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A new genus and species of axiid shrimp,Carolinaxius kexuae gen.et sp.nov.is described and illustrated based on a single specimen collected from an unnamed seamount in the Caroline Ridge,Northwest Pacific.Although both chelipeds are mis sing,the specimen can be distinguished from other axiid genera by a combination of characteristics:narrowly triangular ro strum;median carina and lateral gastric carina each with one prominent tooth;submedian gastric carinae converging po steriorly,with teeth;cornea weakly pigmented,eyestalk with acute distome sial tooth on dorsal surface;male pleopod 1 two-articled;pleopod 2 with appendix interna and appendix masculina;pleopods 3-5 with appendix interna.The molecular phylogeny suggests the new genus is most closely related to another recently described genus living inside hexactinellid sponges on seamounts in the Indian Ocean,Montanaxius Dworschak,2016.However,it differs from Montanaxius in the shape of the rostrum,the arrangement of teeth on the carapace,and the shape of the eyestalk.Besides,the significant molecular differences support the two belonging to different genera.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genusAnthenoides from the southern China are described.A. laevigatus sp. nov. shows affinities withA. epixanthus. A. tenuis sp. nov. is related toA. cristatus (Sladen). Contribution No. 1472 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Cobitis from southern China,C.hereromacula from the Luohe River in Guangdong Province and C.baishagensis from the Nandujiang River in Hainan Province,are described and illustrated here.C.hereromacula can be distinguished from its congeners by possessing the following combination of characteristics;absence of the second and third pigmentary zones of Gambetta;13–16 oval blotches on the dorsum and 10–13 vertical,elongated triangular blotches below the midlateral line with more than 20 vertical dark brown bars between them;6–7 narrow rows of dark spots on the caudal fin;a vertical oval spot smaller than the eye diameter on the upper part of the caudal peduncle;pointed mental lobes of the lower lip pointed with a slightly filiform tip;one slender and long needle-shaped lamina circularis at the base of the first branched ray of the male pectoral fins.C.baishagensis can be distinguished from its congeners by the fourth Gambetta zone being covered by 10–12 transverse elongated blotches;4–5 narrow rows of dark spots on the caudal fin;a vertical blotch smaller than the eye diameter on the upper part of the caudal peduncle;males with a slender and long needle-shaped lamina circularis at the second branched pectoral fin ray in males;large scales with a slightly large focal zone;undeveloped mental lobes with a lower lip that does not end posteriorly in a filiform tip.  相似文献   

A new species of deep-water barnacle that belongs to the family Scalpellidae is described from the South China Sea. A rcoscalpellum liui sp. nov. is morphologically similar to A rcoscalpellum gryllum Zevina,but differs from the latter by the absence of longitudinal striae on the capitular plates and the presence of caudal appendages with few terminal setae.  相似文献   

Sui  Jixing  Li  Xinzheng 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(4):821-824
A new species of the ampharetid genus Amphicteis,A.chinensis sp.nov.,is described based on material from the East and South China Seas.The new species is distinguished from the other known species of this genus by the presence of a lobebehind the paleae.Akey to distinguish all Amphicteis species and the closely related genus Paramphicteis from the Chinese seas is provided.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThegenusPraebebaliawasestablishedbyRathbun ,1 91 1 .Itscarapaceisbroaderthanlongaslongasbroad ,orslightlylongerthanbroad ;theposteriorborderisusuallyarmedwithaspineortu bercleoneachside ,thehepaticandintestinalregionsaredistinctlyelevated ;thechel…  相似文献   

The present paper reports five species of squat lobster, genus Agononida Baba and de Saint Laurent, 1996, of which A. squamosa (Henderson, 1885) and A. cf. variabilis (Baba, 1988) were not previously reported in Chinese waters. All the specimens are kept in the Marine Biological Museum collection in the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao. To date, there have been l 1 species of this genus recorded from China's seas. A key to those species is provided in this paper.  相似文献   

Two new species of the ophiuriod genusAmphilimna from 280 m depth water east of Hainan Island are described.A. sinica sp. nov. shows affinities withA. transacta (Koehler), andA. granulosa is related toA. cribriformis A. M. Clark. Contribution No. 1432 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

Two new species of free-living marine nematode from mangrove habitats in Xiamen Bay are identified.Anoplostoma tumidum sp.nov.is characterized by relatively short outer labial setae(0.86–1.00 h.d.),long tail(c 7.2–8.9,c' 8.3–10.5),an instinct swollen distal portion of slender spicule(Sc 94–101 μm),and well developed copulatory bursae without bursal papillae.A.tumidum sp.nov.differs from all valid species of genus Anoplostoma in copulatory apparatus of males with a distinct swollen distal portion of spicule,and a relatively obvious constriction of head.A.paraviviparum sp.nov.is characterized by relatively long outer labial setae(1.11–1.22 h.d.),and tail(c 6.6–8.5,c' 8.6–10.2);elongated spicules with distinct knob-like proximal and pointed distal ends(Sc 46–69 μm);distinct strip-like gubernaculum(length with 11–15μm);well developed copulatory bursae with precloacal papillae and post-cloacal papillae;and a distinct constriction of head.A.paraviviparum sp.nov.is similar to A.viviparum Bastian,1865,but differs in the reproductive mode of female and the constriction of head.  相似文献   

Specimens of a new species of Cerithiidae, Cerithium mangrovum n. sp., were collected during two surveys along the coasts of Hainan and Guangdong Province, China. Usually associated with potamidid snails, this species often occurs in large populations between the mid-high tidal zones in a range of habitats, including mangroves, grass beds, silt, mud, and coral reefs. C. mangrovum n. sp. has a slender and tapering shell and the straight-sided whorl bears three aligned beaded spiral cords. The thick outer lip has a wide posterior sinus. It morphologically resembles C. coralium Kiener, 1841. The shell of C. coralium is usually larger and wider and the spiral cords are not as beaded as in C, mangrovum n. sp. Its radula has a rachidian tooth with a shallow, wide, median basal projection while the rachidian tooth of C. mangrovum n. sp. has a moderately long, median basal projection.  相似文献   

Ataxonomic survey of benthic marine animals from coastal regions of Hainan Island, South China Sea, revealed specimens of a new species of Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicida: Eunicidae), Eunice uschakovi n. sp., collected from the intertidal zone. The species belongs to the group of Eunice that has yellow tridentate subacicular hooks and branchiae scattered over an extensive region of the body. It resembles E. miurai and E. havaica in having both bidentate and tridentate falcigers, but can be readily distinguished by branchial features. Comparisons between E. uschakovi and the two related species are presented.  相似文献   

The genus Muelleria is reported for the first time from China in this paper. The new diatom species M uelleria pseudogibbula sp. nov. was observed during a survey of diatoms from Zoigê Wetland, Sichuan Province, China. The morphological characters of this new species were documented by light and scanning electron microscope and compared with similar species. M. pseudogibbula is characterized by its lanceolate to linear-lanceolate valve outline with rounded apices, two longitudinal canals running parallel to each side of the raphe, proximal ends of the raphe deflected to the same directions and finishing before the first row of areolae, and curved distal raphe ends, forming two divergent branches.  相似文献   

Virescentia guangxiensis,a new species of Virescentia from Guangxi,South China,is described and illustrated based on morphological observations and phylogenetic analysis.This species was distinguished morphologically from other species by the presence of special expansion cells with a variable shape,obovoid,spherical,pear-shaped,located in the penultimate cells of primary or secondary fascicles,rarely terminal on primary fascicles,as well as by small whorls(250-350-μm wide) and short primary fascicles(5-7 cell stories).Phylogenetic analysis of molecular data from the rbcL and COI-5 P loci supported the separation of the proposed new species from other species in the genus Virescentia.This is the first species of the order Batrachospermales reported in Guangxi and the second species of the genus Virescentia reported in China.This study expands the known species diversity and geographical distribution of fre shwater Rhodophyta in China.  相似文献   

Two nematode species of the genusDorylaimopsis (Family Comesometidae) from the Bohai Sea are described.Dorylaimopsis rabalaisi n. sp. similar toD. punctata Ditlevsen, 1918 from which it can be separated by the small size, short and simple spicules without ventral apophyses or joint line.Dorylaimopsis turneri n. sp. differs from the closest speciesDorylaimopsis angelae (Inglis, 1967) by its higher values of de Man ratio ‘a’, much shorter spicules and higher ratio of gubernacular to spicules length. A key to species of the genus based on the key by Jensen (1979) is given. This project was supported by the National Science Foundation, No: 3860804  相似文献   

A new muricid gastropod species,L ataxiena lutescena sp. nov.,is described and illustrated. The new species was recognized during reidentification of the Muricidae collection in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao. The specimens of the new species were collected from the East and South China Seas off Fujian,Guangdong,and Hainan Provinces. Lataxiena lutescena sp. nov. is similar to Lataxiena blosvillei(Deshayes,1832) in general shape,but can be distinguished from the latter by the shell sculpture and radular characteristics. Lataxiena lutescena sp. nov. also resembles Lataxiena bombayana(Melvill,1893),but differs from that species in the shell shape and anal notches and in lacking short spines on the shell.  相似文献   

Phyllochaetopterus species are widely distributed on the coast of China.Here,Phyllochaetopterus hainanensis n.sp.,a new species collected from Hainan Island(China),is reported.It is characterized by having a V-shaped peristomium,two eyespots covered by a pair of large curved peristomial notopodia(cirri located beneath the palps),13-14 chaetigers in the anterior body region,with three enlarged modified chaetae on the fourth notopodium,and more than five chaetigers in the middle body region.The modified chaeta has a slightly inflated head with an obliquely truncate end.The new species resembles Phyllochaetopterus socialis Claparede,1869,but differs in the shape of peristomial notopodia and peristomium.Twelve species of Phyllochaetopterus have been described from the Pacific Ocean,including the new species described here.An identification key to the known Pacific species is provided together with a brief discussion of the taxonomic value of the eyespots for the genus.  相似文献   

Ranlnoides longifions new species, off SE coast of Hainan Island, dorsal surface of carapace with an arched granular edge across carapace between the anterolateral teeth, median frontal tooth longest, second frontal teeth subquadrate.  相似文献   

A new species of goneplacid crab, Paragoneplax chenae, is described, based on collections from the Nansha Islands, South China Sea. P. chenae closely resembles its only congener P. serenei (Zarenkov, 1972) in general appearance. They are distinguishable from each other by the male abdominal and gonopodal characters.  相似文献   

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