料。  相似文献   

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