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弧板式透空堤消浪性能影响因素数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弧板式透空堤是由弧型板组成的新型防波堤结构。为探讨其透射系数的影响因素,利用Fluent软件基于N-S方程构建了波浪与板式透空堤相互作用的数值模型,讨论了相对潜深、入射波周期、相对波高、相对板宽和结构型式对透射系数的影响。结果表明:弧板式透空堤的透射系数随着相对波高和入射波周期的增大而增大,在静水面附近透射系数最小,尤以静水面和略高于静水面时的消浪效果最佳;在相同波浪要素条件下,静水面及其上0.02 m和0.04 m位置处,弧板式透空堤的消浪效果明显优于平板式透空堤。  相似文献   

为使防波堤同时具有良好的掩护效果和水体交换能力,提出了两种带有透浪通道的新型直立式防波堤。基于Fluent求解器建立了三维数值波浪水槽,通过与试验结果对比,验证了该数值水槽求解波浪与透空堤作用具有较高的精度。对两种防波堤在规则波作用下的透浪特性进行了研究,结果表明:透射系数K_t与透空率呈正线性相关,且可通过调整透浪通道间距,使相同透空率下K_t降低20%~30%。对同一结构,K_t随相对波长的增大而显著增大,但受相对波高的影响较小。在透空率大于0.16后,异型沉箱防波堤的消浪性能明显优于错位沉箱。基于数值计算结果,给出了以上两种透空堤波浪透射系数的经验公式。  相似文献   

垂直挡板式透空堤作为一种新型的透空式防波堤结构,通过将挡浪板垂直设置于波能最集中的水体表层来消减波浪,透浪系数是其最关键的指标。通过物理模型试验,分析不规则波作用下入射波高、波周期、挡板相对入水深度、相对堤宽、相对挡板超高、相对面板超高等因素对垂直挡板式透空堤透浪系数的影响规律,并在Wiegel公式的基础上拟合了垂直挡板式透空堤透浪系数的计算公式。可作为今后类似透空式防波堤结构透浪系数的近似估算,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

不同结构离岸式潜堤消浪效果试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在某保滩促淤工程中,应用了离岸式潜堤技术。为了验证其不同结构形式的消浪效果,通过物理模型试验,对斜坡堤、大圆筒以及板桩直立堤的3种潜堤断面,在3种不同水位、波高作用下的消波效果作观测比较,并对其结果进行分析研究,旨在为工程设计和建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

王强  刘睿  梁丙臣 《海岸工程》2022,41(2):95-104
本文提出了一种倾斜挡浪板式桩基透空型防波堤,通过物理模型试验对规则波作用下防波堤的消浪性能进行了研究。试验中观测了桩基透空型防波堤迎浪侧和背浪侧波面的变化过程,探讨了不同入射波浪条件下防波堤挡浪板的开孔率ε和布置形式B对其消浪性能的影响,分析了防波堤的反射系数Kr、透射系数Kt以及波能耗散系数Kd随着相对波高H/D和相对堤宽W/L的变化关系,并从波浪能量分布的角度分析此种防波堤的消浪机理。研究结果表明,单层挡浪板的开孔率自30%降低至10%,平均透射系数可减小约24.3%,平均耗散系数可增长约12.8%;双层挡浪板防波堤的反射系数取决于前排挡浪板的开孔率,透射系数取决于挡浪板组合中的最小开孔率。  相似文献   

设有挡浪板结构的透空式防波堤适用于水深较大的海域,且具有较好的消浪效果。采用物理模型试验,探究具有双侧挡浪板结构的透空式防波堤透浪系数与反射系数的影响因素与规律,研究包括外侧与内侧挡浪板入水深度,水平板板宽,结构上部挡浪墙的高度与位置,水平板超高与波浪要素等因素。通过比较各家透浪系数的理论计算公式与实验结果,进行透浪系数的计算方法研究,给出修正Wiegel公式拟合双侧挡浪板透空式防波堤的透浪系数计算公式,供工程设计参考与进一步研究。  相似文献   

提出了一种由多层圆弧板组成的新型透空式防波堤结构,并对其在二维规则波浪作用下的消波性能进行了物理模型试验研究。在不同入射波高条件下,对圆弧板和水平板透空结构的消波性能进行了比较分析,探讨了圆弧板间距和层数对圆弧板透空式结构消波性能的影响。研究结果表明,圆弧板透空式结构的消波效果优于水平板式透空结构,在相对宽度为0.2时,可以使透射系数达0.5以下。随着圆弧板间距从0.15 m减小到0.05 m时,消波效果逐步提升,而圆弧板的层数对结构的消波性能也有一定影响。  相似文献   

以RANS方程为控制方程,基于有限体积法,在动量方程中添加源项,建立了具有造波‐消波功能的数值波浪水槽。利用建立的源项造波数值波浪水槽,模拟了高桩挡板透空式防波堤在规则波作用下的消浪效果,完整地再现了堤前堤后的流态,分析了挡板相对入水深度对透浪系数的影响。在与试验值及拉帕公式对比后发现,数模计算结果与试验值较接近,拉帕公式偏大。研究了堤顶相对宽度、相对水深、相对波高对透浪系数的影响并提出修正公式,修正公式与计算值和试验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤消浪特性试验研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
本文回顾了已有的关于透空式防波堤的波浪透射率的理论计算方法,分析了多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤的消浪机理。结合防波堤断面波浪试验,探讨多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤的消浪特性。研究结果表明多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤能够显著消减波浪,它的应用突破了透空式防波堤仅适用于小尺度风浪水域的经验。研究发现影响防波堤消浪效果的因素中,挡板的透空率和设置方式的影响最为显著。文中提出的减小波浪透射率的方法可供设计部门参考。  相似文献   

柔性水囊潜堤由橡胶制成,内部充水,具有结构简单、造价低廉等优点,能较好满足人工岛、跨海桥梁、海洋平台等基础设施建设工程对简单便携、拆装方便的临时防波堤的需求。为了探究柔性水囊潜堤的消波特性,在溃坝水槽内开展溃坝波与半圆柱形柔性水囊潜堤相互作用的试验研究,重点探究柔性水囊潜堤与溃坝波相互作用过程中水位变化特性,并与半圆柱刚性潜堤的性能进行比较;同时分析柔性水囊潜堤内部初始水压和浸没深度等参数对其消波性能的影响。结果表明:柔性水囊潜堤能够用作临时防波堤来衰减波浪;与半圆柱刚性潜堤相比,柔性水囊潜堤在降低溃坝波无量纲最大水位、提高消波性能方面更具优势;内部初始水压是影响柔性水囊潜堤消波性能的重要因素,适当降低内部初始水压,有利于增强柔性潜堤的变形程度,进而增加波能耗散,可获得更好的消波效果;而增加浸没深度即潜深,会使得柔性水囊潜堤对溃坝波的影响程度降低,消波效果减弱。  相似文献   

Yong Liu  Bin Teng 《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(16):1588-1596
This study examines the hydrodynamic performance of a modified two-layer horizontal-plate breakwater. The breakwater consists of an upper submerged horizontal porous plate and a lower submerged horizontal solid plate. By means of the matched eigenfunction expansion method, a linear analytical solution is developed for the interaction of water waves with the structure. Then the reflection coefficient, the transmission coefficient, the energy-loss coefficient and the wave forces acting on the plates are calculated. The numerical results obtained for limiting cases are exactly the same as previous predictions for a single submerged horizontal solid plate and a single submerged horizontal porous plate. Numerical results show that with a suitable geometrical porosity of the upper plate, the uplift wave forces on both plates can be controlled at a low level. Numerical results also show that the transmission coefficient will be always small if the dimensionless plate length (plate length versus incident wavelength) exceeds a certain moderate value. This is rather significant for practical engineering, as the incident wavelength varies over a wide range in practice. Moreover, it is found that the hydrodynamic performance of the present structure may be further enhanced if the lower plate is also perforated.  相似文献   

This study investigated how the porosity of submerged breakwaters affects non-breaking wave transformations. Eight model geometries each with six different porosities, from 0.421 to 0.912, were also considered. Experimental results reveal that the model width has little effect on wave reflection and transmission when the model heights are fixed. The transmission coefficient is maximum at a kh in the range from 1.3 to 2.0 and minimum at a kh around 0.7. The wave reflection maximum is at kh of near 0.5. The energy loss of the primary waves is maximum near kh=0.81 and minimum when the porosity of the model is large. Porosity does affect wave transformation and its influence becomes significant as the heights of the models increase. For the range of porosities tested, wave energy loss from the primary harmonic was found to be almost constant at around 0.4 when kh >1.3, decreasing slowly when kh <1.3; wave energy loss decreases for porosities above 0.75.  相似文献   

In recent years, considerable amount of effort has been made to design earthquake resistant offshore structures in seismic active areas. In order to achieve this objective, all components of a typical structure should function properly to dissipate seismically-induced energy within the members. Among components of an offshore installation, braces are of significant importance as they contribute substantially to total energy dissipation of the structure. Buckling in compression and yielding in tension assist the process of energy absorption. Nevertheless, the functionality of braces is dependent upon their joints where joint-cans are included to avoid any brittle fracture and unpredicted failure mechanisms.In this paper, special attention is being paid to energy dissipation of jacket type offshore platforms with two different pile–leg interactions. A case study representing an offshore platform is studied both analytically and experimentally. Analytical models are validated step by step based on available experimental tests and observations on individual members. Several parameters such as cyclic behavior, maximum bearing load and most importantly energy dissipation of two different 2D frames are investigated. Results provide promising insights into design and fabrication of fixed platforms with different pile–leg interactions.  相似文献   

浮式防波堤具有对海洋环境友好、施工方便、造价受水深影响小等优点,在海岸工程领域有广阔的应用前景。但受消波效果不稳定、结构易破坏且对锚泊系统要求高等因素的影响,浮式防波堤在实际工程应用中面临较大的挑战。本文采用物理模型试验以及基于OpenFoam的数值模拟方法,对一种由双浮筒、双竖板与水平连接板组成的新型浮式防波堤结构进行消浪性能研究。讨论波浪要素、相对竖板高度、相对水平连接板宽度等因素对双筒双板式浮式防波堤(DCDPFB)消浪性能的影响,分析其周围形成的局部涡量与速度场变化,确定相对最优的结构尺寸。结果表明,相对水平连接板宽度、相对竖板高度和半圆柱体尺寸是影响DCDPFB消浪性能的关键因素;波高与入水深度对透射系数的影响较小;DCDPFB周围形成的局部涡量与速度场变化是耗散波浪能量的重要因素;按照相对最优结构尺寸建造的DCDPFB试验段,在海上原型试验中表现出良好的消波性能。  相似文献   

王塑  赵西增 《海洋工程》2023,41(2):161-168
带有弹簧支撑的水平板结构,可在波浪作用下起伏运动进行消浪,作为防波堤具有广泛的应用前景,但如何设计支撑刚度仍是当前研究的重点课题。基于黏性流理论建立数值波浪水槽,开展规则波与起伏板防波堤相互作用的模拟,得到起伏板透反射系数随支撑刚度的变化曲线,并分析最小透射系数对应刚度下起伏板运动相位对消浪的影响。为快速得到最小透射系数对应的支撑刚度,根据弹簧—阻尼—质量模型,建立一种以运动相位为输入反推起伏板最优支撑刚度的计算方法,并将推导结果与数值结果进行比较。结果表明,该方法推导的最优支撑刚度值与数值最优值接近,且可省去遍历取最优值的步骤,可为起伏板防波堤的支撑刚度设计提供参考。  相似文献   

An improved formulation to describe breaking wave energy dissipation is presented and incorporated into a previous parametric cross-shore wave transformation model [Baldock, T.E., Holmes, P., Bunker, S., Van Weert, P., 1998. Cross-shore hydrodynamics within an unsaturated surf zone. Coastal Engineering 34, 173–196]. The new formulation accounts for a term in the bore dissipation equation neglected in some previous modelling, but which is shown to be important in the inner surf zone. The only free model parameter remains the choice of γ, the ratio of wave height to water depth at initial breaking, and a well-established standard parameter is used for all model runs. The proposed model is compared to three sets of experimental data and a previous version of the model which was extensively calibrated against field and laboratory data. The model is also compared to the widely used model presented by Thornton and Guza (1983) [Thornton, E.B., Guza, R.T., 1983. Transformation of wave height distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research 88 (No.C10), 5925–5938].  相似文献   

Winyu Rattanapitikon   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(11-12):1592-1601
This study is undertaken to recalibrate eight existing energy dissipation models and find out the suitable models, which can be used to compute Hrms for a wide range of experimental conditions. The examination shows that the coefficients in the existing models are not the optimal values for a wide range of experimental conditions. Using the new calibrated coefficients, all existing models can be used for computing Hrms and the model of Battjes, J.A., Stive, M.J.F. [1985. Calibration and verification of a dissipation model for random breaking waves. Journal of Geophysical Research 90 (C5), 9159–9167] gives the best predictions. The existing models are also modified by changing the breaker height formulas in the dissipation models. The accuracy of most existing models is improved significantly by using the suitable breaker height formula.  相似文献   

内孤立波破碎混合是陆架地形上海洋混合过程重要的能量汇,为了探究内孤立波在连续跃层密度分层中能量变化及能量耗散规律,本文使用OpenFOAM建立数值水槽,基于双曲正切曲线设置连续跃层密度分层开展了一系列工况的模拟,针对跃层厚度对内孤立波能量传递及其耗散进行了详细分析。结果表明跃层厚度与跃层处流速剪切存在着负相关关系,随着跃层厚度的增加能量耗散先减小后增大。跃层厚度较小时,跃层处流速剪切强,理查德森数小,易产生开尔文-亥姆霍兹(Kelvin–Helmholtz)不稳定现象;随着跃层厚度的增大,流速剪切减小,理查德森数增大,开尔文-亥姆霍兹不稳定消失;跃层厚度达到临界值后,层结稳定性减小,理查德森数减小,流场的翻转混合过程加强,能量耗散也明显增强。  相似文献   

能量耗散是海岸带沉积地貌学的重要研究方向。地貌系统中的能量耗散往往存在极值,但是关于地貌演化的能量耗散趋向是最大值还是最小值,一直存在争议。本文试图从文献梳理入手,回顾海岸带地貌过程中的能量耗散问题,并用阻抗匹配概念来解释能量耗散的极值问题:当地貌系统的机械储能效率最大而热力学耗散最小时,表现为“共振阻抗匹配”,反之则表现为“梯度阻抗匹配”。基于无量纲沉降速度Ω的海滩地貌分类体系,正是表现从“共振阻抗匹配”到“梯度阻抗匹配”的典型谱系。在此基础上,从能量耗散的视角,对红树林生态系统的沉积地貌过程进行了文献综述,总结了潮沟-潮滩-红树林界面上的阻抗匹配和能量耗散问题,讨论了界面能量耗散行为如何通过水动力学和热力学过程反馈到红树林的生长过程,指出了红树林生态系统中潮沟-潮滩三维地形结构的重要性,并建议在红树林生态修复工程中应用这种结构来更好地维持系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

Using a two-dimensional primitive equation model, we examine nonlinear responses of a semidiurnal tidal flow impinging on a seamount with a background Garrett-Munk-like (GM-like) internal wavefield. It is found that horizontally elongated pancake-like structures of high vertical wavenumber near-inertial current shear are created both in the near-field (the region over the slope of the seamount) and far-field (the region over the flat bottom of the ocean). An important distinction is that the high vertical wavenumber near-inertial current shear is amplified only at mid-latitudes in the far-field (owing to a parametric subharmonic instability (PSI)), whereas it is amplified both at mid-and high-latitudes (above the latitude where PSI can occur) in the near-field. In order to clarify the generating mechanism for the strong shear in the near-field, additional numerical experiments are carried out with the GM-like background internal waves removed. The experiments show that the strong shear is also created, indicating that it is not caused by the interaction between the background GM-like internal waves and the semidiurnal internal tides. One possible explanation is proposed for the amplification of high vertical wavenumber near-inertial current shear in the near-field where tide residual flow resulting from tide-topography interaction plays an important role in transferring energy from high-mode internal tides to near-inertial internal waves.  相似文献   

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