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Detecting soil salinity changes and its impact on vegetation cover are necessary to understand the relationships between these changes in vegetation cover. This study aims to determine the changes in soil salinity and vegetation cover in Al Hassa Oasis over the past 28 years and investigates whether the salinity change causing the change in vegetation cover. Landsat time series data of years 1985, 2000 and 2013 were used to generate Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Soil Salinity Index (SI) images, which were then used in image differencing to identify vegetation and salinity change/no-change for two periods. Soil salinity during 2000–2013 exhibits much higher increase compared to 1985–2000, while the vegetation cover declined to 6.31% for the same period. Additionally, highly significant (p < 0.0001) negative relationships found between the NDVI and SI differencing images, confirmed the potential long-term linkage between the changes in soil salinity and vegetation cover.  相似文献   

The present research is based on the hypertemporal analysis of a set of 212 images from the NDVI index from January 2003 to March 2012 provided by the medium-resolution sensor MODIS TERRA. The study area is located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain). The specific objectives of the study are to investigate the rhythms of the annual development of the NDVI of each of the classes, determine the classes that are most sensitive to climatic variability and define the interannual sequences of variation in NDVI with an associated trend analysis. The classes situated in lower-altitude areas are strongly dependent on autumn rainfall and present negative temporal tendencies, and those situated at mountaintops and on upper slopes are correlated with spring–summer temperatures and exhibit stable or positive tendencies.  相似文献   

应用遥感技术对城市发展变化进行分析,可为城市规划建设提供辅助依据。本文在前人研究的基础上,将某市4个时期的遥感影像作为研究数据,进行了城区范围、城区植被和土地覆盖信息的提取与分析。研究结果表明,伴随着城市的发展,城区的面积逐年增加,城区植被出现先减少、后增加的现象,而在土地覆盖信息方面也发生了巨大变化。  相似文献   

谭远模  谢思梅  谢荣安 《测绘通报》2020,(4):139-142+146
城市化发展与科学合理利用土地已经成为社会发展最为关注的问题。土地利用结构发生变化后,不合理的土地利用规划等问题将会导致一系列的生态环境问题,因此,监测土地利用的时空变化,为土地利用规划及城市发展规划提供有效的数据支持很有必要。本文通过年度区间土地利用变化数据,利用转移矩阵、动态度、土地利用重心及土地利用结构信息熵分析土地利用变化情况,经过试验表明能够真实、全面反映土地利用变化状态,充分反映城市发展与土地利用关系,有利于提高分析的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

The Asia-Pacific (AP) region has experienced faster warming than the global average in recent decades and has experienced more climate extremes, however little is known about the response of vegetation growth to these changes. The updated Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies third-generation global satellite Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Normalized Difference Vegetation Index dataset and gridded reanalysis climate data were used to investigate the spatiotemporal changes in both trends of vegetation dynamic indicators and climatic variables. We then further analyzed their relations associated with land cover across the AP region. The main findings are threefold: (1) at continental scales the AP region overall experienced a gradual and significant increasing trend in vegetation growth during the last three decades, and this NDVI trend corresponded with an insignificant increasing trend in temperature; (2) vegetation growth was negatively and significantly correlated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation index and the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in AP; and (3) at pixel scales, except for Australia, both vegetation growth and air temperature significantly increased in the majority of study regions and vegetation growth spatially correlated with temperature; In Australia and other water-limited regions vegetation growth positively correlated with precipitation.  相似文献   

Changes in landscape composition and configuration patterns of Sancaktepe Municipal District in the Asian side of Istanbul Metropolitan City of Turkey were analysed using landscape metrics. Class-level and landscape-level metrics were calculated from the land cover/land use data using Patch Analyst, an extension in the Arc View GIS. The land cover/land use data were derived from classified satellite images of Landsat Thematic Mapper of 2002 and 2009 for Sancaktepe District. There was evidence of increase in agglomeration process of built-up patches as indicated by the increases in mean patch size, decrease in total edge and number of patches between 2002 and 2009. The urban expansion pattern experienced overall was not fragmented but concentrated due to infilling around existing patches. Changes in Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index and Area-Weighted Patch Fractal Dimension Index indicated that the physical shapes within built-up, forest and bareland areas were relatively complex and irregular. A conclusion is made in this study that spatial metrics are useful tools to describe the urban landscape composition and configuration in its various aspects and certain decisions whether to approve a specific development in urban planning could, for example, be based on some measures of urban growth form or pattern in terms of uniformity and irregularity, attributable to the dynamic processes of agglomeration and fragmentation of land cover/land use patches caused by urban expansion.  相似文献   

Accelerated soil erosion, high sediment yields, floods and debris flow are serious problems in many areas of Iran, and in particular in the Golestan dam watershed, which is the area that was investigated in this study. Accurate land use and land cover (LULC) maps can be effective tools to help soil erosion control efforts. The principal objective of this research was to propose a new protocol for LULC classification for large areas based on readily available ancillary information and analysis of three single date Landsat ETM+ images, and to demonstrate that successful mapping depends on more than just analysis of reflectance values. In this research, it was found that incorporating climatic and topographic conditions helped delineate what was otherwise overlapping information. This study determined that a late summer Landsat ETM+ image yields the best results with an overall accuracy of 95%, while a spring image yields the poorest accuracy (82%). A summer image yields an intermediate accuracy of 92%. In future studies where funding is limited to obtaining one image, late summer images would be most suitable for LULC mapping. The analysis as presented in this paper could also be done with satellite images taken at different times of the season. It may be, particularly for other climatic zones, that there is a better time of season for image acquisition that would present more information.  相似文献   

Land cover types of Hustai National Park (HNP) in Mongolia, a hotspot area with rare species, were classified and their temporal changes were evaluated using Landsat MSS TM/ETM data between 1994 and 2000. Maximum-likelihood classification analysis showed an overall accuracy of 88.0% and 85.0% for the 1994 and 2000 images, respectively. Kappa coefficients associated with the classification were resulted to 0.85 for 1994 and 0.82 for 2000 image. Land cover types revealed significant temporal changes in the classification maps between 1994 and 2000. The area has increased considerably by 166.5 km2 for mountain steppe and by 12 km2 for a sand dune. By contrast, agricultural areas and degraded areas affected by human being activity were decreased by 46.1 km2 and 194.8 km2 over the 6-year span, respectively. These areas were replaced by mountain steppe area. Specifically, forest area was noticeably fragmented, accompanied by the decrease of ∼400 ha. The forest area revealed a pattern with systematic gain and loss associated with the specific phenomenon called as ‘forest free-south slope’. We discussed the potential environmental conditions responsible for the systematic pattern and addressed other biological impacts by outbreaks of forest pests and ungulates.  相似文献   

Spain has experienced massive recent socioeconomic changes that have had an influence on biodiversity and landscapes through land use-land cover (LULC) changes. Protected areas (PAs) seek to conserve biodiversity by establishing a legal and, sometimes, managerial regime that forbids or restricts LULC changes that are damaging to biodiversity. Here, we used CORINE Land Cover (CLC) data between 1987 and 2006 to assess differences in LULC changes and processes of change as metrics of effectiveness in four PA networks of clear legal and managerial characteristics in Spain: Nature reserves (NRs), Nature parks (NPs), Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs). We also compared LULC changes and processes of change around each PA network applying a modified Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) research design with two increasingly distant control areas and two models of increased validity. The four PA networks were more environmentally sustainable than their surrounding areas although an effectiveness gradient was shown: NRs > SCIs > SPAs > NPs, suggesting little influence of PA management on LULC changes overall. Another gradient of environmental sustainability of control areas was evident: SCIs > SPAs > NPs > NRs. Proximal controls were more sustainable than distant ones. The main LULC increases inside PAs affected agro-forestry areas and transitional woodland-shrub, whereas artificial surfaces, permanently irrigated lands and burned areas prevailed in the proximal and distant controls. Three main LULC processes of change inside and around Spanish PAs outstood: forest succession, land development, and new irrigated areas, the two former chiefly affecting surrounding areas and posing serious threats to effective biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

王莉  陈龙乾  袁林山  庄威 《测绘科学》2009,34(3):171-174,240
本文利用多时相Landsat TM/ETM+影像分析了兖州市1998年和2002年的土地利用/覆盖变化。综合考虑波段间相关系数和OIF指数,选择最佳波段组合进行图像解译,并在此基础上运用最大似然分类器(MLC)和支持向量机(SVM)的分类方法对遥感影像进行分类。进而利用SVM分类结果进行土地利用遥感动态监测,获取兖州市土地利用/覆盖变化信息,并与社会经济统计资料的统计结果进行比较。最后提取TM/ETM+影像的RDVI,基于线性混合像元分解模型分析了植被覆盖的变化。结果表明,基于多时相TM/ETM+影像分析的土地利用/覆盖变化与实际统计数据较吻合,适合动态监测土地利用变化,且精度较高。  相似文献   

In recent years, land use/cover dynamic change has become a key subject that needs to be dealt with in the study of global environmental change. In this paper, remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) are integrated to monitor, map, and quantify the land use/cover change in the southern part of Iraq (Basrah Province was taken as a case) by using a 1:250 000 mapping scale. Remote sensing and GIS software were used to classify Landsat TM in 1990 and Landsat ETM+ in 2003 imagery into five land use and land cover (LULC) classes: vegetation, sand, urban area, unused land, and water bodies. Supervised classification and normalized difference build-up index (NDBI) were used respectively to retrieve its urban boundary. An accuracy assessment was performed on the 2003 LULC map to determine the reliability of the map. Finally, GIS software was used to quantify and illustrate the various LULC conversions that took place over the 13-year span of time. Results showed that the urban area had increased by the rate of 1.2% per year, with area expansion from 3 299.1 km2 in 1990 to 3 794.9 km2 in 2003. Large vegetation area in the north and southeast were converted into urban construction land. The land use/cover changes of Basrah Province were mainly caused by rapid development of the urban economy and population immigration from the countryside. In addition, the former government policy of “returning farmland to transportation and huge expansion in military camps” was the major driving force for vegetation land change. The paper concludes that remote sensing and GIS can be used to create LULC maps. It also notes that the maps generated can be used to delineate the changes that take place over time. Supported by the Al-Basrah University, Iraq, the Geo-information Science and Technology Program (No. IRT 0438)China).  相似文献   

以广州市为例,以高分辨率的遥感影像及电子地图为主要数据源,以遥感图像处理软件及地理信息系统为主要分析工具,探讨了通过RS和GIS来提取绿地信息的方法,其中重点阐述了遥感影像处理、绿地信息提取及建库过程。  相似文献   

Land use is changing at accelerated rates in Taiwan, and illegal land use change practices (ILP) are regularly observed within conservation areas. For this reason, we map high-potential areas of ILP within the Soil and water conservation zone (SWCZ) as an aid for effective land management and conducted an exploratory analysis of explanatory variables to evaluate their variability within ILP hot spots. We used variables relevant to hot spots to develop a logistic regression model and identified seven statistically significant variables. We re-applied the logistic regression approach to produce spatially explicit predictions of ILP. High probability areas are distributed along the coastal regions, covering 26% of the SWCZ, and their major drivers are related to accessibility and topography. The results from this research provide relevant information on the major drivers of ILP and high-potential areas, which can support officials in monitoring efforts for better planning and governance within the SWCZ.  相似文献   

This paper presents a land use and land cover (LULC) classification approach that accounts landscape heterogeneity. We addressed this challenge by subdividing the study area into more homogeneous segments using several biophysical and socio-economic factors as well as spectral information. This was followed by unsupervised clustering within each homogeneous segment and supervised class assignment. Two classification schemes differing in their level of detail were successfully applied to four landscape types of distinct LULC composition. The resulting LULC map fulfills two major requirements: (1) differentiation and identification of several LULC classes that are of interest at the local, regional, and national scales, and (2) high accuracy of classification. The approach overcomes commonly encountered difficulties of classifying second-level classes in large and heterogeneous landscapes. The output of the study responds to the need for comprehensive LULC data to support ecosystem assessment, policy formulation, and decision-making towards sustainable land resources management.  相似文献   

南方丘陵区植被覆盖度遥感估算的地形效应评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植被覆盖变化是生态环境领域的核心研究内容之一,但其估算精度常受到地形效应、土壤背景、大气效应等各种因素影响。以Landsat 8 OLI为遥感数据源,基于像元二分模型,分别利用归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)、经Cosine-C校正的归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)和归一化差值山地植被指数(NDMVI)建立植被覆盖度估算模型,以评估南方丘陵区植被覆盖度的地形效应。结果表明,3种植被覆盖度估算模型均能削弱地形效应,但消除或抑制地形效应影响的能力不同。比较而言,基于NDMVI指数构建的植被覆盖度估算模型的地形效应最小,更适合地形复杂区域的植被覆盖度遥感估算;基于Cosine-C校正的NDVI植被指数构建的植被覆盖度估算模型的地形效应次之,但存在一定的过度校正现象;基于NDVI植被指数构建的植被覆盖度估算模型的地形效应最大,尤其当坡度≥10°时,阴坡植被覆盖度比阳坡明显偏低。  相似文献   

城市土地利用变化的不透水面覆盖度检测方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过分析城市中不透水面数量和分布的变化与城市土地利用变化之间的对应关系, 综合中、高分辨率遥感数据各自的优势, 运用CART算法进行城市不透水面覆盖度(ISP)遥感估算, 基于ISP制图结果对城市土地利用变化进行检测。以山东省泰安市为例开展实验研究, 结果表明, 与传统的变化检测方法相比, 基于ISP的变化检测方法, 不仅能够反映土地利用类型转换的潜在信息, 而且可以灵活地量化定义和解释城市用地变化情况。这种方法为城市土地利用变化信息的提取和分析提供了一种新的思路, 可以作为现有变化检测方法的有益补充。  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest in mapping and monitoring urban land use/land cover using remote sensing techniques. However, there still exist quite a number of challenges in deriving urban extent and its expansion density from remote sensing data quantitatively. This study utilized Landsat TM/ETM+ remote sensing data to assess urban expansion and its thermal characteristics with a case study in the city of Changsha, China. We proposed a new approach for quantitatively determining built-up area, its expansion density and their respective relationship with land surface temperature (LST) patterns. An urban expansion metric was also developed using a moving window mechanism to identify urban built-up area and its expansion density based on selected threshold values. The study suggested that urban extent and its expansion density, as well as surface thermal characteristics and patterns could be identified through quantitatively derived remotely sensed indices and LST, which offer meaningful characteristics in quantifying urban expansion density and urban thermal pattern. Results from the case study demonstrated that: (1) the built-up area and urban expansion density have significantly increased in the city of Changsha from 1990 to 2001; and (2) the differences of urban expansion densities correspond to thermal effects, where a high percentage of imperviousness is usually associated with the area covered by high surface temperature.  相似文献   

Changes in forest composition impact ecological services, and are considered important factors driving global climate change. A hybrid sampling method along with a modelling approach to map current and past land cover in Kunming, China is reported. MODIS land cover (2001–2011) data-sets were used to detect pixels with no apparent change. Around 3000 ‘no change points’ were systematically selected and sampled using Google Earth’s high-resolution imagery. Thirty-five per cent of these points were verified and used for training and validation. We used Random forests to classify multi-temporal Landsat imagery. Results show that forest cover has had a net decrease of 14385?ha (1.3% of forest area), which was primary converted to shrublands (11%), urban and barren land (2.7%) and agriculture (2.5%). Our validation indicates an overall accuracy (Kappa) of 82%. Our methodology can be used to consistently map the dynamics of land cover change in similar areas with minimum costs.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the renaturation activities applying the quantification of vegetation cover (VC), the site suitability analysis (SSA) based on the predefined criteria (slope steepness category (SSC), soil erodibility factor (K) and VC) and soil erosion model (SEM) results within the terrain units (TUs) along pipeline rights-of-way (RoW). Quantification of VC percentage is performed to assess the overall restored VC from 2005 to 2007. The results of the quantitative analysis in 2007 show that the total area of restored VC is 10.7 km2, and 8.9 km2 still needs to be restored to comply with the environmental acceptance criteria. As a result of SSA, TUs were prioritized by erosion vulnerability and this allowed to better understand the landscape behaviour in regards to erosion processes. SEM provided more detailed predictions of erosion classes falling into TUs. SEM identified 40% of erosion sites occurred from 2005 to 2010.  相似文献   

Based on remote sensing and Geographic Information System techniques, multi-temporal Landsat data were used to monitor land use/cover changes (LUCC) in the Nanchang area during 1989–2010. Quantitative and spatiotemporal indicators derived from the transition matrix for overall changes, intensity analysis for inter-category transitions, and spatiotemporal analysis of intra-category variations were constructed to analyze the spatiotemporal LUCC evolution. The study results show that urban and industrial land rapidly and continually expanded. The spatial extent of rural settlements shrunk while their distribution density increased. Cultivated land showed a tendency of spatially continuous loss and fragmented distribution, whereas the spatial pattern of forest tended to concentrate. The extents of ponds and reservoirs remained stable, but spatial changes were obvious. Rivers and bottomlands decreased significantly and tended toward fragmentation. The overall LUCC pattern showed that construction land rapidly sprawled while cultivated land decreased substantially, indicating an accelerating stage of urbanization and industrialization. Although rigid land requirements for urbanization had to be satisfied, land development and consolidation across forests and water body areas, as well as adjustment of agricultural structure, laid the foundation for a transition toward intensive land use in the Nanchang area.  相似文献   

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