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The maximum expected ground motion in Greece is estimated for shallow earthquakes using a deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA). In order to accomplish this analysis the input data include an homogeneous catalogue of earthquakes for the period 426 BC–2003, a seismogenic source model with representative focal mechanisms and a set of velocity models. Because of the discrete character of the earthquake catalogue and of errors in location of single seismic events, a smoothing algorithm is applied to the catalogue of the main shocks to get a spatially smoothed distribution of magnitude. Based on the selected input parameters synthetic seismograms for an upper frequency content of 1 Hz are computed on a grid of 0.2° × 0.2°. The resultant horizontal components for displacement, velocity, acceleration and DGA (Design Ground Acceleration) are mapped. The maps which depict these results cannot be compared with previously published maps based on probabilistic methodologies as the latter were compiled for a mean return period of 476 years. Therefore, in order to validate our deterministic analysis, the final results are compared with PGA estimated from the maximum observed macroseismic intensity in Greece during the period 426 BC–2003.Since the results are obtained for point sources, with the frequency content scaled with moment magnitude, some sensitivity tests are performed to assess the influence of the finite extent of fault related to large events. Sensitivity tests are also performed to investigate the changes in the peak ground motion quantities when varying the crustal velocity models in some seismogenic areas. The ratios and the relative differences between the results obtained using different models are mapped and their mean value computed. The results highlight the importance in the deterministic approach of using good and reliable velocity models.  相似文献   

A physical model of thrust faulting has been constructed out of elastic foam rubber. The thrust wedge has an angle of 25°., and is forced from the back by a steel-hydraulic system of effectively infinite rigidity, analogous to the force exerted by tectonic plates. The observed particle motions show many features different from those commonly assumed in dislocation models of subduction thrusts. Interface waves associated with fault opening propagate along the thrust plane (from the back) and temporarily decouple the overlying hanging wall plate from the foot wall. Because of the geometry of the reflecting fault boundary, and the free surface (also reflecting), energy is trapped in the wedge and, as a consequence, the particle motions and energy in the hanging wall are much greater than in the foot wall. The interface wave and the energy trapped in the upper plate propagate up the wedge and break out at the toe of the thrust with a spectacular increase in motions. If this model is analogous to the real earth, it suggests that some common assumptions in dislocation modeling may be incorrect. The model may explain apparent missing energy radiated to teleseismic distances, the anomalously low number of empirical Green’s functions needed to model teleseismicp waves, and the evidence of intense shaking on the hanging wall toe of some thrust fault earthquakes. The results support the suggestion that interface waves may explain the lack of high frictional heat generation from thrust faults, and may explain the ‘paradox of large overthrusts’. The results also suggest that the seismic hazard of great subduction thrust earthquakes and continental shallow angle thrust faults might in some cases be seriously underestimated.  相似文献   

A probabilistic estimate of seismic hazard can be obtained from the spatial distribution, of earthquake sources, their frequency–magnitude distribution and the rate of attenuation of strong ground motion with distance. We calculate the earthquake perceptibility, i.e. the annual probability that a particular level of ground shaking will be generated by earthquakes of particular magnitude, by weighting frequency–magnitude data with the predicted felt area for a given level of ground shaking at a particular magnitude. This provides an earthquake selection criterion that can be used in the anti-seismic design of non-critical structures. We calculate the perceptibility, at a particular value of isoseismal intensity, peak ground acceleration and velocity, as a function of source magnitude and frequency for the broad Aegean area using local attenuation laws. We use frequency–magnitude distributions that were previously obtained by combining short-term catalogue data with tectonic moment rate data for 14 tectonic zones in Greece with sufficient earthquake data, and where contemporary strain rates are available from satellite data. Many of the zones show a ‘characteristic earthquake’ distribution with the most perceptible earthquake equal to the maximum magnitude earthquake, but a relatively flat perceptibility between magnitudes 6 and 7. The maximum perceptible magnitude is in the fastest-deforming region in the middle of the Aegean sea, and tends to be systematically low on the west in comparison to the east of the Aegean sea. The tectonic data strongly constrain the long-term recurrence rates and lead to low error estimates (±0.2) in the most perceptible magnitudes.  相似文献   

Based on a consistent interpretation of earthquake occurrence as a stochastic process I demonstrate that the mathematical model of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) as it is in use today is inaccurate and leads to systematic errors in the calculation process. These mathematical errors may be regarded as an important contributor to the unrealistic results obtained by traditional PSHA for low probabilities of exceedance in recent projects.  相似文献   

根据工作区潜在震源区划分、潜在震源区地震活动性参数和地震动衰减关系, 进行场地地震危险性分析, 得到不同概率水平下场区相应地震烈度和基岩水平加速度峰值及其反应谱。根据场地工程地震条件划分不同地质单元及相应的场地类别, 进行不同概率水平的地震反应分析计算, 确定地震动设计参数。  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia is characterized as largely aseismic; however, the tectonic plate boundaries that surround it are very active. To improve characterization of seismicity and ground motion hazard, the Saudi Arabian Digital Seismic Network (SANDSN) was installed in 1998 and continues to be operated by the Saudi Geological Survey (SGS) and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). This article describes research performed to improve seismic hazard parameters using earthquake location and magnitude calibration of the high-quality SANDSN data. The SANDSN consists of 38 seismic stations, 27 broadband, and 11 short period. All data are telemetered in real time to a central facility at KACST in Riyadh. The SANDSN stations show low background noise levels and have good signal detection capabilities; however, some stations show cultural noise at frequencies above 1.0 Hz. We assessed the SANDSN event location capabilities by comparing KACST locations with well-determined locations derived from ground truth or global observations. While a clear location bias exists when using the global average iasp91 earth model, the locations can be improved by using regional models optimized for different tectonic source regions. The article presents detailed analysis of some events and Dead Sea explosions where we found gross errors in estimated locations. New velocity models we calculated that should improve estimated locations of regional events in three specific regions include (1) Gulf of Aqabah—Dead Sea region, (2) Arabian Shield, and (3) Arabian Platform. Recently, these models were applied to the SANDSN to improve local and teleseismic event locations and to develop an accurate magnitude scale for Saudi Arabia. The Zagros Thrust presents the most seismic hazard to eastern Saudi Arabia because of the frequent occurrence of earthquakes. Although these events are 200 km or further from the Arabian coast, wave propagation through sedimentary structure of the Gulf causes long-duration ground motions for periods between 3 and 10 s. Such ground motions could excite response in large engineered structures (e.g., tall buildings and long bridges) such as was experienced after the November 22, 2005 Qeshm Island earthquake off the southern coast of Iran.  相似文献   

在城市活断层探测中,最大的问题是城市干扰和震源问题。为了解决这两个难题,采用了横波、纵波联合探测的方法。对野外数据采集横波激发采用了150 kg冲击锤的机械震源多次叠加,纵波激发采用了Bidirectional,TRacToR9030型3T可控震源多次叠加,取得了良好的地质效果。  相似文献   

By vertical seismic profiling and shear wave analysis we show that a packet of carbonate reservoir rocks, found at nearly 3000 m depth in the North German Basin, is seismically anisotropic. For vertical paths of wave propagation the estimated velocity difference of the split shear waves is 10%. No shear wave birefrigence is observed within the hangingwall which, therefore, has to be regarded as isotropic or transversely isotropic. Additional laboratory investigations of the petrography of drilled carbonate samples and of their seismic velocities show that the anisotropy is most probably caused by subvertical fractures with preferred azimuthal orientation. The strike direction of the aligned fractures determined by analysis of split shear waves is approximately N55°E. This value agrees with recently published directions of maximum horizontal tectonic stress in pre-Zechstein sediments in the eastern part of the North German Basin, but it is in contrast to the world stress map. Received: 20 April 1999 / Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

The growth of megacities in seismically active regions around the world often includes the construction of seismically unsafe buildings and infrastructures due to an insufficient knowledge of existing seismic hazard and/or economic constraints. Minimization of the loss of life, property damage, and social and economic disruption due to earthquakes depends on reliable estimates of seismic hazard. We have produced a suite of seismic hazard estimates for Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. One of the preliminary maps in this suite served as the basis for the Caribbean and Central and South America portion of the Global Seismic Hazard Map (GSHM) published in 1999, which depicted peak ground acceleration (pga) with a 10% chance of exceedance in 50 years for rock sites. Herein we present maps depicting pga and 0.2 and 1.0 s spectral accelerations (SA) with 50%, 10%, and 2% chances of exceedance in 50 years for rock sites. The seismicity catalog used in the generation of these maps adds 3 more years of data to those used to calculate the GSH Map. Different attenuation functions (consistent with those used to calculate the U.S. and Canadian maps) were used as well. These nine maps are designed to assist in global risk mitigation by providing a general seismic hazard framework and serving as a resource for any national or regional agency to help focus further detailed studies required for regional/local needs. The largest seismic hazard values in Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America generally occur in areas that have been, or are likely to be, the sites of the largest plate boundary earthquakes. High hazard values occur in areas where shallow-to-intermediate seismicity occurs frequently.  相似文献   

We estimate the shear wave splitting parameters vis-à-vis the thicknesses of the continental lithosphere beneath the two permanent seismic broadband stations located at Dhanbad (DHN) and Bokaro (BOKR) in the Eastern Indian Shield region. Broadband seismic data of 146 and 131 teleseismic earthquake events recorded at DHN and BOKR stations during 2007–2014 were analyzed for the present measurements. The study is carried out using rotation-correlation and transverse component minimization methods. We retain our “Good”, “Fair” and “Null” measurements, and estimate the splitting parameters using 13 “Good” results for DHN and 10 “Good” results for BOKR stations. The average splitting parameters (ϕ, δt) for DHN and BOKR stations are found to be 50.76°±5.46° and 0.82 ± 0.2 s and 56.30°±5.07° and 0.95 ± 0.17 s, and the estimated average thicknesses of the anisotropic layers beneath these two stations are ∼ 94 and ∼109 km, respectively. The measured deviation of azimuth of the fast axis direction (ϕ) from the absolute motion of the Indian plate ranges from ∼8° to 14°. The measured deviation of azimuth of the fast axis direction (ϕ) from the absolute motion of the Indian plate ranges from ∼8° to 14°. The eastward deviation of the fast axis azimuths from absolute plate motion direction is interpreted to be caused by induced outflow from the asthenosphere. Further, the delay time found in the present analysis is close to the global average for continental shield areas, and also coherent with other studies for Indian shield regions. The five “Null” results and the lower delay time of ∼0.5–0.6 s might be indicating multilayer anisotropy existing in the mantle lithosphere beneath the study area.  相似文献   

The latest hydraulic fracturing and stress relief measurement data in the Chinese mainland were collected. The total of 3856 data entries are measured at 1474 locations. The measured area covers 75–130°E and 18–47°N, and the depth range varies from surface to 4000 meters depth, which generally includes each active tectonic block of China and each segment of North–South seismic belt. We investigated the tectonic stress field by removing the effect of gravity. For this, we assume lateral constraints and Heim’s rule. The gravity contribution is removed by using the assumption of lateral constraint and Heim’s rule. Our results show: (1) the maximum and the minimum horizontal principal stress σH, σh and the vertical stress σV in the shallow crust of China all increase linearly with depth: σH = 0.0229D + 4.738, σh = 0.0171D + 1.829, σV = 0.0272D. Maximum and minimum horizontal tectonic stress varies as a function of depth D linearly 4.738 < σT < 0.0139D + 4.738 and 1.829 < σt < 0.0162D + 1.829. The horizontal tectonic differential stress is σT  σt = 0.0058D + 2.912. (2) The intermediate value of σT1 (regression value of tectonic stress inferred from the assumption of lateral constraint at 2000 m depth) changes in different areas, the maximum value of which is 45.6 MPa, while the minimum value of which is 26.8 MPa. Horizontal tectonic differential stress σT  σt increases linearly with depth and the maximum and minimum of σT  σt is 25.3 MPa and 13.0 MPa, respectively. In general, the stress magnitude is much higher in western than in eastern China. This indicates that the strong Indo-Eurasian collision dominates the present tectonic stress field in Chinese mainland. (3) Compared with other study regions, the northward crustal compression to the Qinghai-Tibet block is relatively lower in magnitude in the shallow subsurface and higher at deeper depth. (4) The orientations of σT in China mainland generally form a radial scattering pattern centered in Tibetan Plateau. From western to eastern China, they rotate gradually clockwise from NS to NNE, NE, NEE, and SE, which is consistent with the result of focal mechanism solutions.  相似文献   

The success in previous papers of this series in obtaining closed form solutions to the sedimentation of individual particles and to the suspensions of particles in fluids motivated the application of the same procedure to the turbulent flow of Newtonian fluids in conduits.The purpose of this paper is to present explicit equations for the Fanning friction factor and of the average velocity of a Newtonian fluid in a cylindrical tube, for any value of the Reynolds number and dimensionless roughness.Previously published equations for the friction coefficient are either implicit or explicit in the friction coefficient but dependent on the Reynolds number. Since the Reynolds number depends on the pipe diameter and fluid velocity, in both cases iterative method must be used to calculate the flowrate.By defining a dimensionless pipe diameter and a dimensionless average fluid velocity, and using conduit-flow material properties to define characteristic size and velocity parameters, explicit equations were obtained for the friction coefficient and for the average flow velocity valid for different roughness and flow regimes.  相似文献   

A high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection river profiling campaign was completed in July 2002 in the southern Upper Rhine graben (URG), along the River Rhine. Preliminary results show apparent Quaternary vertical slip rates, on intra-graben faults that are relatively slow, of the order of a few thousandths to a few hundredths of mm/yr. Moreover, kinematical data from the Ludwigshafen area show decreasing vertical slip rates since the Middle Pleistocene and/or a migration of tectonic activity. While still preliminary, these data show inhomogeneous and relatively slow tectonic activity in the URG that could probably not alone have shaped the Quaternary graben morphology. To cite this article: G. Bertrand et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

We present new results on the structure resulting from Palaeoproterozoic terrane accretion and later formation of one of the aulacogens in the East European Platform. Seismic data has been acquired along the 530-km-long, N–S-striking EUROBRIDGE'97 traverse across Sarmatia, a major crustal segment of the East European Craton. The profile extends across the Ukrainian Shield from the Devonian Pripyat Trough, across the Palaeoproterozoic Volyn Block and the Korosten Pluton, into the Archaean Podolian Block. Seismic waves from chemical explosions at 18 shot points at approximately 30-km intervals were recorded in two deployments by 120 mobile three-component seismographs at 3–4 km nominal station spacing. The data has been interpreted by use of two-dimensional tomographic travel time inversion and ray trace modelling. The high data quality allows modelling of the P- and S-wave velocity structure along the profile. There are pronounced differences in seismic velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle between the three main tectonic provinces traversed by the profile: (i) the Pripyat Trough is a ca. 4-km-deep sedimentary basin, fully located in the Osnitsk–Mikashevichi Igneous Belt in the northern part of the profile. The velocity structure is typical for a Precambrian craton, but is underlain by a ca. 5-km-thick lowest crustal layer of high velocity. The development of the Pripyat Trough appears to have only affected the upper crust without noticeable thinning of the whole crust; this may be explained by a rheologically strong lithosphere at the time of formation of the trough. (ii) Very high seismic velocity and Vp/Vs ratio characterise the Volyn Block and Korosten Pluton to a depth of 15 km and probably also the lowest crust. The values are consistent with an intrusive body of mafic composition in the upper crust that formed from bimodal melts derived from the mantle and the lower crust. (iii) The Podolian Block is close to a typical cratonic velocity structure, although it is characterised by relatively low seismic velocity and Vp/Vs ratio. A pronounced SW-dipping mantle reflector from Moho to at least 70 km depth may represent the Proterozoic suture between Sarmatia and Volgo–Uralia, the structure from terrane accretion, or a later shear zone in the upper mantle. The sub-Moho P-wave seismic velocity is high everywhere along the profile, with the exception of the area above the dipping reflector. This velocity change further supports a plate tectonic origin of the dipping mantle reflector. The profile demonstrates that structure from Palaeoproterozoic plate tectonic processes are still identifiable in the lithosphere, even where younger metamorphic equilibration of the crust has taken place.  相似文献   

从地质、水文地质两个方面入手,分析了柴达木盆地冷湖地区古近—新近系有利于可地浸砂岩型铀矿成矿的铀源,泥—砂—泥结构,补—径—排条件,及不利于可地浸砂岩型铀矿成矿与开发的构造因素。  相似文献   

The 1999, Ms=5.9, Athens earthquake caused serious structural damage to buildings in the western part of Athens, Greece. This paper presents the ground zoning against seismic hazard proposed shortly after the earthquake in order to aid reconstruction of the area. Existing engineering geological and geotechnical data were combined with local observations to provide a unified set of classification criteria, consistent with provisions of the Greek Seismic Code EAK. The accuracy and the possible limitations of this zoning procedure are addressed through comparison with observed damage distribution as well as results from seismic ground response analyses performed at sites with well established soil profiles. There is clear evidence that the proposed zones correspond to geological formations exhibiting grossly different seismic response with regard to the design of common engineering structures. However, the mostly qualitative nature of the guidelines for ground categorisation provided by EAK and the general lack of systematic, site-specific geotechnical data for the whole area induce uncertainties in the definition of the seismic design actions for the different zones. These objective uncertainties certainly demand increased conservatism but do not limit application of the proposed methodology for first aid, preliminary planning in the event of destructive earthquakes.  相似文献   

本文重点介绍由福建省数字遥测地震台网自编的地震速报操作平台软件中的七个子程序及其主程序对提高地震速报速度的作用 ,同时也详细阐述实现该软件的几项关键性技术。  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic surveys, including P- and S-wave studies, have been conducted in an area of the Ottawa River valley located 80 km east of Ottawa (Canada). Based on dating of paleolandslides, the existence of paleoearthquake activity has been postulated in this area. The target zone for the seismic survey is characterized by surface disturbance and sediment deformation. P-wave seismic imaging was used to map the overburden–bedrock interface as well as to indicate reflecting boundaries within the overburden. The area of surface disturbance was found to overlie a buried bedrock basin, 8 km in diameter, infilled with a maximum thickness of 180 m of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments. Preliminary results of core logging show the presence of sand overlain by deformed fine sediments within the disturbed area. Shear-refraction studies reveal differences in the velocity–depth profiles between the disturbed area and the surrounding undisturbed areas. The shear-wave reflection method was used to produce a fundamental resonant period map for the area. Surface sediment disturbance was probably due to a combination of ground-motion amplification due to the basin (thick soft sediments) and the presence of water-saturated sand at depth.  相似文献   

Presque Isle Bay is one of 40 remaining environmental areas of concern (AoCs) on the North American Great Lakes that have one or more water, habitat, or sediment quality impairments as defined by the International Joint Commission. In situ natural capping using sediment from to-be-remediated watersheds and other potential sources is being considered as the most feasible means of remediating an existing contaminated sediment problem at this site. A multi-decade (∼40 year) sediment budget shows that, when localized anthropogenic effects (dredging, reclamation) are discounted, the bay net-accumulated sediment over time. Sediment was supplied from three major sources: bank erosion and bluff retreat (41%), streams (25%), and the Lake Erie littoral system (20%). The non-stream sources supply environmentally clean materials from ancient beach and glacio-lacustrine deposits along the shoreline, and from the modern littoral system. Organic and metallic contaminants supplied primarily by streams and run-off remain a remediation challenge for the AoC. Geologically, natural capping of contaminants over the next several decades is a viable solution for most of the bay. The mechanism may not work effectively in all areas because approximately 25% of the bay floor is moderately net-erosional while several localized areas accumulate sediments very slowly at decadal timescales.  相似文献   

从阵列信号处理的角度对地震勘探中一些重要的信号处理方法进行了较为全面的总结,包括地震勘探中的阵列设计、常用的抗干扰技术,组合法、叠加法、速度滤波和反滤波等。为了形成关于地震勘探中信号处理的一个较为完整的理论框架,给出了地震勘探的模型和地震勘探中信号处理所面对的信号环境,讨论了地震勘探中信号处理的目的所在。  相似文献   

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