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A crop-growth-simulation model based on SUCROS87 was used to study effects of temperature rise and increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration on wheat yields in several regions in Europe. The model simulated potential and water-limited crop production (growth with ample supply of nutrients and in the absence of damage by pests, diseases and weeds). Historic daily weather data from 13 sites in Western Europe were used as starting point.For potential production (optimal water) a 3 °C temperature rise led to a yield decline due to a shortening of the growing period on all locations. Doubling of the CO2 concentration caused an increase in yield of 40% due to higher assimilation rates. It was found that effects of higher temperature and higher CO2 concentration were nearly additive and the combination of both led to a yield increase of 1–2 ton ha-1. A very small CO2-temperature interaction was found: the effect of doubled CO2 concentration on crop yield was larger at higher temperatures. The inter-annual yield variability was hardly affected.When water was limiting crop-production effects of temperature rise and higher CO2 levels were different than for the potential production. Rise in temperature led to a smaller yield reduction, doubled CO2 concentration to a larger yield increase and combination of both led to a large yield increase (3 ton ha-1) in comparison with yields simulated for the present situation. Both rise in temperature and increase in the CO2 concentration reduced water requirements of the crop. Water shortages became smaller, leading to a reduction in inter-annual variability. It is concluded that when no major changes in precipitation pattern occur a climate change will not affect wheat yields since negative effects of higher temperatures are compensated by positive effects of CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   

Climate projections over the next two to four decades indicate that most of Australia’s wheat-belt is likely to become warmer and drier. Here we used a shire scale, dynamic stress-index model that accounts for the impacts of rainfall and temperature on wheat yield, and a range of climate change projections from global circulation models to spatially estimate yield changes assuming no adaptation and no CO2 fertilisation effects. We modelled five scenarios, a baseline climate (climatology, 1901–2007), and two emission scenarios (“low” and “high” CO2) for two time horizons, namely 2020 and 2050. The potential benefits from CO2 fertilisation were analysed separately using a point level functional simulation model. Irrespective of the emissions scenario, the 2020 projection showed negligible changes in the modelled yield relative to baseline climate, both using the shire or functional point scale models. For the 2050-high emissions scenario, changes in modelled yield relative to the baseline ranged from ?5 % to +6 % across most of Western Australia, parts of Victoria and southern New South Wales, and from ?5 to ?30 % in northern NSW, Queensland and the drier environments of Victoria, South Australia and in-land Western Australia. Taking into account CO2 fertilisation effects across a North–south transect through eastern Australia cancelled most of the yield reductions associated with increased temperatures and reduced rainfall by 2020, and attenuated the expected yield reductions by 2050.  相似文献   

 The diurnal range of surface air temperature (rT a ) simulated for present and doubled CO2 climates by the CSIRO9 GCM is analysed. Based on mean diurnal cycles of temperature and surface heat fluxes, a theory for understanding the results is developed. The cycles are described as the response to a diurnal forcing which is represented well by the diurnal mean flux of net shortwave radiation at the surface (SW) minus the evaporative (E) and sensible (H) fluxes. The response is modified by heat absorbed by the ground, and by the cycle in downward longwave (LW) radiation, but these effects are nearly proportional to the range in surface temperature. Thus in seasonal means, rT a is approximately given by SWEH divided by 6 W m-2/°C. A multiple regression model for (rT a ) is developed, based on quantities known to influence SW, E and H, and applied to both spatial variation in seasonal means, and day-to-day variation at a range of locations. In both cases, rT a is shown to be influenced by cloud cover, snow extent and wind speed. It is influenced by soil moisture, although this effect is closely tied to that of cloud. In seasonal means rT a is also well correlated with precipitable water, apparently because of the latter’s influence on E+H. The regression model describes well the spatial variation in the doubled CO2 change in rT a . The annual mean change in rT a over land on doubling CO2 was −0.36 °C, partly because of a decrease in the mean diurnal forcing (as defined in the theory), but also apparently because of the effect of nonlinearity in T s of the upward longwave emission. A diagnostic radiation calculation indicates that the CO2 and water vapour provide a small increase in rT a through the downward LW response, which partially counters a decrease due to a reduction of SW by the gases. Received: 8 November 1995 / Accepted: 3 January 1997  相似文献   

A large scale numerical time-dependent model of sea ice that takes into account the heat fluxes in and out of the ice, the seasonal occurrence of snow, and ice motions has been used in an experiment to determine the response of the Arctic Ocean ice pack to a warming of the atmosphere. The degree of warming specified is that expected for a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide with its associated greenhouse effect, a condition that could occur before the middle of the next century. The results of three 5-year simulations with a warmer atmosphere and varied boundary conditions were: (1) that in the face of a 5 K surface atmospheric temperature increase the ice pack disappeared completely in August and September but reformed in the central Arctic Ocean in mid fall; (2) that the simulations were moderately dependent on assumptions concerning cloud cover; and (3) that even when atmospheric temperature increases of 6–9 K were combined with an order-of-magnitude increase in the upward heat flux from the ocean, the ice still reappeared in winter. It should be noted that a year-round ice-free Arctic Ocean has apparently not existed for a million years or more.Currently on leave, working for the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, on the World Climate Programme.The calculations for this work were carried out while both authors were at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In a prior paper (Part I), the point was made that, assuming an unchanged climate, water use efficiency in agricultural crop production will likely be favored by the increase in CO2 concentration projected to occur within the next half century. Since climatic changeis likely to result from the CO2 concentration increase, its possible impacts on agricultural productivity must also be considered. An attempt to do so, using the Great Plains region of North America as a case study, is reported in this paper (Part II). A number of climatic models predict significant increases in surface temperature. Manabe and Wetherald's (1980) model provides the most specific projections for a hypothetical Northern hemisphere continent. That model also predicts an intensification of the hydrologic cycle with rainfall distribution altered so that some zones will receive more and some less as a result of a doubling in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. The zone between 37 and 47° N latitude will suffer a reduction in availability of soil moisture. A number of regression models of grain yield as a function of temperature and precipitation have been used to anticipate the impacts of the projected climatic changes. The value of this approach is questioned. An alternative approach - the study of the migration of major agricultural crops across strong climatic gradients - is proposed. Changes in the geographical distribution of the hard red winter wheat zone in North America provide an example. The point is also made that factorscurrently limiting food production must be considered in order to predict the possible impacts of any given climatic change. In the central Great Plains today, the energy consumed by evapotranspiration often exceeds that supplied by net radiation since sensible heat advection from dryer regions to the south and west provides a major additional input of energy. If, as models project, the excess of precipitation over evaporation increases south of 37° N, the advection of sensible heat and, hence, the rates of evapotranspiration and degree of water stress on growing plants could be reduced in the adjacent regions to the north. Published as Paper No. 6123, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. The work reported was conducted under Regional Research Project 11-033 and Nebraska Agricultural Station Project 11-049. George Holmes Professor of Agricultural Meteorology, Center for Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68583-0728.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the equilibrium response of a coupled ocean–atmosphere model to the doubling, quadrupling, and halving of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Special emphasis in the study is placed upon the response of the thermohaline circulation in the Atlantic Ocean to the changes in CO2 concentration of the atmosphere. The simulated intensity of the thermohaline circulation (THC) is similar among three quasi-equilibrium states with the standard, double the standard, and quadruple the standard amounts of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. When the model atmosphere has half the standard concentration of CO2, however, the THC is very weak and shallow in the Atlantic Ocean. Below a depth of 3 km, the model oceans maintain very thick layer of cold bottom water with temperature close to –2 °C, preventing the deeper penetration of the THC in the Atlantic Ocean. In the Circumpolar Ocean of the Southern Hemisphere, sea ice extends beyond the Antarctic Polar front, almost entirely covering the regions of deepwater ventilation. In addition to the active mode of the THC, there exists another stable mode of the THC for the standard, possibly double the standard (not yet confirmed), and quadruple the standard concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This second mode is characterized by the weak, reverse overturning circulation over the entire Atlantic basin, and has no ventilation of the entire subsurface water in the North Atlantic Ocean. At one half the standard CO2 concentration, however, the intensity of the first mode is so weak that it is not certain whether there are two distinct stable modes or not. The paleoceanographic implications of the results obtained here are discussed as they relate to the signatures of the Cenozoic changes in the oceans.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

利用新疆巴楚气象站1984—2013年逐日气象资料,运用线性回归、趋势系数、异常度、Mann-Kendall突变检验等方法,分析了巴楚县多时间尺度气温的变化特征对冬小麦生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明:近30 a巴楚县冬季、春季平均气温均呈上升趋势,其中春季平均气温上升趋势显著,并于1998年发生了增暖性突变;寒冷日和酷冷日数均呈减少趋势,其中寒冷日数在1996年发生了减少性突变;稳定通过0℃界限温度的初日表现为提前、终日表现为推迟,持续日数则相应表现为增加趋势;日最高气温≥30℃日数呈增加趋势;冬小麦生长季内前期气温偏低,后期气温偏高是影响小麦产量的主要气候因子,其中抽穗、开花期的平均气温与小麦产量显著相关。  相似文献   

The increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere should result in a general increase in the net primary productivity of most cultivated species and forest species, assuming no counterproductive climatic changes occur. The photosynthetic rate of C3 plants is most responsive to increasing concentration of CO2 in the ambient air. C4 plants demonstrate a stomatal closure that causes reduced transpiration. In the case of both types of plants, the water use efficiency (photosynthesis/transpiration) is likely to be improved.It has been suggested that photosynthetic production may be limited today more by shortages of water and nutrients than by shortages of carbon dioxide. The author speculates that the inadvertant CO2-fertilization now occurring could, in itself, cause a moderate release from these constraints.Physiological responses to an increased atmospheric CO2 concentration are easily demonstrated in controlled environment studies. Because of the difficulty in maintaining artifically enriched air near the crop against the forces of turbulent transfer, studies in the open field have been inconclusive. The observation of decreased photosynthetic rate in a perennial crop during that part of the growing season when CO2 concentration is naturally low suggests a technique by which it may be possible to infer what will happen in the real world of agricultural fields if a CO2-rich environment, such as is predicted in the coming decades, materializes. Inferences from the very limited set of data available support the view that net photosynthetic production will be increased.Published as Paper No. 6123, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. The work reported was conducted under Regional Research Project 11–33 and Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station Project 1149.George Holmes Professor of Agricultural Meteorology, Center for Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Sources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583, U.S.A.  相似文献   


This study aims to provide new insight on the wheat yield historical response to climate processes throughout Spain by using statistical methods. Our data includes observed wheat yield, pseudo-observations E-OBS for the period 1979 to 2014, and outputs of general circulation models in phase 5 of the Coupled Models Inter-comparison Project (CMIP5) for the period 1901 to 2099. In investigating the relationship between climate and wheat variability, we have applied the approach known as the partial least-square regression, which captures the relevant climate drivers accounting for variations in wheat yield. We found that drought occurring in autumn and spring and the diurnal range of temperature experienced during the winter are major processes to characterize the wheat yield variability in Spain. These observable climate processes are used for an empirical model that is utilized in assessing the wheat yield trends in Spain under different climate conditions. To isolate the trend within the wheat time series, we implemented the adaptive approach known as Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition. Wheat yields in the twenty-first century are experiencing a downward trend that we claim is a consequence of widespread drought over the Iberian Peninsula and an increase in the diurnal range of temperature. These results are important to inform about the wheat vulnerability in this region to coming changes and to develop adaptation strategies.


Phenological changes in crops affect efficient agricultural production and can be used as important biological indicators of local and regional climate change. Although crop phenological changes and their responses to climate change, especially temperature, have been investigated, the impact of agronomic practice such as cultivar shifts and planted date changes on crop phenology remains unclear. Here, we used a long-term dataset (1981–2010) of wheat phenology and associated local weather data from 48 agro-meteorological stations in four temperature zones in China to analyze phenological changes of spring and winter wheat. Trend analysis method was used to estimate changes in the date of growth stages and the duration of growth phases, while sensitivity analysis method was used to qualify the response of growth phase duration to mean temperature (Tmean), total precipitation (PRE), and total sunshine duration (SSD). Using the Crop Environment Resource Synthesis-wheat model, we isolated the impacts of climate change, cultivar selection, and sowing date on phenological change of wheat. Results show that phenological changes were greatest in the warm-temperate zone. Sensitivity analysis indicates that growth phase duration was generally negatively related to Tmean and positively related to PRE and SSD. The positive sensitivity response to Tmean occurred in the tillering to jointing and sowing to maturity growth periods in the warmer temperature zones, suggesting that warmer temperatures during the overwintering period hampered effective vernalization in winter wheat. Modeling results further indicate that reductions in wheat growth duration caused by climate change could be offset by the introduction of new cultivars with high thermal requirements and accelerated with delayed sowing date.  相似文献   

Two methods for identifying mid-latitude synoptic time scale variability have been applied to data from the first United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMO) coupled ocean-atmosphere model experiments with present day and gradually increasing CO2 concentrations. In the first the standard deviation of the time filtered mean sea level pressure field is taken to identify the location of the storm track and in the second individual cyclones are identified using synoptic criteria. The results have been compared with data from a 10 year archive of UKMO analysis. In the enhanced CO2 experiment the changes in storminess identified by the two methods have been compared with changes in mean and maximum winds with special emphasis on the North Atlantic. The relative utility of the different measures for predicting potentially damaging synoptic events is discussed. Received: 3 May 1995 / Accepted: 7 November 1995  相似文献   

The surface energy fluxes simulated by the CSIRO9 Mark 1 GCM for present and doubled CO2 conditions are analyzed. On the global scale the climatological flux fields are similar to those from four GCMs studied previously. A diagnostic calculation is used to provide estimates of the radiative forcing by the GCM atmosphere. For 1 × CO2, in the global and annual mean, cloud produces a net cooling at the surface of 31 W m–2. The clear-sky longwave surface greenhouse effect is 311 W m–2, while the corresponding shortwave term is –79 W m–2. As for the other GCM results, the CSIRO9 CO2 surface warming (global mean 4.8°C) is closely related to the increased downward longwave radiation (LW ). Global mean net cloud forcing changes little. The contrast in warming between land and ocean, largely due to the increase in evaporative cooling (E) over ocean, is highlighted. In order to further the understanding of influences on the fluxes, simple physically based linear models are developed using multiple regression. Applied to both 1 × CO2 and CO2 December–February mean tropical fields from CSIRO9, the linear models quite accurately (3–5 W m–2 for 1 × CO2 and 2–3 W m–2 for CO2) relate LW and net shortwave radiation to temperature, surface albedo, the water vapor column, and cloud. The linear models provide alternative estimates of radiative forcing terms to those from the diagnostic calculation. Tropical mean cloud forcings are compared. Over land, E is well correlated with soil moisture, and sensible heat with air-surface temperature difference. However an attempt to relate the spatial variation of LWt within the tropics to that of the nonflux fields had little success. Regional changes in surface temperature are not linearly related to, for instance, changes in cloud or soil moisture.  相似文献   

Using a state-of-the-art chemistry-climate model,we analyzed the atmospheric responses to increases in sea surface temperature (SST).The results showed that increases in SST and the SST meridional gradient could intensify the subtropical westerly jets and significantly weaken the northern polar vortex.In the model runs,global uniform SST increases produced a more significant impact on the southern stratosphere than the northern stratosphere,while SST gradient increases produced a more significant impact on the northern stratosphere.The asymmetric responses of the northern and southern polar stratosphere to SST meridional gradient changes were found to be mainly due to different wave properties and transmissions in the northern and southern atmosphere.Although SST increases may give rise to stronger waves,the results showed that the effect of SST increases on the vertical propagation of tropospheric waves into the stratosphere will vary with height and latitude and be sensitive to SST meridional gradient changes.Both uniform and non-uniform SST increases accelerated the large-scale Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC),but the gradient increases of SST between 60°S and 60°N resulted in younger mean age-of-air in the stratosphere and a larger increase in tropical upwelling,with a much higher tropopause than from a global uniform 1.0 K SST increase.  相似文献   

A method is described for the analysis of the interannual variability of background atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. The analysis is carried out on the data from 6 observatories for which records of >8 years were available.A global-scale interannual variation of CO2 concentration in the troposphere with a characteristic time-scale of 2–3 years has been confirmed throughout the period of the records. These variations are estimated to be associated with carbon cycle imbalances of 2–3 Gt or annual net exchanges between the atmosphere and another carbon reservoir(s) at a rate of about 1.2 Gt of carbon per year. Lag correlations and amplitude comparisons between the records suggests a low latitude southern hemisphere origin to this phenomenon.The interannual variations of CO2 increase are found to be correlated with those observed in data for Pacific sea surface temperatures and Pacific witd stress, the Southern Oscillation Index and the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation. However multiple regression studies found that once the Southern Oscillation index is used as an explanatory variable for CO2 variations, the inclusion of additional geophysical variables does not give any significant improvement in the regression.  相似文献   

J. Bhend  P. Whetton 《Climatic change》2013,118(3-4):799-810
There is increasing pressure from stakeholders for highly localised climate change projections. A comprehensive assessment of climate model performance at the grid box scale in simulating recent change, however, is not available at present. Therefore, we compare observed changes in near-surface temperature, sea level pressure (SLP) and precipitation with simulations available from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects 3 and 5 (CMIP3 and CMIP5). In both multi-model datasets we find coherent areas of inconsistency between observed and simulated local trends per degree global warming in both temperature and SLP in the majority of models. Localised projections should thus take into account the possibility of regional biases shared across models. In contrast, simulated changes in precipitation are not significantly different from observations due to low signal-to-noise ratio of local precipitation changes. Therefore, recent regional rainfall change is likely not providing useful constraints for future projections as of yet. Comparing the two most recent sets of internationally coordinated climate model experiments, we find no indication of improvement in the models’ ability to reproduce local trends in temperature, SLP and precipitation.  相似文献   

利用景德镇温室气体监测站CO_2观测数据,分析了景德镇地区2017年12月—2018年11月大气CO_2浓度变化特征,同时对其浓度进行了筛分,以剔除污染数据,使其更具区域代表性。研究表明:景德镇地区大气CO_2浓度昼降夜升,早上最高,傍晚最低;春季最高,秋季最低;春、夏季NNE、NE、ENE风向,秋季NE、ENE风向以及冬季W、WSW、SW、SSW、S风向上CO_2浓度较高。同时,春、夏和秋季大气CO_2浓度大致随风速的增加而不断降低,冬季风速对大气CO_2浓度无明显影响。筛分后数据显示景德镇地区年均大气CO_2浓度为422.1×10~(-6),浓度日均值年振幅73.96×10~(-6),夏半年CO_2浓度低于冬半年。  相似文献   

One-dimensional radiative-convective and photochemical models are used to examine the effects of enhanced CO2 concentrations on the surface temperature of the early Earth and the composition of the prebiotic atmosphere. Carbon dioxide concentrations of the order of 100–1000 times the present level are required to compensate for an expected solar luminosity decrease of 25–30%, if CO2 and H2O were the only greenhouse gases present. The primitive stratosphere was cold and dry, with a maximum H2O volume mixing ratio of 10–6. The atmospheric oxidation state was controlled by the balance between volcanic emission of reduced gases, photo-stimulated oxidation of dissolved Fe+2 in the oceans, escape of hydrogen to space, and rainout of H2O2 and H2CO. At high CO2 levels, production of hydrogen owing to rainout of H2O2 would have kept the H2 mixing ratio above 2×10–4 and the ground-level O2 mixing ratio below 10–11, even if no other sources of hydrogen were present. Increased solar UV fluxes could have led to small changes in the ground-level mixing ratios of both O2 and H2.  相似文献   

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