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Fine-grained segregations up to 5 mm in size composed of graphic intergrowths of zircon, quartz, calcite and containing up to 0.8 wt % SrO have been found in albite–riebeckite and dolomite–biotite metasomatic rocks formed after alaskite granite. They contain magnetite, titanomagnetite (25.4 wt % TiO2), cerite-(Ce,Nd), rutile (up to 1.2 wt % Nb2O5), as well as rare micrograins of monazite-(Ce), bastnaesite-(Ce), and barite (up to 5.7 wt % SrO). The fine-grained structure of mineral aggregates suggests a metacolloidal nature. It is assumed that the zircon–quartz–calcite assemblage was formed due to exchange decomposition reaction between the salt phase of hydrothermal solution with predominant Na2CO3, elevated Zr and, to a lesser extent, Fe, Ti, LREE, Nb contents and dissolved calcium and silica compounds of a Na2SiO3 type.  相似文献   

We present a high-resolution sedimentological analysis of Barremian–Aptian shallow-water carbonates from two cores (S. Maria 6 and 4) that were drilled in the central Apennines (central Italy) and one section (Monte Faito) that crops out in the southern Apennines (southern Italy). The aims of this work are (a) to propose a high-resolution correlation of sections that are located approximately 170 km apart in different tectonic units and paleogeographic domains using a microstratigraphic (cm-scale) approach and (b) to reveal global and regional mechanisms that control the stratigraphic architecture of these carbonate platform strata.A composite S. Maria section was assembled by integrating the sedimentologic and biostratigraphic analyses of the two cores, which overlap each other across the Barremian–Aptian boundary. Both the S. Maria and the Monte Faito sections show repetitive facies patterns that are expressed as elementary cycles, which are hierarchically grouped into bundles and superbundles. The elementary cycles are meter-scale sedimentary units that are bounded by subaerial erosion surfaces, which directly overlie subtidal deposits. This implies that they formed under the influence of relative sea-level fluctuations. In both sections, the superbundles are organized into Transgressive/Regressive Facies Trends (T/RFTs), which are considered to be expressions of lower-frequency relative sea-level changes.These deposits, like their Cretaceous analogues of other areas of the Apennines, show evidence of astronomically controlled eustatic oscillations, which are reflected in the hierarchical organization of their stacking patterns. They also exhibit a sequence-stratigraphic configuration that is best recognizable in the superbundles and T/RFTs. Based on integrated stratigraphic criteria, a high-resolution regional correlation between S. Maria and Monte Faito was developed and compared with the reference section of Monte Raggeto (M. Maggiore, southern Apennines, Italy), where biostratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic studies have been complemented by magneto- and isotope-stratigraphy.We also propose a chronostratigraphic correlation between our T/RFTs and the Tethyan stratigraphic cycles of Hardenbol et al. (1998). Based on the cyclostratigraphic interpretation and orbital chronostratigraphy of the studied interval, we estimate a minimum duration of 5.2 my for the Barremian interval, which is similar to the 4.5 my duration from the Geological Time Scale of Gradstein et al., (2012).  相似文献   

Organic-inorganic interactions between hydrocarbons and most minerals in deeply buried reservoirs remain unclear. In this study, gold capsules and fused silica capillary capsules (FSCCs) with different combinations of nC16H34, water (distilled water, CaCl2 water) and minerals (quartz, feldspar, calcite, kaolinite, smectite, and illite) were heated at 340 °C for 3–10 d, to investigate the evolution and reaction pathways of the organic–inorganic interactions in different hot systems.After heating, minerals exhibited little alteration in the anhydrous systems. Mineral alterations, however, occurred obviously in the hydrous systems. Different inorganic components affected nC16H34 degradation differently. Overall, water promoted the free-radical thermal-cracking reaction and step oxidation reaction but suppressed the free-radical cross-linking reaction. The impact of CaCl2 water on the nC16H34 degradation was weaker than the distilled water as high Ca2+ concentration suppressed the formation of free radicals. The presence of different waters also affects the impact of different minerals on nC16H34 degradation, via its impact on mineral alterations. In the anhydrous nC16H34-mineral systems, calcite and clays catalyzed generation of low-molecular-weight (LMW) alkanes, particularly the clays. Quartz, feldspar, and calcite catalyzed generation of high-molecular-weight (HMW) alkanes and PAHs, whereas clays catalyzed the generation of LMW alkanes and mono-bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (M-BAHs). In the hydrous nC16H34-distilled water–mineral systems, all minerals but quartz promoted nC16H34 degradation to generate more LMW alkanes, less HMW alkanes and PAHs. In the nC16H34-CaCl2 water–mineral systems, the promotion impact of minerals was weaker than that in the systems with distilled water.This study demonstrated the generation of different hydrocarbons with different fluorescence colors in the different nC16H34-water–mineral systems after heating for the same time, implying that fluorescence colors need to be interpreted carefully in investigation of hydrocarbon charging histories and oil origins in deeply buried reservoirs. Besides, the organic–inorganic interactions in different nC16H34-water–mineral systems proceeded in different pathways at different rates, which likely led to preservation of liquid hydrocarbons at different depth (temperature). Thus, quantitative investigations of the reaction kinetics in different hydrocarbon-water-rock systems are required to improve the prediction of hydrocarbon evolution in deeply buried hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

Two of the major granite belts of Southeast Asia are the Main Range and Eastern Province. Together, these are interpreted to represent the magmatic expression of the closure of Palaeo-Tethys during Late Palaeozoic to Early Mesozoic times. Recent geochronological and geochemical work has better delineated these belts within Peninsular Malaysia, thereby providing important constraints on the timing of Palaeo-Tethys suturing. However, the northern extension of this Palaeo-Tethyan suture is less well understood. Here we present new ion microprobe U–Pb zircon age data from northern Thailand and eastern Myanmar. Measured ages of 219 and 220 Ma from the Kyaing Tong granite imply northern extension of the Main Range Province into eastern Myanmar. The Tachileik granite in far eastern Myanmar yields an age of 266 Ma, consistent with published Eastern Province ages, and this therefore constrains the northern extension of the Palaeo-Tethys suture in eastern Myanmar. We further discuss how this suture may extend northwards into Yunnan. A Late Cretaceous age (70 Ma) measured in Thailand represents later magmatic activity, and is similar to published magmatic ages from central Myanmar. This younger magmatism is interpreted to be related to the subduction of Neo-Tethys prior to India–Asia collision. Further, we present new laser ablation zircon Hf isotope data from eastern Myanmar which suggest that Palaeoproterozoic crust underlies both the Main Range and Eastern Province granites. Our εHf model age of ca. 1750 Ma from Sibumasu, the basement underlying eastern Myanmar, lies within the range of other model ages reported thus far for the Baoshan Block north in Yunnan, interpreted by some to be the northern extension of Sibumasu.  相似文献   

The ore deposits of the Mesozoic age in South China can be divided into three groups, each with different metal associations and spatial distributions and each related to major magmatic events. The first event occurred in the Late Triassic (230–210 Ma), the second in the Mid–Late Jurassic (170–150 Ma), and the third in the Early–Mid Cretaceous (120–80 Ma). The Late Triassic magmatic event and associated mineralization is characterized by peraluminous granite-related W–Sn–Nb–Ta mineral deposits. The Triassic ore deposits are considerably disturbed or overprinted by the later Jurassic and Cretaceous tectono-thermal episodes. The Mid–Late Jurassic magmatic and mineralization events consist of 170–160 Ma porphyry–skarn Cu and Pb–Zn–Ag vein deposits associated with I-type granites and 160–150 Ma metaluminous granite-related polymetallic W–Sn deposits. The Late Jurassic metaluminous granite-related W–Sn deposits occur in a NE-trending cluster in the interior of South China, such as in the Nanling area. In the Early–Mid Cretaceous, from about 120 to 80 Ma, but peaking at 100–90 Ma, subvolcanic-related Fe deposits developed and I-type calc-alkaline granitic intrusions formed porphyry Cu–Mo and porphyry-epithermal Cu–Au–Ag mineral systems, whereas S-type peraluminous and/or metaluminous granitic intrusions formed polymetallic Sn deposits. These Cretaceous mineral deposits cluster in distinct areas and are controlled by pull-apart basins along the South China continental margin. Based on mineral assemblage, age, and space–time distribution of these mineral systems, integrated with regional geological data and field observations, we suggest that the three magmatic–mineralization episodes are the result of distinct geodynamic regimes. The Triassic peraluminous granites and associated W–Sn–Nb–Ta mineralization formed during post-collisional processes involving the South China Block, the North China Craton, and the Indo-China Block, mostly along the Dabie-Sulu and Songma sutures. Jurassic events were initially related to the shallow oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate beneath the Eurasian continent at about 175 Ma, but I-type granitoids with porphyry Cu and vein-type Pb–Zn–Ag deposits only began to form as a result of the breakup of the subducted plate at 170–160 Ma, along the NNE-trending Qinzhou-Hangzhou belt (also referred to as Qin-Hang or Shi-Hang belt), which is the Neoproterozoic suture that amalgamates the Yangtze Craton and Cathaysia Block. A large subduction slab window is assumed to have formed in the Nanling and adjacent areas in the interior of South China, triggering the uprise of asthenospheric mantle into the upper crust and leading to the emplacement of metaluminous granitic magma and associated polymetallic W–Sn mineralization. A relatively tectonically quiet period followed between 150 and 135 Ma in South China. From 135 Ma onward, the angle of convergence of the Izanagi plate changed from oblique to parallel to the coastline, resulting in continental extensional tectonics and reactivation of regional-scale NE-trending faults, such as the Tan-Lu fault. This widespread extension also promoted the development of NE-trending pull-apart basins and metamorphic core complexes, accompanied by volcanism and the formation of epithermal Cu–Au deposits, granite-related polymetallic Sn–(W) deposits and hydrothermal U deposits between 120 and 80 Ma (with a peak activity at 100–90 Ma).  相似文献   

The U–Pb age of the boundary between the Lower and Middle Carboniferous has been determined on zircons separated from a volcanic tuff layer within a limestone unit near the roof of the Serpukhovian Stage in an occurrence at the right bank of the Iset’ River. The zircons have been dated using SIMS SHRIMP-II at 320 ± 3 Ma. The result agrees well with the accepted age of the boundary between the Serpukhovian and Bashkirian ages (323.2 ± 0.4 Ma, [1]).  相似文献   

Palaeotemperatures during the late Barremian–early Aptian (Early Cretaceous) on the Russian Platform have been determined on the basis of oxygen isotope analysis of aragonitic bivalve molluscan and ammonoid shells and belemnite rostra with well-preserved microstructure from the Ulyanovsk area. Those obtained from the planispiral and heteromorph ammonoid shells from the lower Aptian Volgensis–Schilovkensis, Deshayesi–Tuberculatum, and Deshayesi–Renauxianum zones range from 26.7 to 33.2 °C, from 29.2 to 33.1 °C, and from 27.0 to 29.5 °C, respectively. A heteromorph Helicancylus? cf. philadelphius shell from the uppermost lower Aptian Bowerbanki Zone was secreted in highest temperature conditions (32.8–35.2 °C). In contrast, upper Barremian molluscs (bivalve Cyprina sp. and belemnite Oxyteuthis sp.) of the Ulyanovsk area show significantly lower palaeotemperatures: 16.9–18.5 °C and 7.9–17.8 °C, respectively, which is in accordance with known palaeogeographic and palaeobotanical evidences, showing that a distinct climatic optimum seems to have occurred during the late early Aptian, when warm Tethyan water penetrated into the basin. Marked changes in calculated growth temperatures for investigated molluscs from the Russian Platform were most likely connected with both the general warming trend during the late Barremian–early Aptian and local palaeonvironmental conditions. New data from the Bowerbanki Zone of the Russian Platform provide evidence on existence of the positive carbon isotope anomaly (2.4–6‰) at the end of the lower Aptian. There were apparently the three positive C-isotope anomalies during the late Barremian–early Aptian. The onset of mid early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1a seems to coincide with both the beginning of significant warm conditions (followed by short-term cooling) and the abrupt decline in heavy carbon isotope concentrations in marine carbonates, which partly were the likely consequences of the intensive release of CO2 (biased by volcanic activity) and/or dissociation of methane gas hydrate.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Several Proterozoic basement units crop out in the Sonora State of NW Mexico, and the same can be correlated with crustal provinces of southern Laurentia...  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2016-2029
The Salmas area, in the northernmost part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone of Iran, contains a crystalline mafic–intermediate complex that intrudes into the Precambrian metamorphic basement complex and is composed of gabbroic and gabbrodiorite cumulates and fine-grained non-cumulate gabbronorites and diorites. These rocks have fine- to coarse-grained texture and are mainly composed of plagioclase, pyroxenes, and amphibole. Major element geochemistry indicates that the pluton has a low-K with tholeiitic affinity. Variations of major and trace elements on Harker diagrams, including negative correlations MgO, Fe2O3, CaO, and Co and positive correlations Na2O, K2O, Rb, Ba, and La, with increasing SiO2 and chondrite-normalized REE patterns, suggest that fractional crystallization of gabbroic rocks could have played a significant role in the formation of evolved rocks. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns are not fractionated (LaN /LuN = 1.3–5.4) and display strong Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 1.15–1.76) in cumulate rocks, which we attributed to cumulus plagioclase. Sr and Nd isotopic ratios vary from 0.704698 to 0.705866 and from 0.512548 to 0.512703, respectively. Gabbronorites with high 143Nd/144Nd ratios, low 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and high MgO, Ni, and Cr contents indicate that they were generated from relatively primitive magmas. We used petrogenetic modelling to constrain sources. Trace element ratio modelling indicates that the gabbroic rocks were generated from a spinel-peridotite source via 5–20% degrees of fractional melting at a depth of ~52 km. Major and REE modelling shows that the diorites are the products of fractional crystallization of gabbronorites.  相似文献   

The origin of the Greater Himalayan Sequence in the Himalaya and the paleogeographic position of the Lhasa terrane within Gondwanaland remain controversial. In the Eastern Himalayan syntaxis, the basement complexes of the northeastern Indian plate (Namche Barwa Complex) and the South Lhasa terrane (Nyingchi Complex) can be studied to explore these issues. Detrital zircons from the metasedimentary rocks in the Namche Barwa Complex and Nyingchi Complex yield similar U–Pb age spectra, with major age populations of 1.00–1.20 Ga, 1.30–1.45 Ga, 1.50–1.65 Ga and 1.70–1.80 Ga. The maximum depositional ages for their sedimentary protoliths are ~ 1.0 Ga based on the mean ages of the youngest three detrital zircons. Their minimum depositional ages are ~ 477 Ma for the Namche Barwa Complex and ~ 499 Ma for the Nyingchi Complex. Detrital zircons from the Namche Barwa Complex and Nyingchi Complex also display similar trace-element signatures and Hf isotopic composition, indicating that they were derived from common provenance. The trace-element signatures of 1.30–1.45 Ga detrital zircons indicate that the 1.3–1.5 Ga alkalic and mafic rocks belt in the southeastern India is a potential provenance. Most 1.50–1.65 Ga zircons have positive εHf(t) values (+ 1.2 to + 9.0), and most 1.70–1.80 Ga zircons have negative εHf(t) values (− 7.1 to − 1.9), which are compatible with those of the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic orthogneisses in the Namche Barwa Complex. Provenance analysis indicates that the southern Indian Shield, South Lhasa terrane and probably Eastern Antarctica were the potential detrital sources. Combined with previous studies, our results suggest that: (1) the Namche Barwa Complex is the northeastern extension of the Greater Himalaya Sequence; (2) the metasedimentary rocks in the Namche Barwa Complex represent distal deposits of the northern Indian margin relative to the Lesser Himalaya; (3) the South Lhasa terrane was tectonically linked to northern India before the Cambrian.  相似文献   

A biometric study of Chattian–Early Aquitanian taxa from shallow marine transgressive carbonate deposits in the Oligo-Miocene sedimentary basin of Kirkuk, Iraq, provides new insight into their taxonomy, stratigraphy, and palaeobiogeography. Their evolution is based on a distinct change in general nepiont morphology, which agrees with the principle of nepionic acceleration. Each Miogypsinoides group is represented by more than one lineage. We demonstrate for the first time the parallel evolution of Miogypsina and Miogypsinoides in the late Chattian of north-eastern Iraq. We assign specimens into two lineage groups: Miogypsinoides formosensis of the Late Chattian, with smaller embryon and longer post-embryonic spirals, which evolved into Miogypsinoides bantamensis of the Early Aquitanian; and Miogypsinoides sivasensis, with shorter spirals and larger embryon, originally found in late Chattian to Early Aquitanian deposits. This group evolved into large embryon and longer post-embryonic spiral specimens of the upper Azkand Formation, assigned to Miogypsinoides dehaartii and associated with Miogypsina gunteri-basraensis and M. gunteri due to their peculiar morphological features. Miogypsina specimens are related to Miogypsina basraensis, which have much smaller embryon dimensions. This part of the sequence corresponds to Ms. formosensis and is overlain by a Miogypsina ex. interc. gunteri-basraensis succession, a composite species that evolved to Miogypsina gunteri, the most common Miogypsinids taxon in the carbonate upper Azkand Formation, thereby acting as a reference for the evolution of this taxon and its transition to M. ex. interc. tani-gunteri. Miogypsinoides evolution in the Iraqi sedimentary basin is similar to Western Tethys evolution yet differs from Indo-Pacific evolution.  相似文献   

Groundmass perovskite has been dated by LA-ICPMS in 135 kimberlites and related rocks from 110 localities across southern Africa. Sr and/or Nd isotopes have been analysed by LA-MC-ICPMS in a subset of these and integrated with published data. The age distribution shows peaks at 1,600–1,800, 1,000–1,200, 500–800 and 50–130 Ma. The major “bloom” of Group I kimberlites at ca 90 ± 10 Ma was preceded by a slow build-up in magmatic activity from ca 180 Ma. The main pulse of Group II kimberlites at 120–130 Ma was a distinct episode within this build-up. Comparison of the isotopic data with seismic tomography images suggests that metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) with very low ε Nd and high 87Sr/86Sr, (the isotopic signature of Group II kimberlites) was focused in low-Vs zones along translithospheric structures. Such metasomatized zones existed as early as 1,800 Ma, but were only sporadically tapped until the magmatic build-up began at ca 180 Ma, and contributed little to the kimberlitic magmas after ca 110 Ma. We suggest that these metasomatized volumes resided in the deep SCLM and that their low-melting point components were “burned off” by rising temperatures, presumably during an asthenospheric upwelling that led to SCLM thinning and a rise in the ambient geotherm between 120 and 90 Ma. The younger Group I kimberlites therefore rarely interacted with such SCLM, but had improved access to shallower volumes of differently metasomatized, ancient SCLM with low 87Sr/86Sr and intermediate ε Nd (0–5). The kimberlite compositions therefore reflect the evolution of the SCLM of southern Africa, with metasomatic-enrichment events from as early as 1.8 Ga, through a major thermal and compositional change at ca 110 Ma, and the major kimberlite “bloom” around 90 Ma.  相似文献   

We have measured the surface controlled dissolution rates of natural calcium carbonate minerals (limestone and marble) in H2O–CO2 solutions by using free drift batch experiments under closed system conditions with respect to CO2, at 10°C with an initial partial pressure of carbon dioxide of 5 · 10−2 atm. All experiments revealed reaction rates F, which can be described by the empirical relation: Fn1 = kn1 · (1 − c/ceq)n1 for c < cs, which switches to a higher order n2 for calcium concentrations c ≥ cs described by Fn2 = kn2 · (1 − c/ceq)n2. kn1 and kn2 are rate constants in mmole/(cm2 · s), ceq is the equilibrium concentration with respect to calcite. The values of the constants n1, n2, kn1, kn2 and cs depend on the V/A ratio employed, where V is the volume of the solution and A is the surface area of the reacting mineral. Different calcium carbonate minerals exhibit different values of the kinetic constants. But generally with increasing V/A, there is a steep variation in the values of all kinetic constants, such that the rates are reduced with increasing V/A ratio. Finally with sufficiently large V/A these values become constant. These results are explained by assuming intrinsic inhibitors in the bulk of the mineral. During dissolution these are released from the calcite matrix and are adsorbed irreversibly at the reacting surface, where they act as inhibitors. The thickness d of the mineral layer removed by dissolution is proportional to the V/A ratio. The amount of inhibitors released per surface area is given by d · cint, where cint is their concentration in the bulk of the mineral. At low thicknesses up to ≈3 · 10−4 cm in the investigated materials, the surface concentration of inhibitors increases until saturation is attained for thicknesses above this value.To analyze the surface concentration and the type of the inhibitors we have used Auger spectroscopy, which revealed the presence of aluminosilicate complexes at the surface of limestone, when a thickness of d ≈ 10−3 cm had been removed by dissolution. In unreacted samples similar signals, weaker by one order of magnitude, were observed. Depth profiles of the reacted sample obtained by Ar-ion sputtering showed the concentration of these complexes to decrease to the concentration observed in the unreacted sample within a depth of about 10 nm. No change of the concentration with depth was observed in unreacted samples. These data suggest that complexes of aluminosilicates act as inhibitors, although other impurities cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

 The kinematic pattern and associated metamorphism of the predominant ductile deformation and the subsequent deformational stages of the Serbomacedonian metamorphic rocks and granitoids are presented in terms of peri-Tethyan tectonics. A systematic record of structural and metamorphic data gives evidence of a main top-to-ENE to ESE ductile flow of Cretaceous age (120–90 Ma) associated with a crustal stretching and unroofing. A subordinate WSW to WNW antithetic sense of movement of the tectonic top is observed in places. The associated metamorphic conditions are estimated at 4.5–7.5 kbar and 510–580  °C. During Eocene to Miocene times these fabrics were successively deformed by low-angle extensional De ductile shear zones with top-to-NE and SW sense of movement and brittle shear zones of similar kinematic pattern, suggesting a transition from ductile to brittle deformation. De deformation was accompanied during its later stages by NW/SE-directed shortening. We also discuss the relation of this Cretaceous–Tertiary deformation of the Serbomacedonian metamorphic rocks with the Eocene to Miocene ductile, top-to-southwestward crustal shear of the adjacent Rhodope crystalline rocks. We regard the Serbomacedonian and the Rhodope metamorphic rocks to represent related metamorphic provinces, the most recent exhumation and cooling history of which is bracketed between the Eocene and Neogene. Received: 8 December 1998 / Accepted: 19 April 1999  相似文献   

The Precambrian basement of Egypt is part of the Red Sea Mountains and represents the north-western part of the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS). Five volcanic sections are exposed in the Egyptian basement complex, namely El Kharaza, Monqul, Abu Had, Mellaha and Abu Marwa. They are located in the north Eastern Desert (ED) of Egypt and were selected for petrological and geochemical studies as they represent the Dokhan volcanics. The volcanics divide into two main pulses, and each pulse was frequently accompanied by deposition of immature molasse type sediments, which represent a thick sequence of the Hammamat group in the north ED. Compositionally, the rocks form a continuum from basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite (lower succession) to rhyodacite and rhyolite (upper succession), with no apparent compositional gaps. These high-K calc-alkaline rocks have strong affinities to subduction-related rocks with enriched LILEs (Rb, Ba, K, Th, Ce) relative to high field strength elements (Nb, Zr, P, Ti) and negative Nb anomalies relative to NMORB. The lower succession displays geochemical characteristics of adakitic rocks with SiO2 >53 wt%, Al2O3 >15 wt%, MgO >2.5 wt%, Mg# >49, Sr >650 ppm, Y <17 ppm, Yb <2 ppm, Ni >25 ppm, Cr >50 ppm and Sr/Y >42.4. They also have low Nb, Rb and Zr compared to the coexisting calc-alkaline rhyodacites and rhyolites. The highly fractionated rhyolitic rocks have strong negative Eu anomalies and possess the geochemical characteristics of A-type suites. Trace element geochemical signatures indicate a magma source consistent with post-collisional suites that retain destructive plate signatures associated with subduction zones. The adakitic rocks in the northern ANS are generated through partial melting of delaminated mafic lower crust interacting with overlying mantle-derived magma. The Dokhan volcanics were likely generated by a combination of processes, including partial melting, crystal fractionation and assimilation.  相似文献   

The upper Cenomanian–lower Turonian paleoenvironments of the Preafrican Trough carbonate platform is characterized by analyzing the structure of the ostracod assemblages and the information provided by other groups, and also by linking together the paleontological and geochemical data (detrital influx-redox-paleoproductivity proxies, δ13C curve). Two different domains (eastern and western) can be recognized on the platform during the late Cenomanian, before the onset of the OAE2. The western domain corresponds to a low-energy environment developed on a mid and/or outer ramp with hypoxic waters, low detrital influx and low paleoproductivity. The paleoecological assemblages show limited specific diversity but variable density. The ostracods are opportunistic and unspecialized (r strategists), being associated with Buliminidae, surface and intermediate-water planktonic foraminifera, and fishes. The eastern domain corresponds to an inner ramp and/or peritidal environment with oxic waters, low detrital influx and low paleoproductivity, developed in a higher energy environment with paleoecological assemblages showing high diversity but variable density. The ostracods are more specialized (K strategists), being represented by diverse and constant assemblages associated with diversified benthic foraminifera, calcareous sponges and echinoderms, as well as intermediate- and deep-water planktonic foraminifera. The onset of the OAE2 has no influence on the western ostracod assemblages, but leads to the decline of the ostracod fauna and the disappearance of the deep-water planktonic foraminifera in the eastern domain. During the early Turonian, after the OAE2, the platform becomes an outer ramp with increased paleoproductivity, but is associated with a decrease of taxonomic diversity in hypoxic waters. The ostracods are very sparse and unspecialized, associated with siliceous sponges, Buliminidae, surface-living planktonic foraminifera, fishes and pelagic crinoids. Marine paleobiogeographic communication is relatively easy across the carbonate platforms between the Preafrican Trough and other Moroccan regions, as well as between Morocco and different parts of the South Tethyan and East Atlantic margins belonging to the Cenomanian–Turonian South Tethyan Ostracod Province (STOP). Thirteen new species are described: Cytherella tazzouguertensis n. sp., Bairdiacypris chaabetensis n. sp., Bythocypris amelkisensis n. sp., Pontocypris tadighoustensis n. sp., Procytherura? elongatissima n. sp., Loxoconcha akrabouensis n. sp., Hemiparacytheridea sagittaemucronata n. sp., Rehacythereis errachidiaensis n. sp., Rehacythereis zizensis n. sp., Veenia (Nigeria) tardaensis n. sp., Veenia (Nigeria) mediacostarobusta n. sp., Xestoleberis? preafricanensis n. sp., and Xestoleberis circinatus n. sp.  相似文献   

The paper presents new isotope–geochemical and mineralogical data on mantle xenoliths of the “island-arc” (Avacha, Shiveluch, and Kharchinsky volcanoes) and “within-plate” (Valovayam River, Cape Navarin, and Bakening Volcano areas) types. In terms of paragenesis and mineral composition, the “islandarc” xenoliths correspond to the olivine–plagioclase depth facies, while the “within-plate” xenoliths came from spinel lherzolite to wehrlite facies, which is transitional to the olivine–plagioclase equilibrium. The majority of the “within-plate” xenoliths are enriched in high-field-strength elements (Ti, Nb, Hf, Zr, Yb). The “island-arc” xenoliths in general are depleted in REE, while the “within-plate” xenoliths are enriched in all REE. The former have low Pb isotope ratios, being in isotope equilibrium with lower crustal basites, while most of the latter group are enriched in radiogenic Pb. The island-arc xenoliths are of magmatic origin and were derived from the sublithospheric crust–mantle mixture, while the “within-plate” xenoliths reflect the composition of the asthenospheric mantle source. The primary appearance of the xenoliths is obliterated by secondary recrystallization and metasomatic reworking.  相似文献   

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