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A prescribed burn resulted in significant decreases in canopy cover of the grasses: Bouteloua eriopoda, Sporobolus flexuosus, and Aristida purpurea. One year post-burn, basal cover of B. eriopoda remained significantly lower in burned patches than in unburned areas but there were no differences in basal cover of the other perennial grasses. Only one species of the 14 summer annual species occurred in both burned and unburned plots. There were six species of spring annuals in burned patches but no spring annuals in the unburned grassland ten months post-burn. Fire killed 100% of the snakeweed shrubs (Gutierrezia sarothrae), 77% of the Ephedra torreyana shrubs, and 36% of the Yucca elata. All mesquite shrubs that were top-killed by fire, resprouted one month post-burn. Fire had no effect on abundance and species richness of rodents. There were fewer wolf spider, Geolycosa spp. burrows in burned areas than in unburned grassland. The area and volume of soil in termite galleries and sheeting were significantly larger in the unburned grassland than in the burned areas.  相似文献   

Encroachment of the shrub Prosopis glandulosa Torr. (honey mesquite) into semi-arid grasslands is a serious concern in the south-western United States, yet little is known about the long-term dynamics of the invasion process. We used ten high-resolution aerial and satellite images taken from 1936 to 1996 to track the population dynamics and spatial pattern of all P. glandulosa greater than 2 m in diameter on a 75 ha area in southern New Mexico.Shrub cover and patch numbers increased from 1936 to the 1970s, then stabilized at 43% cover and 83 patches ha−1. Individual patches were extremely persistent: 95% of the area occupied by shrub patches in 1936 was still occupied in 1996. Recruitment into the 2 m size class was more variable: 0·6–5·2% year−1 (mean 0·8% year−1). Patch-shape complexity increased from 1936 to 1983 as adjacent shrubs merged, and then declined as those clusters filled in and became rounder. Spatial pattern of shrubs showed a distinct trend over time: strongly clustered in 1936 at lag distances up to 250 m, then random arrangement at all scales, and by 1983 pattern was regular at lag distances greater than 100 m. There was no clear relationship with precipitation.The use of remote sensing imagery allowed us to examine one site over time, and revealed patterns in population dynamics and spatial pattern that would not have been visible otherwise. Comparison of field estimates collected in 2001 with 1996 image data suggest that the canopy cover estimates were accurate, but shrub densities were seriously underestimated in the satellite photographs, which do not show shrubs smaller than 2 m diameter. As long as limitations of the imagery are understood, these methods can be applied over a larger and more heterogeneous area to examine environmental correlates of invasion success.  相似文献   

We studied a soil seed bank in the Stipa breviflora desert steppe under three grassland management systems, namely continuous grazing, rotational grazing, and no grazing, from 1999 until 2007. The germinable seed bank species in rotational, continuous and no grazing were 11, 9 and 8 species, respectively. Rotational grazing increased the number of seed bank plant species and perennial grasses. The density of germinal soil seed bank was significantly higher in the enclosed area (19,533.33 seeds/m2) than those in rotational (3,233.33 seeds/m2) and continuous grazing areas (2,553.60 seeds/m2). The vertical distribution of the soil seed bank had a similar trend: 75.06%–83.19% of the seeds are distributed in the top 0–5 cm soil layer, 14.16%–21.68% in the 5–10 cm layer, and 2.65%–4.95% in the 10–15 cm layer, which varied between the grazing treatments. Density of the soil seed bank was significantly higher in the enclosed area, and there was no significant difference between rotational and continuous grazing. The Margalef and Shannon-Wiener indices for the soil seed bank were higher for rotational grazing treatment than for continuous grazing. The Sorensen’s similarity index for the soil seed bank between the enclosed and rotational grazing areas reached 0.857.  相似文献   

Antioxidant enzyme activity, photosynthetic pigment content, and free malondialdehyde (MDA), as well as flavonoid content and the key enzyme activity in the flavonoid pathway were determined in two desert shrubs, Caryopteris mongolica Bunge and Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. under drought stress. The free MDA content was enhanced during the experimental period, which may be an indicator of oxidative stress. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities in C. mongholica showed a significant increase during the experiment, but catalase (CAT) activity was slightly decreased. On the other hand, POD and APX activities showed a significant increase and SOD and CAT activity data had no significant changes in R. soongorica. APX, SOD, and CAT activities were higher in R. soongorica than in C. mongholica, but MDA content was lower, indicating that the lower values of MDA were attributed to higher activities of antioxidant enzyme in R. soongorica. Chlorophyll content decreased significantly in the two shrubs during the experiment, which indicated that there was a photoprotection mechanism through reducing light absorbance by decreasing pigments content. Caretonoids content increased in C. mongholica and decreased in R. soongorica. The ratio of Chla/Chlb decreased significantly but caretonoids/Chl revealed a significant increase in the two shrubs, which could be explained as no decrease of peripheral light-harvesting complexes and a higher tolerance to drought. Total flavonoid content and the activities of phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) and chalcone isomerase (CHI) showed different changes between C. mongholica and R. soongorica after treatment. These values decreased in R. soongorica and increased in C. mongholica except for PAL activity. However, anthocyanin content increased in the two shrubs, indicating that there was a different regulation response in the flavonoid pathway in the two shrubs under drought stress, and anthocyanin should be an important antioxidant both in the shrubs. Our results demonstrated the different responses of antioxidant defense and drought tolerance ability between the two shrubs.  相似文献   

Fire is an important driver of ecological pattern and process in grasslands worldwide, although its role in semi-arid systems is less well known. We used published studies and new experimental research to 1) provide a synthesis of existing knowledge of fire in the semi-arid grasslands of the North American Great Plains, and 2) assess the degree of similarity in semi-arid and mesic grassland responses to fire in this region. Based on published studies, burning has neutral to negative effects on aboveground productivity in semi-arid grasslands and variable effects on plant communities. To more rigorously assess fire effects, replicated experimental plots were established in ungrazed shortgrass steppe in northern Colorado and prescribed spring fire was applied in 2006 and 2007, 2006 only, or not at all. Aboveground net primary productivity decreased or remained unchanged with burning. Plant community changes included increases in perennial forbs, decreases in annual grasses and a positive response in annual forbs to the combination of fire and a wet spring in 2007. Combined, these results indicate that post-fire changes in productivity in semi-arid grasslands are neutral to negative, in contrast to positive responses in mesic grasslands, and not strongly negative as previously assumed.  相似文献   

Effects of salinity, temperature, light and their interactions on the rate and final percentage of germination were evaluated for the invasive shrub Prosopis juliflora, grown under arid environmental conditions of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Seeds that were not treated with NaCl germinated well in a wide range of temperatures and in both full light and complete dark. Seed germination decreased significantly with the increase in both NaCl concentration and temperature. Optimal germination percentage occurred at 25 °C. The inhibitory effect of high salinity on final germination percentage was greater at 40 °C than at 15 and 25 °C. Germination was completely inhibited in 400 mM NaCl at 40 °C and in 600 mM NaCl at 25 °C. However, germination rate was significantly greater at 40 °C than at 15 and 25 °C in lower salinities and the reverse was true at higher salinities. Germination in light was significantly greater than in the dark at lower salinity levels and high temperature.  相似文献   

Light may be an important limiting resource that influences community structure of chenopod shrublands. As part of a larger study that aimed to determine the factors that influence chenopod community structure, the focus of this study was the influence of plant canopy on the growth and establishment of smaller plants. We therefore measured the height and cover of three chenopods (Enchylaena tomentosa, Maireana brevifolia and Maireana georgei) when growing within and outside of the canopy of Atriplex bunburyana under field conditions. All three chenopods had lower cover and E. tomentosa was taller when growing within the canopy of A. bunburyana in comparison to those growing outside of the canopy. The chenopods were then grown under three artificial shade regimes. Plant height, cover, biomass, relative leaf area and photosynthetic surface area measurements showed that each species responded differently to shade. E. tomentosa biomass was facilitated by shade. This was inferred by an increase in total plant biomass. M. brevifolia, in contrast, tolerated shade by increasing above-ground biomass allocation. M. georgei was adversely affected by the shade regimes: root biomass decreased in response to shade. Competition for light is, therefore, likely to influence chenopod community structure of semi-arid and arid environments.  相似文献   

Horizontal and vertical zones of influence for root systems of four Mojave Desert shrubs were characterized using 32P as a nutrient tracer. Larrea tridentata's horizontal zone of influence was sparse near the plant's stem base, with a maximum probability of accessing 32P (Pmax) of 41%. However, its horizontal zone of influence extended beyond 5 m, and the distance from the stem base at which the probability of accessing 32P was half Pmax (L503 m) was significantly greater than the other three shrubs. Ambrosia dumosa's zone of influence was dense near the plant's stem base (Pmax78%), but was rare at distances >2 m (L501 m). Zones of influence for Lycium andersonii and Lycium pallidum were intermediate between those of L. tridentata and A. dumosa. For vertical zones of influence, L. tridentata was more likely to obtain 32P from 5 m soil depths than A. dumosa, but L. pallidum was not significantly different from either A. dumosa or L. tridentata. Horizontal zones of influence did not change with treatments that altered soil water and nitrogen availability, but vertical zones of influence increased with a flood irrigation treatment that increased water availability to 5 m soil depth. These differences among species likely reflect compromises between their shoot growth strategies and their need to acquire spatially and temporally limited soil resources, especially through competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Atriplex canescens is a relatively common dioecious shrub in western North America. It is considered a valuable forage resource for both wild and domestic herbivores. Sex ratios and shrub dimensions were recorded in stands of tetraploid A. canescens that had been either protected from cattle grazing or summer- or winter-grazed by cattle for at least 20 years. Stem diameter and crown shape were used as surrogates for shrub age which could not be estimated by counting growth rings. Shrub sex ratios in exclosures were significantly more female biased than the empirically derived ratio for tetraploid A. canescens (55 female:35 male: 10 monecious). Conversely, shrub sex ratios in grazed pastures were not significantly different from the empirical ratio. Proportion of female shrubs in exclosures was significantly higher than in grazed pastures. Proportion of male shrubs, on the other hand, was similar in exclosures and grazed pastures. Winter-grazed shrub stands were apparently younger than both summer-grazed and protected shrubs. Protected shrubs appeared to be the oldest. Grazed female shrubs were apparently younger than grazed males, however, shrub ages of protected male and female shrubs were apparently not different. Cattle-grazing may have affected female shrubs more negatively at this site, causing gender-based differential mortality, and/or sex-shifting. Such processes could account for the differences in sex ratios, and for the apparent gender-related differences in shrub age that were observed.  相似文献   

The contents of regurgitated Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) pellets collected in Minqin Desert Experimental Research Station of northwestern China were analysed. A total of 303 individuals representing five species of rodents and one of bird were identified in the pellets. By frequency, the most common species taken by Long-eared Owls was Meriones meridianus, followed by Cricetulus barabensis and Phodopus roborovskii. By biomass, Meriones meridianus was the most important species taken, followed by C. barabensis and Rhombomys opimus. Our results suggest that the Long-eared Owls were nocturnal hunters and fed on a wide range of animals with respect to their habitats.  相似文献   

The natural abundance15N/14N method was used to estimate the influence of silvicultural and P fertilization treatments on N accretion, N2fixation and N partitioning among tissues in a mature mesquiteProsopis glandulosavar.glandulosastand in Texas. The silvicultural treatments consisted of understory removal, herbicide treatment of brushy resprouts, thinning trees to single stems and 100 kg ha−1P fertilization. The trees had a mean basal diameter of 17·8 cm with 8 to 35 cm range. The stand was slow growing with the increase in dry matter ranging from 0·465 Mg ha−1year−1to 0·701 Mg ha−1year−1for the 8 years after the treatments were applied. N accretion after 8 years ranged from 3·1 kg ha−1year−1to 4·4 kg ha−1year−1.Due to the range in δ15N of the leaves, twigs, branches and trunk, we used the weighted (by biomass) average δ15N per tree in calculations of the percent N derived from N2fixation (%Ndfa). There was considerable variability in δ15N of the reference plants, i.e. from 3·3 to 5·9. In contrast there was low variability in the background δ15N of nearby soils (7·0±1·0). As the total above-ground biomass δ15N of a grass grown outside the influence of mesquite (7·8±0·58) had the same δ15N as the soil (7·5±1·0), we used the grass outside the influence of mesquite and the weighted tree mean δ15N to calculate % of N derived from N2fixation.The decrease in intraspecific competition by thinning multistemed trees to single stemmed trees was the only treatment that significantly (p= 0·0001) increased growth. Interspecific competition, i.e. understory removal, did not increase growth. There were no significant differences in total N production or N fixation among treatment means. The most striking result was the highly positive correlation between tree δ15N and total N per tree and biomass per tree (R2= 0·90,F= 164·4, df. = 18, mean square error (MSE) = 0·155,p= 0·0001). This implies that the younger trees colonizing infertile soils relied more heavily on N2fixation than larger trees which accumulated 1200 kg ha−1more N under their canopies. The percentage N derived from N2fixation ranged from 63 to 73% in the various treatments. Despite the high percentage of N derived from N2fixation, the N2fixation of the stand was very low, i.e. 1·98 to 2·80 kg N ha−1year−1, due to the low growth of the stand. We believe that comparisons of the whole tree weighted δ15N to background soil δ15N provides a more reasonable approach to estimate % N2fixation than comparisons of leaves of fixers and reference plants.  相似文献   

With 7 years data on coyote prey use and availability, we tested three predictions based on optimal foraging: (1) the proportion eaten of the most profitable item is constant regardless of availability, (2) under a constant density of higher ranked prey, there is no relationship between the proportion eaten of low profitability items and their density, (3) the ratio of number consumed to availability for the highest ranking prey item should be negatively related to availability. We tested these predictions with regression analyses. We found no significant linear relationship between lagomorph availability and use. There was no significant linear relationship between percent frequency of occurrence of rodents nor arthropods and their respective availabilities for two levels of availability of lagomorphs. We found a significant negative relationship between number consumed/number available to availability for lagomorphs but not for rodents nor arthropods. The results supported the three predictions and we concluded that coyotes are foraging optimally.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of various grazing systems, including continuous grazing, rotational grazing, and no-grazing systems, on the community biomass in the Stipa breviflora Griseb desert grassland during the grazing seasons in 2005, 2006, and 2007, based on study sites established in 1999. We found that the seasonal dynamics of the aboveground biomass were quite similar among the three treatments, which reached peak values in period from August to September during each study year. The continuous grazing system reduced the aboveground biomass from 2005 to 2007 under drought conditions, and the rotational grazing and no-grazing systems maintained more aboveground biomass than the continuous grazing system did. The belowground biomass declined with the increase of soil depth among the three treatments, and in the surface 20-cm soil layer it accounted for more than 60% of the total biomass. The belowground biomass was found to be highly correlated with soil depth under rotational grazing. The total belowground biomass within the 0–100-cm soil layer for rotational grazing was significantly higher than for continuous grazing and no-grazing, and had 15,775 kg/ha more biomass. Our results demonstrate that conservative rotational grazing can alleviate grassland deterioration by reserving more aboveground and belowground biomass than the continuous grazing system does.  相似文献   

In the southern region of the southern Chihuahuan Desert three common species of arborescent cacti are distributed over a north-west to south-east climatic gradient; Opuntia leucotricha, O. streptacantha, and Myrtillocactus geometrizans. In general, O. leucotricha is more abundant in the colder north-west section; M. geometrizans in the warmer south-east zone, not occurring in the north-west; and O. streptacantha reaches its greatest abundance in the centre of the region. We studied the potential replacement process between the three species due to canopy interference as well as the effect of a disturbance, freezing temperature, on their survivorship. Canopy interference between adjacent individuals of M. geometrizans/O. streptacantha and O. streptacantha/O. leucotricha indicated a potential replacement sequence of O. leucotricha replaced by O. streptacantha which, in turn, is replaced by M. geometrizans. In contrast, the damage caused by an extreme low-temperature event hardly affected O. leucotricha. It did however cause severe damage to individuals of O. streptacantha in the north-west of its distribution with little or no damage to individuals in the more south-eastern populations studied. M. geometrizans had a similar pattern of damage to O. streptacantha over its range in the region but at each site where the two species occurred together, that damage was more severe. Our observations suggest that disturbance in the form of extreme freezing temperatures is the mechanism that limits the distribution of these three arborescent cacti in the southern Chihuahuan Desert and allows their co-existence regionally.  相似文献   

The effect of fire on growth of Piptochaetium napostaense, Stipa tenuis, and Stipa gynerioides, three important native perennial grasses in the semi-arid region of central Argentina, was evaluated under different fire temperature regimes: 300–400°C (low temperature regime), 500–600°C (high temperature regime) and no fire (control). Fire treatments were applied with a portable propane plant burner in April and December 1994, May 1995, and January 1996. Overall results indicate that during the first months after fire occurrence, average total green length of S. tenuis, P. napostaense and S. gynerioides tillers was severely reduced (p<0.05) by fire. This effect was more pronounced in plants burned with the high temperature treatment. The observed patterns of response to fire for height of tillers were very similar to those already reported for total green length of tillers. Towards the end of each growth cycle, the number of green leaves per tiller of burned plants of P. napostaense, S. tenuis, and S. gynerioides were similar or greater (p<0.05) than the number of green leaves on tillers of control plants. Relative growth rates for total green length and for height in tillers of burned plants of S. tenuis, P. napostaense and S. gynerioides were greater than in tillers of control plants. Our results indicate that fire affected differentially the growth of the studied species; S. gynerioides was more affected by fire than P. napostaense and S. tenuis. The species most tolerant to fire was P. napostaense.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test hypotheses about the combined effects of short-term, seasonal grazing with seasonal drought, fire, and carbon enrichment on soil microarthropod communities in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland. The study was conducted in eighteen 0.5 ha plots following three consecutive years of treatment: six plots intensively grazed in summer, six in winter, and six not grazed. There was no difference in perennial grass cover on the summer-grazed and winter-grazed plots. Intensive seasonal grazing had no effect on the abundance and community composition of soil microarthropods. Within each plot there were six subplots: summer rain-out, winter rain-out, burned, glucose amendment, rain-out control and burn-glucose control. Fire and carbon enrichment had no significant effect on soil microarthropod abundance or community composition. The average number of microarthropods ranged from 8915 ± 1422 m−2 in the ungrazed, unburned plots to 7175 ± 1232 m−2 in the winter-grazed, unburned plots. Microarthropod densities in the glucose-amended plots were 8917 ± 4902 m−2 in the winter-grazed plots and 10,731 ± 863 m−2 in the glucose-amended, summer-grazed subplots.The prostigamatid mite, Tydeus sp., was the most abundant microarthropod taxon in all treatment plots.  相似文献   

Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths (blue grama), Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr. (black grama), and Larrea tridentata Coville (creosotebush) are dominant plants on the McKenzie Flats portion of the Llano de Manzano landform within Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico, part of the biome ecotone from the Colorado Shortgrass Steppe to the Chihuahuan Desert. In this study, we examine the hypothesis that soil heterogeneity, determined by variation in surface soil depth, carbonate accumulation, and fine-textured fraction, controls relative dominance of the three species. The area is flat, generally <1% slope; however, abrupt soil differences exist even within the flattest parts of the landscape that correspond to the pattern of buried channels incised in a petrocalcic horizon (caliche) formed in a 0.5–1.2 million year-old paleosol beneath the current surface soil. Multivariate analyses of soil-moisture-related variables suggest that B. gracilis, a Colorado Shortgrass Steppe indicator, dominates the buried paleochannels where Holocene surface deposits are deepest and the argillic (clay-rich) B-horizon is thickest. B. eriopoda, dominant in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands, is most abundant where the buried petrocalcic horizon lies within 40–60 cm of the surface and the argillic horizon is thinner and weakly developed. L. tridentata, an indicator of desertified Chihuahuan Desert shrubland, is dominant where the petrocalcic horizon is exposed or near the surface. This study illustrates the strong relationship between geomorphology, soil development and vegetation patterns in arid and semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Shrub fertile islands are a common feature in arid ecosystems. To examine the effect of plant species on the spatial patterns of soil chemical and physical properties surrounding individual shrubs, two deciduous shrub species with different morphologies (Tamarix spp. and Haloxylon ammodendron Bge.) were studied at an oasis–desert ecotone in South Junggar Basin. Soil samples were collected under the shrub crown (canopy), at the vertically projected limit of shrub crown margin (periphery), and in the space between shrub crowns (interspace) at two depths, 0–10 and 10–20 cm, to analyze their physical and chemical properties. The results show that the fertile islands of Tamarix spp. are enriched with more soil nutrients (significantly higher, P<0.05; soil organic matter (SOM); total nitrogen (TN) and available nitrogen (AN); to a deeper depth (>20 cm) and in a larger area (beyond the canopied area) compared to that of H. ammodendron (significantly higher, P<0.05, soil nutrients detected only for AN; <20 cm in depth; smaller than the canopied area). Soil texture patterns surrounding the shrubs of the two species are even more different, with more coarse particles under the Tamarix spp. canopies compared to the interspace between shrubs but fewer under the H. ammodendron canopies compared to the interspaces. These variations are attributed to the difference in morphology of the two studied species: the Y-shaped crowns of H. ammodendron are less capable of capturing and maintaining litter under them than the hemispheroidal crowns of Tamarix spp., which leads to the less well developed fertile islands surrounding H. ammodendron shrubs.  相似文献   

In the semi-arid steppe rangelands of Central Turkey, Festuca valesiaca and Thymus sipyleus ssp rosulans have become the dominant species on degraded pastures. We hypothesized that decreases in species richness and abundance are correlated with increasing prevalence of these two species. Therefore, our objectives were to determine whether there are patterns in examined vegetation; how dominant species contribute to these patterns; and how patterns differ between grazed and ungrazed vegetation. We determined that protection from grazing increased species richness. Grazing significantly changed composition through decreasing total plant, forb, grass and F. valesiaca covers, while substantially increasing T. sipyleus cover. Topography, soil and grazing appear to impact the dominance of plant communities where F. valesiaca and T. sipyleus prevail. These two dominant species had a significant effect in shaping vegetation patterns. Based on regression analysis, alterations in species richness with changes in cover of forbs and shrubs were evident, and spatial heterogeneity of F. valesiaca and T. sipyleus indicated unstable vegetative patterns in heavily grazed pastures and successional changes in protected pastures. Our study results identify F. valesiaca and T. sipyleus as indicator species of vegetation suppression in condition assessments of degraded steppe rangelands.  相似文献   

The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is used extensively to describe vegetation cover and ecological environ- ment change. The purpose of this study was to contrast the response of different tree species growing in the same habitat to climate change and retrieve past NDVI using tree-ring width data from tree cores collected from the transitional zone of Pinus tabulaeformis and Picea crassifolia in the Luoshan Mountains in the middle arid region of Ningxia. Correlation analysis indi- cated that radial growth ofP tabulaeJbrmis is more sensitive to precipitation and temperature change than that ofP crassifolia. Natural factors such as water availability and heat at this elevation are more suited to the growth ofP crassifolia, and are more advantageous to its renewal and succession. P. crassifolia is probably the better of the two species for protecting the forest ecosystem and conserving water in the Luoshan desertification area. Ring width of P. crassifolia correlates significantly with average NDVI for April-May (r =0.641, p 〈0.01), and both of them are influenced positively by precipitation in April-May. The reconstructed NDVI for 1923-2007 shows the relatively low vegetation cover occurred in the 1920s-1930s, the 1960s-1970s, and the early 21 st century. The reconstructed NDVI better reflected the drought climate in the study area.  相似文献   

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