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B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1980,65(1):147-165
This is a study of the relationship between a magnetic field and its embedding plasma in static equilibrium in a uniform gravity. The ideal gas law is assumed. A system invariant in a given direction is treated first. We show that an exact integral of the equation for force balance across field lines can be derived in a closed form. Using this integral, exact solutions can be generated freely by integrating directly for the distributions of pressure, density and temperature necessary to keep a given magnetic field in equilibrium. Particular solutions are presented for illustration with the solar atmosphere in mind. Extending the treatment to the general system depending on all three spatial coordinates, we arrive at the general form of a theorem of Parker that a magnetic field in static equilibrium must possess certain symmetries. We derive an equation involving the Euler potentials of the magnetic field stipulating these necessary symmetries. Only those magnetic fields satisfying this equation can be in static equilibrium and for these fields, the endowed symmetries make the construction of exact solutions an essentially two dimensional problem as exemplified by the special case of invariance in a given direction.  相似文献   

The continuous spectrum of linear ideal MHD is determined analytically in 2D magnetostatic models for coronal loops and arcades by means of a perturbation expansion. Poloidal mode coupling, induced by non-circularity of the cross-sections of the magnetic surfaces and/or variation of the plasma density along the magnetic field lines, is shown to occur in first order. The coupling is most pronounced on and near rational surfaces for particular poloidal and toroidal mode numbers and produces gaps in the continuous spectrum of ideal MHD.  相似文献   

S. Poedts  M. Goossens 《Solar physics》1987,109(2):265-286
A first attempt is made to study the continuous spectrum of linear ideal MHD for 2D solar loops and to understand how 2D effects change the continuum eigenfrequencies and continuum eigenfunctions. The continuous spectrum is computed for 2D solar loops with purely poloidal magnetic fields and it is investigated how non-circularity of the cross-sections of the poloidal magnetic surfaces and variations of density along the poloidal magnetic field lines change the continuous spectrum and induce poloidal wave number coupling in the eigenfunctions. Approximate analytical results and numerical results are obtained for the eigenfrequencies and the eigenfunctions and the poloidal wave number coupling is clearly illustrated. It is found that the continuum frequencies are substantially increased, that the ranges of the continuum frequencies are considerably enlarged and that the derivatives of the continuum frequencies normal to the magnetic surfaces are substantially increased. The eigenfunctions are strongly influenced by poloidal wave number coupling. Implications of these findings for the heating mechanisms of resonant absorption and phase mixing are briefly considered.Research Assistant of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research.  相似文献   

Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory; TETRA Corporation, USA. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 39–45, July–August, 1990.  相似文献   

A tractable method for investigating the linear stability of line-tied 2-D coronal magnetic fields is introduced. It is based on the Bernstein et al. (1958) energy principle and can be applied to non-isothermal equilibria with gravity, having a translational invariance. The perturbed potential energy integral is manipulated to produce either necessary conditions for stability to localized modes or sufficient conditions for stability to global modes. Each condition only requires the solution of a set of ordinary differential equations, integrated along the magnetic field lines. The tests are employed to two different classes of equilibria. A linear force-free field is shown to be completely stable, regardless of the shear. The role of pressure gradients, footpoint displacements, line-tying and stratification on an isothermal magneto-hydrostatic equilibrium is assessed.  相似文献   

The possibility that the type of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) discontinuity changes as the plasma flow conditions gradually change is investigated in a general form. The conservation laws in MHD admit such transitions if there exist the so-called transition solutions that simultaneously satisfy two types of discontinuities. These solutions have been sought for. The system of possible transitions between MHD discontinuities obtained on their basis is presented in a clear schematic form. The ultimate general scheme of transitions includes all of the previously described schemes of transitions known to us. The system of discontinuities and transitions between them is studied in a self-consistent solution of the analytical problem of reconnection in a strong magnetic field.  相似文献   

Ming L. Xue  James Chen 《Solar physics》1983,84(1-2):119-124
A study is made of equilibrium and stability properties of a semi-toroidal current loop imbedded in a high temperature plasma. The loop carries a toroidal current density J t and poloidal current density J p. By explicity including the global curvature of the loop, the net Lorentz and pressure forces acting along the major radius are calculated. Requirement of equilibrium force-balance gives rise to conditions that must be satisfied by the physical parameters and geometry. On the basis of these conditions, we deduce a class of equilibrium semi-toroidal current loops satisfying c #X2212;1 J × B ? ▽p = 0. It is found that the averge pressure inside the loop is less than the ambient coronal pressure in equilibrium. Furthermore, this class of equilibria is shown to be stable to a number of destructive MHD modes. The theoretical results are discussed in the context of solar bipolar current loops.  相似文献   

Maclaurin's P-ellipsoid, which is an equilibrium figure in the post-Newtonian approximation of general relativity, is constructed in the neighbourhood of Maclaurin's classical ellipsoid. Its shape and rotation velocity are investigated. It is shown that in the case of a P-ellipsoid with the mass and the angular momentum of a basic ellipsoid the effects of general relativity reduce the rotation velocity and decrease its volume.  相似文献   

A stability criterion is given for the equilibrium form of an ideal rotating fluid in the post-Newtonian approximation. This generalizes the known Lyapunov criterion in classical dynamics. The sphere stability is also investigated and it is shown that it is stable only whenR>22.2R g (R is the relativistic sphere radius,R g the Schwarzschild radius).  相似文献   

I. Lerche  B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1977,53(2):385-396
We present a theoretical model of quiescent prominences in the form of an infinite vertical sheet. Self-consistent solutions are obtained by integrating simultaneously the set of nonlinear equations of magnetostatic equilibrium and thermal balance. The basic features of the models are: (1) The prominence matter is confined to a sheet and supported against gravity by a bowed magnetic field. (2) The thermal flux is channelled along magnetic field lines. (3) The thermal flux is everywhere balanced by Low's (1975b) hypothetical heat sink which is proportional to the local density. (4) A constant component of the magnetic field along the length of the prominence shields the cool plasma from the hot surrounding. We assume that the prominence plasma emits more radiation than it absorbs from the radiation fields of the photosphere, chromosphere and corona, and we interpret the above hypothetical heat sink to represent the amount of radiative loss that must be balanced by a nonradiative energy input. Using a central density and temperature of 1011 particles cm–3 and 5000 K respectively, a magnetic field strength between 2 to 10 gauss and a thermal conductivity that varies linearly with temperature, we discuss the physical properties implied by the model. The analytic treatment can also be carried out for a class of more complex thermal conductivities. These models provide a useful starting point for investigating the combined requirements of magnetostatic equilibrium and thermal balance in the quiescent prominence.  相似文献   

An energy method is used to determine a condition for local instability of field lines in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium which are rooted in the photosphere. The particular equilibrium studied is isothermal and two-dimensional and may model a coronal arcade of loops where variations along the axis of the arcade are weak enough to be ignorable. If line tying conditions are modelled by perturbations that vanish on the photosphere, then, when the field is unsheared, the condition for stability is necessary and sufficient. However, when the axial field component is non-zero, so that the field is sheared, the stability condition is only sufficient.It is found that when < 0.34 the equilibrium is stable. When = 0.34 a magnetic neutral line appears at the photosphere and it is marginally stable. When > 0.34 a magnetic island is present and all the field lines inside the island are unstable as well as some beyond it. As increases, the size of the island and the extent of unstable field lines increase. The effect of the instability is likely to be to create small-scale filamentation in the solar corona and to enhance the global transport coefficients.  相似文献   

A WKB approach, based on the method of Connor, Hastie, and Taylor (1979), is used to obtain simple estimates of the critical conditions for the onset of ideal MHD instabilities in line-tied solar coronal loops. The method is illustrated for the constant twist, Gold-Hoyle (1960) field, and the critical conditions are compared with previous and new numerical results. For the force-free case, the WKB estimate for the critical loop length reduces to . For the sufficiently non-force-free case the critical length can be expressed in the forml 0 +l 1/m. The results confirm the findings of De Bruyne and Hood (1992) that for force-free fields them = 1 mode is the first mode to become unstable but for the sufficiently strong non-force-free case this reverses with them → ∞ mode being excited first.  相似文献   

Methods for investigating the stability of line-tied, cylindrically-symmetric magnetic fields are presented. The energy method is used and the perturbed potential energy integral is manipulated to produce simple tests that predict either stability to general coronal disturbances or instability to localized modes, both satisfying photospheric line-tying. Using these tests the maximum amount of magnetic energy, that can be stored in the coronal magnetic field prior to an instability, can be estimated. The tests are applied to four different classes of equilibria and results are obtained for both arcade and loop geometries.  相似文献   

The existence of equilibrium points laying out of the plane of the two primaries in the photogravitational restricted three-body problem is discussed. It is verified that such points do exist.  相似文献   

It is shown that the velocity distribution and equilibrium conditions of the self-gravitating configurations from an ideal fluid are closely related with the presence of freezing-in vector fields determined by means of scalar potentials, whose total derivative is equal to zero. Ignorance of integrals of motion connected with the existence of freezing-in fields did not allow one to obtain the complete equilibrium conditions by variational method and, especially, led to the divergence in Lyapunov's and Riemann's results. This defect is eliminated in the paper and the equilibrium conditions and velocity distribution are considered by a single approach in the models of: (1) homogeneous fluid; (2) compressible fluid; (3) fluid with a magnetic field; (4) ideal fluid in the PNA of GR.  相似文献   

Eijiro Hiei 《Solar physics》1982,80(1):113-127
White-light continuum was observed at the Norikura Solar Observatory in a 2B flare of 10 September 1974 in the spectral region between 3600 Å and 4000 Å. The duration of continuum emission was 8–12 min. The continuum shows a Balmer free-bound component, but the main contribution to the continuum between 3646 Å and 4000 Å is H emission. The white-light continuum, therefore, is thought to be of photospheric origin. The energy loss in the continuum is 1027 erg s–1.  相似文献   

The motion of a point mass in the J 2 problem has been generalized to that of a rigid body in a J 2 gravity field for new high-precision applications in the celestial mechanics and astrodynamics. Unlike the original J 2 problem, the gravitational orbit-rotation coupling of the rigid body is considered in the generalized problem. The existence and properties of both the classical and non-classical relative equilibria of the rigid body are investigated in more details in the present paper based on our previous results. We nondimensionalize the system by the characteristic time and length to make the study more general. Through the study, it is found that the classical relative equilibria can always exist in the real physical situation. Numerical results suggest that the non-classical relative equilibria only can exist in the case of a negative J 2, i.e., the central body is elongated; they cannot exist in the case of a positive J 2 when the central body is oblate. In the case of a negative J 2, the effect of the orbit-rotation coupling of the rigid body on the existence of the non-classical relative equilibria can be positive or negative, which depends on the values of J 2 and the angular velocity Ω e . The bifurcation from the classical relative equilibria, at which the non-classical relative equilibria appear, has been shown with different parameters of the system. Our results here have given more details of the relative equilibria than our previous paper, in which the existence conditions of the relative equilibria are derived and primarily studied. Our results have also extended the previous results on the relative equilibria of a rigid body in a central gravity field by taking into account the oblateness of the central body.  相似文献   

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