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渤海春季浮游细菌分布与生态环境因子的关系 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11
研究了 1 999年 4~ 5月渤海水体浮游细菌分布与生态环境因子的关系。结果显示 ,渤海春季表层水体浮游细菌含量与水温和溶解性有机碳呈正相关 ,相关系数分别为 0 .6 0 1 (P<0 .0 1 )和0 .4 0 6 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,并与溶解氧含量呈负相关 ,相关系数为 0 .5 1 9(P<0 .0 1 ) ;底层水体浮游细菌含量与水温、溶解性有机碳 (dissolved organic carbon,DOC)、颗粒性有机碳 (particulate organic carbon,POC)和叶绿素 a含量呈正相关 ,相关系数分别为 0 .82 0 (P<0 .0 1 ) ,0 .6 6 1 (P<0 .0 1 ) ,0 .5 31 (P<0 .0 1 )和 0 .4 42 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,并与溶解氧含量呈负相关 ,相关系数为 0 .6 5 0 (P<0 .0 1 )。表明水温和DOC、POC含量是渤海水域浮游细菌含量的主要限制因子 ,而水体中的溶解氧 (dissolved oxygen,DO)含量与浮游细菌的含量有关 相似文献
The concentration of nutrients was measured during the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay over a 5-year period (1988–92). During the winter mixing period, nutrient concentrations were similar in every year except in 1990 when a high concentration of silicate was observed. There was interannual variation in the onset of the bloom, presumably depending on the stability of the water column. The bloom developed in early March when the Oyashio water (OW), which has a lower density than the existing winter water, flowed into the bay and the pycnocline formed near the bottom of the euphotic zone. In this case, high chl a was found only in the euphotic zone and nutrient utilization was limited to this zone. In the year when the inflow of OW was not observed by April, the bloom took place at the end of March without strong stratification and high chl a was found in the whole water column, accompanied by a decrease in nutrients. Interannual differences were found not only at the beginning of the decrease, but also in the thickness of the layer which showed a decrease in nutrients. Primary production from the beginning to the end of the spring bloom was estimated from the nutrient budget before and after the spring bloom. The integrated production over the spring bloom period ranged from 25 to 73 g C m-2, which accounts for 19–56% of the annual production in this bay. We found that the timing of the bloom was strongly dependent on the inflow of OW, but the amount of production was not clearly related to this timing. 相似文献
胶州湾浮游植物研究Ⅱ环境因子对浮游植物群落结构变化的影响 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
该文依据 1995年 3月~ 1996年 1月间浮游植物的调查资料 ,并结合同期水温和营养盐的资料变化 ,分析不同环境因素对浮游植物群落结构的影响。结果表明 :水温的变化对浮游植物的种类组成和数量变化都有一定影响 ,秋季和冬季优势种交替明显 ;营养盐对浮游植物群落结构的变化影响明显。根据胶州湾营养盐结构的改变状况 ,并结合历史资料对比发现 ,胶州湾网采浮游植物的物种数和细胞数量呈下降趋势 ,优势种类趋单一化 ;但初级生产力并未下降 ,可能与微型浮游植物所占份额增大相关。 相似文献
大亚湾人工鱼礁区浮游植物的种类组成和生物量研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
于2005年11月、2006年5月及2006年12月,对大亚湾人工鱼礁投放区、拟投放区和对照区浮游植物的种类组成及生物量进行了研究.合计观察到藻类种类67种.主要由硅藻门(48种)和甲藻门(13种)组成,同时还有少量蓝藻、绿藻和着色鞭毛藻门等其他藻类(6种).优势种类主要有尖刺拟菱形藻、菱形海线藻、尖刺菱形藻等硅藻类和又状甲藻、海洋原甲藻及海洋原多甲藻等甲藻类,这些优势种类均为可能引发赤潮的赤潮生物.人工鱼礁区的藻类数量和叶绿素含量均比对照区高,说明人工鱼礁的投放促进了藻类的生长:人工鱼礁区和拟投放区的Shannonweaver多样性指数高于对照区,进一步表明人工鱼礁的投放增加了藻类的生物多样性.综合浮游植物的种类组成、生物量及多样性指数的结果表明:人工鱼礁的投放促进了浮游植物的生长,增加了生物多样性,但藻类的优势类群是可引发赤潮的赤潮生物,对海洋水环境具有极大的潜在威胁. 相似文献
胶州湾赤潮生物种类及其生态分布特征 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
近年来,胶州湾赤潮频繁发生,对海水养殖业、海洋环境乃至人类健康与安全都构成威胁,作者于1997--1998年间对胶州湾东北部富营养化海域进行赤潮专项调查,报道了赤潮生物69种,其中已发生过的赤潮种类有7种,分析了中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum、圆筛藻Coscinodiscus sp.、冰河拟星杆藻(日本星杆藻)Asterionellopsis glacialis、劳氏角毛藻Chaetoceros lorenzianus、红色中缢虫Mesodinium rubrum等主要赤潮生物的生态分布特征. 相似文献
根据2015-08和2015-12大亚湾海域的调查数据,对大亚湾浮游植物种类组成、丰度分布、多样性及与环境因子的关系等进行分析。结果显示:夏冬两季共鉴定出浮游植物5门39属102种,其中硅藻70种,甲藻27种,金藻和绿藻分别为2种,蓝细菌1种。浮游植物丰度夏季波动范围为(0.80~42.43)×10~6个/m^3,均值为10.70×10~6个/m^3;冬季波动范围为(0.13~43.80)×10~6个/m^3,均值为7.24×10~6个/m^3;浮游植物丰度组成夏季以硅藻为主,占总丰度的97.51%,冬季则以金藻和蓝细菌为主,占97.41%。夏季优势种为中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、柔弱拟菱形藻(Peseudo-nitzschia delicatissima)和菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides);冬季优势种为球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)和束毛藻(Trichodesmium sp.)。冗余分析显示,影响大亚湾浮游植物分布的关键环境因子,夏季为透明度、氮磷比、温度和盐度,冬季为盐度、pH、温度和亚硝氮。 相似文献
楚科奇海浮游植物的分布与环境因子的关系 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据1999年7—8月“雪龙”号考察船在楚科奇海采集的样品,运用PRIMER软件分析该区网采浮游植物的分布特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:楚科奇海浮游植物群聚可分为三个生态类群:北极-亚北极类群,主要分布于水深大于2000米且受北冰洋影响较直接的东北部浅水浮冰外缘;北方温带类群,主要分布于水深小于100米的中部浅水浮冰区:广温性类群,主要分布于通过白令海峡与北太平洋进行水交换的南部水域。该区浮游植物平面分布差异大,细胞密度站间变化范围为1.6×10^3~90680.2×10^4,物种多样性指数和均匀度站间变化范围分别为0.07~O.87和0.33~3.82。主成分(PCA)分析表明,对楚科奇海浮游植物分布起支配作用为水温和盐度。此外,由于该海区所处的特殊地理环境,浮冰的位黄及其物理状态(聚集、开裂和消融等)均会增加浮游植物分布的变异。 相似文献
Abstract. Phytoplankton biomass estimators – total cell number (CN), total cell volume (CV), chlorophyll a (Chl a ). phytoplankton organic carbon (PC), and their response to environmental variables, with a special emphasis on the vertical variability in the structure of the water column – were examined in the Mali Ston Bay (Southern Adriatic). Correlations among biomass estimators as well as with physical-chemical parameters varied according to hydrodynamic characteristics of the water column. The amount of Chl a per cell ranged from 0.28.06–10-6 μg during stratification to 0.7–2.0.10-6 μg during the mixing period. Most frequent values for PC/Chl a ratios and for Chl a /CV in mixed natural phytoplankton populations were 20–25 and 1–2, respectively. 相似文献
黄海西北部浮游细菌生物量分布特征及其与环境因子的关系 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
分别研究了2006年7月(夏季)和2007年1月(冬季)、5月(春季)、10月(秋季)黄海西北部海域浮游细菌生物量的分布特征,探讨了它们与温度、盐度和Chl a含量之间的关系.结果表明,研究海区平均细菌生物量春、夏、秋和冬季分别为:41.083,8.34,16.68和6.20 mg/m3.4个季节表层细菌生物量分布均呈现出从辽东半岛近岸区域向外海逐渐降低的趋势.春、秋季除浮游植物Chl a外各生态因子与细菌生物量之间均无显著性相关关系.夏、冬季与温度、盐度和Chl a含量的相关性均不显著. 相似文献
2010-2011年深圳湾浮游植物季节变化及其与环境因子关系 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2010-2011年对深圳湾水采浮游植物进行了4个航次的现场调查,共鉴定出浮游植物5门45属83种,硅藻门占总种数的83.1%,甲藻门占10.8%。种类组成以广温广盐种和暖水种为主,中肋骨条藻(skeletonema costatum)为该海域常年优势种。此次调查发现深圳湾海域浮游植物丰度年波动范围为9.63~19904.0×103/L,平均值为964.5×103/L表现为秋季最高,夏、冬季次之,春季最低。浮游植物多样性指数及均匀度指数偏低,群落结构单一,稳定性较差。春季由于受到深圳河与降水的影响,水采浮游植物丰度最低;秋季各个环境条件适宜,浮游植物丰度达到最大;冬季温度成为限制浮游植物生长的重要因子。 相似文献
The Influence of Physical Factors on the Variation of Phytoplankton and Nutrients in the Bohai Sea 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The cycle of the phytoplankton in a coastal water is controlled by the biological processes, solar radiation, water temperature and physical transport processes. A three-dimensional ecosystem dynamic model is adopted in this study to investigate the influence of different physical factors on the variation of phytoplankton and nutrients in the Bohai Sea. The simulation is carried out for the year 1982. The simulated annual cycle of the primary production and nutrients are in reasonable agreement with the observations in the pattern. Vertical mixing can both affect the vertical transportation of nutrients and horizontal distribution of primary production. In winter the vertical distribution of nutrients is homogeneous because of the intensive mixing, while in summer there is a high value of nutrients in the depth about 15 m due to the stratification. The high primary production plague and the weak mixing center is positional correspondence. The production of phytoplankton is sensitive to the photosynthetically active radiation, which is strongly influenced by the transparency. The increase of the transparency can promote the production in spring and autumn significantly, but has little effect on the production in summer. The change of the transparency can both affect the occurrence time and the amplitude of the phytoplankton bloom dramatically. Horizontal advection does not affect the variation trend of the annual cycle of chlorophyll-a, but does affect the relative magnitude of the phytoplankton bloom, especially in summer. Horizontal advection can dramatically alter the horizontal distribution of chlorophyll-a. The maximum concentration of chlorophyll-a without horizontal advection in summer is twice as high than that with advection and the high chlorophyll-a areas locate along the coast. The river discharge only has regional influence on the ecosystem. The Huanghe River with high nitrate concentration influ-ences the annual cycle of nitrogen of the Laizhou Bay significantly. 相似文献
黄东海海区浮游植物色素吸收系数与叶绿素a浓度关系研究 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
浮游植物色素吸收与叶绿素a浓度关系研究是水色遥感生物-光学算法开发的重要组成部分,我们利用HD200304航次和HD200309航次的测量数据,开发了色素吸收系数的波段关系模型(αφ(λ)-αφ(675))和色素吸收系数与叶绿素a浓度关系(αφ(λ)-αφ(675))模型,并在模型开发的基础上,利用叶绿素a浓度反演典型波段的色素吸收系数,效果良好。 相似文献
球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)是我国北部湾海域主要的有害藻华原因种,囊体的生长是藻华发生和持续的关键。为了研究在富营养化日趋严重的钦州湾海域中营养盐输入对球形棕囊藻藻华形成的影响,采集钦州湾含球形棕囊藻的表层海水进行了添加不同营养盐的室内培养实验。根据钦州湾历史调查数据,进行了不同营养盐、不同氮磷比和不同添加方式的培养。结果表明,同时添加氮和磷显著促进浮游植物的生长,球形棕囊藻囊体继浮游植物细胞密度高峰期后大量形成。一次性添加磷对囊体生长的刺激作用较添加氮时强,丰度最高可达4.8×103 colonies·L-1,囊体平均直径为(115±84)μm,且具有较高囊体细胞密度,但囊体衰退较快。单独添加氮时,囊体细胞分布稀疏,囊体数量及直径皆较低。每天添加磷的方式相比一次性添加更有利于囊体丰度的维持。总体上,磷营养的添加能刺激囊体数量、囊体细胞数和囊体直径的生长。在具有较高N/P比值的钦州湾,应加强磷的排放管理,避免突发性磷污染对球形棕囊藻囊体生长的刺激作用。 相似文献
For the fulfillment of the probability-based structural design for the offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay, the design factors of loads, resistance and load combinations are much necessary to be calibrated according to the proposed target reliability index. Firstly, the limit states function for the offshore jacket platforms is introduced. Then, four approaches to calibrate the factors of load and resistance are presented and compared. Afterwards, the methods to calibrate the load combination factors are developed. Finally, the factors of load, resistance and load combination for the offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay are calibrated and the corresponding design formulae are recommended. The results are proved to be rational in practice, and also illustrate that the proposed target reliability index for offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay is also appropriate. 相似文献
2009年湛江湾叶绿素a分布及其与主要环境因子的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2009-02—2009-11分4个季度调查了湛江湾叶绿素a的时空分布,并分析了其与主要环境因子的关系。结果表明,湛江湾海域叶绿素a变化范围为0.35~21.52mg/m3,年平均值4.47mg/m3;全海域叶绿素a呈现夏季(6.50mg/m3)>冬季(4.75mg/m3)>春季(3.58mg/m3)>秋季(3.01mg/m3)的季节变化模式;水平分布上,冬季的叶绿素a呈现由南三岛附近海域(即断面2和3)向外海和沿岸递减,春季、夏季和秋季呈现由外海向沿岸递减,年均值呈现由外海向沿岸递减的分布特征。主成分分析显示,湛江湾海域叶绿素a与pH、盐度呈极显著的正相关,与氨氮、硝氮、硅酸盐、磷酸盐和无机氮呈极显著负相关。以表征的叶绿素a为标准的水体营养状况评价结果显示湛江湾海域多为中营养或贫营养状态,与以营养盐和化学耗氧量为标准的评价结果不一,故湛江湾的水体营养状况评价需要综合多个因子考虑。 相似文献
For the fulfillment of the probability-based structural design for the offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay, the design factors of loads, resistance and load combinations are much necessary to be calibrated according to the proposed target reliability index. Firstly, the limit states function for the offshore jacket platforms is introduced. Then, four approaches to calibrate the factors of load and resistance are presented and compared. Afterwards, the methods to calibrate the load combination factors... 相似文献