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Numerous lakes in western China are excellent sites for understanding environmental change. However, what dominates rare earth element(REE) variations are still under debate in the lake environmental research. In this study, we selected 28 surface sediment samples from 17 lakes(i.e. largescale lakes, small water bodies, etc.) in the QinghaiTibet Plateau and Xinjiang area. These samples were analyzed to reveal the behavior of the REEs and major elements. These REE patterns are characterized by light rare earth element(LREE) enrichment, weak Ce anomaly(0.84-0.98, 0.94 on average) and negative Eu anomaly(0.53-1.00, 0.67 on average). The homogeneous REE patterns may reflect similar REE of the source lithologys. However, the REE abundances showed some significant differences. In this study, water chemistry data analyses inferred that the highly REE values appear possibly in the saltwater lake, and also related to carbonate mineral, whereas p H played a minor role in REE concentrations. In large-scale lakes(e.g. Lake Bosten and Lake Ulungur), the results showed that the relatively larger REE values are in the margins of lakes. Moreover, lower REE contents are towards the central region. Comprehensive study suggested that five major factors control the REE contents:(1) The REE tends to increase with the increase of the weathering intensity.(2) Likewise, heavy mineral(i.e. rutile, anatase, zircon, etc.) are probably primary in these sediments because they are highly enriched in the REE.(3) The contribution of Fe-Mn oxides is significant in sediments because their concentrations highly correlate with the REE.(4) The carbonate mineral(mainly calcite) played a significant role on the REE values in the lakes because the REEs are incorporated into the carbonate minerals generating the low REE concentrations.(5) Major element analysis, mineral analysis, and grain-size data analysis showed that the REE distribution is chiefly influenced by finer grain-size component of lake sediments due to the decreasing proportion of quartz and feldspar than coarser one. Moreover, the clay minerals in finer grain-size sediments can highly absorb the REE.  相似文献   

Determination of the concentrations of, 15 rare earth elements (REE) in China continental shelf sediments by X-ray fluorescent spectral analysis of selected representative sediment samples showed that REE concentration in the sediments is 156 ppm, similar to that in China loess and Fujian granite, but different from that in Pacific sediments. The shelf REE have the characteristic distribution pattern of typical continental crust REE and evidently philo-continental property. The above findings suggest that weathered materials transported from the China continent are the main source of the REE in China continental shelf sediments. Experiments show that REE exist mainly in the crystal lattices of clay minerals (<2μ) as isomorphs and that REE have close relation with most elements (Al, Ti, K, Rb, Fe, etc.) related with clay minerals, but have negative correlation with the biophile elements Ca and Sr. Contribution No. 1520 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

应用元素地球化学方法.研究了勉略带中辉长辉绿岩的相关特征.结果表明.勉略蛇绿构造混杂带内的辉长岩属高铝强碱质辉长岩类,是地幔橄榄岩部分熔融的产物。辉绿岩墙群属强碱铝质基性岩类,过渡族元素蛛网图与辉长岩类几乎完全相同,其不相容元素与辉长岩类总体趋势相一致.反映了一种递进岩浆演化趋势。因此,本区辉长岩与辉绿岩墙群具同源岩浆分异演化的地球化学特征.其均为勉略蛇绿岩的重要组成端元。  相似文献   

The Jianggang Harbour-centered radial sand ridge (RSR) is the largest sand body in the Yellow Sea. Its formation and evolution are of interest for scientists of various fields; however, the sediment provenance is uncertain. In this study, rare earth element (REE) geochemical compositions of the RSR sediments together with their potential sources are investigated to identify the provenance of the RSR sediments. The typical parameters ((La/Yb)N, (La/Sm)N and (Gd/Yb)N) as well as the upper continental crust-normalized patterns of REEs can only be associated with source rocks, and thus can be used as effective tracers for the origin and sources of sediments. However, the REE contents of sediments are affected by many factors, such as particle sorting and chemical weathering. Onshore RSR sediments are different in REE geochemical composition from offshore RSR sediments to some extent, suggesting that not all of the offshore RSR sediments have the same sources as the onshore RSR sediments. Meanwhile, the sediments adjacent to the northeast of Cheju Island and at Lian Island near the Lianyun Harbour were not the source of the RSR sediments due to their distinctive REE patterns, δEu, (La/Yb)N, (Gd/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N. The Korean river sediments could be dispersed to the Jiangsu Coast slightly impacting the fine fractions of the RSR sediments, particularly the offshore RSR sediments. Additionally, geochemical comparisons show that the modern Yellow River was responsible for the onshore RSR sediments, whereas the sediment loads from the Yangtze River could serve as a major contributor to the RSR, particularly the offshore RSR. In addition, the offshore RSR could also be partly fed by an unknown source due to some high values of (La/Yb)N, (La/Sm)N and La contents differing from those of the Chinese and Korean river sediments.  相似文献   

A total of 21 elements, Si, Al, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Ti, P, Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Pb, Cr, Rb, Sr Ba, Cd and Corg(organic carbon), was determined in the trough. Average contents of most elements were found to be higher in the trough bottom than in the western and eastern slopes. We call these elements the indicator elements because of their “transition” property. This is in keeping with the “intermediate” geographical position of the trough where the continental crust turns to oceanic crust. Though the authigenic fraction of some elements here increases, the detrital fraction of most elements is still dominant, indicating that the influences of terrigenous and volcanic detrital materials on the trough sediments are still dominant. The abundant biogenous component in the trough is characterized by the increase of Ca, Sr, and Corg contents. Ca existes mainly in the form of CaCo3 that is mostly found in various shells. Sr often easily replaces Ca within the shells. A belt-shaped distribution pattern of elements was found in the south and a “block” pattern in the north trough. Such distribution patterns are directly controlled by water depth, topography, current sediment type, and mineral, biological, and volcanic processes. This paper was published in Chinese in Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica15(4): 371–379, 1984.  相似文献   

Pumice, the most widely distributed volcanic rock in Okinawa Trough, is loose and porous. Since its formation, it has definitely suffered from the denudation of the sea to different degrees. In order to truly reveal the geochemical features of pumice, we choose the method of mineral separation. Firstly, the phenocryst is separated from glass. Then the phenocryst is divided into light and heavy mineral compositions. By ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) analytical technology, the contents of trace and rare earth elements in the whole pumice, the glass and the heavy and light mineral compositions are determined respectively. By researching the elemental geochemical features, the magma dynamic processes are found. It shows that the initial magma for the pumice in Okinawa Trough came from the depleted mantle, from which the N-MORB (normal type of mid-ocean ridge basalt) is formed, homologous with the local basalts. But they are formed in different periods of magma crystal fractionation. Featured with sufficient crystal fractionation for pumice, it is found that the earlier crystallizing minerals are olivine, plagioclase and pyroxene. The pumice magma, formed from the depleted mantle, was mixed with additional subduction-related materials (components), and contaminated with the mass from upper crust when it rose up into the crust. As the Okinawa Trough is a back-arc basin in its early back-arc spreading stage, its magmatism has a series of its own unique characteristics, different from not only the mid-ocean ridge expansion, but also the mature back-arc basin.  相似文献   

Geochemical patterns of shelf sediments of China Seas are discussed in the following order: 1) the grain-size control of elements, 2) zonal distribution of elements along the coast, 3) estuarine enrichment of elements, 4) correlation of elements, 5) philo-detrital property of elements, 6) philo-continental property of elements, 7) rapid accumulation rate of elements. Statistics show that the abundance of indicator elements in shelf sediments is relatively close to that in terrestrial rocks and continental crust, and the abundance distribution pattern of elements in shelf sediments is similar to that in continental crust.  相似文献   

Examination of solvent-extractable lipids in sediments from Beibu Gulf, South China Sea by capillary gas chromatography (GC) and capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) resulted in the first identifications of β, γ-carotanes and their C19 to C31 homologs in the modern sediments from the China Seas. Distributional features of these (mainly triterpenoid and steroid hydrocarbons) biomarkers are discussed and the possibility of using these compounds as indicators of source of materials, diagenesis and depositional conditions is explored. It was found that the biomarkers in this region are mixtures of allochthonous (terrigenous and/or crude oil leak or pollution) and antochthonous (marine) organic components. The biomarders have proved to be of value for understanding sedimentation. Contribution No. 1888 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. This research is partially funded by the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory, Institute of Geochemistry. Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

西藏搭格架水热区位于拉萨-冈底斯地块南缘,毗邻印度河-雅鲁藏布江缝合带中段,区内出露酸性泉、中性泉和弱碱性泉,为不同类型地热水中REE分布特征及其地球化学成因研究提供了理想场所。通过在搭格架采集不同类型热泉样品,开展了样品REE浓度测试、配分模式分析和赋存形态计算,旨在揭示高温地热环境中REE地球化学行为的指示意义。研究结果表明,搭格架热泉中REE的地球化学行为呈非保守性,其ΣREE浓度受热泉环境中富Fe, Al矿物(或无定形态固体)而非硫酸盐矿物的吸附过程的影响;热泉REE配分模式和形态分布则主要受热储内氧化-还原条件及流体-岩石相互作用的控制,是其地质成因和总体水化学特征的反映。虽然搭格架热泉中宏量组分水化学特征指示热储围岩应主要为长英质岩石,但中、碱性热泉呈现的Ce负异常意味着热储中也可能存在碳酸盐岩。本研究为高温热泉稀土元素地球化学研究提供了典型范例。  相似文献   

A bstract With the aim of elucidating the spatial and seasonal behaviors of rare earth elements(REEs), we investigated the dissolved REE concentrations of surface water collected during four seasons from middle, lower reaches and estuary of the Minjiang River, southeastern China. The results display that the REE abundances in Minjiang River, ranging from 3.3–785.9 ng/L, were higher than those of many of the major global rivers. The total REE concentrations(∑REE) were seasonally variable, averaging in 5 937.30, 863.79, 825.65 and 1 065.75 ng/L during second highest flow(SHF), normal flow(NF), low flow(LF) and high flow(HF) season, respectively. The R_(( L/M)) and R_((H/M)) ratios reveal the spatial and temporal variations of REE patterns, and particularly vary apparently in the maximum turbidity zone and estuary. REE patterns of dissolved loads are characterized by progressing weaker LREEs-enrichment and stronger HREEsenrichment downstream from middle reaches to estuary during all four seasons. Comparing with NF and LF seasons, in which REE patterns are relatively flat, samples of SHF season have more LREE-enriched and HREE-depleted patterns that close to parent rocks, while samples of HF season are more LREEs-depleted and HREE-enriched. REE fractionations from the middle to lower reaches are stronger in the SHF and HF seasons than those in NF and LF seasons. Generally, spatial and seasonal variations in REE abundance and pattern are presumably due to several factors, such as chemical weathering, mixture with rainfall and groundwater, estuarine mixing, runoff, biological production and mountain river characters, such as strong hydrodynamic forces and steep slopes. The highest Gd/Gd* always occurs at north ports during all four seasons, where most of the large hospitals are located. This suggests Gd anomalies are depended on the density of modern medical facilities. Y/Ho ratios fl uctuate and positively correlate to salinity in estuary, probably because of the geochemical behavior differences between Y and Ho.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of some elements in sediments of the East China Sea   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
The East China Sea is noted for its vast continental shelf.The marine geology ofthe East China Sea has been extensively studied for many years.New data concerningthe seabed sediments have been published by many investigators,whereas geochemical studieson the sediments have been comparatively few.200 samples of different types of sedi-ments were analyzed to find out the geochemical characteristics of some major and traceelements in the sediments of the East China Sea.The elements determined are Fe,Mn,Ti,P,Si,Cu,Co,Ni,Zn,B,Zr,U,Th,Ra and REE(total rare earth elements).Fe,Mn,Ti,P,B,Zr,U,Th and REE were determined by ordinary colorimetry,Cu,Co,Ni  相似文献   

Analysis of Zn, Cu, Pb, Co, Cr, Li, Ni, K, Al, Fe extracted by 1 mol/L HCl or 0.5 mol/LHCl/H_2O_2, showed concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb, Co, Cr, Fe, Ni were significantly correlated with Li, Al,K, and clay. Two methods are used to indicate the background value of the non-residual phase of elementsin sediments, and are the same as the methods used to indicate the background value of totalconcentrations in sediments. The first method uses correlograms and regression equations,the second usesthe mean element concentrations normalized with grain size. Li, Al, K can be used as reference elements to determine the background value of Zn, Cu, Pb, Co,Cr, Ni, Fe, while the clay concentration's correlation with some extractable concentrations can be used tocalculate the background value of the non-residual phase of elements as a percentage of clay concentrationin the sediments. Based on this study, the concept of using the background value of the non-residualphase of elements to compare the pollution level in differ  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples collected off the Huanghe (Yellow) River mouth during the period 2007–2009 were analyzed for major and trace element concentrations. Concentrations of 16 elements were measured using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Results demonstrate that sediment grain size is the dominant factor controlling the spatial variations of elemental concentrations. Correlation and cluster analyses allowed classification of the study area into four geochemical regions: Regions I and III are characterized by high concentrations of Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, Na2O, K2O, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn, and contain fine-grained sediments with mean grain size (M z)<22 μm; and; Regions II and IV contain mostly coarse-grained sediments, and are characterized by high concentrations of SiO2, Na2O, and Zr. The sediment entering the sea from the Huanghe River and its tributaries is enriched in Ca. Thus, the Ca/Al ratio was used as an indicator of the proportion of sediments in the study area that originated from the Huanghe River. Ca/Al ratios decrease from Regions I and II (located in the nearshore zone of the Huanghe River delta) to Regions III and IV (distributed in the offshore zone of the northern Huanghe River delta, southern and southeastern Laizhou Bay area).  相似文献   

Xiamen Western Bay‘s water and sedimem quality were studied by detemaining thelevels of sixteen polycyclic amrrmtic hydrocarbons PAHs in water, porewater and sediment samples from nine locations in the bay. Total PAH concentrations varied from 106 to 945 ng/1 in water, below detectionto 3548 ng/1 in porewater, and 247 to 480 ng/g dry weight in surface sediments. PAHs levels in porewaterwere higher than those in surface water, due to the preference of these hydrophobic compounds for sedimentary phase instead of water. Such a concentration gradient implies a potential flux of pollutants fromsediments to overlying water. The PAils levels in sediments were one to several orders of magnitude lowerthan those in 1993, suggesting their decreased input in recent years and possible degradation with time.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine samples of surface sediments from tidal flats in the Northern Shandong Province were collected for grain size, heavy metal(Hg, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cr), and oil pollution analyses. The geoaccumulation index(Igeo) and factor analysis were introduced to evaluate sediment quality and source of contaminants. The mean concentrations of Hg, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, and oil in the surface sediments in the study area are 0.033, 17.756, 19.121, 55.700, 0.291, 59.563, and 14.213 μg g-1, respectively. The heavy metal contamination in the old delta lobe is slightly higher than that in the abandoned delta lobe; however, the opposite was observed for oil pollution. The Igeo results revealed that the overall quality of the surface sediments in the study area is in good condition. The heavy metal pollution levels show a descending order: Cd Hg Cr Cu Zn Pb, Cd being the main pollutant. The contamination level for in the study area is relatively lower than those for China's other tidal flats. Heavy metals are mainly derived from natural sources of rock weathering and erosion, partly influenced by industrial and agricultural discharge. However, oil pollution is mainly from runoff input, motorized fishing boat sewage, and oil exploitation.  相似文献   

Complete and comprehensive information about sediment dynamic and identification of hotspots of sediment production and transport are necessary for understanding the erosion processes and increasing the efficiency of soil and water conservation practices. Numerous studies used the sediment fingerprint techniques to investigate the contribution of different sources in suspended and bed sediment yield of the watersheds. However, the contribution of various land use/land covers in suspended and bed...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONOneofthemostextensiveshelvesoftheworldlyingwithinthesouthernpartoftheSouthChinaSeaisthe1850000km2SundaShelflocatedbetweenthethreelargeislandsofSumatra,Borneo,JavaandmainlandAsia(LaFond,1966).ThenorthernpartoftheSundaShelfisseparatedfromtheJavaSeas…  相似文献   

为深入认识南堡凹陷沙河街组富有机质泥页岩形成机理,通过详细分析微量和稀土元素地球化学特征,对其水体沉积环境及物源进行研究。结果表明:微量元素Li, Cs, Bi较为富集;Cr, Sn较为亏损;其他微量元素接近于上地壳元素含量。稀土元素总量变化范围宽泛,接近或高于大陆上地壳的平均值,指示陆源碎屑供给较为充足。REE分配模式表现为轻稀土元素富集,分异程度较高;重稀土元素相对亏损,分异程度较低。铕元素异常值(δEu)负异常明显,铈元素异常值(δCe)基本正常。根据锶丰度和锶/钡比值的变化,反映出沙三段沉积时期湖泊水体具有一定的分隔性,淡水、半咸水和咸水环境共存;沙一段沉积时期湖泊水体的连通性增强,以半咸水环境为主。根据V/(V+Ni)、Th/U比值及δCe、铈异常指数(Ceanom)值特征,反映出湖泊水体为分层较强的贫氧环境。源生Ba含量揭示出湖泊水体古生产力较高。通过稀土元素组合特征分析,认为沙河街组物源主要来自燕山褶皱带于燕山期发育的花岗岩,且混有少量沉积岩。南堡凹陷沙河街组泥页岩有机质富集程度与其古环境和古地理密切相关:一是适宜的水体古盐度和丰富的水体营养物质适应...  相似文献   

The southern sea area of the Huludao City, Liaoning Province might be polluted by heavy metals because it is close to the Jinzhou Bay, one of the heaviest sea area polluted by heavy metals in China. The undisturbed modern sediment core can be used to analyze the accumulation and source of the pollutants using 137 Cs and 210 Pb ex . Thirty-five samples of surface sediment and two core sediments were collected from the southern sea area of Huludao City. The concentrations of copper (Cu), lead (Pb), chrome (Cr), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) in the surface sediments as well as Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, 137 Cs and 210 Pb ex in the core sediments were determined to research the spatial distribution and accumulation characteristics, and to analyze the sources and the potential risks of heavy metals. The results show that the pollution levels of Zn and Hg are serious, and 26 stations are at moderate or heavy ecological risks. The concentrations of the heavy metals increase from east to west, as well as from open sea to offshore marine area. The concentrations of heavy metals are not high in the sediments adjacent to the Jinzhou Bay, and the influence caused by the seawater exchange with the Jinzhou Bay is little. The concentrations of the heavy metals in the core sediments show low-high-low characteristic, and it coincides with the pollution history of Huludao City. The atmospheric deposition of heavy metals from the Huludao Zinc Plant is likely to be the main source of pollution without direct discharge of wastewater. The high concentrations of heavy metals appear on the upper sediment of 20 cm. The shallow sediment with high heavy metal contents might be exposed to surface when it was disturbed by the ocean engineering and big storm surge, then cause risk to the safety of aquaculture and human healthy.  相似文献   

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