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李蔚 《山西地震》2005,(4):37-39
从2004年12月印度洋发生地震海啸造成的灾难中得到启示,从完善我国的应急救援、防灾救灾体系、法律法规体系,预测系统、快速反应预警系统以及启动应急预案、组建应急指挥体系、组织应急救援队伍、实施应急救援等方面,阐述了建立应急救援指挥机构和各种应急队伍的必要性,绘制了灾害处理应急流程图,分析了应急队伍所应承担的任务,提出在我国应尽快建立地震海啸预警机制的建议。  相似文献   

印度洋大地震与海啸灾害综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年12月26日8时58分,印尼苏门答腊岛附近海域发生M8.7地震(百年以来第5次大地震),其引发的海啸波及了东南亚和南亚至少10个国家,截至2005年3月5日已造成28万人死亡和重大财产损失.这是自1964年3月以来世界上发生的最强烈地震,此次海啸是1900年以来这一地区发生的最大海啸.叙述了此次地震和海啸的破坏情况以及受灾国的应急救援工作和国际社会的反应.概述了地震海啸灾害及其研究简况.  相似文献   

S.  Stein  E.  A.  Okal  赵京凤 《世界地震译丛》2006,(5):1-9
2004年12月26日世界再次见证了一次由构造板块缓慢、几乎是无法察觉的运动积蓄了的数百年的应变释放所造成的巨大破坏。这次来自印尼苏门答腊岛地下的巨大地震掀起的巨浪数小时内横扫了印度洋,给沿岸造成了毁灭性的破坏,夺走了30多万人的生命。  相似文献   

海啸灾害及其预警系统   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
地震海啸是最严重的自然灾害之一。2004年底印度洋大海啸更是震撼了全世界。本文对海啸的定义、性质、特征,历史上和近代的中国和世界的严重海啸灾害作了简单介绍。指出建立和完善海啸预警系统,可以在一旦海啸发生后,争取几十分钟甚至几小时时间,提前发出海啸警报信息,这就能极大地减轻海啸灾害。本文简单地介绍了海啸预警系统的主要内容。  相似文献   

2004年12月26日印度尼西亚地震海啸灾害考察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
印度洋地震海啸的灾害是严重的。本文介绍了印度尼西亚在这次地震海啸中的灾害情况,包括建筑物的破坏、生命线工程的破坏等。最后提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

(1)本文在对未来500年内由地震引发的可能是最坏情况的海啸进行研究后指出,惠灵顿港周围地区及其南部沿有发生海啸以至洪水泛滥的危险性。(2)参考历史海啸资料对惠灵顿地区几个主要断层运动情况进行研究指出,就惠灵顿发生海啸而言,在西Wairarapa断层发生震级为8的地震(类似于1855年的地震)会造成最坏的情况,地震学家估计,未来100年内出现这种事件的概率为30%。(3)对海底运动导致的海啸波浪进  相似文献   

印尼8.7级地震海啸灾害及应急救援   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了2004年12月26日发生在印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛近海的8.7级地震后引发的大规模海啸对东南亚国家造成的灾难的情况、各受灾国的应急响应、国际救援及中国国际救援队前往印尼班达亚齐开展救援行动的情况。  相似文献   

了解海啸物理学可以挽救生命,尤其是在大地震的震中附近,因为此处危险性最高而且早期预警也极难奏效。  相似文献   

海啸及风暴潮灾害简介   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地震海啸和风暴潮是严重的海洋灾害,2004年底印度洋大海啸更是震撼了全世界。本文对海啸和风暴潮的定义、性质、特征、历史上和近代的严重海啸及风暴潮灾害作了简单介绍。指出建立和完善海啸和风暴潮预警系统,可以在一旦海啸和风暴潮发生后,提前发出警报信息,争取到几十分钟甚至几十小时时间,从而极大地减轻海啸和风暴潮灾害。  相似文献   

This paper presents tsunami intensity mapping and damage patterns along the surveyed coast of Tamilnadu (India) of the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004. The tsunami caused severe damage and claimed many victims in the coastal areas of eleven countries bordering the Indian Ocean. A twelve-stage tsunami intensity scale proposed by Papadopoulos and Imamura (2001) was followed to assign the intensity at the visited localities. Along the coast of the Indian mainland, tsunami damage sustained exclusively. Most severe damage was observed in Nagapattinam Beach, Nabiyarnagar, Vellaipalyam, and the Nagapattinam Port of Nagapattinum District on the east coast and Keelamanakudy village of Kanyakumari District on the western coast of Tamilnadu. The maximum assigned tsunami intensity was X+ at these localities. Minimum intensity V+ was received along the coast of Thanjavur, Puddukkotai and Ramnathpuram Districts in Palk Strait. The general observation reported by many people was that the first arrival was a tsunami crest. The largest tsunami waves were first arrivals on the eastern coast and the second arrivals on the western coast. Along the coast, people were unaware of the tsunami, and no anomalous behavior of ocean animals was reported. Good correlation was observed between the severity of damage and the presence of shadow zone of Sri Lanka, reflected waves from Sri Lanka and the Maldives Islands, variation in the width of the continental shelf, elevation of the coast and the presence of breakwaters. The presence of medu (naturally elevated landmass very close to the sea shore and elongated parallel to the coast) reduced the impact of the tsunami on the built environment.  相似文献   

Tsunami and its Hazard in the Indian and Pacific Oceans: Introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caused an estimated 230,000 casualties, the worst tsunami disaster in history. A similar-sized tsunami in the Pacific Ocean, generated by the 1960 Chilean earthquake, commenced international collaborations on tsunami warning systems, and in the tsunami research community through the Tsunami Commission of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. The IUGG Tsunami Commission, established in 1960, has been holding the biannual International Tsunami Symposium (ITS). This volume contains selected papers mostly presented at the 22nd ITS, held in the summer of 2005. This introduction briefly summarizes the progress of tsunami and earthquake research as well as international cooperation on tsunami warning systems and the impact of the 2004 tsunami. Brief summaries of each paper are also presented.  相似文献   

The Mw = 9.3 megathrust earthquake of December 26, 2004 off the northwest coast of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean generated a catastrophic tsunami that was recorded by a large number of tide gauges throughout the World Ocean. Part 1 of our study of this event examines tide gauge measurements from the Indian Ocean region, at sites located from a few hundred to several thousand kilometers from the source area. Statistical characteristics of the tsunami waves, including wave height, duration, and arrival time, are determined, along with spectral properties of the tsunami records.  相似文献   

A detailed high resolution survey of a small region (68 × 68 km) of the Subtropical Front south of Australia over a period of 14 days is used to study the interaction between the mixed layer and the permanent frontal structure underneath during summer conditions. The front extends through the mixed layer as a salinity front, while its temperature structure is modified by seasonal warming. Wind-driven movement of the mixed layer combines with the short-time development of indentations and filaments in the front to produce some degree of decoupling between the mixed layer and the underlying structure, and the front is not always found at the same location in and below the mixed layer. Intrusions and parcels of distinct water properties are found just below the mixed layer, produced as a result of the relative movement of the front in and below the mixed layer. These parcels are typically 10 km in width and 10–50 m in depth. Successive surveys of the front with a time separation of 2 days showed that these features persist over at least 1 week. Large scale surveys of the front show that parcels are ubiquitous along the Subtropical Front over a distance of several hundred kilometres. The results suggest that any study aimed at understanding the intricate interaction between the mixed layer and the layers below in oceanic fronts will have to address wind-driven dynamics and frontal dynamics together.This revised version was published online February 2005 with corrections to figures. Unfortunately the figures were reproduced in black and white and in the new version they are in color.  相似文献   

2004年12月26日印尼8.7级地震综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文给出了2004年12月26日印尼8.7级大地震的基本参数、区域构造背景、地震及海啸的损失情况及各国的应急反应,并提出了一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

Multiple‐layered tsunami deposits have been frequently reported from coastal stratigraphic sequences, but the formation processes of these layers remain uncertain. A terrestrial sandy deposit formed by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami was investigated at Ban Nam Kem, southern Thailand. Four internal layers induced by two tsunami waves were identified in the tsunami deposit. Sedimentary structures indicated that two units were formed by run‐up currents caused by the tsunami and the other two units were deposited by the backwash flows. Graded bedding was common in the layers, but inverse grading was observed at limited intervals on the surveyed transects. The characteristics of the multiple‐layered tsunami deposit vary remarkably over a very short distance (<1 m) in response to the local topography. Remarkable asymmetries in thickness and grain‐size distribution are recognized between the run‐up and backwash flow deposits. On the basis of the interpretation of sedimentary structures, the formation process of the multiple‐layered tsunami deposit observed in this study can be explained in a schematic model as the modification of the ideal tsunami sequence by local erosion and the asymmetric hydraulic properties of tsunami waves, such as the maximum shear velocity and the heterogeneity of the flow velocity field.  相似文献   

The lack of temporal resolution and accurate chronology of Southern Ocean marine cores has hampered comparison of glacial millennial-scale oscillations between the Southern Ocean, Antarctic ice and other records from both hemispheres. In this study, glacial climate variability is investigated over the last 50 ka using a multi-proxy approach. A precise chrono-stratigraphy was developed on the high-sedimentation rate core MD94-103 (Indian Southern Ocean, 45°35′S 86°31′E, 3560 m water depth) by geomagnetic synchronization between the later core and NAPIS75, and 14C dates. High-resolution time-series of δ18O in planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) estimated from the alkenone UK37 index and foraminifera assemblages have been generated. Temporal evolution of the two temperature proxy records is notably different during the last glacial period. While foraminifera data indicate a consistent cooling towards the last glacial maximum, anomalous warm glacial alkenone temperatures suggest a strong advection of warm “detrital” alkenones by surface waters of the Agulhas current. Superimposed to this general trend, during Heinrich events, foraminiferal SSTs point to warmer surface waters, while concurrent alkenone SSTs exhibit apparent coolings probably caused by enhanced local alkenone production. By analogy to modern observations, possible influence of ENSO-like conditions on the subantarctic Southern Ocean SSTs is discussed.  相似文献   

关于印度洋地震海啸紧急救援的两个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海退是海浪剧变的重要信号,发生海退现象之后,应当立即撤离沿海,跑到高地上去,才能避免人员的重大伤亡。红树林在印度洋地震海啸中起到减缓作用。红树林生态系统是生产率最高的海洋四大自然生态系统之一,是国际上生物多样性保护和湿地保护对象,被誉为“地球的肾”。在全球红树林锐减的情况下,广西防城港红树林项目的启动是被全球环境基金会称为典范。  相似文献   

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