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Leaf AT  Hart DJ  Bahr JM 《Ground water》2012,50(5):726-735
Subsurface heterogeneity in hydraulic properties and processes is a fundamental challenge in hydrogeology. We have developed an improved method of borehole dilution testing for hydrostratigraphic characterization, in which distributed temperature sensing (DTS) is used to monitor advective heat movement. DTS offers many advantages over conventional technologies including response times in the order of seconds rather than minutes, the ability to profile temperature synoptically in a well without disturbing the fluid column, sensitivity to a wider range of flow rates than conventional spinner and heat pulse flow meters, and the ease of interpretation. Open-well thermal dilution tests in two multiaquifer wells near Madison, Wisconsin, provided detailed information on the borehole flow regimes, including flow rates and the locations of inflows from both fractures and porous media. The results led to an enhanced understanding of flow in a hydrostratigraphic unit previously conceptualized as homogenous and isotropic.  相似文献   

Salve R 《Ground water》2005,43(1):133-137
This paper presents the design of the passive-discrete water sampler (PDWS) which has been developed to facilitate investigations of flow partitioning in fractured rocks. The PDWS continuously isolates seeping water into discrete samples while monitoring the seepage rate. The PDWS was used in a flow and transport experiment that investigated fracture-matrix interactions. During the experiment, a mix of conservative tracers with significantly different diffusion coefficients (lithium bromide [LiBr] and pentafluorobenzoic acid [PFBA]) was introduced along a fault located in fractured tuffs, and water seeping through the lower end of the fault was collected by the PDWS and analyzed for tracer concentrations. Preliminary results from this investigation show that samples of effluent captured by the PDWS effectively retained temporal changes in the chemical signature, while providing seepage rates.  相似文献   

The remediation strategy for an industrial site located in a coastal area involves a pump and treat system and a horizontal flow barrier (HFB) penetrating the main aquifer. To validate the groundwater flow conceptual model and to verify the efficiency of the remediation systems, we carried out piezometric measurements, slug tests, pumping tests, flowmeter tests and multilevel sampling. Flowmeter tests are used to infer vertical groundwater flow directions, and base exchange index is used to infer horizontal flow directions at a metric scale. The selected wells are located both upstream and downstream of the HFB. The installation of the HFB produced constraints to the groundwater flow. A stagnant zone of contaminated freshwater floating over the salt wedge in the upper portion of the aquifer is detected downstream of the HFB. This study confirms that the adopted remediation system is efficiently working in the area upstream of the HFB and even downstream in the bottom part of the aquifer. At the same time, it has also confirmed that hot spots are still present in stagnant zones located downstream of the HFB in the upper part of the aquifer, requiring a different approach to accomplish remediation targets. The integrated approach for flow quantification used in this study allows to discriminate the direction and the magnitude of groundwater fluxes near an HFB in a coastal aquifer. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The role of fluids in faulting mechanism and triggering earthquakes is widely accepted. The effective-stress law is the basis for the postulated theories. Using a generalized version of this law, applicable to both continuum and discontinuities, hydromechanical behaviour of a horizontal fracture in a hypothetical fluid-injection problem is investigated. In this problem the increasing intake flow rates, unpredictable by the traditional fluid-flow solutions, brings out another significant aspect of the role of the fluid pressure in rocks. By reducing the magnitude of the compressive effective stresses the fluid pressure causes elastic recovery in fractures. Simple rheologic models are used to demonstrate this fact. Such effects may lead to permeability increases in the rock mass, depending on the magnitude of the fluid pressure. Such variations in permeability, however, are governed by the path dependency of the fracture-deformation response. Therefore, a significant increase in permeability is an indication of comparability of the state of stress and the applied fluid pressure.This index may reveal the potential of hydroactivation of faults, as may arise in the regions of dam reservoirs, underground waste injections, and known faults, for certain ranges of working pressures relevant to each of the above-cited situations. Fluid-injection tests under constant working pressures are suggested as a means revealing the likelihood of movement on the faults.  相似文献   

A new method for the numerical integration of the equations for one-dimensional linear acoustics with large time steps is presented. While it is capable of computing the “slaved” dynamics of short-wave solution components induced by slow forcing, it eliminates freely propagating compressible short-wave modes, which are under-resolved in time. Scale-wise decomposition of the data based on geometric multigrid ideas enables a scale-dependent blending of time integrators with different principal features. To guide the selection of these integrators, the discrete-dispersion relations of some standard second-order schemes are analyzed, and their response to high wave number low frequency source terms are discussed. The performance of the new method is illustrated on a test case with “multiscale” initial data and a problem with a slowly varying high wave number source term.  相似文献   

Summary A water sampler for investigation of detailed stratification of different factors in lake waters is described. The working mechanism of the sampler is illustrated in Fig. 1 and 2, and in greater detail in Fig. 3 and 4. The present sampler consists in six smaller samplers which are placed in pairs in three different vertical planes around a central tube which latter slides on a central rod. Two examples of stratifications found by means of the sampler are given. Table 1 shows the stratification of O2, H2S and in the chemocline region of a small meromictic lake. Table 2 illustrates the redox potential just above the mud surface of a small holomictic lake.
Zusammenfassung Ein Sch?pfger?t, das der Untersuchung der genauen Schichtung von verschiedenen Faktoren in Binnengew?ssern dient, wird beschrieben. Die Abb. 1, 2, 3 und 4—die beiden letzteren ausführlicher—veranschaulichen den Arbeitsmechanismus des Ger?ts. Das vorliegende Sch?pfger?t besteht aus sechs kleineren Ger?ten, die in drei verschiedenen Ebenen paarweise um ein zentrales Rohr angeordnet sind, welches sich auf einer zentralen Stange bewegt. Es werden zwei Beispiele von Schichtungen angeführt, welche mit diesem Sch?pfger?t gefunden wurden. Tab. 1 zeigt die Schichtung von O2, H2S und in der chemoklinen Region eines kleinen meromiktischen Sees. Tab. 2 zeigt das Redoxpotential unmittelbar über der Schlammoberfl?che eines kleinen holomiktischen Sees.

Two-well tracer tests are often conducted to investigate subsurface solute transport in the field. Analyzing breakthrough curves in extraction and monitoring wells using numerical methods is nontrivial due to highly nonuniform flow conditions. We extended approximate analytical solutions for the advection-dispersion equation for an injection-extraction well doublet in a homogeneous confined aquifer under steady-state flow conditions for equal injection and extraction rates with no transverse dispersion and negligible ambient flow, and implemented the solutions in Microsoft Excel using Visual Basic for Application (VBA). Functions were implemented to calculate concentrations in extraction and monitoring wells at any location due to a step or pulse injection. Type curves for a step injection were compared with those calculated by numerically integrating the solution for a pulse injection. The results from the two approaches are similar when the dispersivity is small. As the dispersivity increases, the latter was found to be more accurate but requires more computing time. The code was verified by comparing the results with published-type curves and applied to analyze data from the literature. The method can be used as a first approximation for two-well tracer test design and data analysis, and to check accuracy of numerical solutions. The code and example files are publicly available.  相似文献   

The relative advantages of fluorescent dyes and Lycopodium spores as tracers are discussed. The major advantage of fluorescent dyes is that they may be detected quantitatively. Thus, in combination with discharge measurements, a dye mass balance can be prepared for tracer tests in karst conduits, which permits elucidation of the underground network. The advantages of this procedure are illustrated by comparison of the networks derived from non-quantitative (Lycopodium and dye) and quantitative (fluorescent dye) tracer methods in the Traligill Basin, Scotland. These tests also suggest that Lycopodium does not give a true indication of travel time, due to sedimentation underground. This could also cause contamination problems in later tests. For non-quantitative tracer tests, sensitive methods are necessary if incorrect inferences on conduit networks are to be avoided. In general, however, quantitative tests give much less ambiguous results, and are therefore to be preferred.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to develop an integrated method of downhole fracture characterization using a tracer. The method presented can be used to locate water-bearing fractures that intersect the well, to determine the ambient fracture flow rate and hydraulic head, and to calculate fracture transmissivity. The method was tested in two fractured crystalline bedrock wells located at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. The method entails injecting a tracer (uranine dye) into the well, while at the same time water is pumped out of the well. After steady-state conditions are reached, a borehole tracer concentration profile is developed. The dilution of the tracer is used to locate the inflowing fractures and to determine their flow rate. The fracture flow rate, plus the drawdown in the well, is then used to determine the fracture hydraulic head, transmissivity, and ambient flow rate.  相似文献   

This work presents results from a nearly two-year monitoring of the hydrologic dynamics of the largest submarine spring system in Florida, Spring Creek Springs. During the summer of 2007 this spring system was observed to have significantly reduced flow due to persistent drought conditions. Our examination of the springs revealed that the salinity of the springs' waters had increased significantly, from 4 in 2004 to 33 in July 2007 with anomalous high radon (222Rn, t1/2=3.8 days) in surface water concentrations indicating substantial saltwater intrusion into the local aquifer. During our investigation from August 2007 to May 2009 we deployed on an almost monthly basis a continuous radon-in-water measurement system and monitored the salinity fluctuations in the discharge area. To evaluate the springs' freshwater flux we developed three different models: two of them are based on water velocity measurements and either salinity or 222Rn in the associated surface waters as groundwater tracers. The third approach used only salinity changes within the spring area. The three models showed good agreement and the results confirmed that the hydrologic regime of the system is strongly correlated to local precipitation and water table fluctuations with higher discharges after major rain events and very low, even reverse flow during prolong droughts. High flow spring conditions were observed twice during our study, in the early spring and mid-late summer of 2008. However the freshwater spring flux during our observation period never reached that reported from a 1970s value of 4.9×106 m3/day. The maximum spring flow was estimated at about 3.0×106 m3/day after heavy precipitation in February-March 2008. As a result of this storm (total of 173 mm) the salinity in the spring area dropped from about 27 to 2 in only two days. The radon-in-water concentrations dramatically increased in parallel, from about 330 Bq/m3 to about 6600 Bq/m3. Such a rapid response suggests a direct connection between the deep and the surficial aquifers.  相似文献   

The mass and size distribution of grain entrainment per unit bed area may be measured by replacing a volume of the bed with tracer gravels and observing the mass difference before and after a transport event. This measure of spatial entrainment is relevant to any process involving size-selective exchange of sediment between transport and bed and may be directly used in calculations of sediment transport rate using an elementary relation for fractional transport components presented here. This relation provides a basis for evaluating tracer data collected by different methods and may be used to provide physical insight regarding the expected behaviour of tracer grains. The variation with grain size of total displacement length Lti depends on the degree of mobilization of the individual fractions on the bed surface: Lti is independent of Di for smaller, fully mobile sizes and decreases rapidly with Di for larger fractions in a state of partial transport (in which a portion of the surface grains remain immobile through the flow event). The boundary between fully and partially mobile grain sizes increases with flow strength. These inferences are supported by values of Lti calculated from flume experiments and provide a physical explanation for a summary relation between Lti and Di based on field data. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ionic tracers lithium, sodium, chloride and bromide were used to measure flow loss in a small stream (≈? 10 ls?1). An injectate containing all four tracers was added continuously at five sites along a 507 m study reach of St Kevin Gulch, Lake County, Colorado to determine which sections of the stream were losing water to the stream bed and to ascertain how well the four tracers performed. The acidity of the stream (pH 3.6) made it possible for lithium and sodium, which are normally adsorbed by ion exchange with stream bed sediment, to be used as conservative tracers. Net flow losses as low as 0.8 ls?1, or 8% of flow, were calculated between measuring sites. By comparing the results of simultaneous injection it was determined whether subsections of the study reach were influent or effluent. Evaluation of tracer concentrations along 116 m of stream indicated that all four tracers behaved conservatively. Discharges measured by Parshall flumes were 4–18% greater than discharges measured by tracer dilution.  相似文献   

Solute transport in rivers is controlled by surface hydrodynamics and by mass exchanges with distinct retention zones. Surface and hyporheic retention processes can be accounted for separately in solute transport models with multiple storage compartments. In the simplest two component model, short term storage can be associated to in-channel transient retention, e.g. produced by riparian vegetation or surface dead zones, and the long-term storage can be associated to hyporheic exchange. The STIR (Solute Transport In Rivers) multiple domain transport model is applied here to tracer test data from three very different Mediterranean streams with distinctive characteristics in terms of flow discharge, vegetation and substrate material. The model is used with an exponential residence time distribution (RTD) to represent surface storage processes and two distinct modeling closures are tested to simulate hyporheic retention: a second exponential RTD and a power-law distribution approximating a known solution for bedform-induced hyporheic exchange. Each stream shows distinct retention patterns characterized by different timescales of the storage time distribution. Both modeling closures lead to very good approximations of the observed breakthrough curves in the two rivers with permeable bed exposed to the flow, where hyporheic flows are expected to occur. In the one case where the occurrence of hyporheic flows is inhibited by bottom vegetation, only the two exponential RTD model is acceptable and the time scales of the two components are of the same magnitude. The significant finding of this work is the recognition of a strong signature of the river properties on tracer data and the evidence of the ability of multiple-component models to describe individual stream responses. This evidence may open a new perspective in river contamination studies, where rivers could possibly be classified based on their ability to trap and release pollutants.  相似文献   

原生Nagios短信告警方式灵活度欠缺,无法适用于工作中每日轮班的值班制度。基于JAVA与PHP语言,研发河南省地震观测设备分级运维监控系统。该系统由Nagios采集故障信息,并与值班表信息联动,为用户提供自定义且实时的告警短信自动推送服务,弥补原生Nagios告警方式的弊端。通过将Nagios数据与设备附属信息关联整合,提供故障严重等级鉴别、故障排查建议提示、设备连通率统计查询等贴近用户使用习惯的功能,使故障信息的获取更为高效、人性化。自该系统试运行以来,设备连通率获得大幅度提高,显现出较高应用价值。  相似文献   

Grain‐size distributions of bed material sediment in large alluvial rivers are required in various scientific and management applications, but characterizing gravel beds in navigable rivers is hampered by difficulties in sediment extraction. The newly developed and preliminarily tested sampler reported here can extract sediment from a range of riverbeds. The 36 × 23 × 28 cm stainless steel toothed sampler is deployed from and dragged downstream by the weight of a jet boat, and it improves upon previous samplers that are unable to penetrate gravel bed surfaces, have small apertures, and/or cannot retain fine sediment. The presented sampler was used to extract 167 bed material sediment samples of up to 16 kg (dry weight) with an average sample size of ~6 kg from 67 cross‐sections spanning 160 river kilometres along the Sacramento River. It was also tested at three sites on a subaerial bar to compare surface, subsurface, and sampler distributions. Sampler penetration is ~5 cm. The device collects individual samples that satisfy the criterion for bed material sediment whereby the largest particle comprises no more than 5% of the total sample mass in gravel and sand beds, except where the degree of surface armouring is large (e.g. armor ratios >> 2) and where more than 10% of bed material sediment is composed of grains larger than 64 mm. When aggregated samples exceed 15 kg, all satisfy the criterion whereby the largest particle comprises no more than 1% of the total sample mass. Samples closely resemble surface size distributions, except where armouring is strong. The sampler should be subject to more rigorous field testing, but many of its current limitations are expected to become negligible with the advent a larger, heavier version of the sampling device. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new mass rig system is proposed to minimize the deficiencies in current shaking table testing setups. This is accomplished by placing the inertial mass on a convex path designed to impose P‐Delta demands on slender cantilever columns. The design and performance of the mass rig system, and the principles used in deriving the equations of motion and their analytical validation against results obtained from shaking table tests, are presented. Formulation of the governing equations of motion was based on Lagrangian mechanics and solved using an implicit linear acceleration method with an adaptive time step formulation. Friction developed in the sliding system was also incorporated in the equations of motion. Experimental results validated the accuracy in the derivation and solution of the equations of motion. Validated by analytical and experimental results, P‐Delta effects were found to increase the displacement demands on slender columns in the low‐frequency range of acceleration input, while in the high‐frequency range P‐Delta effects led to no increase and in some cases even a reduction in displacement demands. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The internal tracer method for estimating contaminant degradation rates separates the attenuation effects not associated with degradation by using a codisposed recalcitrant internal tracer to normalize the degrading contaminant concentration. The remaining attenuation between the internal tracer and degrading contaminant is attributed to degradation and the degradation rate half-life is estimated from the first-order decay equation. An analytical solution of the advection- dispersion equation was used to evaluate flow-and-transport conditions that could result in incorrect estimates of contaminant degradation rate constants. Flow-and-transport characteristics that result in overestimating degradation rates were of particular interest because the internal tracer method often used to demonstrate natural attenuation can achieve remedial objectives. The analytical solution was also used to estimate the magnitude of error associated with using the internal tracer method at an example site and to explain different degradation rates estimated using tracers with different decay rate constants.  相似文献   

Damage investigation of small to medium-span highway bridges in Wenchuan earthquake revealed that typical damage of these bridges included: sliding between laminated-rubber bearings and bridge girders, concrete shear keys failure, excessive girder displacements and even span collapse. However, the bearing sliding could actually act as a seismic isolation for piers, and hence, damage to piers for these bridges was minor during the earthquake. Based on this concept, an innovative solation system for highway bridges with laminated-rubber bearings is developed. The system is comprised of typical laminated-rubber bearings and steel dampers. Bearing sliding is allowed during an earthquake to limit the seismic forces transmitting to piers, and steel dampers are applied to restrict the bearing displacements through hysteretic energy dissipation. As a major part of this research, a quarter-scale, two-span bridge model was constructed and tested on the shake tables to evaluate the performance of this isolation system. The bridge model was subjected to a Northridge and an artificial ground motion in transverse direction. Moreover, numerical analyses were conducted to investigate the seismic performance of the bridge model. Besides the test bridge model, a benchmark model with the superstructure fixed to the substructure in transverse direction was also included in the numerical analyses. Both the experimental and the numerical results showed high effectiveness of this proposed isolation system in the bridge model. The system was found to effectively control the pier-girder relative displacements, and simultaneously, protect the piers from severe damage. Numerical analyses also validated that the existing finite element methods are adequate to estimate the seismic response of bridges with this isolation system.  相似文献   

Cores taken at Burrinjuck Reservoir in southeastern New South Wales have been dated using the first appearance of 137Cs, charcoal/bushfire correlations, and annual grass pollen peaks. None of the main 210Pb dating models reproduced the ‘known’ chronology. Correlation analysis shows no significant relationship between original 210Pb (unsupp.) concentration and grain-size, sedimentation rate or loss on ignition. Differences in sediment source may explain the variations in 210Pb. A simple provenance model has been used to interpret the ratio of original 210Pb (unsupp.)/226Ra as a tracer of topsoils and subsoils. High ratios in the reservoir sediments probably indicate eroded topsoils and low ratios eroded subsoils.  相似文献   

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