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Baurusuchus salgadoensis is a new baurusuchid crocodylomorph from Bauru Basin (Cretaceous), Brazil, partially preserved through a complete skull. The fossil comes from a fine sandstone sequence of Adamantina Formation, General Salgado County, São Paulo State. The sedimentary sequence where it was found, located in Fazenda Buriti, is considered Turonian-Santonian in age. The described species _Baurusuchus salgadoensis sp. nov. _ is a baurusuchid with an antorbital fenestra, double external nares with a bony septum, two well-fused supraorbitals, the supratemporal fenestrae larger than the orbits and a quadrangular-shaped laterotemporal fenestra. The position of the external nares, located on anterior and terminal portion of the rostrum together with the theropod-like lateral compression of the snout and teeth are indicators that Baurusuchus salgadoensis was a terrestrial crocodyliform. This was a carnivorous species and the lateral compression of the rostrum could be interpreted as a mechanism to increase the skull resistance forces during biting. The pointed, conical teeth, some with crenulated borders, could be used to perforate and to carve the prey. The geological context of Baurusuchus salgadoensis indicates that it probably lived in a hot and arid climate.  相似文献   

We describe a juvenile specimen of a titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur consisting of two dorsal and three caudal vertebral centra, an ilium fragment, and an ischium unearthed in 1991 from Site Km 153.5 at BR-050 highway in the Serra da Galga region, municipality of Uberaba, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The outcrop at the site is assigned to the Serra da Galga Member of the Marília Formation (Bauru Basin: Bauru Group; Upper Cretaceous: Maastrichtian). Although the material is very incomplete, features such as strongly procoelous caudal centra suggest an affinity with the titanosaurian clade Lithostrotia. The extensive vertebral pneumaticity with deep pleurocoels and well-developed camerae supports the hypothesis that, in titanosaurs, the air sac system was already present and fully developed even at early ontogenetic stages.  相似文献   

The skin of Crocodyliformes is characterized by osteoderms of various sizes and shapes. It plays roles in defence, thermoregulation, sexual attraction, calcium reserves, and locomotion. This study presents the morphometric characteristics of osteoderms preserved in the nuchal, dorsal, ventral and appendicular shield of Montealtosuchus arrudacamposi, a Peirosauridae crocodyliform from the Turonian-Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Adamantina Formation, Bauru Basin, Brazil. The results of the analysis show that its dermal shield had protective and thermoregulatory functions and a well-defined mechanical function allowing terrestrial locomotion and enabling good agility and capacity for movement.  相似文献   

We report new theropod dinosaur material from the Presidente Prudente Formation (Campanian–Maastrichtian), Bauru Group, in southwestern São Paulo state. The material comprises a fragment of right maxilla of Carcharodontosauridae, an anterior portion of a left ilium of Abelisauroidea and a proximal portion of a right fibula of a coelurosaurian. Previous theropod records from the Bauru Basin comprise Abelisauridae and Tetanurae and in São Paulo state these have been represented by only a right premaxilla of an abelisaurid and isolated abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid teeth. The new material reported here represents the first theropod remains from the Presidente Prudente Formation, and includes the first abelisauroid and coelurosaurian postcranial remains from the Bauru Basin in São Paulo state and the first latest Cretaceous carcharodontosaurid known from non-dental remains anywhere.  相似文献   

Isolated left prefrontal, left squamosal and atlas of titanosaur dinosaurs are described and compared. They come from the Late Cretaceous Serra da Galga Member of the Marília Formation at the Serra do Veadinho region, Peirópolis (Uberaba County, Minas Gerais State, Brazil). Due to the sparse cranial elements of titanosaurs already known from Brazil, these specimens are noticeable to be presented. In addition, the atlas vertebra is described for the first time for Brazilian titanosaurs. The morphology of the cranial bones closely resembles lithostratian titanosaurs, such as Rapetosaurus, rather than basal titanosaurs. The atlas is similar to that of other titanosaurs, suggesting that the anatomy of this element seems to be more conservative than other vertebral elements, in which vertebral laminae play an important rule in titanosaur taxonomy.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》1988,9(4):379-389
Amargasuchus minor is described from the Early Cretaceous (Neocomian, of the La Amarga Formation of northwest Patagonia (Argentina). This species possesses a moderately high and narrow snout, strong festooning, a relatively large number of maxillary teeth and a well developed antorbital fenestra, and it lacks hypertrophied teeth, a combination of characters which suggests that it belongs to the crocodile family Trematochampsidae. Amargasuchus differs, however, from Trematochampsa in several respects. These include an almost straight lateral edge of the maxilla in dorsal aspect, a different distribution of the largest teeth, a longer snout, and laterally compressed alveoli. The new material supports a Gondwanan origin of the Trematochampsidae and agrees with a new phylogenetic hypothesis which considers trematochampsids to be the ancestral group of certain lineages of ziphodont mesosuschian crocodiles.  相似文献   

The Bauru Basin was one of the great Cretaceous desert basins of the world, evolved in arid zone called Southern Hot Arid Belt. Its paleobiological record consists mainly of dinosaurs, crocodiles and turtles. The Bauru Basin is an extensive region of the South American continent that includes parts of the southeast and south of Brazil, covering an area of 370,000 km2. It is an interior continental basin that developed as a result of subsidence of the central-southern part of the South-American Platform during the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian–Maastrichtian). This sag basin is filled by a sandy siliciclastic sequence with a preserved maximum thickness of 480 m, deposited in semiarid to desert conditions. Its basement consists of volcanic rocks (mainly basalts) of the Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian) Serra Geral basalt flows, of the Paraná-Etendeka Continental Flood Basalt Province. The sag basin was filled by an essentially siliciclastic psammitic sequence. In lithostratigraphic terms the sequence consists of the Caiuá and Bauru groups. The northern and northeastern edges of the basin provide a record of more proximal original deposits, such as associations of conglomeratic sand facies from alluvial fans, lakes, and intertwined distributary river systems. The progressive basin filling led to the burial of the basaltic substrate by extensive blanket sand sheets, associated with deposits of small dunes and small shallow lakes that retained mud (such as loess). Also in this intermediate context between the edges (more humid) and the interior (dry), wide sand sheet areas crossed by unconfined desert rivers (wadis) occurred. In the central axis of the elliptical basin a regional drainage system formed, flowing from northeast to southwest between the edges of the basin and the hot and dry inner periphery of the Caiuá desert (southwest). Life in the Bauru Basin flourished most in the areas with the greatest water availability, in which dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles, fish, amphibians, molluscs, crustaceans, and charophyte algae lived. The fossil record mainly consists of transported bones and other skeletal fragments. In the northeastern and eastern marginal regions fossils are found in marginal alluvial fan deposits, broad plains of braided streams and ephemeral alkaline water lakes. In the basin interior the fossil record is related to deposits in sand sheets with braided streams, small dunes, and shallow lakes. In the great Caiuá inner desert a few smaller animals could survive (small reptiles and early mammals), sometimes leaving their footprints in dune foreset deposits. The aim of this article is to present and link the basin sedimentary evolution, palaeoecological features and palaeontological record.  相似文献   

Pseudo–coprolites are inorganic structures often confused with fossil faeces. The absence of some diagnostic features, such as inclusions, coprofabrics, grain adhesion, and defined shape, suffices to disregard these structures as coprolites. Herein we revise the so–called “coprolites” from the Serra da Galga Member of the Marília Formation (Maastrichtian of Bauru Group, Paraná Basin), at “Ponto 1 do Price” locality near the town of Peirópolis (Uberaba municipality, Minas Gerais State, Brazil) and conclude that they are, in fact, pseudo–coprolites related to calcretes. These data also agree with the geological setting of “Ponto 1 do Price”, composed mainly of coarse sandstones and conglomerates, in which these pseudo–coprolites were found. In addition, some of these specimens exhibit superficial traces, here described as a new boring ichnospecies, Asthenopodichnium fallax isp. nov., produced by invertebrates in Late Cretaceous fresh–water settings of Brazil.  相似文献   

An incomplete skull (SMNS 12352) from the Norian (Late Triassic), found at the same locality (Pfaffenhofen, Germany) as Procompsognathus triassicus, has previously been attributed to either a theropod or a crocodylomorph. The specimen is partially embedded in matrix and, therefore, was CT scanned so that the concealed portion could be visualized and a 3D model could be printed by means of rapid prototyping. Mainly based on the separation between the nasal and the antorbital fossa, the skull likely pertains to an indeterminate basal crocodylomorph (non-Crocodyliformes), which is, however, distinct from Saltoposuchus connectens.  相似文献   

The first fossil Carabidae from Burmese amber is described as new to science, Oodes kachinensis Liu n. sp., based on a single individual preserved in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. This species is placed in the extant tribe Oodini as supported by several characters: one supraorbital seta at each side of vertex, interval 9 very narrow, stria 8 very deep, epipleuron plica presented, antennomeres 1–3 glabrous and 4–11 densely pubescent. This new species has surprising long legs, indicating most probably it was living on the bank of puddle.  相似文献   

Cambrian explosion: Birth of tree of animals   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
D. Shu   《Gondwana Research》2008,14(1-2):219
Excluding the sponges the Kingdom Animalia is usually divided into three subkingdoms: Diploblasta, Protostomia and Deuterostomia. The Cambrian Explosion consists of three major episodes, two of which were in the early Early Cambrian (one represented by the small skeletal fossils “SSFs” at the base of the Cambrian and the other represented by the succeeding Chengjiang faunas “CFs”), and the other episode as their prelude took place in the “Eocambrian” (i.e. the latest Precambrian), represented by the Ediacaran faunas. This unique Big Bang of life has been recognized as giving birth to the entire morphological Tree Of Animals (or metazoans), in short the TOA. Its “seed” in the deep Precambrian, represented by some sort of protist from which the complete TOA must have grown, remains unknown paleontologically. However, the fossil evidence suggests that the three major episodes of the Cambrian Explosion are responsible for the earliest radiations of the three subkingdoms of animals respectively. While the observed Ediacaran fauna might constitute only a small part of the whole Ediacaran biota, our evidence supports that it was dominated by diploblasts (the “trunk” of the TOA) with only a few possible stem-group triploblasts. The Early Cambrian in turn in two phases explosively yielded almost all the major triploblastic crown-branches (Bilateria: the huge “crown” of the TOA), which include the other two subkingdoms: first the extremely diverse protostomes in the Meishucunian Age and then followed by a nearly entire lineage of early deuterostomes from the Chengjiang, including even its most derived member – the earliest true vertebrates. Among the four most significant milestones of morphological origins and radiations in animal history, the first one (i.e. appearance of metazoans) took place in the Ediacaran Period or earlier times, and the other three can be seen in the windows available from the Chengjiang and the Meishucunian fossil assemblages. The newly discovered extinct Phylum Vetulicolia, which has primitively segmented body with simple gill slits in its anterior division, most probably represents one of the roots of the deuterostome subkingdom. Showing a mosaic of basic features possessed in both the bilateral vetulicolians and some primitive echinoderms, the soft-bodied vetulocystids are best regarded as one of the roots of the extant pentamerous echinoderms. Standing on the “top” of the deuterostome super-branch in the early Cambrian TOA are the “the first fish” Myllokunmingia and Haikouichthys, which bear paired eyes and salient proto-vertebrae. These animals represent the real root of the remainder of the vertebrates or craniates. On the contrary, yunnanozoans, including Yunnanozoon and Haikouella, possess neither eyes nor unequivocal vertebrae, and may have nothing to do with the craniates, let alone the vertebrates. Those enigmatic creatures share a similar body-plan with vetulicolians and should be treated as a side-branch within the lower deuterostomes.  相似文献   

Shansisuchus shansisuchus Young,1964 was restudied on the basis of a new specimen.Some anatomical features that were either briefly or not described at all in the original study were detailed.The new specimen not only provides further information on the skull anatomy and the vertebral column but also expands the range of the geographical distribution of the taxon.With new information,the diagnosis of S.shansisuchus was emended and its phylogenetic relationships were further analyzed.S.shansisuchus differs from other archosauriforms primarily in the presence of a large subnarial fenestra anterior to the antorbital fenestra,tongue-in-groove articulations between the ascending process of the premaxilla and nasal and between the premaxilla and maxilla,a tall and posterodorsally directed ascending process of the maxilla,a knee-shaped process of the postorbital projecting into the orbit,a broad descending process of squamosal distally well forked and a large,deeply bow-shaped intercentrum tightly anchoring/capping the sharp ventral edges of two neighboring centra together in cervical and at least first eight dorsal vertebrae.With additional information derived from the new specimen,the phylogenetic relationships of S.shansisuchus were reanalyzed;it is closely related to Erythrosuchus-Vjushkovia clade.  相似文献   

A new specimen discovered from the Falang Formation in northeastern Yunnan represents the most complete skeleton of Triassic pistosauroids. The new specimen is referred to Yunguisaurus Cheng et al., 2006 on the basis of the skull features, such as the presence of a separated nasal entering the external naris, a large pineal foramen located at the frontal/parietal suture and an interpterygoid vacuity with a narrow anterior extension. The new specimen differs from the type species of Yunguisaurus liae Cheng et al., 2006 in some aspects. Most of these differences can be attributed to ontogenetic variations. The new specimen is provisionally considered as Yunguisaurus cf. liae although its relatively short snout of the skull and slenderer hyoid may not be explained ontogenetically. Whether or not the new specimen represents a different taxon has to wait for a detailed study of the whole skeleton.  相似文献   

The first occurrence and presence of the bivalve Macoma balthica in the Pleistocene shallow marine sediments (Crags) of East Anglia has long been used to characterise the youngest “Weybourne” or “Wroxham” Crag Formation of Early to early Middle Pleistocene age. A review of recent work on the morphological variation and genetic lineages of living populations of the species and of work on fossil discoveries in East Greenland suggests that the current palaeontological species definition is too narrow, that the species arrived in the Atlantic about 2.4 Ma and much earlier than is envisaged from the studies of the North Sea Basin, and that there were several trans-Arctic migrations of the species during the Pleistocene. This paper reviews these findings and concludes that: (i) detailed morphometric analyses of fossil Macoma species from the Crag need to be undertaken and the species definitions comprehensively reviewed to take account of the morphological and genetic variation seen in modern populations; (ii) detailed morphometric analysis of modern M. balthica should be undertaken and tied to the different genetic lineages, and (iii) the current palaeontological definition of Macoma balthica should not be relied on as the basis for a First Appearance Datum (FAD) in the Southern North Sea basin.  相似文献   

Pant-y-ffynnon Quarry in South Wales yielded a rich cache of fossils in the early 1950s, including articulated specimens of new species (the small sauropodomorph dinosaur Pantydraco caducus and the crocodylomorph Terrestrisuchus gracilis), but no substantial study of the wider fauna of the Pant-y-ffynnon fissure systems has been published. Here, our overview of existing specimens, a few described but mostly undescribed, as well as freshly processed material, provides a comprehensive picture of the Pant-y-ffynnon palaeo-island of the Late Triassic. This was an island with a relatively impoverished fauna dominated by small clevosaurs (rhynchocephalians), including a new species, Clevosaurus cambrica, described here from a partially articulated specimen and isolated bones. The new species has a dental morphology that is intermediate between the Late Triassic Clevosaurus hudsoni, from Cromhall Quarry to the east, and the younger C. convallis from Pant Quarry to the west, suggesting adaptive radiation of clevosaurs in the palaeo-archipelago. The larger reptiles on the palaeo-island do not exceed 1.5?m in length, including a small carnivorous crocodylomorph, Terrestrisuchus, and a possible example of insular dwarfism in the basal dinosaur Pantydraco.  相似文献   

陈孝红  程龙  P.  Martin  Sander 《中国地质》2007,34(6):974-982
根据采自贵州关岭上三叠统小凹组一件近乎完整的鱼龙骨架标本和一件压扁的头骨标本,笔者建立并系统描述了卡洛维龙的一个新种Callawayia wolonggangensis sp.nov.。分析和讨论了新种与Callawayia属其他种及其在关岭生物群中共生的各鱼龙属种之间的异同点,指出新种以具有发育的上颌骨上升支,窄的额骨及其与鼻骨之间宽缓的U-形接缝与该属模式种C.neoscapularis相区别。新种与关岭生物群中的Panjiangsaurus分子在头骨和四肢的一般形态特征上较为接近,但新种的鼻骨向后延伸与后额骨接触;额骨呈槽状向上颞孔方向延伸,并直接参与上颞孔前边缘的形成,以及后部顶骨脊之下具有发育的顶骨架而易于区别。另外,新种桡骨和桡侧腕骨前边缘直的特点也与Panjiangsaurus明显不同。  相似文献   

A new species of tapejarid pterosaur, Huaxiapterus coroUatus sp. nov. is erected on the basis of a nearly complete skull and postcranial skeleton from the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Liaoning Province, China. Huaxiapterus coroUatus sp. nov. is characterized by a hatchet-shaped rectangular process on the premaxilla, whose short axis is perpendicular to the anterior margin of the premaxillae. Except for this process, other characters of the skull such as the breadth of the snout between the anterior margin of the nasoantorbital fenestra and the anterior margin of the premaxilla are similar to that of Huaxiapterus jii. Huaxiapterus and a second Chinese tapejarid, Sinopterus, share several unique cranial characters in common with Tapejara and these three genera appear to be more closely related to each other than to other azhdarchoids. The Chinese tapejarids (Sinopterus and Huaxiapterus) have relatively elongate skulls and weakly developed cranial crests and seem to be less derived than Tapejara, with its shorter, deeper skull and large cranial crest. Tupuxuarids (Tupuxuara and Thalassodromeus) have often been associated with tapejarids in the family Tapejaridae, but this relationship is controversial because some phylogenetic analyses have supported the pairing of tupuxuarids with Azhdarchidae. We propose that Tapejaridae be restricted to Tapejara, Sinopterus and Huaxiapterus.  相似文献   

A new crocodyliform specimen is presented here found in the Cerro Castaño Member of the Cerro Barcino Formation (Chubut Group). The material consists of cranial and postcranial remains that represent a new taxon that has strong affinities with Peirosauridae, but also shares derived features present in Araripesuchus. The phylogenetic relationships of this new taxon were tested through a cladistic analysis depicting it as a member of the Peirosauridae. The inclusion of Barcinosuchus within this clade of basal mesoeucrocodylians is supported by the presence of hypapophyses up to the third or fourth dorsal vertebrae, anterolateral facing edge on postorbital, quadrate dorsal surface divided in two planes by a ridge; mandibular symphysis tapering anterirorly in ventral view, lateral surface of dentary convex anterior to mandibular fenestra, distal body of quadrate well developed, anteroposteriorly thin and lateromedially broad. The new specimen broadens the temporal and geographical distribution of Peirosauridae during the Cretaceous of Gondwana, representing the southern-most and the most ancient record of the group in Patagonia. The new material also provides insights on the postcranial anatomy of peirosaurids, a group that has been so far studied almost exclusively from cranial material.  相似文献   

This investigation was carried out within the Paraná sedimentary basin, Brazil, and involved the sampling of 80 pumped tubular wells for evaluating the hydrochemistry in three aquifer systems (Bauru, Serra Geral and Guarani) occurring in 21 localities of S?o Paulo and Mato do Grosso Sul states. The Guarani aquifer of Triassic?CJurassic age has continental dimensions and extends over some 1.2 million km2 within the Paraná basin. A thick (up to 1,500?m) basaltic package of the Serra Geral Formation overlies this aquifer that is covered by Cretaceous sediments of the Bauru Group. Major hydrochemical data were obtained and compared in each aquifer system, allowing the establishment of the principal trends among the parameters analyzed. The redox potential Eh decreased according to the pH increase in the three aquifers. A consistent database has been assured from expected relationships found for typical parameters commonly evaluated in hydrogeochemical surveys. Thus, direct relationships of conductivity with ionic strength (IS) were determined and, despite bicarbonate, assumed an important role in justifying such trends; other direct significant correlations involving IS were also identified with Na+, Cl?, F? and SO4 2?. Precipitation of carbonates was evidenced by opposite relations among CO3 2?, Ca2+ and Mg2+ that are strongly linked to the temperature effects on Ca2+ and Mg2+ dissolution as often reported from theoretical constraints.  相似文献   

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