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Many countries now recognise the need for mitigation of climate change induced by human activities and have incorporated renewable energy resources within their energy policy. There are extensive resources of renewable energy within the marine environment and increasing interest in extracting energy from locations with either large tidal range, rapid flow with and without wave interaction, or large wave resources. However, the ecological implications of altering the hydrodynamics of the marine environment are poorly understood. Ecological data for areas targeted for marine renewable developments are often limited, not least because of the considerable challenges to sampling in high energy environments. In order to predict the scale and nature of ecological implications there is a need for greater understanding of the distribution and extent of the renewable energy resource and in turn, of how marine renewable energy installations (MREIs) may alter energy in the environment. Regional ecological implications of a MREI need to be considered against the greater and global ecological threat of climate change. Finally, it is recommended that the identification of species and biotopes susceptible to the removal of hydrokinetic energy could be a suitable strategy for understanding how a MREI may alter flow conditions.  相似文献   

走向深海大洋、探测深海环境和获取深海能源对未来国家能源战略开发至关重要。文章借助相关历史数据,回顾包括石油和天然气、天然气水合物以及可再生能源在内的深海能源的开发历史;阐述在技术、投资和全球经济环境驱动下的深海能源开发现状,即技术和产业不断发展、合作和投资亮点频出以及开发重点随全球经济变化而调整;在此基础上,分别对主要深海能源的发展前景进行展望,即石油开发步伐放缓、天然气迎来发展高峰、天然气水合物规模化商业开采有待观察以及可再生能源获得更多关注和投资。  相似文献   

海洋在全球气候变化及应对方面发挥了重要作用,国际上正在从增汇和减排两个技术体系层面探索实践海洋对碳中和的支撑作用.本文立足中国海洋碳汇资源扩增和海洋可再生能源开发,从滨海湿地、渔业碳汇、微生物碳汇、海底碳封存、海洋可再生能源、耦合优化及前瞻性技术方面,构建了海洋支撑碳中和的技术体系,并对未来技术发展进行展望.建议加强海...  相似文献   

An assessment of global ocean wave energy resources over the last 45 a   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
Against the background of the current world facing an energy crisis,and human beings puzzled by the problems of environment and resources,developing clean energy sources becomes the inevitable choice to deal with a climate change and an energy shortage.A global ocean wave energy resource was reanalyzed by using ERA-40 wave reanalysis data 1957–2002 from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF).An effective significant wave height is defined in the development of wave energy resources(short as effective SWH),and the total potential of wave energy is exploratively calculated.Synthetically considering a wave energy density,a wave energy level probability,the frequency of the effective SWH,the stability and long-term trend of wave energy density,a swell index and a wave energy storage,global ocean wave energy resources were reanalyzed and regionalized,providing reference to the development of wave energy resources such as wave power plant location,seawater desalination,heating,pumping.  相似文献   

中等海况下,星载合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)已经广泛应用于海洋动力环境要素的监测(风场、波浪、流场)。近年来,SAR高海况遥感,尤其是探测台风海面风场、巨浪、流场已经成为国内外研究热点,并突破了一些关键技术。利用SAR多极化成像模式对海观测和新发展的地球物理模式函数,可以提取高海况下的海面风速、风向、有效波高、流速和流向等海洋表面关键物理参数。这些环境要素可以用于海洋灾害监测预警;为海洋和大气数值模式提供准确的初始场和同化源,改进模式预报精度;为研究全球气候变化提供有力的观测依据。  相似文献   

全球气候变化及其引发的负面影响是当今人类面临的最大挑战之一,地球工程因被认为是减缓甚至扭转气候变化的切实可行的方案之一而备受关注。为推动地球工程技术的发展和相关国际法的完善,文章分析海洋施肥、人工上升流、人工海洋碱化、海洋云增白和海底造墙5种海洋地球工程的技术原理、研究进展及其在具体实施中对现行国际法的挑战。研究结果表明:无论是处于理论模拟阶段还是处于实验阶段,上述海洋地球工程技术都显示其减缓气候变化的潜力,同时也存在对海洋环境和人类生活的潜在风险;由于科学的不确定性和国际法的模糊性,各项技术在实际应用中都存在与国际法的冲突或适用问题,但目前从科研实践角度分析具体技术涉及的相关国际法问题的研究较少;虽然应在国际法框架下进行探索性研究,然而目前有关地球工程技术的国际法在理论研究和实践应用中仍存在很多争议。因此,必须加强对地球工程技术的研究,将技术风险降到最低,并在科学探索中做好环境基线研究,完善技术探索的环境影响评估方法;随着旨在减缓气候变化的小规模地球工程研究得到越来越多的支持,更应明确地球工程技术在国际法中的地位,建立合理的法律框架,推进国际法的改进。  相似文献   

工业革命以来,人类活动导致的以二氧化碳为代表的温室气体持续排放,被认为与全球气候变化密切相关,引发诸多极端气候事件,导致海平面上升、海水酸化、海水暖化等一系列环境负面效应。海洋是地球最大的活跃碳库,增汇潜力巨大。为应对全球气候变化,人为干预海洋生态系统、促进其对大气二氧化碳额外吸收封存的海洋负排放技术体系成为国际研究热点。根据负排放技术的应用场景,目前海洋负排放技术体系涵盖侧重于生态保护和修复的滨海湿地蓝碳、侧重于环境友好型养殖产业的海水养殖环境碳汇和借助生态工程技术手段的负排放工程增汇。海洋负排放技术在实现人为增汇的同时,有望通过促进海洋生物的生长和繁殖、提高海洋生态系统的稳定性和抗干扰能力、促进海洋生态系统内部及其与陆地生态系统之间的资源循环利用,发挥其生态治理功能,从而应对海洋环流改变、海水酸化脱氧等全球海洋环境恶化以及人类活动污染的局部胁迫。  相似文献   

海洋环流是海洋系统物质能量收支、配置、平衡、维持和变化的关键通道与机制。从全球海洋视角,基于目前海洋环流多变率动力过程与趋势演变的认知,重点综述气候变化下海洋环流的海盆尺度三维联动特征机制、洋际交换与协同、世界大洋经向输运变化以及相关的海洋气候与环境生态效应,依据研究现状和需求,提出研究建议。结果表明:全球一致性变暖路径与进程调控下,受驱动因子的演变与胁迫,海洋环流变化对副热带中高纬地区年际、年代际气候与环境变迁具有突出作用影响,并可产生显著环境生态效应和严重致灾风险。建议加大专精特新观测仪器自主研发,通过国际合作加大中高纬海洋环流多尺度动力过程综合调查的参与度和主导性,增强多学科融合交叉研究力度,有效提升深层次海洋环流变异及动力、环境、生态灾害影响的气候变化综合风险预测预评估和防治能力,为海洋领域能源开发、生态系统保护、气候变化应对与灾害风险治理提供必要的动力学参考。  相似文献   

甲烷、二氧化碳的地质和生物地球化学循环对海洋环境和全球气候变化有着重要影响,其在深海环境中通常以气泡或流体的形式向四周扩散,甲烷还是探测海底天然气水合物资源的重要指标之一。目前,国内外研究团队提出了各种背景下原位探测海洋溶解甲烷、二氧化碳的新技术、新方法,以促进对海洋碳循环的研究。简述了基于电化学技术、光学技术、质谱技术和生物传感技术等对海洋溶解甲烷、二氧化碳进行原位探测的最新进展,系统介绍了各传感器的工作原理和性能,分析其应用价值和前景,并在此基础上对未来的研究方向提出一些建议。  相似文献   

苏文  吴霓  章柳立  陈绵润 《海洋通报》2020,39(3):291-299
随着世界各国对能源安全、生态环境、气候变化等问题日益重视,加快发展风电已成为国际社会推动能源转型发展、应对全球气候变化的普遍共识和一致行动。过去十余年,我国海上风电产业受益于国家政策的大力推动而蓬勃发展,大有乘势崛起,赶超其他清洁能源的势头。相比陆上风电场,海上风电场对环境的影响较小,但其开发实施以及运行对海洋生态环境和资源开发的累积影响还尚不明确。本文系统全面地梳理了海上风电工程对鸟类、鱼类、海洋哺乳动物、底栖生物、浮游生物及海洋生物多样性等影响的研究进展,总结了海上风电环境影响研究的现状。结合我国实际,提出了将科学研究与海上风电工程环境影响评价紧密结合,开展海上风电项目对区域生态环境影响的研究等有关建议。  相似文献   

Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) is an important coastal fish species in New Zealand for a variety of reasons, but the large amount of research conducted on snapper has not been reviewed. Here, we review life history information and potential threats for snapper in New Zealand. We present information on snapper life history, defining stages (eggs and larvae, juvenile and adult), and assess potential threats and knowledge gaps. Overall we identify six key points: 1. post-settlement snapper are highly associated with certain estuarine habitats that are under threat from land-based stressors. This may serve as a bottleneck for snapper populations; 2. the largest knowledge gaps relate to the eggs and larvae. Additional knowledge may help to anticipate the effects of climate change, which will likely have the greatest influence on these early life stages; 3. ocean acidification, from land-based sources and from climate change, may be an important threat to larval snapper; 4. a greater understanding of population connectivity would improve certainty around the sustainability of fishery exploitation; 5. the collateral effects of fishing are likely to be relevant to fishery productivity, ecosystem integrity and enduser value; 6. our understanding of the interrelationships between snapper and other ecosystem components is still deficient.  相似文献   

本文系统梳理了IPCC 《气候变化中的海洋和冰冻圈特别报告》(SROCC)的主要结论,并对主要观点进行了解读。报告主要关注全球变暖背景下高山、极地、海洋和沿海地区现在和未来的变化及其对人类和生态系统的影响,以及实现气候适应发展路径的方案。在全球变暖背景下,冰冻圈大面积萎缩,冰川冰盖质量损失,积雪减少,北极海冰范围和厚度减小,多年冻土升温,全球海洋持续增温,1993年以来,海洋变暖和吸热速度增加了一倍以上。同时,海洋表面酸化加剧,海洋含氧量减少。全球平均海平面呈加速上升趋势,2006—2015年全球海平面上升速率为3.6 mm/yr,是1901—1990年的2.5倍,但存在区域差异。高山、极地和海洋的生态系统的物种组成、分布和服务功能均发生变化,并对人类社会产生了显著负面影响。极端海洋气候事件发生频率增多,强度加大。1982年以来,全球范围内海洋热浪的发生频率增加了一倍,且范围更广,持续时间更长。海平面持续上升加剧了洪涝、海水入侵、海岸侵蚀等海岸带灾害,并影响沿海生态系统。海洋及冰冻圈的变化及其影响在未来一定时期仍将持续,应对这些影响而面临的挑战,应加强基于生态系统的适应和可再生能源管理,强化海岸带地区的海平面上升综合应对,打造积极有效、可持续和具有韧性的气候变化应对方案。  相似文献   

国际海洋科技领域研究热点及未来布局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,全球海洋研究呈现出若干新的特点.本文基于对近年来全球重要海洋研究进展信息,分析了全球环境变化背景下几个重要研究热点方向的最新进展,包括全球海洋物理环境变化研究、海洋塑料污染研究、海洋酸化研究、南北极和印度洋研究以及海洋技术开发等.基于对美国、英国、日本和俄罗斯等重要海洋国家最新发布的海洋科技创新政策和计划,分析...  相似文献   

全球变暖"停滞"研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘珊  陈幸荣  蔡怡 《海洋学报》2019,41(4):1-14
全球变暖"停滞"现象自提出以来,备受关注,是近来全球气候变化领域的热点问题。全球变暖停滞主要表现为全球平均表面温度在1998-2012年增温速率明显偏低。除此之外,大气环流和海洋环流也发生了显著改变。在归因分析方面,很多科学家认为太平洋年代际振荡发挥了重要作用,另外的可能因素还有大西洋经向翻转环流和南极底层水的改变等。然而,由于观测资料在时间一致性和空间覆盖区域等方面存在偏差,从而为全球变暖停滞增添了诸多不确定性。但气候系统内部变率发生改变,导致深层海洋吸收热量增多是众多科学家的共识。尝试解答变暖停滞研究中的不确定性问题,观测资料的丰富和完善是必要条件。  相似文献   

挥发性卤代烃(Volatile halocarbons,VHCs)是大气中一类重要的痕量温室气体和主要的臭氧层破坏者,在全球气候变化中起着十分重要的作用。大量研究表明海洋是大气中VHCs的重要源汇区,研究海洋中VHCs的生物地球化学循环,对于进一步了解海洋中的VHCs对未来全球气候的影响具有重要意义。本文针对国内、外有关海洋中VHCs生物地球化学循环研究的进展进行了综述,介绍了VHCs在海洋中的来源和产生机制、它的分布规律及其影响因素,从而归纳了VHCs在海洋中的迁移转化过程。针对目前缺乏对于海洋中VHCs的生物、非生物形成机制及其在海洋中迁移转化机制的具体过程的深入研究,以及有限航次的海洋中VHCs的浓度监测数据和源汇收支不平衡的问题,提出未来的研究需要加强海洋中VHCs的来源、生成机制、迁移转化机制及其影响因素的深入探究,开展更系统的长时间尺度和空间维度上的全球海域中VHCs大数据监测,并完善海-气通量的计算方法,准确估算海洋中VHCs的源汇。  相似文献   

海洋微塑料污染现状及其对鱼类的生态毒理效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋微塑料污染已成为全球性环境问题,鉴于微塑料特殊的理化性质,其对海洋生物和海洋生态系统的生态效应愈发受到关注。本文在综述海洋微塑料来源、类型和分布状况的基础上,探讨了鱼类摄入微塑料的途径及其生态毒理学效应。研究表明,全球近岸、大洋和极地海域均有微塑料分布,我国微塑料污染亦较为严重。微塑料会对包括鱼类在内的海洋生物生存造成威胁,其被鱼类摄入的主要途径是经口误食,微塑料进入鱼体后可在不同组织和器官中迁移,消化道是主要蓄积器官。微塑料对海洋鱼类的生态毒理效应主要包括:(1)影响生殖与精卵发生;(2)降低存活率;(3)影响生长发育;(4)扰乱行为;(5)导致组织病变与炎症反应;(6)导致代谢紊乱;(7)干扰神经系统;(8)导致氧化应激;(9)干扰内分泌等。未来研究应重点关注微塑料在海洋生态系统中的迁移扩散过程、不同浓度和粒径微塑料对鱼类的生态毒理效应及致毒机制研究、微塑料和其他典型海洋污染物对鱼类的联合毒性效应,以及微塑料与海洋酸化、缺氧、升温等全球环境问题的叠加效应等。  相似文献   

With concerns mounting over the UK’s energy future and the effects of climate change, it will soon become paramount that all viable sources of renewable energy are fully exploited. This study has examined the scope for reliable and fully predictable tidal electricity generation from the conjunctive operation of 5 major estuary barrages on the West Coast of the UK in an attempt to establish the potential scale of the extractable resources. Two levels of investigation have been undertaken: simple 0-D (‘two-tank’) modelling of barrage energy generation under different operational modes, using the hydraulic characteristics of turbine performance; and 2-D modelling of tidal hydrodynamics over a wide sea area in a computational grid incorporating the barrages with turbines and sluices. It has been demonstrated that more than 33TWh per year of electricity should be attainable, from 22GW of installed capacity, this representing close to 10% of present UK demand.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2002,26(4):231-241
This paper attempts to predict changes and trends in future UK marine resource development and management. It does this by asserting that our presumptions about marine resources and the way in which they should be used are changing. Some emerging presumptions may not only preclude the use of existing technologies in some cases (e.g. dumping at sea), but may also act as drivers to the development of new technologies, such as offshore wave and wind power generation devices. A variety of maritime industries exploiting both living and non-living resources are examined individually. Attention is paid to marine conservation and the technologies that are important to providing generally for the protection of the marine environment. The authors conclude that major drivers will be ones for cleaner seas, for the development of renewable marine energy sources, and for the innovative management of the consequences of sea-level rise. With regard to the exploitation of living resources the finite limits to fisheries are stressed, and the present importance of industrial fishmeal supplies for salmon farming are highlighted. One of the greatest potential technological advances is predicted to be in marine habitat mapping. Given the changes in presumptions about our use of the seas, one over-riding conclusion is that the sustainable development of marine resources, and the conservation of priority habitats and species (for both the local seas and global oceans), must involve sustainable mechanisms for conflict resolution and decision-making.  相似文献   

海洋波浪能是一种可持续和零污染的再生能源,随着自然能源日渐匮乏和全球气候变化,人类对波浪能的开发利用显得尤其重要。本文应用"跨零—能量"波浪分析的新方法,首次推导了不规则波浪的波能流垂向分布及其理论计算公式。本文研究发现,浅水波能流具有均匀的垂向分布,深水波能流集中于海表层的水体中,过渡区波能流的垂向分布介于浅水和深水波能的分布之间。研究还发现,目前海洋波能流的估算方法和现今波浪发电装置的波能采集深度缺少相关性,过高估算了海洋波浪的可发电资源。  相似文献   

Because of its vast volume and heat capacity, the ocean contains most of the memory of the earth's ocean - atmosphere coupled system. It has been suggested that the ocean may delay global warming by absorbing large amounts of heat, that it may cause ab- rupt climate change due to its disrupted thermohaline circulation, and that it may set the time-scales for various climate oscilla- tions. Although the slow pace and persistence of oceanic variations give hope to long-range prediction, there still exist large uncer- tainties in climate predictability. Presently available observations and models are generally inadequate for studying and predicting long-term climate changes. However, some short-term fluctuations such as ENSO have been well studied and shown to be highly predictable even with simplified models.  相似文献   

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