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Q methodology provides a novel, quantitative approach to reveal stakeholder perspectives and was used to assess social acceptance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) with fisheries and conservation management goals using the Devon & Severn region, UK as a case study site. Participants sorted a set of statements (n=42) into a forced-choice frequency distribution and centroid analysis revealed three factors for interpretation: (1) ‘pro-conservation’, characterised by views that conservation should be prioritised over commercial and economic interests; (2) ‘pro-fisheries’ who saw fishing as the priority and expressed concerns over the uncertainty of management measures and the number of planned MPAs; and (3) ‘win–win’ who felt that the current approach to marine management using MPAs would allow both fisheries and conservation goals to be met. Despite some differences in opinion, social acceptability of MPAs was identified across all three discourses, but was limited by the knock-on effects of the exclusion of stakeholders from the implementation of MPAs and the development of management measures. This resulted in disenfranchisement and uncertainty over the future of their activities. The results suggest that social acceptability of MPAs is generated by effective and ongoing stakeholder engagement, transparency and honesty relating to the costs and benefits of designations and a certainty that once sites are in place the resources exist for their effective management. Understanding social acceptability will guide adaptive management and increase the chances of MPA success and the meeting of global targets.  相似文献   

The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is considered to be the environmental pillar of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, establishing a framework within which member states must take the necessary measures to achieve, or maintain, good environmental status in their marine waters. This study presents Portugal's contributions to the Directive development, describes the Portuguese institutional framework within the MSFD and, finally, highlights the opportunities and threats to the success of the MSFD implementation in Portugal. The latter entails an analysis of the Directive's long term adequacy in its link to (1) marine spatial planning, (2) climate change and (3) the economic/financial crisis. With one of Europe's largest exclusive economic zones. Portugal's interest in the MSFD is paramount. Efforts towards the approval of the final document were assured during the Portuguese presidency of the European Council of Ministers, in 2007, while chairing a thorough discussion between the Council and the European Parliament. In the Portuguese context, the Directive implementation will rely on the Water Institute as the authoritative entity, which will be responsible for coordinating all necessary efforts at the national level. The success of such process depends on a close cooperation among the institutions involved as well as on how approved measures account for long term issues. In addition, the MSFD implementation must be built on lessons learned within the Water Framework Directive, in order to be successful. Although it poses a methodological challenge to Portugal, the MSFD implementation is expected to contribute significantly to the improvement of coastal/marine conservation and management at the national level.  相似文献   

中国海洋底栖生物学发展回顾与展望*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋底栖生物是海洋生态系统中的重要组成部分,在底层生态系统的能量流动和物质循环过程发挥着重要作用。我国的海洋底栖生物学经过数十年的发展,取得的许多研究进展和成果,但学科目前发展仍存在很多不足。总体而言,研究力量相对薄弱和分散,仍为相对弱势的一个学科,需成立专门的底栖生物学组织机构(分会),构建一个学科交流与合作的平台,整合业内的研究力量和资源,促进我国底栖生物学的研究与发展。本文分析了学科的现状和发展趋势,阐述了海洋底栖生物学分会在学科发展中的作用,并就未来发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

This article reviews information recently available from existing marine and coastal mining for responses to environmental issues affecting marine mining at different depths. It is particularly but not exclusively concerned with those issues affecting seabed biodiversity impact and recovery. Much information has been gathered in the past 10 years from shallow mining operations for construction aggregate, diamonds, and gold, from coastal mines discharging tailings to shallow and deep water, and from experimental deep mining tests. The responses to issues identified are summarized in a series of eight tables intended to facilitate site-specific consideration. Since impacts can spread widely in the surface mixing layer SML, and can affect the biologically productive euphotic zone, the main issues considered arise from the depth of mining relative to the SML of the sea. Where mining is below the SML, the issue is whether it is environmentally better to bring the extraction products to the surface vessel for processing (and waste discharge), or to process the extraction products as much as possible on the seabed. Responses to the issues need to be sitespecific, and dependent on adequate preoperational environmental impact and recovery prediction. For deep tailings disposal from a surface vessel, there are four important environmental unknowns: (1) the possible growth of "marine snow" (bacterial flocs) utilizing the enormous quantities of fine tailings particles (hundreds or thousands of metric tons per day) as nuclei for growth, (2) the possibility that local keystone plankton and nekton species may migrate diurnally down to and beyond the depth of deep discharge and hence be subjected to tailings impact at depth, (3) the burrow-up capability of deep benthos and their ability to survive high rates of tailings deposition, and (4) the pattern and rate of dispersion of a tailings density current through the deep water column from discharge point to seabed. Actions to obtain relevant information in general and site-specifically are suggested.  相似文献   

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive, adopted by the EU, and several other initiatives to improve marine environmental management emphasize the need to integrate environmental and social analyses. This article proposes and tests a general Behavior-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (BPSIR) framework for identifying and structuring environmentally relevant social data. The framework is compatible with the widely applied Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework, but emphasizes actors and their behavior and defines ‘impact’ more specifically. In particular, it distinguishes between: (i) actors directly involved in activities causing physical, chemical, and biological disturbances, and (ii) actors who indirectly affect marine resource use and the pressures on marine ecosystems. Three case studies of chemical and biological disturbances in the Swedish parts of the North and Baltic seas demonstrate the need to balance current ecosystem monitoring with systematically collected and organized data on social factors, i.e., both direct and indirect actors and stakeholders, their adaptation to policy measures, and the role of general trends in consumption and production.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后期以来,我国海洋产业发展迅速,海洋产业结构变动巨大,各地区海洋经济差异显著。文章基于多部门经济模型,对1996—2015年我国三大海洋经济区的海洋产业结构变迁对海洋经济增长的贡献能力进行研究,运用回归分析对海洋三次产业结构变动的贡献度进行测算。结果表明:1996—2005年海洋产业结构变动剧烈,2006—2015年趋于平稳。三大海洋经济区中环渤海地区海洋产业结构总体变动较大,长三角次之,珠三角最小。海洋三次产业结构变动对海洋经济增长具有显著正向推动作用,1996—2005年海洋第一产业贡献能力明显,2006—2015年海洋第三产业贡献能力最大,第二产业次之。  相似文献   

Marine spatial planning (MSP) is advocated as a means of managing human uses of the sea in a manner that is consistent with the maintenance of the ecological goods and services of the marine environment. Support for the process is evident at international and national levels but the degree to which it is acceptable to local level stakeholders is not clear. An Daingean (formely Dingle) is a small sea-oriented town situated on the southwest coast of Ireland in which marine-based tourism and other relatively new uses of the sea are pursued along side traditional fishing activities. Stakeholders in An Daingean are found to be positively disposed to a local process of MSP that incorporates meaningful local involvement.  相似文献   

Assuming a broad set of fisheries management goals, this paper analyzes the implementation of a marine protected area (MPA) together with open access outside, applying a bioeconomic model that ensures unchanged growth post-MPA. Taking into account that conservation and restoration, food security, employment and social surplus are amongst the objectives that many managers include in fisheries management, it is found that this broader welfare economic approach to MPAs may well recommend them to a greater degree than espoused in the more common resource rent focused studies carried out to date. It is shown that for overfished stocks, an MPA may yield resource protection, maximize harvests and increase consumer and producer surplus, as well as give higher employment. This, however, is less apparent for moderately overfished as well as highly migratory stocks. Resource protection and enhancement implicitly improves ecosystem services.  相似文献   

This study examined how the United States’ largest marine resource management agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has begun to change its management strategy away from traditional marine resource management approaches towards an Ecosystem Approach to Management (EAM). Surveys were conducted with 57 NOAA scientists and resource managers in nine NOAA programs in 8 different geographic regions across the United States in 2005. A qualitative analysis examined the attitudes and experiences of participants with respect to implementing EAM and identified four major challenges to enhancing cooperation and understanding of EAM. We conclude with recommendations for concrete initiatives that future efforts in EAM that any management agency can undertake to facilitate further ecosystem management opportunities.  相似文献   

The roles of governance and technological innovation have been widely recognized as important parts of sustainability transitions. However, less attention has been paid to understanding the mechanisms of the emergence and spread of innovative ideas for stewardship of social–ecological systems. This study considers how theories of innovation and agency are able to provide explanatory power regarding the spread and impact of such ideas. This includes how innovations may contribute to resolving the mismatches between the scale of ecological processes and the scale of governance of ecosystems. The emergence and spread of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is used as an illustrative case study. The study shows that individuals embedded in informal networks have played a key role in driving the emergence of MSP across scales and in constantly re-framing the tool in order to overcome obstacles to adoption and implementation. In a number of cases, MSP has been decoupled from the ecosystem despite being framed as a tool for ecosystem-based management. Finally, this study is important to understand the process of emergence of new integrated tools for ecosystem stewardship at the global level.  相似文献   

Taxonomic information provides a crucial understanding of the most basic component of biodiversity – which organisms are present in a region or ecosystem. Taxonomy, however, is a discipline in decline, at times perceived as ‘obsolete’ due to technical advances in science, and with fewer trained taxonomists and analysts emerging each year to replace the previous generation as it retires. Simultaneously, increasing focus is turned towards sustainable management of the marine environment using an ecosystem approach, and towards conserving biodiversity, key species, and habitats. Sensitive indicators derived from taxonomic data are instrumental to the successful delivery of these efforts. At the base of the marine food web and closely linked to their immediate environment, plankton are increasingly needed as indicators to support marine policy, inform conservation efforts for higher trophic organisms, and protect human health. Detailed taxonomic data, containing information on the presence/absence and abundance of individual plankton species, are required to underpin the development of sensitive species- and community-level indicators which are necessary to understand subtle changes in marine ecosystems and inform management and conservation efforts. Here the critical importance of plankton taxonomic data is illustrated, and therefore plankton taxonomic expertise, in informing marine policy and conservation and outline challenges, and potential solutions, facing this discipline.  相似文献   

海洋资源是实现中华民族永续发展的重要支撑,降低海洋资源消耗强度、提高海洋资源利用效率是发展海洋经济、破解保护与发展矛盾的必然要求。文章基于2006—2019年我国沿海11个省(自治区、直辖市)面板数据,构建面板模型考察不同类型海洋环境规制工具对海洋资源消耗强度的影响,同时借助门槛回归和中介效应检验分析其非线性影响及内在影响机制。研究发现:(1)命令型环境规制工具会提高海洋资源消耗强度,而市场型环境规制工具对降低海洋资源消耗强度存在边际递增规律;(2)海洋科技创新对降低海洋资源消耗强度发挥促进作用;(3)命令型环境规制工具作用的发挥存在基于市场型环境规制工具的单一门槛效应;(4)产业结构对市场型环境规制和海洋资源消耗强度具有部分中介效应,而在命令型环境规制与海洋资源消耗强度的回归关系中发挥完全中介作用。未来有关部门应适度增强市场型环境规制力度和海洋科技创新,助力降低海洋资源消耗强度。  相似文献   

人类对海洋的青睐和倚重日益凸显为实现海洋未来可持续发展建立海洋保护区是一种有效的预防性海洋综合管理方式。文章根据日照海洋保护区当前发展状况,分析保护区发展中存在的问题,并相应的提出相关建议及对策。希望这些对策能够进一步提高保护区的保护价值。  相似文献   

为提高海洋生产要素配置效率以及实现海洋资源高效开发利用,推动我国海洋经济的高质量发展,文章基于门槛效应机制分析和检验,从非线性效应角度分析海洋资源要素对海洋经济增长的影响。研究结果表明:海洋资源要素对海洋经济增长存在显著的门槛效应;海洋资源的扩张消费具有一定的经济代价,在不同的门槛区间,海洋资源要素消费的经济代价程度不一;吸引社会资本进入海洋领域、提高海洋科技水平以及促进产业结构升级优化都将显著降低海洋资源消耗的经济代价;亟须通过政企合作、培育优势海洋新兴产业集群式发展以及促进海洋科技进步和成果转化等方式,突破海洋资源约束"瓶颈",提高海洋资源要素的投入报酬率,加快海洋经济增长方式向集约型转变。  相似文献   

海洋产业集聚可以推动区域经济发展。文章使用沿海11个省(自治区、直辖市)的面板数据,采用区位熵法测度海洋产业集聚水平并采用固定效应模型对海洋产业集聚的影响因素进行实证分析。研究发现:(1)海洋产业集聚存在明显的空间异质性。形成以海南、福建为主的第一产业集聚区,以天津为龙头的第二产业集聚区和以上海为领先的第三产业集聚区。海南、天津和上海作为我国海洋产业的强集聚区但集聚水平有所减缓。(2)资源禀赋、潜在市场、劳动力规模、对外开放程度和固定资产投资均显著提升海洋产业集聚水平。海洋科技创新水平不足导致对第二产业的发展不能形成有力支撑,高学历型人才的缺乏制约了海洋各产业的集聚化发展,第二、第三产业的发展已经不再依赖于传统的基础设施。应因地制宜发展优势产业并适度控制集聚规模,加快海洋科技创新和人才队伍建设,推动海洋产业集聚化发展。  相似文献   

社会的需求是科学发展的首要动力,海洋已成为21世纪科学发展和技术开发最重要的领域之一,是我国对外开放的重要窗口,国家战略布局的重要组成部分。海洋与国家主权、安全、发展利益的联系更加紧密,涉及的问题也更加地突出,海洋学科建设也应该与时俱进。文章结合国内海洋学科的研究现状及存在的问题提出了加强“蓝色国土”教育,提升全民海洋意识;统筹安排学科设置及涉海高校个性化发展;涉海各界共同参与政策制定及战略研究;增设海洋相关学科之间的通识认知与交流;加大海洋公共平台建设,加强国际交流合作等建议。  相似文献   

产业结构变动对经济增长影响已经得到了现代经济增长理论的肯定,但是产业结构变动对经济增长效率的影响一直是学术界没有解决的问题。目前中国已经进入了中等收入国家,粗放式增长逐渐结束,集约式增长越来越受到重视。文章基于海洋产业,研究了海洋产业结构变动对经济增长效率的影响,将海洋产业结构变动具体量化,分为海洋产业结构高级化和合理化;其次运用海洋产业全要素生产率来衡量海洋经济增长效率,通过从海洋生产函数中剔除初级要素带来的海洋经济增长效率得出海洋产业全要素生产率;同时计算出海洋产业劳动和资本的生产效率;最后收集了1996—2015年全国沿海11个省、市、自治区的数据,运用混合面板数据模型来研究海洋产业结构高级化和合理化对海洋经济增长效率的影响。研究发现海洋产业结构合理化和高级化对海洋经济增长具有正面影响,对于未来发展海洋经济提出了提高海洋产业技术来提高海洋产业结构优化,从而使得海洋经济发展走上集约式增长之路。  相似文献   

The world׳s oceans are currently undergoing an unprecedented period of industrialisation, made possible by advances in technology and driven by our growing need for food, energy and resources. This is placing the oceans are under intense pressure, and the ability of existing marine governance frameworks to sustainably manage the marine environment is increasingly being called into question. Emerging industries are challenging all aspects of these frameworks, raising questions regarding ownership and rights of the sea and its resources, management of environmental impacts, and management of ocean space. This paper uses the emerging marine renewable energy (MRE) industry, particularly in the United Kingdom (UK), as a case study to introduce and explore some of the key challenges. The paper concludes that the challenges are likely to be extensive and argues for development of a comprehensive legal research agenda to advance both MRE technologies and marine governance frameworks.  相似文献   

海洋空间规划是重要的海洋空间管理工具,建构海洋空间规划体系是海洋生态文明建设的重要组成部分。文章对英国、比利时、荷兰、德国、挪威、美国、澳大利亚和智利等世界主要海洋发达国家的海洋空间规划体系发展状况进行概述,结果表明:各国已逐步形成基于各自国情、适应海洋行政管理体制的海洋空间规划体系,其中既存在"国家-区域-地方"的层级控制体系,也存在"战略-结构-使用"的内容控制体系,还存在"国家管辖与地方管辖并行"的独立自由型控制体系。可为我国生态文明建设下的海洋空间规划体系研究实践以及开展区域海洋管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

文章概述英国海洋与海岸带管理机构以及相关法律的基本情况,重点介绍1999年以来英国海洋与海岸带管理政策的演进,主要包括《海洋和海岸带准入法案》的颁布、海洋规划的制定、海洋保护区网的建设和生产者组织作用的发挥等,以期为我国海洋与海岸带管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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