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We test a surface renewal model that is widely used over snow and ice surfaces to calculate the scalar roughness length (z s ), one of the key parameters in the bulk aerodynamic method. For the first time, the model is tested against observations that cover a wide range of aerodynamic roughness lengths (z 0). During the experiments, performed in the ablation areas of the Greenland ice sheet and the Vatnajökull ice cap in Iceland, the surface varied from smooth snow to very rough hummocky ice. Over relatively smooth snow and ice with z 0 below a threshold value of approximately 10?3 m, the model performs well and in accord with earlier studies. However, with growing hummock size, z 0 increases well above the threshold and the bulk aerodynamic flux becomes significantly smaller than the eddy-correlation flux (e.g. for z 0 = 0.01 m, the bulk aerodynamic flux is about 50% smaller). Apparently, the model severely underpredicts z s over hummocky ice. We argue that the surface renewal model does not account for the deep inhomogeneous roughness sublayer (RSL) that is generated by the hummocks. As a consequence, the homogeneous substrate ice grain cover becomes more efficiently ‘ventilated’. Calculations with an alternative model that includes the RSL and was adapted for use over hummocky ice, qualitatively confirms our observations. We suggest that, whenever exceedance of the threshold occurs (z 0  >  10?3 m, i.e., an ice surface covered with at least 0.3-m high hummocks), the following relation should be used to calculate scalar roughness lengths, ln (z s /z 0)  =  1.5  ? 0.2 ln (Re *)  ? 0.11(ln (Re *))2.  相似文献   

Annual precipitation,evaporation,and calculated accumulation from reanalysis model outputs have been investigated for the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS),based on the common period of 1989-2001.The ERA-40 and ERA-interim reanalysis data showed better agreement with observations than do NCEP-1 and NCEP-2 reanalyses.Further,ERA-interim showed the closest spatial distribution of accumulation to the observation.Concerning temporal variations,ERA-interim showed the best correlation with precipitation observations at five synoptic stations,and the best correlation with in situ measurements of accumulation at nine ice core sites.The mean annual precipitation averaged over the whole GrIS from ERA-interim (363 mm yr 1) and mean annual accumulation (319 mm yr 1) are very close to the observations.The validation of accumulation calculated from reanalysis data against ice-core measurements suggests that further improvements to reanalysis models are needed.  相似文献   

本文重点分析了2013年夏季格陵兰冰盖表面的融化特征, 并将2013年与2012年融化极值年的异常进行对比, 探讨二者之间存在的动力和热力差异及其对冰盖表面融化的影响和机制。结果表明:2013年夏季格陵兰冰盖表面最大融化范围仅为44%, 远小于2012年的97%, 持续的时间也比2012年短20天左右, 平均的融化面积和持续时间都接近气候平均态。2013年夏季大气环流异常与2012年近乎完全相反, 格陵兰及附近海域为低压异常, 500 hPa位势高度场为负异常, 大气环流和2012年相比更具有纬向型。格陵兰岛的北部和南部出现气旋异常, 有利于输送北极的冷空气到格陵兰岛, 不仅降低了夏季格陵兰冰盖表面的平均温度, 而且也减少了格陵兰高温事件发生的频率。同时, 2013年夏季格陵兰表面向下的辐射通量异常分布大体上呈西南—东北走向, 不同于 2012年的南北分布。尽管从分布上看, 总的向下辐射通量以正的短波分量为主, 但是长短波分量相互抵消使得 2013年夏季总的向下辐射通量接近气候平均态, 这使得辐射对冰盖表面温度的影响不明显。大气环流的动力和表面辐射收支的热力共同作用导致2013年夏季格陵兰冰盖表面融化经历了相对缓和的一年。  相似文献   

Aerodynamic roughness length (z0m is a key factor in surface flux estimations with remote sensing algorithms and/or land surface models. This paper calculates z0m over several land surfaces, with 3 years of experimental data from Xiaotangshan. The results show that z0m is direction-dependent, mainly due to the heterogeneity of the size and spatial distribution of the roughness elements inside the source area along different wind directions. Furthermore, a heuristic parameterization of the aerodynamic roughness length for heterogeneous surfaces is proposed. Individual z0m over each surface component (patch) is calculated firstly with the characteristic parameters of the roughness elements (vegetation height, leaf area index, etc.), then z0m over the whole experimental field is aggregated, using the footprint weighting method.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of large- and small-scale obstacles (orography, tree lines, and dikes) on the effective aerodynamic roughness of the Netherlands, a relatively flat, small-scale landscape. The roughness averaging approach was based on drag coefficients. The effective roughness was locally dominated by small-scale obstacles such as tree lines and dikes. Even at a regional scale (40,000 km2), the small-scale obstacle drag was of the same order of magnitude as the shear stress due to landuse. The neglect of those obstacles on a regional scale would result in approximately 10% overestimated averaged windspeed at 10~m above the surface. It was concluded that small-scale obstacles need to be taken into account to calculate the aerodynamic roughness of flat landscapes. Orography was of minor importance in this lowland country.  相似文献   

The relationship between the variability of the surface elevation of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) in winter and sea level pressure is identified through analysis of data from satellite-borne radar altimeters, together with meteorological data fields during 1993-2005. We found that both the North Pacific Oscillation (NPO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the two major teleconnection patterns of the atmospheric surface pressure fields in the Northern Hemisphere, significantly influence the GIS winter elevation change. Further, it is suggested that the NPO may affect the GIS accumulation by influencing the NAO, particularly by changing the intensity and location of the Icelandic Low.  相似文献   

卫星遥感结合地面资料对区域表面动量粗糙度的估算   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用地面湍流观测资料估算了黑河实验区几个典型下垫面的局地地表动量粗糙度,与卫星观测Landsat TM资料相结合得到了由标准化差值植被指数(NDVI)计算地表动量粗糙度的经验关系式,进而估算了实验区夏季和近冬季的地表粗糙度的区域分布,并对所得关系式进行了合理性检验。  相似文献   

利用湍流通量相等原理和ECMWF的总体湍流输送系数参数化方案,研究了气候数值模式中非均匀地表类型的有效粗糙度计算问题。结果表明,当存在两种地表类型且粗糙变率为2.3时,有效粗糙度比通常采用的对数加权平均值大40%左右,相应的总体湍流输送系数大16%左右,光滑地表类型和粗糙地表类型所占面积百分比分别为60%和40%时,有效粗糙度及相应的总体湍流输送系数和相应的对数加权平均值之差最大,并且有效粗糙度对大气层结不敏感,因而在气候模式中有实用价值。  相似文献   

The roughness length, z 0u , and displacement height, d 0u , characterise the resistance exerted by the roughness elements on turbulent flows and provide a conventional boundary condition for a wide range of turbulent-flow problems. Classical laboratory experiments and theories treat z 0u and d 0u as geometric parameters independent of the characteristics of the flow. In this paper, we demonstrate essential stability dependences—stronger for the roughness length (especially in stable stratification) and weaker but still pronounced for the displacement height. We develop a scaling-analysis model for these dependences and verify it against experimental data.  相似文献   

半干旱区榆中地表粗糙度年变化及影响机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
姚彤  张强  尹晗 《应用气象学报》2014,25(4):454-462
利用2006年6月—2010年12月兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站 (SACOL) 观测资料,分析了黄土高原自然植被下垫面榆中地表粗糙度时间变化特征,考虑到地形、植被物理特征以及降水和热力条件的影响,分析了东南风向和西北风向粗糙度年变化规律及其影响机理,并分别给出这两个风向归一化粗糙度与时间的拟合关系式。研究发现:对于非均一下垫面,由于地形起伏和下垫面植被差别造成的不同风向粗糙度差异显著。选取东南风向和西北风向,这两个风向的地表粗糙度无论是量级还是年变化特征都有很大差别,且由于地形和植被的差别,东南风向粗糙度年变化趋势与稳定度年变化趋势一致,粗糙度与稳定度存在一定相关关系,而西北风向粗糙度年变化趋势与降水量年变化趋势一致,粗糙度与降水量相关性较好。  相似文献   

The characteristics of atmospheric-angular-momentum (AAM) and length-of-day (LOD) on different timescales are investigated in this paper, on the basis of the NECP/NCAR reanalysis data and an LOD dataset for 1962-2010. The variation and overall trend of the AAM anomaly (AAMA) at different latitudes are presented, and the relationship between AAMA and LOD is discussed. The AAMAs in different latitude regions exhibit different patterns of variation, and the AAMA in the tropics makes a dominant contribution to the global AAMA. In the tropics, the AAMA propagates poleward to the extratropical regions. It is confirmed that a downward propagation of the AAMA occurs in the lower stratosphere. Correlation analysis shows that the relationship between AAMA and LOD varies significantly on different timescales. Specifically, the tropical AAMA is positively correlated with LOD on short timescales, but they are not obviously correlated on long timescales. This indicates that the interaction between AAM and the earth's angular momentum follows the conservative restriction on short timescales, but the influence of the earth angular momentum on that of the atmosphere depends on the interaction process on long timescales.  相似文献   

A regional atmospheric climate model is used toexamine the effect of changes in the roughnesslengths of momentum (z0m) and heat (z0h)on the structure of the lower atmosphere and on thesurface energy fluxes over Antarctica. Fourexperiments were carried out in which z0mand/or z0h were altered with respect to acontrol experiment. The changes consisted of (1) alowering of z0m from a field aggregated froma vegetation map with an orographic correction basedon the European Centre for Medium-Range WeatherForecasts z0m field, to a constant value of10-3 m; and (2) a lowering of z0h from a valueequal to z0m to a constant value of 10-3 mor a value dependent on the wind speed via a surfacerenewal model. A reduction of z0m results in theexpected increase in near-surface wind speed. It alsoresults in an increase in the depth of the layer in whichsouth-easterly near-surface winds prevail, and in adecrease in the strength of the large-scale flow overthe continent, in particular in summer. In theescarpment region a decrease of z0m is foundto result in too high wind speeds. Surface temperatureson average decrease while atmospheric temperaturesincrease, resulting in an increase of near-surfacestatic stability. Changes in roughness lengths donot significantly change the temperature profiles.The surface fluxes, on average found reduced, aremodelled best by using the z0h based on thesurface renewal method.  相似文献   

黄土高原半干旱区非均一下垫面粗糙度分析   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用2007年4月17日-2008年4月16日兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站边界层气象塔的风速、 风向、 温度、 气压、 湿度等观测资料, 采用经典的廓线法和风速、 风向标准差法, 分别计算了中性大气层结下观测站下垫面粗糙度长度, 并得到了具有黄土高原地理特征的地表粗糙度及其时空变化特征。计算结果表明, 季节变化对粗糙度的影响幅度可达0.159 m, 空间非均一性对粗糙度的影响幅度可达0.155 m。测站附近粗糙度春季为0.017 m, 夏季为0.062 m, 秋季为0.065 m, 冬季为0.018 m。测站西北方向上游粗糙度春季为0.17 m, 夏季为0.22 m, 秋季为0.34 m, 冬季为0.05 m。测站东南方向上游粗糙度春季为0.11 m, 夏季为0.17 m, 秋季为0.19 m, 冬季为0.05 m。该站下垫面粗糙度计算宜选用风速为6±1.5 m·s-1, 风向变化30°范围内的数据。  相似文献   

利用廓线法计算了黑河中上游地区盈科农田站、冰沟稀疏草地站、阿柔牧场站和大冬树山垭口积雪观测站的总体输送系数和地表粗糙度。结果表明,地表粗糙度与植被覆盖度和高度以及下垫面的性质有关,夏季地表粗糙度大小是农田站最大,其次是牧场站和稀疏草地站,高寒草甸站最小。下垫面状况还影响动量总体输送系数对稳定度的依赖程度,地表粗糙度大的地区强于地表粗糙度小的地区。  相似文献   

近50 a全球和三大洋海温距平的时空变化特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用49a(1950-1998年)NCEP/NCAR逐月SSTA资料和EOF方法,分别对太平洋、大西洋、印度洋和全球海洋SSTA主要特征向量的空间分布和相应的时间变化进行了讨论。利用Morlet小波进一步分析了要素场的周期变化和能量变化。发现经EOF分解后的SSTA场具有很好的空间整体性和明显的年际和年代际变化。各大洋海温变化存在明显的同期和时滞相关关系,很好地体现了大洋间的协同作用和太平洋的主导作用。从不同的空间分布模态中选择海温变化显著的区域作为关键区,进行同期和时滞相关分析,结果发现各关键区之间具有明显的同期和时滞相关关系。  相似文献   

长江上游流域秋季连阴雨时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用长江上游259个气象站逐日降水资料,采用线性趋势分析方法,分析了近1961—2012年来长江上游流域秋季连阴雨的时空变化特征。结果表明,长江上游流域秋季连阴雨过程平均出现1.54次/a,其中9月出现次数最多,10月次之,11月出现较少。秋季连阴雨日数、累积降水量分别以2.3 d/(10 a)、13.7 mm/(10 a)的速率显著减少,连阴雨开始和结束日期平均为9月9日和9月30日均表现出推迟趋势。进入21世纪后,5—9 d、10 d以上连阴雨过程的次数、80.0 mm以上连阴雨过程的次数均表现出减少趋势。金沙江下游和四川盆地东部为秋季连阴雨累计雨量及其变化速率的大值中心,四川盆地西南部为连阴雨日数及其变化速率的大值中心。9月的降水中心、雨日分布情况与秋季总体情况基本一致,10月降水中心、阴雨日数的中心出现了明显东撤,11月东撤更为明显。  相似文献   

青藏高原东侧四川地区夜雨时空变化特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
胡迪  李跃清 《大气科学》2015,39(1):161-179
本文利用四川地区1971~2012年29个气象站逐小时降水资料,计算四川地区雨季(5~9月)夜雨比例、夜雨强度和夜雨频次,并通过区域平均与趋势分析等统计方法,分析了其空间差异与时间变化特征,结果表明:(1)四川地区雨季夜雨占日降水量的比例较大,且具有显著的区域性差异,盆地西南部的夜雨占日降水量的比例最大,川西高原东北与川东北则为明显的两个低值区;(2)川东北地区雨季具有夜雨占日降水量的比例较小、夜雨发生概率也较低、但其夜雨强度却较大的特征,川西高原则与之相反,而盆地西南部的夜雨发生频次虽然不是很高,但夜雨强度和夜雨比例都较大;(3)42年平均四川地区雨季逐日变化,夜雨占日降水量的比例表现为先下降、后上升的特征,夜雨强度与夜雨比例相反,呈先上升、后下降的波动趋势,而夜雨频次的逐日变化呈现出明显的双峰特征;(4)四川地区夜雨比例、夜雨强度和夜雨频次的年变化具有一定差异。20世纪70、80年代,其夜雨频次和夜雨比例均较大,但呈减少趋势,而夜雨强度20世纪70年代较小,80年代较大,呈增大趋势。20世纪90年代,夜雨强度、频次和比例都处于较低状态;21世纪,夜雨强度和夜雨比例都开始明显增大,而夜雨频次增大相对滞后,其中,21世纪夜雨频次和夜雨比例波动明显。  相似文献   

利用甘肃省河西地区17个风塔观测资料和风向风速标准差法,计算了风塔处的下垫面粗糙度,并与中尺度数值模式ARPS中使用的粗糙度参数进行了比较分析。结果表明,数值模式中使用的粗糙度值和实况具有一定差异,其使用的粗糙度定义方案并不能准确地反映出下垫面粗糙度和非均一性特征。差异最大出现在草原下垫面上,可达375%,且差异程度随下垫面植被复杂程度增加。  相似文献   

近50年青藏高原东部降水的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡豪然  梁玲 《四川气象》2013,(4):1-7,15
选用1967~2012年青藏高原东部60个站点的降水资料,分析了该地区降水的时空演变特征,结果表明:高原东部降水呈由东南向西北递减的态势,高值区位于西藏东部和川西高原,低值区位于柴达木盆地;降水场可以划分为八个小区,分别是西藏东部和川西高原西部区、藏南谷地区、青南高原区、柴达木盆地区、藏北高原区、川西高原北部区、青藏高原东南缘区以及青海东北部区.年降水表现出强增加趋势,20世纪60年代后期到90年代后期相对偏少,20世纪末以来相对偏多;除川西高原北部区外,其余各区不同程度的表现出增加趋势.春季降水表现出“偏少~偏多”的年代际变化特征,在1995年附近发生由少到多的突变,20世纪60年代后期到90年代中期相对偏少,90年代后期以来相对偏多;八个分区均不同程度的表现出增加趋势.夏季降水呈增加趋势,20世纪60年代后期到90年代后期相对偏少,20世纪末以来相对偏多;八个分区均不同程度的表现出增加趋势.秋季降水的线性趋势趋近于零且没有表现出年代际变化特征;除川西高原北部区呈减少趋势外,各区均不同程度的表现出增加趋势.冬季降水表现出“偏少~偏多~偏少”的年代际变化特征,分别在1986和1996年附近发生由少到多和由多到少的突变,20世纪60年代后期到80年代中期相对偏少,80年代后期到90年代中期相对偏多,90年代后期以来相对偏少;除西藏东部和川西高原西部区及青海东北部区外,各区均不同程度的表现出“偏少~偏多~偏少”的年代际变化特征.  相似文献   

近40年高层温度场和高度场的时空变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用4种方式对NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料中1958-1997年300hPa月均温度、100hPa月均高度资料序列进行对比分析,发现300hPa温度资料可靠性高于100hPa高度资料;详细考察近40a高层温度场、高度场的时空变化特征,并通过Morlet小波进一步分析两要素场的周期变化发现,温度场和高度场的EOF第1模态具有很好的空间整体民生和明显的年际和年代际变化,以10a左右和3a左右的周期为主要周期。  相似文献   

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