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江淮流域夏季严重旱涝与大气季节内振荡   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用NCEP/NCAR的再分析资料和中国气象局国家气象中心提供的中国台站降水资料,分析研究了江淮流域大范围严重旱涝的20-70天大气季节内振荡(ISO)特征。结果表明,对应江淮流域严重涝年,200hPa青藏高原北部存在ISO气旋性环流,青藏高原南部存在ISO反气旋性环流;大气ISO流型在对流层中低层850hPa主要是我国长江以南、南海和西太平洋地区为大气ISO反气旋性环流,我国长江以北到日本地区的大气ISO气旋性环流,我国江淮流域位于这两个ISO涡旋西侧偏南气流和偏北气流的交汇处;旱年反之。利用向量经验正交展开方法得到,上述大气ISO环流型分别是旱涝年大气ISO流型的第一模态,并且涝年大气ISO流型的振幅强,旱年振幅弱。进一步分析揭示,严重洪涝(干旱)年分别对应对流层中上层江淮流域及其以北的中高纬度地区有强(弱)的大气ISO活动。中高纬度地区的大气ISO在严重洪涝年向南传播,与低纬度向北传播的大气ISO在江淮流域汇合;而在严重干旱年,虽然大气ISO可向北传播,但向南的传播却很不明显。  相似文献   

热带季节内振荡研究新进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
季节内振荡既是热带大气活动的强信号,也是热带海洋中较为普遍的现象。本文叙述了热带大气和热带海洋季节内振荡研究的进展,包括热带大气季节内振荡的观测研究、机制研究以及热带海洋季节内振荡方面的研究;讨论了海气相互作用、不同尺度间相互作用对季节内振荡的影响;在总结上述研究成果的基础上提出了热带季节内振荡研究进一步的发展方向。  相似文献   

孟加拉湾西南季风与南海热带季风季节内振荡特征的比较   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
李汀  琚建华 《气象学报》2013,71(3):492-504
采用美国国家环境预报中心的向外长波辐射和风场资料及日本气象厅的降水资料,用30-60d滤波后的夏季风指数在孟加拉湾和南海的区域平均值分别代表孟加拉湾西南季风和南海热带季风季节内振荡,对两支季风的季节内振荡特征进行比较分析,发现孟加拉湾西南季风的季节内振荡和南海热带季风的季节内振荡在夏季风期间(5-10月)都有约3次半的波动.夏季风期间,在阿拉伯海-西太平洋纬带上,夏季风的季节内振荡有4次从阿拉伯海的东传和3次从西太平洋的西传,其中7月后东传可直达西太平洋.孟加拉湾和南海在夏季风期间都有4次季节内振荡的经向传播,但孟加拉湾在约15°N以南为季节内振荡从热带东印度洋的北传,在约15°N以北则为副热带季风季节内振荡的南传;而在南海则是4次季节内振荡从热带的北传.在以孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡和南海热带季风季节内振荡分别划分的6个位相中,都存在1-3位相和4-6位相中低频对流、环流形势相反的特征,这是由热带东印度洋季节内振荡的东传和北传所致.热带印度洋季节内振荡沿西南-东北向经过约14d传到孟加拉湾,激发了孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡的东传,经过约6d到达南海,激发了南海热带季风季节内振荡的北传,经过约25d到达华南,形成热带印度洋季节内振荡向华南的经纬向接力传播(45d).孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡所影响的降水主要是在20°N以南的热带雨带随低频对流的东移而东移;而南海热带季风季节内振荡所影响的降水除了这种热带雨带随低频对流的东移外,还有在20°N以北的东亚副热带地区存在雨带随南海低频对流的北移而北移.  相似文献   

运用IAPAGCM模式证实了大气对南极冰异常的强迫遥响应是激发产生全球大气季节内振荡的重要机制,进而着重考察了候平均偏差结果的时间序列,并且通过带通滤波处理,特别分析了响应场中30~60d低频振荡的特征及其活动。通过分析发现:大气对南极冰减退的响应是一种具有30~60d周期的低频遥响应,并呈现出清楚的二维Rossby波列特征;强迫场中的30~60d季节内振荡具有着同实际大气中的低频振荡相类似的垂直结构和传播特征。大气响应场中30~60d振荡能量在垂直方向上随高度的增加而增加,在纬向上表现出明显的区域性特征,即季节内振荡的最大动能区(由于CISK机制)分布在大洋内;EUP,PNA,ASA和RSA波列可能是全球大气低频扰动传播的主要路径,30~60d低频扰动在波列路径上的传播具有很大的一致性和系统性,从而使中高纬和热带地区、以及南北半球的30~60d大气振荡相互联系起来,而且可以认为,赤道中太平洋和赤道中大西洋地区是南北半球30~60d低频振荡间相互作用和相互联系的重要通道。  相似文献   

南海夏季风对流季节内振荡的频谱变化特征   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:11  
利用1980~1997年TBB资料和海表温度(SST)资料,诊断分析了南海对流季节内变化频谱及强度的变化特征,并探讨对流季节内振荡强度与对流本身强度以及南海SST之间的关系。结果表明,南海对流季节内变化强度及频谱存在明显的年内变化、年际变化和年代际变化特征;南海地区夏半年对流及其ISO1强度与后期冬季南海SST有一定的关系,当夏半年对流较强(弱),ISO1较强(弱)时,则后期冬季南海SST偏低(高)。  相似文献   

层云加热对热带大气季节内振荡的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
查晶  罗德海 《大气科学》2011,35(4):657-666
本文研究了层云降水加热对于激发热带大气季节内振荡(Madden-Julian oscillation,简称MJO)所起到的作用.将层云加热作用引入到非线性的CISK (Conditional Instability of Second Kind)-Kelvin波方程组,并分别利用截谱方法和四阶Runge-Kutta方法...  相似文献   

热带大气季节内振荡对华南前汛期降水的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
章丽娜  林鹏飞  熊喆 《大气科学》2011,35(3):560-570
本文基于实时的热带大气季节内振荡(MJO)指数和中国台站降水资料,研究了MJO对中国华南前汛期(4~6月)降水的影响.结果表明,随着MJO的活跃中心从印度洋进入西太平洋,华南地区的降水由偏多转为偏少.最显著的降水正负异常分别位于第4位相和第7位相,其区域平均的最大正负异常值相对于气候平均值的变化约为17%和11%.与降...  相似文献   

利用NOAA的逐日OLR场资料、ECMWF逐日风场(850 hPa)资料、以及美国联合台风预报中心(JTWC)的热带气旋(TC)数据,参考Wheeler和Hendon提出的MJO指数,通过Combined-EOF方法定义热带20~90 d振荡(ISO)的指数,对西北太平洋(WNP)区域进行ISO不同相位的划分,深入研究西北太平洋地区ISO对于热带气旋(TC)路径变化的影响。研究结果表明,在ISO东风位相中,在ISO反气旋性环流东北侧气流影响下,西太副高南侧偏东气流较弱,生成在副高中的TC在140 °E以东转折的比率较大;而在西风位相,副高南侧偏东气流受ISO气旋性环流影响加强,生成在该区域的TC在偏东气流引导下首先向西,当西北移动至近海区域后,在西南季风气流以及副高西侧偏东南气流的共同作用下,容易发生顺时针的北折,因而在140 °E以西转折类的TC比率较高。还分析了台风个例中的ISO流场形势,发现当ISO气旋(反气旋)性环流中心与热带气旋中心重合时,热带气旋路径会发生突然的右折。   相似文献   

热带大气季节内振荡的传播及影响因子研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过观测资料的分析,对热带大气季节内振荡(ISO)的传播(移动)进行了深入系统的研究,揭示了热带大气ISO的纬向和经向移动的特征,以及热带大气低频动能的跨赤道传播特征.同时,通过对比分析还揭示了ENSO和热带对流加热场异常对热带大气ISO移动的影响.  相似文献   

大气中的季节内振荡   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
李崇银 《大气科学》1990,14(1):32-45
本文依据最新的分析研究结果,系统地讨论了大气中的季节内(30—60天)振荡。内容包括大气季节内振荡的全球分布特征;热带大气30—60天振荡的基本特征;中高纬度大气30—60天振荡;热带和中高纬度大气30—60天振荡的相互影响;以及大气季节内振荡的动力学机制。 本文不仅对热带大气30—60天振荡提出了一些新的研究结果,特别是关于中高纬度大气30—60天振荡的讨论,以及关于热带和中高纬度大气30—60天振荡主要通过低频波列相互联系和相互影响的研究,将使我们对大气季节内振荡有比较全面的认识。  相似文献   

利用上海台风所组织整编的《台风年鉴》(1949—2005年)、NCEP逐日再分析资料和中国逐日降水资料,分析南海-西太平洋热带气旋形成个数多年(以下简称多年)、形成个数少年(以下简称少年)对广东30~60天振荡降水的影响。考虑到其周期振荡的非规则性,相应降水9个位相(即第1、3、5、7和9位相分别对应降水的最低值、正转折点(由负转为正)、最高值、负转折点(由正转负)和最低值)分别对850 hPa、200 hPa风场和850 hPa的动能、涡度、水汽通量输送以及Hadley环流和Walker环流场进行合成分析。结果表明,在多年,具有较大动能的阿拉伯海-孟加拉湾地区环流东移与南海-西太平洋的西北-东南走向的异常气旋-反气旋对西移的交汇,通过在北半球上升、南半球下沉的异常闭合经圈环流和水汽输送,把西边和南边海洋暖湿气流源源不断输送到广东,使其30~60天振荡降水增加;而在少年,广东地区30~60天振荡降水与阿拉伯海-孟加拉湾地区环流联系不强,主要受南海-西太平洋的东北-西南走向的异常气旋反气旋对的影响,通过北半球低纬增强的异常上升支的局地作用和水汽输送,把南边海洋暖湿气流源源不断输送到广东,使其30~60天振荡降水增加。由于109~119°E,10~20°N区域异常的动能、西风、东风切变、垂直速度和水汽输送均比少年强,从而使得广东30~60天振荡降水在多年比少年强。  相似文献   

The intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of the South China Sea(SCS, 105-120°E, 5-20°N) convection and its influences on the genesis and track of the western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclones(TCs) were explored, based on the daily average of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the OLR data and the western North Pacific tropical cyclone best-track data from 1979 to 2008. The mechanism of the influences of ISO on TC movement and the corresponding large-scale circulation were discussed by a trajectory model. It was found as follows.(1) During the SCS summer monsoon, the SCS convection exhibits the ISO features with active phases alternating with inactive phases. The monsoon circulation patterns are significantly different during these two phases. When the SCS convection is active(inactive), the SCS-WNP monsoon trough stretches eastward(retreats westward) due to the activity(inactivity) of SCS monsoon, and the WNP subtropical high retreats eastward(stretches westward), which enhances(suppresses) the monsoon circulation.(2) The amount of TC genesis in the active phase is much more than that in the inactive phase. A majority of TCs form west of 135 °E during the active phases but east of 135 °E in the inactive phases.(3) The TCs entering the area west of 135 °E and south of 25 °N would move straight into the SCS in the active phase, or recurve northward in the inactive phase.(4) Simulation results show that the steering flow associated with the active(inactive)phases is in favor of straight-moving(recurving) TCs. Meanwhile, the impacts of the locations of TC genesis on the characteristics of TC track cannot be ignored. TCs that occurred father westward are more likely to move straight into the SCS region.  相似文献   

The impact of strong (weak) intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) over South China Sea (SCS) and South Asia (SA) in summer on the SCS and SA summer monsoon and the summer rainfall in Eastern China are studied by using the NCEP-NCAR analysis data and the rainfall data of 160 stations in China from 1961 to 2010. It is found that the impacts are significantly different in different months of summer. The study shows that in June and July cyclonic (anticyclonic) atmospheric circulation over SCS and SA corresponds to strong (weak) ISO over SCS. In August, however, strong (weak) ISO over SCS still corresponds to cyclonic (anticyclonic) atmospheric circulation over SA. In June and August cyclonic (anticyclonic) atmospheric circulation over South Asia corresponds to strong (weak) ISO over SA while a strong (weak) ISO corresponds to anticyclonic (cyclonic) atmospheric circulation over SA in July. Besides, in June the strong (weak) ISO over SA corresponds to cyclonic (anticyclonic) atmospheric circulation over SCS, while in July and August the atmospheric circulation is in the same phase regardless of whether the ISO over SA is strong or weak. The impacts of the strong(weak)ISO over SCS on the rainfall of eastern China are similar in June and July, which favors less (more) rainfall in Yangtze-Huaihe Rivers basin but sufficient (deficient) rainfall in the south of Yangtze River. However, the impacts are not so apparent in August. In South Asia, the strong (weak) ISO in July results in less (more) rainfall in the south of Yangtze River but sufficient (deficient) rainfall in Yangtze-Huaihe Rivers basin. The influence on the rainfall in eastern China in June and August is not as significant as in July.  相似文献   

利用ECMWF逐日再分析资料(1961—2000年),中国气象局国家气候中心提供的1961—2000年中国160个站降水资料,探讨了夏季逐月南海和南亚ISO的强弱对南海和南亚夏季风及中国东部降水的影响。研究表明,夏季各月南海和南亚ISO异常对夏季风活动及中国东部降水的影响存在显著的差异,有分月进行讨论的必要。夏季各个月南海大气ISO的异常对南海和南亚夏季风活动的影响在6、7月有些相似,都表现为ISO强(弱)与南海地区和南亚地区气旋性(反气旋性)环流相对应,而8月截然相反,ISO强(弱)与仍南海地区气旋性(反气旋性)环流对应,而南亚地区表现为反气旋性(气旋性)环流。南亚大气ISO异常对夏季风活动的影响与南海地区有较大差异,6月和8月南亚大气ISO强(弱)与南亚地区气旋性(反气旋性)环流对应,而7月ISO的强(弱)对应于南亚地区反气旋性(气旋性)环流。6月南亚大气ISO强(弱)对应于南海地区气旋性(反气旋性)环流,而7、8月无论是南亚大气ISO强年还是弱年,南海地区都表现为反气旋性异常环流。从降水来看,夏季6、7月南海大气ISO偏强(弱)年,长江以南大部分为正(负)距平而江淮流域降水基本上为负(正)距平。而8月南海大气ISO强弱年,长江以南与江淮流域这种反相的降水特征并不明显。7月南亚大气ISO强(弱)年,长江以南降水大部分为负(正)距平而江淮流域为正(负)距平,而6月和8月南亚大气ISO的强弱对中国东部降水的影响并不如7月表现明显。  相似文献   

本文着重对夏季风盛行时期,7—9月份的孟加拉湾热带气旋与南海热带气旋活动规律、以及某些结构特征作比较,以期加深对这两个地区气旋系统的认识。   相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONSituated in the region of East Asian Monsoon(EAM), weather and climate in China are deeplyinfluenced by the activities of EAM. Especially inflood seasons, distribution of precipitation, movementof rain-bands and occurrence of droughts and fl…  相似文献   

亚洲热带地区对流爆发和推进的气候特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
利用日本GMS TBB资料和GPCP降水资料,用滑动t-检验法研究了亚洲热带地区春夏季节转换期对流爆发和推进的气候特征。结果表明,亚洲热带地区对流爆发首先于4月中旬发生在中南半岛中部,然后向东缓慢推进。  相似文献   

Datasets of equivalent temperature of black body (TBB) and sea surface temperature (SST) ranging from 1980 to 1997 are used to diagnose and analyze the characteristics of frequency spectrum and strength of intraseasonal variation of convection. The relationship between the strength of intraseasonal oscillation of convection, strength of convection itself and SST in the South China Sea (SCS) is studied. It is shown that, there are distinguishable annual, interannual and interdecadal variations in both strength and frequency spectrum of intraseasonal variation of convection in SCS. There are connections between strength of convection, strength of ISO1 in the summer half (s.h.) year and SST in ensuing winter half (w.h.) year in SCS. The strong (weak) convection and strong (weak) ISO1 are associated with negative (positive) bias of SST in ensuing w.h. year in SCS.  相似文献   

Due to the higher temporal and spatial resolution and the better integrality of long-term satellite infrared(IR) Brightness Temperature(TBB) data,a climatology of deep convection during summer over South China and the adjacent waters is presented in this paper based on the 1-hourly infrared IR TBB data during June-August of 1996-2007(except 2004).The results show that the geographic distribution of deep convection denoted by TBB ≤-52℃ over South China and the adjacent waters are basically consistent with previous statistical results based on surface thunderstorm observations and low-orbit satellite lightning observations.The monthly,ten-day,five-day and diurnal variations of deep convection in this region are focused on in this paper.There are 5 active deep-convection areas in June-August.The monthly variations of the deep convection are closely associated with the large-scale atmospheric circulations.The deep convection over the land areas of South China is more active in June while that over the South China Sea is more active in July and August.The development of deep convection is prominently intermittent and its period is about 3 to 5 five-day periods.However,the deep convection over the coastal areas in South China remains more active during summer and has no apparent intermittence.The ten-day and five-day variations of deep convection show that there are different variations of deep convection over different areas in South China and the adjacent waters.The tendency of deep convection over the land areas of South China is negatively correlated with that over the South China Sea.The diurnal variations of deep convection show that the sea-land breeze,caused by the thermal differences between land and sea,and the mountain-valley breeze,caused by the thermal differences between mountains and plains or basins,cause deep convection to propagate from sea to land in the afternoon and from land to sea after midnight,and the convection over mountains propagates from mountains to plains after midnight.The different diurnal variations of deep convection over different underlying surfaces show that not only there are general mountainous,marine and multi-peak deep convection,but also there is longer-duration deep convection over coastal areas and other deep convection triggered and maintained by larger-scale weather systems in South China during summer.  相似文献   

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