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从时间与费用两个角度研究广州市地铁建设对公共交通可达性的影响及其影响的空间公平性。结果表明: 加权时间与费用可达性均形成“核心-外围”的空间格局。通地铁后,南部郊区加权时间可达性变化率较大,花都区变化率最低;加权费用可达性高变率地区集中在地铁沿线及边缘地区。不乘地铁情境下,CBD等时圈呈同心圆状,80%的居民在50 min以及2元钱花费内能到达最近的商业综合体。乘地铁情境下等时圈沿着地铁网络延伸与扩散,80%的居民在30 min以及5元钱以内能到达最近的商业综合体。无论是否乘坐地铁,出行时间的不公平程度都高于出行费用的不公平程度。番禺区的社区从地铁网络中时间可达性获益最多,最不公平的是白云区的社区,其绝对和相对变化较低;中心城区由于常规公交网络发达,地铁缩短的绝对出行时间较少,而变化率高。地铁对城市内中远距离出行性价比的影响最明显。  相似文献   

Accessibility is an important consideration in sustainable mobility policies, particularly for transit users. Measures suggested in the literature are based on coarse aggregate spatial resolution of traffic analysis zones that is sufficient for managing car travels only. To reflect a human door-to-door travel, transit accessibility demands an explicit view of the location of origin, transit stops and destination, as well as of the temporal fit between transit lines timetable and traveler’s needs. We thus estimate transit accessibility based on mode-specific travel times and corresponding paths, including walking and waiting, at the resolution of individual buildings and stops. Car accessibility is estimated at a high resolution too. A novel representation of transit network as a graph is proposed. This representation includes all modal components of a transit travel – walking, waiting at a stop, transit ride, transfers between lines, thus enabling unified view of a travel, regardless of mode. The use of modern high-performance graph database allows construction of high-resolution accessibility maps for an entire metropolitan area with its 100–200 K buildings. The application is tested and applied in a case study involving the evaluation of the 2011 bus line reform in the city of Tel Aviv. Specifically, we demonstrate that while the reform increased the average accessibility for the entire city the increase was not uniform with different areas of the city experiencing different absolute accessibility by transit and relative accessibility in comparison to car travel. The bus reform did in fact benefit travelers that experienced low relative accessibility, but the benefits are mainly accruing to longer trips. Our approach and computational methods can be employed for directly investigating the impacts of transportation infrastructure investments.  相似文献   

The temporal dimensions of public transit accessibility have recently garnered an increasing amount of interest. However, the existing literature on transit accessibility is heavily based on oversimplified assumptions that transit services operate at deterministic speeds using predetermined timetables. These measurements may overestimate transit accessibility, especially for large metropolitan areas where inter- and intra-modal transfers are frequent. To handle travel time uncertainty, a multi-modal transit accessibility modeling approach is proposed to account for realistic variations in travel time and service reliability. The proposed approach is applied to the mapping of transit accessibility in Shenzhen (China), where transit services exhibit significant travel time variations over space and time. Compared to traditional transit accessibility measures, our method has been demonstrated to better capture intrinsic spatial and temporal accessibility variations with complex multi-modal transit networks. Normal distribution of inter-stop travel times and constant travel speed between GPS sampling points are assumed to simply the computation, which we consider to adjust in future studies to better quantify the dynamics of transit accessibility across space and time.  相似文献   

Our purpose is to explore the travel behavior of blind or vision impaired people, focusing in particular on travel by bus. We differentiate the sample depending on the availability of a household car. We examine perceptions of and attitudes toward existing transit and various transit characteristics, highlighting features that seem to be frustrating or difficult. Finally, we have travelers evaluate the potential usefulness of various assistive devices, including electronic information that gives navigational assistance.  相似文献   


Our purpose is to explore the travel behavior of blind or vision impaired people, focusing in particular on travel by bus. We differentiate the sample depending on the availability of a household car. We examine perceptions of and attitudes toward existing transit and various transit characteristics, highlighting features that seem to be frustrating or difficult. Finally, we have travelers evaluate the potential usefulness of various assistive devices, including electronic information that gives navigational assistance.  相似文献   

王鑫  吴晋峰  郭峰  李蕾 《中国沙漠》2012,32(4):1176-1181
近年来,沙漠旅游呈现蓬勃发展之势。应用问卷调查法对国内居民的沙漠感知形象进行调查,在此基础上进一步对其沙漠旅游行为意向进行研究。结果表明,沙漠旅游具有广阔的市场前景,人们对沙漠旅游十分向往,愿意支付较高的旅游费用并花费较长的旅游时间,但对沙漠的感知形象支离破碎,且对已开发的沙漠旅游景区认知度较低。研究还发现,市场营销力度不够和交通可达性差是阻碍目前中国沙漠旅游业发展的主要因素。提出推动中国沙漠旅游快速发展的3点建议,即丰富旅游产品体系,重点发展观光旅游;塑造鲜明旅游形象,加大市场营销力度;提高交通可达性,完善旅游配套设施。  相似文献   

采用文献梳理法对中国知网刊载以城市轨道交通为主题期刊文献进行分析,发现国内研究集中在:(1)轨道交通与常规公交、慢行交通体系、出租车、私家车、大型机场等间的换乘组织与连接规划;(2)城市轨道交通网络内部的换乘与衔接,及轨道交通站点空间组织等领域研究;(3)国内研究聚焦在各式交通方式衔接规划及城市路网为主的硬件建设等,但较少关注各类群体出行行为模式及其对交通方式换乘规划影响等。最后展望了中国大城市进入老龄化社会需要关注的轨道换乘研究方向。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通和建成环境对居民步行行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
步行作为一种主要的交通方式和日常体力活动形式,其与公共交通使用和建成环境的关系是城市地理学和公共健康研究的热点。目前城市轨道交通对步行行为的影响研究相对不足,且在中国的实证研究中对于自选择问题的控制尚未引起足够重视。基于2014年西安市建成环境与居民出行行为微观调查数据,采用匹配对照的准实验研究设计,通过自选择效应的控制,本文探究并区分了城市轨道交通及建成环境对交通和休闲步行频率的影响。研究发现:① 出行态度和偏好等自选择因素对个人步行频率具有重要影响。② 控制了个人社会经济属性和自选择因素后,受访者对建成环境的感知极大地影响了步行频率。③ 客观建成环境变量对于步行频率的影响与发达国家的实证研究结果存在一定差异。无论交通步行还是休闲步行频率模型中,均未发现密度的显著影响。客观建成环境变量中周边购物及餐饮设施数量和常规公交站点数量对交通步行频率产生显著正效应,但对休闲步行并不产生显著影响。④ 地铁对交通步行频率具有显著的独立影响。本研究有助于进一步了解城市居民步行出行背后的影响因素,并为通过优化城市土地利用规划来引导城市居民绿色和健康出行的政策制定提供启示。  相似文献   


Effective public transit planning needs to address realistic travel demands, which can be illustrated by corridors across major residential areas and activity centers. It is vital to identify public transit corridors that contain the most significant transit travel demand patterns. We propose a two-stage approach to discover primary public transit corridors at high spatio-temporal resolutions using massive real-world smart card and bus trajectory data, which manifest rich transit demand patterns over space and time. The first stage was to reconstruct chained trips for individual passengers using multi-source massive public transit data. In the second stage, a shared-flow clustering algorithm was developed to identify public transit corridors based on reconstructed individual transit trips. The proposed approach was evaluated using transit data collected in Shenzhen, China. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed approach is a practical tool for extracting time-varying corridors for many potential applications, such as transit planning and management.  相似文献   

城市地理空间、气候环境及交通系统间存在复杂的相互联系、相互制约的关系,交通及地理时空数据为理解三者间关系带来了新的机遇。城市轨道交通是居民绿色出行、缓解中国大城市交通拥堵的重要交通方式。深入研究影响城市地铁客流时间和空间分布变化的因素,有利于制定合理的土地利用及交通需求管理政策,也可为实时响应特定天气条件下旅客出行需求的变化和优化公交服务运营提供理论依据。论文使用智能交通卡数据,以南京市为例,通过建立一种季节性差分自回归移动平均(seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average with explanatory variables, SARIMAX)模型,解释不同种类的天气因素(如降雨、气温、相对湿度、风速等)对地铁客流量时空分布的影响程度。研究发现:降雨类因素在高峰和周末时段对地铁客流量的影响较大;各天气因素对各地铁站点客流量的影响大致呈现出从城市中心区域向外围区域逐渐变小的渐变式规律,且地铁无规律出行者比有规律出行者更易受恶劣天气因素的影响。  相似文献   

王姣娥 《地理科学进展》2013,32(10):1470-1478
城市交通、土地利用和城市空间结构的相互关系一直是城市地理学、城市规划学和交通地理学研究的核心问题。大容量公共交通、混合型土地开发、宜人的步行环境和高质量的公交服务是公交导向型开发(TOD)模式的主要特点。本文分析了TOD对城市土地利用和城市空间结构的作用机理发现:土地开发强度、土地利用结构以及土地价值是TOD影响城市土地利用的3 个主要方面,而TOD对路网结构、城市规模和城市空间布局的作用进一步影响城市空间结构及其演化。进一步研究发现:大容量公共交通的建设使得城市竞租曲线和开发密度具有多波峰的特点,遵循"随着时间的变化从城市中心向外围递减"的规律。基于中外城市发展背景差异,本文从宏观、中观和微观3 个层面提出建立以大容量公共交通为主轴、以TOD站点为枢纽的轴辐网络状城市空间结构,并提出了TOD站点开发的距离、级差密度、多样性和设计的4Ds原则。  相似文献   

陈静  章锦河  刘泽华  周晶  杨璐 《地理科学进展》2013,32(10):1511-1519
作为现实旅游者分享旅游经历和情感的虚拟平台,旅游博客逐渐成为潜在旅游者出游决策的参考依据,已引起学术界和旅游管理者的高度关注,成为旅游研究新的重要对象。通过对国内外旅游博客研究的相关文献的梳理,从旅游博客研究内容与研究方法两个角度进行评析。在研究内容方面,目前国内外主要从博主、博文、博客技术等3 个方面进行研究。其中,博主研究包括博主的人口学分析、博文写作分析和旅游行为分析,博文研究包括博文对潜在旅游者的作用分析、对旅游目的地形象构建的作用分析及对旅游营销的作用分析。分析结果表明,国外相关研究比较深入,而国内主要是借鉴国外研究方法进行实证研究以及旅游博客的营销作用分析。在研究方法方面,国内外主要通过网站搜集渠道进行信息获取,应用内容分析法与叙事分析法进行博客分析。最后,文章提出3点研究展望:① 在研究尺度方面,需加强不同时间和空间尺度的博文对比分析;② 研究内容方面,应拓宽研究视角,充分利用博客中的图片等有用信息,通过实地调研数据的佐证提高研究的科学性和准确性;③ 研究方法方面,国内研究应该在引介国际前沿理论和研究范式的基础上增强区域性研究,构建中国特色的旅游博客研究体系。  相似文献   

本文基于2014年厦漳泉城市群交通网络数据和调查数据,采用问卷调查确定城内交通时间及交通时间满意度时间阈值,应用凸壳理论划分城际理论小时交通圈,继而利用城内交通时间修正城际理论小时交通圈,生成城际实际小时交通圈,并结合百度地图划分基于交通时间满意度的城内小时交通圈。研究结果表明:①城际理论小时交通圈均超过本市域范围,而厦门、漳州和泉州各城市城际实际小时交通圈面积相较于城际理论小时交通圈大幅缩小,缩小幅度分别为91.7%、82.9%、83.9%,覆盖区域主要为各自市域范围;②受访者城内交通时间为31~61 min;而使用公交车通常需60 min以上到达汽车站、90 min以上到达动车站,处于不满意甚至很不满意的时间阈值内,其中非常不满意占主导地位;③67.71%的受访者对城际交通时间表示很满意或满意,但69.1%受访者对城内交通时间表示很不满意或不满意。厦漳泉城市群城内交通系统有待改善,建议应完善厦漳泉交通网络尤其是城内交通网络。  相似文献   

城市交通运输地理发展趋势   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
从城市交通运输地理研究的核心概念入手,在对具有代表性的交通运输地理著作及刊物的研究进行综述基础上,对城市交通运输地理的发展进行分析,揭示城市交通运输地理目前研究的主要内容及发展趋势,丰富和发展城市地理学及交通地理学的研究内容。  相似文献   

孔祥夫  杨家文 《地理科学》2018,38(12):2074-2083
从土地利用视角分析轨道站点客流的影响因素,基于直接估计模型,选择不同类型用地楼板面积、公交线路数量、站点中心性、站点可达性4个变量建立非线性回归函数,分析不同类型用地客流生成率与站点可达性之间的衰减规律。结果表明: 相比于线性衰减规律,客流生成率随站点可达性的降低更符合指数衰减规律,用地距离地铁站0~0.5 km时客流生成率下降最快。单位面积各类用地客流生成率由大到小依次为:交通用地>办公用地>商业用地≈城中村>工业用地>居住用地>其他用地。客流生成率受站点可达性影响强度由大到小依次为:商业用地>办公用地>交通用地>其他用地>居住用地>城中村>工业用地。  相似文献   

Despite substantial amounts of federal assistance to local public transportation, ridership has declined considerably in the country as a whole since 1964, suggesting an ineffective government program. A city-by-city comparison of assistance received with changes in transit ridership shows that declines in transit usage were least in cities receiving the most federal aid, and greatest in cities receiving the least aid. This demonstrates that federal aid has had an impact upon travel behavior. Indeed, it is the single most important factor explaining differences between cities in travel behavior changes in the 1970's.  相似文献   


Despite substantial amounts of federal assistance to local public transportation, ridership has declined considerably in the country as a whole since 1964, suggesting an ineffective government program. A city-by-city comparison of assistance received with changes in transit ridership shows that declines in transit usage were least in cities receiving the most federal aid, and greatest in cities receiving the least aid. This demonstrates that federal aid has had an impact upon travel behavior. Indeed, it is the single most important factor explaining differences between cities in travel behavior changes in the 1970's.  相似文献   

Most analyses of accessibility by public transit have focused on travel time and not considered the cost of transit fares. It is difficult to include fares in shortest-path algorithms because fares are often path-dependent. When fare policies allow discounted transfers, for example, the fare for a given journey segment depends on characteristics of previous journey segments. Existing methods to characterize tradeoffs between travel time and monetary cost objectives do not scale well to complex networks, or they rely on approximations. Additionally, they often require assumed values of time, which may be problematic for evaluating the equity of service provision. We propose a new method that allows us to find Pareto sets of paths, jointly minimizing fare and travel time. Using a case study in greater Boston, Massachusetts, USA, we test the algorithm’s performance as part of an interactive web application for computing accessibility metrics. Potential extensions for journey planning and route choice models are also discussed.  相似文献   

An increase in walking or hiking activities in natural areas requires improvements in information and advice about trails, including their difficulty, available services and estimated travel time. Comparative studies show remarkable differences between measured and calculated travel times obtained by available predictive procedures (Naismith’s rule, Tobler’s hiking function or MIDE). A new procedure has been designed by combining pre-existing methods (Tobler’s and MIDE), and travel times have been calculated for 21 trails located in different protected natural areas of Spain. Times obtained are compared with travel times measured by individual users and uploaded into specialized walking-hiking websites (Wikiloc). Results show that the new procedure (Modified Tobler) reduces differences between calculated and measured travel times, which makes it suitable not only for trail managers to estimate travel times but also as a key part of pedestrian transport analysis in trail networks.  相似文献   

A limited number of studies have addressed residential self-selection when considering the relationship between the built environment (BE) and physical activity. Ignoring self-selection may bias the estimate of the strength of the relationship and misinform public policy. Using 2011 data from the Twin Cities, this study employs cross-sectional and quasi-longitudinal analyses to disentangle the impacts between self-selection (through residential preferences and travel attitudes) and neighborhood characteristics on active travel (AT). The two approaches produce somewhat different outcomes: attitudinal factors are extensively present in the cross-sectional analysis and the associations between neighborhood characteristics and AT are greatly attenuated after controlling for attitudinal factors. In contrast, neighborhood characteristics play a dominant role in the quasi-longitudinal analysis, while attitudinal and demographic characteristics carry additional impacts on AT. Overall, both preferences and attitudes help explain the difference in AT. I find that while physical activity infrastructure impacts biking, physical activity infrastructure together with transit and accessibility affects walking, even after controlling for demographic and attitudinal characteristics. The results highlight the importance of shaping the BE in order to provide an infrastructure of alternative modes of transport and access to different land uses in policy efforts to increase AT.  相似文献   

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