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《Marine pollution bulletin》2009,58(6-12):335-348
In 2001, the Hong Kong government implemented the Harbor Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) under which 70% of the sewage that had been formerly discharged into Victoria Harbor is now collected and sent to Stonecutters Island Sewage Works where it receives chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT), and is then discharged into waters west of the Harbor. The relocation of the sewage discharge will possibly change the nutrient dynamics and phytoplankton biomass in this area. Therefore, there is a need to examine the factors that regulate phytoplankton growth in Hong Kong waters in order to understand future impacts. Based on a historic nutrient data set (1986–2001), a comparison of ambient nutrient ratios with the Redfield ratio (N:P:Si = 16:1:16) showed clear spatial variations in the factors that regulate phytoplankton biomass along a west (estuary) to east (coastal/oceanic) transect through Hong Kong waters. Algal biomass was constrained by a combination of low light conditions, a rapid change in salinity, and strong turbulent mixing in western waters throughout the year. Potential stoichiometric Si limitation (up to 94% of the cases in winter) occurred in Victoria Harbor due to the contribution of sewage effluent with high N and P enrichment all year, except for summer when the frequency of stoichiometric Si limitation (48%) was the same as P, owing to the influence of the high Si in the Pearl River discharge. In the eastern waters, potential N limitation and N and P co-limitation occurred in autumn and winter respectively, because of the dominance of coastal/oceanic water with low nutrients and low N:P ratios. In contrast, potential Si limitation occurred in spring and a switch to potential N, P and Si limitation occurred in eastern waters in summer. In southern waters, there was a shift from P limitation (80%) in summer due to the influence of the N-rich Pearl River discharge, to N limitation (68%) in autumn, and to N and P co-limitation in winter due to the dominance of N-poor oceanic water from the oligotrophic South China Sea. Our results show clear temporal and spatial variations in the nutrient stoichiometry which indicates potential regulation of phytoplankton biomass in HK waters due to the combination of the seasonal exchange of the Pearl River discharge and oceanic water, sewage effluent inputs, and strong hydrodynamic mixing from SW monsoon winds in summer and the NE monsoon winds in winter.  相似文献   

This study investigated the seasonal and spatial dynamics of nutrients and phytoplankton biomass at 12 stations in Hong Kong (HK) waters during a three year period from 2004 to 2006 after upgraded sewage treatment and compared these results to observations before sewage treatment. Pearl River estuary (PRE) discharge significantly increased NO(3) and SiO(4) concentrations, particularly in western and southern waters when rainfall and river discharge was maximal in summer. Continuous year round discharge of sewage effluent resulted in high NH(4) and PO(4) in Victoria Harbour (VH) and its vicinity. In winter, spring and fall, the water column at all stations was moderately mixed by winds and tidal currents, and phytoplankton biomass was relatively low compared to summer. In summer, the mean surface phytoplankton chl biomass was generally > 9 microL(-1) in most areas as a result of thermohaline stratification, and high nutrients, light, and water temperature. In summer, the potential limiting nutrient is PO(4) in the most productive southern waters and it seldom decreased to limiting levels ( approximately 0.1 microM), suggesting that phytoplankton growth may be only episodically limiting. The mean bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) remained > 3.5 mg L(-1) at most stations, indicating that the eutrophication impact in HK waters was not as severe as expected for such a eutrophic area. After the implementation of chemically enhanced primary sewage treatment in 2001, water quality in VH improved as indicated by a significant decrease in NH(4) and PO(4) and an increase in bottom DO. In contrast, there were an increase in chl a and NO(3), and a significant decrease in bottom DO in southern waters in summer, suggesting that hypoxic events are most likely to occur in this region if phytoplankton biomass and oxygen consumption keep increasing and exceed the buffering capacity of HK waters maintained by monsoon winds, tidal mixing and zooplankton grazing. Therefore, future studies on the long-term changes in nutrient loading from PRE and HK sewage discharge will be crucial for developing future strategies of sewage management in HK waters.  相似文献   

A monthly comparative study of mesozooplankton biomass and composition between a eutrophic Pearl River estuarine site (WE) and a mesotrophic coastal-oceanic site (EO) in Hong Kong waters was conducted to examine the response of mesozooplankton to nutrient-rich riverine discharge. Although the annual average mesozooplankton biomass was higher at WE than at EO, they were not statistically significant. Variations of mesozooplankton biomass at both stations followed similar trends of Chl a concentrations, with the exception of July at WE where mesozooplankton biomass was low but total Chl a was high. This mismatch may be due to the high flushing effect of the Pearl River discharge in summer and a time lag in mesozooplankton population growth. On the other hand, the composition of mesozooplankton was significantly modified by riverine discharge and eutrophication conditions. While small copepods dominated at both sites, the eutrophic estuarine water had a high abundance of barnacle and polychaete larvae, while cladocerans, bivalve larvae, gastropod larvae and chaetognaths mainly occurred at EO. Eutrophication increased the top-down role of copepods in the grazing community, revealed by an increase in the percentage of copepods in the total metazoan mesozooplankton, especially during the period of high river discharge. Moreover, mesozooplankton diversity at the two stations was similar, and they both showed relatively higher diversity during autumn and winter and lower diversity during summer, especially at WE. These results suggest that, despite high nutrient and Chl a concentrations in estuarine waters, mesozooplankton biomass were not enhanced compared to coastal waters with no river impact, possibly due to poor food quality and increased predation in the eutrophic estuarine waters.  相似文献   

为了解珠江流域东江干流水体叶绿素a的时空分布及与环境因子的关系,于2012年6月(丰水期)和12月(枯水期)对东江干流进行采样调查分析.结果表明,东江水体叶绿素a含量具有明显的时空分布特征,其全年变化范围为0.84~14.93μg/L,整体均值为3.60±2.45μg/L,丰水期叶绿素a含量显著高于枯水期;而丰、枯水期叶绿素a含量空间分布特征相似,上游河段显著低于下游河段.相关性与主成分分析结果显示,水体中总氮浓度、总磷浓度、有机物含量、水温和水流流速等都是影响东江浮游植物生长的重要因素,其中以总磷的影响最为显著,表明磷可能是东江浮游植物生长的限制因子.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is surrounded by estuarine, coastal and oceanic waters. In this study, monthly averages over a 10 year time series of salinity, temperature, chlorophyll a (chl a), dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), silicate (SiO4) and orthophosphate (PO4) at three representative stations around Hong Kong were used to examine if excess nitrogen in estuarine influenced waters is due to P limitation. The monthly distribution clearly shows the dominant influence of the seasonal change in river discharge in the Pearl River estuary and adjacent coastal waters. In winter, the river discharge is small and more oceanic waters are dominant and as a result, salinity is high, and chlorophyll and nutrients are low. In summer, when the river discharge is high, salinity decreases and nutrients increase. DIN is very high, reaching 100 μM in the estuary. This indicates over enrichment of nitrogen relative to P and consequently there is an excess of N in coastal waters of Hong Kong. P remains low (∼1 μM) and can potentially limit both phytoplankton biomass and N utilization which was demonstrated in field incubation experiments. P limitation would result in excess N being left in the estuarine influenced waters south of Hong Kong. Phosphate concentration is lower in the Pearl River estuary than in many other eutrophied estuaries. Therefore, this relatively low PO4 concentration should be a significant factor limiting a further increase in the magnitude of algal biomass and in the degree of eutrophication in the Pearl River estuary. The export of the excess N offshore into the northern South China Sea may result in an increase in the size of the region that is P limited in summer.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Estuary is among the largest estuaries in the subtropical areas of the world. Along the salinity and turbidity gradient between the freshwater reach of the Pearl River and the marine water of the South China Sea, the spatial and temporal composition and abundance of phytoplankton was examined in relation to physic-chemical variables during the dry and wet seasons of 2009. Water samples for phytoplankton and environmental parameters were collected from 18 stations during two seasons along a transect from upper estuary to estuarine and marine sectors. A total of 162 species belonging to 7 phyla were identified, with diatoms dominated in both seasons while dinoflagellates proliferated in autumn. Two main clusters and three sub-clades under each main cluster corresponding to seasons and water sectors were defined with multivariate analysis (cluster and nMDS). Based on the species composition and abundance of phytoplankton, both seasonal and spatial variability were observed at a significant level (ANOSIM: season effect, R=0.896, P<0.01; station effect, R=0.463, P<0.01). The correlation analysis between biotic and abiotic variables indicated that instead of the “proverbial” anthropogenic nutrients loading and salinity gradient, the best 2-variable combination (temperature and turbidity) showed a significant effect on the pattern of phytoplankton assemblages (ρw=0.49, BIOENV analysis) between wet and dry seasons in the Pearl River Estuary. This result suggests that physical disturbance either natural or manmade is a more important factor in regulating the phytoplankton community structure within the hydrologically distinct zone of estuaries.  相似文献   

为揭示农户个体行为与流域农业非点源营养盐产生和控制政策之间的逻辑关系,以珠江流域为研究对象,采用系统动力学模型与多主体农户和农村环境管理模型耦合构建流域营养盐污染控制政策的情景分析方法,基于农户在化肥税和农药税组合型政策下的生产行为设计了基准情景、低化肥税情景、中化肥税情景和高化肥税情景4种具有代表性的情景方案,并在各种情景下定量描述流域营养盐对农业政策的响应和评估流域营养盐控制的优选政策方案.结果显示:从农业投入和产出的角度看,2030年低化肥税情景、中化肥税情景和高化肥税情景的化肥施用量相对基准情景分别减少了24.0%、39.8%和50.2%,农药使用量分别减少了27.6%、32.8%和37.4%,农作物产量分别减少了10.0%、16.3%和21.2%,畜禽养殖量分别增加了5.9%、7.5%和14.0%;2030年,基准情景、低化肥税情景、中化肥税情景和高化肥税情景的总氮入河量分别达到94.5、85.1、78.5和75.3万t,总磷入河量分别达到14.0、12.8、12.0和11.6万t;化肥税和农药税的组合型政策能够有效减少营养盐污染量,然而,中化肥税情景和高化肥税情景比低化肥税情景的边际效果小、经济成本高、农作物产出低和畜禽污染高,故低化肥税情景被认为是控制珠江流域营养盐污染的最优方案.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a 6-year (1998–2003) survey of trace toxics in the intertidal mussel Perna viridis conducted by the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department. Concentrations of heavy metals and trace organics were measured in the soft bodies of P. viridis collected from five sites in Hong Kong waters, i.e. Wu Kai Sha (Tolo Harbour), Ma Wan (Northwest), Tsim Sha Tsui (Victoria Harbour), Tai Tam (Hong Kong South) and Lamma Island (Southern Waters) in order to establish the spatial patterns of contaminants in mussels. Among the metals analysed, Cd showed a significant concentration gradient in Hong Kong waters. The levels of Cd in P. viridis were significantly higher at Ma Wan as compared to the other sites studied. Ma Wan also had relatively higher concentrations of Pb. Mn concentrations were particularly prominent at Wu Kai Sha. Significantly higher concentrations of Hg and Cu were recorded at Tai Tam and Tsim Sha Tsui. Tai Tam and Wu Kai Sha had higher levels of V; whereas higher Ni concentrations were recorded at Lamma Island and Tai Tam. No clear spatial patterns for Al, As, Cr, Fe and Zn were observed.

Higher concentrations of PAHs in P. viridis were observed around urban centres impacted by sewage discharges (e.g. Tsim Sha Tsui); whereas higher PCB levels were found not only in Tsim Sha Tsui but also in less urbanised areas such as Lamma Island and Tai Tam, suggesting that these may be due to non-sewage related inputs. The study also shows that Northwest and Southern waters are subject to a higher degree of DDT pollution compared with other sites. Of the 17 dioxin compounds analysed, positive data were mostly recorded for two compounds which are of low toxicity (i.e. OCDD and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD) whereas the most toxic congeners (i.e. 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD) were not detected in the 6 years of monitoring. In general, the levels of OCDD in P. viridis were found to be higher in Tai Tam and Lamma Island in Southern Waters of Hong Kong.

This study found that the levels of some highly toxic heavy metals (i.e. Cd, Hg and Pb) in the mussel P. viridis did not exceed the recommended limits for shellfish as food in Hong Kong (i.e. Cd: 2.0 ppm; Hg: 0.5 ppm; Pb: 6.0 ppm wet weight). The levels of As and Ni in P. viridis were also well below the action limits set by the US FDA (i.e. As: 86 ppm; Ni: 80 ppm wet weight). DDT and PCB contaminations in P. viridis were below the concentrations of concern. Compared with data obtained in the 1980s, the current levels of DDTs in P. viridis were 4–16 times lower; whereas Pb concentrations recorded in Tsim Sha Tsui have also been lowered significantly. This is mainly related to reduction in local and regional pollution sources in the past 20 years.  相似文献   

A recent comprehensive survey covering 125 sites in Hong Kong waters recorded 29 soft coral species in 14 genera, 38 species of gorgonians in 19 genera and six species of black corals in two genera. Environmental variabilities based on water quality data collected by Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department were analyzed using multivariate statistics to find variables that are significantly correlated with coral distribution patterns. Eleven water quality zones with similar environmental variabilities were recognized, which could further be classified into five groups, namely Inner Bay, Outer Bay, Eastern, Western and Southern waters. LINKTREE analysis provided an overall trend indicating the importance of salinity, sediment and nutrient loadings in affecting octocoral and black coral distribution from west to east of Hong Kong waters, and from inner to outer bays. Furthermore, water turbidity and wave exposure could also affect the coral distribution patterns from north, northeast to southern waters.  相似文献   

Springs and seeps occur in the spaces around Po Hing Fong Street in the Mid‐Levels area, Hong Kong. Most of the springs occur through the drainage weepholes on retaining walls at the street. This paper first examines the geology and history of the springs. The paper then reports the findings from a 1‐year comprehensive spring monitoring programme. The temporal variations of flow rate, physiochemical parameters and hydrochemistry of the springs are discussed. The average temperatures of the springs were close to the mean air temperature, although there was a systematic lag time of 40 to 50 days between the peak air temperature and highest water temperatures. Spring waters from two rows of weepholes in the retaining wall showed significantly different physical and hydrochemical responses to the changes in rainfall and temperature, though their vertical distance is only about 1 m. The results suggest that water from the upper row of weepholes may represent a recharge source that is shallow or close to the spring outlets, whereas that from the lower row of weepholes may represent a recharge source that is much deeper or further up the hill. Although the spring flows increased rapidly after rainstorms, analysis of the total dissolved solids showed a delayed response to rainstorm events. The concentration of individual ions in the spring water varied in a unique way in response to rainstorm events. It is clear that the presence of underground man‐made drainage systems and the leakage from water mains in the study area may add complexity to the solute responses and transport mechanisms. Further studies are required to constrain the impacts of these man‐made structures on the hydrogeology of the springs. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, variations in the particulate organic carbon (POC) were monitored during a phytoplankton bloom event, and the corresponding changes in bio-optical properties were tracked at one station (114.29°E, 22.06°N) located in the Pearl River estuary. A greater than 10-fold increase in POC (112.29-1173.36 mg m−3) was observed during the bloom, with the chlorophyll a concentration (Chl-a) varying from 0.984 to 25.941 mg m−3. A power law function is used to describe the relationship between POC and Chl-a, and the POC:Chl-a ratio tends to change inversely with Chl-a. Phytoplankton carbon concentration is indirectly estimated using the conceptual model proposed by Sathyendranath et al. (2009), and this carbon is found to contribute 47.21% (±10.65%) to total POC. The estimated carbon-to-chlorophyll ratio of phytoplankton in diatom-dominated waters is found to be comparable with results reported in the literature. Empirical algorithms for determining the concentrations of Chl-a and POC were developed based on the relationships of these variables with the blue-to-green reflectance ratio. With these bio-optical models, the levels of particulate organic carbon and Chl-a could be predicted from the radiometric data measured by a marine optical buoy, which showed much more detailed information about the variability in biogeochemical parameters during this bloom event.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a 6-year (1998–2003) survey of trace toxics in the intertidal mussel Perna viridis conducted by the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department. Concentrations of heavy metals and trace organics were measured in the soft bodies of P. viridis collected from five sites in Hong Kong waters, i.e. Wu Kai Sha (Tolo Harbour), Ma Wan (Northwest), Tsim Sha Tsui (Victoria Harbour), Tai Tam (Hong Kong South) and Lamma Island (Southern Waters) in order to establish the spatial patterns of contaminants in mussels. Among the metals analysed, Cd showed a significant concentration gradient in Hong Kong waters. The levels of Cd in P. viridis were significantly higher at Ma Wan as compared to the other sites studied. Ma Wan also had relatively higher concentrations of Pb. Mn concentrations were particularly prominent at Wu Kai Sha. Significantly higher concentrations of Hg and Cu were recorded at Tai Tam and Tsim Sha Tsui. Tai Tam and Wu Kai Sha had higher levels of V; whereas higher Ni concentrations were recorded at Lamma Island and Tai Tam. No clear spatial patterns for Al, As, Cr, Fe and Zn were observed.Higher concentrations of PAHs in P. viridis were observed around urban centres impacted by sewage discharges (e.g. Tsim Sha Tsui); whereas higher PCB levels were found not only in Tsim Sha Tsui but also in less urbanised areas such as Lamma Island and Tai Tam, suggesting that these may be due to non-sewage related inputs. The study also shows that Northwest and Southern waters are subject to a higher degree of DDT pollution compared with other sites. Of the 17 dioxin compounds analysed, positive data were mostly recorded for two compounds which are of low toxicity (i.e. OCDD and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD) whereas the most toxic congeners (i.e. 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD) were not detected in the 6 years of monitoring. In general, the levels of OCDD in P. viridis were found to be higher in Tai Tam and Lamma Island in Southern Waters of Hong Kong.This study found that the levels of some highly toxic heavy metals (i.e. Cd, Hg and Pb) in the mussel P. viridis did not exceed the recommended limits for shellfish as food in Hong Kong (i.e. Cd: 2.0 ppm; Hg: 0.5 ppm; Pb: 6.0 ppm wet weight). The levels of As and Ni in P. viridis were also well below the action limits set by the US FDA (i.e. As: 86 ppm; Ni: 80 ppm wet weight). DDT and PCB contaminations in P. viridis were below the concentrations of concern. Compared with data obtained in the 1980s, the current levels of DDTs in P. viridis were 4–16 times lower; whereas Pb concentrations recorded in Tsim Sha Tsui have also been lowered significantly. This is mainly related to reduction in local and regional pollution sources in the past 20 years.  相似文献   

Riverine sediments have played an important role in the morphological evolution of river channels and river deltas. However, the sediment regime in the many world's rivers has been altered in the context of global changes. In this study, temporal changes in the sediment regime of the Pearl River were examined at different time scales, that is, annual, seasonal, and monthly time scales, using the Mann–Kendall test. The results revealed that precipitation variability was responsible for monthly and seasonal distribution patterns of the sediment regime and the long‐term changes in the water discharge; however, dam operation has smoothed the seasonal distribution of water discharge and resulted in decreasing trends in the annual, wet‐season, and dry‐season sediment load series since the 1950s. Due to the different regulation magnitudes of dam operation, differences were observed in sediment regime changes among the three tributaries. In addition, human activities have altered the hysteresis of seasonal rating curves and affected hysteresis differences between increasing and decreasing water discharge stages. Sediment supply is an important factor controlling river channel dynamics, affecting channel morphology. From the 1950s to the 1980s, siltation was dominant in river channels across the West River and North River deltas in response to the sediment increases; however, scouring occurred in the East River deltas due to sediment reduction. Significant erosion occurred in river channels in the 1990s, which was mostly due to downcutting of the river bed caused by sand excavations and partly because of the reduced sediment load from upstream. Although sand excavations have been banned and controlled by authority agencies since 2000, the erosion of cross sections was still observed in the 2000s because of reduced sediment caused by dam construction. Our study examines the different effects of human activities on the sediment regime and downstream channel morphology, which is of substantial scientific importance for river management.  相似文献   

To detect the causal relationship between cave drip waters and stalagmite laminae, which have been used as a climate change proxy, three drip sites in Beijing Shihua Cave were monitored for discharge and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Drip discharges and DOC were determined at 0 to 14‐day intervals over the period 2004–2006. Drip discharges show two types of response to surface precipitation variations: (1) a rapid response; and (2) a time‐lagged response. Intra‐annual variability in drip discharge is significantly higher than inter‐annual variability. The content of DOC in all drip waters varies inter‐ and intra‐annually and has good correlation with drip water discharge at the rapid response sites. High DOC was observed in July and August in the three years observed. The flushing of soil organic matter is dependent upon the intensity of rain events. The DOC content of drip water increases sharply above a threshold rainfall intensity (>50 mm d?1) and shows several pulses corresponding with intense rain events (>25 mm d?1). The DOC content was lower and less variable during the dry period than during the rainy period. The shape of DOC peak also varies from year to year as it is influenced by the intensity and frequency of rainfall. The different drip sites show marked differences in DOC response, which are dominated by hydrological behaviour linked to the recharge of the soil and karst micro‐fissure/porosity network. The results explain why not all stalagmite laminae are consistent with climate changes and suggest that the structure of the rainy season events could be preserved in speleothems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a nonstationary flood frequency model, this study investigates the impact of trends on the estimation of flood frequencies and flood magnification factors. Analysis of annual peak streamflow data from 28 hydrological stations across the Pearl River basin, China, shows that: (1) northeast parts of the West and the North River basins are dominated by increasing annual peak streamflow, whereas decreasing trends of annual peak streamflow are prevailing in other regions of the Pearl River basin; (2) trends significantly impact the estimation of flood frequencies. The changing frequency of the same flood magnitude is related to the changing magnitude or significance/insignificance of trends, larger increasing frequency can be detected for stations with significant increasing trends of annual peak streamflow and vice versa, and smaller increasing magnitude for stations with not significant increasing annual peak streamflow, pointing to the critical impact of trends on estimation of flood frequencies; (3) larger‐than‐1 flood magnification factors are observed mainly in the northeast parts of the West River basin and in the North River basin, implying magnifying flood processes in these regions and a higher flood risk in comparison with design flood‐control standards; and (4) changes in hydrological extremes result from the integrated influence of human activities and climate change. Generally, magnifying flood regimes in the northeast Pearl River basin and in the North River basin are mainly the result of intensifying precipitation regime; smaller‐than‐1 flood magnification factors along the mainstream of the West River basin and also in the East River basin are the result of hydrological regulations of water reservoirs. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Zhao J  Cao W  Yang Y  Wang G  Zhou W  Sun Z 《Marine pollution bulletin》2008,56(10):1795-1801
A moored optical buoy was deployed in the Pearl River estuarine waters for a 15-day period. A four-day algal bloom event occurred during this study period. Both chlorophyll a concentration and algal cell density (a proxy for biomass) changed dramatically before and after the event. The chlorophyll concentration at a 2.3 m depth rose from 5.15 mg/m−3 at 15:00 h on August 19 to 23.62 mg/m−3 at 9:00 h on August 21, and then decreased to 3.24 mg/m−3 at 15:00 h on August 24. The corresponding cell density ranged from 1.57 × 105 to 1.76 × 106 cells/L. We used normalized fluorescence line height (NFLH) and normalized fluorescence intensity (NFI) in order to determine fluorescence activity. Combined with the in situ sampling dataset, we were able to correlate natural fluorescence (NFLH and NFI) with chlorophyll a concentrations, and found correlation coefficients of 0.72 and 0.75, respectively. We also found correlations between natural fluorescence and cell density, with correlation coefficients of 0.71 and 0.65, respectively. These results indicate that applying continuous time series of natural fluorescence can reflect changes in biomass. This technique will prove extremely useful for in situ and real-time observations using an optical buoy. Although there are still problems to solve in the real-time observation of natural fluorescence in algal bloom events, we discuss the primary factors affecting fluorescence signals and suggest possible methods for mitigating these issues.  相似文献   

Nonstationary GEV-CDN models considering time as a covariate are built for evaluating the flood risk and failure risk of the major flood-control infrastructure in the Pearl River basin, China. The results indicate: (1) increasing peak flood flow is observed in the mainstream of the West River and North River basins and decreasing peak flood flow is observed in the East River basin; in particular, increasing peak flood flow is detected in the mainstream of the lower Pearl River basin and also in the Pearl River Delta region, the most densely populated region of the Pearl River basin; (2) differences in return periods analysed under stationarity and nonstationarity assumptions are found mainly for floods with return periods longer than 50 years; and (3) the failure risks of flood-control infrastructure based on failure risk analysis are higher under the nonstationarity assumption than under the stationarity assumption. The flood-control infrastructure is at higher risk of flood and failure under the influence of climate change and human activities in the middle and lower parts of Pearl River basin.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR G. Thirel  相似文献   

修建在河流支流入汇口处的水利工程,同时受干、支流洪水共同作用,其防洪水位不但与洪水组合特性有关,还与洪水、水利工程行洪的耦合关系有关.已有采用设计洪水重现期对应的特征洪水组合,或者直接采用经验洪水组合进行调洪计算得到防洪设计水位的方法无法有效反映洪水与水利工程的相互作用.本文结合防洪标准的本质,利用Copula-蒙特卡罗模拟方法对修建在支流入汇口处的水利工程的防洪设计水位进行计算,并以珠江流域西江支流郁江广西桂平航运枢纽水闸为例展开研究.结果表明:Copula-蒙特卡罗模拟方法可以有效考虑干、支流洪水组合特性及其与水利工程行洪的耦合关系,以其计算得到的防洪设计水位唯一且可保证达到防洪标准的要求,可有效克服利用洪水重现期确定防洪设计水位存在的不确定性;在干、支流洪水共同作用下,以设计洪水重现期的不同特征组合计算得到的防洪设计水位相差非常大,且与达到防洪标准要求的防洪设计水位相比完全偏离了合理的误差范围,不宜以设计洪水重现期确定防洪设计水位;利用经验洪水组合计算难以合理反映不同工程的洪水及工程特性.研究成果可为修建在支流入汇口处受干、支流洪水共同影响的水利工程防洪设计提供更合理的理论依据和...  相似文献   

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