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Using a large sample of 78 well-observed double quasars, we have investigated several consequences of the relativistic beaming model. In this model the ratio of the strengths of the central component and outer lobes of a double source depends on whether the jet axis lies close to or away from the line of sight, If this is the actual situation, the fraction of emission from the core,f c, may be used as a statistical measure of the orientation of the source and should be correlated with other source parameters which also depend on the inclination of the jet axis to the line of sight. We findf c to be anticorrelated with the overall projected linear size of the extended emission but to exhibit a positive correlation with both the observed degree of misalignment from a collinear double structure, and the ratio of separations of the outer hotspots from the central component. As might be expected from these relationships, we also find sources of smaller projected linear sizes to appear more misaligned and the degree of misalignment to be correlated with the ratio of separations of the outer hotspots. All these correlations are consistent with the predictions of the relativistic beaming model.  相似文献   

Superluminal Motion and Polarization in Blazars   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A relativistic beaming model has been successfully used to explain the observed properties of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In this model there are two emission components, a boosted one and an unbeamed one, shown up in the radio band as the core and lobe components. The luminosity ratio of the core to the lobe is denned as the core-dominance parameter (R = LCore/LLobe). The de-beamed radio luminosity (Ldbjet) in the jet is assumed to be proportional to the unbeamedluminosity (Lub) in the co-moving frame, i.e., f = Ldbjet/Lub, and f is determined in ourprevious paper. We further discuss the relationship between BL Lacertae objects (BLs) and flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), which are subclasses of blazars with different degrees of polarization, using the calculated values of the ratio f for a sample of superluminal blazars. We found 1) that the BLs show smaller averaged Doppler factors and Lorentz factors, larger viewing angles and higher core-dominance parameters than do the FSRQs, and 2) that in th  相似文献   

从相对论出发,在视超光速源质心相对于观测者静止的条件下,推导出两个向相反方向运动的视超光速子源之间的视速度方程,这一方程包含了相对论射束模型的表现横向速度公式,且对高、低速不同条件均为适用。  相似文献   

用相对论加速喷流模型对48个具有视超光速的射电源进行了分析,结果不但支持流行的喷流模型而且说明加速模型是合理的。  相似文献   

The physical nature of the material responsible for the high-velocity broad absorption line (BAL) features seen in a small fraction of quasar spectra has been the subject of debate since their discovery. This has been especially compounded by the lack of observational probes of the absorbing region. In this paper we examine the role of 'microlenses' in external galaxies in the observed variability in the profiles of BALs in multiply imaged quasars. Utilizing realistic models for both the BAL region and the action of an ensemble of microlensing masses, we demonstrate that stars at cosmological distances can provide an important probe of the physical state and structure of material at the heart of these complex systems. Applying these results to the macrolensed BAL quasar system H1413+117, the observed spectral variations are readily reproduced, but without the fine-tuning requirements of earlier studies which employ more simplistic models.  相似文献   

The longstanding question of the extent to which the quasar population is affected by dust extinction, within host galaxies or galaxies along the line of sight, remains open. More generally, the spectral energy distributions of quasars vary significantly, and flux-limited samples defined at different wavelengths include different quasars. Surveys employing flux measurements at widely separated wavelengths are necessary to characterize fully the spectral properties of the quasar population. The availability of panoramic near-infrared detectors on large telescopes provides the opportunity to undertake surveys capable of establishing the importance of extinction by dust on the observed population of quasars. We introduce an efficient method for selecting K -band, flux-limited samples of quasars, termed 'KX' by analogy with the UVX method. This method exploits the difference between the power-law nature of quasar spectra and the convex spectra of stars: quasars are relatively brighter than stars at both short wavelengths (the UVX method) and long wavelengths (the KX method). We consider the feasibility of undertaking a large-area KX survey for damped Ly α galaxies and gravitational lenses using the planned UKIRT wide-field near-infrared camera.  相似文献   

Several gravitationally lensed quasars are observed with anomalous magnifications in pairs of images that straddle a critical curve. Simple theoretical arguments suggest that the magnification of these images should be approximately equivalent, whereas one image is observed to be significantly demagnified. Microlensing provides a possible explanation for this discrepancy. There are two key parameters when modelling this effect. The first, the fraction of smooth matter in the lens at the image positions, has been explored by Schechter & Wambsganss. They have shown that the anomalous flux ratio observed in the lensed quasar MG 0414+0534 is a priori a factor of 5 more likely if the assumed smooth matter content in the lens model is increased from 0 to 93 per cent. The second parameter, the size of the emission region, is explored in this paper, and shown to be more significant. We find that the broadening of the magnification probability distributions due to smooth matter content is washed out for source sizes that are predicted by standard models for quasars. We apply our model to the anomalous lensed quasar MG 0414+0534, and find a 95 per cent upper limit of  2.62 × 1016  h −1/270 ( M /M)1/2 cm  on the radius of the I -band emission region. The smooth matter percentage in the lens is unconstrained.  相似文献   

The elliptic-type motion in the gravitational field found by Fock as exact solution of Einstein's vacuum equations in the case of spherical symmetry (Solution called here Fock's gravitational field) is studied by means of a classic method based on the perturbation theory. Regarding the deviations of the orbit from a Kepleian orbit as perturbations, the first and second order variations of the Keplerian orbital elements over one nodal period as well as those of the nodal period itself are determined.  相似文献   

The occurrence of superluminal motion in extragalactic radio sources is believed to be quite common. Among others, the geometrical scattering of radio radiation can also cause superluminal expansion and or motion and halo formation, In this paper, the effectiveness of the stimulated Raman scattering in producing these features is investigated. The scattering medium is a plasma whose position, density and temperature decide the rate and angle of scattering. When the radiation from a stationary and constant source gets scattered from a stationary plasma, a halo is formed around the source. However, the scattering of a rotating radiation beam does produce superluminal motion of the virtual source. It is found that the plasma should have the characteristics of the emission-line regions and the intercloud medium in order to Raman scatter the radiation. Since the scattering is polarization dependent, it is possible to estimate the rotation of the electric vector along the direction of the apparent motion of a radio source.  相似文献   

于秦生 《天文学报》2001,42(2):148-154
在源的质心固定的视超光速模型的基础上,进一步出在质心运动情况下的视超光速运动的视速度议程,在喷流方向与源的退行方面相反的情况下,推导核与子源速率相等及核固定条件下子源真实速度的方程,然后代入视速度和由自康顿效应推算的喷流与视线的夹角数据,从而求出上述极值条件下子源的真实速度,再与对应源的哈勃红移速度相对照,结果发现,源的运动对其子源的速度没有影响。  相似文献   

It is shown that the luminosity-volume test for optically selected objects has an in-built bias towards increasing the average value ofV/V m above the Euclidean value of 1/2. A more satisfactory bias-free statistic is suggested in the form of In (V/V m), The result of applying the test to a sample from the Bright Quasar Survey (BQS) shows that the local hypothesis of quasars is consistent with the data.  相似文献   

We consider a model for quasar formation in which massive black holes are formed and fuelled largely by the accretion of hot gas during the process of galaxy formation. In standard hierarchical collapse models, objects about the size of normal galaxies and larger form a dense hot atmosphere when they collapse. We show that if such an atmosphere forms a nearly 'maximal' cooling flow, then a central black hole can accrete at close to its Eddington limit. This leads to exponential growth of a seed black hole, resulting in a quasar in some cases. In this model, the first quasars form soon after the first collapses to produce hot gas. The hot gas is depleted as time progresses, mostly by cooling, so that the accretion rate eventually falls below the threshold for advection-dominated accretion, at which stage radiative efficiency plummets and any quasar turns off. A simple implementation of this model, incorporated into a semi-analytical model for galaxy formation, overproduces quasars when compared with observed luminosity functions, but is consistent with models of the X-ray background, which indicate that most accretion is obscured. It produces few quasars at high redshift owing to the lack of time needed to grow massive black holes. Quasar fuelling by hot gas provides a minimum level, sufficient to power most quasars at redshifts between one and two, to which other sources of fuel can be added. The results are sensitive to feedback effects, such as might result from radio jets and other outflows.  相似文献   

We examine a Doppler theory of quasars in which it is assumed that a fraction of the total population of quasars are fired from centres of explosion with moderate cosmological redshifts. It is argued that the substantial part of the redshift of a typical high redshift quasar could be of Doppler origin. If Hoyle’s recent hypothesis that quasars emit the bulk of their radiation in a narrow backward cone is given a quantitative form, it is shown that the kinematic and emission parameters of this model can explain the observed features of the four aligned triplets of quasars discovered by Arp and Hazard (1980) and by Saslaw (personal communication). The model predicts a small but nonzero fraction of quasars with blueshifts. Further observational tests of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

We study the geometry of the Hβ broad emission region by comparing the M BH values derived from Hβ through the virial relation with those obtained from the host galaxy luminosity in a sample of 36 low-redshift  ( z ∼ 0.3)  quasars. This comparison lets us infer the geometrical factor f needed to deproject the line-of-sight velocity component of the emitting gas. The wide range of f values we found, together with the strong dependence of f on the observed linewidth, suggests that a disc-like model for the broad-line region is preferable to an isotropic model, both for radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars. We examined similar observations of the C  iv line and found no correlation in the width of the two lines. Our results indicate that an inflated disc broad-line region, in which the Carbon line is emitted in a flat disc while Hβ is produced in a geometrically thick region, can account for the observed differences in the width and shape of the two emission lines.  相似文献   

The large-scale angular distribution of quasars from a complete sample of extragalactic radio sources is examined at different redshifts. The sample contains 264 quasars which have been found so far among the complete sample of 518 radio sources stronger than. 1 Jy at 5 GHz. Of these, 19 quasars have redshift z > 2. Dividing the entire sky into three separate declination zones of equal area, the counts of quasars seem to indicate a deficit of high redshift quasars in the northernmost declination zone. On the other hand, the Iow-redshift quasars (z < 1) appear fairly uniformly distributed. We discuss some possible selection effects that might have led to the apparent anomaly at high redshifts and estimate the expected number of high-redshift quasars amongst the radio sources in the sample for which redshifts are presently not available.  相似文献   

Based on the relativistic model of the apparent superluminal motion and under the condition that the center of mass of a superluminal radio source remains in motion relative to the observer, the equation of the apparent velocity between nucleus and component is derived. Assuming that the directions of jet and movement of superluminal radio source are opposite, then, supposing that the velocities of nucleus and components of SLS are equal and the nucleus is fixed, the equations of real velocity are respectively derived. With the data of Vapp and θ substituted in the equation of real velocity, the velocity of the components of SLS is obtained. Comparing the real velocity with the velocity of Hubble redshift of SLS, it is concluded that the movement of SLS has no influence on the velocity of components.  相似文献   

利用UMRAO数据平台,研究了类星体3C273的射电流量密度与偏振度的关系(包括4.8GHz,8GHz和14.5GHz3个频段),结果发现偏振度与射电流量在3个频段都具有很强的负相关性。这些结果可能表明3C273的射电流量密度和偏振度的变化与聚束效应无关。一般,偏振度与流量密度的强负相关现象可以用喷流成分+激波成分的双成分模型来解释:在喷流成分与激波成分的偏振角相互垂直并且偏振度基本相同的情况下,激波在喷流中的传播产生了这些偏振度与流量密度的强负相关性。  相似文献   

We use host galaxy imaging studies of the PG quasar survey to compare the far-infrared (FIR) properties of quasars with disturbed and undisturbed host galaxies. By using survival analysis, we show that the quasars with disturbed host galaxies, with morphologies classified from a homogeneous data set, have a 60-μm luminosity distribution that is different from that of those with undisturbed hosts with >97 per cent confidence. For morphological classifications using an inhomogeneous data set, including HST data for some objects, this confidence rises to >99 per cent confidence. The mean 60-μm luminosity of the disturbed-host quasars is several times greater than that of the undisturbed-host quasars. However, possible biases in the PG survey might affect these conclusions. Our results are interpreted as supporting the idea that quasars are related to at least some ultraluminous infrared galaxies. We discuss the implications of this result for studies of quasar and galaxy evolution.  相似文献   

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