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Forecasters need climatological forecasting tools because of limitations of numerical weather prediction models. In this article, using Finnish SYNOP observations and ERA-40 model reanalysis data, low visibility cases are studied using subjective and objective analysis techniques. For the objective analysis, we used an AutoClass clustering algorithm, concentrating on three Finnish airports, namely, the Rovaniemi in northern Finland, Kauhava in western Finland, and Maarianhamina in southwest Finland. These airports represent different climatological conditions. Results suggested that combining of subjective analysis with an objective analysis, e.g., clustering algorithms such as the AutoClass method, can be used to construct climatological guides for forecasters. Some higher level subjective “meta-clustering” was used to make the results physically more reasonable and easier to interpret by the forecasters. 相似文献
Skillful low visibility forecasts are essential for air-traffic managers to effectively regulate traffic and to optimize air-traffic
control at international airports. For this purpose, the COBEL-ISBA local numerical forecast system has been implemented at
Paris CDG international airport. This local approach is robust owing to the assimilation of detailed local observations. However,
even with dedicated observations and initialization, uncertainties remain in both initial conditions and mesoscale forcings.
The goal of the research presented here is to address the sensitivity of COBEL-ISBA forecast to initial conditions and mesoscale
forcings during the winter season 2002–2003. The main sources of uncertainty of COBEL-ISBA input parameters have been estimated
and the evaluation of parameter uncertainty on the forecasts has been studied. A budget strategy is applied during the winter
season to quantify COBEL-ISBA sensitivity. This study is the first step toward building a local ensemble prediction system
based on COBEL-ISBA. The conclusions of this work point out the potential for COBEL-ISBA ensemble forecasting and quantify
sources of uncertainty that lead to dispersion. 相似文献
Our analysis of fog and haze observations from the surface weather stations in China in recent 50 years(from 1961 to 2011)shows that the number of fog days has experienced two-stage variations,with an increasing trend before 1980 and a decreasing trend after 1990.Especially,an obvious decreasing trend after 1990 can be clearly seen,which is consistent with the decreasing trend of the surface relative humidity.However,the number of haze days has demonstrated an increasing trend.As such,the role of reduction of atmospheric relative humidity in the transition process from fog into haze has been further investigated.It is estimated that the mean relative humidity of haze days is about 69%,lower than previously estimated,which implies that it is more difficult for the haze particles to transform into fog drops.This is possibly one of the major environmental factors leading to the reduction of number of fog days.The threshold of the relative humidity for transition from fog into haze is about82%,also lower than previously estimated.Thus,the reduction of the surface relative humidity in China mainly due to the increase of the surface temperature and the saturation specific humidity may exert an obvious impact on the environmental conditions for the formations of fog and haze.In addition,our investigation of the relationship between haze and visibility reveals that with the increase of haze days,the visibility has declined markedly.Since 1961,the mean visibility has dropped from 4–10to 2–4 km,about a half of the previous horizontal distance of visibility. 相似文献
Leonard A. Wells 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2007,164(6-7):1397-1421
The intent of this study is to develop a better understanding of the behavior of late spring through early fall marine layer
stratus and fog at Vandenberg Air Force Base, which accounts for a majority of aviation forecasting difficulties. The main
objective was to use Leipper (1995) study as a starting point to evaluate synoptic and mesoscale processes involved, and identify specific meteorological
parameters that affected the behavior of marine layer stratus and fog. After identifying those parameters, the study evaluates
how well the various weather models forecast them. The main conclusion of this study is that weak upper-air dynamic features
work with boundary layer motions to influence marine layer behavior. It highlights the importance of correctly forecasting
the surface temperature by showing how it ties directly to the wind field. That wind field, modified by the local terrain,
establishes the low-level convergence and divergence pattern and the resulting marine layer cloud thicknesses and visibilities. 相似文献
Thierry Bergot 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2007,164(6-7):1265-1282
Short-term forecasting of fog is a difficult issue which can have a large societal impact. Fog appears in the surface boundary
layer and is driven by the interactions between land surface and the lower layers of the atmosphere. These interactions are
still not well parameterized in current operational NWP models, and a new methodology based on local observations, an adaptive
assimilation scheme and a local numerical model is tested. The proposed numerical forecast method of foggy conditions has
been run during three years at Paris-CdG international airport. This test over a long-time period allows an in-depth evaluation
of the forecast quality. This study demonstrates that detailed 1-D models, including detailed physical parameterizations and
high vertical resolution, can reasonably represent the major features of the life cycle of fog (onset, development and dissipation)
up to +6 h. The error on the forecast onset and burn-off time is typically 1 h. The major weakness of the methodology is related
to the evolution of low clouds (stratus lowering). Even if the occurrence of fog is well forecasted, the value of the horizontal
visibility is only crudely forecasted. Improvements in the microphysical parameterization and in the translation algorithm
converting NWP prognostic variables into a corresponding horizontal visibility seems necessary to accurately forecast the
value of the visibility. 相似文献
The relationship between liquid water content (LWC) and visibility (VIS) in a fog was examined by a field measurement of LWC values at a clean location of the meteorological observatory Sodankylä (Finland) and in a polluted region at the meteorological observatory Mile?ovka (Czech Republic). Furthermore, the use of a simple regression fog model to determine LWC from VIS is examined by comparing well-known relationships with the measurement results. The results show that the verbal characterization of environment (clean, mild polluted, polluted) is insufficient to calculate the LWC values from visibility. It is necessary to establish an additional criterion based on quantitative fog characteristics or to determine the site-related equation from the previous LWC and VIS measurement. 相似文献
Haze and fog are both low visibility events, but with different physical properties. Haze is caused by the increase of aerosol loading or the hygroscopic growth of aerosol at high relative humidity, whereas visibility degradation in fog is due to the light scattering of fog droplets, which are transited from aerosols via activation. Based on the difference of physical properties between haze and fog, this study presents a novel method to distinguish haze and fog using real time measurements of PM2.5, visibility, and relative humidity. In this method, a criterion can be developed based on the local historical data of particle number size distributions and aerosol hygroscopicity. Low visibility events can be classified into haze and fog according to this criterion. 相似文献
A Lagrangian stochastic particle model driven by observed winds from a network of 13 sonic anemometers is used to simulate the transport of contaminates due to meandering of the mean wind vector and diffusion by turbulence. The turbulence and the meandering motions are extracted from the observed velocity variances using a variable averaging window width. Such partitioning enables determination of the separate contributions from turbulence and meandering to the total dispersion. The turbulence is described by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo process based on the Langevin equation using the observed turbulence variances. The meandering motions, not the turbulence, are primarily responsible for the 1-h averaged horizontal dispersion as measured by the travel time dependence of the particle position variances. As a result, the 1-h averaged horizontal concentration patterns are often characterized by streaks and multi-modal distributions. Time series of concentration at a fixed location are highly nonstationary even when the 1-h averaged spatial distribution is close to Gaussian. The results show that meandering dominates the travel-time dependence of the horizontal dispersion under all atmospheric conditions: weak and strong winds, and unstable and stable stratification. 相似文献
Hyun‐Han Kwon Francisco de Assis de Souza Filho Paul Block Liqiang Sun Upmanu Lall Dirceu S. Reis Jr 《水文研究》2012,26(25):3875-3885
充分借鉴目前国内外工程地震和震害预测研究成果,结合福建实际震例,利用GIS技术、Web技术,设计开发区域范围震害预测及震灾快速评估系统,即福建城乡震灾快速评估系统.利用该系统平台对1992年以来发生在福建有较大影响的6次中强地震进行震灾快速评估,并将系统评估计算结果与实际震害调查评估结果进行对比分析,给出系统评估结果与... 相似文献
Aizhong Ye Qingyun Duan John Schaake Jing Xu Xiaoxue Deng Zhenhua Di Chiyuan Miao Wei Gong 《水文研究》2015,29(10):2438-2453
For water supply, navigational, ecological protection or water quality control purposes, there is a great need in knowing the likelihood of the river level falling below a certain threshold. Ensemble streamflow prediction (ESP) based on simulations of deterministic hydrologic models is widely used to assess this likelihood. Raw ESP results can be biased in both the ensemble means and the spreads. In this study, we applied a modified general linear model post‐processor (GLMPP) to correct these biases. The modified GLMPP is built on the basis of regression of simulated and observed streamflow calculated on the basis of canonical events, instead of the daily values as is carried out in the original GLMPP. We conducted the probabilistic analysis of post‐processed ESP results falling below pre‐specified low‐flow levels at seasonal time scale. Raw ESP forecasts from the 1980 to 2006 periods by four different land surface models (LSMs) in eight large river basins in the continental USA are included in the analysis. The four LSMs are Noah, Mosaic, variable infiltration capacity and Sacramento models. The major results from this study are as follows: (1) a modified GLMPP was proposed on the basis of canonical events; (2) post‐processing can improve the accuracy and reduce the uncertainty of hydrologic forecasts; (3) post‐processing can help deal with the effect of human activity; and (4) raw simulation results from different models vary greatly in different basins. However, post‐processing can always remove model biases under different conditions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Several statistical postprocessing methods are applied to results from a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model to test the potential for increasing the accuracy of its local precipitation forecasts. Categorical (Yes/No) forecasts for 12hr precipitation sums equalling or exceeding 0.1, 2.0 and 5.0 mm are selected for improvement. The two 12hr periods 0600-1800 UTC and 1800-0600 UTC are treated separately based on NWP model initial times 0000 UTC and 1200 UTC, respectively. Input data are taken from three successive summer seasons, April-September, 1994-96. The forecasts are prepared and verified for five synoptic stations, four located in the western Czech Republic, and one in Germany near the Czech-German border.
Two approaches to statistical postprocessing are tested. The first uses Model Output Statistics (MOS) and the second modifies the MOS approach by applying a successive learning technique (SLT). For each approach several statistical models for the relationship between NWP model predictors and predictand were studied. An independent data set is used for forecast verification with the skill measured by a True Skill Score.
The results of the statistical postprocessing are compared with the direct model precipitation forecasts from gridpoints nearest the stations, and they show that both postprocessing approaches provide substantially better forecasts than the direct NWP model output. The relative improvement increases with increasing precipitation amount and there is no significant difference in performance between the two 12hr periods. The skill of the SLT does not depend significantly on the size of the initial learning sample, but its results are nevertheless comparable with the results obtained from the MOS approach, which requires larger developmental samples. 相似文献
应用双向差分分析方法对青海地区5级以上地震、中国大陆西部、南北带及全国范围内发生的7级以上地震发生次数进行了计算,得到了该模型的理论预测结果;该方法对5.0级以上中强震的长趋势判定有一定的作用。 相似文献
本文提出形成地震序列的多分形断层模型并利用分形分维理论讨论该模型及其序列。给出本模型的震级—频度关系、余震序列中强余震预报公式和多分维D_q—q关系式,探讨了利用多分维预报地震的有效性。 相似文献
HUANG Jinchi Senter Engineer Institute of Water Resources Hydropower Research Fuxing Road No. Beijing China WAN Zhaohui Professor Institute of Water Resources Hydropower Research Chegongzhuang West Road No. Beijing P.O.Box 《国际泥沙研究》1997,(3)
I.INTRODUCTIONTwo-dimensionalnumericalmodelisaPOwerfoltoolforengineersandriVermanagerstopredictfloodhydxaulics,identifyareasofinundation,anddesignoptionsforfloodcontrollingstructures.SomespecialproblemswithheavilysedimentladenflowriVershouldbecarefullyconsideredforthenumericalmodeldesigning;1.theplaneformofariVerisusuallybraidedanditsmainchannelshiftsoften.Themainchannelandbarreplaceeachotherseveraltimesinonefloodevent.Atagivenlocationthewaterdepthmaychangefromover10meterstoseveralcenhm… 相似文献
安徽三分区小震活动水平的统计预测 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用马尔可夫(Markoff)模型对安徽的霍山区、淮河中游区和沿江江南区的小震活动水平进行统计预测,结果显示,一年之内霍山地区一般会发生Ms≥2.5级地震,发生Ms≥3.0级地震的可能性不大。淮河中游区和沿江江南区一般会发生Ms≥2.0级地震,有可能发生Ms≥2.5级地震。淮河中游区发生Ms≥3.0级地震可能性不大,沿江江南区发生Ms≥3.0级地震可能性则很小。 相似文献
The study investigated the processes involved in metolachlor transport in two artificially drained, structured soils in eastern France. Measured losses of bromide and metolachlor in drainage water were compared with results simulated by the mechanistic, stochastic AgriFlux model. Simulated drainage water volumes were generally similar to the measured volumes when the spatial variability of the soil water properties was taken into account. When such variability was disregarded, cumulative water volumes of the clay soil were over- or underestimated by more than 20%. Two types of adsorption were tested. For instantaneous, reversible adsorption, using the partition coefficient Koc, metolachlor losses were underestimated in the first drainage water volumes and overestimated for the total study period. The use of slow adsorption and desorption kinetics (ADK) produced an export pattern similar to the observed one. A sensitivity analysis indicated that the simulated results are very sensitive to the values of the ADK rates, especially for the silty loam soil. The effect of ADK on the attenuation of metolachlor exports was more significant than the effect of degradation (2.3 and 6.7 times higher for the clay and silty loam soils, respectively). For the same four-month period, the bromide and metolachlor losses (using ADK) in the clay soil were 2.1 and 1.3 times greater, respectively, if the macroporosity was set at 10% than if it was not simulated. Conversely, macroporosity did not significantly affect these losses in the silty loam. The main factors involved in the metolachlor transport in the studied soils were: (i) the macroporosity, especially in the clay soil because of the low hydraulic conductivity of the matrix and (ii) the sorption kinetics rates which varied according to the soil physico-chemical characteristics. 相似文献
New predictors and a new prediction model for the typhoon frequency over western North Pacific 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
FAN Ke Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2007,50(9):1417-1423
In this paper, the impacts of the atmospheric circulation during boreal winter-spring on the western North Pacific (WNP) typhoon frequency (WNPTF) are studied. Several new factors in winter-spring in- fluencing the typhoon frequency were identified, including the sea ice cover in the North Pacific and the North Pacific oscillation. Based on these results, the multi-linear regression was applied to establishing a new forecast model for the typhoon frequency by using the datasets of 1965―1999. The forecast model shows a high correlation coefficient (0.79) between the model simulated and the actual typhoon frequencies in the period of 1965―1999. The forecast model also exhibits reasonable hindcasts for the typhoon frequencies for the years 2000―2006. Therefore, this work demonstrates that the new pre- dictors are significant for the prediction of the interannual variability of the WNPTF, which could be potentially used in the operational seasonal forecast of the typhoon frequency in the WNP to get a more physically based operational prediction model and higher forecast skill. 相似文献