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The WKB method has been used to develop an approximate solutionof the semi-geostrophic Ekman boundary layer with height-dependenteddy viscosity and a baroclinic pressure field. The approximate solutionretains the same simple form as the classical Ekman solution. Behavioursof the approximate solution are discussed for different eddy viscosityand the pressure systems. These features show that wind structure inthe semi-geostrophic Ekman boundary layer depends on the interactionbetween the inertial acceleration, variable eddy viscosity and baroclinicpressure gradient. Anticyclonic shear has an acceleration effect on theair motion in the boundary layer, while cyclonic shear has a decelerationeffect. Decreasing pressure gradient with height results in a super-geostrophicpeak in the wind speed profile, however the increasing pressure gradient withheight may remove the peak. Anticyclonic shear and decreasing the variableeddy viscosity with height has an enhanced effect on the peak.Variable eddy viscosity and inertial acceleration has an important role in thedivergence and vorticity in the boundary layer and the vertical motion at the top of the boundary layer that is called Ekman pumping. Compared to the constanteddy viscosity case, the variable eddy diffusivity reduces the absolute value ofEkman pumping, especially in the case of eddy viscosity initially increasing with height. The difference in the Ekman pumping produced by different eddy diffusivity assumptions is intensified in anticyclonic flow and reduced in cyclonic flow.  相似文献   

The turning of wind with height and the related cross-isobaric (ageostrophic) flow in the thermally stable stratified boundary layer is analysed from a variety of model results acquired in the first Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study (GABLS1). From the governing equations in this particular simple case it becomes clear that the cross-isobaric flow is solely determined by the surface turbulent stress in the direction of the geostrophic wind for the quasi-steady state conditions under consideration. Most models indeed seem to approach this relationship but for very different absolute values. Because turbulence closures used in operational models typically tend to give too deep a boundary layer, the integrated total cross-isobaric mass flux is up to three times that given by research numerical models and large-eddy simulation. In addition, the angle between the surface and the geostrophic wind is typically too low, which has important implications for the representation of the larger-scale flow. It appears that some models provide inconsistent results for the surface angle and the momentum flux profile, and when the results from these models are removed from the analysis, the remaining ten models do show a unique relationship between the boundary-layer depth and the surface angle, consistent with the theory given. The present results also imply that it is beneficial to locate the first model level rather close to the surface for a proper representation of the turning of wind with height in the stable boundary layer.  相似文献   

A 1D model, including a time variation of eddy viscosity and mixed layer depth, is applied to study Ekman spirals. It simulates a weak velocity in the atmosphere but a jet in the upper oceanic mixed layer during daytime; and a strong velocity in the atmosphere but a weak, uniform velocity in the ocean at night. The mean spirals in both atmosphere and ocean are close to the average spirals at midday and midnight, they are not flat as suggested by previous studies but consistent with the observations of Polton et al (2013). Our results also show shorter length scale for magnitude decay than for rotation of mean velocity as observed in the ocean, which comes from the combined effects of the diurnal variation of PBL and the Coriolis force. The latter becomes more important away from the surface. In the upper oceanic mixed layer, the mean velocity mainly comes from the strong jets in the late afternoon and early evening. Near and below the depth of Ekman depth, the weak velocities change with time and cancel out each other if averaged timing is longer than the inertia period. It results in diminishing of magnitude of the mean velocity, but the amplitude of individual parcel oscillating can still be quite large near the Ekman depth. Meanwhile, the change of velocity angle from the surface is near or less than 90 degree. Hence, shorter length scale for magnitude decay than for rotation of the mean velocity is not controlled by viscosity alone. Meanwhile, the model does not need two viscosities as suggested previously.The results also show that either the diurnal variation of surface stress or eddy viscosity alone can create a diurnal oscillation of velocity in the ocean. The interactions between PBL force and the Coriolis force can create a weak instability in the atmosphere and ocean at 30° and 90°. This weak instability may explain the observed nocturnal LLJ near 30 °N on the lee of the Rocky Mountains and the intensification of mesoscale circulation simulated by Sun and Wu (1992).  相似文献   

The present study solves a two-layer atmospheric wave equation model with a lower atmosphere concave wind profile and cold-air outbreak over sea, while simultaneously proving that such a wind shear may cause neutral boundary layer roll vortices in the presence of disturbing sources upstream. Without thermal effects, the wind shear-induced waves have band structures at the top of the boundary layer that are similar to cloud street patterns observed over sea. This study proves that dynamic and thermal effects can act independently to initiate the roll vortices in the lower atmosphere. At the same time, a quantitative comparison shows that dynamic effects play a large role in the formation of roll vortices in the initial stage of cold-air outbreak and will be surpassed by thermal effects soon after surface heating commences.  相似文献   

We test a flexible, idealized mean wind profile for the loweratmosphere that can easily be matched to whatever windobservations may be available. Its intended function is to providea `best guess' wind profile from limited observations, e.g., foruse in dispersion models, and to this end, following earlierauthors, we have matched a Monin–Obukhov layer to a baroclinic Ekman layer.To demonstrate the flexibility of the two-layer wind profile, weoptimize its free parameters to provide best interpolative fits toa sample of multi-level wind profiles. These include model windprofiles extracted from the Canadian Global EnvironmentalMulti-scale weather model (GEM), as well as experimental profilesfrom the Wangara experiment, and from an over-ocean dispersionexperiment (LROD). In most cases the two-layer profile fit issatisfactory.  相似文献   

The general Ekman momentum approximation boundary-layer model(GEM) can be effectively used to describe the physical processes of the boundary layer. However, eddy viscosity, which is an approximated value, can lead to uncertainty in the solutions. In this paper, stochastic eddy viscosity is taken into consideration in the GEM, and generalized polynomial chaos is used to quantify the uncertainty. The goal of uncertainty quantification is to investigate the effects of uncertainty in the eddy viscosity on the model and to subsequently provide reliable distribution of simulation results. The performances of the stochastic eddy viscosity and generalized polynomial chaos method are validated based on three different types of eddy viscosities, and the results are compared based on the Monte Carlo method. The results indicate that the generalized polynomial chaos method can be accurately and efficiently used in uncertainty quantification for the GEM with stochastic eddy viscosity.  相似文献   

利用2018年10月~2020年12月彭州边界层铁塔的风速风向观测资料,分析了彭州地区近地面各季节平均风速日变化、盛行风向及污染系数特征,在此基础上,选取彭州大风天气个例,对按月分类法和风速区间法的反演结果进行了有效性验证。结果表明:除夏季10m高度盛行西风以外,其余三季各高度均盛行东北风,秋冬两季各高度东北风出现频率大于春夏两季,每个季节随着高度增加,东北风出现频率均逐渐增大,对应平均风速均逐渐增大。春夏季10m高度的最大污染系数在偏西方向,其他各高度最大污染系数均在东北方向,各层高度最小污染系数多在东南或偏南方向;秋冬季各高度污染系数均大于春夏季,最大均为东北方向,10~20m最小污染系数多在偏南或偏东南方向,60~90m最小污染系数为偏西北方向;彭州铁塔偏西和东北方向不宜布设污染源。两种风速反演方法均能对近地面风速进行较为有效的反演,风速区间法在大风区间的反演效果优于按月分类法。  相似文献   

基于《广州市统计年鉴》2001~2012年数据估算了广州2000~2011年人为热释放的日变化以及年际变化,计算中考虑了人类新陈代谢、工业、交通以及生活排放人为热。计算结果显示:4种排放源中工业12年平均达到了55%,交通达到36%,其次依次为生活排放和新陈代谢排放。总的人为热在这12年时间里大致呈现上升的趋势,从2000年的2.7×1017 J增加到2011年的4.4×1017 J,但在2006年后有小幅的下降,这主要是由于工业释放是人为热释放的主要部分,在2006年后工业能源效率有所提高以致能源消耗排放率下降造成的。日变化在10:00(北京时间,下同)和14:00达到最大,并且12年间随时间的推移日变化呈现出下降的趋势,主要是由于城市化进程的速度远远快于能源消耗、人口和车辆保有量增加的速度。对比WRF模式中城市模块中的人为热释放的日变化系数,这些原始系数在广州使用的误差主要与广州地区和西方国家的生产生活作息时间有关。  相似文献   

一个诊断非平坦地形上边界层风的数值模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据半地转大气边界层模式,由大尺度数值模式并考虑了下垫面地形及粗糙度的水平非均匀性及大尺度气压场的时空变化,给出了一个诊断边界层风的数值模式。对低纬度运用塔层风模式进行诊断。诊断结果与实测资料比较,风向风速均达到了一定的精确度。  相似文献   

孟丹  陈正洪  陈城  孙朋杰  阳威 《气象》2019,45(12):1756-1761
利用1981—2014年我国资料齐全的93个高空气象观测站(距离雷达300、600、900 m高度)的探空风资料,按照气象地理区划,借助GIS分析了边界层内不同高度风速及其趋势的时空变化,得到以下结论:300~900 m,东北和华北地区累年平均风速较大,西南和西北地区累年平均风速较小;边界层内各高度同一地区平均风速的月变化趋势基本一致,但各地区季节风速变化不同,同一地区月平均风速的年较差随高度上升而增大;300 m.各地区年平均风速均显著减小:在600和900 m.华北、西北、华中地区年平均风速呈增加趋势,东北地区年平均风速呈减小趋势,但均未通过显著性水平检验;各高度年平均风速空间分布均为东北地区较大,尤其大兴安岭和东北平原地带;从沿海到内陆,由东至西风速逐渐减小;在300 m.全国年平均风速以减小趋势为主;在600 m,全国大部分地区年平均风速呈增加趋势,尤其是中部、西北和华东沿海地区;在900 m高度,全国年平均风速变化趋势呈现由边界向内部的包围态势,中心地区呈增加趋势,边界地区均呈减小趋势,但是通过显著性水平检验的地区不多。  相似文献   

利用乌鲁木齐市晴天CFL-03型风廓线雷达观测资料,分析了边界层日变化特征。得出结论如下:边界层结构季节变化明显。冬、春季300~600m以下风速较小,小于3m/s,且愈近地面风速愈小;以上风速大、风向恒定,基本为东南大风。夏季和秋季风速比冬季和春季小,流场特征较复杂,水平风速和风向变化较活跃,存在明显的风切变。折射率结构常数春、秋和冬季比夏季分别小1个、3个和1~3个量级;夏季最大,集中在10~(-16)~10~(-13) m~(-2/3)之间。春、夏和秋季晴天湍流动能耗散率量级分别在10~(-6)~10~(-2) m~2·s~(-3)、10~(-4)~10~(-3) m~2·s~(-3)、10~(-6)~10~(-3) m~2·s~(-3)之间;白天比夜间约大1个量级。晴天折射率结构常数和湍流动能耗散率日变化特征与风场日变化特征有较好地对应关系,即湍流发展旺盛的区域与风速较大的区域相一致。风廓线雷达资料反演的湍流动能耗散率对春季和夏季边界层结构日变化演变特征的监测较好。夏季夜间稳定边界层约400~500m,残余层可达到约1800m,对流边界层可发展到约2500m,混合层约2200m,夹卷层约300~400m。  相似文献   

利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM)搭载的微波成像仪(TMI)探测结果,在像元分辨率上同步反演的10年海表温度(SST)和海表风速(SSW)资料,研究了热带地区非降水条件下SSW变化对SST日变化的影响。结果表明热带地区SST日变化显著,SST日最小值多出现在早晨03:00(当地时间,下同)至06:00,日最大值多出现在午后17:00至19:00,SST日绝对振幅为1.9~3.4℃,日相对振幅为5%~7%。SSW变化对SST日最小值和日最大值的出现时间及SST日振幅均有明显的影响,且均呈现出区域性差异。热带地区SST日绝对振幅随SSW增大而减小,当SSW增加至9 m/s之后,SST日绝对振幅变化不再明显;二者符合特定的正弦函数关系。在风速小的情况下,暖池区域平均SST日绝对振幅异常减小了0.16℃;在风速大的情况下,秘鲁沿岸区域平均SST日绝对振幅异常增大了0.17℃,且SST随时间变化波动较大。上述研究结果为下一步研究海表感热和潜热日变化打下了基础。  相似文献   

根据形成机制的不同将平流层准零风层(Quasi-Zero Wind Layer,QZWL)划分为由平流层准两年周期振荡(Quasi-Biennial Oscillation,QBO)各高度处于不同位相形成的第一类QZWL和由于平流层低层经向温度梯度逆转而形成的第二类QZWL;利用ERA-40再分析资料分析了两类QZWL在不同季节中空间结构的变化规律,讨论了平流层QBO对两类QZWL年际变化产生的影响。研究结果表明:第一类QZWL集中出现在冬季赤道附近地区,第二类QZWL在夏季热带外地区和冬季20°N~40°N太平洋地区上空;QZWL夏季高度比冬季低约3 km,夏季QZWL出现高度比冬季稳定,约在50~70 hPa之间;由于受到QBO的直接影响,第一类QZWL出现的高度和纬度范围存在明显的年际变化,第二类QZWL受到QBO的影响主要体现在QBO西风位相年和东风位相年相比,冬季20°N~40°N范围内存在第二类QZWL的概率较高。  相似文献   

A theoretical approach suggests that the surface heterogeneity on a scale of tens of kilometres can generate mesoscale motions that are not in a quasi-stationary state. The starting point of the theoretical approach is the equations of horizontal velocity and potential temperature that are low-pass filtered with a mesoscale cut-off wavelength. The transition of the generated mesoscale motions from a quasi-stationary state to a non-stationary state occurs when horizontal advection is strong enough to level out the potential temperature gradient on the surface heterogeneity scale. Large-eddy simulations (LES) suggest that the convective boundary layer (CBL) changes to a non-stationary state when forced by a surface heat-flux variation of amplitude of 100W m−2 or higher and a wavelength of the order of 10 km. Spectral analysis of the LES reveals that when the mesoscale motions are in a quasi-stationary state, the energy provided by the surface heat-flux variation remains in organized mesoscale motions on the scale of the surface variation itself. However, in a non-stationary state, the energy cascades to smaller scales, with the cascade extending down into the turbulence scale when the wavelength of the surface heat-flux variation is on a scale smaller than 100 times the CBL height. The energy transfer from the generated mesoscale motions to the CBL turbulence results in the absence of a spectral gap between the two scales. The absence of an obvious spectral gap between the generated mesoscale motions and the turbulence raises questions about the applicability of mesoscale models for studies on the effect of high-amplitude surface heterogeneity on a scale of tens of kilometres. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Ekman动量近似下中间边界层模式中的风场结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展了一个准三维的、中等复杂的边界层动力学模式,该模式包含了EKman动量近似下的惯性加速度和Blackadar的非线性湍流粘性系数,它进一步改进了Tan和Wu(1993)提出的边界层理论模型。该模型在数值计算复杂性上与经典Ekman模式相类似,但由于包含了Ekman动量近似下的惯性项,使得该模式比传统Ekman模式更近于实际过程。中详细地比较了该模式与其他简化边界层模式在动力学上的差异,结果表明:在经典的Ekman模式中,由于忽略了流动的惯性项作用,导致在气旋性切变气流(反气旋性切变气流)中风速和边界层顶部的垂直速度的高估(低估),而在半地转边界层模式中,由于高估了流动惯性项的作用,结果与经典Ekman模式相反。同样,该模式可以应用于斜压边界层,对于Ekman动量下的斜压边界层风场同时具有经典斜压边界层和Ekman动量近似边界层的特征。  相似文献   

Blackadar’s inertial relaxation of the nighttime boundary layer is modified to account for the finite scale of the pressure gradient normal to the jet. Even though this horizontal dimension may be several thousand times the depth of the daytime convective layer, it severely reduces the period of the free oscillation in the relaxation process and replaces the harmonic acceleration of the jet with a linear growth rate.  相似文献   

赵玉春  王叶红 《大气科学》2020,44(2):371-389
利用2009~2017年7~9月福建省逐小时地面加密自动站资料和2015~2017年7~9月厦门站的探空资料,通过K均值聚类法和中尺度数值模式(WRF3.9.1.1版本)理想数值模拟,分析了我国东南沿岸及复杂山地(福建)后汛期降水日变化特征,揭示了地形热力环流以及海陆风环流在热对流降水日变化形成中的作用,探讨了环境温湿廓线及风垂直廓线对热对流降水日峰值强度和日峰值出现时间的影响。结果发现:我国东南沿岸复杂山地(福建)后汛期降水日变化受地形热力环流和海陆风环流的影响和调制,白天辐射加热在复杂山地形成的局地热力环流激发出对流降雨带,午后受海风环流的影响,对流降雨带组织发展达到峰值,之后随着地形热力环流和海风环流减弱雨带逐渐减弱。武夷山及周边复杂山地的降水日变化主要受地形热力环流的影响,在午后对流降水达到峰值,夜间减弱几近消失。理想数值试验进一步证实了我国东南沿岸复杂山地地形热力环流对对流降雨的触发以及海陆风环流在山地对流雨带组织发展中的作用,环境温湿廓线以及风垂直廓线对热对流降水日峰值强度以及日峰值出现的时间具有重要影响,其中环境温湿廓线的大气抬升凝结高度、大气可降水量、大气的对流不稳定度以及大气中低层湿度分布的不同,会影响热对流降水日峰值强度,并通过影响山地热力对流触发时间,改变热对流降水日峰值时间,而环境风垂直廓线的低层气流强度和方向、中低层垂直风切变的不同,会影响地形热力对流系统的启动、组织发展和移动等特征,进而影响热对流降水日峰值强度以及热对流降水日峰值时间。  相似文献   

Wind field simulation in the surface layer is often used to manage natural resources in terms of air quality, gene flow(through pollen drift), and plant disease transmission(spore dispersion). Although Lagrangian stochastic(LS) models describe stochastic wind behaviors, such models assume that wind velocities follow Gaussian distributions. However,measured surface-layer wind velocities show a strong skewness and kurtosis. This paper presents an improved model, a non-Gaussian LS model, which inco...  相似文献   

北京地区一次特大强风过程边界层结构的研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
刘小红  洪钟祥 《大气科学》1996,20(2):223-228
利用北京325 m气象塔资料对1993年4月9日北京地区出现的一次特大强风过程的边界层结构(风、温、风切变及阵风特征)进行了分析。随着该次大风的过境,边界层内风场出现数个风速高值中心,高度位于200~300 m,时间间隔1~3 h。伴随上层风速垂直切变和阵风特性。湍流能谱的计算结果表明了大尺度涡旋对边界层湍流微结构的影响。  相似文献   

利用Vaisala系留探空仪系统在2008年1月乌鲁木齐探测所得资料,分析了降雪和非降雪过程中温度、湿度和风的垂直结构及其变化特征。结果表明:降雪和非降雪天,白天对流边界层特征均较明显,但在暖气团影响下,对流边界层特征消失,出现深厚平流逆温,夜间多出现贴地逆温。白天平流逆温强度较夜间逆温更强,白天逆温层出现湿中心,上部出现干中心。降雪天湿中心高度低于非降雪天。夜间近地层出现微弱的逆湿现象,上部出现干中心,降雪天近地层逆湿现象比非降雪天弱;降雪天和非降雪天近地层风向分布均较散乱,主导风向为偏北风,高空主导风向为东南风。风速多因风向改变而出现极大值或极小值,其值常以“高-低-高-低”形式出现于特定高度,风速因风向变化呈波动状随高度递增。  相似文献   

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