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流域底泥是水体生态环境系统的重要组成部分,不同的水动力和地质环境条件,导致水体底泥的分布在时间和空间上存在巨大差异。尝试将高密度电阻率法和微分电测深法结合应用于流域底泥的分布调查,并在河流底泥调查中进行了试验,结果发现勘测结果与钻孔资料较为吻合,是一种可以在流域底泥分布调查中推广的方法。  相似文献   

This study examines the sediment particle size distribution and the trace metal concentrations from a dammed-river watershed (Nestos River) to its deltaic zone in NE Greece. The study area is relatively unpolluted. The distribution of trace metals (Cu, Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb, Hg) in sediments throughout the catchment area showed selective “trapping” of certain elements behind the two artificial dams (Thissavros and Platanovrisi dams) in the watershed and a sudden reduction downstream (83% for Cd, 81% for Cr, 94% for Cu, 90% for Ni, 86% for Hg and 33% for Pb). Marked sediment particle separation is observed at the upstream dam (Thissavros), where coarse material including sand is trapped (coarse fraction 12.9–49.3%). Fine-grained material (<63 μm) is trapped behind the Platanovrisi dam (68.1%), and the reservoir showed elevated metal concentrations, especially for Cu and Cd (16.3 and 0.5 μg/g, respectively). Lead exhibited a homogenous distribution throughout the watershed (20.1–32.3 μg/g). All other trace metals (Cu, Cr, Cd, Ni and Hg) decline sharply downstream of the dam complex. In the delta system, nearshore sediments consist of shallow deposits in the vicinity of river mouth and are enriched in Cr (4.4–53.0 μg/g) and Ni (2.6–44.3 μg/g), while the further offshore and slightly deeper (20–40 m) sediments illustrate elevated Hg (0–0.07 μg/g), Cd (0.09–0.18 μg/g), Cu (11.5–18.3 μg/g) and Ni (38–54.5 μg/g).  相似文献   

A sediment core collected from coastal zone near the Qiao Island in the Pearl River Estuary was analyzed for total metal concentrations, chemical partitioning, and physico-chemical properties. Three vertical distribution patterns of the heavy metals in the sediment core were identified, respectively. The dominant binding phases for Cu, Pb, Cr, and Zn were the residual and Fe/Mn oxides fractions. Cd in all sediments was mainly associated with exchangeable fraction. Influences of total organic carbon content and cation exchange capacity on the total concentrations and fractions of almost all the metals were not evident, whereas sand content might play an important role in the distributions of residual phases of Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn. In addition, sediment pH had also an important influence on the Fe/Mn oxides, organic/sulfide and residual fractions of Cr, Cu, and Zn. Contamination assessment on the heavy metals in the sediment core adopting Index of Geoaccumulation showed that Cr, V, Be, Se, Sn, and Tl were unpolluted, while Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Co were polluted in different degrees throughout the core. It was remarkable that the various pollution levels of the metals from moderate (for Cu, Pb, and Zn) to strong (for Cd) were observed in the top 45 cm of the profiles. The relative decrease of the residual fraction in the upper 45 cm of the core is striking, especially for Zn and Cu, and, also for Pb, and Cr. The change in fraction distribution in the upper 45 cm, which is very much contrasting to the one at larger depths, confirms that the residual fraction is related to the natural origin of these metals, whereas in the upper part, the non-residual fractions (mainly the Fe/Mn oxides fraction) are increased due to pollution in the last decade. The possible sources for Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd contaminations were attributed to the increasing municipal and industrial wastewater discharges, agricultural runoff, atmospheric inputs, and runoff from upstream mining or smelting activities, which may be associated with an accelerating growth of economy in the Pearl River Delta region in the past decade.  相似文献   

Distribution of seven major and trace elements (aluminum, iron, calcium, cobalt, copper, vanadium and manganese) and total organic matter were assessed for sediment cores, collected from the southwest of Caspian Sea sediment in September 2008. Sedimentation rate of 0.9?cm/year was obtained based on 210 Pb and 137 Cs activity study of sediment cores. The major and trace metal distributions over whole lengths of core lengths (14?C168?cm) were found to be uniform (except for Al, Fe and Ca). Such uniform distribution of elements over whole lengths of the cores of the study area indicates similarity among the lithogenous material delivered into the Caspian Sea by rivers running into the southern coast. Enrichment factor (EF) and modified Muller??s formula of geoaccumulation index I poll (intensity of pollution) evaluated the degree of sediment contamination. The results of pollution indices are indicative of non-pollution status in the area of study. From the first to third transect, Al, Fe and Mn concentrations increase. Heavy metal concentrations show relatively lower elemental concentrations in the third transect, possibly due to distance from anthropogenic sources. Cluster analysis shows Cu and Co grouped in different clusters, while Mn, V and Fe display closer similarity coefficients and similar sources. The results of partition studies reveal the percentile of loose ions portion of the metals as: $$ {\text{Cu}}\, (25.4\%) > {\text{Co}}\,(15.1\%)> {\text{Mn}}\,( {7.5\% }) > {\text{V}}\, (5.8\%) > {\text{Fe}}\,(0.2\%) $$ It shows that Cu and Co are the most mobile metals that can be easily released into water under changing environmental conditions. There seems to be a slight increasing trend in the pollution level of the sediments of the study area for copper and cobalt over the last 60?years.  相似文献   

A 24-cm long sediment core from an oxic fjord basin in Ranafjord, Northern Norway, was sliced in 2 cm sections and analysed for As, Co, Cu, Ni, Hg, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, ignition loss and Pb-210. Partitioning of metals between silicate, non-silicate and non-detrital phases was assessed by leaching experiments, in an attempt to understand the mechanisms of surface metal enrichment in sediments. Relative to metal concentrations in sediments deposited in the 19th century, metals in near surface sediments were enriched in the following order: Pb > Mn > Hg > Zn > Cu > As > Fe. Cobalt and Ni showed no enrichment. The non-detrital fraction of Cu, Pb, Mn and Zn was significantly higher in the upper 10 cm than at greater depth in the core. This corresponds to sediments deposited since 1900, when mining activities started in the area. The enrichment of Cu, Pb and Zn is assumed to be mainly a result of mining, while Mn is apparently enriched in the surface due to migration of dissolved Mn and precipitation in the oxic surface layer. Elevated concentrations of As and Fe in the upper 4 cm are presumably due to discharges from a coke plant and an iron works respectively. The excess Hg present in the near surface sediments is tightly bound, either in coal particles or ore dust introduced by local industry, or via long distance transport of atmospheric particles. Calculations of metal flux to the sediments indicate an anthropogenic flux of Zn equal to its natural flux, while the flux of Pb shows a threefold increase above natural input.  相似文献   

陈界仁  曹淼 《水科学进展》2003,14(6):696-699
在坡面土壤侵蚀输沙计算中,可选用的输沙能力模式较多,但这些模式多运用于恒定输沙,在非恒定输沙中运用不多。建立了坡面土壤侵蚀非恒定输沙数学模型,模型中的输沙能力运用水流切应力、水流功率、单位水流功率3种模式,对模型过程采用有限差分格式离散求解。根据实测水沙资料进行模型参数率定,运用3种输沙能力模式于不同降雨强度、不同坡度的非恒定坡面输沙过程中。结果表明:在坡面非恒定输沙计算中,不同输沙能力模式对计算结果有明显影响,在降雨强度较小时,单位水流功率模式结果较其他两个模式为好,而在雨强较大时,切应力模式计算结果较好。  相似文献   

The study was designed to establish the distributions of trace metals, dissolved organic carbon, and inorganic nutrients as well as to assess the extent of anthropogenic inputs into the Narmada and Tapti rivers. Water and sediment qualities are variable in the rivers, and there are major pollution problems at certain locations, mainly associated with urban and industrial centers. The metal concentrations of samples of the aquatic compartments investigated were close to the maximum permissible concentration for the survival of aquatic life, except for higher values of Cu (5–763 μg l−1), Pb (24–376 μg l−1), Zn (24–730 μg l−1), and Cr (70–740 μg l−1) and for drinking water except for elevated concentrations of metals such as Pb, Fe (850–2,060 μg l−1), Cr, and Ni (20–120 μg l−1). In general, the concentrations of trace metals in the rivers vary down stream which may affect the “health” of the aquatic ecosystem and may also affect the health of the rural community that depends on the untreated river water directly for domestic use. The assessment of EF, I geo, and PLI in the sediments reveals overall moderate pollution in the river basins.  相似文献   

In this study, a Physiographic Soil Erosion–Deposition Model (PSED) is applied for better management of a watershed. The PSED model can effectively evaluate the key parameters of watershed management: surface runoff discharge, suspended sediment transport rate, quantity of soil erosion, and spatial distribution of soil erosion and deposition. A basin usually contains multiple watersheds. These watersheds may have complex topography and heterogeneous physiographic properties. The PSED model, containing a physiographic rainfall-runoff model and a basin scale erosion–deposition model, can simulate the physical mechanism of the entire erosion process based on a detailed calculation of bed-load transportation, surface soil entrainment, and the deposition mechanism. With the assistance of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the PSED model can handle and analyze extremely large hydrologic and physiographic datasets and simulate the physical erosion process without the need for simplification. We verified the PSED model using three typhoon events and 40 rainfall events. The application of PSED to Chou-Shui River basin shows that the PSED model can accurately estimate discharge hydrographs, suspended sediment transport rates, and sediment yield. Additionally, we obtained reasonable quantities of soil erosion as well as the spatial distribution of soil erosion and deposition. The results show that the PSED model is capable of calculating spatially distributed soil erosion and suspended sediment transport rates for a basin with multiple watersheds even if these watersheds have complex topography and heterogeneous physiographic properties.  相似文献   

Retrospective understanding of the magnitude and pace of urban expansion is necessary for effective growth management in metropolitan regions. The objective of this paper is to quantify the spatial–temporal patterns of urban expansion in the Greater Kumasi Sub-Region (GKSR)—a functional region comprising eight administrative districts in Ghana, West Africa. The analysis is based on Landsat remote sensing images from 1986, 2001 and 2014 which were classified using supervised maximum likelihood algorithm in ERDAS IMAGINE. We computed three complementary growth indexes namely; Average Annual Urban Expansion Rate, Urban Expansion Intensity Index (UEII) and Urban Expansion Differentiation Index to estimate the amount and intensity of expansion over the 28-year period. Overall, urban expansion in the GKSR has been occurring at an average annual rate of 5.6 %. Consequently, the sub-region’s built-up land increased by 313 km2 from 88 km2 in 1986 to 400 km2 in 2014. The analysis further show that about 72 % of the total built-up land increase occurred in the last 13 years alone, with UEII value of 0.605 indicating a moderate intensity of urban expansion. Moreover, the metropolitan-core of the sub-region, being the focal point of urban development and the historical origins of expansion, accounted for more than half of the total built-up land increase over the 28-year period. Over the last decade and half however, urban expansion has spilled into the neighbouring peripheral districts, with the highest intensity and fastest rate of expansion occurring in districts located north and north east of the sub-regional core. We recommend a comprehensive regional growth management strategy grounded in effective strategic partnerships among the respective administrative districts to curb unsustainable urban expansion.  相似文献   

The discharge of major cations and dissolved organic carbon (Corg) with water of the Ob River and its tributaries along the natural zones within the Ob River basin was calculated, and the contribution of the underground component to the volumes of total discharge of the Ob River basin was estimated. It was demonstrated that the total chemical composition of river water and the geochemical discharge in the Ob River basin were consistent with the zoned hydroclimatic conditions controlling the character and duration of interaction in the water–rock system. It was established that the average ionic discharge of the Ob River increased from 6–7 × 106 t/year near Barnaul to 46–47 × 106 t/year near Salekhard; the discharge of dissolved Corg increased from 0.1 × 106 to 3.8 × 106 t/year. Multiple enrichment of underground waters of the Ob River in dissolved organic matter from the upper to the lower reaches was revealed.  相似文献   

A dredged material disposal operation was monitored at a location in Lake Erie, 8 km offshore at Ashtabula, Ohio, in 1975. Approximately 200 sediment cores were collected from 12 experimental and 4 control locations before and after dredging and analyzed for the grain-size distribution and related heavy-metal content. The dredged sediments were similar to those from the lake bottom at the disposal and control sites. Because of this similarity, it was extremely difficult to distinguish between the dredged material and the lake bottom sediments without tagging the material with dyes or radioactive isotopes. A sequence consisting of a linear discriminant analysis followed by a univariate and multivariate analysis of variance was successfully applied to discriminate between the dredged and the original lake sediments. Results indicate that 4 months after the disposal operation some stations had returned to predisposal conditions, a probable result of currents stripping dredged material off the lake bottom. The analysis of variance indicated that the clay-size fraction was responsible for initial changes in the grain-size distribution. Storm induced scouring caused an eventual return of the grain-size distribution to predisposal conditions. In support of this observation, the concentrations of iron and zinc, which were statistically correlated to the clay size fraction, also exhibited the same trends.  相似文献   

Sediment core was collected from Tokyo Bay. The surface enrichment of heavy metals due to human activities is recognized in the sediment. Partitioning of Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn into sulfide, carbonate, organic and silicate fractions has been determined with selective chemical leaching techniques for 210Pb-dated sediment core samples. The heavy metal contents of silicate fractions without exchangeable sites are almost constant against depth in sediment core. However, the Cu, Zn and Mn contents of sulfide, carbonate and organic fractions vary with depth. Most Cu and Zn in the polluted sediment layer are associated with the iron sulfide fraction.  相似文献   

水沙变异条件下的河流系统调整及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
保持河流各方面整体协调是流域开发研究的重点和必然趋势,研究水沙变异条件下河流系统的调整机理,对于河流健康的保障具有重要意义.总结分析了水沙变异与河流系统的作用特性,明确了河流系统中水文、水力、地貌、生态等方面的各种调整实际上是与系统输入特性的特定变化相联系的;回顾了对河流系统及其功能的认识过程与研究现状,展望了将来的研究趋势.  相似文献   

Precise statistical models are proposed for the distribution of paleocurrent directions in distributary systems. These models are based on a von Mises distribution for directions of paleocurrents in a system. The method of maximum likelihood is used to obtain an estimated position and confidence regions for the apex of the system. Both axial data (where only the trend of the paleocurrent is known) and directional data (where the direction of paleoflow is known) can be used. These models have been applied to two fluvial distributary systems in flat-lying Miocene deposits in the Ebro Basin, northern Spain. The estimate of the position of the apex of one of these systems is in good agreement with the position at the basin margin predicted from sedimentary facies information. The estimate of the position of the apex of the second system lies outside of the sedimentary basin; this result is considered to indicate that the distributary system had several feeder points along the basin margin, a situation which is predicted also from facies distributions. This statistical procedure can be used successfully on small data sets of around a hundred paleocurrent readings provided that they are scattered evenly across the area or lie in a wide arc.  相似文献   

傅寒晶  简星  梁杭海 《古地理学报》2021,23(6):1192-1209
风化作用是源-汇沉积体系中的重要环节,气候、构造、地形、植被和岩性在不同程度上控制着地表硅酸盐化学风化,量化硅酸盐化学风化强度有助于开展全球性的实例研究对比。本研究归纳总结了基于碎屑沉积物的化学风化强度指标,包括岩石学和矿物学指标、元素地球化学指标和非传统稳定同位素指标,并指出了指标在应用中存在的问题。这些指标中:砂质沉积物骨架颗粒组成、粉砂级碎屑的矿物组成和矿物表面结构特征从矿物组成和结构上直观地反映了化学风化强度,运用不多但值得关注;黏土矿物组合和主微量元素指标如CIA、Rb/Sr、αAlE等在实例研究中运用广泛,同时也显现出易受物源和水动力分选影响等弊端;新近开发的利用锂、硼、钾、镁、硅等同位素示踪化学风化强度的方法具有广阔的应用前景,同位素的分馏机理有待完善。源-汇体系中的其他过程如物源供给、水动力分选、成岩作用、再旋回作用、成土作用、物理淋滤和生物利用等会影响化学风化指标的使用效果,通过多指标的综合运用和相互验证,可以有效提升化学风化强度评估的准确性。  相似文献   

无定河水土保持措施减沙效益的临界现象及其意义   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
许炯心  孙季 《水科学进展》2006,17(5):610-615
以1956-1969年作为“基准期”,基于该时期的资料建立了流域年产沙量与若干降水特征指标之间的多元回归方程,并运用该方程计算出了“措施期”(1970-1993年)在假定无措施的条件下的历年产沙量。由此得到该年的水土保持减沙效益百分比,并点绘了减沙百分比随时间变化的曲线。结果显示,水土保持效益随时间的变化是非线性的,在总体趋势上表现出3个阶段:①缓慢增大;②急剧增大;③保持不变甚至于减小。点绘了减沙效益与各年末的梯田、造林、种草和坝地累积保存面积的关系,也显示出非线性变化,可以用两条斜率不同的直线来拟合。两条直线之间的转折点反映了水土保持措施面积的临界值,两条直线分别代表水土保持增益高回报区和低回报区。该曲线可以为这一地区的水土保持规划决策提供参考。  相似文献   

The concentrations of eight dissolved trace metals were measured in the lower Mississippi River seven times at various flow stages during a two-year interval. Using trace metal sampling and analysis techniques demonstrated to be reliable, these metals are shown to occur at levels lower than frequently reported. There are systematic relations between the metals and discharge which can serve as predictors of metal variability. Anthropogenic contributions cannot be assessed accurately from these data but do not appear to cause the concentrations of most of these metals to be significantly higher than observed in less disturbed systems, with the possible exception of Ni and Cd.  相似文献   

邱宏喜 《地质与勘探》2014,50(Z1):1406-1412
本文采用HCl-HNO3-NH4HF2-KClO3封闭溶样,在(NH2)2CS介质中,原子吸收光谱法测定矿石中的Au、Ag。方法能有效避免AgCl、PbCl2沉淀和Au、Ag的硅酸盐包裹体,以及W、Mo和Sb、Pb等在Au富集过程中的竞争吸附与容量法测定的终点干扰。应用ICP-AES可在该介质中完成金矿样品中Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、As、Sb等的同时测定。方法绿色环保,操作简单、快速,稳定性好,准确度和精密度高,适合于大批量金矿样品的分析测定。  相似文献   

金沙江流域不同区域水沙变化特征及原因分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在金沙江流域水文站控制的不同区间的水文资料和降水量资料,以及大量的长江上游水土流失重点防治区小流域综合防治工程(简称"长治"工程)拦沙减蚀量、水库拦沙量资料的基础上,对金沙江流域各水文站控制的不同区间、不同时段的来水来沙变化特征及其变化原因进行了定量分析.结果表明,金沙江流域水沙在地区分布上有明显的水沙异源特性,不同区间水沙变化特征存在很大的差异,降水/径流变化引起的沙量变化、水库拦沙、"长治"工程减沙在不同区间起着不同的作用.金沙江攀枝花以上地区以冻融侵蚀和坡面侵蚀为主,年产沙量仅0.521亿t,输沙模数200 t/(km2·a),但增沙的趋势较明显;攀枝花至屏山区间新构造运动剧烈,断层发育,岩层松软破碎,地形陡峻,植被稀少,以重力侵蚀为主,年产沙量1.58亿t,输沙模数达2 200 t/(km2·a),1991-2000年来沙量增加,2001-2004年来沙量大幅度减小.  相似文献   

On the basic of selective extractions, loosely sorbed phosphorus (ADS-P) has been shown to constitute much of the total phosphorus in the P-rich near-surface sediments of Lake Søbygaard, Denmark. The concentrations of ADS-P are seasonally variable, ranging from 0.2 mg Pg?1 DW in the winter to more than 2 mg Pg?1 DW in the summer. The variations can be observed as deep as 10 cm into the sediment but are most pronounced in the upper few centimeters. During the summer, lake and pore water pH levels are very high, and photosynthetic activity causes elevation to pH 10–11 in the lake. Laboratory experiments demonstrated a strong association between ADS-P and high pore water pH. It is likely that Lake Søbygaard represents an extreme example of pH control on sediment/water phosphorus equilibria in which high concentrations of internal ADS-P contribute significantly to the total P load of the Lake.  相似文献   

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