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陆面模式CLM(Community Land Model)是目前国际上发展较为完善并被广泛应用的陆面过程模式。本文使用中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所位于青藏高原东部的若尔盖高原湿地生态系统研究站的观测资料,对CLM3.0版本及CLM4.0版本在上述地区的模拟性能进行了检验与对比。通过比较观测值与模拟值,验证了模式在高原季节性冻土地区的适用性,发现CLM4.0较CLM3.0在模拟结果上有了一定提高。CLM4.0加入了未冻水参数化方案,使模式可以模拟到冬季土壤冻结后存留的未冻水,显著增加了冻融期间土壤含水量的模拟,同时减小了土壤含冰量的模拟值。并因此增大了模拟的冻土热容量,减小了热导率,使冻融期间土壤温度的模拟也有了一定改善。但是模拟中也发现对于较深层土壤,温度模拟值在冻融期间较观测显著偏低。另外,在消融(冻结)过程阶段CLM4.0模拟的土壤含水量骤增(骤降)的时间均较观测提前。消融过程、冻结过程阶段模拟时间偏短,而完全冻结、完全消融阶段模拟时间偏长。因此CLM对于高原冻土地区的模拟仍是其需要重点改进的地方之一。  相似文献   

初冬青藏高原冻土过程的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
利用改进了的加进NCAR陆面过程(LSM)的NCAR MM5大气模式中的土壤冻融过程参数化方案和2001年10月2~30日的NCEP再分析资料,对青藏铁路沿线区域进行数值模拟试验。在新方案中改进了土壤径流和土壤渗透影响土壤层的水文过程,增加了对土壤含冰量的求解,较真实地反映了土壤的冻融过程。模拟结果表明,改进土壤冻融过程方案后,模式对地温、地面通量的模拟有一定的改进,能够反映土壤冻结初期陆面要素场的变化。  相似文献   

考虑冻融过程对陆气相互作用的重要性,参考国内外学者对于冻融过程的参数化方案研究,对BCC_AVIM陆面过程模式的冻融过程参数化方案进行了改进与检验。改进的内容主要包括:(1)加入了过冷水概念,改进土壤冻结判断条件与含冰量更新标准;(2)加入平衡温度概念代替原方案中恒定的冻结温度;(3)在导水率的参数化方案之中加入不可渗透分数。用改进前后方案分别模拟玛曲站2018-2019年,2019-2020年两次冻融过程。发现改进后的方案在冻融过程中相比原方案:(1)增大了冻结状态温度模拟值、振幅减小、变化趋势更加接近实测;(2)增大了冻结状态中含水量的模拟值,变化趋势与实测相关性更好;(3)土壤中冰的产生日期延后,冰的融解日期提前,最大含冰量模拟减小;(4)冻融过程各阶段的转变日期模拟更接近实测;(5)新方案对于强冻融年份的模拟提升效果更优于弱冻融年份。  相似文献   

藏北高原土壤热传导率参数化方案的优化和检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的冻土模式FSM中原始和优化的土壤热传导率参数化方案分别对青藏高原中部NewD66观测点土壤温度进行了模拟.结果表明,该模式中原始的土壤热传导率参数化方案高估了实际的土壤热传导率,因而导致模拟的土壤温度偏高.优化的参数化方案较原始参数化方案更能真实地模拟出土壤温度的变化,尤其对深层土壤温度的模拟效果更加显著.这些表明应用优化参数化方案的FSM模式对土壤温度模拟的准确性比原模式有所提高.  相似文献   

根系吸水过程对地表能量平衡和水循环起着重要作用,目前不同的根系吸水过程参数化方案对青藏高原陆面过程模拟的影响尚不明确,探讨相关参数化方案的影响,可以为今后建立陆面过程模式根系参数化方案提供参考。本文利用2010年6月1日至9月30日青藏高原玛曲站的观测资料作为大气强迫资料,驱动BCC_AVIM模式(北京气候中心陆面模式)引入不同的根系吸水过程参数化方案,对玛曲站2010年6月1日至9月30日时段感热通量、潜热通量、土壤温度、土壤含水量等要素进行数值模拟,分析根系吸水过程参数化方案对青藏高原地区陆面过程的影响。模式中有关根系吸水过程的参数化方案主要分为根分布模型和土壤水分对根系有效性函数两类,根分布模型用Jackson方案、Schenk方案替换,土壤水分对根系有效性函数用Li方案、LSM1.0方案、CLM4.5方案替换。对比结果表明:不同的根系吸水过程参数化方案对土壤温度、土壤含水量的模拟影响较小,对感热通量、潜热通量模拟影响较大,尤其对冠层蒸腾量模拟差异显著,相关参数化方案的变动直接影响冠层蒸腾量。两类方案模拟的差异受降水的影响,在多雨期,根分布对比方案与原模式方案模拟的感热、潜热通量间存在较大差异;在少雨期,土壤水分对根系有效性函数对比方案与原模式方案模拟的感热、潜热通量间存在较大差异。  相似文献   

马琴  刘新  李伟平  丁宝弘 《大气科学》2014,38(2):337-351
本文针对青藏高原部分地区土壤有机质和砾石含量较高的特点,在前人工作的基础上,发展了一个新的参数化方案以描述土壤有机质和砾石对土壤导热率、导水率的影响。通过对通用陆面模式CoLM中的土壤水、热参数化方案以及地表蒸发阻抗三方面的逐步改进,对青藏高原藏东南站和纳木错站两种不同下垫面进行单点数值模拟分析。对比原方案与最终优化方案的模拟结果表明:采用新方案的CoLM模式对藏东南站土壤湿度模拟性能明显提高,平均偏差减小到0.04,而对纳木错站浅层20 cm以上土壤湿度的模拟偏差略微增大。新方案在藏东南站对土壤内部温度的模拟改善较为显著,平均偏差减小了0.2℃;而在纳木错站40 cm以上有所改进。新参数化方案较好地模拟了两个观测站表面能量通量的时间变化,纳木错站7、8月份的潜热通量改进尤为明显,比原方案减少大约20 W m-2,与观测结果较为接近。  相似文献   

针对陆面模式冻融过程模拟偏差较大问题,基于Noah-MP模式对冻融参数化方案进行比较分析,并利用观测资料对模拟试验结果进行评估。结果表明:Noah-MP模式能够较好地模拟出青藏高原冻融过程特征;冻融过程模拟对冻融参数化方案相当敏感,冻结阶段到融化阶段期间,4组试验模拟值差异显著,融化阶段之后到冻结阶段之前,4组试验模拟值相当一致;相对于过冷水参数化方案,冻土渗透率参数化方案对冻融过程期间土壤温度的模拟更为敏感,过冷水参数化方案不同会导致冻融过程期间土壤液态水含量模拟值差异显著。地表能量通量模拟对冻融参数化方案相当敏感,4组试验地表能量通量模拟值在冻结阶段、冻结稳定阶段、融化阶段均存在显著差异。  相似文献   

利用陆面过程模式CLM3.5对黄河源区若尔盖站进行了一年的数值模拟试验,通过比较土壤温度、土壤含水量的观测值与模拟值,检验了该模式在黄河源季节性冻土地区的模拟能力。结果表明,模式对土壤温度的模拟,非冻结期较好,深层土壤温度稍偏高;冻结期模拟值偏低,冻结深度偏大。对土壤含水量的模拟,在冻融期出现了较大偏差,含水量骤降(冻结)、骤增(消融)的时间均较观测提前。模式土壤热传导参数化方案中的土壤基质热导率计算偏大是造成土壤温、湿度偏差的主要原因。将Johansen土壤基质热导率方案替换了原模式参数化方案后,模拟结果有一定的改进,土壤温度暖舌、冷舌的模拟深度显著减小,冻结期土壤温度模拟偏低的现象也得到了改进,土壤含水量骤降、骤增的时间与观测更为接近。  相似文献   

CoLM模式对青藏高原中部BJ站陆面过程的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
利用公共陆面模式Common Land Model(CoLM)及"全球协调加强观测计划之亚澳季风青藏高原试验"(CAMP/Tibet)中那曲地区Bujiao(BJ)站2002—2004年的观测资料对该地区进行了单点数值模拟试验。通过比较模拟与观测的地表能量通量,表明CoLM较成功地模拟了该地区的能量分配。模式对向上的短波辐射、向上的长波辐射、净辐射及土壤热通量模拟得较好,但冬季存在偏差。进一步比较了模拟和观测的土壤温度及土壤湿度,发现浅层60 cm土壤温度模拟较好,深层存在偏差,表现为土壤温度变化滞后于实际变化。土壤湿度总体偏小,尤其是冬季冻结期,土壤冻融过程中忽略了土壤液态水在温度0℃以下仍能存在,含冰量模拟偏高。  相似文献   

不同初始值对多年冻土水热过程的模拟有着深刻的影响。本文利用青藏高原三江源多年冻土区西大滩站观测数据,驱动通用陆面模式CLM4.5(Community Land Model version 4.5)对该站多年冻土进行为期14个月的模拟研究。设计三组试验,检验CLM4.5模式对多年冻土模拟性能,探究不同初始土壤温度、液态水含量以及含冰量对模拟结果的影响,并对土壤初始含冰量的计算进行改进,提高了模式对多年冻土水热过程的模拟。通过对比土壤含冰量模拟值,液态水含量和土壤温度观测值与模拟值,结果表明:(1)初始土壤温度、液态水含量会通过影响初始土壤含冰量进而影响CLM4.5模式对多年冻土水热过程的模拟。(2)CLM4.5默认初始土壤温度、液态水含量时,计算出的初始含冰量为0 m3·m-3,这使得模式不能准确模拟出多年冻土的特征。在2015年11月上旬至2016年8月上旬土壤含冰量大于0.01m3·m-3,其余时段土壤含冰量几乎为0 m3·m-3;整层土壤液态水含量从冬...  相似文献   

CLM3.0模式中冻土过程参数化的改进及模拟试验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对NCAR CLM3.0(Community Land Model)的冻土过程参数化进行了改进.根据平衡态的热力学关系和考虑含冰量的土壤基质势的经验公式定义了冰点下的最大液态水含量,超过最大液态水含量的部分冻结为冰,并在水导率的计算中加入了冰的阻挡作用.利用青藏高原改则站2003年4月1日至2004年12月31日的观测...  相似文献   

In almost all frozen soil models used currently, three variables of temperature, ice content and moisture content are used as prognostic variables and the rate term, accounting for the contribution of the phase change between water and ice, is shown explicitly in both the energy and mass balance equations. The models must be solved by a numerical method with an iterative process, and the rate term of the phase change needs to be pre-estimated at the beginning in each iteration step. Since the rate term of the phase change in the energy equation is closely related to the release or absorption of the great amount of fusion heat, a small error in the rate term estimation will introduce greater error in the energy balance, which will amplify the error in the temperature calculation and in turn, cause problems for the numerical solution convergence. In this work, in order to first reduce the trouble, the methodology of the variable transformation is applied to a simplified frozen soil model used currently, which leads to new frozen soil scheme used in this work. In the new scheme, the enthalpy and the total water equivalent are used as predictive variables in the governing equations to replace temperature, volumetric soil moisture and ice content used in many current models. By doing so, the rate terms of the phase change are not shown explicitly in both the mass and energy equations and its pre-estimation is avoided. Secondly, in order to solve this new scheme more functionally, the development of the numerical scheme to the new scheme is described and a numerical algorithm appropriate to the numerical scheme is developed. In order to evaluate the new scheme of the frozen soil model and its relevant algorithm, a series of model evaluations are conducted by comparing numerical results from the new model scheme with three observational data sets. The comparisons show that the results from the model are in good agreement with these data sets in both the change trend of variables and their magnitude values, and the new scheme, together with the algorithm, is more efficient and saves more computer time.  相似文献   

A frozen soil parameterization coupling of thermal and hydrological processes is used to investigate how frozen soil processes affect water and energy balances in seasonal frozen soil. Simulation results of soil liquid water content and temperature using soil model with and without the inclusion of freezing and thawing processes are evaluated against observations at the Rosemount field station. By comparing the simulated water and heat fluxes of the two cases, the role of phase change processes in the water and energy balances is analyzed. Soil freezing induces upward water flow towards the freezing front and increases soil water content in the upper soil layer. In particular, soil ice obviously prevents and delays the infiltration during rain at Rosemount. In addition, soil freezingthawing processes alter the partitioning of surface energy fluxes and lead the soil to release more sensible heat into the atmosphere during freezing periods.  相似文献   

Soil is heterogeneous and has different thermal and hydraulic properties, causing varied behavior in heat and moisture transport. Therefore, soil has an important effect on land–atmosphere interactions. In this study, an improved soil parameterization scheme that considers gravel and organic matter in the soil was introduced into CLM4.5 (Community Land Model). By using data from the Zoige and Madoi sites on the Tibetan Plateau, the ability of the model to simultaneously simulate the duration of freeze–thaw periods, soil temperature, soil moisture, and surface energy during freeze–thaw processes, was validated. The results indicated that: (1) the new parameterization performed better in simulating the duration of the frozen, thawing, unfrozen, and freezing periods; (2) with the new scheme, the soil thermal conductivity values were decreased; (3) the new parameterization improved soil temperature simulation and effectively decreased cold biases; (4) the new parameterization scheme effectively decreased the dry biases of soil liquid water content during the freezing, completely frozen, and thawing periods, but increased the wet biases during the completely thawed period; and (5) the net radiation, latent heat flux, and soil surface heat flux of the Zoige and Madoi sites were much improved by the new organic matter and thermal conductivity parameterization.  相似文献   

徐戈  孙继明  牛生杰  周碧  王永庆 《大气科学》2016,40(6):1297-1319
霰和冻滴是深对流降水的主要来源。由于二者密度差异造成的不同下落末速度必然会导致云微物理过程的变化以及降水时空分布的改变。我们在以色列特拉维夫大学二维轴对称对流云全分档模式的基础上,将水成物粒子从34档增加到40档,修改了霰和雪的密度,加入冻滴分档处理的微物理过程,发展了一个包括液滴、冰晶、雪、霰和冻滴更为详细的云微物理分档模式。利用改进后的模式模拟了一次理想的强对流天气过程,分析了改进模式与原模式模拟的云微物理量场以及水成物粒子的时空分布特征,模拟结果表明:(1)由于冻滴的产生,较大的下落末速度导致在云内-3℃至-8℃较早地出现了冻滴,并造成了大量的冰晶繁生。(2)冻滴形成前期,液态水中心区域位于垂直上升速度大值中心上方,形成液态水累积区;冻滴形成期,液态水累积区位于0℃层以上,雨滴冻结生成冻滴,霰与半径大于100 μm的液滴碰并生成冻滴;冻滴增长期,在垂直上升气流的支撑下,冻滴碰并过冷水增长,导致冻滴含量增大,液态水含量减小。因此,改进模式能较好的模拟冻滴的形成过程,可以将该分档处理的微物理方案耦合到三维WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)模式中,更深入地研究强雷暴风切变在冰雹生成过程中的作用。  相似文献   

A soil-atmosphere-transfer model (SATM) was evaluated using observational data from the Tongyu Cropland Station and Audubon Research Ranch in semiarid areas, where the land cover was nearly bare soil during the simulation period. Simulations by the SATM at both sites were conducted using the new and original surface thermal roughness length parameterization schemes, respectively. Comparisons of simulations and observations have demonstrated that using the new surface thermal roughness length scheme in this model made sound improvements in the simulation of soil surface temperatures, sensible heat fluxes and net radiation fluxes in the daytime at both sites, compared to the original scheme, because the new scheme produced a larger aerodynamic resistance for turbulent heat transfer in the daytime. With respect to latent heat fluxes, the improvement was not as obvious as that attained for soil surface temperature since the soil water content in the surface layer in a semiarid area is a more important factor than surface soil temperature in controlling evaporation rate. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the new surface thermal roughness length parameterization scheme could improve the ability of the SATM to simulate bare soil surface energy budget with latent heat flux component being innegligible in semiarid areas.  相似文献   

Incorporating organic soil into a global climate model   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Organic matter significantly alters a soil’s thermal and hydraulic properties but is not typically included in land-surface schemes used in global climate models. This omission has consequences for ground thermal and moisture regimes, particularly in the high-latitudes where soil carbon content is generally high. Global soil carbon data is used to build a geographically distributed, profiled soil carbon density dataset for the Community Land Model (CLM). CLM parameterizations for soil thermal and hydraulic properties are modified to accommodate both mineral and organic soil matter. Offline simulations including organic soil are characterized by cooler annual mean soil temperatures (up to ∼2.5°C cooler for regions of high soil carbon content). Cooling is strong in summer due to modulation of early and mid-summer soil heat flux. Winter temperatures are slightly warmer as organic soils do not cool as efficiently during fall and winter. High porosity and hydraulic conductivity of organic soil leads to a wetter soil column but with comparatively low surface layer saturation levels and correspondingly low soil evaporation. When CLM is coupled to the Community Atmosphere Model, the reduced latent heat flux drives deeper boundary layers, associated reductions in low cloud fraction, and warmer summer air temperatures in the Arctic. Lastly, the insulative properties of organic soil reduce interannual soil temperature variability, but only marginally. This result suggests that, although the mean soil temperature cooling will delay the simulated date at which frozen soil begins to thaw, organic matter may provide only limited insulation from surface warming.  相似文献   

Pan  Yongjie  Lyu  Shihua  Li  Suosuo  Gao  Yanhong  Meng  Xianhong  Ao  Yinhuan  Wang  Shujin 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2017,127(3-4):1011-1022

Soils containing gravel (particle size ≥2 mm) are widely distributed over the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP). Soil mixed with gravel has different thermal and hydrological properties compared with fine soil (particle size <2 mm) and thus has marked impacts on soil water and heat transfer. However, the most commonly used land models do not consider the effects of gravel. This paper reports the development of a new scheme that simulates the thermal and hydrological processes in soil containing gravel and its application in the QTP. The new scheme was implemented in version 4 of the Community Land Model, and experiments were conducted for two typical sites in the QTP. The results showed that (1) soil with gravel tends to reduce the water holding capacity and enhance the hydraulic conductivity and drainage; (2) the thermal conductivity increases with soil gravel content, and the response of the temperature of soil mixed with gravel to air temperature change is rapid; (3) the new scheme performs well in simulating the soil temperature and moisture—the mean biases of soil moisture between the simulation and observation reduced by 25–48 %, and the mean biases of soil temperature reduced by 9–25 %. Therefore, this scheme can successfully simulate the thermal and hydrological processes in soil with different levels of gravel content and is potentially applicable in land surface models.


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