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Cenozoic deformation within the Tien Shan of central Asia has accommodated part of the post-collisional indentation of the Indian plate into Asia. Within the Urumgi—Korla region of the Chinese Tien Shan this occurred dominantly on thrusts, with secondary strike-slip faulting. The gross pattern of deformation is of moderate to steeply dipping thrusts that have overthrust foreland basins to the north and south of the range, the Junggar and Tarim basins, respectively. Smaller foreland basins lie within the margins of the range itself (Turfan, Chai Wo Pu, Korla and Qumishi basins); these lie in the footwalls of local thrust systems. Both the Turfan and the Korla basins contain major thrusts within them; they are complex foreland basins. Deformation has progressively affected regions further into the interior of the Junggar Basin, and propagated into the interiors of the intermontane basins. No unidirectional deformation front has passed across the Tien Shan in the Neogene and Quaternary. An Oligocene unconformity may indicate the time of the onset of the Cenozoic deformation, but most of the Cenozoic molasse has been deposited after the Palaeogene. The rate of deposition in basins next to the uplifted ranges has increased since the onset of deformation. There has been at least about 80 km of Cenozoic shortening across this part of the Tien Shan. Cenozoic shortening is greater in sections of the range further west; these are nearer to the northern margin of the Indian indenter. Cenozoic compression has reactivated structures created by the two late Palaeozoic collisions that created the ancestral Tien Shan. These Palaeozoic structures have exerted a strong control over the style and location of the Cenozoic deformation.  相似文献   

Most systematic research on large rock-slope failures is geographically biased towards reports from Europe, the Americas, the Himalayas and China. Although reports exist on large rockslides and rock avalanches in the territory of the former Soviet Union, they are not readily available, and few translations have been made. To begin closing this gap, we describe here preliminary data from field reconnaissance, remote sensing and geomorphometry of nine extremely large rock-slope failures in the Tien Shan Mountains of central Kyrgyzstan. Each of these catastrophic and prehistoric failures exceeds an estimated 1 km3 in volume, and two of them involve about 10 km3. Failure of rock slopes in wide valleys favoured the emplacement of hummocky long-runout deposits, often spreading out over >10 km2, blocking major rivers. Most of these gigantic slope failures are located on or near active faults. Their spatial clustering and the high seismic activity in the Tien Shan support the hypothesis that strong seismic shaking caused or triggered most of these large-scale rock-slope failures. Nevertheless detailed field studies and laboratory analyses will be necessary to exclude hydroclimatic trigger mechanisms (precipitation, fluvial undercutting, permafrost degradation), and to determine their absolute ages, frequency and the large-landslide hazard of central Kyrgyzstan.  相似文献   

High-density array MT soundings of the crust in the seismically active northern Tien Shan were performed using Phoenix MTU-5 stations in the Bishkek Geodynamic Polygon, at the junction of the Chu basin and the Kyrgyz Range. The MT transfer functions were determined to an accuracy of 1–2% (amplitude) and about 0.5–0.8 deg (phase) in most of 145 soundings. Preliminary analysis of the collected data aimed at estimating the geoelectrical dimensionality. The Bahr decomposition analysis indicated the presence of local 3D structures in the crust of the area superposed on the regional 2D structure.  相似文献   

The early Paleozoic Terskey Suture zone,located in the southern part of the Northern Tien Shan domain in Kyrgyzstan,comprises tectonic slivers of dismembered ophiolites and associated primitive volcanics and deepmarine sediments.In the Lake Songkul area,early-middle Cambrian pillow basalts are crosscut by the Songkultau intrusion of coarse-grained gneissose quartz diorites and tonalites with geochemical characteristics typical for high-SiO2 adakites(SiO2>56 wt.%,Al2O3>15 wt.%,Na2 O>3.5 wt.%and high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios).The Songkultau granitoids have positive initialεNd(+3.8 to+6.4)andεHf(+12.3 to+13.5)values indicating derivation from sources with MORB-like isotopic signature.Volcanic formations,surrounding the Songkultau intrusion,have geochemical affinities varying from ocean floor to island arc series.This rock assemblage is interpreted as a relic of an early-middle Cambrian primitive arc where the adakite-like granitoids were derived from partial melting of young and hot subducted oceanic crust.An age of 505 Ma,obtained for the Songkultau intrusion,shows that hot subduction under the Northern Tien Shan continued until middle Cambrian.The primitive arc complexes were obducted onto the Northern Tien Shan domain,where the Andean type continental magmatic arc developed in Cambrian and Ordovician.Formation of the Andean type arc was accompanied by uplift,erosion and deposition of coarse clastic sediments.A depositional age of ca.470 Ma,obtained for the gravellites in the Lake Songkul area,is in agreement with the timing of deposition for lower Ordovician conglomerates elsewhere in the Northern Tien Shan,and corresponds to the main phase of the Andean type magmatism.The Songkultau adakites in association with surrounding ocean floor and island arc formations constitute a relic of a primitive Cambrian arc and represent a juvenile domain of substantial size identified so far within the predominantly crustal-derived terranes of Tien Shan.On a regional scale this primitive arc can be compared with juvenile Cambrian arcs of Kazakhstan,Gorny Altai and Mongolia.  相似文献   

王雪峰  黄勇森  陈刚  高俊宝 《岩石学报》2016,32(5):1409-1419
在天山西段,南天山北缘褶皱冲断带发现包括Muruntau在内的众多世界级金矿床,构成"亚洲金腰带"的主体;而在天山东段,南天山北缘褶皱冲断带却少有重要金矿发现,凌东金矿是在该区域新发现的一处重要金矿床,勘探工作正在进行,矿石金品位3.5g/t。金矿体呈透镜状产于下泥盆统阿尔彼什麦布拉克组变晶屑凝灰岩中,受眼形山脆韧性剪切带中的张扭性断裂-裂隙控制。自然金主要以粒间金、包裹金和纳米金形式赋存于黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿粒间和包裹于晶体内部。含金黄铁矿Re-Os法测得成矿年龄306.0±2.4Ma(MSWD=0.54),与南天山洋关闭后陆陆碰撞造山的时代相近,反映凌东金成矿与造山过程中的脆韧性变形密切相关。金矿石δ34S值为2.9‰~6.5‰,与下泥盆统阿尔彼什麦布拉克组凝灰岩围岩δ34S值(3.3‰~6.6‰)近乎一致,指示矿石硫主要源于容矿的火山-沉积地层。含金黄铁矿Pb同位素组成(206Pb/204Pb=17.160~17.483,207Pb/204Pb=15.369~15.736,208Pb/204Pb=35.749~38.879)和Os同位素(187Os/188Os(i)=0.680±0.039)共同指示金成矿物质部分是变质流体从深部带来,部分源于容矿的火山-沉积地层。凌东金矿床是陆陆碰撞强烈变形动力学背景下脆韧性变形带容矿的造山型金矿床,这类金矿床在天山东段南天山北缘褶皱冲断带具有良好找矿前景,值得高度关注。  相似文献   

The Song-Kul Basin sits on a plateau at the Northern and Middle Kyrgyz Tien Shan junction. It is a lacustrine basin, occupied by Lake Song-Kul and predominantly developed on igneous basement. This basement was targeted for a multi-method chronological study to identify the different magmatic episodes responsible for basement formation and to constrain the timing of the development of its present-day morphology. Zircon U/Pb dating by LA-ICP-MS revealed four different magmatic episodes: a Late Cambrian (~ 500 Ma) island arc system, a Late Ordovician (~ 450 Ma) subduction related intrusion, an Early Permian (~ 290 Ma) collisional stage, and a Middle to Late Permian (~ 260 Ma) post-collisional magmatic pulse. Middle to Late Triassic (~ 200–230 Ma) titanite fission-track ages and Late Triassic – Early Jurassic (~ 180–210 Ma) apatite fission-track ages and thermal history modeling indicate the Song-Kul basement was already emplaced in the shallow crust at that time. An exhumed fossil apatite fission-track partial annealing zone is recognized in the bordering Song-Kul mountain ranges. The area experienced only minor post-Early Mesozoic denudation. The igneous basement was slowly brought to apatite (U–Th)/He retention temperatures in the Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene. Miocene to present reactivation of the Tien Shan does not manifestly affect this part of the orogen.  相似文献   

西天山博故图金矿床H-O-S-Pb同位素示踪和Re-Os法测年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博故图金矿床是西天山近年新发现的一处大型金矿床,位于新疆特克斯县城北东部依什基里克成矿带东段。金矿体赋存于下石炭统大哈拉军山组火山岩地层中的NW或EW向断裂构造破碎带内,呈脉状或透镜状。由金矿体到两侧火山岩地层围岩,基本对称依次出现硅化、黄铁绢英岩化、青磐岩化等热液蚀变。矿石矿物主要有黄铁矿、毒砂、方铅矿、闪锌矿、银金矿、辉银矿,脉石矿物主要有石英、玉髓、方解石、绢云母等。电子探针观测发现矿石中自然金主要在黄铁矿内呈包裹金,或在其他金属硫化物粒间赋存。含金脉石英氢氧同位素分析和计算表明,成矿流体δ18O水-SMOW=-4.2‰~1.4‰,δDV-SMOW=-111.2‰~-94.1‰,主体属循环的大气降水。矿区金属硫化物的δ34SV-CDT范围为-7.5‰~5.8‰,均值为0.45‰,接近于原始地幔硫,矿石铅和火山岩铅同位素组成特征基本一致,206Pb/~(204)Pb=18.243~18.535,207Pb/~(204)Pb=15.565~15.753,208Pb/~(204)Pb=38.021~38.647,结合载金黄铁矿的187Os/188Os(i)平均值为0.774±0.076,γOs(t)平均值为520,显示成矿物质主要来自赋矿围岩大哈拉军山组火山岩。载金黄铁矿的Re-Os等时线年龄为356.1±9.3Ma(MSWD=16),矿区火山岩年龄为344±6Ma~368.3±1.7Ma。博故图金矿床应为低硫型浅成低温热液金矿。  相似文献   

Three new Middle–Late Ordovician and two new Early Carboniferous paleomagnetic poles have been obtained from the North Tien Shan Zone (NTZ) of the Ural–Mongol belt in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Paleolatitudes for the Carboniferous are unambiguously northerly and average 15.5°N, whereas the Ordovician paleolatitudes (6°, 9°, and 9°) are inferred to be southerly, given that a very large (180°) rotation of the NTZ would be necessary during the middle Paleozoic if the other polarity option was chosen. Thus, the NTZ drifted northward during much of the Paleozoic; east–west drift cannot be determined, as is well known, from paleomagnetic data. In addition, detailed thermal demagnetization analysis reveals two overprints, one of recent age and the other of Permian age, which is a time of strong deformation in the NTZ. The paleolatitude of the combined Permian overprint is 30.5+2°N. The paleolatitudes collectively track those predicted for the area by extrapolation from Baltica very well, but are different from those of Siberia for Ordovician times. This finding is compatible with Sengör and Natal'in's [Sengör, A.M.C., Natal'in, B.A., 1996. Paleotectonics of Asia: fragments of a synthesis. In: Yin A., Harrison, M. (Eds.), The Tectonic Evolution of Asia. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, pp. 486–640] model of tectonic evolution of the Ural–Mongol belt and disagrees with the models of other researchers. Declinations of the Ordovician and Early Carboniferous results range from northwesterly to northeasterly, and are clearly affected by local relative rotations, which seem characteristic for the entire NTZ, because the Permian overprint declinations also show such a spread. Apparently, the important latest Paleozoic–Triassic deformation involved shear zone-related rotations as well as folding and significant granitic intrusions.  相似文献   

Numerous large landslide deposits occur in the Tien Shan, a tectonically active intraplate orogen in Central Asia. Yet their significance in Quaternary landscape evolution and natural hazard assessment remains unresolved due to the lack of "absolute" age constraints. Here we present the first 10Be exposure ages for three prominent (> 107 m3) bedrock landslides that blocked major rivers and formed lakes, two of which subsequently breached, in the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan. Three 10Be ages reveal that one landslide in the Alamyedin River occurred at 11–15 ka, which is consistent with two 14C ages of gastropod shells from reworked loess capping the landslide. One large landslide in Aksu River is among the oldest documented in semi-arid continental interiors, with a 10Be age of 63–67 ka. The Ukok River landslide deposit(s) yielded variable 10Be ages, which may result from multiple landslides, and inheritance of 10Be. Two 10Be ages of 8.2 and 5.9 ka suggest that one major landslide occurred in the early to mid-Holocene, followed by at least one other event between 1.5 and 0.4 ka. Judging from the regional glacial chronology, all three landslides have occurred between major regional glacial advances. Whereas Alamyedin and Ukok can be considered as postglacial in this context, Aksu is of interglacial age. None of the landslide deposits show traces of glacial erosion, hence their locations and 10Be ages mark maximum extents and minimum ages of glacial advances, respectively. Using toe-to-headwall altitude ratios of 0.4–0.5, we reconstruct minimum equilibrium-line altitudes that exceed previous estimates by as much as 400 m along the moister northern fringe of the Tien Shan. Our data show that deposits from large landslides can provide valuable spatio-temporal constraints for glacial advances in landscapes where moraines and glacial deposits have low preservation potential.  相似文献   

The Pb isotope composition of the upper mantle beneath Central Europe is heterogeneous due to the subduction of regionally contrasting material during the Variscan and Alpine orogenies.Late Variscan to Cenozoic mantlederived melts allow mapping this heterogeneity on a regional scale for the last ca.340 Myr.Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic anorogenic magmatic rocks of the Bohemian Massif(lamprophyres,volcanic rocks of basanite/tephrite and trachyte/phonolite series) concentrate mostly in the Eger Rift.Cretaceous ultramafic lamprophyres yielded the most radiogenic Pb isotope signatures reflecting a maximum contribution from metasomatised lithospheric mantle,whereas Tertiary alkaline lamprophyres originated from mantle with less radiogenic ~(206)Pb/~(204)b ratios suggesting a more substantial modification of lithospheric source by interaction with asthenosphericderived melts.Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the basanite/tephrite and trachyte/phonolite series define a linear mixing trend between these components,indicating dilution of the initial lithospheric mantle signature by upwelling asthenosphere during rifting.The Pb isotope composition of Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic magmatic rocks of the Bohemian Massif follows the same Pb growth curve as Variscan orogenic lamprophyres and lamproites that formed during the collision between Laurussia,Gondwana,and associated terranes.This implies that the crustal Pb signature in the post-Variscan mantle is repeatedly sampled by younger anorogenic melts.Most Cenozoic mantle-derived rocks of Central Europe show similar Pb isotope ranges as the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

The basement surface and sediments of the Kochkor basin have been studied by structural geological and geophysical methods. The work included high-resolution mapping of the southern basin margin, with a focus on Cenozoic basin stratigraphy, structural unconformities, basement/sediment contacts, and latest deformation (folds, fractures, and faults). Magnetotelluric (MT) soundings provided insights into basin and basement structure, especially important in the poorly exposed eastern flank of the basin margin. The sections across the southern margin of the basin based on geological and geophysical data reveal deformation in both the basement and the sediments. Deformation in sediments shows up as folding, conformal peneplain surfaces, large faults, low-angle detachment faults, and related thrust-fold belts. Thrusting in sediments is inferred to result from cataclastic flow and mass redistribution in disintegrated basement granites. With this mechanism, the total amount of thrusting in the central part of the basin can exceed the convergence of the basin sides.  相似文献   

Geological mapping and structural analysis of the Talas Ala Tau (Tien Shan, Kyrgyz Republic) have revealed a complex structure composed of folds with axial-plane cleavage and thrust faults verging towards the NE. The main structures of the range correspond to minor Tertiary and Carboniferous–Permian deformation superimposed on the main deformation event that took place during the Baikalian orogeny. The pervasive axial-plane cleavage diminishes in penetrativity from the hinterland to the foreland in both the Uzunakhmat and Karagoin sheets. The main thrusts developed phyllonitic shear-related rocks on the hangingwall immediately above the thrust planes. A crystal-chemical study of the phyllosilicates growth during the Baikalian deformation event along a cross-section revealed changes in the crystallinity, composition and lattice parameters of them. The phyllosilicates present in the Talas Ala Tau rocks were crystallized in very low-grade metamorphic conditions, that is below 300 °C, as indicated by their Kübler Index (KI), which decreases from SW towards the NE. Detailed TEM study of the phyllosilicates reveals a clear textural difference at the lattice level between samples with higher or lower KI parameters. There is also a clear difference in crystal-chemical parameters (KI and b) and composition between the phyllosilicates growth in relation to the axial-plane cleavage and the ones belonging to the thrust-related phyllonites. The first ones are more affected by the ferrimuscovitic vector than the phyllosilicates of phyllonites, closer to the theoretical phengitic component. Huge ranges of values of phengitic content of micas at sample level are interpreted as the result of a decompression path from at least 8 kbar. We propose a subduction geodynamic environment for the regional deformation and the origin of the phyllosilicates, as they are similar to those obtained in more recent accretionary complexes.  相似文献   

邢浩  赵晓波  张招崇  叶锦超  冯博 《岩石学报》2016,32(6):1770-1794
西天山位于中亚造山带(CAOB)西南部,是其重要组成部分。CAOB晚古生代金属成矿环境和过程尤为典型,但早古生代成矿地质环境还不甚清楚。新疆巴音布鲁克地区出露(原定时代晚志留世)巴音布鲁克组火山岩夹浅海相碎屑岩和灰岩,是认识西天山早古生代成矿地质环境的难得对象。巴音布鲁克组出露于Nikolaev-那拉提山北缘断裂与Atbash-Inylchek-那拉提山南缘断裂之间的中天山,在巴音布鲁克地区典型发育,火山岩包括玄武岩、玄武安山岩、英安岩、流纹岩及相应的火山碎屑岩,其中侵入岩有正长斑岩和花岗闪长岩。LA-ICP-MS测得玄武安山岩、英安岩、正长斑岩、花岗闪长岩、流纹岩锆石U-Pb年龄分别为455.6±8.1Ma、444.5±1.9Ma、441.4±1.6Ma、455.4±5.3Ma、424±1.9Ma,岩浆活动于晚奥陶-早志留世,喷出和侵入时代接近,原定巴音布鲁克组地层时代晚志留世应改为晚奥陶-早志留世。这些岩浆岩具有相似的稀土元素地球化学特征,微量元素相比原始地幔均亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti。玄武岩正的ε(t)=+1.6~+6.7,低的(~(87)~Sr/~(86)NdSr)i=0.70377~0.70489,指示岩浆源区具有亏损地幔特征,弱的Zr-Hf负异常,低的Th/Nb比值,较窄的同位素变化范围暗示地壳混染并不显著,微量元素及铅同位素特征(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb=18.26~18.77,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb=15.63~15.69,~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb=38.21~38.34)表明岩浆源区可能是俯冲流体及洋底沉积物交代的地幔楔橄榄岩部分熔融成因。西天山巴音布鲁克地区早古生代岩浆岩应是南天山洋晚奥陶-早志留世向北向中天山陆块之下俯冲在中天山-伊犁板块南缘活动大陆边缘的岩浆产物,指示了陆缘岩浆弧环境。这种陆缘弧环境有利于斑岩铜金成矿系统发育,值得高度关注相关铜金矿的地质找矿。  相似文献   

阿勒泰南缘克朗盆地康布铁堡组火山岩广泛分布.为查明克朗盆地康布铁堡组形成时代、源区及构造背景,对其中流纹岩进行了年代学、地球化学和锆石Hf同位素分析.在流纹岩中分别获得(394±1)Ma、(402.72±0.92)Ma的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄.地球化学特征显示,其为与"Ⅰ"型花岗岩有相似特征的弱过铝质流纹岩...  相似文献   

A Permian magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposit cluster occurs in the Kalatongke district in the Southern Chinese Altai Orogenic Belt, western China. These deposits are associated with the mafic units of the Y1, Y2, Y3, Y9 and G21 mafic-intermediate complexes. In this paper we report the first zircon U-Pb ages for the Y3 and G21 intrusions, which are 283.3 ± 1.3 Ma and 281.1 ± 1.5 Ma, respectively. Our new age data confirm that the sulfide-bearing mafic units of the Y1, Y2 (connected with Y1 at depth), Y3, Y9 and G21 intrusions all formed in Early Permian between ∼281 and ∼287 Ma. New and existing petrological-geochemical data show some important regular variations between these deposits. The host lithologies change from olivine-bearing rocks for the Y1-Y2-Y9 deposits to olivine-free rocks such as norite for the Y3 deposit and leucogabbro for the G21 deposit. The olivine Fo contents of the Y1 deposit are up to 82 mol%, which are slightly higher than those of the Y2 deposit (up to 81 mol%) and the Y9 deposit (up to 79 mol%). The average plagioclase An contents of the olivine-bearing Y1-Y2-Y9 deposits are higher than those of the olivine-free Y3-G21 deposits. Among the three deposits (Y1, Y2 and Y3) that occur closely along the same structural lineament, the Ni/Cu ratios of bulk sulfides decrease from the olivine-bearing deposits (Y1 and Y2) to the olivine-free deposit (Y3). The PGE tenors of these deposits (Y1, Y2 and Y3) and the nearby coeval deposits (Y9 and G21) are extremely low, indicating that their parental magmas are severely depleted in PGEs. The variations of PGE tenors within a single deposit as well as among the different deposits are mainly due to variable R factors. The host rocks of these deposits are all characterized by elevated initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7045 to 0.7047, positive εNd values from 4.95 to 6.86, positive εHf values of zircon from 9 to 16, and elevated δ18O values of zircon from 6.15 to 6.7‰. The isotope data indicate that the parental magmas for these deposits experienced up to ∼15 wt% crustal contamination. The δ34S values of the sulfide minerals from these deposits are from −3.1‰ to 0.4‰, with a peak at −2.2‰, indicating the involvement of crustal sulfur. The isotope data and mineral chemistry together indicate that both olivine fractional crystallization and addition of crustal sulfur played a role in triggering sulfide saturation in the parental magmas for these deposits. Based on higher Ni/Cu ratios of sulfide mineralization in the olivine-bearing intrusions (Y1, Y2, Y9) than in the coeval olivine-free intrusions (Y3, G21), we recommend that Ni exploration in the region focus on the olivine-bearing intrusions that were emplaced in the Early Permian.  相似文献   

The Sr, Nd and O isotopic compositions of the Kalatongke and Xibodu mafic-ultramafic complexes from the southern margin of the Altay orogenic belt show that they have similar isotopic compositions, characterized by low (87Sr/86Sr), and high ε Nd(t) values (6.3–9.1). It suggests that they were derived from a depleted asthenospheric mantle. However, most of the samples have δ 18O values >6‰ (5.4‰–10.2‰), indicating crustal contamination. A combination of Sr and O isotopic data shows the incorporation of crustal materials into the depleted mantle. They were produced by the melting of depleted mantle by the incorporation of subducted oceanic crust, and this incorporation might have occurred in the Early Paleozoic in the light of their Nd model ages and regional tectonics. The Kalatongke complex might have undertaken the contamination of the upper crust whereas the Xibodu complex does not have any signature of contamination of the upper crust. In addition, the similarities of the sources of the two complexes, which were located at the northern and southern sides of the regional Irtysh fault zone respectively, suggest that this fault might not be the boundary between the Altay and Junggar orogenic belts. Translated from Geological Review, 2006, 52(1): 38–42 [译自: 地质论评]  相似文献   

云南兰坪-思茅盆地中一新生代砂页岩中赋存有许多脉状铜矿床。本文对盆地内从北至南三个典型脉状铜矿床(金满、水泄和白龙厂)进行了详细的铅、硫同位素研究,探讨了该类型矿床的成矿物质来源。分析表明。该类型矿床的铅同位素组成总体变化较小,且均位于上地壳铅演化线附近,说明成矿流体中铅具有稳定的上地壳来源。各矿床由于赋矿层位不同,矿石铅同位素组成表现出一定差异,如由兰坪盆地侏罗纪地层中的金满矿床到思茅盆地二叠纪地层中的白龙厂矿床,铅同位素比值(^207Pb/^204Pb)呈增高趋势,这表明这类矿床的铅主要来源于围岩地层,且地层越老,提供的铅就相对富含放射成因铅。矿床中脉石矿物重晶石、铁白云石等的锶同位素组成也表明,金满矿床成矿流体的^87Sr/^86Sr比值较高(0.70874—0.71232),而白龙厂矿床的^87Sr/^86Sr比值较低(0.70829—0.70938),接近于围岩灰岩的值(0.70755)。硫同位素研究表明,金满矿床中硫化物的δ^34S值变化最大,为-20.5‰- 7.0‰。水泄矿床中硫化物的δ^34S值变化最小,为-0.1‰- 4.2‰。而白龙厂矿床中硫化物的δ^34S值为-14.3‰--3.6‰。水泄和白龙厂矿床中重晶石的δ^34S值分别为 12.3‰- 19.0‰和 13.1‰,它们与盆地中蒸发岩层中石膏的δ^34S值( 10.8‰- 15.7‰)相近。分析表明,兰坪-思茅盆地中脉状铜矿的硫源主要来源于盆地热卤水萃取的地层中蒸发岩硫酸盐,它们通过有机质的热分解反应还原为沉淀硫化物所必需的低价硫。各矿床独特的硫同位素组成还表明它们的硫源受局部地层硫源和成矿流体物理化学性质所控制。本文提出大气降水起源的盆地热卤水通过对围岩中新生代地层的淋滤和萃取,获得了成矿所需的金属和硫,并在构造薄弱部位沉淀形成了本区的脉状铜矿床。  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰托莫尔特铁(锰)矿成矿作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
新疆托莫尔特中型铁(锰)矿床赋存于上志留-下泥盆统康布铁堡组上亚组变质火山-沉积岩系中。本研究利用硫同位素和年代学,探讨该矿床的成矿物质来源、成矿时代和成矿作用。结果表明,矿床的形成经历火山沉积期、岩浆热液叠加改造期和区域变质期。火山沉积期为铁和锰主要成矿期,岩浆热液叠加改造期形成少量铁和铜矿化。火山沉积期黄铁矿的δ34S变化于6.2‰~13.1‰和-20‰,表明硫主要来自火山岩,也有少量来自细菌还原海水中的硫酸盐。岩浆热液叠加改造期硫化物的δ34S变化于-1.8‰~8.5‰,主要集中在-1.8‰~3.8‰,表明硫主要来自黑云母花岗斑岩脉。含矿岩系变流纹岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为(406.7±4.3)Ma,穿切矿体的黑云母花岗斑岩脉锆石激光剥蚀-多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-MC-ICPMS)U-Pb年龄为(401.6±0.6)Ma,表明托莫尔特铁矿火山沉积期形成的Fe-Mn矿化及岩浆热液叠加改造期形成的Fe-Cu矿化出现在早泥盆世(407~401 Ma),为火山喷发沉积和岩浆侵入活动的产物。  相似文献   

陈兴  薛春纪 《岩石学报》2016,32(5):1301-1314
乌拉根铅锌矿是中国西北地区目前探明金属量最大的铅锌矿床,但大规模成矿所需H2S的成因方式尚不清楚。在野外调查和矿相学观察基础上,论文通过场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)、能谱(EDS)和质谱(MS)观测分析表明,矿石中发育闪锌矿纳米莓球、丝/管状结构,它们由他形闪锌矿微晶集合而成,莓球直径30~700nm,丝/管状结构与莓球密切共生;常见与闪锌矿等矿石矿物共生的方解石纳米莓球结构,由他形方解石微晶集合而成,莓球直径20~800nm;也常见与矿石矿物共生的菱铁矿微米莓球、丝/管状结构,它们由他形菱铁矿微晶集合而成,莓球直径1~3μm,表面毛糙,丝/管状结构常出现在莓球周围并连接着莓球。这些纳/微米莓球在矿石中成群落不均匀分布,属细菌微生物成因,丝/管状结构为胞外聚合物的表现。矿石δ34SCDT变化大且显著偏负值(-27.9‰~15.0‰)。乌拉根大规模铅锌硫化物成矿所需H2S可能主要通过细菌硫酸盐还原(BSR)产生,盆地流体中烃类有机质催化下的细菌微生物硫酸盐还原反应是乌拉根铅锌大规模成矿的重要过程。  相似文献   

新疆-甘肃北山金矿南带的成矿流体演化和成矿机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伟  潘小菲 《岩石学报》2006,22(1):171-188
北山金矿南带是西北5省区规模最大的金矿带。选择北山南带的新金厂、老金厂和小西弓金矿床,在矿床地质和岩相学研究的基础上,对脉石英的流体包裹体进行了显微温度计和激光拉曼探针气体成分测定;对石英和矿石黄铁矿的包裹体H2O,CO2和CH4进行了H和C同位素组成测定,对石英和黄铁矿分别做了O和S同位素组成测定。3个金矿床的脉石英含有富CO2+CH4、H2O溶液以及H2O-CO2+CH4包裹体。小西弓金矿床流体包裹体的均一化温度主要介于270℃-450℃,一部分H2O溶液包裹体圈闭了高盐度流体(16.43—18.63wt.%NaCl equiv.),大部分H2O溶液包裹体和全部富CO2+CH。包裹体代表了中-低盐度(2.8%-13.6%)流体。新金厂金矿床流体包裹体的均一化温度主要介于210℃-346℃;一部分流体包裹体圈闭了高盐度(10.98%~14%NaCl equiv.)流体,一部分H2O溶液包裹体和绝大多数富CO2+CH4包裹体圈闭了中-低盐度(2.9%-8.81%NaCl equiv.)流体。老金厂金矿床H2O溶液包裹体的均一化温度主要分布于141℃-400℃,含盐度介于1.4%-8.28%,属于中-低盐度流体。进行了大气降水-围岩^18O/^16O、D/H交换反应模拟。小西弓矿床早期硫化物-石英脉金矿成矿流体对应较高的水/岩比(=0.01—0.05),其^18O/^16O和D/H组成更受钾长花岗岩者控制,硫化物的δ^34S值也接近钾长花岗岩的黄铁矿者,指示热液流体围绕着钾长花岗岩的对流淋滤。成矿晚期,围绕着花岗岩侵入体的热液对流崩溃,矿区围岩内发育更大尺度的彼此分离的弥漫性流体渗透淋滤;相应地,小西弓矿床晚期蚀变岩金矿成矿流体的8D值对应低水/岩比(0.005-≈0.01),其δ^18O值变化范围较宽,受当地中元古界变质岩控制,蚀变岩型金矿黄铁矿的δ^34S值也接近中元古界长英质片岩的黄铁矿者。新金厂金矿和老金厂金矿成矿流体的δD值和δ^18O值对应的水/岩值分别介于0.004—0.01和0.007~0.02,与岩浆流体或者下二叠统哲斯群辉绿岩和英安岩围岩具有更密切的关系。新金厂金矿和老金厂金矿黄铁矿样品的δ^34S值介于-2.58‰和-6.32‰,指示S来源于下二叠统哲斯群辉绿岩、英安岩和碳质板岩围岩。3个金矿的石英包裹体CO2(δ^13C=-2.20‰--9.14‰),以及石英和黄铁矿包裹体CH4(δ^13C=013.10‰--27.40‰)不平衡;前者来源于幔源岩浆去气,后者来源于哲斯群碳质板岩或者中元古界长英质片岩中的还原碳。3个金矿黄铁矿包裹体的CO(δ^13C=-10.79‰--23.62‰)主要来源于哲斯群碳质板岩或中元古界长英质片岩中的还原碳,但是,也混合了较少的岩浆CO2。包裹体CO2和CH4δ^13C值的系统变化,也反映了从岩浆侵位和去气、流体对流,到围岩中流体大面积弥漫性渗透淋滤的演化过程。CH4介入成矿流体,导致流体不混溶和金的沉淀。北山金矿南带的形成既不同于典型的造山带型金矿床,也不同于与侵入岩有关的金矿床。我们提出北山金矿南带的成矿模式为:岩浆去气和流体对流、岩石挤压破碎、流体弥漫性渗透淋滤。  相似文献   

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