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Phase-referenced observations of 13 star-forming regions in the  2Π1/2, J = 1/2  transition of rotationally excited OH at 4765 MHz have been carried out using MERLIN. Two of the regions were also observed at 4750 MHz and one at 4660 MHz. There were 10 maser detections at 4765 MHz and three non-detections. There were no detections at 4750 and 4660 MHz. The 4765-MHz masers have brightness temperatures of  ∼107 K  at MERLIN resolution (∼50 mas). Several cases of 4765-MHz masers overlapping in position and velocity with 1720- and 1665-MHz masers are reported. There are also isolated 4765-MHz masers with peak flux densities ≥30 times that of any ground-state counterpart. Most of the 4.7-GHz maser spots are unresolved at 50-mas angular resolution, but in four of the nearest sources the maser spots are resolved, indicating a characteristic size for 4765-MHz maser regions of ∼100 au. In W3(OH) we discovered that 20 per cent of the 4765-MHz emission comes from a narrow low-brightness filament that stretches north–south for ∼1.0 arcec (∼2200 au) between two previously known 4765-MHz maser spots. The filament appears in projection against the H  ii region and has a brightness temperature of  ∼4 × 105 K  . There are matching absorption features in mainline transitions of highly excited OH. The filament may trace a shock front in a rotating disc.  相似文献   

We present single-baseline Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) measurements of excited OH 6.0-GHz masers and methanol 6.7-GHz masers for the source W3(OH). These allow us to compare the positions of individual maser spots of these two species to ∼15 mas accuracy for the first time, and to compare these with previously published positions of ground-state OH masers near 1.7 GHz and excited-state OH masers near 4.7 GHz. There is a strong association between OH 6035-MHz and 1665-MHz masers. OH and methanol have very similar distributions, but associations of individual masers are relatively rare: most methanol 6.7-GHz masers are within 100 mas of OH 6.0-GHz masers, but only four methanol masers are within 15 mas of an OH 6.0-GHz maser. There are no correspondences of either species with excited OH 4.7-GHz masers. Zeeman splitting of the 6.0-GHz OH lines indicates an ordered magnetic field ranging from 3.2 to 14.4 mG. The magnetic fields estimated from co-propagating masers such as 6035 and 1665 MHz are generally in good agreement with each other.  相似文献   

A flare of OH maser emission was discovered in W75N in 2000. Its location was determined with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) to be within 110 au from one of the ultracompact H  ii regions, Very Large Array 2 (VLA2). The flare consisted of several maser spots. Four of the spots were found to form Zeeman pairs, all of them with a magnetic field strength of about 40 mG. This is the highest ever magnetic field strength found in OH masers, an order of magnitude higher than in typical OH masers. Three possible sources for the enhanced magnetic field are discussed: (i) the magnetic field of the exciting star dragged out by the stellar wind; (ii) the general interstellar field in the gas compressed by the magnetohydrodynamic shock; and (iii) the magnetic field of planets which orbit the exciting star and produce maser emission in gaseous envelopes.  相似文献   

We present high angular resolution images of both NH3(1,1)and (2,2) lines toward NGC 7538 IRS 1.The density and velocity-position plots have been used to study the interaction among the outflows,winds and their environment.For the first time we have found an expanding half-shell of molecular gas around the HⅡ region associated with IRS 1,which may be produced by the interaction of the bipolar outflows and the winds originating in IRS 1-3,and optical HⅡ region NGC 7538 with ambient molecular gas.  相似文献   

介绍恒星形成区NGC7538的H和Ks波段偏振成像的观测结果.近5′视场的偏振图像揭示了与亮红外源IRS111成协的年轻星团和红外星云的复杂结构.IRS13星云的偏振图像表明星云的近红外辐射主要来自对深埋红外源IRS1的反射;其形态可解释为颜色很红的高偏振的壳层包围着的低消光气泡.IRS1周围的近红外的偏振强度在IRS1双极分子外流方向上呈现出一较小的壳结构.IRS4在近红外表现为双源,其中较红的源ISR4b周围观测到中心对称的偏振图像.IRS5与亮星云成协,IRS6则处于一组星的中心.在IRS5和IRS6周围的星云中没有观测到偏振.IKS9照亮着两块星云,IRN1和IRN2.IRN1星云有很好的锥形并包含一高偏振的喷流成分.云中较高偏振的部分对应较蓝的颜色,显示着其较大的视向张角的外流腔结构.与复杂的IRS9区分子外流相比较,IRN1星云与在NESW方向的外流相符合.首次证认了IRS11近红外点源,并观测到其周围有一组星和很暗的星云物质  相似文献   

The northern section of the molecular cloud complex NGC 6334 has been mapped in the CO and CS spectral line emission and in continuum emission at a wavelength of 1300 μm. Our observations highlight the two dominant sources, I and I(N), and a host of weaker sources. NGC 6334 I is associated with a cometary ultracompact H  ii region and a hot, compact core ≤10 arcsec in size. Mid-infrared and CH3OH observations indicate that it is also associated with at least two protostellar sources, each of which may drive a molecular outflow. For region I we confirm the extreme high-velocity outflow first discovered by Bachiller & Cernicharo and find that it is very energetic with a mechanical luminosity of 390 L. A dynamical age for the outflow is ∼3000 yr. We also find a weaker outflow originating from the vicinity of NGC 6334 I. In CO and CS this outflow is quite prominent to the north-west, but much less so on the eastern side of I, where there is very little molecular gas. Spectral survey data show a molecular environment at position I which is rich in methanol, methyl formate and dimethyl ether, with lines ranging in energy up to 900 K above the ground state. NGC 6334 I(N) is more dense than I, but cooler, and has none of the high-excitation lines observed toward I. I(N) also has an associated outflow, but it is less energetic than the outflow from I. The fully sampled continuum map shows a network of filaments, voids and cores, many of which are likely to be sites of star formation. A striking feature is a narrow, linear ridge which defines the western boundary. It is unclear if there is a connection between this filament and the many potential sites of star formation, or if the filament existed prior to the star formation activity.  相似文献   

I show that it is quite possible to obtain saturating amplification in the 13.44-GHz maser which is so far unique to W3(OH), using a combined radiative and collisional pumping scheme. The dominant radiative part of the pump involves far-infrared line overlap, and the far-infrared continuum is provided by dust, modelled as either a two-component mixture or composite grains. Transport of the far-infrared radiation is carried out via the accelerated lambda iteration method. The observational link between 13.44-GHz and 6035-MHz masers is reproduced by the model. Inadequate amplification in Sobolev models probably results from the optical depth limitations imposed by this approximation. I review the dust models used in far-infrared pumping models of OH masers, and conclude that the main consequence of moving from skewed blackbody functions to more sophisticated models is a selective pumping enhancement when ice mantles are included.  相似文献   

New high-quality high spectral resolution observations of the HI line emission from massive young stellar objects are described and discussed. It is proposed that two distinct physical components contribute to the observed emission. One of these is an optically-thick high-velocity stellar wind, the other a more slowly moving optically-thin volume of gas that may, in the case of S106IR at least, be caused by mass loading of the stellar wind. This decomposition is shown to resolve a long-standing problem regarding the relative widths of high and low opacity lines.  相似文献   

The properties of bipolar outflows depend on the structure in the environment as well as the nature of the jet. To help distinguish between the two, we investigate here the properties pertaining to the ambient medium. We execute axisymmetric hydrodynamic simulations, injecting continuous atomic jets into molecular media with density gradients (protostellar cores) and density discontinuities (thick swept-up sheets). We determine the distribution of outflowing mass with radial velocity (the mass spectrum) to quantify our approach and to compare to observationally determined values. We uncover a sequence from clump entrainment in the flanks to bow shock sweeping as the density profile steepens. We also find that the dense, highly supersonic outflows remain collimated but can become turbulent after passing through a shell. The mass spectra vary substantially in time, especially at radial speeds exceeding 15 km s−1. The mass spectra also vary according to the conditions: both envelope-type density distributions and the passage through dense sheets generate considerably steeper mass spectra than a uniform medium. The simulations suggest that observed outflows penetrate highly non-uniform media.  相似文献   

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