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The Mekong from satellite imagery: A quick look at a large river 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Physical datasets on rivers, thousands of kilometres long, can be efficiently and rapidly acquired through satellite imagery. As large rivers commonly cross several tectonic and climatic zones, their channels are composed of a number of units, each with characteristic morphology and behaviour. Separating a large river into such units provides a framework for understanding the geomorphology of the river concerned, allowing acquisition of information for environmental impact analysis and river management.About 2500 km of the Mekong River, from the China border to the sea, has been examined with SPOT satellite images with a selection of MODIS and IKONOS scenes in support. Hydrological data of the Mekong River Commission, hydrographic maps of the Commission, and field observations have been used to verify and extend the findings from the satellite imagery. The technique provides a rapid and holistic conceptualisation of forms and functions along the derived eight-unit classification of the Mekong River. Such a framework is valuable for (1) determining selected aspects of the geomorphological behaviour of a large river system, (2) rapidly analysing project-related environmental impacts, and (3) examining the geological evolution of the river. Investigating large rivers is difficult and resource consuming, but satellite imagery provides an easy and rapid tool. The cost of the images, however, may be high as a number of them are required for this type of analysis. 相似文献
M. Liberti T. Simoniello M.T. Carone R. Coppola M. D'Emilio M. Macchiato 《Geomorphology》2009,106(3-4):333-343
Soil erosion is the most influential component of land degradation for its strong impacts on both natural and agricultural environments. In order to support effective intervention and recovery policies for eroded areas, monitoring techniques should take into account the space–time variability of the processes involved, and make use of assessed mapping methodologies as baseline criteria for studying the dynamics of landform development. When using multispectral data for mapping eroded areas, low spectral separability is a significant limit in areas with complex features, where soil materials are frequently remixed by surface runoff. Since multispectral satellite images are a valuable data source for multi-temporal analyses of erosion processes at the medium scale, we assessed how accurately a badland area can be identified from LANDSAT TM and ETM data. A protocol for an optimal mapping was built up by testing the performance of different supervised algorithms and input layers (spectral and morphological). Tests were carried out in a well-known badland area of Basilicata, Italy, with an extension of 8000 ha. Results obtained from the use of spectral bands (with and without thermal channel) and principal components returned an overall accuracy ranging from 53% (for classification on first three components) to 72% (for classification on all bands from TM), with low values for the kappa coefficient (0.30–0.50), showing that the spectral information alone are insufficient to accurately identify badland areas. In order to improve mapping, we found that the integration of slopes and aspects derived from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can overcome problems inherent to the low separability of spectral signatures. The use of morphological data was tested for different classification algorithms and integration approaches. In discriminating badlands, the better performing algorithm was MLC (Maximum Likelihood Classifier) and the best results were obtained by integrating all seven bands (including TIR) with slope and aspect maps as input within the classifier (A > 0.85 and K 0.75 for both the sensors). We selected such parameters because they play an important role in characterising badlands of study area from a morphological perspective but the proposed approach is also conceptually simple and can be easily exported to other areas. The obtained results support the hypothesis that the combined use of remote sensing imagery and auxiliary morphological data significantly improves the mapping of badlands over large areas with heterogeneous features, thus providing a useful methodology for long-term studies on soil erosion processes. 相似文献
根据1958-2013各年代长江河口河槽海图水深资料,利用Arcmap地图分析软件建立不同时期的水深数据库,以河口河槽水体和泥沙容量为研究对象,结合典型潮汐过程和典型年代水沙同步实测资料,计算长江口各分汊河槽最大理论进潮量和悬沙含量,探讨近50年来长江分汊型河口河槽水体和泥沙容量的变化过程和影响因素.结果表明:①北港河槽总体稳定,南港河槽仍处于发育阶段,南港河槽发育中心在南港下段,北港河槽上段区域略有萎缩;②目前,南、北槽河槽由于工程影响仍处于持续调整过程中,进潮量主增区域在南港和南槽,北槽发育模式已经被固定和限制.③近30年来,由于流域来水来沙减少,同时北槽深水航道工程的建设,使南、北槽进潮量和悬沙通量及其比例均发生了显著变化;④南北港水道悬沙量主要集中于北港下段及南北槽区域,其洪枯季悬沙含量的变化主要受冬夏季风和海洋动力条件的影响. 相似文献
《Polar Science》2014,8(1):10-23
This study compares the common harmonic constants of the O1, K1, P1, Q1, M2, S2, N2, and K2 tidal constituents from eight global and four regional tide models with harmonic constants from satellite altimeter and tide gauge data for the northern region of the Antarctic Peninsula (58°S–66°S, 53°W–66°W). To obtain a more representative comparison, the study area was divided into three zones with different physical characteristics but similar maximum tidal amplitude variations: Zone I (north of 62°S), Zone II (south of 62°S and west of the Antarctic Peninsula), and Zone III (between 62°S and 64.3°S, and east of 58.5°W). Root sum square (RSS) values are less than or equal to 3.0, 4.2, and 8.4 cm for zones I, II, and III, respectively. No single model shows superior performance in all zones. Because there are insufficient satellite altimetry observations in the vicinity of Matienzo Base (64.9761°S, 60.0683°W), this station was analyzed separately and presents the greatest values of both root mean square misfit and RSS. The maximum, minimum, and average amplitude values of the constituents that follow in importance after the eight common tidal constituents, and which have amplitudes greater than 1 cm, are also analyzed. 相似文献
青藏高原位于中国西南部、亚洲中部,平均海拔高程大于4000 m,面积约300万km2,是“世界屋脊”,与周边地区一起常被称为地球的“第三极”。青藏高原分布着约1200个面积大于1 km2的湖泊,占中国湖泊数量与面积的一半;同时也是黄河、长江、恒河、印度河等大河的源头,被称为“亚洲水塔”。近几十年来,在全球变暖的背景下,青藏高原升温更加突出,其能量与水循环发生了显著变化,气候趋于暖湿化,冰川加速消融,湖面水位上升。湖泊是气候变化的重要指标,青藏高原湖泊分布密集、人为活动影响较小,多源遥感数据的广泛应用,为监测高原湖泊变化提供了难得的契机。本文依托国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于多源遥感的青藏高原内流区湖泊水量变化及水体相态转换研究(2000-2009年)”,主要研究进展为:初步查明了西藏高原的湖泊数量、面积及水位变化与时空格局,以及湖泊水量变化与水量平衡;探讨了湖泊变化对气候变化的响应。目前对青藏高原湖泊的变化及驱动因素虽有一些认识,但其定量的水量平衡及驱动机制还有待于进一步研究。这对了解世界第三极、一带一路国家和地区水资源状况与变化、生态文明和生态安全屏障建设具有重要的意义,同时也可为第三极国家公园的建立提供重要的科学基础。 相似文献
PuYu Wang ZhongQin Li ChunHai Xu Ping Zhou WenBin Wang Shuang Jin HongLiang Li 《寒旱区科学》2019,11(1):41-49
This study makes an attempt to investigate through statistical analysis the correlation between changes in ice volume and area of glaciers. Using data from nine sample glaciers in the Tian Shan, the results show that a linear relation exists between changes in ice volume and area, with a correlation coefficient of 0.700. However, the accuracy estimation is difficult due to the limited number of samples. The correlation was not improved after adding eleven glacier samples in other mountains. Two reference glaciers are then analyzed in more detail. The linear correlation coefficient is higher than 0.800 when using the observed changes in ice volume and area during different periods on Urumqi Glacier No. 1, which suggests that the linear relation is valid for one glacier for different periods if its shape does not change noticeably and also for other glaciers of the same shape during the same period. The relation between changes in ice volume and area of Qingbingtan Glacier No. 72 is different during different periods due to change in the shape of the glacier tongue and the influence of the debris cover. Moreover, errors in glacier-change monitoring and-volume estimation have an important influence on the correlation results. Therefore, further study needs to focus not only on the distinction between glacier types and between different periods but also on the accuracy of volume estimation. 相似文献
澜沧江水资源系统变化与大湄公河次区域合作的关联分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对澜沧江-湄公河水资源系统变化的跨境影响这一受到国际社会,特别是下游国关注的问题,结合流域各国水需求及区域性协定之规定,对比分析澜沧江大坝建设后对径流的影响,发现:(1)年出境水量呈小幅增长趋势,总体上有利于下游水资源利用;(2)个别年份枯季出境水量明显减少的主要原因是降水少和个别电站运行失误所致,电站本质上不会对下游用水和生态产生实质性危害;(3)出境水量变化主要对下游中上段产生明显影响,越往下游影响力越小;(4)出境水质稳定。建议:尽早制定流域综合规划和国际水分配方案;合理调整水库运行方案,避免出境水量或水位的大幅变化,减少跨境负面影响,维护区域合作。 相似文献
卫星遥感检测高原湖泊水面变化及与气候变化分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
对西藏西部的玛旁雍错、中部的纳木错和南部的普莫雍错三大湖泊地区,采用中巴资源卫星自1999年至2007年长时间序列的影像数据,通过最佳波段组合和时相的选取,高精度几何配准和镶嵌以及进行边缘信息提取等处理,绘制湖面变化解译图。并用一景同期ETM 图像作为辅助数据计算湖区地物光谱反射率曲线以辅助分类。为避免个别年份湖面变化出现偶然性,采用几个相邻年份湖面求取平均值的方法统计近年湖面面积。其结果与1984年中国科学院青藏高原综合科学考察队的数字对比表明,西藏南部的普莫雍错和中部的纳木错湖面有明显扩张,分别扩张了大约4.01%和4.55%;而西部的玛旁雍错近年间变化不大,甚至略有萎缩趋势,相比1984年也仅增长了1.31%。为研究西部地区和中东部地区出现不同变化的主要原因,通过对水位数据和气象特征因子的相关性分析,及对三地区近34年的气象资料,包括年均温度、年均降雨量、年均蒸发量等进行距平均值曲线拟合,发现中东部年均温和降雨量均呈显著增加趋势,而西部降雨量则呈微弱减少趋势。这说明近期湖面的扩张与气象资料分析的变化情况具有很好的一致性,反映遥感方法在湖泊水域变化检测方面具有较高的可用性。 相似文献
基于多时相CBERS/CCD数据的塔里木河下游植被变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自2000年实施生态输水以后,塔里木河下游断流区沿岸自然植被得到了不同程度的恢复。根据逐年中等分辨率遥感数据,利用时间轨迹分析方法,对植被变化的过程和趋势进行分析。选择2000-2005年各年的最佳CBERS/CCD图像,根据土壤调整植被指数值,将各年土地覆被分为植被和非植被;基于分类结果逐像元构建土地覆被变化轨迹;并按照过程和趋势特征将变化轨迹划分为恒定非植被、恒定植被、转变为植被、转变为非植被和非稳定变化5种变化类型。通过分析植被面积变化与生态输水之间的关系、以及不同趋势类型的数量、空间特征,并结合输水资料和地面调查结果,了解各种变化趋势的变化过程、植被结构和变化原因。结果表明:植被面积随生态输水的进行呈逐年增加趋势;输水过程中,7.94%的区域呈现转变为植被的趋势,主要是草本植物恢复和灌木丛的复苏所致;同时仅有2.66%的像元转变为非植被;由于生态脆弱性较高,尚有10.43%的像元表现为非稳定变化。变化轨迹所揭示的过程特征显示,由非植被向植被转变的变化主要出现在2003年最大规模输水以后;在河水漫溢区尤为明显。实践还表明,干旱区植被变化波动频繁,时间轨迹分析方法有利于揭示植被的变化过程和趋势;而CBERS/CCD数据的免费使用,为利用中等空间分辨率遥感数据进行时间轨迹分析节约了成本。 相似文献
过去30年气候变化对黄河源区水源涵养量的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
黄河源区高寒生态系统具有重要的水源涵养功能。基于改进的LPJ动态植被模型,模拟研究1981-2010年中国黄河源区水源涵养量的时空变化特征,进一步探讨气候要素变化的影响。结果表明:近30年来黄河源区水源涵养量整体略呈减少趋势,减少速率为-1.15 mm/a,区域差异特征体现为大部分地区以减少趋势为主,特别是黄河源区东南部。过去30年黄河源区降水量以及大气水分需求能力的变化是影响生态系统水源涵养量增减的主要气候因素。随着干湿条件不同,两者影响程度各异,降水减少和潜在蒸散增加共同导致黄河源区东南部半湿润地区水源涵养量减少,而降水增加则是北部半干旱地区水源涵养量增加的主要原因。 相似文献
陆地生态系统碳-水耦合机制初探 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
陆地生态系统的碳循环和水循环是当前全球变化研究的热点。大量的研究已经表明两者之间具有密切的 耦合作用。但是目前对于两者的耦合关系和耦合机制还缺乏系统的分析和总结。本文在综合相关研究的基础上,对 陆地生态系统碳- 水耦合的基本过程和基本作用机制作了概括。我们认为陆地生态系统碳- 水耦合过程共包括土 壤- 植被节点、植被- 大气节点(气孔节点)、土壤- 大气节点和生化节点4 个碳- 水耦合节点。碳- 水间的生化反应、气 孔对光合- 蒸腾的共同控制和优化调控作用、生态系统对碳、水循环的同向驱动机制分别是陆地生态系统碳- 水耦 合的生物化学、生物物理学和生态学基础,共同构成了碳- 水耦合的基本作用机制。我们还用水分利用效率(WUE) 概念对碳- 水耦合过程中的碳/水耦合比例关系作了探讨。 相似文献
间歇性输水影响下的2001-2011 年塔里木河下游生态环境变化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用2001-2011 年野外调查资料和卫星遥感影像数据,对生态输水影响下的塔里木河下游地下水、植被变化特征进行分析,并探讨了典型断面植被对地下水埋深变化的响应关系。结果表明:(1) 各断面地下水位变化过程与河道来水过程密切相关,近10 年来经历了显著抬升(2000-2005 年)—缓慢降低(2006-2009 年)—小幅抬升(2010 至今) 的过程,主要表现为随生态输水量的改变呈波动变化;地下水位抬升幅度与生态放水量的相关系数达0.78,与生态放水持续时间的相关系数为0.70。(2) 2001-2011 年塔河下游植被覆盖面积总体上呈增加趋势,其中灌木林地和草地变化显著,林地和耕地面积呈小幅度变化;植被覆盖度的变化主要表现为2001-2006 年显著提高和2006-2011 年小幅变化。(3) 植被覆盖度随地下水位的抬升呈现出增加的趋势;垂直河道的方向上,同时期植被覆盖度与地下水埋深空间分布特征一致,均以输水河道为轴向两侧植被覆盖度(地下水埋深) 逐渐降低(增大);平行河道的方向,植被覆盖度对地下水埋深的响应幅度随着离大西海子水库距离的增加而减小。 相似文献
新疆水文水资源变化及对区域气候变化的响应 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
Based on the surface runoff, temperature and precipitation data over the last 50 years from eight representative rivers in Xinjiang, using Mann-Kendall trend and jump detection method, the paper investigated the long-term trend and jump point of time series, the surface runoff, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed the relationship between runoff and temperature and precipitation, and the flood frequency and peak flow. Results showed that climate of all parts of Xinjiang conformably has experienced an increase in temperature and precipitation since the mid-1980s. Northern Xinjiang was the area that changed most significantly followed by southern and eastern Xinjiang. Affected by temperature and precipitation variation, river runoff had changed both inter-annually and intra-annually. The surface runoff of most rivers has increased significantly since the early 1990s, and some of them have even witnessed the earlier spring floods, later summer floods and increasing flood peaks. The variation characteristics were closely related with the replenishment types of rivers. Flood frequency and peak flow increased all over Xinjiang. Climate warming has had an effect on the regional hydrological cycle. 相似文献
Based on the surface runoff, temperature and precipitation data over the last 50 years from eight representative rivers in Xinjiang, using Mann-Kendall trend and jump detection method, the paper investigated the long-term trend and jump point of time series, the surface runoff, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed the relationship between runoff and temperature and precipitation, and the flood frequency and peak flow. Results showed that climate of all parts of Xinjiang conformably has experienced an increase in temperature and precipitation since the mid-1980s. Northern Xinjiang was the area that changed most significantly followed by southern and eastern Xinjiang. Affected by temperature and precipitation variation, river runoff had changed both inter- annually and intra-annually. The surface runoff of most rivers has increased significantly since the early 1990s, and some of them have even witnessed the earlier spring floods, later summer floods and increasing flood peaks. The variation characteristics were closely related with the replenishment types of rivers. Flood frequency and peak flow increased all over Xinjiang. Climate warming has had an effect on the regional hydrological cycle. 相似文献
Hyung Rae Kim Ralph R. B. von Frese Patrick T. Taylor Alexander V. Golynsky Luis R. Gaya-Piqué Fausto Ferraccioli 《Geophysical Journal International》2007,171(1):119-126
The Antarctic magnetic anomaly map compiled marine and airborne surveys collected south of 60°S through 1999 and used Magsat data to help fill in the regional gaps between the surveys. Ørsted and CHAMP satellite magnetic observations with greatly improved measurement accuracies and temporal and spatial coverage of the Antarctic, have now supplanted the Magsat data. We combined the new satellite observations with the near-surface survey data for an improved magnetic anomaly map of the Antarctic lithosphere. Specifically, we separated the crustal from the core and external field components in the satellite data using crustal thickness variations estimated from the terrain and the satellite-derived free-air gravity observations. Regional gaps in the near-surface surveys were then filled with predictions from crustal magnetization models that jointly satisfied the near-surface and satellite crustal anomalies. Comparisons in some of the regional gaps that also considered newly acquired aeromagnetic data demonstrated the enhanced anomaly estimation capabilities of the predictions over those from conventional minimum curvature and spherical harmonic geomagnetic field models. We also noted that the growing number of regional and world magnetic survey compilations involve coverage gaps where these procedures can contribute effective near-surface crustal anomaly estimates. 相似文献
The Arab region covers an area over 13 million square kilometers in size, with almost 90% of its area classified as arid or extremely arid with very little precipitation, extremely high evaporation and almost no vegetation cover. The region is classified in many international reports as the poorest region in the world in the context of renewable water resources and critical water scarcity which hinders the socio-economic development of many countries in this region. The rapidly increasing population has reduced the per capita share of renewable water to less than the poverty line of 1,000 m 3 /(capita·a) and, in some Arab countries, to less than the extreme poverty line of 500 m 3 /(capita·a). This has led to over-exploitation of non-renewable groundwater and desalination of salty water in many countries with considerable costs and contamination of many renewable sources. Atmospheric processes responsible for aridity in the Arab region are projected to intensify due to climate change, resulting in an alarming decrease in precipitation and increase in evaporation rates. Many concerned entities in the region consider water security as a key element for food security and ultimately political stability. Hence, various efforts have been exerted to identify key problems and suggested solutions. The Arab Water Ministers Council of the Arab League, as well as Reports of the Arab Forum for the Environment and Development (AFED) and the recommendations of the 13th Regional Meeting of the Arab National Committees of the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO (IHP), have all made similar recommendations on the need to address the issues of water scarcity in the Arab region which will be further discussed in this paper. However, none of these reports focused on "Water Conservation" as an equally important action for coping with water scarcity in the region. There are many definitions for "Water Conservation" in the scientific literature, including huge water savings from irrigation, industrial use, and domestic use as well as methods and approaches for augmenting water supply through non-conventional practices such as water harvesting and waste water reuse. In this paper, a review is provided for definitions, methods and impacts of water conservation and its role in alleviating water scarcity in the Arab region. 相似文献
新疆的水资源可利用量及其承载能力分析 总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18
把新疆划分为伊犁河—额尔齐斯河外流区、准噶尔盆地—天山北坡经济区、塔里木盆地-塔里木河流域区和吐哈盆地诸小河流域区等4个水资源分区。系统分析估算了各分区的水资源总量、水资源可利用量以及水资源的利用现状、水资源的潜力及其承载能力,并参考已有研究结果进行了评述。新疆社会经济可利用的水资源量为598.96×108m3,新疆生态需水量为229.31×108m3;在建立节水型社会后,可以满足新疆社会经济、生态的需水。到2050年人均GDP81697.49元时,可承载的人口规模不低于3 250.8×104人。 相似文献