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海底地震仪实测信号特性分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
置于海底数百米至数千米的海底地震仪(OBS)的实测信号相比陆地地震仪具有不同的特性;由于水的作用或记录信号源频率的不同,短周期OBS和宽频带OBS记录的信号又有明显的差异。文章对南海西南次海盆地震探测期间记录的人工气枪震源和天然地震实测信号进行了时频分析,结果如下。1)气枪作业后在海底激发两种噪声:一是水的波动不断叠加形成的长波,周期50s左右,以水平分量为主;二是高频噪声,主要是OBS底座细微晃动引起的。2)宽频OBS对于水下移动目标激发海底波动具有很好的探测能力,特别是水平分量可以获得大振幅且周期特征清晰的记录,并能够指示方向。3)宽频OBS能记录到清晰的天然地震信号,为研究调查区岩石圈结构增添了更多的信息,短周期OBS对远震直达P波有很好的记录。国产宽频I-4C型OBS碰巧记录了日本M9.0级大震。 相似文献
Timothy W. Barash Charles G. Doll Jr. John A. Collins George H. Sutton Sean C. Solomon 《Marine Geophysical Researches》1994,16(5):347-363
A problem in the use of ocean bottom seismometers is the difficulty in leveling the sensors while ensuring good coupling to the seafloor. We have investigated the coupling characteristics of the seismic sensors in the new ONR ocean bottom seismometer. In the deployable sensor package for that instrument, a three-component seismometer set is suspended on a 2-axis passive leveling gimbal and is immersed in a viscous fluid. We report tests, conducted in a seismic vault, comparing the output of a gimbaled seismometer set to that of a set rigidly coupled to the ground. Our results show that the degree to which the gimbaled set is coupled to ground motion is a function of the viscosity of the coupling fluid. The coherence between the two sensor sets is poor (<0.4) at some frequencies within the band of interest (0.15 to 20 Hz) and on some components when the viscosity of the coupling fluid is comparatively low (14 Pa-s or 0.16 kSt kinematic viscosity). In addition, the outputs of some components over portions of this frequency band are attenuated and are phase-shifted relative to the outputs of the set rigidly coupled to the ground. Coherence and phase response similarity improve as the viscosity of the coupling fluid is increased. With a coupling fluid viscosity of 980 Pa-s (10 kSt), coherence and phase agreement between the two sensor sets is good (>0.9) across nearly the entire band of interest on all three components. A simple analytical model of the gimbaled seismometer set as a damped, driven, compound-pendulum provides a basis for understanding the test results. 相似文献
SEDIS IV型短周期自浮式海底地震仪数据校正方法 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
利用15台SEDISIV型短周期自浮式海底地震仪在南海中、北部地壳深部结构调查中所获得的资料,探讨了海底地震仪数据校正的方法和校正后的效果,结果表明:使用该地震仪所获得的原始资料经过放炮时间、炮点坐标数据局部化、海底地震仪位置误差以及记录时间漂移4方面的校正后,数据更趋合理,误差显著降低。放炮时间的校正消除了时钟漂移和时间延迟的误差;炮点坐标数据局部化处理消除了炮点位置整体趋势性偏移的现象;试错法进行位置误差和记录时间的精细校正时,时间漂移的校正量值约为几个到十几个毫秒,位置校正的量值仅在几米到数百米之间,实测数据所绘曲线的形态和位置都与理论曲线十分吻合,可见校正后误差显著降低。 相似文献
Masanao Shinohara Toshihiko Kanazawa Tomoaki Yamada Yuya Machida Takashi Shinbo Shin’ichi Sakai 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2014,35(3):231-242
The Japanese islands are positioned near the subduction zones, and large earthquakes have repeatedly occurred in marine areas around Japan. However, the number of permanent earthquake observatories in the oceans is quite limited. It is important for understanding generation of large earthquakes to observe seismic activities on the seafloor just above these seismogenic zones. An ocean bottom cabled seismometer (OBCS) is the best solution because data can be collected in real-time. We have developed a new compact OBCS system. A developed system is controlled by a microprocessor, and signals from accelerometers are 24-bit digitized. Clock is delivered from the global positioning system receiver on a landing station using a simple dedicated line. Data collected at each cabled seismometer (CS) are transmitted using standard Internet Protocol to landing stations. The network configuration of the system adopts two dual methods. We installed the first practical OBCS system in the Japan Sea, where large earthquakes occurred in past. The first OBCS system has a total length of 25 km and 4 stations with 5 km interval. Installation was carried out in August 2010. The CSs and single armored optical submarine cable were buried 1 m below the seafloor to avoid a conflict with fishing activity. The data are stored on a landing station and sent to Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo by using the Internet. After the installation, data are being collected continuously. According to burial of the CSs, seismic ambient noises are smaller than those observed on seafloor. 相似文献
A lumped-parameter model was developed to predict the response of an ocean bottom seismometer, resting on relatively non-stiff sediments, to vertical ground-motion. The model predictions were compared with the response of an instrument on a foundation of foam rubber to a sinusoidal input. Comparison of the model data to the measured Lopez Island vertical transient test data showed that bearing pressure of the instrument in a nonuniform vertical soil profile causes certain instruments to experience a shear modulus higher than the mean. 相似文献
The often poor quality of ocean bottom seismic data, particularly that observed on horizontal seismometers, is shown to be the result of instruments responding to motions in ways not intended. Instruments designed to obtain the particle motion of the ocean bottom are found to also respond to motions of the water. The shear discontinuity across the ocean floor boundary results in torques that cause package rotation, rather than rectilinear motion, in response to horizontal ground or water motion. The problems are exacerbated by bottom currents and soft sediments. The theory and data presented in this paper suggest that the only reliable way of obtaining high fidelity particle motion data from the ocean floor is to bury the sensors below the bottom in a package with density close to that of the sediment. Long period signals couple well to ocean bottom seismometers, but torques generated by bottom currents can cause noise at both long and short periods. The predicted effects are illustrated using parameters appropriate for the operational OBS developed for the U. S. Office of Naval Research. Examples of data from ocean bottom and buried sensors are also presented. 相似文献
Instrument calibration of ocean bottom seismographs 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
To increase the accuracy of measuring sea floor motion with ocean bottom seismometers, we calibrate the seismometer system on the ocean floor. Data from the sea floor calibration, augmented with electronic and land calibration data, enables us to find the OBS transfer function to an accuracy of 0.5% in the frequency range of 0.1 to 32 Hz. We are able to distinguish between temperature, instrument and OBS ground coupling effects, all of which alter the transfer function. This paper reviews our method of calibration and discusses the effects of temperature and some of the instrument design features on the vertical seismometer transfer function. 相似文献
Data from the 1978 Lopez Island OBS Intercomparison Experiment and deep sea data from University of Washington OBSs show that there is a considerable amount of waveform distortion resulting from the conversion of horizontal motion into vertical motion, here called cross-coupling distortion. This distortion, which substancially reduces the significance of waveform matching with synthetic seismograms, appears to result from rotation imparted to the OBS package by near-vertically traveling shear energy. The degree of this rotation seems to depend on the instrument surface area above the seafloor and the geometry and surface area of the feet connecting the package to the seafloor. The sensitivity and response of the seismometers within the package to this rotation depends on the precise location of the seismometers with respect to the axis of rotation. The results suggest how to modify OBS designs to minimize these effects.University of Washington Contribution No. 1225. 相似文献
利用海底地震仪(OBS)进行探测时,一般采用自由下落的方式将OBS布设在海底。由于海流和海底地形的影响,OBS的位置一般都偏离设定的位置。OBS重新定位是OBS数据处理的基础,不正确的位置信息将导致错误的观测系统信息,从而影响后续的处理效果。直达水波包含了OBS的位置信息,一般利用直达水波的走时,采用最小二乘的方式来确定OBS的实际位置。炮点位置精度、放炮时间延迟、炮点分布方式、OBS时钟漂移、走时拾取误差以及海水速度变化等因素都会影响重新定位的精度。文章采用数值方式研究这些因素对重新定位精度的影响,并对东沙群岛海域实际的OBS站位进行精细重新定位。数值结果表明,直线排列的炮点不能很好地反演出OBS的位置,应该采用十字或者井字分布的炮点;在偏移距小于10km时,海水速度结构的精度对重新定位的影响可以忽略;对OBS重新定位影响最大的是由放炮时间延迟、时钟漂移以及走时误差共同构成的右端项误差,5ms的右端项误差可引起40m左右的偏差。实际数据重新定位的结果较好,符合数值研究的结果。 相似文献
Frederick K. Duennebier Grant Blackinton George H. Sutton 《Marine Geophysical Researches》1981,5(1):109-115
High-amplitude, anrrow band noise that correlates with periods of high ocean bottom currents and the tidal cycle is occasionally observed on ocean bottom seismometers (OBS). The geophones on OBSs of different configurations are not equally sensitive to this noise and hydrophones are almost unaffected. With a suitable design, it should be possible to eliminate this noise problem.Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contribution No. 1173 相似文献
A three-component pop-up ocean-bottom seismograph was built at the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences in 1978. It is constructed around a buoyant 71 cm diam aluminium alloy forged sphere which contains three 4.5 Hz orthogonal geophones and an external hydrophone. The instrument will record continuously in analogue mode for over eight days using a modified reel-to-reel tape-recorder running at 1.5 mm s-1. The geophones have a bandwidth of 2–25 Hz and the hydrophone bandwidth is 5–40 Hz. Ballast release is by pre-set clock or by acoustic command.Fifty-four deployments have been carried out in five cruises for the loss of only one instrument. Good recordings of dropped weights, airguns, explosions and earthquakes have been obtained. 相似文献
D. G. Levchenko 《Oceanology》2006,46(5):739-750
Recording seismic signals on the bottom is accompanied by specific distortions caused by resonance phenomena. In the literature, such distortions are explained by the natural vibration of the heavy housing of a seismometer on a soft elastic sediment layer. Meanwhile, there are experimental results that contradict this model. In the present paper, we consider the rheological properties of the bottom sediments, which in fact were not taken into account previously. The model of a viscoplastic medium was used (the Bingham model), and the parameters of the model were experimentally determined. The estimates show that, in the frequency range from 0.003 to 30 Hz used in broadband bottom seismology, the effect of the mass of the seismometer on the results of recording on a soft bottom is negligible. Large errors can be introduced only when a seismometer is placed on rubberlike media such as peat soil, algae aggregations, etc. Resonance phenomena in recording signals on the bottom can occur when seismic waves propagate through a layer of water-saturated sediments. These phenomena are more pronounced for shear waves, whereas the distortions of the longitudinal waves propagating through the water-saturated layer are relatively weak. 相似文献
Year long measurements of bottom pressure were made at 2,036 m depth in Sagami Trough, at 2,538 m depth in Suruga Trough, and at 32 m depth in the south of Minami-Daitojima Island. Amplitudes and phase lags of the major constituents of tides were estimated by the response method, and they were compared with the observational results at several tide stations operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency. A comparison with Schwiderski's global models for the eight tidal constituents showed that the amplitudes were in good accordance to one another within 3 cm, and that the differences of phase lags were less than 15°. The largest portion of the variations of the bottom pressure was caused by the tides: the variance of the major eight constituents was more than 98.5% as large as the total variance. The measurements show that tidal waves can be recorded offshore with a sufficient accuracy by the quartz sensors. Drifts of indication of the pressure gauges were significant and they prevented detection of a long-term variation which might be caused by fluctuations of the ocean currents or by the eddies. 相似文献
Hamid Teymouri Mohammad Rahimian Ronald Y. S. Pak 《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》2020,38(8):923-938
AbstractThe equations of wave motion are considered in this article for three-layered medium which consists of liquid and porous layers with finite depth and solid half-space such as ocean bed. By virtue of scalar potential functions for each layer, complicated differential equations of layers are reduced to ordinary differential equations. An analytical method is applied to determine the Green’s functions of media based on an arbitrary shaped time-harmonic excitation at the interface of liquid and porous layers. A Mathcad code is provided to compute the complex integrals. Displacement and stress fields of three layers are discussed. Comparing with special cases, existing answers represent the validity of the proposed method. Numerical results are carried out for circular patch, ring and point loads, and the effects of various parameters on the behavior of the system are plotted. Finally, the achieved results were under discussion. 相似文献
A global barotropic ocean model forced by atmospheric disturbances is developed for the detection of seafloor vertical displacements from in situ ocean bottom pressure (OBP) data. The model accuracy is validated by deep-sea OBP data at more than 100 sites obtained over the global ocean. Parameters and boundary conditions including the horizontal resolution incorporated in the ocean model are tested in order to accurately simulate the nontidal (>2 days) OBP variations. The horizontal resolution is found to the factor that most significantly affects the simulated result. The finer the horizontal resolution applied, the smaller the model variability is. The model accuracy is highest when the horizontal resolution is 1/12°, but deteriorates when the horizontal resolution is finer than 1/12°. This may indicate a failure of the energy dissipation parameterization in the barotropic ocean model. Using the developed 1/12° model, the root-mean-square of the observed nontidal OBP component can be reduced by 18 % as an average of all the OBP data used. It is found that the 1/12° model is useful for the detection of a slow seafloor vertical displacement of centimeters related to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake from in situ OBP records near the hypocenter of the earthquake. 相似文献