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The vertical distributions of suspended particles in Osaka Bay were measured by using anin situ beam attenuation meter. The concentration of suspended particles near the bottom increases rapidly toward the bottom where size of sediment is in a range of silt. The settling velocity of suspended particles near the bottom was measured with the use of a settling tower in the laboratory. The settling velocity of the suspended particles with diameter from 10 to 100m is 2×10–3cm s–1 to 5×10–2cm s–1. The density of the particles ranges from 2.0 to 1.1 and decreases with increasing particle diameter.  相似文献   

The characteristics of seasonal variations of water temperature, salinity and density in the upper, middle and lower layers in Osaka Bay are described. Osaka Bay is considered to be an estuary, because the weak mixed state appears in spring and summer and the moderate mixed state in autumn and winter. Osaka Bay is divided into three areas, the eastern shallow area that has a large amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature and low average salinity, the southwestern deep area which has small amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature and high average salinity, and the northwestern deep area, which has small amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature and low average salinity.  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1995, in August, the bottom layer of Osaka Bay was occupied by cold, nutrient-rich water compared with that observed during both previous and subsequent decades. To investigate the mechanisms for the intrusion of bottom-layer cold water into Osaka Bay, the intrusion into Osaka Bay via the Kii Channel is simulated using a finite-volume coastal ocean model with unstructured triangular cell grids. The initial conditions, boundary conditions, and surface temperature given to the model are obtained from daily reanalysis data provided by the Japan Coastal Ocean Predictability Experiment. The model shows that cold water uplifted on the eastern side of the Kii Peninsula is propagated westward at 1.0 m/s as a coastal boundary current; it reaches the Kii Channel mouth when the Kuroshio axis is located around 74 km south of Cape Shionomisaki. However, the modeled cold water mass at the Kii Channel mouth does not intrude further to the north of the Kii Channel; therefore, another mechanism is required to explain the cold-water intrusion into the bottom layer of Osaka Bay. A plausible explanation is the estuarine circulation established by the freshwater supply at the bay head. When the river runoff is included in the model without forced vertical mixing, the temperature in Osaka Bay decreases 6.6 days later than the temperature decreases at the Kii Channel mouth. Furthermore, the shoreward current speed in the bottom layer of the modeled estuarine circulation is 15 cm/s, which provides the mechanism required for the cold water mass to pass the Kii Channel.  相似文献   

Using conductivity-Temperature-depth data of a recent cruise during July 22-28, 2008 and historical data, it is found that temperature inversions occur from time to time in the Huanghai Sea(Yellow Sea) cold water mass (HSCWM) in summer. The temperature inversions are produced by the movement of the fresh and cold HSCWM masses above the warm and saline Huanghai Sea Warm Current water at the central bottom of the Huanghai Sea Trough. The non-homogeneous profiles of the temperature and the salinity suggest that vertical mixing in the HSCWM, which is of great importance to the circulation in the Huanghai Sea in summer, is weak. Trajectories of satellite-tracked surface drifters suggest that waters in the northern reach of the Huanghai Sea move southward along the 40-50 m isobaths and descend into the southern Huanghai Sea to form the western core of the HSCWM.  相似文献   

Intermediate intrusion of low salinity water (LSW) into Sagami Bay was investigated on the basis of CTD data taken in Sagami Bay and off the Boso Peninsula in 1993–1994. In October 1993, water of low temperature (<7.0°C), low salinity (<34.20 psu) and high dissolved oxygen concentration (>3.5 ml I−1) intruded along the isopycnal surface of {ie29-1} at depths of 320–500 m from the Oshima East Channel to the center of the bay. On the other hand, the LSW was absent in Sagami Bay in the period of September–November 1994, though it was always found to the south off the Boso Peninsula. Salinity and dissolved oxygen distributions on relevant isopycnal surfaces and water characteristics of LSW cores revealed that the LSW intruded from the south off the Boso Peninsula to Sagami Bay through the Oshima East Channel. The LSW cores were distributed on the continental slope along 500–1000 m isobaths and its onshore-offshore scales were two to three times the internal deformation radius. Initial phosphate concentrations in the LSW revealed its origin in the northern seas. These facts suggest that the observed LSW is the submerged Oyashio Water and it flows southwestward along the continental slope as a density current in the rotating fluid. The variation of the LSW near the center of Sagami Bay is closely related to the Kuroshio flow path. The duration of LSW in Sagami Bay is 0.5 to 1.5 months.  相似文献   

Possible source of the antarctic bottom water in the Prydz Bay Region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It has been inferred that the Prydz Bay region is one of the source regions of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) based on rather indirect evidence. In order to examine this inference, we investigate the hydrographic condition of the bay based mainly on XCTD data obtained during the Japanese Whale Research Program in the Antarctic (JARPA). The JARPA hydrographic data reveal Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), which is a salty, warm water mass approaching the shelf break, and capture Modified CDW (MCDW) intruding into the shelf water. AABW production requires mixing of CDW and cold shelf water saltier than 34.6 psu, which is a saltier type of Low Salinity Shelf Water (LSSW). Saltier LSSW is observed near the bottom over the shelf, being mixed with MCDW. We further identify saltier LSSW near the shelf break. This saltier LSSW appears close enough to unmodified CDW to be mixed with it over the continental slope, indicating a possible source of AABW in Prydz Bay.  相似文献   

Hydrographic surveys were carried out four times in the western channel of the Korea Strait in March and August 2003 and in June and November 2004. The bottom cold water, which was lower than 10°C, appeared in the channel trough except in March 2003. It flowed southwestward along the shelf of Korean coasts in August 2003 and in November 2004. The width and the maximum speed of the intrusion current were about 20 km and approximately 25 cm s-1, respectively, off Ulsan, Korea. The volume transport of the bottom cold water was estimated 0.019 Sv (Sv≡106 m3 s-1) in August 2003 and 0.026 Sv in November 2004.  相似文献   

Partitioning of copper, zinc, iron and manganese into oxide, sulfide, organic and silicate fractions has been determined with a selective chemical leaching technique on sediment samples from a core collected in Osaka Bay. The samples have been dated by the210Pb method. Most of the copper and zinc in the polluted surface sediment layer are contained in both oxide and sulfide fractions. This suggests that the transformation of oxides and hydroxides to sulfides under anoxic conditions within the sediment is significant for the fixation of copper and zinc discharged through human activities into the sediment. Manganese is apparently enriched in oxide and hydroxide fractions of the surface layer due to the post-depositional migration of manganese within the sediment. The copper, zinc and manganese contents of the 30 % H2O2 soluble fraction (mostly organic fraction) decrease with depth in the sediment core, and correlate significantly with the organic carbon content. The heavy metal (Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn) contents of the silicate fraction, without exchangeable sites, are almost constant with depth.  相似文献   

Mud samples were collected from the eastern coast of Osaka Bay from April 1984 to August 1985 and were incubated atin situ mud temperatures to examine the effects of temperature on the liberation of seven species of red-tide algae. Skeletonema costatum appeared extensively over a wide temperature range of 9–25°C. The percentage of liberation of benthicHeterosigma akashiwo cells tended to decrease with decreasing temperature, but this species also showed high percentages of liberation (40–100 %) in April whenin situ mud temperatures were still low (9.5–10°C). Germination of benthicHeterocapsa triquetra cells was active at temperatures lower than 10°C but was inhibited to below 20% at temperatures higher than 21°C. This indicates that the supply of vegetativeHeterocapsa cells from bottom muds to seawaters becomes inactive from summer to early autumn. The optimum temperature range for the liberation of benthicChattonella sp. cells was 16–21°C. ForProrocentrum micans, Prorocentrum minimum, andProrocentrum triestinum, no vegetative cells were released from bottom mud at any of the temperatures examined (9–25°C).Field observations on the population dynamics of vegetative cells conducted from April to September 1984 revealed that a close link exists between liberation ofS. costatum andH. triquetra and their blooms in the waters of Osaka Bay. On the basis of these findings, the ecological role of benthic cells in initiating red tides in Osaka Bay is discussed.  相似文献   

The accumulation rates of sediment cores in Osaka Bay have been determined by using210Pb dating technique. In the upper 10 cm210Pbex contents show a constant value with depth. The accumulation rates below the homogeneous layer of sediments ranging from 0.12 to 0.61cm y–1 (0.067–0.34 g cm–2 y–1) were obtained. The higher contents of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cr were observed in the upper 10 to 30 cm of sediments. Assuming that the increment of heavy metal content in sediments is due to anthropogenic origin, the amount of anthropogenic input of heavy metals into sediments were estimated to be 1,300–2,700g cm–2 for Zn, 150 – 480 for Cu, 360 – 410 for Pb and 320 – 480 for Cr. The increment appears to start about 100 years ago. In surfical sediments most of heavy metal contents exceeded the background content, and then most part of Osaka Bay is polluted by heavy metals.  相似文献   

Benzo(a)pyrene (BP) in the sediment of Osaka Bay were determined. High concentration was found at two stations near the mouth of Shin-Yodo and off Kobe respectively (0.98g g–1 dry mud basis, 1.1g g–1). The concentration decreases regularly from the mouth of the river further into the bay. The other supplemental determination was carried on the sediment and the seawater of Keihin Canal. Notable BP concentration of 89g g–1 was observed in the sediment beneath the effluent outlet of a gasworks. The BP in the sediment near the ironworks was also considerable, while the BP was relatively less in the sediment beneath the effluent outlet of refineries. These data suggest that coke plants working in gasworks or ironworks may be the larger sources of BP than refineries. The results of Osaka Bay coincide with this hypothesis.Cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, nickel, ignition loss and fine sand content were measured from the same sediment samples of Osaka Bay. Cd, Pb, Cu and ignition loss showed the regular distributions which resemble to BP and accordingly, good correlations with BP. No significant correlations were found between BP and Ni, Zn and fine sand content which showed no regular distributions.  相似文献   

本研究利用Argo温盐、Aquarius遥感盐度等资料,研究了阿拉伯海高盐水入侵孟加拉湾的主要路径及季节变化机制.分析显示阿拉伯海高盐水入侵孟加拉湾存在3种类型,即夏季型、冬季型和春季型.夏季型入侵发生在湾口西部,入侵时间为7—10月,净体积输送达1.53 Sv.冬季型(12月至次年1月)和春季型(3—5月)阿拉伯海高...  相似文献   

利用中国第九次南大洋考察中南极普里兹湾及其邻近海域的CTD资料,分析研究了调查海域的水文结构特征及其该区南极底层水(AABW)的来源.研究结果表明,在研究海域,深水洋区近表层流由西向东流,而在普里兹湾内存在一个气旋型涡.水文结构中最明显的海洋学特征是:(1)绕极深层水(CDW)的涌升现象明显,涌升最强的位置是麦克罗伯逊地以北海域,最明显的深度是50~200m层,暖水涌升将冬季冷水分隔成南北两部分,并在其中形成孤立的暖水块;(2)陆缘水边界明显,这是绕极深层水与南极冷水之间形成的锋面,一般处在次表层水中,大致位于64°~66°S之间;(3)存在着双跃层结构.观测期间,普里兹湾以北探水海域存在着南极底层水,其来源可能有二:一为当地形成,二为源于威德尔海和罗斯海.  相似文献   

莱州湾南岸海水入侵现状评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据莱州湾南岸海水入侵区地下水水质特点,将海水入侵等级划分为4级。同时,选取Cl^-,矿化度,SO4^2-,rHCO3^-/rCl^-,K^-等指标作为评价因子,并分别确定了这5项指标的等级划分范围。然后,运用模糊数学的综合评判方法,对研究区内海水入侵现状做出评价。  相似文献   

Behavior of warm water flowing into a model ocean with flat bottom filled with cold water is investigated numerically with a three-dimensional level model in a rotating system.The warm water which flows through the southern opening into the ocean is found to progress in two directions. The east front of the warm water progresses along the east coast and reaches the northern opening. And an eastern boundary current associated with this density structure is formed. The west front progresses along the west coast with the speed much less than that of the eastside front. However, the progression of the west front slows down remarkably half way between the southern and northern boundaries due to-effect, and a baroclinic western boundary current system is formed. Unstable waves whose scales are 200–400 km are found in the region of the eastern boundary current and propagate toward the west. These waves seem to be caused by the baroclinic instability.The boundary currents obtained in the present model are considered to represent some characteristics of the Tsushima Current system in the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

In the previous paper (Yanget al., 1993), it was shown that there always exists the coastal salinity-minimum-layer (SML) water just off the Boso Peninsula. The coastal SML water is bounded by the current zone of the Kuroshio, and a relatively high salinity domain separates it from the offshore SML water which would be a continum of the North Pacific Intermediate Water. We suggested that the coastal SML water region indicates the pathway along which the Intermediate Oyashio Water intrudes into Sagami Bay. In this paper, by selecting seven cases where we found the coastal SML water having abnormally high oxygen content and low salinity, we try to follow the intrusion manner of the Intermediate Oyashio Water into Sagami Bay by using available hydrographic data taken routinely by various organizations in the period from 1973 to 1986. Some of these water can be traced from the observation line near the cape of Inubo to the central part of Sagami Bay, and its propagation speed along the coast is shown to be of order of 1 cm/s. The intruding intermediate Oyashio water usually has a complicated layered structure in it, and its time scale of persistence is shown to be only a few months.  相似文献   

To clarify the time change in water exchanges between Ise Bay and the adjacent ocean, repeated hydrographic observations were conducted along the longitudinal section in Ise Bay. The results show that the mixing condition at the bay mouth (Irago Strait) changed fortnightly in summer. During the spring tides, the strait water below the pycnocline was well-mixed and nearly homogeneous. By contrast, it was weakly stratified during the neap tide. There is a strong negative correlation between the tidal range and the density difference between the upper and lower layers at the strait. In summer, the intrusion depth of oceanic water into the bay and consequent hydrographic conditions inside the bay changed frequently according to the tidal strength. During the spring tides a prominent bottom front was created at the bay mouth, indicating that the strait water, which is a mixture of oceanic and bay waters, intruded through the middle layer. On the other hand, during the neaps, cold and saline oceanic water intruded through the bottom layer into the bay. The intrusion depth is significantly correlated with the tidal range. It is considered that the wellmixed strait water, which has a density equivalent to the middle layer inside the bay, is lighter than the bottom bay water and thus intrudes through the middle layer during the spring tides, while insufficient mixing makes the bottom water at the strait heavier than the bay water, leading to the bottom intrusion during the neap tides.  相似文献   

本研究利用多源卫星遥感数据对比分析了2018年和2015年孟加拉湾南部冷池的极端异常事件。孟加拉湾南部冷池早期出现在5月,8月和 9月强度达到最大,10月开始减弱,随后逐渐消失。数据显示2018年和2015年冷池海表温度距平值分别为-0.55 ℃和0.43 ℃,是1993—2018年26 年中冷池降温最强和最弱的年份。2018年孟加拉湾南部冷池风应力距平值为0.02 N/m2,而2015年距平值为-0.01 N/m2。2018年Ekman抽吸速度距平在冷池区域为正,2015年为负。经混合层热收支计算得到,造成冷池产生的主要原因是平流效应,且2018年与2015年的夏季(6—8月)降温平流项分别占49.2%和80.7%。冷池极端事件主要发生在6月,2018年6月冷池降温是2015年的2.76倍,并且海表净热通量项和平流项的异常对冷池极端事件的产生起了重要作用。  相似文献   

By the method of polarographic profiling performed with the help of an Au-Hg glass microelectrode, we obtained the first high-resolution vertical profiles of the distributions of oxygen, sulfides, oxidized and reduced forms of iron, reduced manganese, and iron monosulfide in pore waters of the bottom sediments in the Sevastopol Bay. It is shown that the regional features of the vertical distributions of the main polarographically active compounds are determined by the combination of several factors: the contents of organic carbon and iron and the sizes of particles of the sediments.  相似文献   

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