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SHAW模式的改进及其在黄土高原半干旱区的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆面过程模拟研究中的一个关键问题是如何准确的计算陆气间能量交换,但现有的陆面过程模式模拟的湍流通量与观测值间仍然存在较大偏差,因此改进湍流通量的参数化方案对于提高陆面过程模式模拟能力有重要意义。本研究通过改进陆面过程模式SHAW中的热力粗糙度方案,以及引入干表层蒸发方案,以期改善湍流通量的模拟能力。在此基础上利用黄土高原半干旱区SACOL站观测资料,进行模式改进前后的单点模拟对比试验,研究其参数化方案改进对陆面过程模拟的影响。结果表明:改进后的SHAW模式能够合理地模拟黄土高原半干旱区陆面特征的变化趋势,模拟值与观测值偏差较小。与原来的SHAW模式模拟结果相比,改进后的SHAW_MOD模式显著提高了湍流通量的模拟能力,并改善了净辐射和深层土壤温度的模拟,但对土壤湿度的改进并不明显,这可能与土壤内部水热传输过程及相关参数化方案有关,还有待做进一步研究。  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of the variance method for flux estimation over a mixed agricultural region in China. Eddy covariance and flux variance measurements were conducted in a near-surface layer over a non-uniform land surface in the central plain of China from 7 June to 20 July 2002. During this period, the mean canopy height was about 0.50 m. The study site consisted of grass (10% of area), beans (15%), corn (15%) and rice (60%). Under unstable conditions, the standard deviations of temperature and water vapor density (normalized by appropriate scaling parameters), observed by a single instrument, followed the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. The similarity constants for heat (CT ) and water vapor (Cq) were 1.09 and 1.49, respectively. In comparison with direct measurements using eddy covariance techniques, the flux variance method, on average, underestimated sensible heat flux by 21% and latent heat flux by 24%, which may be attributed to the fact that the observed slight deviations (20% or 30% at most) of the similarity “constants” may be within the expected range of variation of a single instrument from the generally-valid relations.  相似文献   

张烺  李跃清  李英 《大气科学》2010,34(4):703-714
目前利用涡旋相关仪观测地表通量的方法已被广泛采用, 但由于涡旋相关法是建立在方程假设简化的基础上, 这对观测数据的质量提出了一定的要求, 所以对观测数据的处理及通量结果的质量状况分析就显得尤为重要。本文以理塘站2006年7月中到8月中的数据为例, 对其进行质量控制, 并将质量控制后的通量计算结果与原始值进行比较。质量控制后感热通量和潜热通量总和有所增长, 动量通量值则受质量控制影响较大。质量评价的结果为:动量通量、感热通量、潜热通量中高质量数据所占比例为68.2%、60.6%、63.3%。  相似文献   

农田生态系统是受人为活动强烈控制和干扰的系统,对其碳源/汇的评价是全球碳循环研究的热点.首先概括了以涡度相关法为手段的中国农田生态系统碳通量的研究进展,重点总结了中国农田生态系统碳通量的时间变化、驱动机制和模型模拟等方面的研究成果,并在此基础上对今后中国农田生态系统碳通量研究提出了建议,认为长期观测与研究、多因子协同作用、模型开发与尺度推绎、数据质量监控和评价是今后研究的重点方向.  相似文献   

Based on CAMP/Tibet [Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) Asia-Australia Monsoon Project (CAMP) on the Tibetan Plateau] turbulent data collected at the Bujiao (BJ) site of the Nagqu area, the turbulent structure and transportation characteristics in the near surface layer during summer are analyzed. The main results show that the relationship between the normalized standard deviation of 3D wind speed and stability satisfies the similarity law under both unstable and stable stratifications. The relations of normalized standard deviation of temperature and specific humidity to stability only obey the “?1/3 power law” under unstable conditions. In the case of stable stratifications, their relations to stability are dispersing. The sensible heat dominates in the dry period, while in the wet period, the latent heat is larger than the sensible heat.  相似文献   

地气通量中存贮和平流项计算方案的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从物质收支方程出发,推导了一个包含物质存贮、水平平流输送、垂直对流输送以及传统的涡度相关项的地气通量计算方程。平流项本质上是地表非均匀性的结果,不同下垫面的感热和潜热通量也不同,将会产生中尺度环流,使得辐合辐散过程得以维持,从而将体元内的物质输送到体元以外,因此可以通过计算水汽和感热的存贮,间接求出物质的水平平流输送。量纲分析和实际的资料应用都表明,存贮和平流的通量贡献是非常小的。尤其是在均匀下垫面下,方程中的存贮和平流项的通量贡献可以忽略,因此估算地气通量时仅需考虑涡度相关项和Webb修正项即可。而在非均匀下垫面下,在1 d以上的时间尺度上,为方便计算,可以忽略存贮和平流的通量贡献;而在小时这样的时间尺度上,从物质能量收支守恒的角度考虑,估算地气通量需要包括存贮和平流的通量贡献。  相似文献   

地表通量的计算方法主要有:以能量平衡为基础的Bowen比能量平衡法、以相似理论为基础的空气动力学方法以及以精度比较高的观测仪器为基础的涡旋相关法。本文对这些计算方法进行了简单的讨论,并介绍了涡旋相关观测系统原始资料的处理方法及一些物理量修正方案的研究进展。对存在的问题进行了一定的讨论。  相似文献   

地表通量的计算方法主要有:以能量平衡为基础的Bowen比能量平衡法、以相似理论为基础的空气动力学方法以及以精度比较高的观测仪器为基础的涡旋相关法。本文对这些计算方法进行了简单的讨论,并介绍了涡旋相关观测系统原始资料的处理方法及一些物理量修正方案的研究进展。对存在的问题进行了一定的讨论。  相似文献   

A deep understanding of turbulence structure is important for investigating the characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer, especially over heterogeneous terrain. In the present study, turbulence intensity and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) parameters are analyzed for different conditions with respect to stability, wind direction and wind speed over a valley region of the Loess Plateau of China during December 2003 and January 2004. The purpose of the study is to examine whether the observed turbulence intensity and TKE parameters satisfy Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), and analyze the wind shear effect on, and thermal buoyancy function of, the TKE, despite the terrain heterogeneity. The results demonstrate that the normalized intensity of turbulence follows MOST for all stability in the horizontal and vertical directions, as well as the normalized TKE in the horizontal direction. The shear effect of the wind speed in the Loess Plateau region is strong in winter and could enhance turbulence for all stability conditions. During daytime, the buoyancy and shear effect together constitute the generation of TKE under unstable conditions. At night, the contribution of buoyancy to TKE is relatively small, and mechanical shearing is the main production form of turbulence.  相似文献   

近地层湍流通量计算对于中尺度数值模式有重要意义,湍流通量的参数化是当前大气边界层研究的重要课题之一.选择青藏高原东缘大理观象台边界层通量观测系统,离线测试了WRF区域模式中的两种常用的近地层参数化方案(MM5相似理论非迭代方案A和ETA相似理论迭代方案B),并将参数化方案计算结果与边界层铁塔涡动相关法的观测值进行对比分析.在大理观象台观测场不同植被随季节交替的状况下,根据边界层铁塔4层高度风速拟合,发现近地层空气动力学粗糙度随季节变化特征明显.将拟合的空气动力学粗糙度输入模式参数化方案进行通量计算.结果表明:稳定度是影响近地层参数化方案精度的重要因素,在不稳定条件下方案B低估了动量通量,方案A优于方案B,而在稳定条件下方案A低估了动量通量,方案B优于方案A,两种方案总体来看误差不大.对于大理边界层通量观测场农田植被交替的环境条件,不同季节下垫面植被类型的差异,以及植被的稀疏对近地层参数化方案湍流通量计算结果的精度有显着影响.方案B考虑了空气动力学粗糙度z0和热量粗糙度z0h的差异,不稳定条件下感热通量计算结果在裸土或稀少植被条件下明显优于方案A.针对方案B不稳定条件下感热通量计算结果在裸土下垫面仍出现高估的现象,使用了Zeng等1998年提出的用辐射地表温度订正裸土下垫面感热能量方法后,计算结果也有明显改善.  相似文献   

A small, lightweight (1.5 kg) and fast-response ozone sensor for direct eddy flux measurements has been built. The basis for detection is the chemiluminescence of an organic dye adsorbed on dry silica gel in the reaction with ozone. The chemiluminescence is monitored with a cheap and small blue-sensitive photomultiplier. At a flow rate of 100 l min-1 the ozone sensor has a 90% response time of significantly better than 0.1 s with a detection limit lower than 50 ppt at S/N=3. There are no interferences from other atmospheric trace gases like NOx, H2O2 and PAN. Water vapour and SO2 enhance the chemiluminescence efficiency of the ozone sensor. Since their response times are 22 seconds and 30 minutes, respectively, no correlation between rapid ozone fluctuations and those of these two trace gases is noticed by the ozone sensor when operating at a frequency of 10 Hz.The ozone sensor was tested for several weeks in continuous measurements of ozone fluxes and deposition velocities over different croplands using the eddy correlation technique. Good agreement was found between ozone dry deposition velocities derived from profile measurements and by eddy correlation.  相似文献   

Soil heat flux is important for surface energy balance (SEB), and inaccurate estimation of soil heat fluxoften leads to surface energy imbalance. In this paper, by using observations of surface radiation fluxesand soil temperature gradients at a semi-arid grassland in Xilingguole, Inner Mongolia, China from Juneto September 2008, the characters of the SEB for the semi-arid grassland were analyzed. Firstly, monthlyaveraged diurnal variations of SEB components were revealed. A 30-min forward phase displacement of soilheat flux (G) observed by a fluxplate at the depth of 5-cm below the soil surface was conducted and its effecton the SEB was studied. Secondly, the surface soil heat flux (Gs) was computed by using harmonic analysisand the effect of the soil heat storage between the surface and the fluxplate on the SEB was examined.The results show that with the 30-min forward phase displacement of observed G, the slope of the ordinarylinear regression (OLR) of turbulent fluxes (H+LE) against available energy (Rn–G) increased from 0.835to 0.842, i.e., the closure ratio of SEB increased by 0.7%, yet energy imclosure of 15.8% still existed in theSEB. When Gs, instead of G was used in the SEB equation, the slope of corresponding OLR of (H+LE)against (Rn–Gs) reached 0.979, thereby the imclosure ratio of SEB was reduced to only 2.1%.  相似文献   

Processing and quality control of flux data during LITFASS-2003   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different aspects of the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) of micrometeorological measurements were combined to create a comprehensive algorithm which was then applied to experimental data from LITFASS-2003 (Lindenberg Inhomogeneous Terrain—Fluxes between Atmosphere and Surface: a long term Study). Eddy-covariance measurements of the latent heat flux were the main focus of the QA/QC efforts. The results of a turbulence sensor intercomparison experiment showed deviations between the different eddy-covariance systems on the order of 15%, or less than 30 W m−2, for the latent heat flux and 5%, or less than 10 W m−2, for the sensible heat flux. In order to avoid uncertainties due to the post-processing of turbulence data, a comprehensive software package was used for the analysis of experimental data from LITFASS-2003, including all necessary procedures for corrections and quality control. An overview of the quality test results shows that for most of the days more than 80% of the available latent heat flux data are of high quality so long as there are no instrumental problems. The representativeness of a flux value for the target land-use type was analysed using a stochastic footprint model. Different methods to calculate soil heat fluxes at the surface are discussed and a sensitivity analysis is conducted to select the most robust method for LITFASS-2003. The lack of energy balance closure, which was found for LITFASS-2003, can probably be attributed to the presence of low-frequency flux contributions that cannot be resolved with an averaging time of 30 min. Though the QA/QC system has been developed for the requirements of LITFASS-2003, it can also be applied to other experiments dealing with similar objectives.  相似文献   

"K"理论是众多气象预报模式中运用最广泛的湍流参数化方案之一,但无法解释"逆梯度"的输送,必须进行修正。最具代表性的修正方案有三种:方案Ⅰ(Deardroff方案)、方案Ⅱ(Holtslag和Moeng方案)和方案Ⅲ(刘烽方案)。本文利用香河的边界层观测资料对上述三种方案进行验证和比较,发现方案Ⅰ的结果在整个对流边界层(Convective Boundary Layer,CBL)呈系统性偏低,与观测不符;方案Ⅱ在CBL中上部能够再现逆梯度输送现象,基本能给出合理的湍流通量垂直分布,但在CBL的下部和上部与观测不符;方案Ⅲ的逆梯度项与高度有关,并在CBL中部达到最大,而其他两个方案中逆梯度项随高度不变。该方案不但在CBL中上部与方案Ⅱ的结果一致,并能合理表达整个CBL内的湍流通量分布,更接近观测结果。  相似文献   

Ozone(O_3) fluxes were measured over a maize field using the eddy covariance(EC) technique and gradient methods.The main objective was to evaluate the performance of the gradient methods for measuring the O_3 flux by comparing them with the EC O_3 flux.In this study,turbulent exchange coefficients(K) calculated with three methods were compared.These methods were the aerodynamic gradient(AG) method(in which K is calculated by using wind speed and temperature gradients),the aerodynamic gradient combined with EC(AGEC) method,in which the friction velocity and other variables are based on EC measurements,and the modified Bowen ratio using the EC sensible heat flux and temperature gradient(MBR) method.Meanwhile,the effects of the measurement and calculation methods of the O_3 concentration gradient were analyzed.The results showed that:(1) on average,the transfer coefficient computed by the MBR method was 40% lower,and the coefficient determined with the AG method was 25% higher,than that determined with the AGEC method.(2) The gradient method's O_3 fluxes with the MBR,AGEC,and AG methods were 30.4% lower,11.7% higher,and 45.6% higher than the EC O_3 flux,respectively.(3) The effect of asynchronous O_3 concentration measurements on the O_3 gradient must be eliminated when using one analyzer to cyclically measure two-level O_3 concentrations.The accuracy of gradient methods for O_3 flux is related to the exchange coefficient calculation method,and its precision mainly depends on the quality of the O_3 gradient.  相似文献   

The chemical reactivity of NO and NO2 is so rapid that their fluxes and concentrations can be considerably modified from that expected for conserved variables in the atmospheric surface layer, even as low as a meter above the surface. Fitzjarrald and Lenschow (1983) have calculated flux and mean concentration profiles for NO, NO2 and O3 in the surface layer using numerical techniques. However, their solutions do not approach the photostationary state at large heights. Here we solve a simpler set of equations analytically (i.e. we assume a constant O3 concentration and neutral hydrodynamic stability), and are able to show how the flux profiles behave at large heights assuming that the concentrations approach their photostationary values. We find, for example, that at large heights the ratio of the flux of NO to that of NO2 is equal to the ratio of their concentrations. These results are relevant to estimating surface fluxes of NO and NO2, and are most applicable to nonurban environments where NO and NO2 concentrations are usually much less than O3 concentration.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

徐祥德  王寅钧  赵天良  姚文清 《气象》2014,40(10):1165-1173
基于云南省大理2008年3、5、7月GPS加密探空试验时段(14和02时)资料,结合边界层铁塔综合观测资料,采用温度梯度法、逆温强度法和涡动相关法分别计算高原东南缘对流边界层(convective boundary layer,CBL)及稳定边界层(stable boundary layer,SBL)顶高度,通过计算获取感热通量、潜热通量、湍流动能、切变项以及浮力项与大气动力、热力过程垂直相关特征综合分析,可发现湍能方程中浮力项、感热、潜热通量与NCEP再分析资料计算获取的大气视热源相关特征显著,这某种程度反映了高原东南缘近地层大气湍流动量、热量输送对低层大气视热源Q_1的重要贡献。低层视热源Q_1亦表现出与湍能方程分量类似的日变化周期,此特征反映了高原东南缘大气热源变化与下垫面水热过程及其湍流输送日变化密切相关;浮力项与湍能等项对大气低层热源与涡动特征、热力混合结构的形成有重要作用;低层大气视热源、水汽汇均与边界层高度有显著相关,综合分析结果某种程度描述了青藏高原东南缘近地层湍流动量、热量输送状况与低层大气热源,热力混合边界层结构的综合相关物理图像,初步探索了高原东南缘对流活跃区大气湍流运动与大气动力、热力过程相互作用特征。研究表明近地层湍流通量变化某种程度可反映未来局地大气视热源垂直结构变化的"强信号"特征。本文上述研究结论也可启发我们进一步关注近地层湍流通量异常变化特征及其对局地降水过程大气热源结构演变的影响问题。  相似文献   

黄土高原塬区地表辐射和热量平衡观测与分析   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:13  
利用2005年夏季黄土高原塬区陆面过程野外试验(LOPEX05)的观测资料,初步分析了甘肃平凉黄土高原塬区地表辐射收支和热量平衡特征。结果显示,黄土高原塬区地面长波辐射大于大气长波辐射,典型晴天、阴天和雨天情况下两者平均差值分别为65,25和8 W.m-2;对于地气能量交换各个分量而言,黄土高原塬上和塬下在相同下垫面下的差别不大,但裸地和有植被的下垫面差别很明显;在白天,潜热在净辐射中所占的比重较大,其次是感热,最后是土壤热通量。对能量平衡中的储存项如热通量板上层土壤的热存储和植被冠层存储进行了估算,结果表明,土壤的热储存项在-30~70W.m-2之间,而植被的热能储存项在-10~25 W.m-2之间。在考虑估算的存储项之后,能量平衡散布图斜率由0.68提高到0.79,相关系数R由0.90提高到0.93,两者分别提高了11.0%和3.0%,并对能量不平衡有明显的改进,说明能量储存项在地表能量闭合中必须考虑。  相似文献   

The flux-variance similarity relation and the vertical transfer of scalars exhibit dissimilarity over different types of surfaces,resulting in different parameterization approaches of relative transport efficiency among scalars to estimate turbulent fluxes using the flux-variance method.We investigated these issues using eddycovariance measurements over an open,homogeneous and flat grassland in the eastern Tibetan Plateau in summer under intermediate hydrological conditions during rainy season.In unstable conditions,the temperature,water vapor,and CO2 followed the flux-variance similarity relation,but did not show in precisely the same way due to different roles(active or passive) of these scalars.Similarity constants of temperature,water vapor and CO2 were found to be 1.12,1.19 and 1.17,respectively.Heat transportation was more efficient than water vapor and CO2.Based on the estimated sensible heat flux,five parameterization methods of relative transport efficiency of heat to water vapor and CO2 were examined to estimate latent heat and CO2 fluxes.The strategy of local determination of flux-variance similarity relation is recommended for the estimation of latent heat and CO2 fluxes.This approach is better for representing the averaged relative transport efficiency,and technically easier to apply,compared to other more complex ones.  相似文献   

云贵高原西部大理地区近地层湍流特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用大理国家气候观象台2007年3—12月观测资料,采用涡动相关法等计算方法分析了该地区湍流强度、湍流方差、湍流通量等特征量的日变化和干湿季变化特征。结果表明,湍流强度干季大于湿季;湍流方差与稳定度满足1/3次方定律,风速方差在稳定条件下比不稳定条件下离散,水平方向比垂直方向离散;湍流通量有明显日变化特征,感热、动量通量干季大于湿季,潜热通量湿季大于干季,干湿季热量交换以潜热为主;干季能量闭合率大于湿季;不同风向条件下平均水汽密度存在差异.  相似文献   

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