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As a typical alluvial-proluvial fan area in the Qaidam Basin, Nuomuhong is important to the research on paleoclimate reconstruction in proluvial fan areas and basin climate change and ecological protection. This paper analyzes features of ~2H, ~3H, ~(18) O and ~(14) C isotopes in Nuomuhong and reconstructs paleoclimate in this area. According to the results: since 28 ka B.P., the ground average temperature decreases and then increases in the Qaidam watershed, reaching the lowest in 17.7 ka B.P. before increasing gradually. In the past 30 000 years, average temperature has changed ranged from 1 ℃ to 5 ℃ in this area; the lowest temperature was different from today's temperature only by 3 ℃. This shows that climate conditions and natural environment in this area have been relatively stable in the past 30 000 years.  相似文献   

白垩纪—古近纪(K-Pg)界限时期发生了地质历史中最严重的生物大灭绝事件之一,重建该时期气候演化历史及其对生态系统的影响对理解深时气候演化规律和预测未来气候变化都具有重要意义。相比海相剖面而言,基于陆相剖面的白垩纪—古近纪界限时期古气候重建研究开展较晚,相关成果缺乏系统总结和集成。本文系统回顾了全球陆相白垩纪—古近纪界限剖面的分布情况和事件年代学新进展,总结了基于以上剖面重建的定量古气候记录和德干火山喷发记录,建立了界限时期中纬度陆地年平均温度和大气CO2浓度时间演化序列。陆相剖面分布相对集中且数量较少,中国是该时期陆相剖面发育最多的国家之一,多个盆地已经建立了德干火山喷发记录,在重建该时期陆地气候上具有很大潜力。基于陆相沉积物汞元素地球化学记录表明,德干火山作用导致了晚马斯特里赫特期变暖事件并触发了白垩纪末期生物大灭绝。中纬度陆地年平均温度重建结果显示马斯特里赫特期中期全球经历了~10℃的降温,到马斯特里赫特期晚期德干火山初始喷发前显著升温至~20℃,并在白垩纪—古近纪界限前后发生多次快速波动。尽管65~63 Ma之间陆地温度记录相对缺失,69~65 Ma之间重...  相似文献   

洞穴沉积铀含量及其同位素初始234U/238U[(234U/238U)0]变化均与过去气候环境变化关系密切。文章分别对石笋中U含量和(234U/238U)0的气候意义进行统计分析发现,多数研究认为洞穴沉积U含量和(234U/238U)0可能指示土壤湿度和有效降水变化。然而,不管是对洞穴沉积的U含量还是(234U/238U)0,其气候环境意义解读还存在两种观点。但无论如何,这些研究成果都显示了洞穴沉积的U含量和(234U/238U)0是研究过去气候环境变化的重要替代指标。在未来的研究中,除了土壤环境和过程,还应关注U来源的相对贡献变化和其他微量元素与U元素的关系。这一指标可能在对东亚地区的大气粉尘活动和冬季风演化、地表生物量的变化研究等方面发挥重要作用。   相似文献   

A combination of δ13C and δ18O analyses with U–Th disequilibrium dating on a stalagmite and groundwater from the deep and extensive Arch Cave network on northeastern Vancouver Island has produced a preliminary 12,200 y paleoclimatic profile. Speleothem depositional rates vary from 6 to 41 mm/ka and are consistent with the “Hendy” test for speleothem deposition under high-humidity equilibrium conditions. Relative to present day conditions, warmer periods are indicated at the end of the Younger Dryas, during the Holocene maximum, a possible Medieval Warming event, with the warmest period represented by a narrow peak at 8000 y BP. Relatively cooler periods are recorded at 3500, 8200, 9300 and 11,500 y BP with indications of minor cooling during the Little Ice Age and indications of relatively dry conditions during the earlier part of the Younger Dryas followed by warmer wetter conditions. The profile shows excellent agreement with other paleoclimatic indicators locally, most notably some partial speleothem records from Vancouver Island and Oregon, and some high-resolution global records such as the Greenland ice cores and speleothems from the Hulu Cave, China.  相似文献   

The interpretation of noble gas concentrations in groundwater with respect to recharge temperature and fractionated excess gas leads to different results on paleo-climatic conditions and on residence times depending on the choice of the gas partitioning model. Two fractionation models for the gas excess are in use, one assuming partial re-equilibration of groundwater supersaturated by excess air (PR-model, Stute et al., 1995), the other assuming closed-system equilibration of groundwater with entrapped air (CE-model, Aeschbach-Hertig et al., 2000). In the example of the Continental Terminal aquifers in Niger, PR- and CE- model are both consistent with the data on elemental noble gas concentrations (Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe). Only by including the isotope ratio 20Ne/22Ne it can be demonstrated that the PR-model has to be rejected and the CE-model should be applied to the data. In dating applications 3He of atmospheric origin (3Heatm) required to calculate 3H-3He water ages is commonly estimated from the Ne excess presuming that gas excess is unfractionated air (UA-model). Including in addition to the Ne concentration the 20Ne/22Ne ratio and the concentration of Ar enables a rigorous distinction between PR-, CE- and UA-model and a reliable determination of 3Heatm and of 3H-3He water ages.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and oxygen isotope values from single bryozoan colonies were used to reconstruct the paleoenvironments of the Early to Middle Miocene (Ottnangian to Badenian) sediments of the Central Paratethys. This approach utilizes a locally abundant allochem while avoiding matrix and multiple allochem contamination from bulk rock samples. Bryozoan colonies (and a few foraminifera and rock matrix samples) from 14 localities yielded 399 carbon and oxygen isotope values. Data from six of the localities (15 % of the total number of samples) were interpreted as having been diagenetically altered and were rejected. The remaining data indicate a primarily localized upwelling signal with lesser variation caused by global climatic and regional tectonic forcing of sea level, salinity, and temperature. Paleotemperatures were calculated to range from 12 to 21 °C. Despite potential taxonomic and diagenetic problems, bryozoan colonies are a powerful, underutilized source of paleoenvironmental carbon and oxygen isotope data.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》1992,94(3):183-192
The Siwalik Sequence of northern Pakistan contains a 16-Ma record of paleosol carbonate and fossil teeth from which a record of paleovegetation can potentially be reconstructed and compared. The carbon isotopic composition of paleosol carbonate and organic matter from Siwalik strata reflects a major paleoecological change on the floodplains of major rivers beginning7.3 Ma ago. By 6 Ma C3-dominated plant communities, probably composed of mostly trees and shrubs, were displaced by nearly continuous C4 grassland. We find that the carbon isotopic ratios in herbivore tooth enamel reflect this dramatic ecologic shift. Carbonate in enamel older than 7 Ma averages −11‰ in δ13CPDB, consistent with a largely C3 diet. Enamel from the Plio-PIeistocene averages +1.9‰ in δ13C, similar to the value displayed by modern C4 grazers. Analysis of post-burial carbonate cements, and the concordance with isotopic evidence from paleosols argues strongly against major isotopic alteration of the enamel, while coexisting bone may have been altered early in burial. This study confirms that enamel apatite is useful for paleodietary reconstruction much further back in the geologic record than was previously thought.  相似文献   

More than 430 C and O isotope analyses were carried out on carbonates from six coral species collected during June 1995, July 1998 and February 1999 at Rocas atoll, offshore northeastern Brazil: Siderastrea stellata Verrill 1868, Porites branneri Rathbum 1887, Porites astreoides Lamarck 1816, Mussismilia hispida Verrill 1902, Madracis decactis Lyman 1859 and Montastrea cavernosa Linnaeus 1886. Samples were collected in pools within the ring of the atoll, at water depths from 1.0 to 7.0 m. Oxygen isotope chemistry demonstrated that the studied species experienced several periods of bleaching; calculated temperature for one species vary, suggesting important changes within the time scale of coral growth. The species P. branneri, P. astreoides, M. cavernosa and the Brazilian endemic species M. hispida registered temperature variations during coral growth more accurately than did S. stellata and M. decactis. Carbon isotope behaviour in coral skeletons of the species examined at this atoll seems to have maintained a close relationship between density and/or zooxanthelar productivity: the greater the algal density, the heavier the δ13C values in skeletons.  相似文献   

Marine sediments are the main sink in the oceanic phosphorus (P) cycle. The activity of benthic microorganisms is decisive for regeneration, reflux, or burial of inorganic phosphate (Pi), which has a strong impact on marine productivity. Recent formation of phosphorites on the continental shelf and a succession of different sedimentary environments make the Benguela upwelling system a prime region for studying the role of microbes in P biogeochemistry. The oxygen isotope signature of pore water phosphate (δ18OP) carries characteristic information of microbial P cycling: Intracellular turnover of phosphorylated biomolecules results in isotopic equilibrium with ambient water, while enzymatic regeneration of Pi from organic matter produces distinct offsets from equilibrium. The balance of these two processes is the major control for δ18OP.Our study assesses the importance of microbial P cycling relative to regeneration of Pi from organic matter from a transect across the Namibian continental shelf and slope by combining pore water chemistry (sulfate, sulfide, ferrous iron, Pi), steady-state turnover rate modeling, and oxygen isotope geochemistry of Pi.We found δ18OP values in a range from 12.8‰ to 26.6‰, both in equilibrium as well as pronounced disequilibrium with water. Our data show a trend towards regeneration signatures (disequilibrium) under low mineralization activity and low Pi concentrations, and microbial turnover signatures (equilibrium) under high mineralization activity and high Pi concentrations. These findings are opposite to observations from water column studies where regeneration signatures were found to coincide with high mineralization activity and high Pi concentrations. It appears that preferential Pi regeneration in marine sediments does not necessarily coincide with a disequilibrium δ18OP signature. We propose that microbial Pi uptake strategies, which are controlled by Pi availability, are decisive for the alteration of the isotope signature. This hypothesis is supported by the observation of efficient microbial Pi turnover (equilibrium signatures) in the phosphogenic sediments of the Benguela upwelling system.  相似文献   

A combined hydrochemical and stable isotope approach was used to investigate the origin of nitrate in the shallow unconfined groundwater of Kharkiv city, Eastern Ukraine. The contamination was investigated in the context of land use within the catchment area. The observed enrichment of sulfate, chloride and nitrate suggests significant groundwater contamination in the shallow urban aquifer, which is widely used as drinking water source for the urban population. Characteristic nitrate/chloride ratios as well as stable isotope ratios (N and O) of nitrate in the most contaminated springs confirmed that septic waste from leaky sewer systems was the main source of nitrate contamination in the groundwater. Nitrate contamination is linked to the type of land use and sewage treatment regime in the catchment area. It is also modulated by the regional hydrogeology, which determines the susceptibility of a given aquifer toward groundwater pollution. A more quantitative assessment of nitrate sources based on the nitrate isotope analysis alone is rather difficult. However, our study confirms that the combination of hydrochemical tracers, robust land-use analysis and nitrate stable isotope measurements represents a valuable approach to identify the origin of the nitrate contamination.  相似文献   

为明确国土空间用途管制体系,解决国土空间用途管制对象错位、行政部门间管控范围越位、规划落地实施缺位等问题,本研究构建了由指标、分区、地类和控制线等管控方式组成的国土空间用途管制体系。结合浙江省国土空间规划编制经验,系统梳理了适合当下国土空间规划编制的土地用途管控理论体系,深化了浙江省国土空间用途管制传导细则,并图示化各管制措施之间的编制逻辑关系,演绎了管控体系的实践操作逻辑,以期为国土空间规划编制提供技术依据。  相似文献   

目前通用的前处理方法难以从石膏岩中有效提取足量粘土矿物进行测试分析,针对这一技术问题,本研究改进了原有的粘土矿物分析前处理方法,采用新的试剂乙二胺四乙酸二钠(以下简称EDTA)溶解石膏岩,释放其中所含的粘土矿物,有效提高石膏岩中粘土矿物的提取能力。本文以位于青藏高原东北缘西宁盆地塔山剖面(36.5°N,101.8°E) 始新世祁家川组、洪沟组和马哈拉沟组的9个石膏岩样品为研究对象,通过详细对比试验确定了EDTA的溶解条件,明确了采用EDTA提取石膏岩中粘土矿物的实验流程和方法,并探讨了溶解过程对粘土矿物的影响。实验结果表明,EDTA对石膏岩的最佳溶解条件为:温度=100℃、pH=10~12、浓度=0.32mol/L,改进后的前处理方法提取粘土矿物质量是原来的1~25倍,且不破坏粘土矿物的晶型结构。使用EDTA溶解法提取9个样品中的粘土矿物经X射线衍射分析结果表明,西宁盆地始新世石膏岩样品中粘土矿物含量以伊利石为主(62%~90%),含少量绿泥石(3%~17%),蒙脱石(含伊蒙混层矿物)含量变化较大(0~35 %)。粘土矿物组合特征反应该区域始新世以干旱气候为主,盆地内石膏岩地层形成时期的气候环境可能存在一定程度的干湿波动现象。  相似文献   

One of the clocks that record the Earth history is(quasi-) periodic astronomical cycles.These cycles influence the climate that can be ultimately stored in sedimentary rocks.By cracking these(quasi-) periodic sedimentation signals,high resolution astronomical time scale(ATS) can be obtained.Paleoclimate proxies are widely used to extract astronomical cycles.However different proxies may respond differently to astronomical signals and nonastronomical noises including tectonics,diagenesis,and measurement error among others.Astronomical time scale constructed based on a single proxy where its signal-to-noise ratio is low may have uncertainty that is difficult to evaluate but can be revealed by utilizing other proxies.Here,we test eight astronomical age models using two astrochro no logical methods from four paleoclimate proxies(i.e.,color reflection L~* and b~*,natural gamma radiation,and bulk density) from the Turonian to the Coniacian of the Cretaceous Period at the Demerara Rise in the equatorial Atlantic.The two astrochronological methods are time calibration using long eccentricity bandpass filtering(E1 bandpass) and tracking the long eccentricity from evolutive harmonic analysis(tracking EHA).The statistical mean and standard deviation of four age models from the four proxies are calculated to construct one integrated age model with age uncertainty in each method.Results demonstrate that extracting astronomical signals from multiple paleoclimate proxies is a valid method to estimate age model uncertainties.Anchored at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary with an age of 93.9 ± 0.15 Ma from biostratigraphy,the ages for CC11/CC12(calcareous nannofossil zones),Turonian/Coniacian(CC12/CC13),CC13/CC14,and Coniacian/Santonian boundaries are 91.25±0.20 Ma,89.87±0.20 Ma,86.36±0.33 Ma,and 86.03±0.32 Ma in E1 bandpass method,compared with 91.17±0.36 Ma,89.74±0.38 Ma,86.13±1.31 Ma,and 85.80±1.33 Ma respectively in tracking EHA method.These results are consistent with previous studies within error and provide a reliable estimation of uncertainties of the ages.  相似文献   

GeoJournal - Increasing of global average surface temperature naturally leading to major problems as global warming, which has typically attracted the interest of multinational organizations, civil...  相似文献   

林旭  刘静  刘海金  胥勤勉  修方睿  李娜 《地质学报》2023,97(10):3438-3455
自剥蚀地貌中形成的剥蚀产物搬运到沉积区或汇水盆地沉积下来的过程,称为“源-汇”系统。从这些“汇”中识别“源”的信息,结合地层的沉积时代,约束黄河的形成时代、水系格局演化、流域内构造运动以及环境变迁成为黄河水系演化研究的重要内容。然而,时至今日学者们对黄河何时出现的认识并不一致,存在“中新世内流黄河和中新世外流黄河”之争。为了解决这些争议,我们运用大河物源示踪研究中新兴的碎屑钾长石Pb同位素方法,对黄河中下游沉积物开展碎屑钾长石Pb同位素分析(n=378),将其与长江中下游和华夏板块已报道的碎屑和基岩钾长石Pb同位素结果进行对比,结果表明三者之间的钾长石Pb同位素组成明显不同。台湾岛是中国东部陆架海中新世地层出露最齐全的地区。因而,我们将黄河中下游与台湾岛中新统的钾长石Pb同位素比值进行对比,结果表明二者之间不存在物源联系。结合中国东部渤海湾盆地、南黄海盆地和东海盆地中新统的物源示踪研究结果,说明黄河物质在中新世未流入上述盆地。总体而言,中国北方中新世的构造活动控制了黄河的演化过程,导致其此时处于分段演化阶段。  相似文献   


The Tibetan Plateau is a composite orogenic belt that has experienced prolonged subduction, obduction, and collisional processes, during the opening and closure of successive Tethyan oceans. We present new zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes, and whole-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data from the Early Paleogene Longge’er gabbro and Qingduxiang granite of Central Lhasa, southern Tibet. Together these allow us to refine existing models for widespread magmatic activity associated with the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. The Longge’er gabbro (53.5 ± 1.6 Ma) belongs to the low-K tholeiitic to medium-K and metaluminous series, while the Qingduxiang granite (54.5 ± 0.9 Ma) is characterized as high-K, calc-alkaline, metaluminous, and of I-type affinity. Both intrusions are enriched in the LREE and depleted in the HREE with negative Eu, Ba, Nb, Ta, Sr, and Ti anomalies. Trace elements characteristics and enriched whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb and zircon Hf isotopic compositions demonstrate that the gabbro was derived from partial melting of enriched lithosphere mantle metasomatized by Central-Lhasa ancient crustal materials, while the I-type granite was generated by partial melting of Central-Lhasa ancient lower crust combined with magmas derived from Southern-Lhasa juvenile crust. Geochemical compositions of the gabbro and granite reveal the Early Paleogene magmatism was emplaced in a shallow extensional setting related to slab break off following the closure of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. Combined with previous studies, we can infer slab rollback occurred from Late Cretaceous (~69 Ma) to Early Eocene (55 Ma), while slab break off was shortly lived at ca. 55–49 Ma. Consequently, the India-Asia collision must not have started later than ca. 55 Ma.  相似文献   

Vast tracts of forests are lost globally every year especially in the developing countries of the tropics due to various human activities such as lumbering, farming, bush fires, surface mining and urbanization. The rainforest in Ghana has experienced rapid depletion since the 1980s. The impact of deforestation is widespread, affecting the livelihoods of local people and disrupting the tropical ecosystem. There is a serious concern in the study area about climatic change, soil erosion, siltation of rivers and loss in biodiversity which have an adverse impact on traditional medicinal plants of the local people. The study examined the extent of land cover change through image differencing of Landsat TM 1986 and 2002. The image classification indicated that, vegetative cover from 1986 to 2002 has been reducing whiles land use activities have been increasing. Closed canopy, open canopy and plantation have significantly diminished and land use activities especially built ups, farms, mining and openfields are more than doubled. The driving forces for the change in land cover are population growth, lumbering, socio-economic and cultural practices of the people. Lumbering and mining have been some of the major causes of the changing landscape in primary forest. Also the reliance on wood for domestic energy and the need to increase food productivity to feed growing population have also contributed greatly to the rapid depletion of the vegetative cover.  相似文献   

The time sequence of paleoclimatic changes from 245.2 to 147.9 ka B.P. has been established by high precision U-series dating by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry and the analysis of the oxygen isotopes from a stalagmite of Shuinan Cave in Guilin. The oxygen isotope pattern is divided into three main intervals. The top part of the stalagmite (interval C) displays mainly relatively heavy oxygen isotopes, mostly −7 to −5‰VPDB, but at a depth of 86.5 cm below the top, there is a sharp change to values lighter than −8 ‰. This boundary, dated at 192.6 ±3.9 ka B.P. is correlated with the boundary between marine oxygen isotope stages 6 and 7. The underlying interval B has δ18O values consistently between −7.5 and −8.5‰ until 271 cm depth when there is a sharp rise in δ18O values towards values as heavy as −5‰. The upper position of this change is dated at 242.5±6.4 ka B.P. and is correlated with the boundary between marine isotope stages 7 and 8. Carbon isotope values lie between −8.5 and −11‰ and are not uniquely high or low in the three intervals, but also show rapid changes at the boundaries between intervals in the same sense as the shifts in δ18O. The pronounced shifts in δ18O are attributed to changes in the paleo-monsoon intensity which reflect major reorganizations of the climate system, but some regional characteristics are also present. The results are also consistent with previous studies of climate proxies from loess-palaesol sequences in northern China. These characteristics show that paleo-climate evolution since the late stage of the middle Pleistocene Epoch in the Guilin area not only follows the global characteristics, but also has the strong district or regional patterns.  相似文献   

Small mountain lakes are natural archives for understanding long-term natural and anthropogenic impact on the environment. This study focused on long-term (last ca. 13 000 years) vegetation changes and sedimentary processes in the catchment area of Lake Planina pri jezeru (1430 m a.s.l.) by using mineralogical, geochemical and palynological methods. Palynological results suggest that regional vegetation between 12 900 and 11 700 cal a bp was a herbaceous–forest tundra (Pinus, Artemisia, Poaceae ). Climate warming at the beginning of the Holocene (ca. 11 700 cal a bp ) caused the transition from a wetland (Cyperaceae) to an eutrophic lake with alternating anoxic (pyrite) and oxic conditions (gypsum). In addition, the surrounding area became forested (Picea, Larix, Ulmus). Fagus expanded at 10 200 cal a bp and Abies at 8200 cal a bp. Between 7500 and 4300 cal a bp , human impact on the environment was barely noticeable and mostly limited to grazing. During 4300–430 cal a bp human impact became more evident and gradually increased. The greatest influence was observed from 430 cal a bp onwards, when excessive exploitation of the surrounding area (logging and grazing) severely eutrophicated the lake.  相似文献   

青藏高原中东部古近纪盆地封闭的构造-沉积-岩浆活动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周江羽 《地质学报》2011,85(2):172-178
青藏高原中东部分布着一系列中小型古近纪盆地,详细的野外地质调查、盆地构造-沉积学和生物地层学、地球化学和岩浆岩的40Ar/39Ar年代学结果表明,盆内充填了紫红色的陆源碎屑岩夹火山碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩和石膏层,并被晚期岩浆岩所切割,盆缘地层发生大规模掀斜而形成高陡地层和挤压向斜,盆内地层发生褶皱变形.地层内部细碎屑岩孢粉和...  相似文献   

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