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Photometric observations over three seasons show HD 288313 to be a light variable with a 2.2636-d period. The observed V amplitudes lie in the range of 0.06–0.15 mag. The star showed appreciable changes in the brightness at maximum and minimum of the light curve from season to season. The (   b − y   ) colour did not show any significant variation during the photometric cycle. The light variation appears to be caused by the rotational modulation of stellar flux by cool starspots distributed asymmetrically across the stellar longitudes. The Hα line strength in HD 288313 varied drastically from completely filled-in emission to almost full absorption, that is typical of a normal star of similar spectral type. The Hα equivalent width is found to show a clear rotational modulation only occasionally. Most of the time, chromospheric active regions are distributed well across the stellar longitudes, thereby suppressing obvious rotational modulations. Broad-band linear polarization measurements show HD 288313 to be a short period, low-amplitude polarization variable. The polarization variation is, apparently, rotationally modulated. Dust grain scattering in a non-spherical circumstellar envelope of a star with inhomogeneities in the surface brightness distribution seems to be the mechanism operating in producing the observed polarization.  相似文献   

Stellar magnetic fields govern key aspects of the evolution of a young star, from controlling accretion to regulating the angular momentum evolution of the system. Spectro‐polarimetric studies of T Tauri stars have revealed a surprising range of magnetic field topologies. Meanwhile multi‐wavelength campaigns have probed T Tauri star systems from stellar photosphere to inner disk, allowing us to study magnetospheric accretion in unprecedented detail. We review recent results and discuss their implications for understanding the evolution of young stars (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present a time-series analysis of quasi-simultaneous high-resolution profiles of the Hα, He i (λ5876 Å) and Na i D lines for the highly active T Tauri star LkHα 264.
Our data include repeated observations on time-scales ranging from approximately 1 d down to less than 1 h, at two different epochs. For the three lines we have analysed the time variability of the equivalent width and of the profile, using in this case both the normalized variance and correlation matrix analysis.
The behaviours of the equivalent widths of the He i and Na i lines on time-scales of the order of 1 d were found to correlate well. The correlation is more conspicuous when the level of variability of the lines is more dramatic. We conclude that there is a common region of formation for these lines, very close to the star. However, the Hα equivalent width follows such behaviour only when the He i and Na i D lines are less variable.
In terms of profile variations, He i and Na i differ from Hα. The He i and Na i D variations occur coherently over the entire profile, independently of the time-scales, although there are indications that such behaviour may break down for time-scales shorter than ≈20 min. In contrast, the variability of Hα occurs mainly on the blue side of the line. Variations on short time-scales seem to be associated with a secondary blue emission peak. Variations on time-scales of 1 d are linked to two weak blueshifted absorptions. These absorptions occur in an outer region and their behaviour can be understood in terms of an optical depth effect.
We conclude that the Hα line is formed in two distinct regions. The inner region, which is not too distinct from the one producing the He i and Na i D lines, is highly sensitive to the level of activity. The outer and more extended region dominates the contribution to the flux in Hα when the general level of stellar activity is high.  相似文献   

The structure of accretion discs around magnetic T Tauri stars is calculated numerically using a particle hydrodynamical code, in which magnetic interaction is included in the framework of King's diamagnetic blob accretion model. Setting up the calculation so as to simulate the density structure of a quasi-steady disc in the equatorial plane of a T Tauri star, we find that the central star's magnetic field typically produces a central hole in the disc and spreads out the surface density distribution. We argue that this result suggets a promising mechanism for explaining the unusual flatness (IR excess) of T Tauri accretion disc spectra.  相似文献   

Radiative transfer calculations have been performed for five cool stars: α Tau, β Gem, Procyon, ε Eri and the Sun, for the purpose of investigating the behaviour of the O  i emission over a wide range of stellar types, and its dependence on coherent photon scattering. These stars span a range of spectral types from F5 iv – v to K5 iii and surface gravities  1.25 < log  g * < 4.75  . Particular attention has been paid to the calculation of the flux in the resonance triplet around 1305 Å which is pumped by H Lyβ, including the effects of partial redistribution (PRD) and cross-redistribution of photons. These are the first calculations for the resonance triplet in giant stars using a full PRD treatment. Calculations of the predominantly collisionally excited intersystem doublet at 1355, 1358 Å are included, and it is found that the ratio of these fluxes shows the effects of opacity. The flux in the forbidden line at 1641 Å is calculated for the giant stars and the effects of coherent scattering on this line are investigated. The discrepancy between the calculated and observed fluxes in the O  i lines is used to infer the inadequacy of single-component chromospheric models.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution optical echelle spectroscopy for a large fraction of the Li-rich late-type stars recently discovered in the vicinity of the Lupus dark clouds. Our results confirm the high Li  i   λ 6708 equivalent widths previously estimated from medium-resolution spectra, thus adding strength to the conclusion that the large majority of these stars are still in the pre-main-sequence phase of their evolution, contrary to claims from other authors that many of them might be zero-age main-sequence stars. We present a statistical approach to derive a mean distance for the sample, and find that it is consistent with, or slightly lower than, the Hipparcos distance of the Lupus star-forming region. The radial velocities measured for part of these stars are consistent with those observed for the Lupus star-forming region, while stars outside the dark clouds show a mean difference of the order of 3 km s−1. The projected rotational velocities show a lack of slow rotators, which is interpreted as a consequence of the X-ray selection of the sample. The Li-rich stars in Lupus studied in this work yield a fairly 'clean' sample of very young stars, while in other star-forming regions a larger fraction of older zero-age main-sequence stars has been found among ROSAT -discovered Li-rich stars. We argue that this fact reflects the relation of these stars with the Gould Belt.  相似文献   

We present Hα spectropolarimetry observations of a sample of 10 bright T Tauri stars, supplemented with new Herbig Ae/Be star data. A change in the linear polarization across Hα is detected in most of the T Tauri (9/10) and Herbig Ae (9/11) objects, which we interpret in terms of a compact source of line photons that is scattered off a rotating accretion disc. We find consistency between the position angle (PA) of the polarization and those of imaged disc PAs from infrared and millimetre imaging and interferometry studies, probing much larger scales. For the Herbig Ae stars AB Aur, MWC 480 and CQ Tau, we find the polarization PA to be perpendicular to the imaged disc, which is expected for single scattering. On the other hand, the polarization PA aligns with the outer disc PA for the T Tauri stars DR Tau and SU Aur and FU Ori, conforming to the case of multiple scattering. This difference can be explained if the inner discs of Herbig Ae stars are optically thin, whilst those around our T Tauri stars and FU Ori are optically thick. Furthermore, we develop a novel technique that combines known inclination angles and our recent Monte Carlo models to constrain the inner rim sizes of SU Aur, GW Ori, AB Aur and CQ Tau. Finally, we consider the connection of the inner disc structure with the orientation of the magnetic field in the foreground interstellar medium: for FU Ori and DR Tau, we infer an alignment of the stellar axis and the larger magnetic field direction.  相似文献   

The IRAS and 2MASS associations for 193 T Tauri stars are identified in this paper. From the color–color diagrams and spectral index, it is found that the IR excesses for most samples are due to thermal emission from the circumstellar material, as suggested previously. It is also found that the IR excesses at IRAS region for few T Tauri stars and the near-IR excesses for some T Tauri stars are likely attributed to free-free emission or free-bound emission from the circumstellar ionized gas. Moreover, It is found in deredened J–H versus H–K color–color diagram that there is a slight separation in different spectral groups. The T Tauri stars locus equation in J–H versus H–K color–color diagram for our sample is also presented.  相似文献   

The far-UV spectrum of the T Tauri stars (TTSs) provides important clues about the structure of the stellar atmospheres, winds and accretion shocks. The IUE ( International Ultraviolet Explorer ) Final Archive contains the most complete data base for such studies. A new extraction system, the IUE Newly Extracted Spectra ( ines ), has been developed to overcome the disadvantages of the extraction system used in the IUE Final Archive, the Signal Weighted Extraction Technique ( swet ). We have compared the ines spectra of the whole sample of TTSs in the far-UV range (1200–2000 Å) with the swet low-resolution spectra available in the IUE Final Archive. Although in most of the cases there is a good agreement between both samples, an important enhancement of the ines line fluxes with respect to the swet line fluxes is reported for particular spectra. The line fluxes are enhanced by as much as a factor of ∼2.5 in some objects, which is significant for variability studies of TTSs because the variations of the UV lines are typically of this order. The emission-measure distributions built to study the atmospheres of these stars are based on the UV emission line fluxes, so the new system is susceptible to introduce changes in these models. Moreover, the non-linear enhancement of the ines line fluxes produces variations in diagnostic line ratios usually taken as temperature and density tracers in late-type stars. These line ratios can vary by as much as a factor of 3 when the ines data are compared with the swet , with the subsequent variation of the physical parameters derived from them.  相似文献   

A detailed study was performed for a sample of low-mass pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars, previously identified as weak-line T Tauri stars, which are compared to members of the Tucanae and Horologium Associations. Aiming to verify if there is any pattern of abundances when comparing the young stars at different phases, we selected objects in the range from 1 to 100 Myr, which covers most of PMS evolution. High-resolution optical spectra were acquired at European Southern Observatory and Observatório do Pico dos Dias . The stellar fundamental parameters effective temperature and gravity were calculated by excitation and ionization equilibria of iron absorption lines. Chemical abundances were obtained via equivalent width calculations and spectral synthesis for 44 per cent of the sample, which shows metallicities within 0.5 dex solar. A classification was developed based on equivalent width of Li  i 6708 Å and Hα lines and spectral types of the studied stars. This classification allowed a separation of the sample into categories that correspond to different evolutive stages in the PMS. The position of these stars in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram was also inspected in order to estimate their ages and masses. Among the studied objects, it was verified that our sample actually contains seven weak-line T Tauri stars, three are Classical T Tauri, 12 are Fe/Ge PMS stars and 21 are post-T Tauri or young main-sequence stars. An estimation of circumstellar luminosity was obtained using a disc model to reproduce the observed spectral energy distribution. Most of the stars show low levels of circumstellar emission, corresponding to less than 30 per cent of the total emission.  相似文献   

Late-type stars in general possess complicated magnetic surface fields which makes their detection and in particular their modeling and reconstruction challenging. In this work we present a new Zeeman-Doppler imaging code which is especially designed for the application to late-type stars. This code uses a new multi-line cross-correlation technique by means of a principal component analysis to extract and enhance the quality of individual polarized line profiles. It implements the full polarized radiative transfer equation and uses an inversion strategy that can incorporate prior knowledge based on solar analogies. Moreover, our code utilizes a new regularization scheme which is based on local maximum entropy to allow a more appropriate reproduction of complex surface fields as those expected for late-type stars. In a first application we present Zeeman-Doppler images of II Pegasi which reveal a surprisingly large scale surface structure with one predominant (unipolar) magnetic longitude which is mainly radially oriented. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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