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We present a structural analysis of serpentine-bearing faults and shear zones in the Koniambo Massif, one of the klippes of the Peridotite Nappe of New Caledonia. Three structural levels are recognized. The upper level is characterized by a dense network of fractures. Antigorite and polygonal serpentine form slickenfibers along fault planes with distinct kinematics. As a result, the upper level keeps the record of at least two deformation events, the first associated with the growth of antigorite (WNW-ESE extension), the second with the growth of polygonal serpentine (NW–SE compression). The lower level coincides with the ‘serpentine sole’ of the nappe, which consists of massive tectonic breccias overlying a layer of mylonitic serpentinites. The sole records pervasive tangential shear with top-to-SW kinematics and represents a décollement at the base of the nappe. The intermediate level is characterized by the presence of several meters-thick conjugate shear zones accommodating NE–SW shortening. Like the sole, these shear zones involve polygonal serpentine and magnesite as the main syn-kinematic mineral phases. The shear zones likely root into the basal décollement, either along its roof or, occasionally, around its base. Compared to top-to-SW shearing along the sole, the two deformation events recorded in the upper level are older.The three structural levels correlate well with previously recognized spatial variations in the degree of serpentinization. It is therefore tempting to consider that the intensity of serpentinization played a major role in the way deformation has been distributed across the Peridotite Nappe. However, even the least altered peridotites, in the upper level, contain so much serpentine that, according to theoretical and experimental work, they should be nearly as weak as pure serpentinite. Hence, no strong vertical gradient in strength due to variations in the degree of serpentinization is expected within the exposed part of the nappe. Our proposal is that strain localization along the serpentine sole results from the juxtaposition of the nappe, made of weak serpentinized peridotites, against the strong mafic rocks of its substratum. This interpretation is at odds with the intuitive view that would consider the nappe, made of peridotites, as stronger than its basement.  相似文献   

Although all oceanic arcs grow through the addition of subduction-generated magmas, the geology of the northern Philippines demonstrates that a major contribution to arc crustal growth can come from repeated, episodic, intra-arc, back-arc, and/or fore-arc oceanic crust generation with subsequent preservation of the basic–ultrabasic units in the arc complex. At least five episodes of oceanic crust generation are represented in the northern Philippines by preserved ophiolitic sequences and recent intra-arc seafloor spreading. Each episode is distinct in age as confirmed by modern dating techniques, with the ages ranging from pre(?)-Jurassic to Quaternary. Although the Philippines is widely regarded as an amalgamation of allochthonous terranes, a review of the available data shows that there is currently no compelling evidence that these ophiolites are of exotic origin and that they have been tectonically accreted to the Philippine arc complex. Rather, the evidence suggests that most—and possibly all—of the ophiolites were generated as back-arc, fore-arc, or intra-arc crust within the Philippine arc complex. Hence, there is a close spatial association of several ophiolitic terranes of diverse ages spanning 150 Myr that formed as part of the arc complex. Such an association may have arisen from episodic generation of oceanic crust during periods of local extension in a suprasubduction zone setting, which has experienced changing and possibly overlapping subduction from the east and west sides (in the current reference frame). Disruption of the ophiolitic basement terranes has been, and continues to be, effected primarily by wrench faulting. This style of arc growth has implications for the paleotectonic interpretation of ancient ophiolite-arc terranes in continents and the petrologic evolution of island arcs.  相似文献   

The New Caledonia ophiolite(Peridotite Nappe)consists primarily of harzburgites,locally overlain by mafic-ultramafic cumulates,and minor spinel and plagioclase lherzolites.In this study,a comprehensive geochemical data set(major and trace element,Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes)has been obtained on a new set of fresh harzburgites in order to track the processes recorded by this mantle section and its evolution.The studied harzburgites are low-strain tectonites showing porphyroclastic textures,locally grading into protomylonitic textures.They exhibit a refractory nature,as attested by the notable absence of primary clinopyroxene,very high Fo content of olivine(91-93 mol.%),high Mg#of orthopyroxene(0.91-0.93)and high Cr#of spinel(0.44-0.71).The harzburgites are characterised by remarkably low REE concentrations(<0.1 chondritic values)and display"U-shaped"profiles,with steeply sloping HREE(DyN/YbN=0.07-0.16)and fractionated LREE-MREE segments(LaN/SmN=2.1-8.3),in the range of modern fore-arc peridotites.Geochemical modelling shows that the HREE composition of the harzburgites can be reproduced by multi-stage melting including a first phase of melt depletion in dry conditions(15%fractional melting),followed by hydrous melting in a subduction zone setting(up to 15%-18%).However,melting models fail to explain the enrichments observed for some FME(i.e.Ba,Sr,Pb),LREE-MREE and Zr-Hf.These enrichments,coupled with the frequent occurrence of thin,undeformed films of Al2 O3,and CaO-poor orthopyroxene(Al2O3=0.88-1.53 wt.%,CaO=0.31-0.56 wt.%)and clinopyroxene with low Na2 O(0.03-0.16 wt.%),Al2 O3(0.66-1.35 wt.%)and TiO2(0.04-0.10 wt.%)contents,point to FME addition during fluid-assisted melting followed by late stage metasomatism most likely operated by subductionrelated melts with a depleted trace element signature.Nd isotopic ratios range from unradiogenic to radiogenic(-0.80<εNdi≤+13.32)and negatively correlate with Sr isotopes(0.70257≤87Sr/86Sr≤0.70770).Pb isotopes cover a wide range,trending from DMM toward enriched,sediment-like,compositions.We interpret the geochemical signature displayed by the New Caledonia harzburgites as reflecting the evolution of a highly depleted fore-arc mantle wedge variably modified by different fluid and melt inputs during Eocene subduction.  相似文献   

Eluvial concentration of platinum-group minerals (PGM) has developed in the south of New Caledonia, from the weathering of a mafic and ultramafic cumulate. The platinum/palladium (Pt/Pd) ratio evolution from the bottom to the top of the weathering profile indicates a chemical mobilization of Pd in supergene environment. The examination by scanning electron microscopy of the residual PGM collected in the weathering profile and their chemical characterization by electronic microprobe show a preservation of the structure and chemical signature (in the core of the grains) of the fresh PGM. This clearly demonstrates that the PGM studied here are residual and are affected by dissolution process.  相似文献   

The tectonostratigraphic and geomorphic study of two post-obduction fluvial sedimentary systems on mainland New Caledonia and imaged offshore on seismic reflection lines provides a new perspective on the post-orogenic evolution of the New Caledonia ridge. Relations between sedimentary sequence boundaries, erosion surfaces and faults, both on land and on offshore seismic reflection profiles indicate that an episode of extensional tectonics initiated in the Early Neogene led to the disruption and collapse of the island landsurface previously shaped during a Latest Oligocene phase of planation. Microtectonic analysis further suggests early slip on the normal faults was associated with ridge-normal extension. A later set of faults accompanied ridge-parallel to ridge-oblique extension that is interpreted to result from a shift toward a transtensional regime driven by the initiation of east-verging subduction of the Australian plate beneath the Pacific plate starting at least in the late Mid-Miocene.  相似文献   

The SW Antalya Complex is an assemblage of Mesozoic carbonate platform, margin and ophiolitic rocks which record the formation and tectonic emplacement of a small Mesozoic ocean basin. The late Cretaceous ophiolitic rocks are located at two localities, namely the relatively intact Tekirova ophiolite to the east of Kemer zone and the dismembered Gödene ophiolite to the west of Kemer zone. The Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite comprises harzburgitic tectonites, ultramafic to mafic cumulates, isotropic gabbros and sheeted dikes. Numerous isolated dikes, ranging in thickness from 5 cm to 10 m, intruded the crustal rocks at different structural levels. The isotropic gabbros are represented by gabbro, diorite and quartz diorite rocks with granular to ophitic–subophitic textures. The isolated dikes are characterized by dolerite, diabase and microdiorite with ophitic, intersertal and microgranular textures. These rocks exhibit tholeiitic to alkaline compositions. New geochemical data presented in this paper from the isolated dikes and isotropic gabbros suggest that there are three main types of parental basic magmas that form the oceanic crustal rocks of the Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite. These are (1) IAT series which can be referred to the Group I isolated dikes and isotropic gabbros; (2) low-Ti boninitic series characterized by the Group II isolated dike and isotropic gabbros; and (3) OIB-type including the Group III isotropic gabbros. The geochemical evidence suggests that the crustal rocks of the Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite were generated from a progressive source depletion from island arc tholeiites (IAT) to boninites. Therefore, a fore-arc tectonic setting seems likely for the generation of the crustal rocks from the Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite in the southern branch of Neotethys during the Late Cretaceous. The OIB-type alkaline isotropic gabbros are thought to have resulted from either (1) a late-stage magmatic activity fed by melts that originated within an asthenospheric window due to slab break-off or (2) subduction of a ridge system which generated OIB source across the asthenospheric window that has been no influence of fluids from the subducted slab into the overlying mantle wedge, shortly before the emplacement of the Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite onto the Tauride platform.  相似文献   

Covered by ultrabasic units for more than a third of its surface,the New Caledonia(South West Pacific)is one of the largest world producers of Ni-ore from lateritic deposits.Almost all outcrops of geological units and open mines contain serpentine and amphibole,also as asbestos varieties.In this geological context,in which weathering processes had a great contribution in the production and dispersion of mineral fibres into the environment,the development of a routinely analytical strategy,able to discriminate an asbestiform fibre from a non-harmful particle,is a pivotal requisite.However,the acquisition of all these parameters is necessary for determining the risk associated to fibres exposition.A multidisciplinary routinely approach,based on the use of complementary simply-to-use but reliable analytical methods is the only possible strategy.In addition,the instrumental apparatus must be easily transportable on the field,directly on the mining site.The employment of specialized tools such as Polarized Light Microscopy associated to Dispersion Staining method(PLM/DS)and portable Raman spectroscopy for identification of environmental asbestos,are proved extremely effective in the improvement of the performance and rapidity of data acquisition and interpretation.Both PLM/DS and handheld Raman devices confirmed to be discriminant in the detection and characterization of asbestos fibres for both serpentine and amphibole.Furthermore,these techniques proved extremely effective even in the presence of strongly fibrous and altered samples.  相似文献   

A pollen record from Lake Xere Wapo, southeast New Caledonia, is the longest continuous terrestrial record to be recovered from the tropical southwest Pacific and reveals a series of millennial scale changes in vegetation over the last 130,000 yr. A comparison of the Lake Xere Wapo record with the key northeast Australian record of Lynch's Crater reveals regional patterns of change. From 120,000 to 50,000 yr ago the vegetation around Lake Xere Wapo alternated between rainforest and maquis with fire an important disturbance factor. In the last 50,000 yr fire is almost absent from the record and the vegetation assumes a character unprecedented in the preceding 100,000 yr, dominated by Dacrydium and Podocarpus pollen. The most compelling aspect of the comparison with Lynch's Crater is that the much-discussed Araucaria decline at around 45,000 yr ago in northern Queensland is matched by a similar decline in the Lake Xere Wapo record.  相似文献   

New chronological, geochemical, and isotopic data are reported for Triassic (219–236 Ma) adakite-magnesian andesite-Nb-enriched basaltic rock associations from the Tuotuohe area, central Qiangtang terrane. The adakites and magnesian andesites are characterized by high Sr/Y (25–45), La/Yb (14–42) and Na2O/K2O (12–49) ratios, high Al2O3 (15.34–18.28 wt%) and moderate to high Sr concentrations (220–498 ppm) and εND (t) (+0.86 to +1.21) values. Low enrichments of Th, Rb relative to Nb, and subequal normalized Nb and La contents, and enrichments of light rare earth elements combine to distinguish a group of Nb-enriched basaltic rocks (NEBs). They have positive εND (t) (+2.57 to +5.16) values. Positive correlations between Th, La and Nb and an absence of negative Nb anomalies on mantle normalized plots indicate the NEBs are products of a mantle source metasomatized by a slab melt rather than by hydrous fluids. A continuous compositional variation between adakites and magnesian andesites confirms slab melt interaction with mantle peridotite. The spatial association of the NEBs with adakites and magnesian andesites define an “adakitic metasomatic volcanic series” recognized in many demonstrably subduction-related environments (e.g., Mindanao arc, Philippines; Kamchatka arc, Russia; and southern Baja California arc, Mexico). The age of the Touhuohe suite, and its correlation with Triassic NEB to the north indicates that volcanism derived from subduction-modified mantle was abundant prior to 220 Ma in the central Qiangtang terrane.  相似文献   

西藏冈底斯带洛巴堆组火山岩地球化学及构造意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冈底斯带中-新生代火山岩的成因和地质演化是青藏高原地质研究的热点领域,但是对晚古生代火山岩的性质及其形成的构造背景仍缺乏研究.冈底斯带二叠系显示缓慢的海退过程,并伴随基性和中酸性两期火山活动,具有活动大陆边缘特征.笔者对墨竹工卡县唐家乡和林周县勒青拉地区二叠纪洛巴堆组火山岩进行了常量、微量元素和St、Nd、Pb同位素地球化学测试.研究认为二叠纪是冈底斯岛弧的形成和演化时期.洛巴堆组玄武岩从下部(可能为早二叠世)到上部(中二叠世),MgO含量从7.43%降到3.99%,Al2O3含量从15.54%上升到17.57%,后者类似于岛弧高铝玄武岩;稀土总量∑REE从54.12(10-6)上升到108.82(10-6),LREE/HREE比值从3.00上升到5.40.洛巴堆组玄武岩均具有明显的Nb、Ta负异常,但中二叠世更显著.岩石地球化学示踪表明,冈底斯洛巴堆组玄武岩代表二叠纪初始岛弧环境.早期玄武岩形成于略亏损地幔和下地壳成分的混合源区,地壳相对较薄,源区或岩浆的壳源成分比例较低.到中二叠世地壳逐渐加厚.壳源成分在源区或岩浆中所占比例增大,代表向陆缘弧的演化过程.冈底斯带二叠纪岛弧是古特提斯洋向南的俯冲、消减的产物.  相似文献   

白尖山花岗闪长岩位于北阿尔金红柳沟-拉配泉蛇绿混杂岩带东段,呈大套岩株状产出于拉配泉岩群之中。该花岗闪长岩具有较低的SiO_2含量(62.58%~65.05%),富CaO(4.02%~4.98%),铝饱和指数A/CNK1.0(0.89~0.98),富集K、Rb、Ba,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Ti,属于准铝质钙碱性岩石系列,具I型花岗岩的特征;其稀土元素∑REE=90.2~137.8μg/g,具有轻重稀土元素分馏明显,轻稀土元素相对富集的特点,具弱的Eu负异常(δEu_N=0.84~0.92)。该岩石变化范围较大的锆石Hf同位素组成(ε_(Hf)(t)=-2.96~7.99)可能与源区物质不充分的岩浆混染有关,结合地球化学特征及其与实验岩石学资料的对比,其形成应为洋壳俯冲时板片脱水诱发下地壳基性岩石部分熔融产生的初始岩浆结晶作用的产物,同时在岩浆侵位过程中还受到上地壳物质(杂砂岩等)的混染。锆石U-Pb年龄为475.2±2.0Ma,结合锆石CL图像具有岩浆环带特征和Th/U值(0.30~0.75),推断该年龄为花岗闪长岩的形成年龄。综合区域地质背景,本次研究的白尖山花岗闪长岩应为红柳沟-拉配泉蛇绿混杂岩带东部地区早古生代洋壳俯冲岛弧岩浆活动的组成部分,与西部红柳沟地区(恰什坎萨依及巴什考供盆地北缘)的花岗闪长岩和石英闪长岩共同构成北阿尔金早古生代洋壳俯冲产生的岛弧岩浆岩带。此外,由西到东红柳沟-拉配泉蛇绿混杂岩带的南北两侧均发育早古生代与洋壳俯冲有关的花岗质岩石,表明整个北阿尔金洋俯冲时期可能具有双向性。  相似文献   

中美INDEPTH项目第一阶段先导性试验,提供了高分辨率、高信噪比和反射信息非常丰富的近垂直反射剖面。其中主喜马拉雅滑脱界面(MHT)和深达70—80km的Moho,清晰可见;Moho以下仍有反射信息。事实证明.采用井深50m、药量50kg和50s超长记录长度3个技术措施后,近垂直反射技术可以取得深部反射信息。在工作中井深和激发岩性是影响记录质量的两个互相依赖的重要因素。资料分析表明.井深大于25m的单孔爆炸,其记录质量较好,而井深大于25m组合的炮记录,几乎接收不到深反射信息。钻井所采用的泥浆固井和装炸药后填井等技术措施,对提高记录质量有较大帮助。在地震数据处理工作中,针对激发岩性沿线变化剧烈,我们做了地表子波一致性处理和去噪处理,极大地提高了深反射叠加剖面的质量。  相似文献   

Mineral major and trace element data are presented for the mainrock units of the Chilas Complex, a series of lower crustalintrusions emplaced during initial rifting within the MesozoicKohistan (paleo)-island arc (NW Pakistan). Detailed field observationsand petrological analysis, together with geochemical data, indicatethat the two principal units, ultramafic rocks and gabbronoritesequences, originate from a common parental magma, but evolvedalong different mineral fractionation trends. Phase petrologyand mineral trace element data indicate that the fractionationsequence of the ultramafic rocks is dominated by the crystallizationof olivine and clinopyroxene prior to plagioclase, whereas plagioclaseprecedes clinopyroxene in the gabbronorites. Clinopyroxene inthe ultramafic rocks (with Mg-number [Mg/(Fetot + Mg] up to0·95) displays increasing Al2O3 with decreasing Mg-number.The light rare earth element depleted trace element pattern(CeN/GdN 0·5–0·3) of primitive clinopyroxenesdisplays no Eu anomaly. In contrast, clinopyroxenes from thegabbronorites contain plagioclase inclusions, and the traceelement pattern shows pronounced negative anomalies for Sr,Pb and Eu. Trace element modeling indicates that in situ crystallizationmay account for major and trace element variations in the gabbronoritesequence, whereas the olivine-dominated ultramafic rocks showcovariations between olivine Mg-number and Ni and Mn contents,pointing to the importance of crystal fractionation during theirformation. A modeled parental liquid for the Chilas Complexis explained in terms of mantle- and slab-derived components,where the latter component accounts for 99% of the highly incompatibleelements and between 30 and 80% of the middle rare earth elements.The geochemical characteristics of this component are similarto those of a low percentage melt or supercritical liquid derivedfrom subducted mafic crust. However, elevated Pb/Ce ratios arebest explained by additional involvement of hydrous fluids.In accordance with the crystallization sequence, the subsolidusmetamorphic reactions indicate pressures of 0·5–0·7GPa. Our data support a model of combined flux and decompressionmelting in the back-arc. KEY WORDS: Kohistan; Island arc; gabbro; trace element modelling; lower crustal intrusion  相似文献   


Intermediate orthogranulites were collected on the western flank of the Galicia bank during the Galinaute II cruise in 1995. The petrography of these rocks reveals two types of granulites. The first type is hydrous granulites with K-feldspar + plagioclase + quartz + orthopyroxene + hornblende + garnet + biotite + opaque + zircon + apatite assemblage. Both hornblende and orthopyroxene define a weak foliation plane. A late deformation event is expressed by some fractures cross-cutting the foliation. The second is anhydrous granulites with K-feldspar + plagioclase + quartz + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + opaque + zircon + apatite assemblage. The rocks display a granoblastic texture and are affected by brittle deformation as testified by the development of numerous microfractures. The P-T conditions (7 ± 1 Kbar, 750 ± 50 °C) calculated from two representative samples demonstrate that the rocks equilibrated under granulite facies conditions. Ar-Ar dating gives Precambrian ages ranging between ca. 2500–2000 Ma for the amphibole from the hydrous granulite and 1600–1500 Ma for the core of the K-feldspar from the anhydrous and hydrous granulites. A younger age of 900 Ma is obtained from the recrystallized rims of the K-feldspar from the two samples. These data indicate that the granulitic rocks in the Galicia Bank had already been exhumed and cooled below ca. 140–400 °C (blocking T° for K-feldspar) in Precambrian times (900 Ma). Given the very well preserved granulitic minerals assemblage of the rocks, the granulites behaved as competent and metastable boudins during their exhumation. The granulitic samples were previously interpreted as fragments of the lower continental crust sampled by the main detachment fault during Cretaceous rifting, but they were part of an upper continental crust from the Precambrian. Geochronological data and petrological assemblages suggest that the granulite blocks in the Galicia Bank probably were derived from the North Armorican Domain (northern part of France) where a Precambrian terrain outcrops. The opening of the Bay of Biscay could be responsible for the scattering of the Precambrian terrain and may explain the presence of the granulitic blocks on both sides of the Bay of Biscay. During the subduction of Europe below the Iberian peninsula the granulite blocks were transported southward and incorporated into a Cretaceous conglomerate forming the accrecionary prism on the Northern Iberia Margin. The granulite facies blocks found on the Galicia Bank represent another example of Gondwanian relics supporting the idea that the West European plate belonged to the West African craton during the Proterozoic. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   


Previous studies of the Southern Qiangtang (SQ) Terrane in Tibet have shown significant growth of continental crust during the late Mesozoic (ca. 170–120 Ma) through underplating of mantle-derived melts beneath ancient lower crust. However, the mechanism of crustal growth remains defective during the Late Jurassic. In this contribution, we report new zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock major and trace element concentrations, and zircon Hf isotopic compositions of Late Jurassic rhyolites from the Duobuza area in the SQ Terrane. Zircon LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating yields concordant ages and weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 151–149 Ma, indicating that the rhyolites were erupted during the Late Jurassic. The rhyolite samples yield high SiO2 (69.1–73.4 wt.%) and Na2O (3.82–6.49 wt.%) concentrations, high values of the differentiation index (95.4–98.5), moderate Al2O3 (13.1–15.5 wt.%) and K2O (2.55–3.26 wt.%) concentrations, and relatively low TiO2 (0.34–0.44 wt.%), MgO (0.14–0.67 wt.%), and MnO (0.01–0.10 wt.%) concentrations and Mg# values (8.9–33.5). They are enriched in Rb, Th, Ba, and Pb, depleted in Nb, Ta, Sr, Ti, and P, and yield negative Eu anomalies. These characteristics suggest that the Duobuza rhyolites represent medium- to high-K calc-alkaline, highly fractionated I-type granitoids. Variations in major and trace element concentrations indicate that the rhyolites underwent significant fractionation of Fe–Ti oxides, plagioclase, K-feldspar, hornblende, biotite, and apatite. The samples yield positive zircon εHf(t) values (+0.08 to +10.9) and young TCD M model ages (816–386 Ma), indicating that they were generated through partial melting of juvenile lower crust of the SQ Terrane. These data are distinct from those of Late Jurassic intermediate–felsic plutons in the SQ Terrane that generally yield negative εHf(t) values and ancient TC DM model ages. We suggest that the occurrence of the Duobuza rhyolites is the significant witness. The presence of juvenile lower crust beneath the SQ Terrane during the Late Jurassic (ca. 150 Ma) rather than during the Early Cretaceous (ca. 120Ma). The transition from ancient to juvenile lower crust has already began in the SQ Terrane during the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic laboratory measurements of P-wave velocity (Vp) were carried out up to 1.0 GPa in a temperature range of 25–400 °C for crustal and mantle xenoliths of Ichino-megata, northeast Japan. The rocks used in the present study cover a nearly entire range of lithological variation of the Ichino-megata xenoliths and are considered as representative rock samples of the lower crust and upper mantle of the back arc side of the northeast (NE) Honshu arc. The Vp values measured at 25 °C and 1.0 GPa are 6.7–7.2 km/s for the hornblende gabbros (38.6–46.9 wt.% SiO2), 7.2 km/s for the hornblende-pyroxene gabbro (43.8 wt.% SiO2), 6.9–7.3 km/s for the amphibolites (36.1–44.3 wt.% SiO2), 8.0–8.1 km/s for the spinel lherzolites (46.2–47.2 wt.% SiO2) and 6.30 km/s for the biotite granite (72.1 wt.% SiO2). Combining the present data with the Vp profile of the NE Honshu arc [Iwasaki, T., Kato, W., Moriya, T., Hasemi, A., Umino, N., Okada, T., Miyashita, K., Mizogami, T., Takeda, T., Sekine, S., Matsushima, T., Tashiro, K., Miyamachi, H. 2001. Extensional structure in northern Honshu Arc as inferred from seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection profiling. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 (12), 2329–2332], we infer that the 15 km thick lower crust of the NE Honshu arc is composed of amphibolite and/or hornblende (±pyroxene) gabbro with ultrabasic composition. The present study suggests that the Vp range of the lower crustal layer (6.6–7.0 km/s) in the NE Honshu arc, which is significantly lower than that obtained from various seismic measurements (e.g. the northern Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc: 7.1–7.3 km/s), is due to the thick hydrous lower crustal layer where hornblende, plagioclase and magnetite are dominant.  相似文献   

The Red Hills peridotite in the Dun Mountain ophiolite of SouthIsland, New Zealand, is assumed to have been produced in a paleo-mid-oceanridge tectonic setting. The peridotite is composed mostly ofharzburgite and dunite, which represent residual mantle andthe Moho transition zone (MTZ), respectively. Dunite channelswithin harzburgite blocks of various scales represent the MTZcomponent. Plagioclase- and clinopyroxene-bearing dunites occursporadically within common dunites. These dunites representproducts of melt–wall-rock interaction. Chondrite-normalizedrare earth element (REE) patterns of MTZ clinopyroxenes showa wide compositional range. Clinopyroxenes in plagioclase dunitesare extremely depleted in light REE (LREE) ([Lu/La]N >100),and are comparable with clinopyroxenes in abyssal peridotitesfrom normal mid-ocean ridges. Interstitial clinopyroxenes inthe common dunite have flatter patterns ([Lu/La]N 2) comparablewith those for dunite in the Oman ophiolite. Clinopyroxenesin the lower part of the residual mantle harzburgites are evenmore strongly depleted in LREE ([Lu/La]N = 100–1000) thanare mid-ocean ridge peridotites, and rival the most depletedabyssal clinopyroxenes reported from the Bouvet hotspot. Incontrast, those in the uppermost residual mantle harzburgiteand harzburgite blocks in the MTZ are less LREE depleted ([Lu/La]N= 10–100), and are similar to those in plagioclase dunite.Clinopyroxenes in the clinopyroxene dunite in the MTZ are similarto those reported from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) cumulates,and clinopyroxenes in the gabbroic rocks have compositions similarto those reported from MORB. Strong LREE and middle REE (MREE)depletion in clinopyroxenes in the harzburgite suggests thatthe harzburgites are residues of two-stage fractional melting,which operated initially in the garnet field, and subsequentlycontinued in the spinel lherzolite field. The early stage meltingproduced the depleted harzburgite. The later stage melting wasresponsible for the gabbroic rocks and dunite. Strongly LREE–MREE-depletedclinopyroxene in the lower harzburgite and HREE-enriched clinopyroxenein the upper harzburgite and plagioclase dunite were formedby later reactive melt migration occurring in the harzburgite. KEY WORDS: clinopyroxene REE geochemistry; Dun Mountain ophiolite; Moho transition zone; orogenic peridotite; Red Hills  相似文献   

The Transcaucasian Massif (TCM) in the Republic of Georgia includes Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian ophiolites and magmatic arc assemblages that are reminiscent of the coeval island arc terranes in the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) and provides essential evidence for Pan-African crustal evolution in Western Gondwana. The metabasite–plagiogneiss–migmatite association in the Oldest Basement Unit (OBU) of TCM represents a Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere intruded by gabbro–diorite–quartz diorite plutons of the Gray Granite Basement Complex (GGBC) that constitute the plutonic foundation of an island arc terrane. The Tectonic Mélange Zone (TMZ) within the Middle-Late Carboniferous Microcline Granite Basement Complex includes thrust sheets composed of various lithologies derived from this arc-ophiolite assemblage. The serpentinized peridotites in the OBU and the TMZ have geochemical features and primary spinel composition (0.35) typical of mid-ocean ridge (MOR)-type, cpx-bearing spinel harzburgites. The metabasic rocks from these two tectonic units are characterized by low-K, moderate-to high-Ti, olivine-hypersthene-normative, tholeiitic basalts representing N-MORB to transitional to E-MORB series. The analyzed peridotites and volcanic rocks display a typical melt-residua genetic relationship of MOR-type oceanic lithosphere. The whole-rock Sm–Nd isotopic data from these metabasic rocks define a regression line corresponding to a maximum age limit of 804 ± 100 Ma and εNdint = 7.37 ± 0.55. Mafic to intermediate plutonic rocks of GGBC show tholeiitic to calc-alkaline evolutionary trends with LILE and LREE enrichment patterns, Y and HREE depletion, and moderately negative anomalies of Ta, Nb, and Ti, characteristic of suprasubduction zone originated magmas. U–Pb zircon dates, Rb–Sr whole-rock isochron, and Sm–Nd mineral isochron ages of these plutonic rocks range between  750 Ma and 540 Ma, constraining the timing of island arc construction as the Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian. The Nd and Sr isotopic ratios and the model and emplacement ages of massive quartz diorites in GGBC suggest that pre-Pan African continental crust was involved in the evolution of the island arc terrane. This in turn indicates that the ANS may not be made entirely of juvenile continental crust of Neoproterozoic age. Following its separation from ANS in the Early Paleozoic, TCM underwent a period of extensive crustal growth during 330–280 Ma through the emplacement of microcline granite plutons as part of a magmatic arc system above a Paleo-Tethyan subduction zone dipping beneath the southern margin of Eurasia. TCM and other peri-Gondwanan terranes exposed in a series of basement culminations within the Alpine orogenic belt provide essential information on the Pan-African history of Gondwana and the rift-drift stages of the tectonic evolution of Paleo-Tethys as a back-arc basin between Gondwana and Eurasia.  相似文献   

Uncertainty about the timing and location of the initiation of convergence in the western and south‐western Pacific greatly hinders accurate plate tectonic reconstructions of subduction systems in that area. The chemistry and age of dikes intruding mantle peridotite in the ophiolite of New Caledonia infer that subduction‐related magmatism began before 53 Ma. These new results infer that obduction in the south‐west Pacific is unrelated to the reorientation of the Pacific plate motion that occurred c. 43 Ma and confirm new interpretations showing that changes in mantle flow, hotspot and plate motion may have occurred as soon as late Paleocene or early Eocene.  相似文献   

The Haji‐Abad ophiolite in SW Iran (Outer Zagros Ophiolite Belt) is a remnant of the Late Cretaceous supra‐subduction zone ophiolites along the Bitlis–Zagros suture zone of southern Tethys. These ophiolites are coeval in age with the Late Cretaceous peri‐Arabian ophiolite belt including the Troodos (Cyprus), Kizildag (Turkey), Baer‐Bassit (Syria) and Semail (Oman) in the eastern Mediterranean region, as well as other Late Cretaceous Zagros ophiolites. Mantle tectonites constitute the main lithology of the Haji‐Abad ophiolite and are mostly lherzolites, depleted harzburgite with widespread residual and foliated/discordant dunite lenses. Podiform chromitites are common and are typically enveloped by thin dunitic haloes. Harzburgitic spinels are geochemically characterized by low and/or high Cr number, showing tendency to plot both in depleted abyssal and fore‐arc peridotites fields. Lherzolites are less refractory with slightly higher bulk REE contents and characterized by 7–12% partial melting of a spinel lherzolitic source whereas depleted harzburgites have very low abundances of REE and represented by more than 17% partial melting. The Haji‐Abad ophiolite crustal sequences are characterized by ultramafic cumulates and volcanic rocks. The volcanic rocks comprise pillow lavas and massive lava flows with basaltic to more‐evolved dacitic composition. The geochemistry and petrology of the Haji‐Abad volcanic rocks show a magmatic progression from early‐erupted E‐MORB‐type pillow lavas to late‐stages boninitic lavas. The E‐MORB‐type lavas have LREE‐enriched patterns without (or with slight) depletion in Nb–Ta. Boninitic lavas are highly depleted in bulk REEs and are represented by strong LREE‐depleted patterns and Nb–Ta negative anomalies. Tonalitic and plagiogranitic intrusions of small size, with calc‐alkaline signature, are common in the ophiolite complex. The Late Cretaceous Tethyan ophiolites like those at the Troodos, eastern Mediterranean, Oman and Zagros show similar ages and geochemical signatures, suggesting widespread supra‐subduction zone magmatism in all Neotethyan ophiolites during the Late Cretaceous. The geochemical patterns of the Haji‐Abad ophiolites as well as those of other Late Cretaceous Tethyan ophiolites, reflect a fore‐arc tectonic setting for the generation of the magmatic rocks in the southern branch of Neotethys during the Late Cretaceous. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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