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Coastal lagoons in Poland arebiologically diverse and very productive areas, andhave a high economic importance as waterways, astourist resorts and through fisheries. On the otherhand, they remain under strong antrophogenic pressuredue to the high load of nutrients from agriculture,discharge of large amounts of municipal sewage andindustrial wastes. Three important Polish lagoons,namely the Odra/Szczecin, the Vistula, the PuckLagoons, are briefly described and environmentalproblems to be considered for sustainable managementare discussed.  相似文献   

Several cores were compared to elucidate the grade of mercury retention in sediments of the Baltic Sea near Oulu, Finland. The known history of the mercury discharge to waste water from a chlor-alkali plant, the primary pollution source, was compared to that in the sedimentary record. One core was dated by lead-210 and varve counts. During the past thirty years, the rate of sedimentation was up to 10 mm per year corresponding to a dry matter accumulation rate of about 3 kg m–2a–1. Under these conditions, most of the mercury reaching the sediment was retained. Correspondingly, the mercury levels in fish were considerably lower, with a delay of some five years.The present mercury content of the upper layers is some 1/4 or 1/5 that of the late 1970's, but it is still some twentyfold compared to levels at the beginning of the century. The extent to which the present mercury level in the sediment represents the various phases of industrial emission remains unsolved due to the origin of mercury in this sea area from several other sources and due to difficulties in exact core correlations from different years.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken as part of a wider palaeoecological investigation of Late glacial and Holocene lake sediments from a site on the exposed Atlantic coast of the Shetland Islands. The diatom data presented here define a sequence of assemblages, commencing at c. 15.8 cal ka BP, which reflects lithological variation in the section, in particular the Late glacial alternation of minerogenic and more organic horizons. Cliff retreat caused drainage of the lake sometime after c. 4.0 cal ka BP. Almost all taxa recorded are small benthic and tychoplanktonic diatoms: Fragilaria (sensu lato), Achnanthes (s.l.) and some Navicula spp. predominate in the Late glacial. Different benthos become dominant in the Holocene, but no plankton developed. Stauroforma was the commonest genus present, and results indicate a relationship between the occurrence of two types, Stauroforma A and Stauroforma B, and the severity of prevailing environmental conditions. The lithology and associated assemblages suggest a sequence including the classic north European Bølling and Allerød' warmer periods, followed by the Loch Lomond Stadial. Subsequently, the temporal diatom succession resembles the pattern described in modern linear transects across the circumpolar treeline in north America and Asia, both in type of assemblage and some dominant species.  相似文献   

Diatom analyses from the longest continuous record of lacustrine sedimentation in the eastern Canadian Arctic indicate four phases of lake development during the past 20000 years. PlanktonicAulacoseira taxa are dominant between 20 and 10 ka and during the Neoglacial. The earliest Holocene is characterized byFragilaria, whereas benthic acidophils (e.g.Frustulia, Brachysira & Eunotia spp.) dominate sediments of early to mid Holocene age. Ordination by correspondence analysis illustrates stratigraphic changes in diatom life form and pH tolerances, and these are related to both regional paleoclimatic conditions and local edaphic factors. The occurrences of planktonic floras during the cold Late Foxe and Neoglacial periods suggests that, even at these times, the lake became ice free during summer. The interplay of increased runoff as a mechanism of ice disintegration and enhanced silicon supply by erosional processes (corroborated by the more clastic nature of the sediments during these periods) likely enabledAulacoseira to flourish. Early and mid Holocene limnological regimes were more strongly controlled by lake authigenic processes.This paper was presented at the VI Palaeolimnology Symposium, held at Canberra in April 1993. Dr. Mark Brenner guest edited this contribution.  相似文献   

During the Holocene the Aral Sea underwent various transgressive and regressive phases of different magnitudes. However, previous work has not yet fully clarified the evolution and chronology of the individual phases. Research presented here throws light on the evolution of the Aral Sea during the past  2000 years. It includes field surveys, tachymetric and DGPS-derived altitude measurements, analysis of sediments from two areas of the northern and southern Aral Basin (Tastubek Bay and Karaumbet Bay), and their correlation with GIS-based lake area models. Geomorphological and sedimentological evidence from the study areas shows a transgression of the Aral Sea around 200 AD, ending at a lake level maximum of 54 to 55 m. After a medieval regression, the lake reached this level again between the late 16th and early 19th century AD. The digital elevation model SRTM-3 was used to estimate a lake size of 72,400 km2 for the lake level maximum.Elevated palaeoshorelines, specifically at 72–73 m, are completely absent in the study areas. Local remains of escarpments at elevations of 66 m and 73 m are due to resistant Miocene caprock and are therefore not interpretable as shoreline features.  相似文献   

海水养殖业作为新兴的海洋产业 ,以其较好的经济效益日益为国际社会所关注。庙岛群岛海水养殖业基础较好 ,发展较快 ,有“中国鲍鱼、扇贝、海带之乡”之美誉。文章首先对庙岛群岛海水养殖业发展现状作了概述 ,然后分析其快速、高质发展的原因 ,最后对其今后的持续发展作出了包括开展海岸带综合管理、加大养殖科技研究与开发力度等 5点建议。  相似文献   

Five Holocene sediment cores from the northwestern Baltic proper were analysed for lithology, siliceous microfossil assemblages and geochemical parameters. The data indicate that surface water salinity and redox conditions below the halocline have changed drastically at least four times since the Baltic Sea changed from a fresh water lake (the Ancylus Lake) to a semi-enclosed brackish water sea (the Litorina Sea) c. 8500 yrs BP. These variations appear to be mainly effects of changes in water depth at the thresholds of inlet areas. Based on these changes, and earlier studies of the shoreline displacement in the inlet areas, we propose a tentative model for changes of large scale water circulation in the Baltic Sea during the last c. 8500 yrs.At the transition from fresh to brackish water 8500 14C yrs BP, upwelling of nutrient rich bottom water started to occur, causing a slight increase in primary production. Diatom assemblages in sediments indicate a slow rise in surface water salinity during this period.At 7000-6500 14C yrs BP, surface water salinity and primary production simultaneously increased, as anoxic bottom conditions were established at depth below the halocline. We suggest that high primary production was caused by increased input of oceanic water, leading to increased upwelling of nutrient rich bottom water. At the anoxic bottoms laminated sediments formed until 5000-4500 14C yrs BP. This period (c. 7000-4500 14C BP) was contemporaneous with the post-glacial transgression maximum in Öresund, and we suggest it represents the most saline phase of the Baltic Sea post-glacial history.Due to a regression in Öresund starting 4500 14C yrs BP, upwelling decreased and the halocline was lowered, resulting in decreased primary productivity and hence oxic deep water conditions. The diatom assemblages of the sediments indicate a lowering of salinity at the beginning of this period.We suggest that the second period of anoxic bottom conditions c. 2000-1500 14C yrs BP was caused by a change of dominating inflows from the Öresund to the Belt Sea. This resulted in decreased salinity of the inflowing water which did not penetrate to the deepest parts of the basin as frequently as before. The diatom record indicates both a second lowering of salinity and a change in the large scale water circulation at the beginning of this period.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative diatom analyses from the north Nile Delta lakes sediments of Egypt were used to evaluate the paleoenvironmental development of the lakes and climatic changes during the late Holocene. We analyzed 565 samples taken from 19 cores from Manzala, Burullus and Edku lakes. A total of 263 diatom species and varieties were identified. Multivariate statistical analyses distinguished 17 ecological groups that reflect changes in water salinity, lake-level and trophic state of the lakes, which in turn are mainly related to climatic changes and anthropogenic impacts. Manzala and Burullus lakes experienced a series of alternation between fresh, brackish and marine episodes, which were associated with wet and dry climates. Edku Lake cores, however, contained only three ecological groups that are characteristic of brackish water conditions. The general depositional regime in the lakes indicated five environmental phases: (a) a deep freshwater phase when the Nile flood water reach the lakes during humid warm climate; (b) a shallow freshwater phase with some macrophytes during a dry climate; (c) a shallow brackish water phase when Nile floodwater ceased during a dry climate and the lakes shifted to brackish conditions; (d) a mixed environmental phase when the seawater mixed with freshwater from drains and canals (water salinity fluctuated widely from freshwater to estuarine and full marine conditions); (e) a fully marine phase when seawater entered the lakes at all stages of the tide.  相似文献   

A sediment sequence from the Gotland Basin, representing the Ancylus Lake/Litorina Sea transition, was analysed for pigments, stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N), diatoms and carbon and nitrogen content. The negative correlation between the cyanobacterial specific pigment zeaxanthin and δ15N supports the hypothesis that cyanobacteria in the early Litorina Sea indeed were nitrogen fixers. Their incorporation of nitrogen could have acted as a trigger for eutrophication during the Litorina Sea stage of the Baltic Sea. As cyanobacteria normally flourish in eutrophicated waters, the increasing concentrations of zeaxanthin during early Litorina Sea also corroborate that high primary production was an important part of the formation of organic rich (sapropel) sediments in the Baltic Sea. The first occurrence pre-dates the formation of laminated sediments, but the peaks of both zeaxanthin and organic carbon are within laminated sequences. This implies that the oxygen conditions of the bottom water also play a major role in the formation of sapropel sediments.  相似文献   

To reconstruct the pattern of past climate change in central Japan during the last 140 kyr, total planktonic diatom valve concentrations (valves g–1) and fluxes (valves cm–2 year–1) of total planktonic diatoms flux (PVF) and individual species were examined using a 140-m core taken from Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture. Most records had a sample resolution between approximately 150 and 300 yr. Based on characteristics of past and modern diatom responses to possible climate variables, we interpreted changes in Stephanodiscus suzukii flux (SVF) to reflect changes in phosphorus levels, which reflect, in turn, summer precipitation levels; changes in Aulacoseiva nipponica flux (AVF) reflect winter vertical lake-water mixing induced by winter temperatures and snowfall levels. Thus, changes in total planktonic diatom flux reflect a combination of summer precipitation, winter temperature, and snowfall values. During the 140–101 ka interval, changes in S. suzukii productivity at a millennial timescale may correspond to changes in summer rainfall in central Japan. The disappearance of A. nipponica during the same period could indicate weaker vertical mixing, possibly caused by increased temperatures and decreased snowfall levels in winter. During the 101–70 ka interval, the AVF record shows levels near or above those observed in present times, indicating that winter water temperatures fell within the optimal range for A. nipponica to prosper. Generally low AVF values during the 70–7 ka interval indicate weak winter vertical mixing and cold winters. The many intervals with low PVF values during the same period suggest decreased summer precipitation levels. Between 7 and 0 ka, PVF, SVF, and AVF records show levels near or above those of the present, suggesting winter temperatures favorable for A. nipponica growth, and snowfall and summer precipitation levels probably similar to or above those currently recorded.  相似文献   

Marine eutrophication of estuaries and coastal waters is considered to be a significant problem worldwide. In the semi-enclosed Baltic Sea, where the nutrient load has strongly increased from its natural level, this has led to marked changes in the coastal ecosystems. A key to successful management of coastal waters is reliable scientific evidence of their past state. The palaeolimnological record of subfossil diatoms was used to study the rate and magnitude of eutrophication over the last ca. 200 years in two urban and three rural sites. The urban sites showed marked increases in the percentage abundance of planktonic diatoms (from <50 to ca. 90% and from <5 to ca. 70%) and diatom-inferred total dissolved nitrogen (from <800 to ca. 3000 μg l−1 and from <400 to ca. 800 μg l−1), and a decrease in species richness starting in the 19th – early 20th century with increased urbanisation. At both sites a clear recovery was observed after the cessation of waste water loading by the mid 1980s. The present planktonic diatom assemblages of these embayments, however, show no change back to the pre-disturbance diverse benthic communities. In contrast, the changes observed in the rural sites were only moderate and occurred later starting in the 1940s. No marked increases in diatom-inferred total dissolved nitrogen were seen, however, all sites showed an increase in small planktonic taxa (from ca. 1–6% to 8–36%) indicating increased nutrient enrichment and turbidity. These small floristic changes could be seen as an early warning signal despite little change in the inferred nutrient concentrations. The results have implications for the European Water Framework Directive, which requires European surface waters to be of good ecological status, defined both by biological and chemical quality elements.  相似文献   

While palaeohydrological changes in non-outlet lakes provide a key proxy indicator of past climatic fluctuations, for lake systems which have been chemically insensitive, it is necessary to use indicators of water depth rather than salinity to reconstruct their hydro- climatic histories. A study of diatoms in the modern sediments of Sidi Ali, a non-outlet lake in the Middle Atlas of Morocco, has shown a statistically significant correlation between water depth and the ratio of planktonic to littoral diatoms. This relationship is used to calibrate fossil diatom assemblages from a lake sediment core from the same lake to provide a quantitative index of water levels over the pastc. 6500 years. Palaeoecological evidence suggests that climatically induced hydrological variations have dominated the bulk of the mid-late Holocene lake sediment record, with significant human-induced catchment disturbance only occurring during the twentieth century. The pattern of water depth fluctuations suggests that the response time of the regional groundwater system to climatic forcing is <100 years.This is the third in a series of papers published in this issue on the paleolimnology of arid regions. These papers were presented at the Sixth International Palaeolimnology Symposium held 19–21 April, 1993 at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Dr A. R. Chivas served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

Fossil diatoms were analysed from a 10.3 m core from Harris Lake, Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan, and a diatom-salinity transfer function was used to construct a history of Holocene salinity changes for the lake. The diatom paleosalinity record indicates that Harris Lake remained fresh <0.5 g l-1 throughout the Holocene, with only slight increases in salinity between approximately 6500 and 5200 years BP. This interval corresponds to the only period in the lake's history when planktonic diatoms were abundant; benthic Fragilaria taxa, mainly F. pinnata, F. construens and F. brevistriata were dominant throughout most of the Holocene. The shift from a benthic to a planktonic diatom flora between 6500 and 5200 years BP may be an indirect response to a warmer climate that reduced forest cover in the watershed and allowed greater rates of inorganic sedimentation. The small salinity increase that accompanies the floristic change is probably not the result of lower lake levels; in fact the lake was probably deeper at this point than in the later Holocene. This paleosalinity record indicates that Harris Lake did not experience episodes of hypersalinity during the mid-Holocene, as suggested by a previous study, and that the lake may have been fresh during the early Holocene as well.  相似文献   

The diatom stratigraphy of Holocene sediment cores from two Antarctic lakes (Mondsee, Tiefersee; 62° 10 S/58° 50 W) of King George Island was investigated. The diatom assemblages were dominated by cosmopolitan species. The flora was composed of three main components: 1) taxa of submersed bryophytic habitats, which also occur in the bryophilic diatom flora of southern South America; 2) species of various terrestrial habitats, including some specific subantarctic taxa; 3) species distributed in coastal inland waters influenced by sea-spray.Changes in sediment pattern and diatom species composition seemed to reflect climatic changes. At least three different core sections were distinguished in both lakes: Two sections rich in mosses occur between approx. 7000–4700 B.P. and from 3200 B.P. to present, in general resembling present day conditions. In between is a section of high allochthonous content with generally low diatom concentrations and rising percentages of aerophilic, halophilic and alkaliphilic diatoms. An increase of melt water discharge, possible sea-spray influence, and lake- level fluctuations are discussed.Three new taxa are described: Achnanthes metakryophila nov. spec., Achnanthes renei nov. spec., Navicula australomediocris nov. spec. The taxonomy of selected taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

Formation of Lake Long, King George Island, Antarctica started about 4,000 years B.P., after which the diatom community changed in response to environmental shifts driven by climatic oscillations (warm/wet and cool/dry). Successive sequences of diatoms in a 7.5-m drill core were divided into 11 assemblage zones by cluster analysis. The most obvious change was an alternation of major dominants, Achnanthes minutissima, Fragilaria alpestris and Fragilaria pinnata v. antarctica according to the climatic oscillations in the late Holocene. Variations in diatom assemblages clearly reflect two warm periods, a single cool period, and three transition periods. The recent warm period (zones 2 and 1) has persisted for approximately 450 years, perhaps sufficiently long to suggest the imminent onset of a new transition period. A recent high TOC (total organic carbon) value in the core reflects a warm period in Antarctica during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Sediment finds of Ebria tripartita (Schumann) Lemmermann in the Baltic Sea are reported and light and electron micrographs of the remains of the taxon are presented. Stratigraphic ebriid analysis performed on two sediment cores (one from the deep Gotland Basin and the other from the shallow Töölö bay, central Helsinki) provided clear indications of frequency changes of E. tripartita. These changes are apparently related to the variations in trophic status and salinity, yet competition and degree of preservation may also have contributed to the distributions. Due to identification problems, the species may actually be more common in the sediment material of the Baltic Sea than has hitherto been recognized. E. tripartita may have a significant potential as an indicator species in paleolimnological research as more information is gathered about its present-day ecological requirements.  相似文献   

After ~ 11,000 years of glacio-isostatically induced forced regression, geomorphological evidence indicates that the coastline of eastern Melville Island, western Canadian Arctic Archipelago, is now being transgressed. Recently developed coastal features associated with this transgression include: drowned gullies and small estuaries, barriers and lagoons, barrier islands, erosional notches, backstepping beaches, and drowned tundra vegetation and vehicle tracks dating from the 1970s. We mainly attribute this relative sea-level rise to the eastward migration of a peripheral crustal forebulge. Furthermore, the reported transgression also includes a component from recent eustatic sea-level rise during the 20th century. Recent earthquakes recorded in the Gustav-Lougheed Arch Seismic Zone located in Byam Martin Channel, 70 km east of Melville Island, suggest that neotectonics could also be involved in local relative sea-level adjustments. Other factors associated with global warming, especially the formation of an earlier shore-ice lead coupled with increased storm activity might also be responsible for some of the coastal changes. Our study indicates that the current zero isobase, separating areas of net transgression from those of net regression, is now located off the east coast of the island. Our field observations support recent glacio-isostatic modelling that shows the island is presently undergoing a transgression.  相似文献   

The Hunshandake Desert is located at the northern edge of the East Asian monsoon region,and its natural environment is sensitive to monsoonal changes.Geologic records suggest that desert evolution corresponding to climate change had experienced several cycles in the Holocene,and the evolutionary process can be distinguished by four dominant stages according to changing trends of the environment and climate.(1) Holocene Ameliorative Period(11.0-8.7 cal ka B.P.),when the desert area gradually shrank following an approaching warm-wet climate and strengthening summer monsoon.(2) Holocene Optimum(8.7-6.0 cal ka B.P.),when the majority of moving sand dunes were stabilized and vegetation coverage quickly expanded in a suitable warm-wet climate and a strong summer monsoon.(3) Holocene Multivariate Period(6.0-3.5 cal ka B.P.),during a low-amplitude desert transformed between moving and stabilized types under alternating functions of cold-dry with warm-wet climate,and winter monsoon with summer monsoon.(4) Holocene Decay Period(since 3.5 cal ka B.P.),when the desert area tended to expand along with a weakened summer monsoon and a dry climate.  相似文献   

Coeval δ13C shifts recorded in buried soils at both piedmont slope and basin floor sites in the northern Chihuahuan Desert indicate a major shift from C4grasses to C3desert-scrub between 7 and 9 ka. The age assignments are based on stratigraphic correlations to charcoal dates and carbon-14 dates of carbonate. This shift is synchronous with a period of cooling in the North Atlantic that may have triggered a period of drought in the south-western United States. Coinciding with this vegetation change, geomorphic evidence in Rio Grande, piedmont, and basin floor eolian environments indicates a major period of erosion. Subsequent gradual enrichment of pedogenic carbonateδ13 C values in younger deposits suggests that C4grasses rebounded in the late Holocene (approximately 4 ka), which is consistent with other evidence of increased moisture regionally. A period of less severe aridity at approximately 2·2 ka is indicated by erosion and subsequent deposition along the alluvial fans and within the basin, and correlates with depleted pedogenic carbonate δ13C values suggesting a decrease in C4grasses. Isotope and packrat midden records should be used together to infer past environmental conditions at different elevations.  相似文献   

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